- May 2016
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irect correlatio
The direct correlation is key in the students success because they learn the material and then they continuously apply it.
oetry without the constraint of rhyme.
Many students feel contained by the need to rhyme when we know that that is not the case. Many children's poems rhyme and I think that is where they get confused.
he children referred to the bulletin board regularly
I like this tactic in the classroom.
art of a larger instruc tional context?in
This is important to note because poetry can transcend the time and has so many literary elements that stduents can discuss.
I feel that poetry is often neglected in the younger grades but prominent in the older grades. In high school we are constantly reading poems but in elementary school we are more focused on short stories or fiction.
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This allowed for chil- dren's literature to be used not just for particular instructional outcomes but to help children devel- op and enhance the capacity to locate themselves in their socio-political places and spaces and to engage in social action
This is a teacher's dream that the children become so motivated that they choose to act in a positive way. These issues are unfortunately a part of society and they will continue until we act to change them.
The boys often would say that a character reminded them of their moms, cousins, uncles, friends, sports figures, the man down the street, media images, and others who touched their live
These connections are crucial int heir understanding
ooks such as these can provide a literary framework for the develop- ment of a sense of personal and civic competency, and the ability to make improvements in our own lives and the lives of others.
I think that this is often disregarded as a part of realistic fiction. These stories can shape the students' little minds in a positive way. It can possess these students to act
I share their responses to contemporary re- alistic fiction and the ways in which the tying of this literature to events in the boys' lives had the potential to move them toward social actio
This was a great experiment because as teachers we can see how to get even the most uninterested student participating in the stories and appreciating the literature.
"turned off
I thought this was a great way of saying when children are not interested in certain types of literature. It is not because they cannot be or choose not to, it is because they have simply decided to "turn off" that interest.
Therefore the student's lack of engagement could lead to boredom at the very least, and aca- demic failure at worst
This is a teacher's worst nightmare especially when we can understand the value of learning fairy tales. There is a bigger and deeper meaning to fairy tales then just long pretty hair and chivalry.
fairy tale
Fairy Tales are traditionally seen as princes and princesses when in reality there is so much more to them Fairy tales have this connotation that they are strictly for young girls, when as a teacher we know that this is not true. We must break those stereotypes before teaching the lesson.
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Great books await you!
I would love to learn more about fantasy books for the classroom and how to implement these stories into one or two lessons.
Great science fi ction or fantasy, however, calls the reader to think critically for him or herself about the issue at hand.
Of course, I know the stories of Harry Potter and The Hunger Games but when the article discussed what the stories were really about, I was able to realize how less fantastical they really are.
anti-religion or amoral.
This is important to note because these stories are just that: stories. Teachers should make those distinctions prior to teaching the lesson
My students’ stories surface of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and questioning (GLBTQ) youth at their own high schools wanting to go to prom only to fi nd that the rules have suddenly changed (“No friends allowed”) when a student wants to bring a same-sex date. A scene about peer violence in the text calls another student to recount the way a senior boy was beaten after school because he was gay. Another student notices a strong connection to the Jim Crow era and the fear of the “living impaired” in the text’s Oakvale High.
I think stories like these are so important because they discuss issues prevalent in society that are not necessarily discussed because people are too scared to.
adolescents who might be otherwise reluctant to discuss historical and contemporary discrimination fi nd themselves able to more comfortably look at this issue and draw parallels between the text and their own world when reading Daniel Waters’ Generation Dead
Another example I have heard in the past is to use puppets because then they feel like the puppet is doing the talking more so than them.
I have found that often those issues that we fi nd the most diffi cult to discuss—issues that are perhaps a little too close to home—students can discuss more readily through literature that seems to distance the matter.
This reminds me of EDU 311 because Dr Bower-Phipps has told us this as well, especially for students who have trouble talking in class. When speaking through someone or something else then it is easier for them to say what is on their mind
As a highly feminized profession, however, many elementary teachers were taught as young people to avoid fantasy and science fi ction.
I wonder why this is? Students are constantly being asked to utilize their creative side, but how can they do that if they were never exposed to fantasy or realistic fiction?
