338 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. Welcome back.

      This is part two of this lesson.

      We're going to continue immediately from the end of part one.

      So let's get started.

      Now let's look at another example.

      This looks more complex, but we're going to use the same process to identify the correct answer.

      So this is a multi-select question and we're informed that we need to pick two answers, but we're still going to follow the same process.

      The first step is to check if we can eliminate any of the answers immediately.

      Do any of the answers not make sense without reading the question?

      Well, nothing immediately jumps out as wrong, but answer E does look strange to me.

      It feels like it's not a viable solution.

      I can see the word encryption mentioned and it's rare that I see lambda and encryption mentioned in the same statement.

      So at this stage, let's just say that answer E is in doubt.

      So it's the least preferred answer at this point.

      So keep that in your mind.

      It's fine to have answers which you think are not valid.

      We don't know enough to immediately exclude it, but we can definitely say that we think there's something wrong with it.

      Given that we need to select two answers out of the five, we don't need to worry about E as long as there are two potentially correct answers.

      So let's move on.

      Now, the real step one is to identify what matters in the question text.

      So let's look at that.

      Now, the question is actually pretty simple.

      It gives you two requirements.

      The first is that all data in the cloud needs to be encrypted at rest.

      And the second is that any encryption keys are stored on premises.

      For any answers to be correct, they need to meet both of these requirements.

      So let's follow a similar process on the answer text first looking for any word fluff and then looking for keywords which can help identify either the correct answers or more answers that we can exclude.

      So the first three answers, they all state server side encryption, but the remaining two answers don't.

      And so the first thing that I'm going to try to do with this question is to analyze whether server side encryption means anything.

      Does it exclude the answers or does it point to those answers being correct?

      Well, server side encryption means that S3 performs the encryption and decryption operations.

      But depending on the type of server side encryption, it means that S3 either handles the keys or the customer handles the keys.

      But at this stage, using server side encryption doesn't mean that the answers are right or wrong.

      You can use it or you can't use it.

      That doesn't immediately point to correct versus incorrect.

      What we need to do is to look at the important keywords.

      Now, if we assume that we are excluding answer E for now unless we need it, then we have four different possible answers, each of which is using a different type of encryption.

      So I've highlighted these.

      So we've got S3 managed keys, SSE-S3, KMS managed keys, which is SSE-KMS, customer provided keys, which is SSE-C, and then using client side encryption.

      Now, the first requirement of the question states encryption at rest and all of the answers A, B, C and D, they all provide encryption at rest.

      But it also states that encryption keys are to be stored on premises.

      Answers A and B use server side encryption where AWS handle the encryption process and the encryption keys.

      So SSE-S3 and SSE-KMS both mean that AWS are handling the encryption keys.

      And because of this, the keys are not stored on premises and so they don't meet the second criteria in the question.

      And this means that they're both invalid and can be excluded.

      Now, this leaves answers C, D and E, and we already know that we're assuming that we're ignoring answer E for now and only using it if we have to.

      So we just have to evaluate if C and D are valid.

      And if they are, then those are the answers that we select.

      So SSE-C means that the encryption is performed by S3 with the keys that the customer provides.

      So that works.

      It's a valid answer.

      So that means at the very least C is correct.

      It can be used based on the criteria presented by the question.

      Now, answer D suggests client side encryption, which means encrypting the data on the client side and just passing the encrypted data to S3.

      So that also works.

      So answers C and D are both potentially correct answers.

      So both answers C and D do meet the requirements of the question.

      And because of this, we don't have to evaluate answer E at all.

      It's always been a questionable answer.

      And since the question only requires us to specify two correct answers, we can go ahead and exclude E.

      And that gives us the correct answers of C and D.

      So that's another question answered.

      And it's followed the same process that we used on the previous example.

      So really answering questions within AWS is simply following the same process.

      Try and eliminate any crazy answers.

      So any answers that you can eliminate based just on the text of those answers, then exclude them right away because it reduces the cognitive overhead of having to pick between potentially four correct answers.

      If you can eliminate the answers down to three or two, you significantly reduce the complexity of the question.

      The next step is to find what really matters in the question, find the keywords in both the preamble and the question.

      Then highlight and remove any question fluff.

      So anything in the question which doesn't matter, eliminate any of the words which aren't relevant technically to the product or products that you select.

      So this is something that comes with experience, being able to highlight what matters and what doesn't matter in questions.

      And the more practice that you do, the easier this becomes.

      Next, identify what really matters in the answers.

      So again, this comes down to identifying any shared common words and removing those and then identifying any of the keywords that occur in the answers.

      And then once you've got the keywords in the answers and the keywords in the questions, then you can eliminate any bad answers that occur in the question.

      Now, ideally at this point, what remains are correct answers.

      You might start off with four or five answers.

      You might eliminate two or three.

      The question asks for two correct answers.

      And that's it.

      You've finished the question.

      But if you have more answers than you need to provide, then you need to quickly select between what remains and you can do that by doing this keyword matching.

      So look for things which stand out.

      Look for things which aren't best practice according to AWS.

      Look for things which breach a timescale requirement in the question.

      Look for things which can't perform at the levels that the question requires or that cost too much based on the criteria and the question.

      Essentially, what you're doing is looking for that one thing that will let you eliminate any other answers and leave you with the answers that the question requires.

      Generally, when I'm answering most questions, it's a mixture between the correct answer jumping out at me and eliminating incorrect answers until I'm left with the correct answers.

      You can approach questions in two different ways.

      Either looking for the correct answers or eliminating the incorrect ones.

      Do whichever works the best for you and follow the same process throughout every question in the exam.

      The one big piece of advice that I can give is don't panic.

      Everybody thinks they're running out of time.

      Most people do run out of time.

      So follow the exam technique process that I detailed in the previous lesson to try and get you additional time, leave the really difficult questions until the end, and then just follow this logical process step by step through the exam.

      Keep an eye on the remaining amount of time that you have at every point through the exam and I know that you will do well.

      Most people fail the exam because of their exam technique, not their lack of technical capability.

      With that being said, though, that's everything I wanted to cover in this set of lessons.

      Good luck with the practice tests.

      Good luck with the final exam.

      And if you do follow this process, I know that you'll do really well.

      With that being said, though, go ahead and complete this video and then when you're ready, I'll look forward to joining you in the next.

    1. Welcome back and from the very start this course has been about more than just the technical side.

      So this is part one of a two-part lesson set and in this lesson I'll focus on some exam technique hints and tips that you might find useful in the exam.

      Now in terms of the exam itself it's going to have questions of varying levels of difficulty and this is also based on your own strengths and weaknesses.

      Conceptually though understand that on average the AWS exams will generally feel like they have 25% easy questions, 50% medium questions and 25% really difficult questions.

      Assuming that you've prepared well and have no major skill gaps this is the norm.

      For most people this is how it feels.

      The problem is the order of the difficulty is going to feel random so you could have all of your easy ones at the start or at the end or scattered between all of the other questions and this is part of the technique of the AWS exams how to handle question difficulty in the most efficient way possible.

      Now I recommend conceptually that my students think of exams in three phases.

      You want to spend most of your time on phase two.

      So structurally in phase one I normally try to go through all of the 65 questions and identify ones that I can immediately answer.

      You can use the exam tools including mark for review and just step through all of the questions on the exam answering anything that's immediately obvious.

      If you can answer a question within 10 seconds or have a good idea of what the answer will be and just need to consider it for a couple more seconds this is what I term a phase one question.

      Now the reason that I do these phase one questions first is that they're easy they take very little time and because you know the subject so well you have a very low chance of making a mistake.

      So once you've finished all of these easy questions the phase one questions what you're left with is the medium or yellow questions and the hard or red questions.

      My aim is that I want to leave the hard questions until the very end of the test.

      They're going to be tough to answer anyway and so what I want to do at this stage in phase two is to go through whatever questions remain so whatever isn't easy and I'm looking to identify any red questions and mark them for review and then just skip past them.

      I don't want to worry about any red questions in phase two.

      What phase two is about is powering through the medium questions.

      These will require some thought but they don't scare you they're not impossible.

      The medium questions so the yellow questions should make up the bulk of the time inside the exam.

      They should be your focus because these are the questions which will allow you to pass or fail the exam.

      For most people the medium questions represent the bulk of the exam questions.

      Generally your perception will be that most of the questions will be medium.

      There'll be some easy and some hard so you need to focus in phase two which represents the bulk of the exam on just these medium questions.

      So my suggestion generally is in phase two you've marked the hard questions for review and just skipped past them and then you focused on the medium questions.

      Now after you've completed these medium questions you need to look at your remaining time and it might be that you have 40 minutes left or you might only have four minutes or even less.

      In the remaining time that you have left you should be focusing on the remaining red questions the difficult questions.

      If you have 40 minutes left then you can take your time.

      If you have four minutes you might have to guess or even just click answers at random.

      Now both of these approaches are fine because at this point you've covered the majority of the questions.

      You've answered all of the easy questions and you've completed all of the medium questions.

      What remains are questions that you might get wrong regardless but because you've pushed them all the way through to the end of your time allocation whether you're considering them carefully and answering them because you have 40 minutes left or whether you're just answering them at random they won't impact your process in answering the earlier questions.

      So if you don't follow this approach what tends to happen is you're focusing really heavily on the hard questions at the start of the exam and that means that you run out of time towards the end but if you follow this three-stage process by this point all that you have left is a certain number of minutes and a certain set of really difficult questions and you can take your time safe in the knowledge that you've already hopefully passed to the exam based on the easy and medium questions and the hard ones as simply a bonus.

      Now at a high level this process is designed to get you to answer all of the questions that you're capable of answering as quickly as possible and leave anything that causes you to doubt yourself or that you struggle with to the end.

      So pick off the easy questions, focus on the medium and then finish up with the really hard questions at the end.

      I know that it sounds simple but unless you focus really hard on this process or one like it then your actual exam experience could be fairly chaotic.

      If you're unlucky enough to get hard questions at the start and you don't use a process like this it can really spoil your flow.

      So before we finish this lesson just some final hints and tips that I've got based on my own experiences.

      First if this is your first exam assume that you're going to run out of time.

      Most people enter the exam not having an understanding of the structure and most people myself included with my first exam will run out of time.

      The way that you don't run out of time and the way that you succeed is to be efficient, have a process.

      Now assuming that you have the default amount of time you need to be aware that you have two minutes to read the question, read the answers and to make a decision.

      So this sounds like a lot but it's not a lot of time to do all of those individual components.

      You shouldn't be guessing on any answers until the end.

      If you're guessing on a question then it should be in the hard question category and you should be tackling this at the end.

      I don't want you guessing on any easy questions or any medium questions.

      If you're guessing then you shouldn't be looking at it until right at the very end.

      Another way of looking at this is if you are unsure about a question or you're forced to guess early on you need to be aware that a question that's later on so further on in the exam might prompt you to remember the correct answer for an earlier question.

      So if you do have to guess on any questions then use the mark for review feature.

      You can mark any question that you want for review as you go through the course and then at any point or right at the end you can see all the questions which are flagged for review and revisit them.

      So use that feature it can be used if you're doubtful on any of the answers or you want to prompt yourself as with the hard questions to revisit them toward the end of the exam.

      Now this should be logical but take all the practice tests that you can.

      One of my favorite test vendors in the space is the team over at TutorialsDojo.com.

      They offer a full range of practice questions for all of the major AWS exams so definitely give their site a look.

      One of the benefits of the exam questions created over at TutorialsDojo is that they are more difficult than the real exam questions so they can prepare you for a much higher level of difficulty and by the time you get into the exam you should find it relatively okay.

      So my usual method is to suggest that people take a course and then once they've finished the course take the practice test in the course, follow that up with the tutorials Dojo practice tests and for any questions they get wrong it can identify areas that they need additional study.

      So rinse and repeat that process, perform that additional study, redo the practice tests and when you're regularly scoring above 90% on those practice tests then you're ready to do the real exam.

      And at this point there are all of my suggestions for exam technique.

      In the next lesson I want to focus on questions themselves because it's the questions and your efficiency during the process of answering questions which can mean the difference between success and failure.

      So go ahead complete this video and in the next video when you're ready we'll look at some techniques on how you can really excel when tackling exam questions.

    1. Welcome back.

      In this video, I want to cover another part of the AWS global network, specifically the Edge Network, and that's AWS Local Zones.

      Now, this is a key architectural concept that you'll need to understand for all of the AWS exams, and especially so for the real world.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      Now, before we talk about local zones, let's just refresh our memory on what the typical region and availability zone architecture looks like without local zones.

      So we have a region, and let's say that this is US West 2, and within this we have three availability zones, US West 2A, US West 2B, and US West 2C.

      And then running in this region across those availability zones is a VPC.

      Now, an AWS region has high performance and resilient internet connections, and sitting between these and the AWS private zone is the AWS public zone.

      So this is the zone where all of the AWS public services for that region run within.

      And then lastly, on our right, we have our business premises.

      What we know about this architecture so far is that it scales.

      It can grow with your requirements, and that's really important because this is fully managed within the region.

      We also know that it's resilient to failure.

      The failure of one availability zone won't impact other availability zones, assuming a solutions architect has designed a solution which has infrastructure duplicated across all of the availability zones and things in one availability zone consume from that availability zone only, often regionally resilient services.

      Now, what I haven't talked about until now is the effects of geographic distance.

      The availability zones in this region might be hundreds of kilometers away from the business premises.

      Now, this distance, even assuming that we're using fiber, can cause latency.

      And this latency causes a reduction in performance, and this performance impact is noticeable at this distance.

      To many use cases, a few milliseconds of latency might not sound like much, but for applications which are sensitive to latency, this can really matter.

      An example might be a financial trading application.

      Even if we use Direct Connect, physics and the speed of data transfer from point A to point B matters.

      So how can we fix this?

      Well, we can use AWS local zones and let's see how this changes the architecture.

      Let's adjust the diagram a little and make it easier to see.

      And we're going to add some subnets in availability zone 2A, 2B and 2C.

      And we'll also have some EC2 instances running in these subnets.

      When we're discussing local zones, we can refer to this region as the parent region.

      So this region is the parent region to any local zones which operate in the same geographic area.

      So we're also going to add some local zones to this architecture.

      Now, these are identified starting with the region name and then a unique identifier for the local zone.

      In this example, we have US West 2 and then LAS-1, which is a local zone in Las Vegas.

      And we have US West 2 as its parent region.

      So you can see the link between the local zone and the parent region because you can read the parent region at the start of the local zone name.

      Now, it's possible to have multiple local zones in a given city.

      For instance, in this example, we have US West 2-LAS-1A and 1B.

      And both of these are in Los Angeles.

      Notice how they use the international city code to identify them.

      Now, think of these as related to the parent region, but they operate as their own independent infrastructure points.

      So they have their own independent connections to the internet.

      And additionally, generally, they also support Direct Connect, which means you can achieve high performance, private connectivity between your business locations and these local zones.

      Now, different services support local zones in different ways.

      And over the course of your studies, you're going to learn how.

      With EC2 and VPCs, the VPC is simply extended by creating subnets within the local zones.

      And then within these subnets, you can create resources as normal, utilizing the proximity of the local zone.

      So these resources benefit from super low latencies.

      The performance between the business premises and the local zone is at the extreme end of what's possible because of the smaller geographic separation between the local zone and your business premises.

      Now, an important thing to keep in mind is that some things within the local zones still utilize the parent region.

      So in this example, the subnets created in the local zones behave just like those in the parent region, and they have private connectivity just like any other subnets would.

      Local zones have private networking with the parent region.

      So remember that.

      However, if we create EBS snapshots, then these use S3 in the parent region.

      It means they still benefit from the AZ replication across all availability zones within that region that snapshots would normally benefit from.

      So certain things occur within the local zone, but certain things rely on the parent region.

      And one common example is EBS snapshots.

      Now, let's finish up this video with some key summary points because for most of the AWS certifications, you only need to have this high level architectural overview.

      So think about local zones as one additional zone or one additional availability zone so they don't have built-in resilience.

      Conceptually, one zone runs in one specific facility.

      So you can think of them like a single availability zone but near your location.

      So they're closer to you so they have lower latency and lower latency means better performance.

      So just imagine taking one of the availability zones within a region and duplicating it but putting it in a building next to your business premises.

      Now, it won't always be that close, but there are some businesses which are built very close to these AWS local zones by design.

      So you're able to get really close to the AWS infrastructure.

      Now, not all AWS products support using local zones and for the ones that do, many of them are opt-in and many of them have limitations.

      So if you're ever going to utilize local zones, you need to make sure that you check the AWS documentation for an up-to-date overview of what's supported within the local zones in your specific geographic area.

      And I've made sure to include a link attached to this video which gives you up-to-the-minute overviews for all of the AWS local zones.

      Now Direct Connect to local zones is generally supported and this allows local zones to be used to support any extreme performance needs or performance requirements.

      And once again, local zones do utilize the parent region for various things and one example is EBS snapshots are taken to the parent region and replicated over S3 in that parent region.

      Now, just to summarize this, you should use local zones as an architect when you need the absolute highest level of performance.

      Local zones, much like cloud front edge locations, are much more likely to be positioned closer to your business than the parent region and any of the normal availability zones.

      But if you do utilize local zones, you need to make sure that they do offer the functionality that you require.

      So essentially, this is just another tool that you can use to build architectures as a solutions architect.

      Now this is everything I wanted to cover in this video.

      I just wanted to give you a high level overview of the architecture of local zones.

      So go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video, I want to cover Amazon SageMaker from a high level perspective.

      Now this is a product which you need to understand at only a foundational level for most AWS exams, but in depth for some others.

      If any additional knowledge is required for the course that you're studying, there will be follow up deep dive videos.

      But if you only see this one, this is all that you'll require.

      Now I have to apologize in advance.

      I don't like creating lessons which I don't think add much real world value.

      SageMaker is a special kind of product where you're only going to be able to use it effectively if you have some practical experience.

      But because you don't need to understand how to use it in depth for most of the AWS exams, I don't really want to waste your time going into significant depth.

      It's a fairly niche product to use in the real world.

      So this lesson is really just going to present some high level features.

      And you're not going to get as much value doing it this way.

      But it's just one of those things that we have to do in this way to avoid wasting time.

      So you probably won't really like this lesson, but just stick with it because it will benefit you for the exam.

      Now let's jump in and get started straight away.

      So SageMaker is actually a collection of other products and features all packaged together by AWS.

      And it's an implementation of a fully managed machine learning service.

      So it essentially helps you with the process of developing and using machine learning models.

      So this includes data fetching, cleaning, preparing, and then training and evaluating models and then deploying those models and then monitoring those models and collecting data.

      So it's used for this entire machine learning lifecycle and it's AWS's way of implementing one product or one container of products which can help you for this entire lifecycle.

      Now there are a few key things that you need to be aware of about SageMaker.

      The first is SageMaker Studio.

      And this is essentially an IDE or integrated development environment for the entire machine learning lifecycle.

      So this allows you to build, train, debug, and monitor machine learning models.

      So think about this as a development environment for the machine learning lifecycle.

      If you see this mentioned on the exam, you understand that at a high level what it is.

      Now within SageMaker, you have the concept of a SageMaker domain.

