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    1. school-basedprogrammes were emphasized, drawing upon the observationthat common mental disorders often manifest for the firsttime during childhood.

      I believe it would be more effective to implement school-based programs and influence youths as they are still in early development

    2. l. In one study, lessthan 40% of the participants who reported having received anymental health treatment for a serious mental illness were ratedas having received minimally adequate treatment 75.

      Two reasons this could be: (1) maybe it is better to start with low dosage than risking intense side effects that can emerge as other disorders AND (2) as stated earlier, primary care physical contact decreased as prescribing of antidepressants increased, so patients do not necessarily know if they need to adjust treatment

    3. Althoughthe short-term mental health impact of these events on spe-cific population groups or specific outcomes has been stud-ied 47-49, their overall and long-term impact on the prevalenceof mental disorders and psychological distress is not clear.

      I would like to learn more about the long-term impact of these stressors on potential increase of mental disorders. I would assume that mental health issues can arise from these stressful events, especially from social issues that can result in personal discriminatory experiences. Like I stated earlier, this is why I believe free health care is the common denominator that would address some parts of these issues.

    4. There was little change in primary care physician contactfor a psychological problem over the period from 1993 to2007 27. However, the receipt of antidepressants increased sig-nificantly, nearly trebling between 1993 and 2000 28

      Frequent check-ups while taking medication is important to track symptoms and side effects and address them as they manifest.

    1. As side eects emerge, they areoften treated by other drugs, and many patients end up on a cocktail ofpsychoactive drugs prescribed for a cocktail of diagnoses. Theepisodes of mania caused by antidepressants may lead to a newdiagnosis of “bipolar disorder”

      More side effects means more drugs prescribed. Does this mean more opportunities to earn more profit? It is evident that psychoactive drugs are in demand yet healthcare system fails to make affordable

    2. The symptoms produced bywithdrawing psychoactive drugs are often confused with relapses ofthe original disorder, which can lead psychiatrists to resume drugtreatment, perhaps at higher doses

      Seeing as how symptoms can relapse from withdrawal, this clarifies my understanding of how much more effective it can be to combine psychotherapy and medication than depending on one treatment alone

    3. He sugests that the reason antidepressants appear towork better in relieving severe depression than in less severe cases isthat patients with severe symptoms are likely to be on higher dosesand therefore experience more side eects

      Since they have more intense/severe side effects, it gives illusion that antidepressants are more effective in drastically reducing what is obvious

    4. Yet because the positive studies wereextensively publicized, while the negative ones were hidden, the publicand the medical profession came to believe that these drugs werehighly eective antidepressants

      Drugs were not much more effective than placebos, but highlighting only positive results makes it seem like drugs were more effective than they actually are

    1. providing placements designed to bridge the gap between a child coming out of a hospital and going into a home,

      Programs should be focused in impoverished areas where rates are high for children staying in hospitals

    2. There are currently about 40 children in the program, but plans to expand have faltered because of DCFS turnover, trouble recruiting and retaining staff,

      Programs are somewhat helpful but there is a limit to its effectiveness due to lack of staff

    3. Such homes offer support beyond traditional foster homes for families caring for children with intense mental health needs.

      Foster families also need resources and support to care well for children with mental health disorders, to prepare for deviant behavior as it can be overwhelming

    4. those children spent an average of at least 50 days unnecessarily hospitalized at a cost of $6.3 million to taxpayers

      Costs could have been shared towards residential facilities

    5. our reporting showed leaves them feeling isolated and alone, falling behind in school

      Due to lack of education instruction and interactions outside of hospitals

    1. but they sit empty because the services the facilities offer don’t match the needs of the children waiting.

      Beds are not enough, need proper caregivers and services

    2. DCFS simply does not have the money to pay facilities enough to hire specialized staff to adequately care for children with such serious needs

      Need better way to distribute state money for developmental needs. Maybe this can also relieve homelessness? (if children are not placed in homes or not receiving proper treatment, they will most likely up end up living on streets)

    3. Less than a month after his arrival, workers noted a sharp drop in the number of times he was physically aggressive, destroyed property or tried to run away.

      Martin just needed an environment to explore and engage in meaningful activities to reduce aggression and destructive behavior

    4. Around that time, as White felt she could no longer safely care for Martin and her nieces, she gave up custody of Martin to DCFS.

      I believe this happens often when a remaining family member tries to take in child but realizes they are not fit to be guardian. They are doing what they think is best and trust DCFS to give the child what they cannot

    5. “I was fighting everybody because they wouldn’t let me go home,”

      Wardell's story shows how extended hospital stays can result in behavior problems. Judge granted permission to move him but why exactly did that never go through? Are there no repercussions for waiting so long?

    6. “If we hurry kids into a placement that can’t meet their needs and they have another episode, they’ll have a new diagnosis and a new hospitalization.”

      Suitable environment and mental treatment are interdependent --- support from family or community plays important factor in addressing needs

    7. their extended stays are apparently taken as a sign that the children are particularly difficult to treat.

      Contradictory issue -- they may seem "difficult" to treat merely due to detrimental effects of these extended stays

    8. If they receive timely treatment before they have to be hospitalized — though those services are scarce as well — that could lead to fewer cases of children being held beyond medical necessity.

      These children are especially prone to being hospitalized, so maintenance of screening and treatment can help them develop coping lifestyle

    9. the state had failed to provide home or community services to children with serious mental- and emotional-health disorders who were covered by Medicaid.

      Law should support children w/ mental health disorders by first placing them in healthy family/community environment to avoid such interventions

    10. Time in residential treatment facilities and foster homes is less expensive — and less detrimental to children — than an unnecessary hospital stay.

      Tax money for mental health services should be evenly distributed, including foster homes and treatment for patients

    11. While confined to a psychiatric hospital, some children received just an hour or two of educational instruction a day, if that.

      If children are staying longer than necessary at hospitals, shouldn't the education system at least prioritize their learning?