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  1. Dec 2023
    1. Personality Theory: The 4 Facets Extroversion-Introversion (EI): how you get your energy and where you prefer to focus your attention Sensing-Intuition (SN): how you take in information about the world around you Thinking-Feeling (TF): how you like to make decisions Judging-Perceiving (JP): how you prefer to organize your life Complete the following activity to identify your personality type based on your own self reflection. As part of the course requirement, you will also be taking the MBTI personality test through our career center. Please check the syllabus for instructions. You can complete the following quick activity to self identify your personality type. Then compare the results with the actual MBTI assessment to see how your results are similar and different. Activity 4.1: What’s Your Type? Read descriptions for the four facets. Pick which is more like you. E (Extraversion) or I (Introversion)? S (Sensing) or N? (Intuition)? T (Thinking) or F? (Feeling)? J (Judging) or P? (Perceiving)? Could be described as: Talkative, outgoingLike to be in a fast-paced environmentTend to work out ideas with other, think aloudEnjoy being the center of attention Then you prefer (E) Extraversion Could be described as: Reserved, privatePrefer a slower pace with time for contemplationTend to think things through inside your headWould rather observe then be the center of attention Then you prefer (I) Introversion Could be described as: Focus on the reality of how things arePay attention to concrete facts and detailsPrefer ideas that have practical applicationsLike to describe things in a specific, literal way Then you prefer (S) Sensing Could be described as: Imagine the possibilities of how things could beNotice the big picture, see how everything connectsEnjoy ideas and concepts for their own sakeLike to be describe in a way figurative, poetic Then you prefer (N) Intuition Could be described as: Make decision in an impersonal way, using logical reasoningValue justice, fairnessEnjoy finding the flaws in an argumentsCould be described as reasonable, level-headed Then you prefer (T) Thinking Could be described as: Base you decision on personal values and how our actions affect othersValue harmony, forgivenessLike to please others and point out the best in peopleCould be described as warm empathetic Then you prefer (F) Feeling Could be described as: Prefer to have matters settledThink rules and deadlines should be respectedPrefer to have a detailed step-by-step instructionsMake plans, want to know what you’re getting into Then you prefer (J) Judging Could be described as: Prefer to leave your options openSee rules and deadlines as flexibleLike to improvise and make things up as you goAre spontaneous, enjoy surprise and new situations Then you prefer (P)Perceiving What is your 4-letter personality type? __ __ __ __ The following are brief descriptions of the 16 personality types from Humanmetrics. Click on your personality type or a similar type to see which describes you best. The 16 personality types ESTJ ISTJ ENTJ INTJ ESTP ISTP ENTP INTP ESFJ ISFJ ENFJ INFJ ESFP ISFP ENFP INFP

      Activity 4.1: What's Your Type?