54 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2017
    1. Well, that’s a part of revision called editing.

      I feel like there are so many parts of revision.

    1. It is interesting how he speaks of holding to something so tightly, but that thing is not an object.

    2. The author of this essay really uses visual details that don't cause to much confusion. Unlike others the descriptions are subtle and easy to grasp.

    3. Finding the Flexibility to Survive is very "story" based. It does, however, jump out of story a couple times.

    4. Also in that essay, he uses sight and focused on what he notice about his stepmother throughout the time his dad was sick.

    5. In "Inner Strength from Desperate Times", the writer describes the fatal disease as "literally eats away at a person". He really uses description for the reader to grasp the story.

  2. Jun 2017
    1. In the fist essay I though the I believe statement really brought in a different part of the story, being about the stepmother being strong after the dad's death.

    2. Actually a lot in "Tomorrow will be a Better Day", comes across as cliché.

    3. "I believe tomorrow will be better than today--" I think this really sticks out as a claim statement. But, to some point this could be seen as a cliché. I also didn't see it coming with her anecdote.

  3. May 2017
    1. The goal is ambitious. The challenges are real.

      This really puts forth an opinion that can pull the reader to the one side.

    2. The calorie trends of the past few years are impossible to sustain without them.

      It really is a trend, what are they putting in the foods and drinks to cut the calories. I think the decline is that people are noticing.

    3. distribution strengths to promote smaller-portion sizes, water, and no- and lower-calorie beverage options.

      Its amazing the lengths these large corporations will go to for marketing.

    1. the soft drink companies are out to counter this trend. The best way to look at the new campaign is as a sales theme. Companies can promote

      People are beginning to notice the decline, but they don't actually do much to change, even though they think they are.

    2. Diet drinks are a plus for beverage makers because some consumers drink more than they would sugary soft drinks, assuming that it won't affect their waistlines.

      This is proof of marketing that doesn't show all the facts. People believe what the companies say about these diet drinks, but the truth is they are just as bad, sometimes worse.

    3. The American Beverage Association announced last week that it wants to reduce calorie intake from beverages by 20% over the next 11 years. It will do so through smaller packages and by encouraging people to drink diet sodas, water and other other beverages that have fewer calories

      This is a very factual article that cuts right to the point. There is not much emotion or swaying within the beginning of this article this article.

    1. changed voice, though not a new one.

      At this point, it became clear and his emotions began to change. He felt the pain of loss.

    2. thousands of them, burdening the trees, until a roar of squawks, each piercing, filed the dusk.

      These dense descriptive words add to the story and what it is about.

    3. there were thousands of starlings in the bare oaks lining the road.

      The author really focuses on the descriptive words in this setting of the scene, making it seem important.

    1. So he fondled those buckeyes as if they were charms, carrying them with him when our family moved from Ohio at the end of my childhood, bearing them to new homes in Louisiana, then Oklahoma, Ontario, and Mississippi, carrying them still on his final day when pain a thousand times fiercer than arthritis gripped his heart.

      He really believes in the buckeyes and think they will help him.

    2. I keep in a wooden box on my desk the two buckeyes that were in his pocket when he died.

      He wanted to clearly keep something meaningful that would remind him of his father

    3. He would flex his hands and say, “I do so far.”

      This shows the simplicity of his strength

  4. calscorneratmarginalmaddy.blogspot.com calscorneratmarginalmaddy.blogspot.com
    1. They lie side by side in my lap, their palms turned up as if to catch this fleeing moment as it falls away.

      He feels the loss of his father, but he feels connected to him.

    2. As a young man my father had been a drapery salesman in a department store and his hands were ever after at their best when smoothing fabric for display-the left one holding a piece of cloth un

      His father liked what he was doing. He wanted to work.

    3. since I entered my fifties I have begun to see my father's hands out at the ends of my arms.

      She must be going through a phase in her life where she is thinking back to things in her past.

    1. Snowfrostingtheroofs.

      This seems like the cold could be part of more than just the snow and the ice cream.

    2. Thishurtmygrandfather’sfeelings.
      1. Was this going to stick with him forever, it seems like he really is sad that this happened.
      2. I think there was more to the story, maybe they really needed the 100 dollars.
  5. Apr 2017
    1. Although most Americans want Evolution to be taught in the public schools, most are not sure that the theory, as they understand it, is fully accurate or proven.

      It is a hard decision because most don't understand it themselves.

    2. it is not primarily religion behind their opinions.

      I wonder if any of this is resolved, as it is 15 years later.

    3. Although most Americans want Evolution to be taught in the public schools, most are not sure that the theory, as they understand it, is fully accurate or proven.

      It is a hard decision because most don't understand it themselves.

    4. it is also clear that their knowledge about Evolution and Creationism is neither deep nor detailed.

      Interesting! I think that plays into this separation of church and state a lot.

    5. Evolution from its new state science standards. Other states may follow suit. In other areas, the issue surfaces in other ways. In Rochester, New York, for example, a controversy has erupted over attempts to create a publicly funded charter school that will reportedly include the teaching of creationism in its science classes.

      I think it is interesting that the state makes the decision. I wonder if it would be better if the school was allowed to make the decision.

    6. For decades, there has been an ongoing debate in the United States regarding how public schools can best teach about the origins and development of human beings.

      I think this is a very important form of separation of church and state to focus on. Which is a reason I took more focus on it in this lesson an the last.