      And I want you to think about this as isolation or groupings for a particular project.

      So you're provided with an EFS volume, separate users, you can use applications, policies, and different VPC configurations.

      So just think of this as almost a container for a particular project.

      And when you start using SageMaker, you'll have to create a SageMaker domain in order to interact with the product.

      Next we've got containers.

      And these are essentially Docker containers which are deployed to specific machine learning EC2 instances.

      So these are specific types and sizes of EC2 instances which start with ML and they're designed specifically for machine learning workloads.

      Now these Docker containers are machine learning environments which come with specific versions of the operating system, libraries, and tooling for the specific task that you're wanting to accomplish.

      And there are many different pre-built containers that you can utilize with SageMaker.

      Now SageMaker is also capable of hosting machine learning models.

      So you can deploy machine learning models as endpoints that your applications can then utilize.

      And there are various different hosting architectures which are either based on serverless or consistently running compute.

      Now again, this is beyond the scope of this high level architecture video, but I did just want you to be aware that SageMaker can host your machine learning models.

      This is something that you need to be aware of for the exam.

      And then finally, be aware that SageMaker itself has no cost, but the resources that it creates do have a cost.

      And it's fairly complex pricing because of the range of services which can be created by SageMaker.

      And another important concern about SageMaker is because of the complexity of those resources and because of the compute requirements of machine learning in general, the resources which are deployed can be relatively large and carry significant cost.

      And to help you with this, I'm going to include a link attached to this video which details some of the important cost elements for this product.

      Now at this point, that's everything I'm going to cover in this video.

      I need to apologize again, because I know it's at a very abstract and high level.

      But the only thing that you need to be aware of for most of the AWS exams is how it works structurally at a high level.

      There's only one exam where you need additional levels of understanding and that's the machine learning specialty exam.

      So if you're studying this as part of the machine learning course, you're going to find many other videos which are deep diving into how SageMaker works, including advanced demos or mini projects which are going to give you practical experience.

      But if you only see this one video, it means you're studying a course which only needs this really high level understanding.

      And with that being said, that's everything I wanted to cover in this video.

      So go ahead and complete the video.

      And when you're ready, I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I'm going to continue my super high level overview of the AWS machine learning services, this time looking at Amazon fraud detector.

      Now once again for nearly all of the AWS certifications a very high level overview is more than enough.

      If you do need any additional knowledge for the course that you're studying I will have follow-up videos but this one just covers the basics so let's jump in and get started.

      Now Amazon fraud detector as the name suggests is a fully managed fraud detection service so this allows you to look at various historical trends and other related data and identify any potential fraud as it relates to certain online activities so this might include things like new account creations payments or guest checkouts.

      Now the architecture of this much like the other managed machine learning services is that you upload some historical data and you choose a model type.

      Now for this particular service we have a few different model types.

      First we have online fraud and this is designed for when you have little historical data and you're looking to identify any problematic events such as new customer accounts.

      You might not have any data for a particular customer logically enough they're just signing up for an account so this looks at general trends such as if there are any surrounding elements of concern around this particular sign-up for this particular user.

      Now we also have another model type which is transaction fraud and this is ideal for when you do have a transactional history for that customer and this transactional history can be used to identify any suspect payments.

      This is fairly commonly used when you're performing credit card transaction validation.

      Generally you do have a full purchase history for a customer so for example what stores are used, the types of purchases that are used, the value of those purchases, the countries that the purchaser is in or the store is in as well as the amounts and times of day.

      So you can build up a fairly good profile for a given customer of what their normal transactions are like and this is what this particular model allows so you can import the transactional history for one or more customers and use this to identify any suspect payments and then the last is the account takeover model type and this can be used to identify any phishing or other social media or social based attacks.

      For example if somebody signs in from a completely different location or if they're referred from a certain site all of this can be taken into account to identify if this user has potentially been affected by an account takeover attempt.

      Now the way that this product works is that all of the various events are scored and then you can create rules which is basically a type of decision logic and use this to react to these scores based on your business activity or business risk.

      So Amazon Fraud Detector is another back-end style service which generally you're going to be integrating into your applications or environments rather than using interactively from the console.

      Now this high-level understanding is everything that you'll need for most of the AWS exams so I'm going to limit this video to covering just this high-level overview.

      So at this point we have finished go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I'm going to continue my super high-level overview of the AWS machine learning services.

      This time looking at Amazon forecast.

      Now this is not weather forecasting but forecasting based on time series data.

      Once again for nearly all of the AWS certifications a very high-level overview is more than enough.

      If you need any additional knowledge I'll have follow-up videos but this one just covers the basics.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      So Amazon forecast provides forecasting for time series data.

      Now this means things like predicting retail demand, supply chain, staffing levels, energy requirements, server capacity and web traffic.

      So any type of data which is time series where you have a large amount of historical and related data well you can use this together with forecast to provide the ability to forecast future trends and events.

      Now the way that you do this is you import historical data and related data.

      Now simple historical sales data might include just an item being sold and then a date and timestamp and you can use this to trend how popular that item is throughout that time series and use that for simple forecasting.

      Related data includes extra contextual information such as any promotions which might have been running throughout a time period and even things like the weather which can influence the data over a particular time period.

      So forecast uses both of these different sets of data so historical and related and it understands what's normal over a particular time period and the output of this will be a forecast and forecast explainability.

      Now the forecast is simple enough to understand.

      It allows you to trend out the future demand for a particular thing or understand the future requirements for a particular thing.

      The explainability though goes into more depth.

      It allows you to extract the reasons for changes in this demand.

      So for example I mentioned the weather as a related data item.

      Well in the retail world weather can have a huge impact on the general demand levels for products.

      Generally all products will be influenced to base level based on the weather.

      Some weather patterns may cause people to stay at home versus some may encourage people to go shopping.

      Now this obviously has a much greater effect for physical shopping in a retail establishment versus online but other elements of weather can also affect online shopping.

      For example if it's raining heavily you might see a demand increase for certain types of clothing.

      So this is all involved in the ability to forecast future demand based on historical data and this is what this product provides.

      It's a managed service which provides the ability to get access to forecasting for time series data.

      Now you can interact with the product from the web console where you can use it to see visualization.

      So see past data, future forecasting as well as explore explain ability of that forecast.

      It can also be interacted with using the CLI, APIs and the Python SDK.

      Now once again this is a back-end service.

      It's generally something that you're going to use as part of either a business process or integrating it with your application.

      It's relatively niche in its use and so for most AWS exams this high-level overview is everything that you'll need.

      If you do need any additional knowledge for the course that you're studying there will be additional theory and/or practical videos but at this point that's everything I wanted to cover in this high-level video.

      Go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video, I want to cover the high level architecture of the Amazon Translate product.

      This is another machine learning product available within AWS and if you need any other knowledge over and above architecture, there will be additional videos following this one.

      If you only see this video, don't worry, it just means that this is the only knowledge that you need.

      Now let's just jump in and get started straight away.

      Amazon Translate as the name suggests is a text translation service which is based on machine learning.

      It translates text from a native language to other languages one word at a time.

      Now the translation process is actually two parts.

      We first have the encoder and the encoder reads the source text and then outputs a semantic representation which you can think of as the meaning of that source text.

      Remember that the way that you convey certain points between languages differs.

      It's not always about direct translation of the same words between two different languages.

      So the encoder takes the native source text and it outputs a semantic representation or meaning and then the decoder reads in that meaning and then writes to the target language.

      Now there's something called an attention mechanism and Amazon Translate uses this to understand context.

      It helps decide which words in source text are the most relevant for generating the target output and this ensures that the whole process correctly translates any ambiguous words or phrases.

      Now the product is capable of auto-detecting the source text language.

      So you can explicitly state what language the source text is in or you can allow that to be auto-detected by the product.

      Now in terms of some of the use cases for Amazon Translate, well it can offer a multi-lingual user experience.

      So all the documents that exist within businesses are generally going to be stored in the main language of that business.

      But this allows you to offer those same documents such as meeting notes, posts, communications and articles in all of the languages that staff within your business speak and this can make it much easier for organizations which have officers in different countries to operate more efficiently.

      This also means that you can offer things like emails, in-game chat or customer live chat in the native language of the person that you're communicating with and this can increase the operational efficiency of your business processes.

      It also allows you to translate incoming data such as social media, news and communications from the language that they're written in into the native language of the staff that are interpreting those incoming communications.

      Now more commonly, Amazon Translate can also offer language independence for other AWS services.

      So you might have other services such as Comprehend, Transcribe and Poly which operate on information and Translate offers the ability for these services to operate in a language independent way.

      It can also be used to analyze data which is stored in S3, RDS, DynamoDB and other AWS data stores.

      Now generally with this product you're going to find that it's used more commonly as an integration product.

      So rather than use it directly, it's more common to see it integrated with other AWS services, other applications including ones that you develop and other platforms.

      So in the exam if you see any type of scenario which requires text to text translation then think Translate.

      If you see any scenario which might need text to text translation as part of a process then Translate can form part of that process.

      So you might want to translate one language into another and then speak that language or you might want to take audio which is in one language output text and then translate that to a different textual language.

      Keep in mind that Translate is often used as a component of a business process.

      So really keep that one in mind.

      It's not always used in isolation.

      Now with that being said, that is everything I wanted to cover in this video.

      So go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video we're going to be doing a really quick overview of Amazon Transcribe.

      Now there isn't a lot to understand about this product so let's just jump in and get started straight away.

      Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition or ASR service.

      Essentially the input to this product is audio and the output is text.

      So it takes audio in the form of speech and then outputs the text version of that speech.

      And it offers various features which improve this process so things like language customization, filters for privacy, audience appropriate language as well as speaker identification.

      In addition you can configure custom vocabularies as well as creating language models specific to your use case.

      Now the product is actually pay-per-use and your build per second of transcribed audio.

      Now with this product it's going to be much easier to see it working so I'm going to switch across to my console and give you a quick demonstration.

      Okay so I'm at the AWS console, I'm logged in as the I am admin user of my general AWS account and I'm in the northern Virginia region.

      I'm just going to go ahead and click in the search box at the top and type transcribe and then click to move to the transcribe console.

      Once I'm here I'm going to click on real-time transcription because this is what I'm going to use to demo the product.

      And once I'm here I'm going to click on start streaming, say something into my microphone and then click on stop streaming.

      I like cats, dogs, chickens and rabbits.

      Spiders not so much.

      At this point we can see that the product has transcribed what I said into my microphone into text and then by clicking here we could download a full transcript of this audio.

      Now if we just scroll down we're able to look at some of the more advanced features of the product so you can specify a specific language or you can set it to auto detect the language.

      You're able to enable or disable speaker identification, set various content removal settings such as vocabulary filtering or personally identifiable information and other redactions.

      If we expand customizations it's here where we can specify custom vocabulary, partial result stabilization or a custom language model and we can even expand this to look at application integration.

      So this product is capable of being integrated with either your own applications or other AWS products and it's on the menu on the left where you can interact with the specific versions of Amazon Transcribe such as call analytics or Transcribe Medical.

      Now both of these are beyond the scope of what I want to cover in this video but I did want you to be aware that they exist.

      Now at this point that's everything that I wanted to do in the walkthrough so I'm going to move back to the second part of the theory I'll be covering in this video.

      Now in terms of the use cases of Amazon Transcribe it allows you to do full text indexing of audio so you can convert audio into text and that can be used for full searching of the text version of that audio.

      It can also be used to create meeting notes.

      If you use the product to ingest audio from any meetings that you conduct then you can have full text records of those meetings.

      It can be used to generate subtitles, captions or transcripts of any video that your organisation uses.

      The product comes in a number of specific flavours so Transcribe, Transcribe Medical and then Transcribe Call Analytics and in the call analytics version you're able to ingest audio from any audio phone calls and assess the characteristics, perform summarisation, look at categories and sentiments of the people talking on that phone call.

      The product is also capable of being integrated with your own applications through APIs as well as being able to be integrated with other AWS machine learning services so Amazon Transcribe can convert from speech into text and then that text can be ingested by other AWS machine learning products to perform further analysis.

      Now that's the product at a high level, in this video we're just going to stick to this high level summary.

      If the topic that you're studying requires any additional information there will be additional theory and if required practical videos.

      But for most of the AWS certifications this is all the information that you'll require so go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video, I want to briefly talk about Amazon Textract.

      Now much like the other machine learning products which I'll be covering, in this video I'll only be covering Textract from a high level architecture perspective.

      If more knowledge is required, there will be additional theory or practical videos, but don't be alarmed if this is the only one.

      That just means that this is the only level of knowledge that you'll require.

      Now let's jump in and get started straight away.

      So Amazon Textract is another machine learning product available within AWS.

      And this product is used to detect and analyze text contained within input documents.

      And currently input documents mean JPEGs, PNG, PDF or TIFF files.

      Now these are the inputs and then the outputs is extracted text, the structure of that text and then any analysis which can be performed on that text.

      So this is a product which can take in one of the supported document formats and extract any relevant information.

      And as you'll see, this can include things like generic documents, identity documents or receipts or invoices.

      And I'll be demoing a couple of these from within the AWS console later on in this video.

      Now for most documents, the product is capable of operating in a synchronous way, so real time.

      So if you're inputting a normal size document, then you can expect the results of that analysis almost immediately after you submit.

      For large documents, these are processed in an asynchronous way.

      So this might be a large PDF, I think hundreds of pages.

      And for this, you might have to submit the job and then wait for processing to occur.

      Now the product is paper usage, but it does offer custom pricing available for large volumes.

      Now in terms of the use cases of this product, at a high level, it offers the detection of text and the relationship between that text.

      So you might have, for example, a receipt or invoice and it will be able to detect all of the relevant items, so prices and products, dates, as well as any interaction between those different elements.

      So it might know, for example, that a particular product line has a specific price and this has a specific element of tax.

      It also generates metadata.

      So for example, where that text occurs.

      And then for particular types of documents, it offers specific types of analysis.

      So for generic documents, it might be able to identify names, addresses and birth dates, but then for receipts, it might be able to identify prices, vendors, line items and dates.

      For identity documents, it can also do abstraction of certain fields.

      So you might have driver's licenses, which offer a driver license ID and then passports, which offer passport IDs.

      And the product is capable of assessing both of these and abstracting that in to a document ID field.

      So you can analyze many different types of identity documents and store all of that data in a common database schema, which has abstracted field IDs such as document ID.

      Now, again, this product is capable of either being used from the console UI or from the APIs.

      And so it can be integrated with any applications that you either develop or architect.

      As well as this, it can also be integrated with other AWS products and services, including other machine learning products.

      Now it's going to be far easier for you to be able to understand how this product works if I give you a brief example.

      So I'm going to go ahead and switch across to my AWS console and step through a couple of examples.

      So let's go ahead and do that.

      Okay, so I'm at the AWS console and logged into the IAM admin user at the general AWS account.

      And I have the Northern Virginia region selected.

      So I'm just going to go ahead and click in the search box at the top and type text tract.

      And then click to move to the text tract console.

      And I'm just going to step through a very simple set of examples.

      So I'm going to go ahead and click try Amazon text tract and the console itself will give you a couple of examples of how it can be used.

      So in this particular case, it's analyzed a vaccination card.

      So you can see that on this card, the data is in both a structured and unstructured format.

      So we have a number of the fields that are stored in a relatively structured way.

      So we have last name, first name, date of birth and a patient number.

      We also have a table below it, which stores the dates of the various vaccinations.

      And as you might know, if you've taken a number of vaccinations, this can either be typed, handwritten or stamped.

      And it's often not always within the nice confines of a particular area of the table.

      Now this product is able to extract all of the important elements.

      You can see that as I'm hovering my mouse here, it's able to identify the particular elements of data.

      So I can click on all of these individually.

      And you can see that they're now selected in this results table on the right.

      So it's intelligent enough to identify these individual elements, even if they're slanted or different sized or in a hard to read format.

      So this is a simple vaccination record.

      And we can see all of the information stored on the right.

      We do have different sample documents though, if we click on this dropdown, we've got a pay stub.

      This is obviously more complex with a larger amount of data.

      And as you can see, it's still identified all of this information.

      So it's extracted all of the key values from this table.

      Now what's even cooler is if I click on tables on the right, we can see that for this specific table, it's even got the intelligence, not only to extract the data, but also to extract the actual table structure itself.

      I can move through the document and see multiple tables, each containing information.

      And as you can see, a lot of these are really complex in the formatting.

      And yet the product has managed to extract all of the data with no problems.

      We've got other types of documents.

      So this, for example, is a loan application.

      And again, the text extract product is capable of extracting all of this, including larger blocks of text and enable us to browse through and deal with that data, both interactively from the console, but we could also do this from the APIs from within our own application.

      Now the product also has some specific types of analysis that it can do.

      So if I click on analyze expense, it's able to perform an extraction of data on a sample receipt.

      So you can see in this example, not only is it able to extract textual data, but it can also extract vendor information from these receipts.

      We can also perform the same type of process to analyze ID documents.

      And in this case, we're showing a driver's license and it's able to extract this number on this driver's license to be a document number.

      So we can see this document number here.

      It's abstracted this driver's license number to be the document number.

      And if we switch to a passport document, in this particular case, it's going to take the passport number and it will extract this also into a document number.

      Now, if you're doing identity document verification, for example, if you run an online application and need to perform know your customer or anti-money laundering techniques, so you need to identify and verify ID documentation, then this ability to take specific fields of certain identity documents and abstract them away and use the same data structure is really valuable.

      Now, this is everything I wanted to cover about the Textract product.

      Again, this is a basic architectural level introduction.

      If for the particular topic that you're studying, you require additional information, then there will be videos following this one, which go into more depth, either theory or practical.

      But if you don't see any additional videos on this product, don't worry, it simply means that for whatever topic you're studying, this is all the information you require.

      At this point though, that is the end of this video, so go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready, I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video, I want to talk about another really cool AWS product called Amazon Recognition with a K.

      Now let's jump in and get started because I'm actually super excited to step through this product and how it works.

      Recognition is a deep learning based image and video analysis product.

      Deep learning is a subset of machine learning.

      So this is to say that recognition can look at images or videos and intelligently do or identify things based on those images or videos.

      Specifically, it can identify objects in images and videos such as cats, dogs, chickens, or even hot dogs.

      It can identify specific people, text, for example, license plates, activities, what people are doing in images and videos.

      It can help with content moderation.

      So identifying if something is safe or not.

      It can detect faces.

      It can analyze faces for emotion and other visual indications.

      It can compare faces, checking images and videos for identified individuals.

      It can do pathing, so identify movements of people in videos.

      And an example of this might be post game analysis on sports games and much, much more.

      It's actually one of the coolest machine intelligence services that AWS has.

      And that's saying a lot.

      The product is also pay as you use per image pricing or per minute of video.

      And it integrates with applications via APIs and it's event-driven.

      So it can be invoked say when an image is uploaded to an S3 bucket.

      But one of its coolest features is that it can analyze live video by integrating with Kinesis video streams.

      So this might include doing facial recognition on security camera footage for security type situations, distinguishing between the owner of a property and somebody who's attempting to commit a crime.

      All in all, it's a super flexible product.

