3 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
    1. Similarly, mutual gaze between dogs and humans seems to trigger an increase of oxytocin in both species, which then increases the motivation to establish eye contact (13).

      "New research shows that when our canine pals stare into our eyes, they activate the same hormonal response that bonds us to human infants. The study—the first to show this hormonal bonding effect between humans and another species—may help explain how dogs became our companions thousands of years ago" https://www.science.org/content/article/how-dogs-stole-our-hearts#:~:text=Mutual%20gazing%20had%20a%20profound,female%20owners%20a%20300%25%20increase.

    2. we show that the levator anguli oculi medialis, a muscle responsible for raising the inner eyebrow intensely, is uniformly present in dogs but not in wolves

      Is natural selection the reason why dogs have the ability to raise their eyebrows, and wolves dont?

    3. this movement increases paedomorphism and resembles an expression that humans produce when sad

      What is paedomorphism?