38 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
    1. What about research on human subjects? We do not have to go very far back in history to find situations where researchers behaved in unethical ways towards their human subjects. One of the most famous ethical violations in history is that many experiments were conducted using concentration camp prisoners as subjects during the holocaust. Throughout the years, psychologists have engaged in various studies that have pushed the envelope of ethical research, such as Milgram's study of obedience or Zimbardo's Stanford prison study. Studies such as these have led to the development of strict ethical guidelines for human research. As with research on nonhuman animal subjects, there is a committee known as an Institutional Review Board (IRB) whose role is to approve research proposals. These committees ensure that there is an appropriate reason for completing the research with human subjects and that the safety of the human subjects are appropriately considered. To further complicate matters, here in the United States, we have our own history of when ethical violations intersected with racial/ethnic divides. Indeed, members of some groups have historically faced more than their fair share of the risks of scientific research, including people who are institutionalized, are disabled, or belong to racial or ethnic minorities. A particularly tragic example is the Tuskegee syphilis study conducted by the US Public Health Service from 1932 to 1972 (Reverby, 2009). The participants in this study were poor African American men in the vicinity of Tuskegee, Alabama, who were told that they were being treated for “bad blood.” Although they were given some free medical care, they were not treated for their syphilis. Instead, they were observed to see how the disease developed in untreated patients. Even after the use of penicillin became the standard treatment for syphilis in the 1940s, these men continued to be denied treatment without being given an opportunity to leave the study. The study was eventually discontinued only after details were made known to the general public by journalists and activists. It is now widely recognized that researchers need to consider issues of justice and fairness at the societal level.

      discusses the use of humans in research of the brain

    2. One area of controversy regarding research techniques is the use of nonhuman animal subjects. One of the keys to behaving in an ethical manner is to ensure that one has given informed consent to be a subject in a study. Obviously, animals are unable to give consent. For this reason, there are some who believe that researchers should not use nonhuman animal subjects in any case. There are others that advocate for using nonhuman animal subjects because nonhuman animal subjects many times will have distinct advantages over human subjects. Their nervous systems are frequently less complex than human systems, which facilitates the research. It is much easier to learn from a system with thousands of neurons compared to one with billions of neurons like humans. Also, nonhuman animals may have other desirable characteristics such as shorter life cycles, larger neurons, and translucent embryos. However, it is widely recognized that this research must proceed with explicit guidelines ensuring the safe treatment of the animals. For example, any research institution that will be conducting research using nonhuman animal subjects must have an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). IACUCs review the proposed experiments to ensure an appropriate rationale for using nonhuman animals as subjects and ensure ethical treatment of those subjects. Furthermore, many researchers who work with nonhuman animal subjects adhere to the Three R's: Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement (Russell & Burch, 1959). Replacement suggests that researchers should seek to use inanimate systems as a replacement for nonhuman animal subjects whenever possible. Furthermore, replacement is also suggested to replace higher level organisms with lower level organisms whenever possible. The idea is that instead of choosing a primate to conduct the study, researchers are encouraged to use a lower level animal such as an invertebrate (a sea slug, for example) to conduct the study. Reduction refers to reducing the number of nonhuman animal subjects that will be used in the particular study. The idea here is that if a study can learn sufficient information from one nonhuman animal, then they should only use one. Finally, refinement is about how the nonhuman animals are cared for. The goal is to minimize discomfort that the subject experiences and to enhance the conditions that the subject experiences throughout their life. For a full discussion of the Three R's, see Tannenbaum and Bennett (2015). In conclusion, many researchers argue that what we have learned from nonhuman animal subjects has been invaluable. These studies have led to drug therapies for treating pain and other disorders; for instance, most drugs are studied using animals first, to ensure they are safe for humans. Animal nervous systems are used as models for the human nervous systems in many areas. Sea slugs (Aplysia californica) have been used to learn about neural networks involved in learning and memory. Cats have been studied to learn about how our brain's visual system is organized. Owls have been used to learn about sound localization in the auditory system. Indeed, research using nonhuman animal subjects has led to many important discoveries.