      Now generally for all of the AWS exams, you will need to have a basic understanding of the architecture.

      There are some AWS exams, for example, machine learning, where you might need additional understanding.

      And if you're studying a course where that additional understanding is required, there will be follow-up videos.

      In general though, it's only a high-level architecture understanding.

      And one example architectural flow might look something like this.

      So an image containing whiskers and woofy is uploaded to S3.

      Now we've configured S3 events and so this invokes a Lambda function.

      The Lambda function calls recognition to analyze the image.

      It returns the results and then the Lambda function stores the metadata together with a link to the image into DynamoDB for further business processes.

      To give some context as to the other things that recognition can do, let's just take an entirely random selection of images from the internet.

      So recognition can identify celebrities such as Ironman.

      It can also identify mic chambers that I think as a machine learning service, it might be slightly biased.

      It can identify text in images or videos such as license plates on cars or other internet memes.

      It can even identify objects, animals, or people in those same memes.

      For faces specifically, it can identify emotions or other attributes.

      So for example, identifying this random doctor is a male who currently has his eyes open and is looking very, very serious rather than being happy in any way.

      So that's recognition.

      If you have questions in the exam which need general analysis performing on images or videos for content, emotion, text, activities, anything I've mentioned in this lesson, then you should default to picking recognition.

      It's probably going to be the correct answer.

      Now with that being said, that is everything I wanted to cover in this video.

      Go ahead and complete this video And when you're ready, I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      And in this video, I want to briefly talk about the Amazon Poly product.

      Now, this is going to be another very brief video.

      All you need to know for most AWS exams and to get started in the real world is the product's high level architecture.

      If there are any other knowledge requirements for the topic that you're studying, there will be additional videos following this one.

      If not, don't worry, this is everything that you'll need to understand.

      Now, let's just jump in and get started.

      So Amazon Poly at a high level converts text into life-like speech.

      So in the example below, it takes I like cats, dogs, chickens and rabbits, spy does not so much.

      It takes that text and it generates a life-like voice or life-like speech.

      So essentially the product takes text in a specific language and results in speech, also in that specific language.

      This is really important to understand.

      Poly performs no translation.

      It can only take text in a given language and output speech also in that language.

      Now, there are two modes that Poly operates in.

      We've got standard TTS or text to speech and this uses a concatenative architecture.

      It essentially takes phonemes, which are the smallest unit of sound in the English language.

      For example, for the letter A, the phoneme is a.

      So it takes those smallest units of configurations and uses a concatenative architecture to build patterns of speech.

      We've also got neural text to speech.

      This takes those phonemes, it generates spectrograms, it puts these spectrograms through a vocoder and that generates the output audio.

      Now, this is a much more complex way of generating speech using artificial intelligence.

      It's much more computationally heavy, but what it does is result in much more human or natural sounding speech.

      Now, the product is capable of outputting in different formats.

      So you've got MP3, Agvorbis or PCM.

      And the output format that you'll choose depends on how you're intending to integrate Poly with other products.

      So you might choose PCM, for example, if you're wanting to integrate with various AWS products.

      It fully depends on what your architecture is.

      Now, there are a few final points that I want to cover.

      First is that Poly is capable of using the speech synthesis markup language.

      And this is a way that you can provide additional context within the text so you can control how Poly generates speech.

      So examples of this include that you might want to get Poly to emphasize various parts of sentences or pronounce things in certain ways.

      You might want Poly to whisper certain components of the text or you might want to use an over-exaggerated newscaster speaking style.

      These are all things that you can control with speech synthesis markup language, which is SSML.

      Now, again, Poly is the type of product that's going to be integrated with other things.

      For example, you can get a WordPress plugin which allows articles on WordPress blogs to be spoken.

      Poly can be integrated with other AWS services where you need speech to be generated based on text.

      Or you can integrate Poly with your own applications using the APIs.

      Again, this is another product which is going to be more often integrated with other things.

      Now, this isn't a product where you're going to get much benefit from seeing this in action.

      It's a very niche product that you're only ever going to use in certain situations.

      For most AWS exams, you just need a high level architectural overview.

      So at this point, that is everything I wanted to cover in this video.

      Go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover the high level architecture of Amazon Lex and Amazon Lex is a product which allows you to create interactive chatbots.

      Now for most areas of study and for solutions architects in the real world you just need to have a basic level of understanding and that's what this video will provide.

      If you need to know anything else in the course that you're studying there's going to be follow-up videos to this one.

      If not don't worry this video will cover everything that you need.

      Now let's jump in and get started.

      Amazon Lex is a back-end service.

      It's not something that you're likely to use from a user perspective.

      Instead you'll use it to add capabilities to your application.

      So Lex provides text or voice conversational interfaces.

      For the exam remember Lex for voice or Lex for Alexa.

      If you're familiar with the Amazon voice products then just know that Lex powers those voice products so it provides the conversational capability.

      It's what lets the lady in the tube answer your questions.

      Now Lex provides two main bits of functionality.

      First automatic speech recognition or ASR which is simple speech to text.

      Now I say simple but doing this well is exceptionally difficult.

      If any of you have tried using Siri which is Apple's voice assistant notice how often it gets things wrong versus the Alexa product.

      That's because it doesn't do ASR as well as Lex.

      And for any lawyers listing this is just by opinion.

      Now Lex also provides natural language understanding or NLU services and this allows Lex to discover your intent and can do intent chaining.

      So imagine the act of ordering a pizza.

      How would you start off that conversation?

      Maybe can I order a pizza please?

      Or maybe I want to order a pizza.

      What about a large pepperoni pizza please?

      The intent the thing you want to do is order pizza.

      It's Lex's job to determine that.

      But what about your next sentence?

      Make that an extra large please.

      Well Lex needs to understand that the second statement relates to the first.

      As a human it sounds easy because humans are good at this type of natural language processing.

      Computers historically have not been so great.

      So Lex allows you to build voice and text understanding into your applications.

      It's the type of thing that you would use when you don't want to code the functionality yourself.

      You integrate Lex and it does the hard work on your behalf.

      Now as a service it scales well and integrates with other AWS products such as Amazon Connect.

      It's quick to deploy and uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model so it only costs when using it.

      It's perfect for event driven or serverless architectures.

      Now in terms of the use cases which Lex can help with you might use it to build chat bots, those annoying apps on web pages which ask you if you want help or automated support chats when logging support tickets.

      It can be used to build voice assistants, you ask for something and the lady in the tube delivers.

      Things like QA bots or even info or enterprise productivity bots.

      Any interactive bot which accepts text or voice and performs a service.

      Now let's review some of the key Lex concepts.

      So Lex provides bots and bots are designed to interactively converse in one or more languages.

      I've mentioned the term intent previously.

      This is an action that a user wants to perform.

      So things like ordering a pizza, ordering a milkshake or getting a side of fries.

      Now as well as the intent we also have the concept of utterances and when creating an intent you're able to provide sample utterances and utterances are ways in which an intent might be said.

      So in order to order a pizza, a milkshake or some fries you might start off by saying can I order or I want to order or give me a.

      These are all different ways, different ways you can utter or provide utterances for an intent.

      In addition to configuring utterances you also have to tell Lex how to fulfill the intent and often this is using lambda integration.

      So if Lex understands that you do want to order a pizza it needs to have some way of initiating that pizza ordering process and often this is using lambda.

      Again lambda is really great in an event driven architecture so it integrates and complements Lex really well.

      Additionally you also have the concept of a slot and you can think of these as parameters for an intent.

      So you might have things like the size of a pizza, small, medium or large and what type of crust normal or cheesy and you can configure these to be required parameters that go along with an intent.

      So pieces of information that Lex needs to gain from that interaction with a user and just to reiterate Lex is the type of product that you're not going to use directly via the console it's going to be something that you're going to architect or develop into your applications.

      If you want to provide interactive voice assistance via a chat or voice capable bot then you're going to use Amazon Lex.

      So remember this for the exam.

      With that being said that is everything I wanted to cover in this video so go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video, I'm going to quickly discuss the functionality provided by Amazon Kendra.

      Now, this is something which you only need to have the highest level exposure to for most of the AWS exams.

      If you need to know more than this basic level, there will be other videos diving deeper into Kendra functionality, but this video will stick to the basics.

      So if it's the only video on Kendra in the course that you're taking, that's fine.

      This is everything that you need to know.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      Now, Kendra is an intelligent search service.

      So its primary aim is that it's designed to mimic interacting with a human expert.

      So the idea is that you can use Kendra to search a source of data and you feel as though you're interacting with a human expert on that data subject.

      So it supports a wide range of question types.

      We start with simple factoid based questions, such as who, what and where.

      So you can ask questions like who wrote this book, what the best type of animal is, of course it's cat, and where is this particular place.

      And Kendra will attempt to surface the answer to that information and do it in such a way that it mimics the type of interaction and the quality of response that you get with a human.

      Now, another type of question is a descriptive question.

      And this might come in the form of how do I get my cat to stop being a jerk.

      And so Kendra has to understand all the question text as well as the intent of the question.

      So what it is you're trying to surface.

      And then lastly, we have keyword type questions.

      Now, these are much more difficult than they seem on first glance.

      Imagine that you ask a question, what time is the keynote address?

      Well, in this particular case, a dress doesn't always have the same meaning.

      You can mean a postal address or you can mean in this context, a speech.

      So a keynote address is a speech, a keynote speech of a conference.

      And so Kendra has to help to determine the intent of the question being asked.

      And that's why it's a very difficult problem to solve and why Kendra adds significant value by delivering this as a service.

      Now Kendra is another backend style service.

      You're going to use this product to provide functionality to any applications or systems that you design or implement.

      So generally you will provide search capability within an application and use Kendra as a backend.

      Now let's go through the key concepts of Kendra.

      We start with an index, which is a searchable block of data organized in an efficient way.

      So the index is the thing that Kendra searches when dealing with user queries.

      We have a data source and this is the original location of where your data lives.

      So Kendra connects and indexes from this location.

      Now examples of this might be an S3 bucket, Confluence, Google Workspaces, RDS OneDrive, Kendra Webcrawler, WorkDocs, FSX, and many other data sources.

      Now there are too many to list on this screen but I will attach a link to this video which gives an exhaustive list.

      Now the idea is that you configure Kendra to synchronize a data source with an index based on a schedule.

      And this keeps the index current with all of the data that's on the original data source.

      Now in terms of the data that's being indexed, you have documents and these are either going to be structured or unstructured.

      So structured might include things like frequently asked questions and unstructured data might be things like HTML files, PDFs and text documents.

      But again, there are many more and there isn't space to have them on screen at the same time.

      So I'll include a link attached to this video which gives a full overview of all of the different types of documents that Kendra can index.

      Now Kendra as a product integrates with lots of different AWS services such as IAM for security and the IAM Identity Center previously known as AWS SSO for various single sign-on services.

      And again, just to reiterate, Kendra is a backend product.

      It's something that provides functionality to something else.

      And so you're going to be interacting with Kendra using APIs which are surfaced through your applications.

      It's not something that you'll generally interact with as an end user through the AWS console beyond the initial setup process.

      Now that's everything that you need to understand for most AWS exams and to get started with it in the real world as a solutions architect.

      So at this point, go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to very briefly talk about Amazon Comprehend and this is a natural language processing service available within AWS.

      In short you input a document and it develops insights by recognizing the entities, keyphrases, language sentiments and other common elements of that document.

      Now this video is going to cover the basics.

      If you need to have a greater level of understanding for the thing that you're studying there will be follow-up videos.

      But in this video we're going to cover the important high level elements so let's jump in and get started.

      So I mentioned moments ago that Amazon Comprehend is a natural language processing service and that you input a document so conceptually think of this as text and then the output is any entities, phrases, language, personal identifiable information so any important elements of a document is surfaced by the Comprehend service and you get access to all of these things which have been identified.

      Now the Comprehend service is a machine learning service and it's based on either pre-trained or custom models so you've got the option of using either of these.

      Now the product is capable of doing real-time analysis for small workloads or asynchronous jobs for larger workloads and the service can be used from the console or command line for interactive use or you can use the APIs to build Comprehend into your applications.

      Now it's going to be far better for you to gain an understanding of this product if you can see it operate visually.

      So I'm going to go ahead and switch across to my console and just give a brief walkthrough of exactly what the product can do.

      Now you can either watch me do this walkthrough or you can follow along within your own environment but I'm going to go ahead now and switch across to my AWS console.

      Okay so I'm currently logged into my AWS console I'm logged in as the IAM admin user of the general AWS account and as always I've got the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now once I'm here I'm going to click in the search box at the top and just go ahead and type Comprehend and then click on Amazon Comprehend.

      When you first move to the Comprehend service you'll see something like this you've got the hamburger menu on the top left where you can access all of the detailed areas of the console but just to illustrate this I'm going to go ahead and click on launch Amazon Comprehend.

      Now when you first launch the product it does give you some sample input text so that you can see exactly how the product works and we're going to start with this sample text.

      So if I just scroll down slightly under input text you'll be able to see the analysis type is built in and this allows you to have real-time insights based on the AWS built-in models so this is one of the machine learning models which I discussed in the theory part of this lesson.

      We've also got custom and this allows you to create custom models which fit your data.

      In this case though we're going to use the built-in analysis type and if I just scroll down this is sample input text it essentially describes an individual, a company, it includes some credit card information as well as other personally identifiable information.

      So what I'm going to do is go ahead and click on analyze to analyze this sample input text.

      So examples of what we get are entities so it searched the input text and it's identified anything which it classifies as an entity and examples of this are persons so the person entity and it identifies a person here which is the recipient of this email as well as the sender.

      So John is identified as a person and it has a 0.99 plus confidence.

      Now this is expressed from a value from 0 which is 0% through to 1 which is 100% and the confidence level shows how confident comprehend is of its identification.

      In this case it's over 99% sure that John is a person.

      Next we have any company financial services and this has been identified as an organization again with a high level of confidence.

      We have a credit card information and this has been identified as an entity of type other.

      We have a location so an address and then other again in the form of an email address again with 99% plus confidence.

      Now what we can also do is click on key phrases and have it filter based on all of the key phrases within this text.

      We can click on language and the product is capable of identifying any languages used in the text in this case English with again a 99% confidence.

      We can click on PII and see any personally identifiable information.

      So we have names, we have credit card numbers, date and times, bank account numbers, bank routing, address, phone numbers and emails and we can even click on sentiment to identify the overall level of sentiment in this text and for this it's identified the majority as being neutral.

      Now what I could do is replace this text so I'm going to do that.

      So I'm going to click in the box and delete it and I'm going to replace it with this.

      So my name is Adrian and I'm 1300 and 37 years old, my favorite animals are cats and I own 500 of them and my least favorite are spiders.

      I'm going to go ahead and analyze this piece of text.

      This time what I want to focus on is the sentiment analysis so it still identifies all of the keywords, the quantities in the form of my age and the number of cats that I own.

      It's still identifies the language used which is English and if I click on sentiment we'll see that there is some neutral, positive and negative but overall it's a mixed sentiment and that's because I specified that my favorite something is cats and my least favorite are spiders.

      So there's a mixed level of sentiment in this text.

      If for us to go ahead and delete the spiders part so just have my name, my age, my favorite animals and how many of them I own and then go ahead and analyze this and then go to sentiment.

      Now we'll see that it's changed.

      We have a mixture of neutral sentiment and positive sentiment so you can see how sentiment, key phrases and any personally identifiable information can be surfaced from an input document and that's what the Comprehend service does.

      Now again this can be used from the console, the CLI and the API so while I'm demonstrating a very simple interaction with this product you can use the API's and integrate it with your applications or other parts of the system so this is an important product to understand both from a solutions architect, developer and operations perspective.

      Now at this point that is everything I wanted to cover in this video I just wanted to give you a really high-level overview of how the Comprehend product works.

      At this point though go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk in a little bit more detail about the backups and resilience options we have with Redshift.

      In the last lesson you learned how Redshift functions within a single availability zone and so it's at risk from the failure of that availability zone.

      Based on this as a solutions architect you need to ensure that you design your systems with this in mind.

      So let's step through the options that we have and I'll try to keep this nice and brief because it's really a continuation of what I covered in the previous lesson.

      Now let's say that we have a Redshift cluster in US East 1.

      It's simplified a bit and so it only has two availability zones, Availability Zone A and Availability Zone B.

      And as we know now Redshift runs from only one of them.

      In this example Availability Zone B.

      Now this means that if we have a failure in Availability Zone B we have problems.

      The entire cluster will fail and any data it's managing will be at risk.

      Redshift provides a number of useful recovery features.

      First it can utilize S3 for backups in the form of snapshots.

      Now there are two types of backups supported by the system.

      Automatic backups which occur once every eight hours or so or every five GB of data change and these occur automatically into S3.

      They have by default a one day retention period configurable for anything up to 35 days and you get backup capacity totaling the capacity of your cluster for free included in the price of the cluster.

      Now the snapshots are incremental so only the data changed is stored and charged for.

      There are also manual snapshots which are performed explicitly by a person or a script or a management application and these have no retention they last until they're removed by a manual process.

      For both types of backups because they're stored on S3 you immediately benefit from the resilience profile of S3 meaning that data is replicated between three or more Availability Zones in that same region.

      So while Redshift isn't resilient across Availability Zones in a region the data managed by Redshift can be.

      Restoring from snapshots creates a brand new cluster and you can choose a working Availability Zone for that cluster to be provisioned into.

      Now if you have a major problem in the region impacting multiple or all Availability Zones in that region then Redshift offers further resilience still.

      You can configure snapshots to be copied to another AWS region.

      For example you might choose to copy snapshots to AP, Southeast 2, Land of Kangaroos, Australia.

      This means your data would be safe even from the failure of the entire original region and a new cluster could be provisioned in this new region quickly in the event of a disaster.

      Copied snapshots can be set with an independent retention period and this can help minimize costs.

      Now that's pretty much all I wanted to talk about with regards to Redshift backups.

      There are questions in the exam about Redshift and high Availability and resilience options and so I think it's important to cover that and how you can avoid the single AZ risks by using backups effectively and so that's what we've covered in this lesson.

      With that being said, thanks for watching, go ahead and complete the lesson and then when you're ready you can move on to the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      In this lesson, I want to briefly talk about Amazon Redshift.

      Redshift is a complicated product and there's no way that I can talk about it all in this lesson.

      So I'll be focusing on the things which really matter for the exam from a solutions architect perspective.

      Now we have a lot to cover, so let's jump in and get started.

      Redshift is a petabyte scale data warehouse.

      A data warehouse is a location where many different operational databases from across your business can pump data into for long-term analysis and trending.

      It's designed for reporting and analytics, not for operational style usage.

      And I'll explain what that means in a second.

      Now it's petabyte scale because it's been designed from the ground up to support huge volumes of data.

      Now Redshift is an OLAP database rather than OLTP, which is what RDS is.

      The difference is really important to understand for the exam.

      Online transaction processing or OLTP captures, stores and processes data from transactions in real time.

      So this is the type of database used when say adding orders to an online store or a database of the best cat pictures in the world.

      It's designed as the name suggests for transactions and this means inserts, modifies and deletes.

      Online analytical processing or OLAP is designed for complex queries to analyze aggregated historical data from OLTP systems.

