5 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2023
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noun. ''The doctrine that a literary work or some other work, etc., is the result of conscious intention or design."
adj & n. ''Of evidence or proof: derived from the nature or content of that which is being discussed, rather than from external circumstances or considerations."
external evidence
adj & n. "Arising or acting from without, originating from something outside. external evidence n. evidence derived from circumstances or considerations."
I care about what the author wrote, not what the author thought he or she was writing.
I think any form of writing should matter about how the author felt while writing. Feelings and emotions go into writing just as much as logic.
When I read a poem, I read the poem. I have neither the desire nor the ability to discern an author's intentions.
I think this is an issue when reading literature. Just for the simple fact that when reading literature, you have to have an open mind.