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  1. Jul 2022
    1. Quote tweets ratio'ing the YAMAHA Corporation's announcement of a sale on the VOCALOID STORE, reflecting their low standing among the VOCALOID fandom

    1. There’s another unfortunate dimension to this whole saga that mimics the coercive effect of public marriage proposals: everyone innocently cheers on the romance because it tells a good story, but it places the woman in the invidious position of being the “bad guy” if she says no.

      THIS! I feel like this isn't talked about enough, but public marriage proposals have always felt very manipulative to me because it puts the person being proposed to in such an uncomfortable position.

    2. She’s since taken her Instagram offline after receiving some harassing comments, at least one of which was related to Blair’s speculation about what happened when the pair simultaneously got up to use the restroom (and Holden’s cheeky comment that “a gentleman never tells” when asked about it). Of course, the sexual implication is something he’d be praised for, while the woman is attacked.

      I hate this. It's so gross that people not only feel bold enough to make these kinds of comments at someone else's expense, but the added layer of misogyny makes it worse because while the man is praised, the woman is shamed.

    1. In 2003, the parents of the unwilling star of the “Star Wars Kid” video sued their son’s classmates for posting the video online. Though the suit was settled, the video did not disappear, and the Star Wars Kid learned to deal with his fame.

      Oh wow they really sued his classmates?! That's wild, actually.

    2. Know Your Meme must sometimes take down posts due to cease-and-desist letters from copyright holders due to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

      Idk these seems kind of ridiculous to me, like, it's a meme... is it really that serious?

    1. Intelligence officials sat in front of lawmakers and openly admitted that white supremacists and right-wing violence are the biggest domestic terror threat but also admitted that federal agencies aren’t really doing anything about it.

      The part of this that makes me the most frustrated is how "federal agencies aren't really doing anything about [white supremacist violence]" because it was true in 2019 when this article was written, and it's certainly true in 2022.

    1. What do I mean by that? Let’s use an analogy: which technique do you think would prevent more car accidents? A three-second check every time you switch lanes A twenty-second check executed every time you think a car might be there There are some hard problems with misinformation on the web. But for the average user, a lot of what goes wrong comes down to failure to follow simple and quick processes of verification and contextualization. Not after you start thinking, but before you do.

      Likening checking the validity of information online to checking your mirrors when driving is a super effective way of putting into perspective just how crucial it is to always making sure that what you're reading online is real/accurate/safe/etc.

  2. Jun 2022