57 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2015
    1. African American soldiers defied the inequality of military service and used their positions in the army to reshape society

      They were brave to take a stand

    2. significant exemptions to the Emancipation Proclamation including the border states, and parts of other states in the Confederacy

      Something that often is lost in the emancipation proclamation

    3. Despite the Confederate withdrawal and the high death toll, the Battle of Antietam was not a decisive Union victory.

      This war left a lot of blood on the battlefield

    4. As a result, soldiers often sang on fatigue duty and while in camp. 

      this shows just how important music is to people, even back in that era

    5. Music was popular among the soldiers of both armies, creating a diversion from the boredom and horror of the war.

      Very interesting, i wonder what music they listened too?

    6. Soldiers were forbidden to interfere with slavery or assist runaways, but many soldiers found such a policy unchristian.

      Alot of them felt it was right to help these slaves

    7. In May 1861, General Benjamin F. Butler went over his superiors’ heads and began accepting fugitive slaves who came to Fortress Monroe in Virginia.

      He tried to force their hand

    8. Lincoln, who initially waged a conservative, limited war, believed that the presence of African American troops would threaten the loyalty of slaveholding border states, and white volunteers who might refuse to serve alongside black men.

      Lincoln weighing his options on which would be the best move for his cause

    9. black Americans quickly forced the issue of slavery as a primary issue in the debate.

      as they should have

    10. The United States represented the greatest example of democratic thought and ideals at the time

      Biggest reason why everyone payed close attention to this war

    11. This strategy intended to strangle the Confederacy by cutting off access to coastal ports and inland waterways via a naval blockade, while ground troops entered the interior. Like an anaconda snake, they planned to surround and squeeze the Confederacy.

      A very smart tactic on paper

    12. President Abraham Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to serve three months to suppress the rebellion.

      75,000 is a lot volunteers to gather for 3 months

    13. The assault on Fort Sumter, and subsequent call for troops, provoked several Upper South states to join the Confederacy

      Fort Sumter gave reason for Upper south states to join the Confederacy

    14. The Committee of Thirteen ultimately voted down the measure and it likewise failed in the full Senate vote (25-23)

      Very close vote

    15. Fort Sumter

      i've heard of this place before, i believe there was battle there.

    16. To a Southern man, there was no fate more terrifying than the thought of being reduced to the level of a slave. 

      Slavery is just terrible

    17. Confederate nationalism was based on several ideals, foremost among these being slavery. 

      As to be expected slavery is the frintrunner

    18. unanimously 169-0 to dissolve their Union with the United States.

      Wow, 160-0 is a crazy number

    19. South Carolina acted almost immediately, calling a convention to declare secession

      As to be expected, deep Southern States didnt take kindle to Lincolns presence.

    20. Abraham Lincoln’s nomination proved a great windfall for the Republican Party.

      Big for the Republican party.

    21. The American Civil War, the bloodiest in the nation’s history, resulted in approximately 750,000 deaths

      A very disappointing war, with a very high death count.

    1. Those concerned about drinking could join temperance societies; other groups focused on eradicating dueling and gambling. Evangelical reformers might support home or foreign missions or Bible and tract societies.
    1. The Compromise of 1850 tried to offer something to everyone, but in the end it only worsened the sectional crisis

      There really was no way to please either camp.

    2. eastern and the western leadership together and called for an end to slavery in Washington DC and a halt on slavery’s expansion in the territories.

      The Free Soil Party had quite the reach.

    3. The treaty infuriated antislavery leaders in the United States.

      They knew that it would lead to a greater expansion of slaves in this new territory.

    4. Doughfaced

      This is the second time this adjective is used, is it as racist term?

    5. unity under white supremacy

      because this was the majority, in order to win you had to appeal to this group.

    6. Questions immediately arose as to whether these lands would be made slave or free

      This would lead to more of a divide between people

    7. The Haitian Revolution marked an early origin of the sectional crisis. It helped splinter the Atlantic basin into clear zones of freedom and un-freedom

      similar to the North and South in states

    8. They generated tremendous wealth for the British crown

      One of our biggest hang ups as human beings, we'll do anything for wealth.

