19 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Distinct Factors Influencing Adult Learning

      Motivation, Experience, flexible environment

    2. Adult Learning Principles

      basically why they learn. Use, self driven, ready/relevant

    3. earn at their own pace

      learn but yeah

    4. Collaborative Learning


    5. hands-on experiences,

      calling this experimental.

    6. Use of Prior Experience

      key 3

    7. Practicality and Relevance

      key 2

    8. Self-direction

      adult key 1

    9. Techniques for Enhancing Child Learning

      visual, storytelling, and play based. Interested in adult differences.

    10. Innate Abilities or Disabilities

      Kids are unique, remember that

    11. Socio-economic conditions:

      Interesting because I feel like this is important for adult learners as well.

    12. Absence of Prior Experience

      key 3

    13. Curiosity and Exploration

      key 2

    14. Dependence on adults:

      key 1

    15. foundation of their lifelong learning path is laid

      solid line

    16. Children stepping into the world of knowledge absorption and skill acquisition are termed child learners.

      I like this definition. Use it.

    17. one encounters elements of behavior, cognitive development, and societal factors


    18. Child learners and adult learners manifest distinctly different learning patterns.


  2. Jan 2021
    1. Here the idea is that the dispersion of power that results from a free market economy based on private property protects the liberty of subjects against encroachments by the state.

      This doesn't quite make sense to me considering not long after this statement it goes on to say that traditional liberal values include the taxation of many things. While taxes can obviously be beneficial to the greater good, I do not understand how a free market can be considered to be so important when many things are taxed. I guess what I am trying to say is I do not understand how these two values can both be a part of liberalism.