      talks about how we use animals for studies of the brain

    1. Sometimes when surgeons perform surgery to improve the lives of their patients, they can unintentionally create other issues. One famous example of this involves patients who were subjected to a procedure that effectively disrupts the communication between the two sides of the brain. Split-brain research refers to the study of those who received this treatment and the knowledge resulting from this work (Rosen, 2018). Under what circumstances would such a seemingly radical procedure be used - and what are its effects? In order to treat patients with severe epilepsy, doctors cut the corpus callosum in the brain, which is the main structure that connects the two hemispheres. Doing this kept the electrical activity that was causing the epileptic seizures confined to one hemisphere and helped get the epilepsy under control. However, this also disconnected the two hemispheres from each other, which led to some interesting studies, where researchers were able to study the functions of each hemisphere independently. These studies will be discussed later when we cover lateralization of functions.

      effects of cutting the corpus collusum and how it can lead to issues but also stufies about each hemisphere

    2. Another way the brain has been studied by neuroscientists is through various techniques that are employed before or during brain surgery. One such technique, direct cortical stimulation, occurs when a researcher applies a small electrical current directly to the brain itself. This stimulation can cause excitation or inhibition depending on how much stimulation is given. In order to do direct cortical stimulation, the subject must have their brain exposed during surgery. One may reasonably ask the question, “Why would we ever do this?” Well, when someone is having brain surgery, there is likely a reason. For example, if a patient has a tumor in a medial portion of the brain, doctors may have to go through healthy brain tissue in order to reach the tumor so that they can remove it. Doctors must choose carefully which part of the healthy brain tissue they will damage in order to get to the tumor. One way of figuring out which area would do the least damage is to do a technique known as cortical mapping. During cortical mapping, direct cortical stimulation is applied to various parts of the healthy brain tissue to map out their functions. This allows doctors to choose the path of least damage. Alternatively, cortical mapping can now occur through surgically implanted subdural strip and grid electrodes that will allow the researchers/doctors to stimulate the brain areas in between surgeries, as opposed to during surgery. Additionally, in recent years, researchers have been examining whether TMS is an appropriate (and non-surgical) substitution for direct cortical stimulation.

      learning about the brain by poking it electronically

    3. A lesion is a site of damage in the brain. In neuroscience, we conduct lesion studies on both animals and human subjects. In animals, lesions can be made in a specific area by the researcher. Researchers are able to correlate the deficits in function with the area of damage. For example, if a researcher damages area X, and now the animal is unable to enter into REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, one can reasonably conclude that area X serves some function related to REM sleep. Although the same can be said for lesion studies of humans, accidents, or medical necessities are generally the source of human lesion subjects. You'll recall that we began this chapter by mentioning the tragic - but educational - case of Phineas Gage. Lesion studies can allow for very specific conclusions to be made about very specific brain areas. However, in human subjects, many of the lesion patients have damage to multiple areas. In general, this makes it more difficult to make conclusions about the function of the brain areas. If the person has damage to areas X, Y, and Z, and is unable to enter into REM sleep, we are uncertain whether the area that is related to REM sleep is area X, Y, or Z or some combination of them.

      learning about the brain by damaging it

    4. ne technique that is used to study animals in neuroscience, known as single cell recordings allows for us to record the activity of a cell, at least in theory. The idea of single cell recordings is that we can place a very tiny recording device, known as a microelectrode, into a single neuron and then we can try and figure out what will “activate” that particular neuron. For example, in the visual system, you may find a neuron that activates when a line moves in a certain direction in a certain location. We would then conclude that this neuron processes moving lines from a particular location. Furthermore, single cell recordings have excellent spatial and temporal resolution. The researcher can tell exactly where the activity is coming from and exactly when the activity is occurring. However, single cell recordings are usually extracellular (outside of the cell). That is, they don’t record from inside a single cell but, rather, they record from outside a few cells. Also, consider that the neuron that responds to a line in a particular location that is moving in a particular direction likely does not respond to much else. So, it is extremely difficult to determine what exactly each cell does through single cell recordings. Recording from one area ignores what is happening everywhere else in the brain.

