6 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2021
    1. microaggressions

      reminds me similar to like a backhanded compliment. May seem like good intentions but is actually a hidden insult

    2. mass media plays a key role in how many people learn to be prejudiced

      The media will also show mugshots of African Americans but will use family/smiling pictures of white people.

    3. authoritarian personality

      Won't be so welcoming to other individuals, need everyone to abide by the rules.

    4. rustration theory (or scapegoat theory)

      They take out their frustration on others. Blame other people for their problems. For example someone who is unemployed might blame immigrants for "stealing their jobs"

    5. social learning theory

      People absorb the things/ideas that surround them. Similar to sponges, they are gonna soak up whats close to them.