16 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Who is this toolkit for? <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f179bcc-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> This toolkit is for faculty teaching the following courses: Undergraduate courses that are taught online in the summer semester AND that are not part of an online program. Graduate courses that are taught online AND that are not participating in Butler+ course design services. If you are unsure if this toolkit applies to you, email OEET@butler.edu for further assistance. ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f179bcc-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179bcc-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179bcc-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179bcc-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179bcc-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179bcc-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); How were faculty involved in this process? <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f179bf6-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> In early January 2024, five faculty were identified by the Associate Deans to test the first draft of the 2024 Summer Online Toolkit. These faculty provided valuable feedback to the Academic Partnerships (AP) team, which resulted in a second iteration of the toolkit. Based on their feedback, AP: Began adding more about the purpose of the toolkit. Included more information about regulatory requirements. Simplified several template pages to make editing easier. Clarified technical language. Modified the workflow based on common faculty tasks (e.g., combining multiple course sections) Following the faculty review, University leadership conducted an internal review of the second draft of the toolkit. This review resulted in the AP team clarifying the pathways for faculty by breaking the toolkit into separate documents. Next the third version of the toolkit was reviewed by the Provost and the Provost Advisory Council (PAC). <img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" width="1024" height="768" src="https://www.butler.edu/academic-technology/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9266-2-1024x768.jpg" alt="" class="wp-image-2350 size-full" srcset="https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9266-2-1024x768.jpg 1024w, https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9266-2-300x225.jpg 300w, https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9266-2-768x576.jpg 768w, https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9266-2-1536x1152.jpg 1536w, https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9266-2-2048x1536.jpg 2048w" sizes="100vw" /> <img decoding="async" width="1024" height="768" src="https://www.butler.edu/academic-technology/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9280-2-1024x768.jpg" alt="" class="wp-image-2352 size-full" srcset="https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9280-2-1024x768.jpg 1024w, https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9280-2-300x225.jpg 300w, https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9280-2-768x576.jpg 768w, https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9280-2-1536x1152.jpg 1536w, https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9280-2-2048x1536.jpg 2048w" sizes="100vw" /> The PAC review resulted in this web-based version of the toolkit with the following changes: An introductory page that explains the “why” behind the toolkit, including more information about regulatory requirements. How the template aligns to Butler’s Course Design Rubric. More detail about the phases of this initiative. A feedback survey to collect suggested improvements. The Academic Partnerships team is worked with a second group of faculty to gather feedback on the third version of the toolkit during the week of March 22. In September 2024, after the Provost announced the Quality Matters adoption at Faculty Sentate, the Academic Partnerships team began revisions to the toolkit to align resources to the QM Essential Standards. Once revisions are complete, the AP team will convene faculty for further feedback and refinement. Faculty who are using the current version of this toolkit can submit feedback using the form linked below. Thank you to the faculty who helped develop this toolkit: S. Carey document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // move innerblocks to tabs-content var targetTabItem = document.getElementById("tab-item-s-carey"); var targetInnerBlocks = targetTabItem.querySelector(".tabitem-content"); targetInnerBlocks.setAttribute("id", "tab-content-s-carey"); var parentTabgroup = targetTabItem.closest(".tabgroup"); var destination = parentTabgroup.querySelector(".tabs-content"); destination.appendChild(targetInnerBlocks); }); M. M. Duran document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // move innerblocks to tabs-content var targetTabItem = document.getElementById("tab-item-m-m-duran"); var targetInnerBlocks = targetTabItem.querySelector(".tabitem-content"); targetInnerBlocks.setAttribute("id", "tab-content-m-m-duran"); var parentTabgroup = targetTabItem.closest(".tabgroup"); var destination = parentTabgroup.querySelector(".tabs-content"); destination.appendChild(targetInnerBlocks); }); S. Furuness document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // move innerblocks to tabs-content var targetTabItem = document.getElementById("tab-item-s-furuness"); var targetInnerBlocks = targetTabItem.querySelector(".tabitem-content"); targetInnerBlocks.setAttribute("id", "tab-content-s-furuness"); var parentTabgroup = targetTabItem.closest(".tabgroup"); var destination = parentTabgroup.querySelector(".tabs-content"); destination.appendChild(targetInnerBlocks); }); P. Linos document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // move innerblocks to tabs-content var targetTabItem = document.getElementById("tab-item-p-linos"); var targetInnerBlocks = targetTabItem.querySelector(".tabitem-content"); targetInnerBlocks.setAttribute("id", "tab-content-p-linos"); var parentTabgroup = targetTabItem.closest(".tabgroup"); var destination = parentTabgroup.querySelector(".tabs-content"); destination.appendChild(targetInnerBlocks); }); M. Rademacher document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // move innerblocks to tabs-content var targetTabItem = document.getElementById("tab-item-m-rademacher"); var targetInnerBlocks = targetTabItem.querySelector(".tabitem-content"); targetInnerBlocks.setAttribute("id", "tab-content-m-rademacher"); var parentTabgroup = targetTabItem.closest(".tabgroup"); var destination = parentTabgroup.querySelector(".tabs-content"); destination.appendChild(targetInnerBlocks); }); <img class='directory__cardImg' src='https://cdn-dev.butler.edu/scarey1-6fWUTQcQuMWmxB-WIVsbU-photo.jpg' alt='Headshot of Seth Carey' />Seth CareyAssistant Professor College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Dr. Seth Carey is originally from Nashville, Tennessee. In 2015 he completed his Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN) with a minor in psychology from Lipscomb University. In 2018. Dr. Carey completed his Masters of Science in Nursing Education (MSN Ed.)…View more about Seth Carey <img class='directory__cardImg' src='https://cdn-dev.butler.edu/mmelgare--ALwbLBmp4n2FqKFyc_Ug-photo.jpg' alt='Headshot of Mauricio Melgarejo Duran' />Mauricio Melgarejo DuranAssociate Professor of Accounting Lacy School of Business Mauricio has a Ph.D. in management with a specialization in accounting from Purdue University and an MBA from INCAE Business School. He worked as an assistant professor at INCAE Business School in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. At Butler, he teaches…View more about Mauricio Melgarejo Duran <img class='directory__cardImg' src='https://cdn-dev.butler.edu/sfurunes-JnHVkZh5tdH02Cl7y8R-m-photo.jpg' alt='Headshot of Shelly Furuness' />Shelly FurunessProfessor – Education College of Education <img class='directory__cardImg' src='https://s3.amazonaws.com/api-profiles/linos-41f_URRRO.jpg' alt='Headshot of Panos Linos' />Panos LinosProfessor – Computer Science Computer Science and Software Engineering – LAS Panos Linos is a professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Butler University since 2000. He served as the interim department chairperson during the fall 2019 semester. Following that, he has accepted the challenge to serve another 3-year…View more about Panos Linos <img class='directory__cardImg' src='https://cdn-dev.butler.edu/mrademac-TQ_567ZJ9DaD4Nk4ApsoS-photo.jpg' alt='Headshot of Mark Rademacher' />Mark RademacherProfessor College of Communication Dr. Mark Rademacher is a Professor of Strategic Communication in the College of Communication at Butler University. His teaching responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate courses, including foundations of strategic communication, research…View more about Mark Rademacher ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f179bf6-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179bf6-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179bf6-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179bf6-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179bf6-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179bf6-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); What is Quality Matters (QM)? <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f179c8d-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> Quality Matters (QM) is a widely recognized, research-based framework designed to ensure high standards in online and blended course design. QM focuses on creating clear, measurable learning objectives, aligning assessments with course goals, and ensuring accessible and engaging instructional materials. Through its peer-reviewed rubric, QM promotes continuous improvement in the online learning experience, supporting educators in crafting courses that enhance student success and engagement. Learn more on the Quality Matters website. ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f179c8d-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179c8d-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179c8d-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179c8d-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179c8d-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179c8d-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); What do I need to do for Summer 2025?