      how single cell recording works and how they have great spatial and temporal resoultion

    1. TMS studies, as with most research techniques, can come in the form of basic research (research intended to inform our understanding) and applied research (research intended to solve a problem). Basic research in neuroscience is typically driven by research questions aimed at a general understanding of how the brain and nervous system work. Some TMS studies have used TMS to reduce brain activity in the right amygdala during the processing of faces with negative emotions (Baeken et al., 2010). Although this research wasn’t specific to autism, it is not hard to see the connection between understanding how the amygdala works and ASD. Furthermore, studies have tried to use TMS to treat ASD. Studies thus far have focused on using TMS to change activity levels and possibly stimulate neural plasticity. There was even a transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy for autism conference held in 2014 to discuss the use of the tool in the treatment of ASD. Indeed, there are myriad of possibilities for how this tool can be used in the future. (See Oberman et al. (2015) for a review of TMS treatments for ASD.)

      how TMS is used to treat ASD

    2. Another technique that is worth mentioning is transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). TMS is a noninvasive method that causes depolarization or hyperpolarization in neurons near the scalp. In TMS, a coil of wire is placed just above the participant’s scalp (as shown in Figure\PageIndex{1}). When electricity flows through the coil, it produces a magnetic field. This magnetic field travels through the skull and scalp and affects neurons near the surface of the brain. When the magnetic field is rapidly turned on and off, a current is induced in the neurons, leading to depolarization or hyperpolarization, depending on the number of magnetic field pulses. Single- or paired-pulse TMS depolarizes site-specific neurons in the cortex, causing them to fire. If this method is used over primary motor cortex, it can produce or block muscle activity, such as inducing a finger twitch or preventing someone from pressing a button.

      not sure if i understand this

    3. TMS is able to explore neural plasticity, which is the ability of connections between neurons to change. This has implications for treating psychological disorders as well as understanding long-term changes in neuronal excitability.

      i dont get it

    1. Positron emission tomography (PET) is a medical imaging technique that is used to measure processes in the body, including the brain (see Figure\PageIndex{3} for a PET scanner). This method relies on a positron-emitting tracer atom that is introduced into the blood stream in a biologically active molecule, such as glucose, water, or ammonia. A positron is a particle much like an electron but with a positive charge. One example of a biologically active molecule is fludeoxyglucose, which acts similarly to glucose in the body. Fludeoxyglucose will concentrate in areas where glucose is needed—commonly areas with higher metabolic (energy) needs. Over time, this tracer molecule emits positrons, which are detected by a sensor. The spatial location of the tracer molecule in the brain can be determined based on the emitted positrons. This allows researchers to construct a three-dimensional image of the areas of the brain that have the highest metabolic needs, typically those that are most active. Images resulting from PET usually represent neural activity that has occurred over tens of minutes, which is very poor temporal resolution for some purposes. PET images are often combined with computed tomography (CT) images to improve spatial resolution, as fine as several millimeters. Tracers can also be incorporated into molecules that bind to neurotransmitter receptors, which allow researchers to answer some unique questions about the action of neurotransmitters. Unfortunately, very few research centers have the equipment required to obtain the images or the special equipment needed to create the positron-emitting tracer molecules, which typically need to be produced on site.