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Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text
#knowledge The students are being asked to explain what the text is saying#skills They do this by quoting accurately from a text *#exemplar A text a 5th grader can use is "The Indian and the Cupboard" by Lynne Reid Banks
Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics (e.g., opposition of good and evil) and patterns of events (e.g., the quest) in stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures
#knowledge The students are being asked to identify similar themes and topics#skills They do this by comparing and contrasting the themes in and patterns of events *#exemplar An example of a 4th grade of myths is Percy Jackson's "Greek Gods"
Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the same or similar characters (e.g., in books from a series)
#knowledge The students are being asked to compare the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the same characters #skills They do this by reading multiple books about the same character *#exemplar An example of this is having the students read at least two of the Series of Unfortunate Events books. There are 13 books in the series but the students do not need to read every book.
Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot
#knowledge The students are being asked to demonstrate their understanding of characters, setting, or plot. #skills The students do this by using information from the illustrations or digital text *#exemplars An example of this is "Madeline" by Ludwig Bemelmans because they can use the illustrations of the Eiffel Tower to demonstrate their knowledge of the characters being in France.
dentify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses
#knowledge The students are being asked to identify stories that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses#skill The students are identifying these feelings or senses by identifying key words or phrases within the story *#exemplar An example of this is "You Are My Sunshine" by Jimmie Davis
With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text
#knowledge The students are being asked to identify key details in the story. #skills The students do this by asking and answering questions #exemplars An example of this is Dr. Seuss's "Green Eggs and Ham" because the students can ask each other questions about the different people the main character encounters**
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The child's progress is just as important as their final product.
ach conference lasts no more than 5 minutes.
Conferences are helpful because the students can get the individualized help they need in order to be successful.
t the beginning of the year, the time for writing may be about 15 minutes. Later, as the children develop their writ ing fluency, the time may extend to 45 minutes. S
By extending the time, the teacher allows the students to grow in their writing which is the overall goal in doing these lessons.
0-minute illustra tion time before the real writing period begins.
This is really effective because it allows the student to get his or her ideas out on paper without getting distracted by their peers.
Along with Education I am also an English major and one of the classes we need to take is ENG 309 which is rhetorical strategies, so essentially we wrote pieces that were rhetorically effective. This is a skill that they are learning in first grade when I just learned it in college!
yntax, inflections, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling).
These are extremely important to emphasize in the lessons because they are vital components to good writing.
The fact that her direct instruction takes place in 15 minutes is a great way to keep the students' attention. An average class, especially of younger students, cannot focus on a teacher lecturing for more than 30 minutes so the fact that she does her lesson in 15 minutes is awesome.
Figure 1 Daily schedule for first-grade journal-writing workshop
I thought the breakdown of the schedule was extremely helpful in creating my own mini lesson. It really allowed me to see how much time is usually allotted for each activity. I also appreciated her descriptions of what the teacher should do and what the student should do. This helps the new teacher shape the type of reaction she or he is looking for
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igh quality children's books
What would constitute as a high quality children's book?
lso, use the approach discriminatingly, that is, only with children who need such instructi
In order to know when it is appropriate for this program to be used, a teacher must get to know the students on a personal level. The teacher must be able to use his or her judgement on whether or not this program will work for the child.
he instructional progression detailed in this article should not be used for all phonic elements, with all children, or with all literature selections
I am glad this is being said because not every approach will work for every student, all the time. I do think this program can help given the right student.
he teacher next moves to guided prac tice, which affords students the opportunity to exer
My mind always goes to Special Education so i see the value in doing guided practice. It is a positive for the students struggling because the teacher is able to answer questions that the students may not feel comfortable asking in a whole group setting. It also allows the needed help for each student, because some students need more than others so by giving them guided practice, you are allowing them to ask the specific questions they need in order to be successful.
The sound I hear when I come to each underlined letter a is /a/.
I will take SED 435 next semester so even though phonics is still a bit hazy to me, I know I will learn more about it then. Phonics instruction is crucial to teaching students how to read.
n this listen/enjoy step, the teacher models expressive oral reading and promotes the enjoyment of an engaging tale.
No matter the class, I have noticed that when students are being read to then they are the most well-behaved students even if they have students with behavioral issues.
whole-part-whole sequenc
I really like this concept because I can see how the students get more out of the lesson when it is taught this way. When the students are asked to continuously apply the skill then it allows them to master it.
"use com mon sense and experience to create a combi nation program
With all my learning, I have always been told to have students make those real world connections to the lesson because it will help them learn the material, and not just remember the materail for the test.