      Who? What do I need to do for Summer 2025? How are you helping me?

    2. choose not to use the toolkit

      If you are more advanced in the development of your online courses and/or teaching skills and elect not to use the toolkit, you should

    3. in the summer semester


    4. the summer semester


    5. ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f179ca4-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179ca4-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179ca4-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179ca4-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179ca4-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179ca4-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); How do I return to a QM self-review in progress? <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f179fcc-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> To return to a Self-Review in progress, Log in to the QM site, qmprogram.org/myqm. After logging in, click the CRMS button from the top navigation menu. From the left-hand menu, select My Course Reviews. Then select Self-Reviews. Select the Edit Self-Review (pencil icon) to the left of the Self-Review Title. ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f179fcc-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179fcc-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179fcc-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179fcc-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179fcc-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179fcc-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); Resources for Essential Standards GS 1: Course Overview & Introduction <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f179ff4-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> QM Standard 1.1 The Canvas course template (linked below) includes getting started information on the home page: there’s a quick “Start Here” button as well as a “Getting Started” section with more detail. These link to Module 0, which starts with a “Course Navigation” page. If you’d like, you can replace the course navigation video with one that you record for your specific course. We recommend that you use this as evidence that you met this standard. QM Standard 1.2 Likely information to meet Standard 1.2 will be found in your syllabus, although you may choose to include this in your “Welcome to the course” section on the home page of the course template. The “Course Introduction” and “Assessment Overview” sections of the syllabus may be used as evidence for this standard. If you do not include a course schedule in your syllabus, there is a page in Module 0 that you can use for this. ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f179ff4-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179ff4-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179ff4-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179ff4-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179ff4-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179ff4-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); Resources for Essential Standards GS 2: Learning Outcomes <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f17a01d-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> While most QM Essential Standards are addressed through the provided syllabus and course templates, certain requirements—particularly those related to learning outcomes—are highly specific to each course. To help you meet these standards, we’ve compiled resources on writing effective learning outcomes. By following the guidance in these short videos (totaling 5 minutes and 47 seconds), you’ll be well-equipped to meet QM Essential Standards 2.1 – 2.5. Videos QM Standard 2.1 Video QM Standard 2.2 Video QM Standard 2.4 Video ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f17a01d-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a01d-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a01d-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a01d-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a01d-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a01d-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); Resources for Essential Standards GS 3: Assessment and Measurement <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f17a035-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> QM Standard 3.1 More resources coming soon! QM Standard 3.2 Likely information to meet Standard 3.1 will be found in your syllabus. If you’re using the Butler Syllabus Template (linked here), the “Grading Schema” section may be used as evidence for this standard. ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f17a035-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a035-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a035-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a035-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a035-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a035-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); Resources for Essential Standards GS 4 (Coming Soon!) <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f17a0a5-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> More resources coming soon! ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f17a0a5-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a0a5-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a0a5-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a0a5-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a0a5-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a0a5-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); Resources for Essential Standards GS 5 (Coming Soon!) <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f17a108-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> More resources coming soon! ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f17a108-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a108-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a108-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a108-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a108-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a108-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); Resources for Essential Standards GS 6 (Coming Soon!) <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f17a168-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> More resources coming soon! ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f17a168-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a168-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a168-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a168-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a168-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a168-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); Resources for Essential Standards GS 7 (Coming Soon!) <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f17a1c9-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> More resources coming soon! ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f17a1c9-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a1c9-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a1c9-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a1c9-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a1c9-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a1c9-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); Resources for Essential Standards GS 8 (Coming Soon!)

      Collapse these under another area

    6. for Summer

      Delete "for summer"

  2. Sep 2024
    1. General Standard 2 has five essential standards relating to learning outcomes. (Notice that our Butler terminology is “learning outcome,” for example, in Curriculog, whereas QM’s terminology is “learning objective.”) Use the resources below to guide your learning outcome creation.

      Reframe the video resources slightly:

      While most QM Essential Standards are addressed through the provided syllabus and course templates, certain requirements—particularly those related to learning outcomes—are highly specific to each course. To help you meet these standards, we’ve compiled resources on writing effective learning outcomes. By following the guidance in these short videos (totaling 5 minutes and 47 seconds), you’ll be well-equipped to meet QM Essential Standards 2.1 - 2.5:

      2.1: Course learning objectives or competencies are measurable. 2.2: Module/unit-level objectives or competencies are measurable and align with course-level goals. 2.3: Learning objectives are clearly stated, written from the learner’s perspective, and prominently displayed in the course. 2.4: The connection between learning objectives and activities is clearly defined. 2.5: Learning objectives are appropriate for the course level.


