24 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2015
    1. As a first grade teacher, your word list might look like this: dab, did, dad, sad, lid, slid, list, slit, bid, bits, tad, dill, lad, cat, cast. Notice that not every word includes the target sound, as many sounds as possible have been used, and both simple and complex syllables are included. Your lesson should also include a sentence or two to practice reading fluently with real text.

      make sure that they word wall words are found in the text the students are reading so that they can begin reading fluently

    2. Let’s look into Ms. Bains’ classroom to see how she introduces a new sound to her students:

      This will be something that i go back to when i begin teaching as she does an excellent job

    3. If your district’s reading program includes devices to help children remember sounds, use them.Although it might be appealing initially to use more linguistically descriptive or intuitive devices, avoid doing so. Your students probably have prior knowledge with the devices used in their program and will probably use them the following year. It is probably best to introduce your own devices only in the absence of any such assistance built into your reading program.

      use every possible tool that it is at your disposal. it'll be worth it for the kids in the long run

    4. Kindergarten teachers use a variety of methods to teach students this skill, including discussing letters found in children’s names, examining letters individually and talking about their features (some letters are written with circles and others are written with sticks, for instance), having students trace the shape of formations (with pencil and paper, in the air, with their finger on sandpaper cut-outs), and always connecting the visual representation of the letter with its name (A, B, C, etc.).

      having environmental print around the classroom helps immensely. but also worksheets may be needed to reinforce everything

    5. make sure to spend plenty of time with students about these concepts! they are necessary and will help them immensley if mastered at an early age

    6. Blend Syllables

      the activity in this section also reinforces directions and also teaches patience too

    7. eaching the alphabetic principle (the idea that written spellings represent spoken words


    8. many children will need review of the most complex of these

      should a lot of time be spent on this

    9. should know by first grade what prefix, suffix, and root of a word are

    10. Have students read the same passage re peatedly to improve rate and accuracy

      are they really learning to read if they are only seeing the same words in the same order over and over again?

    11. accuracy and fluenc

      slow and steady wins the race

    12. Before reading, you should develop your students’ prior knowledge by allowing them to share their knowledge of the subject and giving the class important information they will require to make sense of the text.

      this allows the students to learn from each other and build everyone's background knowledge through the speaking of one child

    13. develop strategies for utilizing the steps of the writing process so that their final product displays their ideas in the best manner possible

      the more they practice writing the better they become at the process

    14. develop strategies for utilizing the steps of the writing process so that their final product displays their ideas in the best manner possible

      the more they practice writing the better they become at the process

    15. the teacher can plan backwards

      should they plan forward to meet the requirements for the end of the year? I feel they would be more likely to miss things if teachers planned backwards

    16. It is your responsibility to catch your students up to state and district standards,

      how can you do so without holding the other back and not giving them the attention that they are entitled to?!?!

    17. Kindergarten ers should come to under stand that print carries meaning and that they are rapidly becoming ca pable of determining what that meaning is.

      a lot different than when i was in kindergarten

    18. key task of the kindergarten teacher is to build students’ motivation to read books

      what if by the end of kindergarten the child doesn't posses the skills to do this and isn't motivated to read

    19. For many children, first grade is the time when they move from “pretend reading” to conventional reading.

      where their love for reading is create

    20. First graders should write complete sentences that employ basic punctuation and capitalization.

      by being more exposed to reading, childrens writing procedures and processes will enhance

    21. he mid-elementary teacher’s challenge therefore is to quickly identify those students who need remediation

      can literacy circles be used effectively here either to group strong readers with not as strong readers so they can help them grow, or should the not as strong readers be grouped together and the teacher can help them more??

    22. have access to standardized test data

      what if they don't do well with standardized testing, and when they perform reading in front of the teacher or in the groups they are placed in, they do really well?

    23. Phonological Awareness Tests

      great to see where the class as a whole is, not so good for individual child testing

    24. Phonics Surveys.

      great tool to see what reading level the student is at