"literature driven curriculum," an attempt to communi cate culture through literature and cultivate lifelong reader
I found that many schools I have been in have focused on literature, and while I completely agree that it is important to focus on reading, I think other subjects get put on the back burner, such as math or science. Our students are prepared in reading but then lack in equally important subjects.
Research evidence over the past 70 years indicates over whelmingly that direct instruction in phonics is needed and contributes to better develop ment of decoding, word recognition, and com prehension
I completely agree with this because English is arguably the hardest language to learn because many words sound the same but mean different things, or are spelled completely different from how they sound or they sound completely different from how they are spelled. Needless to say, that direct instruction in phonics is extremely necessary in making children better readers. By just hearing the words being read to them, it will not be enough in the end.
hat through repeated readalongs, assisted reading (Hoskisson, 1975), and shared-book experiences (Holdaway, 1982), many children will begin to read spontane ously
I can definitely see how repeated readalongs, assisted reading, and shared book experiences can hekp the child read spontaneously. However, I do not think that this is a sure way to get children reading. It can expose the child to reading, but it will not force them to read regularly or teach them how to read. The children need a solid foundation on phonics and the art of reading before they can read on their own.
- Apr 2016
jgregorymcverry.com jgregorymcverry.com
I highly recommend storyscape.io for all levels of education
I really like how this is so versatile and can be used for all ages.
writing to learning objective
I agree with you that this could be helpful because the students can understand the greater meaning behind doing this project. They will know the overall goal or lesson they are expected to learn.
This is so engaging for students. Many students enjoy animations because they are fun, but this shows them that it can also be educational.
I really like how simple this digital text is. The first step to getting teachers to use technology is allowing them to see how simple it can be.
new digital text
Utilizing technology in the classroom is so important; however, I feel as if it does not happen very often. Technology is scary for many people because there is so much that can go wrong with it, but that should not mean we do not try!
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The fact that our educational system does not place a heavy emphasis on mythology and folktales does not address the reality that they nevertheless play a large part in our cultur
This is true, and it makes me question why we don't put more of an emphasis on mythology?
Thus, the connection from the Greeks to the pre- sent world is made
I really liked how this teacher had so many components to the lesson. Every student was able to make a connection to at least one, if not many or all, to present day which as we know, is what helps the student learn and not just memorize.
Teachers often avoid discussion of myths and folktales after the freshman year because they can envision no way of incorporating the material into their present units
I wonder why this is?
There are so many aspects from centuries ago that still influence today's society. Even though something happened years ago, that does not mean it will not happen again. In fact, there is a great chance it will happen again.
more aware of cultures that have often been better educated about us than we have about them
This is so important as we progress in the world. We need to teach our students to be culturally aware and for them to learn that there are different cultures. In a global society, our students will benefit if they are more culturally aware and accepting.
ew colleges require undergraduate coursework in it
This is true. My second major is in English and even though there is a mythology class that is offered, it is not required nor is it taught every semester.
long-dead storie
I see this as a problem for many students. Since these stories take place in ancient times, they do not see the value in them. As teachers, we must have them make those connections. How can these stories adapt to present day?
We don't teach mytholog
I agree with this statement. As I was trying to think back to when I was young, I realized we did not learn mythology. I have heard about different common stories such as Zeus and Apollo, but I never did a whole unit on mythology which is upsetting since mythology has so many lessons we can teach our children.
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"it depends.
This is important because even though each answer of the "what if" questions can be valid, it is only one interpretation of the literature.
Older children can even be asked to offer their own "what if" questions
This is seen in MANY college English classes. We are always being asked to push the limits and dive deeper into the texts by asking questions and even challenging the surface level in the texts.
The different perspective is the catalyst for critical thinking, and it helps the child realize that "it depends.
Once the students understand this concept, then thinking critically becomes easier.
Aesop's fables are timeless treasures that have been taught to children for many centuries.
This is very true because Aseop's fables teach fundamental skills for our children.
That is because fables are allegorical stories that teach lessons about life.
I think reading fables at a younger age is so important because the students are learning new lessons all the time. I find that children can see themselves in many of the books they read, and if their favorite character is doing something good, then they will emulate that.
"it depends
It is important to teach our students that there are no right or wrong answers when thinking critically because it is not explicitly stated in the text.
complex skill
Just like with everything else, if the students start working on this skill at a young age, then it is not as complex when they are in college. Critical thinking by no means is easy, but it becomes simpler if you keep working at it.