    2. The content below is from the Summer ’24 Toolkit—you may still find these resources helpful since the Canvas course template and Butler syllabus template align to QM standards. If you choose to use these resources, you will be on your way to meet the other QM standards. In the coming weeks and months, you’ll likely see additional resources added here and modifications to the resources below.

      I think we should delete '24

    3. Dr. Seth Carey is originally from Nashville, Tennessee. In 2015 he completed his Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN) with a minor in psychology from Lipscomb University. In 2018. Dr. Carey completed his Masters of Science in Nursing Education (MSN Ed.)…View more about Seth Carey <img class='directory__cardImg' src='https://cdn-dev.butler.edu/mmelgare--ALwbLBmp4n2FqKFyc_Ug-photo.jpg' alt='Headshot of Mauricio Melgarejo Duran' />Mauricio Melgarejo DuranAssociate Professor of Accounting Lacy School of Business Mauricio has a Ph.D. in management with a specialization in accounting from Purdue University and an MBA from INCAE Business School. He worked as an assistant professor at INCAE Business School in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. At Butler, he teaches…View more about Mauricio Melgarejo Duran <img class='directory__cardImg' src='https://cdn-dev.butler.edu/sfurunes-JnHVkZh5tdH02Cl7y8R-m-photo.jpg' alt='Headshot of Shelly Furuness' />Shelly FurunessProfessor – Education College of Education <img class='directory__cardImg' src='https://s3.amazonaws.com/api-profiles/linos-41f_URRRO.jpg' alt='Headshot of Panos Linos' />Panos LinosProfessor – Computer Science Computer Science and Software Engineering – LAS Panos Linos is a professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Butler University since 2000. He served as the interim department chairperson during the fall 2019 semester. Following that, he has accepted the challenge to serve another 3-year…View more about Panos Linos <img class='directory__cardImg' src='https://cdn-dev.butler.edu/mrademac-TQ_567ZJ9DaD4Nk4ApsoS-photo.jpg' alt='Headshot of Mark Rademacher' />Mark RademacherProfessor College of Communication Dr. Mark Rademacher is a Professor of Strategic Communication in the College of Communication at Butler University. His teaching responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate courses, including foundations of strategic communication, research…View more about Mark Rademacher ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f1ba047cf13-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f1ba047cf13-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f1ba047cf13-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f1ba047cf13-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f1ba047cf13-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f1ba047cf13-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); What does it mean that this template is the first phase of a multi-year initiative? If I participate in Summer 2024, will I need to redo my work next year? <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f1ba047cf8b-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> While faculty are welcome to use the full Canvas course template, it can feel a bit overwhelming when implementing it all at once. Therefore, to get us started on a pathway of inclusion, accessibility, and compliance, we’ve developed an adapted version for summer 2024, which should take about half a days’ work to implement. The future phases will build upon the Summer 2024 template, meaning that future phases will scale up this template with additive materials and tasks. The future phases will focus on the Course Design Rubric indicators that were not covered in this first phase. If you are wondering if you should start now or wait until next summer, our advice is to start now. Even these small course changes for Summer 2024 can significantly enhance your course community, reduce cognitive load for learners, improve course organization and navigation, and increase your presence as an instructor. These adjustments are not about suggesting that current practices are inadequate, but rather about continuously striving for improvement and ensuring that every student has the best possible learning experience. ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f1ba047cf8b-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f1ba047cf8b-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f1ba047cf8b-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f1ba047cf8b-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f1ba047cf8b-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f1ba047cf8b-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); What is Butler’s Course Design Rubric? <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfa2-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> Butler’s Course Design Rubric is a customized synthesis of several researched-based rubrics designed to meet the specific needs of the Butler community while maintaining federal regulations, accreditation requirements, and best practices. The Rubric can be applied to course design across modalities—online, face-to-face, or something in between. For online courses, the rubric is designed to assess whether the course meets the regulatory triad of compliance expectations for online and hybrid courses and programs. You can read more about these requirements here: Overview Compliance and Regulatory Considerations for Online and Hybrid Programs Particularly, this rubric draws from the following research-validated frameworks: UPCEA Hallmarks of Excellence in Online Leadership (1-7) HLC 21st Century Distance Education Guidelines 2021 (1, 3, 5-6, 8, 12-14, 16-20) OLC Quality Scorecard for the Administration of Online Programs (Tech Support 7; Course Development 1-18; Teaching 1-4; Faculty Support 2, 4-6, 8; Student Support 3, 7-15; Evaluation 1-3, 8-9) View the comprehensive version of Butler’s Course Design Rubric Course Design Rubric (Snapshot Version) Course-Design-Rubric-SNAPSHOTDownload ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfa2-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfa2-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfa2-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfa2-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfa2-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfa2-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); Why doesn’t the 2024 summer online course template meet all Course Design Rubric criteria? <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfc3-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> Phase one of this initiative starts small with a focus on student belonging, essential course information, and transparent assignment due dates and grades. This small scope was determined based on the amount of time faculty have to implement the summer online course template. The toolkit is designed to be completed in about one work day (approximately eight hours). Although faculty members who tested and provided feedback on the 2024 summer online course template recommended additional inclusions, the administration advocated for a narrower initial phase of development to ensure broader and more efficient implementation. To answer faculty’s desire to include more rubric elements, the toolkit is designed with optional steps. Additionally, faculty have access to the course design rubric and can self-assess their course(s). ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfc3-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfc3-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfc3-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfc3-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfc3-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfc3-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); What are the seven indicators that are met in the 2024 summer online course template? What indicators are unmet? <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfd6-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> Of the 44 standards on Butler’s Course Design Rubric, the 2024 Canvas course template for online courses guides instructors to meet seven of the standards: 1, 2, 3, 5, 18, 21, 42. To see the standards and how the course template aligns, view the rubric mapping document linked below. For more details, view the rubric mapping ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfd6-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfd6-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfd6-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfd6-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfd6-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f1ba047cfd6-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); Need help? Attend a live info session