      So other operational or OLTP systems put their data into OLAP systems.

      So RDS might put its data into Redshift for more detailed long-term analysis and trending.

      Now Redshift stores its data in columns.

      Imagine a database of all the best cats in the world.

      Every row in the database represents one cat.

      It stores the microchip ID, the name, the age, the color, its favorite food and so on.

      In a row based or OLTP database, data is stored in rows because you always interact with specific records, specific cats.

      So updating their ages or editing other attributes.

      Now this means that if you wanted to query the average age of all the cats in the database, you'd need to read through every row looking for just one field.

      With column based databases, data is stored in columns.

      So all the names, all the ages and so on.

      It makes reporting style queries much easier and more efficient to process.

      Now Redshift is one such database.

      It's a column based database and Redshift is delivered as a service just like RDS.

      So it's pretty quick to provision and you can actually provision it, load data, use it for something and then tear it down when you finished.

      Generally data is loaded into Redshift before being worked on, but the product includes some really advanced functionality.

      Two in particular are really cool.

      First is Redshift Spectrum, which allows for querying of data on S3 without loading it into Redshift in advance.

      And this is great for larger datasets.

      You still do need a Redshift cluster, but it means that instead of going through the time consuming exercise of loading data into the platform, you can use Redshift Spectrum to query data on S3.

      There's also Federated Query, which is kind of like Federated Identity, but instead of Identities, it allows you to directly query data that's stored in remote data sources.

      So essentially you can integrate Redshift with other databases, foreign or remote databases and query their data directly.

      Now Redshift integrates with other AWS tooling such as QuickSight for visualization and it has a SQL like interface for data access.

      It allows you to connect using JDBC and ODBC standards.

      So if your database app supports either, then it can connect natively to Redshift.

      Now let's go through some key architectural points before we look visually at how Redshift fits together.

      First, Redshift is a provisioned product.

      It uses servers, so it's not a serverless product like say Athena.

      It's also not something that you would really use on an ad hoc basis like Athena.

      It's much quicker to provision than on-premise data warehouse that you have to create yourself, but it does come with a provisioning time.

      It's not something that should be used for ad hoc queries of large scale datasets on S3.

      That's much more aligned to the functionality which Athena provides.

      So for ad hoc queries, look towards Athena as a default rather than Redshift.

      Now Redshift uses a cluster architecture and a really important architectural principle to understand is that the cluster is actually a private network.

      You can't access most of the cluster directly.

      Redshift runs with multiple nodes and high speed networking between those nodes.

      And because of this, logically it runs in one availability zone.

      So it's not highly available by design.

      It's tied to a specific availability zone.

      All Redshift clusters have a leader node and it's the leader node that you interact with.

      The leader node manages communications with client programs and all communications with the compute nodes.

      It develops execution plans to carry out complex queries.

      So specifically about the compute nodes, these run the queries which were assigned by the leader node and they store the data loaded into the system.

      A compute node is partitioned into slices.

      Each slice is allocated a portion of the node's memory and disk space where it processes a portion of the workload assigned to that node.

      The leader node manages distributing data to the slices and apportions the workload for any queries or other operations onto the slices.

      The slices then work in parallel to complete the operation.

      Now a node might have two, four, sixteen or thirty-two slices.

      It depends on the resource capacity of that node.

      Redshift is a VPC service and so all parts of the system can be managed as you would expect.

      So this includes VPC security controls, IAM for permissions, KMS for at rest encryption of the data and CloudWatch can also be used for monitoring of the platform.

      Now because of the way Redshift is architected, it has a feature called Enhanced VPC Routing.

      By default Redshift uses public routes for traffic when communicating with external services or any AWS services such as S3 when it's loading in data.

      Now if you enable Enhanced VPC Routing then traffic is routed based on your VPC network and configuration.

      This means it can be controlled by security groups, network access control lists, it can use custom DNS and it will require the use of any VPC gateways that any other type of traffic requires.

      So internet gateways, NAT gateways or any other VPC endpoints to reach AWS and external services.

      So if you want advanced networking control then you need to enable Enhanced VPC Routing.

      Now that's a good one to remember for the exam.

      If you do have any customized networking requirements then you do need to enable Enhanced VPC Routing.

      I just wanted to stress that again because it really is a critical point to remember for the exam.

      Now let's look at the architecture of Redshift visually before we finish with this lesson.

      So we start with a VPC and in there is a subnet in one availability zone.

      And let's say inside that we create a Redshift cluster.

      Now in the cluster there's always a leader node and it's to this leader node that anything outside of the cluster connects to in order to interact with the cluster.

      So things like management applications or work benches or visualization.

      All of this interacts with the Redshift cluster via the leader node using ODBC or JDBC style connections.

      Inside the cluster are the compute nodes and the slices on those nodes as well as the storage attached to each of the slices in the compute nodes.

      Because Redshift is located in one availability zone there are a few ways that Redshift attempts to secure your data.

      First data is replicated to one additional node when written.

      That way the system can cope with localized hardware failure.

      Additionally automatic backups happen to S3 by default around every 8 hours or every 5 GB of data written to the cluster.

      This happens automatically and has a configurable retention period.

      Now these backups occur to S3 and so you now have data stored across availability zones at this point.

      So the data with the Redshift cluster at this point is at least resilient against the failure of an availability zone.

      Additionally you can create manual snapshots also stored on S3 but you have to manage the retention yourself as an administrator.

      You can also configure snapshots to be automatically copied across AWS regions which provides you with global resilience and an effective way to spin up a Redshift cluster in another region if you have a DR event.

      In terms of getting data into Redshift you have a few options.

      You could load that data from S3 or you could copy data in from products such as DynamoDB.

      You can migrate data into Redshift using the database migration service from other data sources and even AWS products such as Kinesis Firehose can stream data into Redshift.

      Now for the exam the really important bits to understand are which products can be integrated, how Redshift fits into architectures, so what it can be used for and how to design a Redshift implementation.

      So I've covered most of the important architectural points that you'll need for the exam within this lesson.

      Now in the next lesson I want to talk in a little bit more detail about Redshift backups.

      It won't be a long lesson but I think it will be worthwhile doing because it will have benefits for the exam.

      Now that's everything I wanted to cover in this lesson.

      Go ahead and complete the lesson and then when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover the Elastocache product.

      Now this is one which features relatively often in all of the associate AWS exams and fairly often at a professional level.

      It's a product that you'll need to understand if you're delivering high performance applications.

      It's one of a small number of products which allows your applications to scale to truly high-end levels of performance.

      So let's jump in and take a look.

      So what is Elastocache?

      Well at a high level it's an in-memory database for applications which have high-end performance requirements.

      If you think about RDS, that's a managed product which delivers database servers as a service.

      Databases generally store data persistently on disk.

      Because of this they have a certain level of performance.

      No matter how fast the disk is, it's always going to be subject to performance limits.

      An in-memory cache holds data in memory which is orders of magnitude faster, both in terms of throughput and latency.

      But it's not persistent and so it's used for temporary data.

      Elastocache provides two different engines, Redis and Memcache D, and both of them are delivered as a service.

      Now in terms of what you'd use the product for, well if you need to cache data for workloads which are read heavy, so read heavy being the key term that you need to remember at this point, or if you have low latency requirements, then using Elastocache is a viable option.

      For read heavy workloads, Elastocache can reduce the workloads on a database.

      And this is important because databases aren't the best at scaling, especially relational databases.

      Now databases are also expensive relative to the data that they store and the performance that they deliver.

      So for heavy reads, offloading these to a cache can really help reduce costs.

      So it's cost effective.

      Remember that for the exam.

      Elastocache can also be used as a place to store session data for users of your application, which can help to make your application servers stateless.

      Now this is used in most highly available and elastic environments, so those that use load balancers and auto scaling groups.

      But for any systems which need to be fault tolerant, where users can't notice if components fail, then generally everything needs to be stateless and so Elastocache can help with this type of architecture.

      Now one really important thing to understand for the exam is that using Elastocache means that you need to make application changes.

      It's not something that you can just use.

      Your application needs to understand a caching architecture.

      Your application needs to know to use a cache to check for data.

      If data isn't in the cache, then it needs to check the underlying database.

      And applications need to be able to write data and understand cache invalidation.

      This functionality doesn't come for free and so if you're answering any exam questions which state no application changes, then Elastocache probably won't be a suitable solution.

      So let's have a look visually at how some of these architectures work.

      Architecturally let's say that you have an application.

      Obviously the Categorum application.

      And this application is being accessed by a customer.

      In this case Bob.

      The application uses Aurora as its back-end database engine and it's been adjusted to use Elastocache.

      Now the first time that Bob queries the application, the Categorum application will check the cache for any data.

      It won't be there though because it's the first time it's been accessed and so this will be a cache miss.

      Which means the application will need to go to the database for the data which is slower and more expensive.

      Now when it's accessed this data for the first time, the application will write the data it's just queried the database for into the cache.

      If Bob queries the same data again, then it will be retrieved directly from Elastocache and no database reads are required.

      And this is known as a cache hit.

      It will be faster and cheaper because the database won't be used for the query.

      Now with this small scale interaction, it's hard to see the immediate architectural benefit of using Elastocache.

      But what if there are more users?

      What if instead of one Bob, we have many Bob's?

      Assuming the patterns of data access are the same or similar, then we'll have a lot more cache hits and a much smaller increase in the number of database reads.

      This will allow us to scale our application and accept more customers.

      If the application data access patterns of our user base is similar at scale, then it will mean that most of the increase load placed on the application will go directly onto Elastocache.

      And we won't have a proportional increase in the number of direct accesses against our database.

      And this will allow us to scale the architecture in a much more cost effective way than if everything used direct database access.

      So we can scale the application in a much more cost effective way.

      We can deliver much higher levels of read workload and we can offer performance improvements at scale.

      So this is a caching architecture and this is a very typical architecture that Elastocache will be used for.

      Let's take a look at another and this is using the product to help us with session state data for our users.

      So let's say again that we're looking at our Categorum application, but now it's running within an auto scaling group with three EC2 instances and a load balancer.

      And it's using Aurora for the persistent data layer.

      Now again, we have a user of our application, so Bob.

      And this application I'm demoing in this part of the lesson is actually the fault tolerant extreme addition of Categorum.

      So even when components of the system fail, the application can continue operating without disrupting our user Bob.

      Now the way that it does this is to use Elastocache to store session data.

      This means that when Bob first connects to any of the application instances, his session data is written by that instance into Elastocache.

      And it's kept updated if Bob purchases any limited edition cat prints.

      So the first time Bob connects to any of the instances, that instance writes the session data and keeps the session data updated for Bob using Elastocache.

      Now if our application at any point needs to deal with the failure of an instance, where previously the session data would be lost and the application functionality disrupted, the Categorum extreme addition can tolerate this.

      If this occurs with Categorum extreme addition, then Bob's connection is moved to another instance by the load balancer.

      And Bob's experience continues uninterrupted because the session data is loaded by the new instance from Elastocache.

      Now this is another common use case for Elastocache, storing user session data externally to application instances, allowing the application to be built in a stateless way, which in turn allows it to go beyond simple high availability and move towards being a fault tolerant application.

      Elastocache commonly helps with either read heavy performance improvements or cost reductions or session state storage for users.

      But what's also important for the exam is that Elastocache actually provides access to two different engines, Redis and Memcache D.

      And it's important that you understand the differences between these two engines at a high level.

      So let's look at that next.

      Let's look at these differences.

      So the differences between Memcache D and Redis.

      Both engines offer sub millisecond access to data.

      They both support a range of programming languages.

      So no matter what your application uses, you can use both of these engines.

      But where we start to diverge is on the data structures that each of the products support.

      So Memcache D supports simple data structures only.

      So strings, whereas Redis supports much more advanced types of data.

      So Redis can support lists, sets, sorted sets, hashes, bit arrays, and many more.

      So an example could be that an application could use Redis to store data related to a game leaderboard.

      And this keeps a list sorted by their rank on that game.

      So as well as storing the actual data, Redis can help you by storing the order of this data.

      And this can significantly improve the performance of your applications.

      Now, another difference is that Redis supports replication of data across multiple availability zones.

      So it's highly available by design.

      And that can be used to scale reads by using those replicas.

      Memcache D doesn't support replication in that way.

      You can create multiple nodes which can be used to manually shard your data.

      So storing maybe certain usernames in one node and others in another.

      But Redis is the one that supports true replication across instances for scalability reasons.

      So in the exam, if you face any questions which ask about multi-availability zone or other forms of high availability or resilience, then you should look at selecting Redis as a possible answer.

      Now, additionally, from a recoverability perspective, Redis also supports backup and restores, which means that a cache can be restored to a previous state after a failure.

      Memcache D doesn't support that.

      It doesn't support persistence.

      And so if an exam question is asking about recovery of a cache without any impact to the data that's stored in that cache, then you definitely should look at using Redis rather than Memcache D.

      Now, Memcache D does have an advantage in that it's multi-threaded by design.

      And so it can take better advantage of multi-core CPUs.

      It can offer significantly more in terms of performance when using multi-core CPUs.

      A notable Redis only feature is transactions.

      And this is where you treat multiple operations as one.

      So either all of the operations work or non-work at all.

      And this can be useful if your application has more strict consistency requirements.

      This is one situation where you would select to use Redis versus Memcache D.

      Now, both of these engine types can use a range of instance types and instance sizes.

      And I've included a link in the lesson description, which gives you an overview of all of the different resources that can be provided to both of these different caching engines.

      Now, you don't need to know in detail for the exam, but just be aware architecturally that instance types and sizes which offer larger amounts of memory or faster memory types are obviously going to give you an advantage when it comes to running ElastiCache.

      Now, for the exam, you don't need to be aware of all of the different detail.

      Just be aware of the types of architectures which would benefit from an in-memory cache.

      So anything that has read heavy workloads, where you need to reduce the cost of accessing databases, where you need submilisecond access to data, or where you need to store user session state data in an external way, not using EC2 instances.

      So all of those are architectural scenarios where you might want to look at using an in-memory cache.

      Now, be aware, it doesn't come for free.

      You do need to make application changes.

      And so this isn't the type of solution that you can implement if one of your requirements is that you can't make any code changes to your application.

      With that being said, though, that's everything that I wanted to cover from a theory perspective in this lesson.

      Go ahead, complete the lesson, and when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about Amazon Athena.

      This product is one of those hidden gems available within AWS which are really valuable as long as you understand the features that it provides.

      So let's quickly jump in and explore the architecture.

      So what is Athena?

      Well, it's a serverless interactive querying service.

      Put simply, it means that you can take data stored within S3 and perform ad hoc queries on that data, paying for only the amount of data consumed while running the query and the storage used within S3 to store the original data.

      It has no base monthly cost, no per minute or per hour charges, you just pay for the data consumed.

      Now what's really special about Athena is how it handles the structured, semi-structured and even unstructured data that it uses.

      Athena uses a process called schema on read.

      And the way that I want you to imagine this is like a window or a lens through which you see the data in a certain way but where the original data is unchanged.

      Your original data stored on S3 is never changed.

      It remains on S3 in its original form.

      The schema which you define in advance modifies data in flight as it's read through the schema.

      So it translates the original unmodified source data into a table-like structure as it's read through the schema.

      As you query the data, the original data is read, left unmodified and the translation only happens within the product during the querying process.

      I can't stress this enough, the original data is maintained in its unmodified state within S3.

      Normally with databases you create tables and you have to load data into those tables.

      The data needs to be in the format of the tables or you need to perform ETL processors which stands for extract, transform and load.

      With Athena this isn't required.

      You define how you want the data to look in the form of a schema and in a non-modifying way data is loaded through this on the fly.

      And then any output can be sent to other AWS services.

      Now let's look at this visually because it's going to be easier to understand if you see the architecture.

      So Athena starts with the source data which is stored on S3 and conceptually this is read only.

      It's never modified.

      Now the product supports a wide range of data formats and this is growing all of the time.

      Some examples include XML, JSON, comma and tab separated values, Avro, Parquet, Ork and even custom application log formats such as Apache and AWS services such as CloudTrail, VPC Flow Logs and more.

      So this data on S3 is fixed.

      It doesn't get changed and that's probably one of the services most fundamental concepts that you need to understand.

      And it's why I've repeated it probably 10 times already in this lesson.

      So inside the product you create a schema and in this schema you're essentially defining tables.

      These tables define how to get from the format of the original source data to a table like structure.

      So unlike a traditional database where a table is the final structure, in Athena you're defining a way to take the original data and present it in a way that you want which allows you to run queries against these tables.

      It's almost like a recipe.

      You're defining how to convert from ingredients to a final meal.

      It's a method to get from the source data to the structure that you want to be able to query.

      So these tables within Athena don't actually contain data like a traditional database product.

      They contain information, directives on how to convert the source data to be able to query on it.

      So this schema is used at the time of querying when data is read and this is why it's called schema on read.

      The data is conceptually streamed through the schema while being queried so it can be queried in a relational style way using normal SQL like queries.

      And the output can be displayed on the console, saved or output to other AWS tools.

      And all the time for this whole process there's no base or constant cost.

      You just pay for the amount of data consumed by the query and you can even optimize the original data set to reduce the amount of data that has to be used for individual queries.

      The key thing to understand about Athena going into the exam is that it has no infrastructure.

      You don't need to think about setting up any database infrastructure in advance.

      You don't need to think about data manipulation in advance and you don't need to load data in advance.

      Keep those things in mind when going into the exam.

      They will help inform you when Athena is the right choice and when it's not.

      So Athena is great in situations where loading or transforming of data isn't desired.

      Where you have data already on S3 in a source or raw format and you need to query it without doing any loading or transformation.

      In the demo lesson which is coming up next you'll see an example of using a large data set, the open street map data.

      If you needed to load and transform that prior to use it would massively reduce its utility.

      A benefit of Athena is how you don't need to do any loading or transformation of data in advance.

      And this makes it ideal for ad hoc or occasional queries of data in S3.


      Well because you don't need any servers running in advance and you don't need to think in advance about loading or transformation.

      You have a business need and immediately run a query.

      Athena is also useful if you're a cost-conscious business.

      It's great because it's servilous.

      You pay for any data read as part of a query.

      There are no base costs and no upfront costs.

      Again, think ad hoc, sporadic and cost effective.

      Athena is also the preferred solution especially in the exam for any queries which involve AWS service logs because it has native support of VPC flow logs, cloud trail logs, elastic load balancer logs, cost reports and much more.

      And it can also query data from the Glue Data Catalog and supports web server logs.

      And again, these are keywords to look for in the exam.

      A newer feature of Athena is called Athena Federated Query.

      Now be really careful with this one because I don't want you being confused.

      For most situations if you see SQL mentioned or no SQL mentioned or any specific database product then the answer to that question is likely not to be Athena.

      But Athena now has the capability to query non-S3 data sources.

      Athena uses data source connectors that run on AWS Lambda to perform federated queries.

      So a data source connector is basically a piece of code that can translate between a target data source which isn't S3 and Athena.

      So you can think of a connector as almost like an extension to Athena's querying engine.

      So you've got pre-built connectors which exist for data sources like cloud watch logs, DynamoDB, DocumentDB, Amazon RDS and even other JDBC compliant relational data sources such as MySQL, Postgres and many more.