Critical thinking
Critical thinking is an important skill from 1st grade through college. However, I have noticed that many students our age struggle with critical thinking because it was emphasized when we were growing up. We are able to read a book and give you the key facts, but not able to explain what is going on between the lines.
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beads and receipts and dolls and cloths, tobacco crumbs, vases and fringes.
These items are very random to me. Does anyone have any idea of why Brooks chose to use these specific items?
Why is lived in the past tense? Did they metaphorically die because they do the same monotonous routine every day?
Remembering, with twinklings and twinges
I found it interesting that Brooks decided to use words such as "twinklings" and "twinges" because they are very polarizing of each other. This makes me think that this couple shared some happy moments and some not so happy moments just like every other couple. If they did not have both the good times and the bad then they would not have all the beads, receipts, dolls, cloths, tobacco crumbs, vases and fringes. Those times led them to this moment. Also, I enjoyed her use of twinklings and twinges because they start with the same four letters. The words go together like you almost can't have the twinklings or good times without the twinges or the painful times.
Remembering and putting is also repeated twice within the poem. I think Brooks used repetition with certain words in order to show the repetitive life this couple lived. It was the same thing day in and day out.
Why does Brooks repeat the word plain? It makes me think she is not only describing the chipware and wood but the couple themselves.
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Does Brooks mean the "we" are striking others are or they striking the ball while playing pool? If it is striking someone else then the word straight confuses me. How do you strike someone straight? Straightforward?
Golden Shovel
The "Golden Shovel" makes me think that Brooks is writing about a low socioeconomic area just because a fancy place would not have the word shovel in it, I do not think. Also, the golden shovel made me think that these players were trying to appear better than they actually are. When you think of something being golden you think of wealth but a shovel is associated with the lower class man who gets dirty when working.
Sing sin
How do you sing sin? Did she mean saying sinful words?
We real cool
I think Brooks has a really sarcastic tone here as if she is making fun of people who think it is cool to leave school and lurk outside when it is dark.
Die soon.
I think the length of the poem is significant to the poem because maybe Brooks is saying that if you live your life doing these things then your life will be cut short.
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Rand, Ann. Did a Bear Just Walk There? Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1966.
I definitely want to look up this book! I am so happy they provided all these examples because they are very helpful.
dults consider carefully what is lost when children are asked to read a book alone. The values of reading aloud to children are many
This makes a lot of sense. When children read through the book they are just looking for words they know and looking at the pictures. They may not be grasping the bigger meaning the author is trying to portray.
It is interesting to note that, while most of the easy to-read books were indexed appro priately at first, second, and third grade levels, one of them had a grade six level of readability!
I would have loved an example of a grade six level of readability for my own curiosity.
that group of books in which pictures and text are con sidered to be of equal importance.
I agree with Kelly that this is a good definition of what picture books are and the importance Huck places on BOTH the pictures and the text. One without the other is not helpful to the reader.
do they under stand that picture books are meant to be read to children by adults
I actually did not know this before reading this article. I thought picture books were for young students to begin reading independently. It does make sense that adults should read the picture books to their students or parents to their children. We do it when they cannot read yet, why does it stop when the students learn to read?
Some picture books may have readability levels as high as sixth grade
This is so interesting to me because the typical view of picture books is that it is for very young children, maybe third grade tops. It is important that picture books can still be used in higher grades, but only if they are suited for that grade. I am sure a 5th grader would love to read a Dr. Seuss book but is that helping them grow as readers? Probably not.
- Mar 2016
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x periencing success, increased student involve ment, and a sense of taking control of their
Which in the end is exactly what we want!
Sheets, a fourth grade teacher, uses the RW organization
i LOVE examples. Examples help me put into perspective what I am reading and allows me to see how it is implemented in the classroom.
ook they have cho sen for recreational reading
This is a win win because the students are getting able to read what interests them and you get them reading which is really the main goal.
e main components of the RW structure are:
This reminds me of the daily 5 that I see being implemented in the classrooms.
ond, the classroom environment and daily routine
Reading should always be part of the daily routine because that is how the students get better. Practice makes perfect.
rst, students should have own ership of their time
I agree with this 100%. This allows students to have value to their learning, and it makes them want to do it. This is differentiation is so great because it allows the students to achieve to the best of their ability.
dents use their time wisely during the reading period.