    1. By these lights, installing foot baths in the University of Michigan’s washrooms is a permissible, dual-use accommodation. It would be different if Michigan were planning to build ornate ablution fountains like those outside mosques.

      I think this really pushes to letting church a little bit mix with state.

    2. The most convincing interpretation of our constitutional tradition is that the government may not engage in or pay for conduct that is inherently religious but may accommodate religion when the steps taken to do so are not inherently religious in themselves.

      I think it is interesting that they incorporate their own ways, but it isn't really recognized.

    3. The source of the confusion is the mistaken notion that the categories “religious” and “secular” are strictly binary, like an on-off switch.

      I do think that there is a line. I think all people have their own line and that it part of this confusion the author speaks of.

    4. Americans have been debating the place of God in schools almost uninterruptedly since public education got its start in the country nearly two centuries ago.

      I think because separation of church and state is such an important contreversy it is something that would last long and be a debate forever.

    5. In each of these cases, education officials seem to be making an effort to accommodate a religious community.

      Being similar to the story I wrote about last lesson, I think this is valid. Religion is important and people probably feel ethically responsible to allow it in their lives.

  6. Mar 2017
    1. But when you look at an issue like, can a woman get her birth control pills because of someone's religious bias and religious beliefs, that's an entirely differe

      I think this argument is one that is very important. I'm not sure it is right to make decisions for someone else.

    2. It was a Celine Dion song, "The Prayer."

      This is one of those extremes that I think of. This is one of the situations that I think all those different opinions play into.

    3. It felt like I was forced to declare my religion.

      As a science teacher, this is something that comes up often. I actually remember it coming up in one of my own classes. There are many opinions to evolution and creation, but I don't think it was necessarily right to make this particular teacher answer these questions.

    4. We sat down, closed the door. And we got into a discussion of, he wanted me to know where he was coming from. And so he reached around off of his bookshelf and pulled a Bible off

      This is such a strong subject throughout the whole country and there are extremes that some may go to. I think that opinions much like this principal's are always considered. These are beliefs. But, what is the point at which the public is going to go along with these beliefs.

    5. couldn't use the facili

      I think this argument could have so many different sides, much like other arguments like it. There are going to be those people that are the in between and the people that are each of the ends.

    1. I believe that my generation will see better things, too – that we will witness the time when AIDS is cured and cancer is defeated; when the Middle East will find peace and Africa grain, and the Cubs win the World Series – proba

      He brings out the posetivity in something so negative proving his point for his presentation.

    2. “There will be a pandemic that kills millions, a devastating energy crisis, a horrible worldwide depression and a nuclear explosion set off in anger.”

      I think that this is something that many people think of of this new generation.

    3. Instead, he was upset about the world his generation is turning over to mine, a world he fears has a dark and difficult future – if it has a future at all. He sounded like this:

      Makes sure people know his story is going to be different than most.

    1. How I was brought up and my imaginary friend means more to me than anything you can ever say or do

      I think he really just truly states his beliefs and that it what makes this interesting.

    2. She needs to search for some objective evidence of a supernatural power. All the people I write e-mails to often are still stuck at this searching stage. The atheism part is easy.

      He does more than just tell a story, he more explains something.

    3. Atheism is not believing in God. Not believing in God is easy — you can’t prove a negative, so there’s no work to do.

      I think this was good writing to relate it to something else.

  7. Jan 2017
    1. Personally, Iwish all these people would go suck their Birkenstocks.

      This is a very funny way of stereotyping these people. A little out there though.

    2. Human targets? What's tag? What's a snowball fight? What's aclose play at second?

      He does a great job here of opening his next paragraph. He keeps his writing interesting, with a good sense of humor.

    3. Not to alarm you, but America is going softer than left-outbutter.

      I really thought the author use a good play on words here. It was a great way of opening this piece of writing.

  8. Dec 2016
    1. Laemmli opens with an anecdote from the romantic heyday of ballet. In the 1840s, when Marie Taglioni went on pointe for a few seconds in La Sylphide, her momentary weightlessness became an icon of the transcendent power of ballet.

      This writer from The Atlantic, writes from reading another source about the pointe shoe. She writes about a dancer that went en pointe in the 19th century, going on to talk about the modern day shoe and how it has evolved. I think this author had very good information and I found it very interesting that she explained it as a "technical revolution".

    1. The first dancer who rose en pointe did so with the aid of an invention by Charles Didelot in the 19th century. Audiences went wild over this and choreographers looked for ways they could put more pointe work into their pieces. As the desire to go en pointe without  wires increased, so did the emphassis on technical skill. The first documented person to rise en pointe  for the entire length of a ballet without the aid of wires was Marie Taglioni in La Sylphide, a ballet written for her by her father. Her shoes were molded satin slippers with soles of  oak tanned leather and the sides and toes were darned to help hold there shape. They had no boxing and no shank. The only support came from some extra stitching around where the platform would be in a modern pointe shoe.                                                                                                                                      

      This unknown author speaks about the first to rise onto pointe in the 19th century. The author goes on, speaking of the evolution of the shoe. With accurate sources, the author speaks about the modern day shoe, which as part of my research question

    1. "the beginning of the nineteenth century," or "toward 1820"

      The author of this paper, explains that from what he has researched pointe shoes were first worn in the 19th century. He mentions names of the first to go up on pointe and of those who changed the pointe shoe through the years. The author gives valid ideas about the evolution of pointe shoes that reflect previous article I have read.