6 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. Younganimals prefer flavors that were experienced duringeither gestation or lactation.

      It would have been interesting to hear about examples of said animal studies and how they compare to these findings.

    2. Those whowere exposed to carrots during pregnancy were per-ceived by their mothers as enjoying the carrot-fla-vored cereal more

      Is it possible that this is due to confirmation bias and the idea that the mothers want to believe their infant is enjoying the flavored cereal?

    3. Trained raters

      What qualifies someone as a "trained rater"?

    4. who wereunaware of the hypothesis of the study

      This is extremely important in many studies as it eliminates any possible bias from skewing the data.

    5. Forty-six pregnant mothers (39 white, 4 black, 2 Hispanic, 1Asian

      It is interesting to see the breakdown of race within this study, especially because its preference for white pregnant mothers over non-white pregnant mothers is clear and most likely created biased data.

    6. The fetus not only learns the speech charac-teristics of the mother prenatally,7 but shortly afterbirth, infants prefer their mother’s voice,8 a passagerecited to them prenatally,7 and the theme music of asoap opera watched by their mothers during preg-nancy.9

      How could a child's preference for their mother's voice be affected if the mother is abusive/mainly uses negative tones? Could this deter the child from preferring their mother's voice to other individuals?