This is a big problem that I see in the classroom. During the children's independent reading time, you can never get them to focus on reading. They are always just flipping through the pages or looking at the pictures which is okay to do sometimes but not everyday.
lack of time
I found this to be interesting because from my fieldwork placements I would have to say that I see the students focus more time on reading than they do math. Did the writer mean time spent outside of the classroom?
Organization is key for a successful classroom. But I also know this is something a lot of first year teachers struggle with What do you guys think?
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She had been an uninterested reader and was transformed into an enthusiastic one
It is so amazing to see what a book can do for a student! Sometimes if a student is not doing well in reading, maybe we should look at what we are reading and the not the ability of said student.
Children must be able to envision possibilities for their futures
This is very inspiring. We must show students that there is variety in their career choice and that they do not have to succumb to just what their parents or relatives do.
This change in our classroom libraries will also allow children of the dominant culture to see literature about others who look different and live differently
If students do not live in a diverse community then books are the best way to teach them about other races and cultures.
Too often children of color and the poor have window books into a mostly white and middle- and-upper-class world.
As I read in the previous readings, the students must be able to make real life connections. If you have a student coming from a low socio-economic neighborhood, they should not have to read only books with white middle and upper class families in it. Children should not think that only those families exist. We need to have books that reflect every student as characters within
Of 171 texts recommended for elementary children in Appendix B of the CCSS, there are only 18 by authors of color, and few books reflect the lives of children of color and the poor
This is such a shame. It is so important we highlight every one. Our job is to teach, and by that I mean teach our students about the diverse demographics this world consists of. The CCSS were written for the whole country to use, not just one specific demographic.
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Recommended Books
I was so happy to see there were recommended books for the higher levels. I have only worked with elementary school students so this was of interest to me.
They are intellectually exciting for both students and teachers, they serve as a roadmap and provide apprenticeship, they challenge students cognitively, and they help students apply literacy skills and strategies independently.
I loved this line because it is important to realize that choosing the correct texts is essential. It is also important to know that each text is chosen for a certain reason. I have heard so many students ask, "why are we reading this" and it is important to know that answer before teaching the text. Does the text check off every box in this list? If not, maybe we should reevaluate why we are teaching it.
They include providing culturally responsive literacy instruction that links classroom content to student experiences
This is so important. We must give students material to read that they can connect with and use to make those real life connections. Professors have told me that a student is more capable of learning and understanding the material, not just memorizing for the test, if they are able to make some sort of connection to it.
These adolescents must also deal with negative stereotypes in and out of school, a scarcity of positive role models, and a lack of culturally competent instruction and direction. Moreover, many of them experience problems associated with low socioeconomic status and high-risk neighborhoods
While reading this article, I could not help but make connections to my fieldwork this semester. I am doing 40 hours of fieldwork at King Robinson Magnet School in New Haven. When I read this line, this made me think about what my cooperating teacher once told me about the students' home life. King Robinson is located in Newhalville which, unfortunately, is a neighborhood that has a lot of crime in it. It is terrible to see that correlation between low socio-economic backgrounds and academic performance. It is really something teachers need to take into consideration when looking at the population of students they are teaching. Get to know what your students' lives are like outside the classroom as well as inside.
- Feb 2016
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He is very careful and loving, and hardly lets me stir without special direction
She contradicts herself, for example, she says he is very careful and loving but then does not allow her to do anything without his permission or "direction." If he was so loving then why does he try to control her?
I have a schedule prescription for each hour in the day
John is a contributing force behind her insanity by making her have a "schedule prescription for each hour in the day." That is too much for one person to handle. This also confused me because why should she need a schedule prescription if he believes she is not that sick as mentioned in the first passage.
I thought flamboyant was an interesting adjective to use to describe a wallpaper because when I looked it up it said "ending to attract attention because of their exuberance, confidence, and stylishness" which is positive in my eyes. Why use this adjective to describe a wallpaper that you despise in every aspect?
I fancy it is the pattern that keeps her so still. It is so puzzling. It keeps me quiet by the hour
Why does she say it keeps her "quiet by the hour" if she is talking about the woman in the wallpaper? Does she see herself in this mysterious woman?
assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression,—a slight hysterical tendency,—what is one to do?
The narrator is always trying to belittle her feelings as if what she feels or thinks is not as important as what a "physician of high standing" would do. She is almost trying to convince herself that what she feels is just a "temporary nervous depression" as if it will go away if she believes it hard enough when we know that is not how it depression works.