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    1. y contemplating the embodiment of the quality — just, for example, as the Alps affected the people of old times, when the state of civilization was such that an impression of great power was inseparably associated with lively apprehension and terror — then the object remains none the less esthetically good, although people in our condition are incapacitated from a calm esthetic contemplation of it.

      esthetic good is not about pleasure to us, but having "a multitude of parts so related to one another as to impart a positive simple immediate quality to their totality"

    2. From this point of view the morally good appears as a particular species of the esthetically good.

      but what about what you just said about the beautiful? Is there another esthetic good that you will recommend?

    3. voluntary

      voluntary acts are possible = free will?

    4. For Normative Science in general being the science of the laws of conformity of things to ends, esthetics considers those things whose ends are to embody qualities of feeling, ethics those things whose ends lie in action, and logic those things whose end is to represent something

      To adequately represent something one needs to follow certain rules, perhaps to adequately act one also needs to follow rules, and perhaps certain feelings also follow certain rules.

      This seems a little shaky

    5. But such support is perfectly insignificant; and when it comes to a particular case, to urge that anything is sound and good logically, morally, or esthetically, for no better reason than that men have a natural tendency to think so,


    1. For the simpler hypothesis which excluded the influence of ideas upon matter had to be tried and persevered in until it was thoroughly exploded

      So he doesn't believe in corpuscularism