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  1. Last 7 days
    1. However, the Russian invasion is forcing us to focus on the general defense effort of Ukrainian society: the fight for survival, for basic rights and freedoms, for political self-determination

      Agreed! this highlights how war brings a pause to the goals of feminists as it dismisses so many systemic issues and the focus reduces down to very basic human rights. This had to be said to show that the condition of Ukrainian women, and generally women under conflict is a threat to global feminist advancements.

    1. Weapons perpetuate war, perpetuate barbarism, and perpetuate suffering

      That is a very simplified reasoning. Somehow ironically, weapons do not perpetuate wars because when two countries with equal military might get into a clash, they are more mindful of mutually assured destruction and the rest of their allies take faster action in de-escalating tensions. Ukraine would not be attacked if it had resources anywhere similar to Russia, just like Palestine would not be so helpless in the face of Israeli oppression.

    2. We

      We here refers to feminists and revolutionaries worldwide that stand with Ukraine against Russian Invasion.