    9. Americans north and south began to fear that the opposite section of the country had seized control of the government.

      Its interesting how each side thought about one another.

  2. Nov 2015
    1. They argued that the ten-hour day would improve the immediate conditions of laborers by allowing “time and opportunities for intellectual and moral improvement.”

      i definitely agree with this, allowing workers mind and body to rest is the best thing they could do.

    2. Over 1.5 million immigrants from the various German states arrived in the United States during the antebellum era

      im curious on how this strained the economy.

    3. Any money earned or spent belonged by law to their husbands.

      It always shocking to me how women were never seen as equal or even considered human beings to a degree. They were always hidden behind their husband.

    4. Whites argued that African American women were less delicate and womanly than white women and therefore perfectly suited for agricultural labor

      Disgusting to think that this was common thought back then.

    5. A series of push and pull factors drew immigrants to the United States.

      Im curious to what exactly they mean by push & pull

    6. In 1825 a group of journeymen in Boston formed a Carpenters’ Union to protest their inability

      At this time was the beginning of unions, which would eventually become legal.

    7. Wage workers—a population disproportionately composed of immigrants and poorer Americans—faced low wages, long hours, and dangerous working conditions

      often times their shifts would last up to 18hrs

    8. Robert Fulton established the first commercial steam boat service up and down the Hudson River in New York in 1807

      The pollution from these steam boats must have been quite high.

    9. The 350 mile-long manmade waterway linked the Great Lakes with the Hudson River—and thereby to the Atlantic Ocean.

      the marvels we created never cease to amaze me.

    10. America’s exports rose in value from $20.2 million in 1790 to $108.3 million by 1807

      such a staggering number in that amount of time. America benefited from the Revolutionary Wars.

    11. . Depressions devastated the economy in 1819, 1837, and 1857.

      3 different depressions in the span of less than 40 years.

    1. The white men pursued and fired on us several times.

      Things like this still happen everyday.

    2. born the property of Benjamin Turner, of this county

      I find it saddening how he doesn't refer to himself as a human being but as "property"

    1. but survivors throughout the Americas re-created variants of familiar instruments, if possible.

      Reminds me of the song of the underground railroad.

    2. legally determined so many aspects of their lives from life to death.

      Crazy to think that had to learn an entire new language because in many ways in can determine their fate.

    3. Africans forced onto slave ships were drawn from a large range of societies and cultures.

      Lumped together in one group but were all different in a variety of way.

    1. flogging

      I have no clue of what a flogging is but im guessing it wasn't pleasant.

    2. they are not permitted to be a moment idle until it is too dark to see, and when the moon is full, they often times labor till the middle of the night.

      And often didn't stop working until the late into the night.

    3. The hands are required to be in the cotton field as soon as it is light in the morning,

      Began work at the crack of dawn.


      Weren't allowed much rest in order to not allow them to plot against their owners as said in the lecture video.

  3. Sep 2015
    1. In contrast, England appointed Virginia's governor, while in Maryland, the governor was appointed by the Calvert family, which owned the colony.

      So the family were the ones picking the governor. Makes sense for the time of day.

    2. Puritan

      I wonder why Puritans have such a distaste for holidays.

    1. that even two days before the massacre some of our men were guided through the woods by them in safety

      I wonder if they knew about the impending attack at the moment?

    2. it appeared that Jamestown was an economic failure.

      Until the introduction to Tobacco which would end up saving Jamestown.

    1. Only after the Spaniards had used violence against them, killing, robbing, torturing, did the Indians ever rise up against them....

      sometimes if its too good to be true, probably isn't.

    2. They are also poor people, for they not only possess little but have no desire to possess worldly goods. For this reason they are not arrogant, embittered, or greedy.

      When you grow up in a situation where you don't have much you appreciate every little thing that yuo got or earned that much more.