      So Athena Federated Query really is a feature which is going to massively improve the utility of the product.

      Now that's all of the theory that you need to be aware of for the product as well as some of the key use cases that you might see in the exam.

      So at this point go ahead, finish this lesson and then when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about DynamoDB TTL which stands for Time to Live.

      It's a pretty simple concept to understand fully but really powerful and it's one that you'll need to understand for the exam and in the real world.

      So let's jump in and I'll try to make this one as brief as possible.

      Let's say within DynamoDB that we have this table.

      I'm only showing three items but let's assume that the table has 3 million.

      It has a partition key in blue on the left and a sort key in green next to that.

      And in addition to that it has three attributes, yellow in the middle of the table, then red and then pink.

      Now for that table there are going to be many partitions which support the operations on that table and here I'm just showing two.

      One partition which stores any items which use the dark blue partition key value and another one which stores currently the two items with a light blue partition key value.

      Now the TTL feature lets you define a time stamp which allows items in a table to be automatically deleted at a certain point in time.

      You're defining when an item is no longer required so per item you specify a date and a time and at that point the item is marked as expired and then deleted.

      Now let's step through how this works.

      First on a table you need to enable TTL and pick an attribute to be used for the TTL processors.

      The attribute should then contain a number.

      It's a value in seconds, the seconds since the epoch which is the first of January 1970.

      So if you want an item to expire in one week's time you need to find out how many seconds since that date one week from now is and then put that into the attribute that you pick for TTL.

      And you should do that on all items which you want to be affected by the TTL processors.

      So when you configure TTL on a table what it actually does is it configures automated processors which run on every partition of that table.

      The first process periodically scans all items in a partition comparing the value in the TTL attribute with the current date and time in epoch format.

      In effect it's checking if the item should still be viewed as valid.

      Where any value in the TTL attribute is less than the current date and time so when the item is no longer valid that item is set to expired.

      They aren't deleted yet, they can still be queried and viewed in the table, they're just expired.

      Next another automated process which runs periodically and which is independent of the initial one this runs also on all of these partitions.

      This time it's looking for any items which are set as expired and when it finds any items these items are deleted from the partitions meaning they're removed from the table.

      They're also removed from any indexes and a delete is also added to any streams configured on the table.

      Now these delete operations are system events they run in the background and don't cause any performance issues nor do they have a charge.

      You can also in addition configure a stream on the actual TTL processors and this creates a 24 hour window of any deletions which are caused by those TTL processors.

      And this is useful if you want to have any housekeeping processors where you track the TTL events which occur on tables.

      So potentially things like an undelete function or some kind of table auditing.

      So this is key to understand delete events are placed into a normal table stream along with any creates or modifies but in addition you can create a dedicated stream which is linked to the TTL processors.

      So you can get a 24 hour rolling window of just those deletes.

      So TTL in summary allows you to define a per item time stamp which determines when an item is no longer needed.

      It's useful if you store items which lose relevance after a specific time.

      For example removing user or sensor data after one year of inactivity in an application or retaining sensitive data for a certain amount of time.

      Maybe you have regulatory or contractual obligations which mean you need to retain data for say one year three years or five years.

      Then you can configure those within a TTL attribute and DynamoDB will automatically remove items once they're no longer relevant.

      Now that's everything I wanted to cover in this lesson so go ahead and complete the lesson and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about the DynamoDB accelerator known as DAX and DAX is an in-memory cache for DynamoDB which substantially improves performance but unlike other caches it's directly integrated with the product itself so it's really easy for an architect to implement without lots of additional planning work so let's jump in and take a look.

      Now before I focus on DAX specifically I want to spend a few minutes contrasting how an example flow works using DAX versus a traditional in-memory cache so let's assume that we have an application which uses DynamoDB for its persistent data storage so on the top we've got the traditional in-memory cache and on the bottom we've got DAX so the flow using the generic in-memory cache goes something like this first the application needs to access some data and so it checks the cache now if the cache doesn't have the data this is known as a cache miss and if this happens the application then loads the data directly from the database once it has the data which takes longer than getting it from the cache directly it updates the cache with the new data and then any subsequent reads from that point forward will directly load the data from the cache which is called a cache hit and this will be faster.

      Now the problem with this architecture is the lack of integration between the cache and the database let's contrast this with DAX and when using DAX there's extra software involved and this is installed on the application instance it's the DAX SDK or software development kit and this takes away the admin overhead from the application because now DAX and DynamoDB are one and the same from the applications perspective the application makes a single call requesting the data and this is handled by DAX if DAX has the data if it's a cache hit and the data is returned directly if not then DAX handles the rest so it goes to DynamoDB to retrieve the data it gets the data adds it back into its cache and then returns that data to the client and the benefit of this method is that it's one set of API calls using one software development kit.

      DAX is designed for DynamoDB and so it's tightly integrated with it it's much less admin overhead than using a generic cache so by using DAX and by integrating all of the different API calls into one SDK it makes it really easy to implement caching into your application.

      So now that we know the difference between DAX and generic caches let's focus now on exactly how the DynamoDB accelerator is architected.

      Now DAX operates from within a VPC and it's designed to be deployed into multiple availability zones in that VPC so like many VPC based computers and services you need to deploy it's across availability zones to ensure that it's highly available.

      Now DAX is a cluster service where nodes are placed into different availability zones there's a primary node which is the read and write node and this replicates out to other nodes which are the replica nodes and these function as read replicas.

      So with this architecture we have an EC2 instance running an application and the DAX SDK and this will communicate with the cluster and at the other side the cluster communicates with DynamoDB.

      Now DAX actually maintains two different caches first is the item cache and this caches individual items which are retrieved via the get item or batch get item operations so these operate on single items and you need to specify an items partition key and if present it's sort key so the item cache just holds items which are directly retrieved in this way.

      It also has the query cache which stores collection of items retrieved via query or scan operations but crucially it also stores the parameters used in that original query or scan so it links the parameters that are supplied to that operation with the data that's been returned so it means that whole query or scan operations can be rerun and return the same cached data.

      Now DAX is accessed architecturally much like RDS every DAX cluster has an endpoint which is used to load balance across the cluster.

      If data is retrieved from DAX directly then it's called a cache hit and the results can be returned in microseconds.

      You might get a response back typically in say 400 microseconds.

      Any cache misses so when DAX has to consult DynamoDB these are generally returned in single digit milliseconds.

      Now in writing data to DynamoDB DAX can use write through caching so the data is written into DAX at the same time as being written into the database.

      If a cache miss occurs while reading the data is also written to the primary node of the cluster as the data is retrieved and then it's replicated from the primary node to the replica nodes.

      So DAX is a really efficient way of interacting with DynamoDB because architecturally it actually abstracts away from DynamoDB you think you're interacting with a single product using a single set of APIs but behind the scenes DAX is handling the process improvement that comes from caching and that's both for read and write operations.

      Now before we finish up I just want to step through some important facts and considerations that you'll need for the exam.

      So DAX is a cluster you've got the primary node which supports write operations and replicas which support read operations.

      Nodes are designed to implement high availability so if you implement multiple nodes and one of the nodes fails for example the primary node it will have an election and fail over to one of the replicas which will become the new primary node.

      Now DAX is an in-memory cache and so it allows for much faster read operations and significantly reduced costs.

      If you're performing the same set of read operations on the same set of data over and over again then you can achieve substantial performance improvements by implementing DAX and caching those results and in addition because you're not having to constantly go back to DynamoDB time after time for the same data then you generally do achieve significant cost reductions.

      In terms of scaling with DAX you can either scale up or scale out so this means using bigger DAX instances or adding additional instances.

      So you can scale in both directions up and out.

      Now unlike a lot of caches DAX does support write through which means that if you do write some data to DynamoDB you can write it using the DAX SDK.

      DAX will handle that data being committed to DynamoDB and also storing that data inside the cache.

      Architecturally you do need to know that while DynamoDB is a public AWS service DAX is not it's deployed inside a VPC and so logically any application which is using DAX will also need to be deployed into that VPC.

      So DAX is an in-memory cache and it's designed to reduce the response time of read operations by an order of magnitude taking you down from single digit milliseconds using DynamoDB natively all the way through to microseconds if you use DAX.

      So architecturally if you're reading the same data over and over again then you need to look at whether you should be using an in-memory cache.

      Now choosing between DAX and a generic in-memory cache this comes down to how much admin overhead you want to manage because DAX is integrated with DynamoDB because it supports this single SDK for accessing the cache and DynamoDB both together as an abstract entity it's a lot less workload if you are using DynamoDB on its own to implement DAX rather than a generic cache.

      So if you've got read heavy or bursty workloads then DAX provides increased throughput and potentially significant cost reductions.

      So if you find yourself having to apply large RCU values onto a table these can get expensive really quickly and you might be better implementing DAX which will get you better performance and remove that additional cost.

      So if you find yourself having performance issues during sale periods or have specific tables or items in a table where there are heavy read workloads against that area of data then you can consider using DAX.

      If you've got a workload which is very read heavy with the same set of data again and again being read then you can consider using DAX.

      If you've got a type of data layout where a certain type is used more frequently than everything else maybe time series then again you can consider using DAX.

      If you really care about incredibly low response times again that's another situation where DAX could be advantageous.

      Now situations where DAX is not ideal or any applications that require strongly consistent reads.

      If your application cannot tolerate eventual consistency then DAX is not going to be suitable.

      If you don't have an application that is latency sensitive if you don't need these really low response times again DAX might not be the right solution.

      If your application is right heavy and very infrequently uses read operations then again DAX is probably not the right solution.

      So generally if you see any questions in the exam which talk about a caching requirement with DynamoDB then you should by default assume it is DAX and only move away from that assumption if you see significant evidence to suggest something else.

      With that being said that is everything I wanted to cover inside this lesson so go ahead complete this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about DynamoDB global tables, something which will form part of your toolkit as a solutions architect for any global database deployments.

      Now this lesson will be entirely based around architectural theory so let's jump in and get started.

      Global tables aren't actually that complex, they provide multi-master replication meaning no single table is viewed as the master and others replicas instead all tables are the same.

      It's global and allows for read and write replication between all tables that are part of a global table.

      To implement global tables you create tables in multiple AWS regions and then on one of the tables it doesn't matter which you configure the links between all of the tables.

      This creates a global table and sets DynamoDB to configure replication between all of the table replicas.

      So tables become table replicas of a global table.

      So think of a global table as an entity by itself and supporting that global table are individual DynamoDB tables in different AWS regions configured for multi-master replication.

      Now between the tables DynamoDB utilizes last right-of-wins for conflict resolution because it's simple and generally it generates entirely predictable outcomes.

      So in the event that you've got the same piece of data being written to two different tables at around the same time then DynamoDB will pick the most recent right and it will replicate that to all of the other replica tables that are part of the global table.

      So whichever is the most recent will overwrite everything else.

      Now because it's multi-master it means that you can read and write to any region and the updates are replicated to all other regions generally within a second.

      Now it's really fast and that matters because it means that it can be used for more demanding applications.

      In terms of consistency you can perform strongly consistent reads in the same region as data is written to but for anything else it's always eventual consistency.

      The replication between tables is asynchronous and so if you have a global application it needs to be able to tolerate eventual consistency.

      If you have a global table and one of the replica tables is in the US and one of them is in London if you're writing to one and reading from the other it will always be eventual consistency and so your application needs to take that into account.

      If it can't cope with eventual consistency then global tables are going to be problematic.

      Now to use global tables you first need to select the AWS regions which will be part of that global table.

      For example we could use one of the US regions AP Southeast 2 in Australia and the London region.

      Then in each of those regions you'd create a Dynamo DB table.

      You would select one of the tables it doesn't matter which but let's use the US in this example and from that table we would add all of the tables into the global table configuration and this would establish the multi master replication between all three tables.

      So all three tables can support reads and writes.

      Now specifically for the exam you don't really need to be aware of the implementation details.

      For the exam the architecture is what matters so be aware that replication is generally sub second.

      This depends somewhat on the load on each of the different regions but generally it does occur within a second.

      Now globally as I mentioned moments ago it's eventually consistent but you can do eventual or strongly consistent reads as long as it's in the same region.

      The replication is multi master which means that all regions can be used for both read and write operations and finally in terms of what this architecture supports well if you want to implement a globally highly available application or you want to improve the global data performance of an application or you want to add global disaster recovery or business continuity capability to your application then global tables can support all of those requirements.

      It's a feature which is really simple to use but it's highly effective and as long as you're aware that the conflict resolution is last right or wins and your application is able to tolerate that then you can use the feature to support a global data layer for your application it's a really good feature to implement as long as your application can tolerate all of the requirements.

      So at this point go ahead complete this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I'm going to be talking about DynamoDB, Streams and Triggers.

      Both of these are really powerful features which let you implement some powerful and cost-effective architectures using DynamoDB within AWS.

      Now we've got a fair bit to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      A DynamoDB Stream is a time-ordered list of changes to items inside a DynamoDB table.

      So every time a change occurs to an item in a table, a change is recorded chronologically within a DynamoDB stream.

      And a stream is actually a 24-hour rolling window of these changes.

      Behind the scenes it actually uses Kinesis Streams which you've covered earlier in the course.

      Now you need to enable streams on a per-table basis and when you do enable streams on a table, any inserts of items, updates on items or item deletions are recorded within the stream.

      Now you can configure the stream with different views and this is an option on a per-stream basis and the view setting influences exactly what information is added to the stream every time an item change occurs.

      Now let's look at this visually because it's much easier to understand.

      Let's say that we have a table within DynamoDB and this table has one item, the top item.

      And let's say that that item is updated, changed to be the bottom item.

      So this represents one item which has changed and the way that it's changed is by having its fourth attribute removed, the one in dark orange.

      Now if we've enabled streams on this table then any inserts, updates or deletes are recorded including the one update that I've just discussed.

      There are four view types that a stream can be configured with.

      It can be configured with keys only, new image, old image and new and old images.

      So that's four different options for different view types that a stream can be configured with.

      Now given this change to the table on the top left so the removal of its fourth attribute, the one in dark orange, these different view types have the following differences.

      So with keys only as the name suggests, the stream will only record the partition key and optionally any applicable sort key value for the item which has changed.

      It would be up to whatever is interrogating the stream to determine exactly what has changed and that would probably require a database read.

      So in this example where we've removed the fourth attribute, the one in dark orange, the only information that we get using keys only is that the partition key is blue and the sort key is green.

      We don't see exactly how this item has been manipulated.

      The second view type is new image and this actually stores the entire item with the state as it was after the change.

      So if you wanted to configure some sort of business process which operated on the new updated data, then you would configure this view type.

      So this view type shows the state of the item after the change.

      So after the removal of the fourth dark orange attribute.

      If you wanted to know exactly what had changed, then you couldn't determine that using this view type.

      Now if you wanted to know what changed, then one option would be to use the old image type.

      That way you have a copy of the data as it was before the change and you could check the state of the database, specifically the item in this table, to see exactly what updates had occurred on that data.

      So by comparing the old image item inside the stream to the item in the database table, you could calculate exactly what had changed.

      Another option to be able to determine exactly what has changed is the final view type which is new and old images.

      So if you have a business process which needs complete visibility of the change, so before and after and have this visibility independent of the actual table, then you can select new and old images.

      And with this view type, the actual entry in the stream stores both the pre change and the post change state of that item.

      And that way you can determine the difference without having to consult the database table itself.

      Now it's worth noting that all of these types of views work as well with inserted or deleted items.

      But in some cases, the pre or post change state might be empty.

      So if you delete an item and you're using the new and old images, then obviously your new state will be completely blank.

      And if you're inserting an item and use that same view type, then your old state will be blank and your new state will contain the data that you've inserted.

      Now streams are powerful in isolation, but where the real power comes from is that streams are actually the foundation for an architecture called database triggers.

      So these allow for actions to take place in the event of a change in data.

      So this is an event driven architecture that can respond to any data changes in a table.

      Now databases like Oracle have supported these for years, but with DynamoDB, they can be implemented in a serverless way.

      Now the architectures of triggers simply put is that an item change inside a database table generates an event.

      That event contains the data that's changed and the exact data depends on the view type.

      When an item is added to a stream, so when an event is generated, then an action is taken using that data.

      And the way that this action is implemented within AWS is to combine the capabilities of streams and Lambda.

      So you can use streams and Lambda so that a Lambda function is invoked whenever changes occur to a DynamoDB table.

      And so you'll use Lambda to perform some type of compute operation in response to a data change that causes a stream event.

      And the Lambda function invocation is actually in this architecture, the trigger.

      So it's the compute action that occurs based on data change.

      So streams and triggers are actually a really powerful architecture.

      You might see them used in reporting or analytics scenarios.

      If you want to generate a report in the event of a change of a certain item in a database, maybe stock level changes, or if you want to report on popular items in a stock database, then potentially you can use streams and triggers.

      They're also really useful for things like data aggregation.

      So if stock levels are being manipulated or if a voting app is recording votes and you want to perform some kind of aggregation or tally of all those votes, then potentially you can use streams and triggers.

      You can also use it for messaging or notifications.

      For example, if you have a messaging application which allows you to create a group chat, you might use a DynamoDB table to store the chat items that are added to that group.

      And you could use streams and triggers to send push notifications to all members of that group chat.

      So rather than having to poll databases which consumes compute resources even if nothing happens, if you're using streams and triggers, you can respond to an event as it happens and only consume the minimum amount of compute required to perform that action.

      Streams and triggers are really used for lots of different things inside architectures, but for the associate level solutions architect exam, you just need to know that you use streams and lambda together to implement a trigger architecture for DynamoDB.

      So visually this is how triggers are implemented.

      We've got a table, an item change occurs within a table which has streams enabled.

      So a stream event is placed onto a DynamoDB stream.

      We've selected to use the new and old images type.

      So we've got both the new and the old state of that item.

      And based on that, that gets sent as an event to a lambda function and that lambda function can perform some compute based on the pre and post change states of that item.

      So it's not a hugely complicated architecture, but it is really powerful.

      So enable streams on a table, configure a lambda function to invoke whenever a change occurs and you've got a really cost effective and powerful serverless implementation of a trigger architecture.

      And that's what you'll need to understand for the exam.

      Now with that being said, that's everything that I wanted to cover in this lesson. go ahead and complete the video and then when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about DynamoDB indexes and there are two types, local secondary indexes known as LSIs and global secondary indexes known as GSIs.

      Now we've got a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      Indexes are a way to improve the efficiency of data retrieval operations within DynamoDB.

      We've already talked about how query is the most efficient operation within DynamoDB but it suffers from one crucial limitation that it can only work on one partition key value at a time and optionally a single or a range of sort key values.

      Indexes are a way that you can provide an alternative view on data that's inside a base table.

      By providing an alternative view you can allow the query operation to work in ways that it couldn't otherwise and there are two types of indexes, local secondary indexes and global secondary indexes.

      Now local secondary indexes allow you to create a view using a different sort key and global secondary indexes allow a view with a different partition and sort key.

      And for both of those indexes when you're creating them you have the ability to choose which attributes from the base table are projected into them and choosing what to project is important because it can massively impact how efficient the indexes are for your queries.

