6 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Before the exodus, for many years, all the world blew poisons into the sky. Forests died. The world grew warmer. Since the exodus the forests had returned and the world begun to cool, but the old poisons were still there, dormant.

      This line reminds me of a current problem occurring in this modern day: climate change. Global warming is the warming of the Earth and this has caused many drastic changes in different environments, creating many problems such as the melting of icebergs which rises sea levels.

    2. I picked up my basket and returned to the field, making sure to sway my hips as I walked.

      I question this... did she sway her hips in hopes of seducing the younger man that was looking at her? I think most likely so because she mentioned before that she was "slow to give him grandchildren."

    3. Long ago, our ancestors looked at the sky and saw gods. Their ancestors saw only stars. In the end, only the earth knew the truth.

      This line invoked an "aha" moment for me. The statement basically states that throughout time, there are people. Those people end up dying and the only thing left is going to be the Earth that "knows the truth". I find myself personally agreeing with this because it makes me ponder on the thought that Earth started out by itself and will most likely end by itself.

  2. Jun 2024
    1. but what if the baker won't let me feel the bread?;you mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of woman who the baker won't let near the bread?

      I take this line as a message from the mother basically saying to not let your efforts go to waste. Do not become a woman that won't be allowed to access the very resources that keeps her alive.

    2. this is how to behave in the presence of men who don't know you very well, and this way they won't recognize immediately the sl*t I have warned you against becoming

      This line can be interpreted in different ways, but the way I take it is that it portrays the inevitable fate of a woman during these times (1970s). If a woman behaves in an orderly fashion, she will never be seen as a "slut" and hopefully never gets taken advantage of.

    3. this is how you grow okra - far from the house, because okra tree harbors red ants

      This quote, amongst many others, describe how the woman is forced to learn certain practices. It seems like it follows the theme of a message from a mother to a daughter; the mother is teaching her daughter how to do this and how to do that.