- Jul 2016
lincs.ed.gov lincs.ed.gov
Engage adult new writers with online communities of writers, as contributors, readers, and peers, to foster their self-directed learning, self-study, and persistence.
I know it was not brought up, but when I have my young students peer review, there is always some tension because people are embarrassed to let their peers read their work? For adult learners, i wonder if that anxiety goes away, or if it is heightened because they are adults and sometimes as adults we like to appear as if we know the correct answers most of the time (or at least this is something I do).
discuss, but do not debate
This is a great tool but I feel like it is not being modeled enough in society. How can we shift this back into our world before it completely goes by the wayside? Do you think social media has caused a decline in the art of "discussion"?
Know your students
A lot of these strategies can be interlaced with educating youth as well.
Offer a variety of options as evidence of success-ful learning outcomes
This reminds me of changing the mindset towards failure. I feel like adults, possibly more than students, fear failure because it has been instilled in them for so long that failure is long. I think it's important to emphasize that some of the outcomes might first appear as "failure" but that in itself is another learning opportunity.
Because adults need to know whythey are learning something, effective teachers explain their reasons for teaching specific skills
This is also emphasized at the high school level at times. Students often ask, "Why are we doing this?" "Am I ever going to use this?" Maybe instead of viewing that as whining, maybe it as actually more of an "adult" way of questioning.
citeseerx.ist.psu.edu citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
Playing is something that we do just "for the fun of it.
This is my favorite out of all of the pieces. It reminds me of the "news" that we put on every week in this program. To me, the news symbolizes that we are true learners. It's not required, it's not for a grade, but every week we are enthusiastic about the opportunity to create a skit or parody or try new technology while we film. We are actively learning, participating, and collaborating, and it never feels forced. We truly do it because we enjoy the creative process and sharing it with our fellow classmates and that is what play reminds me of.
finding of analogies between seemingly disparate things
I think this is a huge critical thinking skill because it is forcing students to know enough about both topics that they can find similarities even though they appear different. These connections are creative and unique and I would like to inspire more abstract thinking in my own classroom
Innovative writers
I believe in patterning and I see it as completely different than copying. Part of my major learning tools is learning through examples. For instance, my undergrad used MLA citations, but for the MAET program I need APA. I look at mentor texts along with the rules to make sure that I am copying the pattern that they are using!
hese authors argue that schooling needs to be fundamentally reconfigured to emphasize higher-order cognitive processes, such as critical thinking
We discussed this during our wicked problem. We completely agree that schools need to be reconfigured, but we have to start from the top. Why would teachers change if the standardized testing system that their careers are dependent on refuses to adapt this mindset? We are creating a critical thinking, creative generation. This cannot be tested through a scantron.
increased pressure
Definitely an emphasis on the "increased pressure" on teachers to learn new ways. The expectation is that teachers continue to grow and learn, but there needs to be resources available that teach teachers how to use technology effectively in the classroom, not just how to simply use the tools.
www.edge.org www.edge.orgEdge.org1
How could people NOT use the Internet in muddled, frazzled, fractured ways when hardly anybody instructs anybody else about how to use the Net salubriously?
Using the net
- Jun 2016
www.edge.org www.edge.orgEdge.org8
To me, I view this article as being about trying to teach students how to be good citizens in the online world and how not to get distracted or bogged down by some of the junk that is out there. There is also a huge focus on attention. I think it would be good to show the class ways that they can teach students both young and old, ways to fact check and weed through some of the junk on the internet. We could look for apps or something!
Crap detection — Hemingway's name for what digital librarians call credibility assessment — is another essential literacy.
I just love the name of this, so informal, but so true
life online requires this kind of decision-making was my first step in learning to tune a fundamental filter on what I allow into my head — a filter that is under my control only if I practice controlling it.
Again, the idea of focus or control comes along, we need to teach students how to not get distracted on the web.
advancing the language, methodology and training — the literacies that necessarily accompany the technical capabilities
We don't think of language being involved as much with the advancement of technology but it really is.
using computers to augment human intellect was not a crazy idea.
This idea is terrifying though as well, think of spell check and how many issues it still has. We cannot allow computers to think for us
allow attention to fragment rather than focus
This reminds me of the TED talk that we watched in class today from David Allen when he talks about the idea of being able to focus
Every second I spend online, I make decisions about where to spend my attention.
This really caught my eye because I think this is a huge issue in my own life and also in my students. Forcing ourselves to see past the distractions of the internet and actually use it as a tool is much more difficult than one would imagine. Especially if a teenager views the internet as their only means of social interaction.
I say this a lot to my students as well. Just because it's on the internet does not mean it is trustworthy, for some reason I put a special emphasis on Facebook and some of the crazy articles that have fluctuated around that specific social media.