      Now first I want to focus on local secondary indexes.

      So again it's an alternative view on base table data and local secondary indexes must be created with the base table itself.

      So this is critical to know for the exam.

      You cannot add local secondary indexes after the base table has been created.

      And so while you're creating the base table you can optionally create a number of local secondary indexes and the current maximum is five local secondary indexes per base table.

      So just to repeat this again because I want this committed to your memory, local secondary indexes allow for an alternative sort key on the data in the main table.

      So it's an alternative sort key but the same partition key and local secondary indexes share the capacity with the main table.

      And so they use the same RCU and WCU values if the main table is using provisioned capacity.

      Now in terms of the attributes that are projected into a local secondary index the options that you have are to use all of the attributes for the base table.

      You can choose keys only or you can use include which lets you specifically pick which attributes from the base table are projected into the index.

      Now let's take a look at an example visually so that you can understand how this all fits together from an architecture perspective.

      And the example that I want to use is a weather station.

      So this table holds data for a number of weather stations and for each weather station there's one record taken each day at the same time.

      Now if we want to stick to using the query operation then we're limited to querying a single weather station and for a single weather station to either a single day or a range of days.

      But what if we want to interrogate data based on another attribute say for example the sunny day attribute.

      So this attribute records whenever the average over a day is classified as a sunny day.

      Now because this attribute isn't a key in order to perform any operations on it we couldn't use query because query needs to use a single partition key value and optionally select using the sort key we would need to use the scan operation.

      And we know now from an earlier lesson that the scan operation is incredibly inefficient.

      An option that we have to fix this problem is while creating this table we can also create an additional local secondary index using the sunny day attribute as the sort key.

      So this needs to be created along with the base table so at the same time as you're creating the base table.

      But if we choose to do that then for a given weather station we're able to easily limit the data that we retrieve to sunny days because we can use the query operation on a single station ID which is still the partition key but then use the query operation to limit specific values in the sort key in this example picking only sunny days.

      Now what's even better is that indexes are known as sparse indexes and this means that only items from the base table which have a value for the attribute that we define as the new sort key are present in the index.

      Now this means that if the sunny day attribute is something which is present if it's a sunny day and absent if it's not then the only items in the sunny day local secondary index will be for data which is a sunny day.

      So we can in some cases take advantage of the fact that indexes are sparse and we can use a scan operation against this local secondary index knowing that we'll only consume the capacity for data that is relevant towards.

      So we could use a scan operation on this local secondary index knowing that any items in this index are by default for sunny days and so we're only going to be consuming capacity that's relevant for sunny day data.

      Now this is a lot more complex than you'll need for the solutions architect associate exam.

      For the exam all you need to know is that local secondary indexes allow you to create an alternative view on the data that's in a base table by providing an alternative sort key.

      They use the same partition key and they can only be created along with the base table.

      So now let's look at a different type of index a global secondary index.

      Global secondary indexes are different than local indexes they can be created at any time and so they're much more flexible.

      There's also a default limit of 20 global secondary indexes per base table so you can have more than them and they let you define a different partition and sort key and they also have their own RCU and WCU capacity values if you're using provisioned capacity for the base table.

      And just like with local secondary indexes you have the flexibility to choose exactly what attributes are projected into the index from the base table and you have the same options either choosing all attributes keys only or including specific attributes.

      So let's look at another example visually to make it easier to understand.

      So we're using another example of the weather station this time we have the pink attribute which represents any items where there's been an alarm at the same point as taking the data.

      So an alarm could be something like a system error it could be a bird or other wildlife which has entered the weather station and interfered with the results or anything else that's out of the ordinary.

      Now if there's a regular access pattern where you need to query this table for any items which have been impacted by the alarm then you couldn't do this normally using a query you'd need to use a scan operation and filter it based on the alarm attribute and this would mean that you're consuming all the capacity for every single item that is read using the scan operation.

      Now an option that we have is to create a global secondary index and this allows us to create an alternative view with a different partition key and sort key.

      In this example we've created a global secondary index which uses the alarm attribute as the partition key and the station ID as the sort key and this means that we can use the efficient query operation for any items showing an alarm and optionally specify one station ID or a range of station IDs to limit the data that we receive for alarms for specific weather stations.

      So global secondary indexes are super powerful because of this ability to define completely separate partition and sort keys so it truly gives you a way to create an alternative perspective on the data that's in a base table and global secondary indexes are also sparse which means in this example any items which have no alarm attribute would not be included in the index.

      For the exam you need to be comfortable with the fact that GSIs allow you to create this different perspective on data with alternative partition and sort keys and for GSIs you can create them after you've created the base table so they don't have that limitation of needing to be created at the same time as the base table which is the case for local secondary indexes.

      Now one final thing to keep in mind global secondary indexes are always eventually consistent because the data is replicated from the base table to the index asynchronously and so your application needs to be able to handle eventual consistency.

      If you're using a global secondary index you need to be able to cope with eventual consistency because that's the only option that you have.

      Now before we finish up the lesson I just want to talk through some local and global secondary index considerations things that you should be aware of for the exam.

      So you need to be very careful with what attributes you choose to project into the index.

      As you now know when you're working with DynamoDB at any time you're reading or writing data you're actually consuming all the capacity for the size of the entire item and so if you project all of the attributes into an index you're also using all the capacity of those attributes so you need to be aware of the capacity that you're using when you project attributes.

      Now the inverse of this is if you don't project a specific attribute and then you require that attribute when you're querying an index that will still work but it's doing something in the back end a fetch of that data which is actually incredibly inefficient.

      So you need to plan your indexes in advance and make sure that you project the correct attributes because if you are performing queries on any attributes which are not projected then it gets really expensive.

      Now AWS recommend using GSIs as default and only using local secondary indexes when strong consistency is required.

      So if you need an index and you're in doubt you should use global secondary indexes because they're a lot more flexible and they can be created after the point of when you've created the base table.

      Now from an architectural perspective and something to keep in mind if you do see any exam questions which mention indexes is that indexes are designed when you have data in a base table and remember you're designing the base table with the partition and sort keys for the primary way that you will access this data.

      Indexes allow you to create this alternative perspective for any alternative access patterns and so if you have a requirement maybe a different team is looking at the weather station data only looking for alarms maybe it's a security team or a data science team then you can create indexes that allow for these alternative access patterns.

      Indexes allow you to keep the data in one place but create these perspectives for different types of queries, different teams or different requirements they can all access the same data just using this different perspective.

      So at this point go ahead finish the video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      This is part two of this lesson.

      We're going to continue immediately from the end of part one.

      So let's get started.

      Now DynamoDB can operate using two different consistency modes for read operations.

      It can be eventually consistent or it can be strongly or also known as immediately consistent.

      Consistency refers to the process of how when data is updated, so when new data is written to the database and then immediately read, is that read data immediately the same as the recent update, or is it only eventually the same?

      Eventual consistency is easier to implement from an underlying infrastructure perspective and it scales better.

      Strong consistency is essential in some types of applications or some types of operations, but it's more costly to achieve and it scales less well than eventual consistency.

      So let's look visually at exactly how this works.

      With DynamoDB, every piece of data is replicated multiple times in separate availability zones, and each one of these points is called a storage node.

      Out of these three storage nodes in three different availability zones, one of them is elected as the leader, so the leader storage node.

      This is a dynamic process.

      So if the leader ever fails, the election will happen again and a new one will be chosen.

      So in this case, we've got a single item inside a DynamoDB table that's been replicated across three different storage nodes, one in availability zone A, one in availability zone B, and one in availability zone C.

      All three have the same data, the same item with the same five attributes.

      Now let's say in this example that Bob decides to update some data, it's this particular DynamoDB item, and he decides to remove the fourth attribute, the dark orange attribute.

      So this is the change to the item, the fourth attribute is removed, and when writing this to DynamoDB, the product has a fleet of entities which route connections to the appropriate storage nodes.

      Writes are always directed at the leader node, so it's this leader node which will receive the update to this item first.

      So on the leader node, the item will be manipulated and the fourth attribute, the one in dark orange, will be removed.

      At this point, the leader node is known as consistent.

      It has the data on it which you just wrote.

      That's why writes are more expensive in terms of capacity units.

      Why a write capacity unit is less data than a read capacity unit, because writes always occur on the leader storage node.

      And so these can't scale as well as reads.

      When the leader node has the new data on it, it immediately starts the process of replication.

      This process usually only takes milliseconds, but it does depend on the individual load which has been placed on these storage nodes, and it assumes the lack of any faults.

      But let's assume though, for this example, that we have no faults on our storage nodes, and we've replicated this updated item to one additional storage node apart from the leader, so the one in availability zone C.

      And right now we freeze time.

      So the situation we have is that the leader storage node contains that updated item, as well as the storage node in availability zone C, but the storage node in availability zone A does not have the updated item.

      It is not consistent.

      So right now with time frozen, let's look at reads.

      And there are two types of reads which are possible with DynamoDB, eventually consistent reads, and strongly consistent reads.

      Now I mentioned earlier in this lesson how you can actually perform reads cheaper than having one RCU representing four kilobytes of data.

      Now the reason for this is that one RCU is actually four kilobytes of data read from DynamoDB every second, but that's using strongly consistent reads.

      Eventually consistent reads are actually half the price.

      So you can read double the amount of data for the same number of RCUs.

      So let's say that Julie on the top right performs an eventually consistent read of the data.

      When Julie performs that operation and uses eventual consistency, then DynamoDB directs her at one of the three storage nodes at random.

      In most cases, all three storage nodes will have the same data.

      And so there's little difference between eventual and strongly consistent reads.

      But in this particular edge case, if DynamoDB sent her request at the top storage node, then she would get stale data.

      Replication occurs in milliseconds, but with eventual consistency, it isn't always guaranteed that you will get the latest data.

      And in exchange, because eventually consistent reads scale better because any of the individual nodes can be used, you actually get a price reduction.

      It's 50% of the price for strongly consistent reads.

      So you get twice as much reads for each individual read capacity unit.

      In most cases, you will notice no difference, but you need to be aware that there is a small potential that with eventually consistent reads, you might be reading older versions of data.

      If you access DynamoDB at exactly the wrong time, it is possible that you might get outdated data.

      Now, in contrast to strongly consistent read, always uses the leader node.

      It's always consistent, but because it mandates the use of one particular storage node, the leader node, it's less scalable, and so it costs the normal amount of RCU to perform.

      So that's why eventually consistent reads are less cost than strongly consistent.

      But one very important thing to keep in mind is that not every application or access type can tolerate eventual consistency.

      You need to pick the correct model.

      If you have a stock database where the stock level is important, or if you're performing medical examinations and the data that's being logged into DynamoDB is critical and you always need the most recent version, then you need to use strongly consistent reads.

      If your application can tolerate a potential lag and the small chance of outdated data, then you can achieve significant cost savings by using eventually consistent reads.

      Now, let's just talk through some calculations of how you can actually determine appropriate values for capacity on a table.

      Let's look at a scenario and let's assume that you need to store 10 items in DynamoDB every second.

      So you have 10 devices that are logging data into DynamoDB and on average, they store data once every second.

      So you've got 10 writes per second.

      Now, with any type of scenario, you need to determine a number of really important things.

      You need to understand the average size of an item that's being written to DynamoDB, and you need to understand how many items per second will be written.

      Now, in some cases, exam questions might try to trick you and say that 60 items will be written per minute, and if you see that type of question, you need to try and calculate how many per second because that's what read and write capacity units use.

      Now, once you've got both of those pieces of information, you can calculate the WCU required per item.

      So to calculate that, you take your item size, in this example, 2.5K, and you divide it by the size of 1 WCU, which is 1K.

      That gives us 2.5, and then we need to round that up to the next highest whole number, which in this case is three.

      So we know that for a 2.5K average item size, we're going to consume 3 WCU.

      And then we need to understand how many of those occur every second, and so we need to multiply that value by the average number of writes per second.

      So we know that we're going to store 10 items per second.

      We now know that the WCU required per item is three, and based on that, we can multiply those together to get the required WCU, which in this example is 30.

      So it's the same calculation every time.

      Work out the size of an individual item right in WCU, multiply that by the number of writes per second, and that will give you the WCU setting that you require on the table.

      Remember, a WCU is 1K in size.

      Now flipping that round, let's look at reads.

      If we have a similar example, and we need to retrieve 10 items per second from our database, and we know that the size of an average item is 2.5K, the first thing we need to do is to calculate the RCU that's required per item.

      And we do that by taking the average item size and dividing that by 4KB, and then rounding that up to the next highest whole number.

      So in this case, because an RCU allows for four kilobytes of reads, we know that 2.5K is going to fit inside 4K.

      So every single read is going to be one RCU.

      So we know that it's one RCU per read.

      So now we know the number of RCU required per item.

      We need to know the number per second, the number of operations per second, which is 10, and we multiply those together.

      So to do strongly consistent reads with this example, we would need 10 RCU.

      But now you know the concept of eventual consistency.

      That is half the cost.

      So we can take this RCU value and divide it by two, and that means that to perform eventually consistent reads of 10 items per second with a 2.5K size, we need five RCU set on the table.

      So I've provided two really simple examples, and what I'm going to do is include some links in the lesson description, which will give you additional examples with different sizes of items, different writes per second, and it will give you some practice on how to perform these calculations.

      And I suggest that you do this as extra work once you've finished all of the content of the course.

      The only thing that I need you to understand for now is the size of an RCU, the size of a WCU, and exactly how the consistency model works for DynamoDB.

      That's all of the theory that I wanted to cover in this lesson though.

      Go ahead, complete the video, and when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about DynamoDB operations, DynamoDB consistency and DynamoDB performance.

      It's a lot to cover in one lesson so I'll try to be as efficient as possible but let's jump in and get started.

      Now DynamoDB allows you to pick between two different capacity modes when you create a table and with some restriction you are able to switch between these modes even after data has been added and these modes are on demand and provisioned.

      On demand is a mode which is designed when you have an unknown or unpredictable level of load on a DynamoDB table or alternatively when you have a massive priority for as little admin overhead as possible.

      With on demand you don't have to explicitly set capacity settings it's all handled on your behalf by DynamoDB.

      You just pay a price per million read and write units but the price that you pay can be as much as five times the price versus using provisioned capacity so it's actually a trade-off.

      You're reducing the admin overhead it allows you to cope with unknown or unpredictable levels of demand but you are paying more for that privilege.

      With provisioned capacity you actually set a capacity value for reads and writes on a per-table basis so RCU stands for read capacity units and WCU stands for write capacity units.

      Now a critical thing to understand is that every operation on a DynamoDB table consumes at least one unit so one unit of read or write.

      Now I've added an asterisk here because there is a way to get cheaper reads but I'll introduce this later in this lesson.

      One RCU allows for one read operation of up to four kilobytes on a table every second.

      If you perform an operation and it only uses one kilobyte to read an item you still consume one RCU.

      It rounds up to at least one RCU.

      But one operation can consume more.

      An item as you learned earlier in the course can be up to 400 kilobytes in size as a maximum and this would consume 100 RCU to read in one operation.

      Now a capacity unit is per second so one RCU lets you read one block of data up to four kilobytes every second.

      For writes one write capacity unit is one kilobyte so it's the same logic but one kilobyte instead of four kilobytes.

      So you set a certain amount of read and write capacity and that gives you a certain amount of read and write load every second.

      As well as that every single table within DynamoDB has a WCU and an RCU burst pool.

      It calls 300 seconds of the read and write capacity units set on the table.

      So when setting read and write capacity units you're setting for the sustained average.

      But try to dip into the burst pool as infrequently as possible because other table modification tasks can use this pool as well.

      Relying on it too much is pretty dangerous.

      If you ever deplete the pool and have insufficient capacity set on a table then you will receive a provisioned throughput exceeded exception error and you'll be throttled.

      And the solution is to wait and retry or increase the capacity settings.

      Now there are a number of different types of operations that you can perform on a DynamoDB table and some of the most common ones that are mentioned in the exam are query and scan.

      So I want to just talk about exactly how these work at a high level before we move on.

      The query operation in DynamoDB is one way that you can retrieve data from the product.

      When you're performing a query operation you need to start with the partition key.

      You have to pick one partition key value.

      Let's look at an example visually because it will be easier to understand.

      So this is a simple DynamoDB table.

      It stores weather data once per day from a group of weather stations.

      So the partition key is the sensor ID and the sort key is the day of the week.

      And we have one new table for every week of every year.

      And to keep things simple these are the sizes of each item.

      So item one is 2.5k, item two is 1.5k, item three is 1k and item four is 1.5k.

      Now the query operation can return zero items, one item or multiple items.

      But you always have to specify a single value for the partition key.

      So you can only ever with this example query for one specific weather station.

      So regardless of whether your table uses a simple primary key with just the partition key or whether it uses a composite primary key which uses both the partition key and the sort key with query you always have the option of just querying with a single value for the partition key.

      So in this example if we decided to query for all items for weather station ID of one then we would get two items returned.

      The item for Monday for weather station ID one and the item for Tuesday for weather station ID one.

      Now the first item has a size of 2.5k and the second item has a size of 1.5k.

      So both of these together equal 4k and one RCU allows you to query 4k.

      So this particular query would use one RCU of capacity.

      Now with DynamoDB it's always more efficient to return multiple items in a single operation.

      In this example we could actually perform a query where we provide the partition key value of one as well as a specific value for the sort key.

      So if we wanted to retrieve both of these items with two separate query operations then we could query for a partition key value of one and a sort key of Monday and a partition key value of one and a sort key of Tuesday as two separate operations.

      But because every operation consumes at least one RCU then if we ran two separate queries then the same amount of data would consume two RCU.

      So it's always more efficient to pull back as much data as you need in totality in one single operation.

      Now if you only want to retrieve one specific item then you can query for one particular value of the partition key and one particular value of the sort key.

      In this example we could query for a partition key value of one and a sort key value of Monday.

      And this would return one single item, the Monday item for Weather Station ID 1 which has a size of 2.5k.

      But because it's a single operation and it's less than 4k it will be rounded up to the next whole RCU value.

      So this single item query will cost one RCU and it will retrieve the entire item.

      Generally with any operations on DynamoDB you always have to operate on the entire item so reading and writing an entire item.

      And so there is an architectural benefit with the platform to minimizing the size of an item as much as possible because if you have to perform queries which operate on single items as a minimum you are going to consume the capacity that that whole item uses.

      Now just to restress the important thing about queries is that you have to query for one particular value of the partition key and when you're querying for that one value you can retrieve all of the items with that one value or you can filter that down based on supplying one sort key value or a range of sort key values.

      And when you do that using the query operation you're only charged for the capacity of that query operation.

      So if you pick a particular subset of sort key values you're only charged for the response from that query operation.

      What you can do with the query operation is specify particular attributes that you want to return.

      So in this example we might only want to return the yellow attribute and the pink attribute but you are still charged for the entire item.

      Anything that you filter is discarded but you are still charged for it.

      Now if you want to perform a search across an entire table maybe looking for every single weather station entry which indicates good weather you can't do that with the query operation because a query operation can only ever query it based on one particular partition key value.

      If you want to perform more flexible operations you need to use scan.

