- Apr 2020
www-jstor-org.scsu.idm.oclc.org www-jstor-org.scsu.idm.oclc.org
hey read selectively , continually making decisions about their reading - what to read carefully, what to read quickly, what not to read, what to reread, and so o
Ability to do this skill only becomes increasinly important with age. Adults who seem to stuggle with reading and writing assignments have trouble being selective.
From the outset they have clear goals in mind for their reading. They constantly evaluate whether the text, and their reading of it, is meeting their goal
being intentional
tigerprints.clemson.edu tigerprints.clemson.edu
depending on how teachers’ theoretical perspectives
it is important, yet difficult, to be truly aware of our own bias and prefered learning style that we do not only focus on those that we feel most comfortable. We must challenge ouselves to get out of our comfort zone to offer different approaches to learning.
While transcription skills and procedural knowledge related to writing are essential, preschool writing goals should include helping children integrate their understandings of multiple dimensions of print so that they can apply language and literacy skills in familiar and authentic writing
this is something many teachers need to work on however trainings are always focused on reading and sound skills it seems there is hardly any true writing focus or lack of high quality writing education training for early childhood education
pdfs.semanticscholar.org pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Teachers read books to childrenand reinforced the vocabulary in the books by presenting concrete objects that represented the words andby providing children with multiple opportunities to use the book-related words.
make meaningful connections through everyday or real life representation of objects and words.
- Feb 2020
edu305.jgregorymcverry.com edu305.jgregorymcverry.com
this could be because small group gives opportunity for collaborative discussion. a more meaningful, child lead experience rather than teacher directed direct instruction.
- Jan 2019
eds.a.ebscohost.com eds.a.ebscohost.com
knowledge + context influence language teaching implementation gaps ex: Dunkin Donuts in a math problem. Child asks what are donkey donuts?
asset-based perspective
- Sep 2018
ir.uiowa.edu ir.uiowa.edu
M ost slaves could neither read nor write; and m any w hite A m ericans, acting according to law and custom , prevented the slaves from learning to read or write.
Slaves were not taught to read or write to the benefit of the slave owners. Many viewed slaves that were literate as a threat. It would only make the slaves more difficult for them to control. Some slaves were taught to read for religious purposes.
carry your history w ith y o u
To pass down family tradition & culture
history is the story of the lives of hum an beings—not m erely the record
Oral story telling is a part of culture and it is an exciting way to share stories no matter if they are fiction or non-fiction. It is important for young children to hear oral stories as well as reading and performing them.
oral history has been dism issed by a younger generation
This was discussed in language and literacy at NVCC. This is an ongoing issue as students just a few years ago could recite folk tales and nursery rhymes they were told to as a child. Most adults today no longer tell rhymes and oral stories very often. [yale study video made same observations]
Frederick Douglass
He is an example of a slave that taught himself to read & write with help from The Bible/ religion