      how pet scans are used and how they are different from CT scans

    2. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a method that is used to assess changes in the activity of tissue, such as measuring changes in neural activity in different areas of the brain during thoughts or experiences. This technique builds on the principles of structural MRI techniques and also uses the property that, when neurons fire, they use energy, which must be replenished. Glucose and oxygen, two key components for energy production, are supplied to the brain from the blood stream as needed. Oxygen is transported through the blood using hemoglobin, which contains binding sites for oxygen. When these sites are saturated with oxygen, it is referred to as oxygenated hemoglobin. When the oxygen molecules have all been released from a hemoglobin molecule, it is known as deoxygenated hemoglobin. As a set of neurons begin firing, oxygen in the blood surrounding those neurons is consumed, leading to a reduction in oxygenated hemoglobin. The body then compensates and provides an abundance of oxygenated hemoglobin in the blood surrounding that activated neural tissue. When activity in that neural tissue declines, the level of oxygenated hemoglobin slowly returns to its original level, which typically takes several seconds. Figure\PageIndex{1} shows a subject about to go into a functional MRI machine.

      how fmri is used and how it is different from mri

    3. Indirect brain imaging techniques rely on an assumption that activity in the brain correlates to something else that we are able to measure. In these cases, these techniques measure blood flow in the brain. The assumption is that blood flow in the brain is related to the activity level in that area of the brain. Of course, with any assumption, there is always the risk that it could be wrong. Thankfully there is extensive research examining this assumption and the scientific consensus currently is that blood flow is an appropriate indication of brain activity. The two main indirect brain imaging techniques that we will cover are functional MRI (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET).

      fMRI and pet = indirect brain imaging techniques

    1. EEG and MEG have been used to examine ASD. One of the findings included a delay in the brain wave associated with auditory stimuli. In short, there are differences in the time for processing auditory sounds in children with ASD compared to those without ASD. Furthermore, this delay appears more pronounced in children with ASD who have language developmental delays as opposed to children with ASD without linguistic delays (Roberts et al., 2019). This delay has even been proposed to help clinicians diagnose autism in young children.

      how eeg and meg are used to study ASD

    2. Direct imaging techniques are those that allow for a direct measure of brain activity. EEG and MEG are both considered direct brain imaging techniques since EEG measures the electrical activity from groups of neurons and MEG measures the magnetic fields that the electrical activity gives off. Neither of these techniques relies on measuring something else with an assumption that they are linked. This is not true in the next set of techniques we will discuss.

      eeg and meg = direct imaging techniques

    3. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is another technique for noninvasively measuring neural activity. The flow of electrical charge (the current) associated with neural activity produces very weak magnetic fields that can be detected by sensors placed near the participant’s scalp. Figure\PageIndex{3} depicts a subject in an MEG machine. The number of sensors used varies from a few to several hundred. Due to the fact that the magnetic fields of interest are so small, special rooms that are shielded from magnetic fields in the environment are needed in order to avoid contamination of the signal being measured. MEG has the same excellent temporal resolution as EEG. Additionally, MEG is not as susceptible to distortions from the skull and scalp. Magnetic fields are able to pass through the hard and soft tissue relatively unchanged, thus providing better spatial resolution than EEG. MEG analytic strategies are nearly identical to those used in EEG. However, the MEG recording apparatus is much more expensive than EEG, so MEG is much less widely available.

      how meg machine works

    4. Given that this electrical activity must travel through the skull and scalp before reaching the electrodes, localization of activity is less precise when measuring from the scalp, but it can still be within several millimeters when localizing activity that is near the scalp. While EEG is lacking with respect to spatial resolution, one major advantage of EEG is its temporal resolution. Data can be recorded thousands of times per second, allowing researchers to document events that happen in less than a millisecond. EEG analyses typically investigate the change in amplitude (wave height) or frequency (number of waves per unit of time) components of the recorded EEG on an ongoing basis or averaged over dozens of trials (see Figure\PageIndex{2}). The EEG has been used extensively in the study of sleep. When you hear references to "brain waves", those are references to information obtained using EEG.

