10 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2018
    1. The process of extracting these cells destroys the embryo. Don’t

      So does therapeutic cloning. In fact, there is almost no difference between stem cell treatment and therapeutic cloning other than how the embryo is synthesized. Thus there should be no extra qualms against this type of cloning.

    2. Some of those eggs will become fertilized

      Multiple embryos are created with IVF, meaning even if the couple uses one to give birth several more will never mature. Cloning requires only one egg and one set of dna.

    1. ability to create genetically identical to donor organs such as: kidney, bone marrow transplant;

      Cells taken form a human could create a perfect replica of a lost organ, and it would be guaranteed to be compatible.

    2. a major setback in 2003 when Dolly died at the age of 6 years

      6 years is much less than the average lifespan of a sheep, so people were worried about the life expectancy of cloned animals. It is unknown what the genetic age of cloned cells is, since their dna comes from other cells.

    3. Roe vs. Wade

      Roe vs. Wade somewhat devalued the human embryo by legalizing abortion, which made cloning somewhat more ethical. If the embryo is not considered an actual person, then cloning is less unethical.

  2. www.nationalgeographic.com www.nationalgeographic.com
    1. Singularities likely don’t really exist but point to a mathematical hole in our understanding of gravity

      Is there a point where there is so much mass in an object that it stops shrinking?

    2. Black holes also spin—they’re basically deep whirlpools in space—and the combination of friction and spin results in a significant amount of the matter falling toward a black hole, sometimes more than 90 percent, not passing through the event horizon but rather being flung off, like sparks from a sharpening wheel.

      Much of what black holes "suck in" actually doesn't join the black holes, it gets recycled back into space.

    3. A black hole has no more vacuuming power than a regular star

      The mass is exactly the same as the original star, so new black holes don't just start sucking in everything within reach, orbits remain constant.

    1. at least 10 or 15 times as massive as our own sun.

      Our sun is not in danger of becoming a back hole

    2. Extremely large black holes may exist at the center of some galaxies—

      Black Holes are the glue that holds the galaxies together.