5 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2018
    1. The rule adopted by the Federal Communications Commission in GN Docket No. 14–28 on February 26, 2015 (relating to broadband Internet access service), shall have no force or effect

      What exactly is in Docket No 14-28?

    1. and the Commission may not reissue such rule in substantially the same form, or issue a new rule that is substantially the same as such rule

      So what does it mean for a rule to be substantially the same? How will that be measured?

    2. The rule adopted by the Federal Communications Commission in GN Docket No. 14–28 on February 26, 2015 (relating to broadband Internet access service), shall have no force or effect

      I don't understand what docket no 14-28 is and what it actually introduces, can someone give a link for this so I can further read about it?


  2. Apr 2018
    1. To prohibit the Federal Communications Commission from reclassifying broadband Internet access service as a telecommunications service and from posing certain regulations on providers of such service.
    2. this doesn't make sense to me, how can I make this work