      temporal resolution is better than spatial with eeg's

    5. Electroencephalography (EEG) is one technique for studying brain activity. This technique uses at least two and up to 256 electrodes to measure the difference in electrical charge (the voltage) between pairs of points on the head. These electrodes are typically fastened to a flexible cap (similar to a swimming cap) that is placed on the participant’s head. Figure\PageIndex{1} shows a patient wearing such a cap. From the scalp, the electrodes measure the electrical activity that is naturally occurring within the brain. They do not introduce any new electrical activity.

      how eeg works

    1. One example that we will use throughout this chapter is that of how we use these research techniques to study Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). ASD is a developmental disorder frequently characterized by issues including various combinations of interaction issues, communication difficulties, and even repetitive behaviors. Throughout each section, we will discuss some of the ways the main tools of brain research have been used to examine this disorder. Structural imaging techniques with ASD have focused on which brain structures have physical differences. MRIs have found a thicker frontal cortex (Carper & Courchesne, 2005) and a thinner temporal cortex (Hardan et al., 2006) in patients with ASD. These areas are notable because the frontal cortex is linked to communication and language abilities and the temporal cortex is linked to auditory processing (ie. language input), both of which are issues that many with ASD struggle with.

      how MRI's are used to study ASD.

    2. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive medical imaging technique based on a phenomenon of nuclear physics discovered in the 1930s, in which matter exposed to magnetic fields and radio waves was found to emit radio signals. In 1970, a physician and researcher named Raymond Damadian noticed that malignant (cancerous) tissue gave off different signals than normal body tissue. He applied for a patent for the first MRI scanning device, which was in use clinically by the early 1980s. The early MRI scanners were crude, but advances in digital computing and electronics led to their advancement over any other technique for precise imaging, especially to discover tumors. MRI also has the major advantage of not exposing patients to radiation. Drawbacks of MRI scans include their much higher cost, and patient discomfort with the procedure. The MRI scanner subjects the patient to such powerful electromagnets that the scan room must be shielded. The patient must be enclosed in a metal tube-like device for the duration of the scan, sometimes as long as thirty minutes, which can be uncomfortable and impractical for ill patients. The device is also so noisy that, even with earplugs, patients can become anxious or even fearful. These problems have been overcome somewhat with the development of “open” MRI scanning, which does not require the patient to be entirely enclosed in the metal tube. Figure\PageIndex{4} shows an MRI machine with a platform for the patient to lie on. Patients with iron-containing metallic implants (internal sutures, some prosthetic devices, and so on) cannot undergo MRI scanning because it can dislodge these implants.

      overview of MRI's and how it is essentially a giant magnet that pulls up images of your soft tissues

    3. Tomography refers to imaging by sections. Computed (or computerized) tomography (CT) is a noninvasive imaging technique that uses computers to analyze several cross-sectional X-rays in order to reveal small details about structures in the body. The technique was invented in the 1970s and is based on the principle that, as X-rays pass through the body, they are absorbed or reflected at different levels. In the technique, a patient lies on a motorized platform while a computerized axial tomography (CAT) scanner rotates 360 degrees around the patient, taking X-ray images. Figure\PageIndex{2} shows a CT scanner with a platform for the subject to lie on. A computer combines these images into a two-dimensional view of the scanned area, or “slice.” Figure\PageIndex{3} shows a series of slices of the brain for one subject. Figure\PageIndex{2}: A CT scanner at the University of Pittsburg Medical Center East. Figure\PageIndex{3}: A series of axial CT scans of the brain of one subject. Each image is a slice of the brain starting with a bottom slice and incrementally moving to higher and higher slices. Since 1970, the development of more powerful computers and more sophisticated software has made CT scanning routine for many types of diagnostic evaluations. It is especially useful for soft tissue scanning, such as of the brain and the thoracic and abdominal viscera. Its level of detail is so precise that it can allow physicians to measure the size of a mass down to a millimeter. The main disadvantage of CT scanning is that it exposes patients to a dose of radiation many times higher than that of X-rays. Whether this is particularly dangerous is still being debated (McCollough et al., 2015).

