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  1. Last 7 days
    1. Let’s start with the thing on everyone’s mind: money. Depending on where you shop for groceries, prepping meals for one week will cost between $60 and $100. This may seem steep for a one-time purchase, especially if you’re only used to paying $8 at a time. But let’s solve a quick division problem here:$75 / 21 meals = $3.57 per meal.Spending $3.57 on a meal instead of $7 seems insignificant to most people. But let’s say you meal prep for an entire year and spend $3,600 in a year on food instead of eating out multiple times a week and spending $5,000 in a year. Think of all the stuff you can do with $1,400+, all because of this daily discipline.Suddenly, that “expensive” one-time purchase turns into a wise investment.

      I can see note here.