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  1. Last 7 days
    1. The brain’s clock mechanism is located in an area of the hypothalamus known as the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The axons of light-sensitive neurons in the retina provide information to the SCN based on the amount of light present, allowing this internal clock to be synchronized with the outside world (Klein, Moore, & Reppert, 1991; Welsh, Takahashi, & Kay, 2010) (Figure 4.3).

      This fact is surprising, because it is weird to think that our body naturally gets tired and ready for bed based on the intake of light.

    1. Chapter Outline

      This chapter seems to deal with genetics, the brain, the nervous system, and the endocrine system. It also seems to be how all of these affect people and how that can be studied through psychology. The most important sections were: Charles Darwin: He is known as the father of evolution, which is important when studying how humans act and make decisions Genetics and Behavior: behavior is the main focus of psychology so this seems central Neurotransmitters and drugs: drugs heavily impair the decisions a person makes Parts of the nervous system: this system is important in how we feel and perceive our environment, which is important for psychology brain imaging: studying the medical aspect of psychology

    1. In observational research, scientists are conducting a clinical or case study when they focus on one person or just a few individuals.

      The topic of case studies reminded me of a case study on twins that had been separated at birth to study whether traits were learned or genetic. Minnesota Twins

  2. Jul 2024
    1. Just a few famous names on this list are Facebook’s creator Mark Zuckerberg,

      This very much surprised me, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Mark Zuckerberg's psychology background made it possible to understand the minds of his peers and led to the creation of one of the largest social networks ever created.

    1. Rather, our experience (or perception) is complex and is influenced by where we focus our attention, our previous experiences, and even our cultural backgrounds.

      I find this idea to be interesting. I have never thought about my perception of reality and my senses affect it, along with all of my past experiences and my background. It kind of makes living and experiencing everything all at once feel a little daunting.

    1. Wundt considered his version experimental introspection; he used instruments such as those that measured reaction time.

      I find this fact to be tricky to understand. What does reaction time have to do with the study of the components of our consciousness and how they result in our conscious experience?

    1. student

      My name is Lisette Rodriguez. I am in group Aitutaki. I do not eat meat or most vegetables, so I only eat cheese pizza (I know. That sounds sad.)