14 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2021
    1. Examples of semelparit

      The octopi from the podcast we listened to is an example of semelparity. Both the deep sea species from the podcast as well as shallow water species that the scientist also studied more in-depth are examples of this, but on different timelines.

    1. ed (recaptures) and some individuals that are unmarked (Figure\PageIndex{3}).

      what are some ways scientists ensure that these tags are not detrimental to the animal?

    1. cryptic species

      I read about this before regarding insects, specifically mosquitos transmitting malaria. Originally, scientists thought there was one species transmitting the disease, but really it was six different species.

    1. parapatric

      Is this the same as allopatric?

    2. biology (i.e., reproductive isolation), they can diverge, ultimately resulting in speciation. During this process, we expect to see distinct populations representing incipient spe

      What is an example of an incipient species?

    1. reduce the genetic variability within a population.

      A real world example of the bottleneck effect are Northern elephant seals whose population was almost completely hunted to extinction, and then repopulated from a very small surviving population.

    1. no advantage

      Is there an example of this that you could go over? I wonder if even these changes that we don't understand as being an advantage could be somehow an advantage, just one that we haven't recognized? Like subconscious preferences or attractiveness?

    1. With such a high rate of polyploidy in plants, some scientists hypothesize that this mechanism takes place more as an adaptation than as an error

      Could you please go over this in class? I don't understand how this figure 2.2.8 relates to the organismal level/example.

    1. vestigial structures

      Another example of a vestigial structure are the pelvic bones in snakes. It suggests that they evolved from organisms that had four legs, but now do not have the legs, but only the pelvic structure that no longer has the purpose of assisting in movement on legs.

    1. tegration of scientific disciplines

      I think it's valuable to understand how multi-disciplinary the study of ecology is, I was especially interested in all of the subfields listed. I was surprised to learn about the scale of the scope of the field.

    1. Sub-discipline of ecology – which studies host-pathogen interactions, particularly those of infectious diseases, within the context of environmental factors

      Do researchers identify solely as ecologists in a field like this, or is it like a focus within a more broad field like epidemiology?

  2. Apr 2021
    1. Tántalo

      El Tormento de Tántalo - Tántalo era el hijo de Zeus, en la mitología griega. Su crimen es un tema de debate, pero su castigo es más importante. Él sufría del tormento de la sed intensa y el hambre inquieta, pero estaba amarrado en un lago con el agua siempre retrocediendo de su boca y las ramas del melocotonero siempre demasiado lejos de su alcance.

      Graves, Robert. "Los mitos griegos II." Madrid: Alianza Editorial (1985). pp.15-20.

    2. los moros de Argel

      Argel está al otro lado del Mar Mediterráneo de Barcelona. La acción de este cuento ocurre en las aguas entre las dos ciudades. Con frecuencia, los moros de Argel invaden y saquean las ciudades de España cruzando el mar, y a veces se van con premios ricos. Los españoles trataban a capturar a los piratas y los esclavizan o los guardaban como prisioneros.

      Corrales, Eloy Martín. "Chapter 2 The Spain That Enslaves and Expels: Moriscos and Muslim Captives (1492 to 1767–1791)". Muslims in Spain, 1492–1814. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004443761_004 Web.