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  1. Feb 2017
    1. an illusion of effective learning” (p. 1302), and learners may stop studying before lexical items are actually acquired, resulting in underlearning

      I had never heard of this concept before, but I feel like it would be important to make our students aware of this when we discuss study strategies with them. I think that it probably goes beyond vocabulary learning as well.

    2. The participants consisted of 39 engineering and 39 economics majors

      I'm wondering if this was significant at all. Experiment 1 used a participant population consisting of engineering, commerce, and law students. Engineers were thus represented in both studies, and I assume that the distinction between commerce and economics majors was probably minor. However, I wonder whether the absence of law students (a discipline that seems more concerned with the precise meaning of words than the other two) had any effect on the differences in results obtained between the two experiments.