5 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. Hume’s sensible thought is this: Freedom means being able to perform an action if and when I decide to try.

      There have been plenty of times when I was clinically depressed that I tried to do something and was not able to. What is the impact of neurodivergent conditions upon freewill & determinism?

  2. Aug 2020
    1. We make no bones about it: more than any other single factor, the grades that you earn in your high school courses play the most important role in determining your competitiveness for admission to UGA.

      Do I even know what my GPA is? How do I check up on that info?

    1. The highly regimented seven-day narrative of Genesis 1 features an omnipotent God who creates a god-like humanity, while the one-day creation of Genesis 2 uses a simple linear narrative, a God who can fail as well as succeed, and a humanity which is not god-like but is punished for acts which would lead to their becoming god-like.[15] Even the order and method of creation differs.[15] "Together, this combination of parallel character and contrasting profile point to the different origin of materials in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2, however elegantly they have now been combined."[16]

      This is quite significant because churches do not always emphasize the real differences between Genesis 1 and 2. Careful reading shows they ARE different. What could this mean?

  3. Jul 2015
    1. But a society that protects some people through a safety net of schools, government-backed home loans, and ancestral wealth

      For more of Coates' insightful reporting on the practice of redlining as encouraged, enabled, and institutionalized by racist FHA policy, see his equally illuminating yet disturbing essay "The Case For Reparations". Map of redlining in 1939 Chicago