14 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. "I hope [people] will be moved by what I teach them," he said.

      while sports do move people to pursue things i dont think it can be compared to religion

    2. In addition to the class, Bauer has launched an essay contest asking the question, "Are the Montreal Canadiens a religion?"

      i think it would be interesting to write an essay on that question

    3. The arena is their temple, the players are their saviours, and those who worship them pray that the sacrifices made on the ice — of blood, sweat and tears — will lead them to glory.

      i dont think sports should be compared to religion

    1. Therewere shouts, invective, a rumbling in the Forum. The tear gascame 30 seconds later.

      didn't think tear gas was needed at a sports game

    2. No athlete has embodied the soul of a city and the spirit of itspeople as Richard did in the 1940s and '50s in Montreal, my homefor the past 21 years.

      There area many athletes that embody what it is like to love a sport such as babe ruth

    3. There are moments when life gets in the way, when sports and thereal world collide at some intersection--which, almost 45 yearsago, happened to be the corner of Atwater and Ste. Catherinestreets in Montreal.

      sports are what keep us entertained and for some keep us going as it is their passion

    1. He broke his ankle and was able to play in only 16 games. The critics thought he was fragile. The following season, 1943-44, he answered them with 32 goals and 22 assists.

      i find it interesting that the critics underestimated a determined man

    2. Their teammates swarm about, clutching and shoving one another.

      teammates are all usually there to help defend and support one another

    3. the crowd senses something bad about to happen — but it has no way of knowing how bad it is going to get.

      hockey games are usually full of violence but never so bad that the crowd can sense something bad

    1. 137 arrests

      crazy to think there was that many arrests

    2. He would reluctantly take his punishment.

      He didn't think that he did anything fully wrong and only took partial responsibly for his actions

  2. Sep 2024
    1. I gave notice on Easter Day that the benediction would take place at evening about 7 o'clock and, on the following Days, the benediction at the religious houses at the end of vespers at the parish church.

      Benedictions are blessings that usually happen at the end of church.

    2. Toward the end of the year, and at the beginning of the new one, the cold was excessive .

      January tends to be very cold as it is in the middle of winter.

    3. The river St. Charles became open on the 27th and 28th, and sowing was begun."

      what is sowing and what does it have to do with the river being open?