      CT scans are used to see really small things that other machines cant and get down to mm's

    4. German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen (1845–1923) was experimenting with electrical current when he discovered that a mysterious and invisible “ray” would pass through his flesh but leave an outline of his bones on a screen coated with a metal compound. In 1895, Röntgen made the first durable record of the internal parts of a living human: an “X-ray” image (as it came to be called) of his wife’s hand. Scientists around the world quickly began their own experiments with X-rays, and by 1900, X-rays were widely used to detect a variety of injuries and diseases. In 1901, Röntgen was awarded the first Nobel Prize for physics for his work in this field. The X-ray is a form of high energy electromagnetic radiation with a short wavelength capable of penetrating solids and ionizing gases. As they are used in medicine, X-rays are emitted from an X-ray machine and directed toward a specially treated metallic plate placed behind the patient’s body. The beam of radiation results in darkening of the X-ray plate. X-rays are slightly impeded by soft tissues, which show up as gray on the X-ray plate, whereas hard tissues, such as bone, largely block the rays, producing a light-toned “shadow.” Thus, X-rays are best used to visualize hard body structures such as teeth and bones. Figure\PageIndex{1} depicts an X-ray of a knee. Like many forms of high energy radiation, however, X-rays are capable of damaging cells and initiating changes that can lead to cancer. This danger of excessive exposure to X-rays was not fully appreciated for many years after their widespread use.

      overview on x rays and how they show hard structures of the body

    1. Within functional imaging techniques, researchers are frequently focused on one of two questions. They may ask “When does this activity occur?” Or “Where does this activity occur?” Some techniques are better for answering one of these questions, whereas other techniques are better for answering the other question. We describe how well a technique can determine when the activity has occurred as temporal resolution. For example, was the brain region activity occurring sometime in the last hour, the last minute, the last second, or within milliseconds? While some techniques are excellent at determining precisely when the activity occurred and other techniques are quite terrible at it. Additionally, we can describe how well a technique can determine where the activity has occurred as spatial resolution. For example, did the activity occur in the temporal lobe somewhere or can we narrow that down to a specific gyrus (ridge) or sulcus (groove) of the cerebral cortex? If it occurred on a particular gyrus can we narrow it down to a particular portion of that gyrus? As with temporal resolution, some techniques are excellent at determining precisely where the activity occurred whereas other techniques are less accurate.

      when vs where an activity occurs. When = temporal resolution, where = spatial resolution.

    2. Many researchers are also interested in how the brain works. Some studies begin with the scientific question of “what does this part do?” Or more commonly, “Where in the brain does this happen?” Functional imaging techniques allow researchers to learn about the brain activity during various tasks by creating images based on the electrical activity or the absorption of various substances that occurs while a subject is engaging in a task. Such techniques can be used, for example, to visualize the parts of the brain that respond when we're exposed to stimuli that upset us or make us happy.


    3. We have come a long way since Phineas Gage with how we study the brain. Many techniques now allow us to understand how the brain works without waiting for a horrific accident to occur or conducting some sort of surgery (although, as you will see, we still use surgical techniques to study the brain). Techniques have been developed that allow us to see what the brain looks like, as a still image (structurally) or in action (functionally).

      were gonna study the brain a bit more cautiously nowadays.

    4. This chapter will describe the various ways that biological psychologists study the brain. There are many ways to categorize the techniques that are used when studying the brain. We will start by covering the non-invasive techniques, where we are able to study the brain without getting direct physical access to the brain (think of fixing a broken pipe in a wall without having to open the wall up). Then we will move into the invasive techniques, where we study the brain by having direct access (an example would be fixing a broken pipe in a wall by tearing a hole in the wall). Then we will discuss various neuropsychological techniques, where we learn about the brain using people with some sort of brain “issue.” For example, people with epilepsy have been extensively studied and we can learn a lot about how the brain works from them. Finally, the last section will address ethical considerations of biological psychology research.

      different ways to study the brain. invasively and non invasively.

