- Mar 2019
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Encouraging expressive engagement in the classroo
kids should be able to use these five tools to engage in the reading process. This will help them connect and engage with the reading.
The resulting typology has five parts: dramatizing, talking back, critiquing/controlling, inserting, and taking over
These are behaviors I have witnessed in the classroom during read-alouds. Sometimes constructive, and other times not.
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6. Discussing the text.
Discussing the text is important because it gets the students engaged and helps them understand the text. The students can draw meaning, and inquire about the book. It gives students a chance to ask questions or have question be answered simply by talking about occurrences in the text.
In their review of the literature on oral lan guage development, Pinnell and Jaggar (2003) demonstrated the importance of read-alouds in the growth of oral language for both first- and second language speakers
I agree with it helping first and second language speakers. It is a good way for kids to learn new vocabulary and ideas.
he single most important activity for building knowledge required for eventual success in reading is reading aloud to children"
Reading aloud makes kids want to read more and it helps them engage in the story. with the brief conversations in-between pages, it could help students better grasp the reading. It also gets kids excited about reading.
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owever, as we realized, even the best laid plans and intentions can be fraught with what sometimes appears to be insur mountable hurdles. W
Not everything can be fixed right away and even when teachers have the best plans in play to help students, it might not always be enough, a different approach may be needed.
he teacher and I thought we had given the stu S dents the skills to productively discuss a text, but as soon as we pulled away to let them lead the group on their own instances like the previous example became far too frequent. For example, in another group that I was videotaping, what started as a civil discussion about the book rapidly declined into chaos when one boy called a girl "retarded." I
For some kids, staying on task and using inappropriate language might be an issue. Kids need skills to know how to lead a discussion group properly. EDU307
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rkshop period. Using the state-of-the-class chart depicted in Figure 3, the teacher is able to review individual student progress at a glance. When problems are found, such as a student's spending several days on one task with no apparent progress, then students are asked to make an appointment for an individ ual reading conference with the teacher. S
Teachers can see how the kids are progressing or if they are struggling throughout the activity.
e five main components of the RW structure are: (1) Sharing time, (2) the Mini lesson, (3) State-of-the-class, (4) Self-selected reading and response, and (5) Sharing time. Each of these components is depicted in Fig ure 1.
I agree with the steps mentioned. I feel as though that would work a lot better than having kids do a worksheet and read at the same time.
he classroom routine should invite children to write, respond, discuss, and become throughly involved with books?not to com plete worksheets in social isolation. T
I agree with this statement, kids should not have to read and complete a worksheet alone as their class activity. They should get time to actually focus and read the book and then they can discuss the content.
o talking during the first 10 minutes of SSR each day, during the Reading Workshop (RW) students must read, respond to reading, or update their personal reading re cords, no talking is permitted during the RW except in meetings of literature re sponse groups, RW time is not for completing home work or other school work, reading time and title logs must be up dated at the end of each RW period, restroom or drinking breaks are not permitted during the RW time except in case of emergencies, students are not permitted to disturb or interrupt a scheduled individual read ing conference. S
These are good techniques for getting students to have a productive reading session. When kids are focused on more tasks than one they can get confused and not fully pay attention to what the are reading. I think implementing these tools will help for a productive reading instruction class.
- Feb 2019
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How can I make a space for his home language but also teach him the power inherent in Standard Englis
It is important to make sure that you as a teacher do not take away a child's home language. You have to support it but also teach standard english. As a teacher you need to find a way of making them both work.
I am ashamed by my ignorance and judgmental attitude. Aa
powerful statement and talks to ones character