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  1. Last 7 days
    1. research is about cultural texts, not social spaces, and therefore should be considered closer to history or biography and be exempt from research regulation

      Sounds like a loophole created to benefit their purposes.

    2. Yet, it may be unnecessary to create an entirely new definition of what counts as a research subject in data science

      Humans will never stop learning about things around them or themselves. It's okay that they are subjects but they cannot just be seen as data. it's important to see the context and nuance behind data.

    3. Datasets and algorithms have historical, material specificity that is laden with political and ethical values

      Datasets are not just numbers, they are representations of individuals. That is why it's important to have regulations on the data of individuals.

    4. By applying specialized tools for tracking terrorists, Hauge et al. revealed sensitive patterns of movement over several decades.

      What tools do they have that are specialized for tracking terrorists? What makes it different from any other tracking tools?

    5. This claim is particularly striking, as it is difficult to see how tracking a specific individual (and their family) to such an invasive degree could be considered respectful of their privacy.

      Find it interesting how tracking someone could be respectful of their privacy sounds like the opposite if consent isn't given.

    6. Second, US research regulations (both the current rules and proposed revisions) exempt projects that make use of already existing, publicly available datasets on the assumption that they pose only minimal risks to the human subjects they documen

      Projects using publicly existing data is just as damaging as using new data. It is possible to use different kinds of data to track the whereabouts of an individual which has dangerous consequences.

    1. Arbitration, where I might give up my rights to sue in court if necessary.

      Companies hide things like this is small text within their terms and conditions and by the time individuals find out it's already to late because they have signed their rights away.

    2. So, how can we feasibly parse all this information without spending 8 hours a day on it?

      It's not possible to be able to fully understand the ins and outs of the terms of service pages without spending hours on it. Most if not all people, will not put time aside for it and simply click yes. Companies take advantage of the limited attention spans of individuals.