      Scan is the least efficient operation within DynamoDB when you want to get data but it's also the most flexible.

      Let's use the same example the weather stations.

      The way that scan works is to move through the table item by item.

      You can specify any attributes that you want to match.

      You can show all items for example where a temperature is between two values or retrieve all of the items across all of the weather stations for a given day.

      For example Monday.

      But what you need to understand about scan is that it is scanning through the entire table.

      So the entire table is consumed.

      So while you can use it to get access to any data that you want the consumed capacity is for all of the items that are read.

      Even if you filter things even if you return less data than the whole table you consume all of the data that's scanned through.

      So scan is super flexible but it's also really expensive from a capacity perspective.

      So let's quickly look at an example visually.

      Let's say that you want to scan the weather table looking for all items across all different weather stations looking for any entries which indicate a sunny day.

      So we're looking for a particular attribute which defines that the yellow column and we want to return all items which have this attribute.

      Now we can't use a query operation for this because query as I mentioned on the previous screen only allows us to query for one particular value of the partition key.

      And we need to look across all different weather stations so multiple values for that partition key.

      So we can't use query but we can use scan.

      So in this example we're trying to scan for the sunny day attribute, the attribute in yellow and we're looking through the entire table.

      So this attribute isn't a partition key and it isn't a sort key and we can't use query.

      But we can use scan.

      So scan will step through the entire table.

      So all four items.

      But because we've specified to the scan operation that we only want items which have this sunny day attribute it doesn't return some items.

      It doesn't return the ones with the non sunny days.

      But that data is just discarded.

      We still consume the entire capacity.

      So the scan operation would need to step through every item in this table to determine which ones do have the sunny day attribute and which ones don't.

      So in this example we actually consume all of the item capacity in the table.

      So that's 5k plus 4k plus 2k plus 3k.

      So that's a total of 14k which rounded up to the next highest RCU represents 4rcu of capacity that we've consumed.

      Even though we're only actually returning 5k plus 4k of data the remaining items which are not valid the ones which don't have sunny days are simply discarded.

      Okay so this is the end of part one of this lesson.

      It was getting a little bit on the long side and so I wanted to add a break.

      It's an opportunity just to take a rest or grab a coffee.

      Part two will be continuing immediately from the end of part one.

      So go ahead, complete the video and when you're ready, join me in part two.

    1. Welcome back.

      Over the next few lessons, I'm going to be stepping through the architecture, features, and important considerations of the Amazon DynamoDB product.

      DynamoDB is a no-sequel, wide-column database as a service product within AWS.

      It's the database product which tends to be used for serverless or web-scale traditional applications inside AWS.

      And for the exam, it's essential that you understand it fully.

      Now we have a lot to cover, so let's jump in and get started.

      So DynamoDB is a no-sequel database as a service product.

      It's a public service which means it's accessible anywhere with access to the public endpoints of DynamoDB.

      And this means the public internet or a VPC with either an internet gateway or a gateway VPC endpoint.

      DynamoDB is capable of handling simple key value data or data with a structure like the document DB model.

      Now strictly speaking, DynamoDB is a wide-column key value database.

      And being a database as a service product means that you have no self-managed servers or infrastructure to worry about.

      It's not like RDS or Aurora or Aurora serverless which a database server as a service product.

      With DynamoDB, you actually get the database itself delivered as a service.

      And this reduces the complexity and admin overhead significantly of providing a data store for your applications.

      Now DynamoDB also supports a range of scaling options.

      You can take full control and choose provisioned capacity and then either manually control performance or allow the system to adjust performance automatically.

      Or you can use on-demand mode which is a true as a service performance model.

      So essentially set and forget.

      Now DynamoDB is highly resilient either across multiple availability zones in a region or optionally DynamoDB allows for global resilience.

      So a table can be configured to be globally resilient but that is an optional extra.

      Now within DynamoDB data is replicated across multiple storage nodes by default and so you don't need to explicitly handle it like you do with RDS.

      Now DynamoDB is really really fast.

      It's backed by SSD and so it provides single digit millisecond access to your data.

      It also handles backups.

      It allows for point-in-time recovery and any data is encrypted at rest.

      It even supports event-driven integration allowing you to generate events and configure actions when data within a DynamoDB table changes.

      So now let's talk about tables within DynamoDB.

      Tables are actually the base entity inside the DynamoDB product.

      If I'm being precise which by now you know that I like doing DynamoDB shouldn't really be described as a database as a service product it's more like a database table as a service product.

      A table within DynamoDB is a grouping of items which all share the same primary key.

      Items within a table are how you manage your data within that table.

      So think of an item like a row in a traditional database product.

      A table can have an infinite number of items within it.

      There are no limits to the number of items within a table.

      Now when you create a table within DynamoDB you have to pick its primary key.

      Now a primary key can be one of two types.

      It can either be a simple primary key which is just the partition key known as a pk or it can be a composite primary key which is a combination of the partition key and the sort key which is known as the sk.

      So every item in the table has to use the same primary key and it has to have a unique value for that primary key.

      If the primary key is a composite key then the combination of the two parts the pk and the sk need to be unique in that table.

      Now that's actually the only restriction on data that an item has the unique values for the primary key.

      Items can have other bits of data aside from the primary key called attributes but every item can be different as long as it has the same primary key then it can have no attributes, all attributes, a mixture of attributes or completely different attributes.

      An item itself can be a maximum of 400 kilobytes in size and this includes the primary key, the attribute values and the attribute names all total together.

      With DynamoDB you can configure a table with provisioned capacity or on-demand capacity.

      Now capacity is a pretty odd term.

      When you think about capacity you probably think about space but in DynamoDB capacity means speed adding capacity means adding more speed more performance.

      Now if you choose to use the on-demand capacity model it means you don't have to worry about it you don't have to set explicit values for capacity on a table you just pay for the operations against the DynamoDB table there's a cost per operation.

      If you choose provisioned capacity then it means you need to explicitly set the capacity values on a per table basis and there are two terms that you need to understand.

      The first is write capacity units or wcu and the second is read capacity units known as rcu.

      One wcu set on a table means that you can write one kilobyte of data per second to that table and one rcu or read capacity unit when set on a table means that you can read four kilobytes per second from that table.

      Most operations have a minimum consumption so one read of say 100 bytes will consume one rcu as a minimum and I'll be talking more about capacity control later I'm just introducing the terms for now.

      Now let's move on and I want to talk about backups inside DynamoDB.

      There are two types of backups available in the product first is on-demand backups and these are similar to how manual rds snapshots function so there are full backup of the table retained until you manually remove that backup.

      These on-demand backups can be used to restore data and configuration either to the same region or cross region so if you want to migrate data to another region this is one option you can use a backup to restore a table with or without indexes and you also have the ability to adjust encryption settings as part of the restore.

      The key thing to remember is that you're responsible for performing the backup and removing the older backups as needed when they're no longer required but DynamoDB does come with another option and this method is called point-in-time recovery it's something that you need to enable on a table by table basis and it's disabled by default.

      When you enable the feature on a table it results in a continuous stream of backups a record of all the changes to a table over a 35 day window and from that 35 day window you can restore to a new table with a one second granularity so when you enable this option you can create a new table by restoring this backup from any one second interval in that entire 35 day window so it's a really powerful feature but you do need to enable it explicitly on a per table basis.

      Now before we finish up this lesson there are some considerations that you need to be aware of and some of these are really important for the exam so if you see any questions in the exam which mention no sequel then you should probably preference DynamoDB so if you see no sequel mentioned in the exam and DynamoDB is one of the options to answer that question with unless you've got a strong reason to answer otherwise you should probably default to DynamoDB.

      On the other hand if you see any question which mentions relational data or a relational database then the answer is likely to not be DynamoDB.

      DynamoDB is not suited to relational data it should not be used to implement any form of relational database system it's simply not designed for that and it doesn't include the required features.

      If you see any mention of key value mentioned in any exam questions and DynamoDB is one possible answer then again you should probably default to that answer unless you've got a strong reason not to.

      Now access to DynamoDB is via the console the CLI or the API you don't have sequel or the structured query language when using DynamoDB.

      If you see any questions or answers which mention SQL or the structured query language then that probably excludes DynamoDB as being a correct answer.

      Now the billing for DynamoDB is based around a table it's based on the RCU and WCU values that you set on a table as well as the amount of storage required for that table and any additional features that you enable on that table.

      So it's a true on-demand database product there's no infrastructure costs for running DynamoDB no base costs you essentially pay for only the resources that you consume either storage operations or capacity requirements that you specify on a table and in addition you are able to purchase reserved allocations for capacity so if you do know that you have a requirement for long-term capacity on a DynamoDB table then you can purchase reservations so in return for a longer term commitment you get a cheaper rate but with that being said that's everything I wanted to cover in this lesson so go ahead complete this video and then when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about a powerful feature of cloud formation called custom resources.

      Now we've got a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started straight away.

      The way that cloud formation is architected isn't complicated.

      You define logical resources within a template and these define what you want cloud formation to do.

      So what infrastructure you want it to create.

      Cloud formation uses these logical resources in a template to create a stack and this stack creates physical resources.

      If you update the logical resources by updating and reapplying a template then the physical resources are updated.

      If you remove a logical resource from the template and then reapply that template to a stack then the physical resources are affected in the same way.

      Cloud formation doesn't support everything within AWS.

      It can lag behind in terms of products or features of those products and there are some things which it just doesn't support or things it never will support.

      Cloud formation custom resources are the answer to anything that you want to do in cloud formation that it doesn't support natively.

      Custom resources are a type of logical resource which allow cloud formation to do things it doesn't yet support or doesn't natively support or they allow integration with external systems.

      Examples of things that you can do with custom resources might be to populate an S3 bucket with objects when you create it or to delete objects from a bucket when that bucket is being deleted.

      Something that will normally error.

      If you try to delete a cloud formation stack which contains a bucket with objects within it by default it won't allow you to do that.

      It will error.

      Another example is that you might want to request configuration information from an external system as part of setting up an EC2 instance.

      You can even use custom resources to provision non-AWS resources.

      So using custom resources the functionality of cloud formation can be extended much beyond what it can support natively.

      Now the architecture of custom resources is simple.

      Cloud formation begins the process of creating the custom resource and in doing so it sends data to an endpoint that you define within that custom resource.

      This might be a lambda function or it could be an SNS topic.

      Whichever one you pick it sends an event to this thing.

      Whenever a custom resource is created, updated or deleted then cloud formation sends data to that custom resource.

      It sends event data which contains the operation that's happening as well as any property information.

      And so the custom resource for example a lambda function is invoked and provided with that information.

      Now the compute that's backing that custom resource, let's use the example of a lambda function, can respond to cloud formation letting it know of the success or failure and it can pass back in any data.

      Assuming a lambda function which backs a custom resource responds with a success code then everything is assumed to be good.

      The custom resource is created.

      Any data generated by that lambda function is passed back in to cloud formation and it's made available to anything else within the cloud formation template.

      So again two options with how you can back custom resources are lambda or an SNS topic.

      Now let's look at this visually because it will help you understand the architecture and then I'll show you a practical example from the AWS console.

      So let's consider a scenario where a cloud formation template is used to create a stack which creates an S3 bucket and let's look at this without using a custom resource.

      We start with a cloud formation template, it's a simple one which contains a simple S3 bucket logical resource and using this template we create a stack and this creates a logical resource inside this stack and the stack creates the corresponding physical resource which is an S3 bucket.

      At this point if you deleted the stack it would delete the logical resource which would delete the physical resource and if the bucket is empty everything would work as expected.

      But let's say at this point a human gets involved, Gabby and Gabby makes a manual change by adding additional objects into the bucket.

      Now we have a problem because the physical resource is out of sync with cloud formation and we have an even bigger problem because we have a bucket with objects inside it.

      If we tried to delete the stack at this point cloud formation would attempt to delete the logical resource which would attempt to delete the physical one but because the bucket contains objects the delete operation would fail.

      This is just a limitation of S3 and cloud formation.

      It's the type of situation you might hit when you're dealing with any complex architecture or when you need to do something that cloud formation just doesn't support and this is one of the situations which custom resources aims to help with.

      Let's look at what capabilities custom resources provide us which might help in this situation.

      So we start off with the same basic components.

      We've got a cloud formation template which creates a stack.

      The template though this time has more resources than just the S3 bucket but first it creates an empty bucket as with the above example.

      But in addition it has a custom resource and that custom resource is supported by a lambda function.

      Now because this custom resource is backed by a lambda function it means that when the custom resource is being created by the stack the lambda function is invoked or executed and it's passed some data.

      This data is event data and this data block contains anything given to the resource as properties.

      In this example let's assume that the custom resource is provided with the bucket name of the bucket created by the cloud formation stack so the empty bucket.

      Now for the sake of example let's say that we've designed this custom resource of this lambda function to download some new objects into this empty S3 bucket and this now means that we have a bucket with objects inside it.

      The same problem that we had with the previous example.

      Now in addition to the bucket name being provided to this custom resource the event data also contains details of how the lambda function or how the thing that's backing up the custom resource can respond back to cloud formation and this is called the response URL and so the lambda function because it's completed successfully sends a response back a success response to this response URL and this means the logical resource will create successfully and the stack itself will now move into a create complete status so all is good.

      So we've used a custom resource at this point to download some additional objects into that S3 bucket so now we have a cloud formation stack in the create complete status and an S3 bucket with some objects within it.

      Now at this point let's say that we have a human come along let's say it's Gabby again and Gabby uploads some additional objects to the S3 bucket and let's say there's some additional cat images so we still have a bucket with objects only now it's more objects than the custom resource added earlier so we've got the objects added by the custom resource and the three additional cat pictures that Gabby has just manually uploaded.

      Now let's say that we're going to do a stack delete operation so we select the stack we right-click on it and we select delete stack this starts the process of deleting the stack now the stack has two logical resources and two corresponding physical resources the bucket with objects and the custom resource which is backed by a lambda function.

      Now cloud formation in the above example immediately tried to delete the bucket with objects and that's why it failed but in this example because when the custom resource was created it needed the bucket to already have been created it means that cloud formation knows that the custom resource depends on the bucket so there's a dependency and so when you're deleting a stack cloud formation will follow the reverse of that dependency and so that means the custom resource will be deleted before the S3 bucket.

      What happens now is that cloud formation starts the deletion of all of the resources contained in the stack but it starts with the custom resource and the way that it does this is to send the message through to the lambda function the message has a similar structure to when the stack was created so it's an event data block and this time it contains the fact that the stack is being deleted and it still contains the name of the S3 bucket.

      The lambda function performs whatever actions are configured for a delete operation which in this case is to remove all of the objects from the S3 bucket and once this has been completed once the lambda function has completed all of its operations it will signal back to cloud formation that this was successful and again this will happen by using the response URL that's contained in the event data.

      Once the success response has been completed then the stack will delete the custom resource.

      Once the custom resource has been deleted there'll be no further dependencies inside the stack and the stack will go ahead and delete the S3 bucket.

      This time this will succeed because the S3 bucket is empty and because the deletion of the S3 bucket completes successfully now because it's empty that means the stack itself can be deleted and the process complete successfully so by using a custom resource we can add additional capability to cloud formation.

      We can make it download additional objects into an S3 bucket and also have it clean up any objects including those added by a human being outside of cloud formation before the S3 bucket is being deleted and by doing it this way it means we can avoid any stack deletion issues caused by any buckets which contain objects so this is a simple example of how we can extend the functionality of cloud formation by using custom resources.

      With that being said that's everything I wanted to cover go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to briefly cover CloudFormation change sets.

      Now this is a feature which makes it safer to use CloudFormation within a full infrastructure as code environment or when CI/CD processes are being used within your organization.

      So let's jump in step through what change sets are and what benefits they provide.

      The usual flow that you engage with with CloudFormation goes something like this.

      You take a template, use it to create a stack which creates physical resources based on the logical resources in the template.

      That's a create stack operation.

      Or you delete a stack which deletes the physical resources created by the stack.

      Or you can take a newer version of a template, maybe it has additional resources or maybe it's a bug fix.

      In either case you take that new template, apply it to an existing stack and this changes existing physical resources and this is known as an update stack operation.

      When a stack update occurs, when logical resources are changed which results in changes to physical resources, that change has one of three effects.

      We have no interruption and this is where certain changes made to a stack might not impact the operation of the physical resource.

      The change is just made and that's it.

      Next is some interruption which might mean something like an EC2 instance rebooting.

      It's not a damaging event but it can impact service.

      And finally certain changes might cause a replacement which creates a new copy of that physical resource and the old one is removed.

      This is disruptive and can result in data loss so it's critical to keep this in mind when making changes to existing cloud formation stacks.

      Now change sets let you apply a new template to a stack but instead of applying the change immediately it creates a change set which is an overview of the changes to be applied to the stack.

      What makes change sets powerful is that you can create many different change sets for a stack so you can preview different changes with different new versions of the template and when you've reviewed the change set or change sets then you can choose to discard them or you can pick one to apply by executing it on the stack which creates the stack update operation and updates the logical and physical resources managed by that stack.

      Now visually the architecture looks like this.

      Let's use a simple example and don't worry we're going to be stepping through this in the console very shortly.

      So this example is a cloud formation template which creates three buckets catpicks dogpicks and memes so we use this to create a stack which creates the three s3 buckets so far so good but now let's say that we didn't actually mean to create the memes bucket we only like animal pictures memes are just no good so we create a new template and we use this to update the stack and because we're not using change sets immediately it deletes one of the s3 buckets the memes bucket the memes bucket has been removed from the template its logical resource because of that is also removed and that means the physical resource that the stack managers is deleted from your AWS account.

      Now using change sets we can improve this the starting point is the same we create a stack with the version 1 template but instead of using the version 2 template to update the stack instead we create a change set now this is a distinct thing an object which represents the change between the original stack and the new version of the template we can create one or more of these but when we're satisfied we can execute that change set against the stack and this has the same effect as the top method but we have more control and visibility over the changes especially with larger and more complex templates.

      Okay so I'm going to move across now to my console and demo how this works in practice if you really want you can also do this in your own environment have included the cloud formation templates within this lessons folder on the course github repository but for this one I would suggest just watching it's probably not something that's worth the effort of implementing yourself I just want you to be aware of how this looks from the console UI.