    1. In April 2013, the BRAIN (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) Initiative was launched. The focus of this initiative was to advance our understanding of the human brain. In the fiscal year 2020, 10.1 billion U.S. dollars has been allocated to neuroscience studies (Mikulic, 2021). Different institutions, agencies and foundations such as Food and Drug Administration, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, have joined in this effort.

      what we know now

    2. Early philosophers, such as Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.), believed that one's mind resided in the heart. He believed that since our blood started from the heart, the soul also originated there. Plato (428-347 B.C.E.) argued that the executor of reason was the heart and our animalistic desires and emotions were controlled by the liver (Gross, 1987). Many ancient cultures, including the Chinese, Indian, and Egyptian also shared the same belief (Carlson, 2014). When the Egyptians embalmed a person, the heart was saved and buried with the individual but the brain was discarded (Klein and Thorne, 2006). However, there were early Greeks, such as Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.E.) , who believed that it was the brain and not the heart where the locus of the mind resided. He wrote: "It ought to be generally known that the source of our pleasure, merriment, laughter, and amusement, as of our grief, pain, anxiety, and tears is none other than the brain. It is specially the organ which enables us to think, see, and hear......It is the brain too which is the seat of madness and delirium, of the fears and frights which assail us" (Gross, 1987, p. 843-844). During the 3rd Century B.C., in Alexandria, a science museum was established. Since human dissection was practiced in that city for centuries, the anatomical study of the human body flourished (Gross, 1987). Two neuroanatomists, Herophilos and Erasistratos, contributed to our knowledge of the human brain. Herophilos distinguished the cerebellum (at the very base of the back of the brain) and the cerebrum (the two cerebral hemispheres). He hypothesized that since the cerebellum was denser than the other parts of the brain, it must control the muscles (a guess of impressive accuracy). And he provided the first clear description of the cavities within the brain known as ventricles (Figure 1.2.1). Erasistratos continued the work of Herphilos and proposed that human intelligence was related to the number of convolutions (ridges) in the brain; the more convolutions an individual's brain had, the more intelligent that person would be.

      different theories on how the brain works

    3. It is important to examine the historical path of our understanding of the brain and its role in our behavior and mental processes. Examining the history of biopsychology allows us to understand its development over time, highlighting instances where researchers were wrong about the nature of brain-behavior relationships and revealing what we have yet to explain (Saucier and Elias, 2006). Studying the history of a scientific discipline gives us a roadmap of where we have traveled from and in what direction we need to go

      where it started

    4. Biopsychology as a scientific discipline emerged from a variety of scientific and philosophical traditions in the 18th and 19th centuries. Although the exact date of inception of biological psychology is unknown, there have been a number of milestones in its emergence.  William James in his book, The Principles of Psychology (1890), argued that the scientific study of psychology should be grounded in an understanding of biology (Walinga, 2014). Like many early psychologists, James had extensive training in physiology.


    1. the belief that all events in the universe have prior causes and that these causes are external to the human will.  This implies that humans do not have free will.  Instead human behavior is caused by events external to us such as our upbringing, our social and cultural environment, by our brain structure and functioning, and by our genes and our evolution as a species.

      no free will

    2. Most important to biopsychology is the application of this principle to psychology and psychological processes.  If everything in the universe is physical, then applied to psychology, including biopsychology, this means that the mind, our mental processes and subjective mental experiences, must also be entirely physical processes in an entirely material brain.

      the mind is physical too

    3. This view of the universe is called materialism or physicalism--the view that everything that exists in the universe consists of matter, energy, and other physical forces and processes.