      We can delete entirely or preserve in a copy

    4. Division of Professional Studies (DPS)

      We can delete DPS and put "University leadership"

    5. Of the 44 indicators, over half relate to the first day of class or prior, with 20 of the 44 indicators pertaining to the course introduction, including the syllabus. These best practices help your students get acclimated to your course and begin the important work of making students feel belonging in the course community and, more broadly, at Butler. * Faculty who use Butler’s syllabus template (links to Ask.Butler) will meet 12 additional indicators.

      We can delete this, adding a note about using the syllabus template in conjunction with the template.

    6. 7* of 44 course design rubric indicators met

      We can either reframe or delete this.

    7. The 2024 summer online course template was adapted from Butler’s Canvas course template. The full Canvas course template is designed to support faculty in the implementation of Butler’s Course Design Rubric, a customized synthesis of several researched-based rubrics designed to meet the specific needs of the Butler community while maintaining federal regulations, accreditation requirements, and best practices. The adapted version for summer 2024 meets seven of these criteria; subsequent phases of the summer online template will increase this number.

      Tweak to remove mention of Butler's Course Design Rubric. E.g,

      The summer online course template, used alongside Butler’s syllabus template (links to Ask.Butler), is adapted from Butler’s Canvas template to help faculty implement QM Essential Standards. These research-based benchmarks ensure high-quality course design by aligning with best practices, federal regulations, and accreditation requirements.


    8. While faculty are welcome to use the full Canvas course template, it can feel a bit overwhelming when implementing it all at once. Therefore, to get us started on a pathway of inclusion, accessibility, and compliance, we encourage you to start with the adapted version for summer 2024, which should take about half a day’s work to implement. From our testing, more experienced Canvas users could complete the Level 1 toolkit steps in two to three hours. If the toolkit is taking you longer than six hours, please email APhelp@butler.edu or attend an information session for assistance.

      Let's go ahead and delete this.

    9. QM Standard 2.1 – https://vimeo.com/360301102 QM Standard 2.2 – https://vimeo.com/365054100 QM Standard 2.4 – https://vimeo.com/365527344

      Videos now in Panopto. We just need to have a student double-check the captions.


  3. May 2016
    1. estern (and Japanese) political and economic dominance especially in Asia and Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries. Its precise meaning continues to be debated by scholars. Some writers, such as Edward Said,
