44 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2021
    1. Now that those costs are clear, we need to reinvent just about everything.

      we need to make everything more planet friendly and safe

    2. contain lead, but also other toxic ingredients like mercury

      makes sure they are safe

    3. GoodGuide

      shows what toys are safe for environment

    4. LCAs can provide the raw data that let us be ecologically intelligent about what we buy,

      so we know what comes from the products and the negative effects

    5. glassmaking's negative impacts; the chemicals released into the air from the glass factory run from relatively high levels of carbon dioxide to trace amounts of toxic metals like cadmium.

      atmospheric pollution

    6. witnessed the emergence of industrial ecology, a discipline that uses Life-Cycle Assessment (or LCA) to deconstruct any manufactured item into its subsidiary industrial processes and their myriad ecological impacts with great precision.

      find the roots, effects and everything that comes from the product

    7. But our perceptual system misses the signals when the threat comes in the form of gradual rises in planetary temperature, or minuscule chemicals that build up in our body over time.

      sometimes, we miss things that are gradually rising over time, for example, gas prices.

    8. Our brains are exquisitely attuned to pinpoint and instantly react

      fight or flight

    9. se, where the most swimmers are drawn to the beauty of coral reefs.


    10. sunscreen primes the growth of a deadly virus in coral reef.

      sunscreen will kill coral reefs, everyone in the ocean most likely has sunscreen on

    11. impacts left along the way from the extraction or concoction of its ingredients, during its manufacture and transport, through its use in our homes and workplaces, to the day we dispose of it.

      man made products come from taking resources from environment

    12. hidden price tag:

      a toll on the planet, everything we buy has some effect on the planet

    13. costs less than alternates

      lead is less expensive, so obviously it will be used more, even if it bad on environment

    14. lead in paint makes colors (particularly yellow and red)

      I wonder why these colors

    15. wooden


  2. Apr 2021
    1. by humans, can transmit new diseases, devastate crops and eat away at crucial infrastructure

      invasive species can be harmful to other life and humans

    2. Fire ant colonies have wide-ranging impacts; they can feed on a variety of seedlings, from citrus to soybeans, reduce the size of grazing lands for livestock and bite and sting farm animals and humans.

      fire ants can sting and bite humans, which sucks, but not deadly

    3. crops and tree farms, their high cost in this analysis boils down to their impact on infrastructure.

      can impact our homes, buildings

    4. eroy’s analysis comes from their impact on native biodiversity and resulting losses in spending on birdwatching and hunting birds like ducks, pheasants and grouse.

      are we talking about wild cats, or househeld pets?

    5. biodiversity losses, but the rodents also can damage crops, destroy property and transmit disease (like the bubonic plague).

      in conclusion, rats are terrible

    6. human boats

      they are transferred by boat

    7. The analysis was heavily weighted towards North America, Europe and parts of Asia and Oceania. Agricultural pests, like insects, tended to be overrepresented in published literature compared with invasive plants.

      pests are where invasive plants are

    8. $892 billion

      how does that even make sense

    9. deforestation and agricultural expansion

      human impacts

    10. annual costs roughly doubled every six years, reaching a yearly bill of $162.7 billion in 2017.

      holy moly, how is that even possible, they are such small animals

    11. that cost grows.

      how can the cost grow the much more

    12. $1.28 trillion i

      wow that is a lot of money

    1. Predators such as eagles and owls that feast on those water birds also get poisoned.

      when the other birds feed on the water birds consuming it, then they get ir too

    2. Water birds gorge on the Hydrilla and its ride-along bacteria and thus get a deadly dose of toxin.

      they are consuming it

    3. That’s when the cyanobacteria have the ingredients to make their deadly toxin.

      summer is when they can make their toxin

    4. Bromin

      bromine fuels the toxic bacteria?

    5. These colonies did yield substances that killed test animals.

      bacterial colonies killing test animals

    6. . It took two years after collecting the stuff from a reservoir before the team raised enough cyanobacteria for their first trial feeding a watery solution of it to test animals.

      wow that is a long time for bacteria

    7. That revealed splats of cyanobacteria gripping the undersides of leaves and protecting their colonies with goo. Some other cyanobacteria, which slosh around as soup in water, release great flushes of toxins that kill fish and threaten human swimmers, but leaf-clingers weren’t typically menaces.

      they have lots fo harmful toxins

    8. Hydrilla verticillata.


    9. six states had confirmed bird die-offs with the same disease, now called VM, short for vacuolar myelinopathy.


    10. unnatural microscopic holes

      wow it made holes in their brains

    11. motor coordination, struggled to fly or even walk, and had seizures.


    12. began at an Arkansas lake during the winter of 1994–95 with the nation’s largest unexplained die-off of bald eagles

      been going on for awhile and in different state s

    13. element bromine


    14. AETX,

      name of toxin

    15. oxin

      toxin from Cyanobacteria

    16. cyanobacteria

      Cyanobacteria blooms that harm people, animals, or the environment are called cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms.

    17. That is super weird, especially because they are predatory birds