      physical laws and how they work

    4. The frequently repeated claim that humans use only 10% of their brains is false. The exact origin of this myth is unknown, but misinterpretations of brain research are likely to blame. In experiments with animal brains during the 1800's through the early 1900's, Marie-Jean-Pierre Flourens and Karl Lashley destroyed and/or removed as much as 90% of the brain tissue of their animal subjects.  Nevertheless, these animals could still perform basic behavioral and physiological functions. Some who read these results made the incorrect assumption that this meant that animals were using only 10% of their brains.  Subsequently, this interpretation was generalized to humans (Elias and Saucer, 2006). Furthermore, prominent psychologists and researchers, such as Albert Einstein, Margaret Mead, and William James, were also quoted as saying that humans are using only a small portion of their brain (Elias and Saucer, 2006), fueling the 10% myth. Due to advances in biopsychology and other related fields, we now have a greater understanding of the complexity of the brain. We may not be using our brains as efficiently as possible at all times, but we are using the entirety of our brain as each part contributes to our daily functioning.  Studies of humans with brain damage have revealed that the effects of brain damage are correlated with where the damage is and how extensive it is. In other words, where damage occurs determines what functions are impacted and more damage has more of an effect. This reflects a key organizational principle of the brain: the localization of function.  This principle means that specific psychological and behavioral processes are localized to specific regions and networks of the brain.  For example, we now know that damage to an area of the brain known as the primary visual cortex, at the very back of your head in the occipital lobe, will result in blindness even though the rest of your visual system, including your eyes, is functioning normally. This syndrome is known as cortical blindness, to distinguish it from blindness that is caused by damage to the eyes.  We now know that damage to a small area less than the size of a quarter at the very base of your brain results in disruption of feeding and regulation of body weight.  Damage to another area of the brain located near your temples disrupts your ability to form new memories for facts and events, while leaving your ability to learn new motor tasks (such as skating or riding a bike) completely unaffected.  Damage to another brain area causes face blindness, or prosopagnosia, a disorder in which the afflicted individual can still see normally except that they cannot recognize familiar faces, even the faces of close family members or even their own face in a photograph.  In the pages that follow in this textbook, you will learn many amazing things about the brain, and the nervous system in general.  Get ready for many surprises as we explore the 3 pounds of brain tissue between our ears that make up the most complex piece of matter in the known universe. In this book, we examine some of what scientists now know about this astonishing organ, the brain, and how it functions to produce mind and behavior.

      10% of brain myth debunked and explained

    5. humans use only 10% of their brains is false.


    6. Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes in animals and humans. Modern psychology attempts to explain behavior and the mind from a wide range of perspectives. One branch of this discipline is biopsychology which is specifically interested in the biological causes of behavior and mental processes.  Biopsychology is also referred to as biological psychology, behavioral neuroscience, physiological psychology, neuropsychology, and psychobiology. The focus of biopsychology is on the application of the principles of biology to the study of physiological, genetic, evolutionary, and developmental mechanisms of behavior in humans and other animals. It is a branch of psychology that concentrates on the role of biological factors, such as the central and peripheral nervous systems, neurotransmitters, hormones, genes, and evolution on behavior and mental processes. Biological psychologists are interested in measuring biological, physiological, or genetic variables in an attempt to relate them to psychological or behavioral variables. Because all behavior is controlled by the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), biopsychologists seek to understand how the brain functions in order to understand behavior and mental activities. Key areas of focus within the field include sensation and perception; motivated behavior (such as hunger, thirst, and sex); control of movement; learning and memory; sleep and biological rhythms; and emotion. With advances in research methods, more complex topics such as language, reasoning, decision making, intelligence, and consciousness are now being studied intensely by biological psychologists.

      how bio and psychology interact with each other

    7. Biopsychology is the study of biological mechanisms of behavior and mental processes.  It examines the role of the nervous system, particularly the brain, in explaining behavior and the mind. This section defines biopsychology, critically examines a common myth about the brain, and briefly surveys some of the primary areas of research interest in biopsychology.

      definition of biopsychology