      Okay so I've switched over to my console and to do this demo lesson I need to be logged in as the I am admin user of the general AWS account so that's the management account of the organization and as always I've got the northern Virginia region selected so I'm going to go ahead and move across to the cloud formation console so I'll type cloud formation in the search box at the top and then click to move to the cloud formation console and just before I apply anything these are the templates which I'm going to be using in this really brief demo lesson so we've got template one and this is a really simple cloud formation template which creates three s3 buckets and then template two which is going to be the one that I update the stack with this only has two s3 buckets so the first template creates cat pics dog pics and memes and then the second template only has cat pics and dog pics so let's move back to the console create stack upload a template file choose file and then depending on the course that you're doing inside the infrastructure as code folder or the cloud formation folder or the deployment folder the name will vary depending on the course you should see a change sets folder and in there we've got these two templates template one and template two select template one and click on open then I'm going to scroll down and click on next and I'm going to call this stack change sets click on next scroll to the bottom next again scroll to the bottom and click on create stack so this is going to create our three s3 buckets we can see that it's doing them in parallel cat pics dog pics and memes that should only take a few seconds there we go one more refresh and it's moved into create complete now that that's in create complete if I click on resources we'll be able to see the three logical resources cat pics dog pics and memes and their corresponding physical resources so the three s3 buckets now there's a change sets tab which if we click on you'll see that there are no current change sets for this stack and we can create a change set from here or we can go to stack actions and then create change set for current stack so that's what we're going to do we're going to create a change set so I'm going to click on create change set this dialogue looks much like the one that you would get if you're just updating a stack without using change sets so I'm going to replace the current template I'm going to upload a template file and I'm going to choose template 2 and then once that's loaded click on next click on next again scroll down next again scroll all the way down and then create the change set and we're going to name the change set so I'm going to call it change sets - version 2 you can call this anything you want but I always find that it's useful to have the stack name at the start and then some kind of version indication and if you wanted to type a description you could do that let's say removing memes and then create the change set initially it will show as create pending I'll hit refresh it will show us create complete and now this is a separate entity in its own right we've created a change set we've not actually updated the original stack so if I go back to stacks we'll still see the change set stack if I click on it and go to resources all three of the logical and physical resources still exist so so whilst we've uploaded this new template version and created a change set we haven't actually done anything with this change set so to use a change set let's go and click on the change sets tab and then open up this change set again we'll see a visual list of all the changes that cloud formation has detected between the version of the template the stacks using and this change set and in this particular case it's telling us that an action of remove is occurring against the logical ID of memes and this physical ID so because we've removed this logical resource from this template it's telling us that the logical resource will be removed along with the corresponding physical resource we can click on this template tab and see an overview of the template that's part of this change set in this case it's the template without the memes logical resource if I click on the JSON changes button you'll see a JSON formatted overview of exactly what's happened between the version of the template the stacks using and the version in this change set it's a list of JSON objects and it's one JSON object per change so in this case there's only one change which is logical resource ID memes and the action is to remove and this is how you can get a really accurate overview of the changes between the version of the template that the stacks using and the version of the template that's contained within this change set so it can form part of a really rigorous change management process within your business now just keep in mind at this point I could have the single change set for this stack or I could have 10 change sets and I can list them all individually I can delete them all individually but if I wanted this change set to be applied against the stack I could do so by clicking on execute so I'm going to do that as soon as I click on execute then it's going to run the update stack operation and at this point the changes would be exactly the same as if you just updated the stacks applied a new template and executed that immediately the template that the stack is using will be changed to the one contained in the change set the logical resource in this case will be removed and the corresponding physical resource will also be removed and the end effect of this will be an updated stack it has an update complete status and if we go ahead and click on resources we can see that this memes bucket has been completely removed from this stack and that's a really simple example of how you can use change sets within cloud formation now at this point that's everything which I wanted to demonstrate in this lesson I'm going to go ahead and click on delete and then delete stack and if you've been following along in your own environment you need to do the same to return the account into the same state as it was at the start of this lesson with that being said though that is everything I wanted to cover so go ahead complete this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this theory lesson I'm going to cover another cloud formation feature called CFN HUP.

      Now we have a decent amount to cover so let's just jump in and get started.

      Now as a refresher CFN-init is a helper tool which runs on EC2 instances during bootstrapping.

      The tool loads metadata stored within the logical resource in a cloud formation stack and it's a desired state configuration tool which applies a desired state to an EC2 instance based on the metadata of that instance's resource.

      But, and this is important, it's only run once.

      If you change the cloud formation template and update the stack then CFN-init isn't rerun so the configuration isn't reapplied.

      CFN-HUP is an extra tool which you can install and configure on an EC2 instance so you're responsible for installing and configuring it but this can be handled within the same bootstrapping process as any other configuration when the instance is launched.

      Now CFN-HUP gets pointed at a logical resource in a stack and it monitors it.

      It detects changes in the resources metadata.

      This occurs for example when you update the template so when you change the metadata and then perform an update stack operation.

      When CFN-HUP detects a change then it can run configurable actions and commonly you might rerun CFN-init to reapply the instance's desired state.

      So if you change the metadata, update a stack then CFN-HUP will detect this, rerun CFN-init which will apply that change.

      The end effect is that when you use both of these tools together any update stack operations which change the metadata can also update the EC2 instances operating system configuration and this is something which isn't normally the case.

      Now visually this is how it looks.

      We have a CloudFormation template which is used to create a stack and the stack creates an EC2 instance.

      Now the template in this case contains some metadata which is for the EC2 instances logical resource and let's assume that this is used initially to configure the instance.

      Maybe to configure WordPress or install some other service or application.

      Now this is how CFN-HUP interacts in this type of architecture.

      Let's say that we change the template and then when we change the template we perform an update stack operation because we've previously installed CFN-HUP on the instance.

      This is periodically checking the metadata for the logical resource for that instance in the stack.

      When it detects a change we've configured it to run CFN- init and CFN-init then downloads the new metadata for that instance and applies that new configuration.

      It's a simple but super powerful architecture and you'll be getting practical experience of using this in an upcoming demo lesson.

      For now I just wanted you to be aware of two things.

      Firstly if you update a stack that doesn't automatically rerun any bootstrapping on resources in that stack.

      So if you want to change the metadata for a resource to include an additional application install that doesn't automatically get applied.

      If you're using normal user data that's only by default executed once when you launch the instance.

      If you update a stack and change that it's not automatically reapplied to the instance.

      So the way that you need to do this is install and configure CFN-HUP as part of the initial bootstrap process.

      Configure it to monitor the logical resource for that instance and then when any changes are made it can then initiate another CFN-init to apply that desired configuration.

      So you're going to experience this practically within an upcoming demo lesson.

      For now though that's everything so go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about a feature of CloudFormation called CloudFormation init.

      It's another way that you can provide configuration information to an EC2 instance.

      So far you've experienced bootstrapping via the user data and this is an alternative.

      Now let's just jump in and get started as we've got a lot to cover.

      CloudFormation init is a simple configuration management system.

      So far you've used user data to pass scripts into an EC2 instance.

      Now this isn't a native CloudFormation feature.

      What you're essentially doing is passing in a script through EC2 using the user data feature which is an EC2 feature into the operating system running on the instance where it's executed.

      Now CloudFormation init is a native CloudFormation feature.

      Configuration directives are stored in a CloudFormation template along with the logical resource it applies to an EC2 instance.

      So we have an AWS double colon cloud formation double colon init section of a logical resource.

      This is part of an EC2 instance logical resource and it's here where you can specify directives of things that you want to happen on the instance.

      The really important distinction that you have to understand is that user data is procedural.

      It's a set of commands executed one by one on the instance operating system.

      You're essentially telling the instance operating system how to bootstrap itself.

      You're giving the instance the how.

      How you want things to be done.

      CloudFormation init on the other hand this is a desired state system.

      You're defining what you want to occur but leaving it up to the system as to how that occurs and that makes it in many different ways much more powerful.

      Not least of which because it means that it can be cross platform.

      It can work across different flavors of Linux and in some cases on Linux and Windows running on EC2 instances.

      Now it's also idempotent meaning if something is already in a certain state running CloudFormation init will leave it in that same state.

      If Apache is already installed and your CloudFormation init wants Apache installing then nothing will happen.

      If CloudFormation init defines a config file for a service and declares that that service should be started and if both of those things are already true then nothing will happen.

      It's much less hassle than having to define within your script's logic as to what should occur if something is already the case.

      By using the desired state feature of CloudFormation init it's much easier to design and easier to administer because you just need to define the state that you want instances to be in.

      Now accessing the CloudFormation init data is done via a helper script called cfn-init which is installed within the EC2 operating systems.

      This is executed via user data.

      It's pointed at a logical resource name, generally the logical resource for an EC2 instance that it's running on.

      It loads the configuration directives and it makes them so.

      Now it's probably going to be easier to understand CloudFormation init along with the cfn-init helper tool if we look at it visually.

      It all starts with a CloudFormation template.

      This one creates an EC2 instance and you'll see this yourself very soon in a demo lesson.

      The template has a logical resource within it for an EC2 instance and this has a new special component.

      Metadata an AWS double colon CloudFormation double colon init which is where the cfn-init configuration is stored.

      Now the cfn-init helper tool is executed from the user data and so like most EC2 logical resources we pass in some user data but note how this user data is very minimal only containing cfn-init which implements the configuration that we define and then cfn-signal which is used to tell CloudFormation when the bootstrapping is complete.

      So the template is used to create a stack which creates an EC2 instance.

      The cfn-init line in the user data at the bottom is executed by the instance and this should make sense now everything in the user data section is executed when the instance is first launched.

      Now if you look at the command for cfn-init you'll notice that it specifies a few variables stack ID and a region.

      Remember this instance is being created by CloudFormation.

      These variables are actually replaced for the actual values before it ends up within an EC2 instance.

      So the region is the actual region that the stack is created in and the stack ID is the actual ID of the stack that we're currently using and these are all passed to the cfn-init helper tool and this allows cfn-init to communicate with the CloudFormation service and receive its configuration and it can do that because the actual values for the region and the stack name these are all passed in via user data by CloudFormation and once the cfn-init helper tool has this data then it can perform the configuration which has been defined within the logical resource.

      Now you're going to experience this in a demo which is coming up slightly later in this section but before we do that I want you to focus on the CloudFormation-init section within the EC2 resource on the left so under metadata and then under CloudFormation double colon init.

      We're going to come back to config sets specifically but all of those others are known as config keys.

      Think of them as containers of configuration directives and each of them contains the same sections.

      So we have packages which defines which packages to install, groups which allow us to define directives to control local group management on the instance operating system, users which is where we can define directives for local user management, sources which lets us define archives which can be downloaded and extracted, files which allow us to configure files to create on the local operating system, commands which is where we can specify commands that we want to execute and then finally services which is where we can define services that should be enabled on the operating system.

      Now often within CloudFormation-init you'll define one set of config so one config key containing one set of packages, groups, users, sources, files, commands and services but you can also extend this you can define config sets.

      You can create all of these different config keys and then pick from that list and bundle them into a config set which defines which config keys to use and in what order.

      Now if you look at the CFN-init line in the user data at the bottom of your screen we're using one specific config set called WordPress underscore install and this uses all of these config keys defined on the left so install CFN, software install, configure instance, install WordPress and configure WordPress but we could have others maybe ones which upgrade WordPress or install a completely different application but whatever the configuration we have in the logical resource we use the CFN-init helper tool we specify the stack ID, the particular logical resource, the region and then the config set to use in this case WordPress underscore install.

      Now again don't worry if this is a little bit confusing this is just the theory we're going to be doing one more theory lesson about CFN-hub which is another helper tool available within cloud provision and once we've done that theory lesson as well you're going to do a demo lesson which uses both CFN-init and CFN-hub so by the end of that demo lesson you're going to understand how to use both these helper tools both individually and combined to provide a really good bootstrapping and configuration system.

      Now that's all of the theory that I wanted to cover in the next lesson as I've just mentioned we're going to be covering the theory of CFN-hub so at this point thanks for watching go ahead complete this lesson and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to discuss another feature of cloud formation which you will need for the exam so let's jump in and get started.

      You know by now that when you create a stack cloud formation creates logical resources based on what's contained in the cloud formation template but for each of those logical resources it also creates a corresponding physical resource within AWS.

      Now everything which happens inside AWS requires permissions and as you know by now the default permissions within AWS is zero permissions.

      Now by default cloud formation uses the permissions of the identity who is creating the stack to create AWS resources.

      Examples of this might be an iam user interacting with a console UI or using the command line.

      This means that by default you need the permissions to create, update or delete stacks and permissions to create, update or delete any resources for the stacks that you're creating.

      So without any other functionality in order to interact with an AWS account using cloud formation you need both permissions to interact with stacks and permissions to interact with AWS resources.

      Now for many organizations this is a problem because there are often separate teams who create resources and then others which are allowed to update them or support them.

      Cloud formation stack roles is a feature which allows cloud formation to assume a role and via assuming that role gain the permissions required to interact with AWS and create, delete or update resources.

      This allows us to use a form of role separation.

      One team can create stacks and the permission sets required to implement them and then the identity creating, updating or modifying a stack only needs permissions on that stack and the past role permissions.

      So an identity that's interacting with a stack using stack roles no longer needs the permissions to interact directly with the resources themselves and this is really powerful.

      It means an admin user could create a stack with an associated role attached and then a non admin user could be given permissions to interact with that stack using that role without ever having to have the permissions to interact with those resources.

      Now this is going to be easier to understand visually so let's have a look at that next.

      Now we have two main identities in this example scenario.

      We have Gabby on the left who is an account administrator for this AWS account and then on the right we have Phil who is a help desk engineer and in the middle we have the AWS account that both of these identities have to interact with.

      Now normally if we wanted Phil to create any AWS resources then he would need to be allocated those permissions either by assuming a role himself or by having the permissions attached either to his user directly or via any groups he is a member of.

      Now we want Phil to be able to manage the infrastructure via cloud formation only and either of those options would mean Phil could create the resources directly and this we don't want.

      Cloud formation can be a great tool that we can use to control the types of things that can be created, modified or deleted by identities which have lesser permissions.

      So using stack roles step one would be that Gabby could create an IAM role with the permissions to interact with AWS resources.

      This role has the permissions to interact with the resources but crucially Phil can't edit the role and he has no permissions to directly assume the role.

      Phil only has permissions to create, update and delete stacks as well as the permissions to pass the role into cloud formation and that's what he does.

      He takes a template that Gabby has created earlier and he uses it to create a stack.

      While doing so he passes the role that Gabby's created into the stack by selecting it within the console UI.

      This means that the role is attached to the stack and it will be used rather than Phil's own permissions when the stack is performing any resource operations on AWS, meaning that Phil doesn't need the permissions to directly manipulate those resources.

      When the stack starts creating it can assume the associated stack role and use the permissions that it gets to create all of the resources within the AWS account so it no longer has to rely on the permissions that Phil has directly associated with his IAM user.

      Now this is a really simple example but it's an example of role separation.

      Gabby as an administrator can create things within the AWS account that Phil can use.

      Gabby herself might not even be allowed to use the things that she creates.

      Phil on the other hand doesn't have the permissions to create permissions himself he can't edit the role he can only use it and only with cloud formation.

      When using it he doesn't need the permissions that Gabby has to create resources he can simply pass this role into cloud formation and then that gives cloud formation the permissions that it requires to interact with resources inside the account.

      Now in the exam if you see this type of scenario where an identity needs to use cloud formation to do things that they wouldn't otherwise be allowed to do outside of cloud formation then stack roles is a great solution to allow this.

      You can have one IAM admin user provision an IAM role with the permissions required and then give the identity with the reduced access only the rights to pass that role into cloud formation and then the permissions required to interact with stacks in cloud formation and with the combination of those two things the user Phil in this case can perform actions on the AWS account in a safe and controlled way that he otherwise wouldn't have the permissions to do.

      Now that's everything that I wanted to cover in this lesson stack roles is not a complicated feature but it's a powerful one and it's one that you'll need to be fully comfortable with for the exam.

      With that being said thanks for watching go ahead complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next lesson.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk briefly about a feature of CloudFormation called deletion policies.

      Now this is a pretty simple feature to understand but it's one that you'll be using extensively if you're deploying larger production systems into AWS using CloudFormation.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      So what is a deletion policy?

      Well if you delete a logical resource from within a CloudFormation template and then apply that template to an existing stack or if you delete a stack entirely then the default behavior of CloudFormation is to delete the corresponding physical resource.

      Now with certain types of resources this can cause data loss.

      If you're deleting RDS databases or EC2 instances with attached EBS volumes then deleting these physical resources can actually delete data that lives on those resources.

      Now a deletion policy is something that you can define on each resource within a CloudFormation template and depending on the type of resource you're able to specify a certain action which CloudFormation should take when that physical resource is being deleted.

      Now the default is that CloudFormation will delete a physical resource when the corresponding logical resource is deleted.

      You can also specify retain and that simply means that CloudFormation will not delete the physical resource if the corresponding logical resource is deleted.

      So if every logical resource within a CloudFormation template is set to retain then when you delete the stack none of the physical resources will be removed.

      They're retained inside the AWS account.

      Now for a smaller subset of supported resources you can specify the snapshot option for the deletion policy.

      Supported resources include EBS volumes, ElastiCache, Neptune, RDS and Redshift and when you specify the snapshot option for any of these type of resources then before the physical resource is deleted a snapshot of that resource is taken.

      So for example if you have an EBS volume defined within a CloudFormation template using the snapshot deletion policy if you delete that logical resource and then reapply it to a stack CloudFormation will delete the physical resource but not before it's taken a snapshot and these snapshots continue past the stack lifetime.

      So if you delete a stack and you have snapshots selected then these snapshots are your responsibility to clean up.

      You have to clean them up otherwise they'll continue to incur costs because they're essentially storage within AWS and as with any snapshots that comes with an associated cost.

      Now one really important aspect of this to understand is that deletion policies only apply to delete style operations.

      Now what this means is if you have a logical resource in a template and you remove it and then apply that to a stack or if you delete the stack then that's a deletion operation and in that case then the deletion policy will apply but it's possible that you can subtly change a logical resource in a template and then reapply that to the stack and that will cause the physical resource to be replaced which is essentially the same as a delete and then a recreate.

      Now a deletion policy will not apply in this case and if a resource is replaced then any data on that original resource will be lost and so it's important that you understand that this applies only to deletion operations it does not apply to change astrological resources which cause replacement of physical resources.

      So this is how it looks visually at the top we create a stack which creates an EC2 instance an EBS volume and an RDS instance on the left this is what happens when we delete that stack so this is the default process that happens with cloud formation and all of the physical resources are removed from the account.

      In the middle we have the same scenario but when the retain deletion policy is used in this case all of our three resources the instance the EBS volume and the RDS instance they're all retained they remain untouched in the account after the stack has been deleted.

      Now on the right we have the snapshot option and it's important to note that snapshot is not supported for EC2 instances so we can't choose this option for EC2 but for resources which do support it so an EBS volume or an RDS instance the result will be that an EBS snapshot or an RDS snapshot remain after the stack has been deleted so you will be responsible for managing these snapshots if you want to delete them after a certain period of time that will be entirely your responsibility.

      Now this is all of the theory that I wanted to talk about in this lesson I'm not going to cover it in any more depth because this is something that you'll get experience of yourself as you're doing the demo lessons in any of my courses for now though I just wanted to introduce you to the theory and I wanted to make sure that you're aware that the snapshot option is not supported on all AWS resource types so that's really critical to understand.

      At this point though thanks for watching go ahead and complete this video and then when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I'm going to be covering stack sets.

      And stack sets are a feature of CloudFormation which allows you to create, update or delete infrastructure across many regions potentially in many AWS accounts.

      At a high level stack sets allow you to use CloudFormation to deploy and manage infrastructure across many accounts and regions in those accounts.

      Rather than having to authenticate to each account individually and switch to each region you can let CloudFormation do all of the hard work on your behalf.

      Now let's cover the key concepts first before we look at the architecture visually.

      First we have stack sets themselves.

      Now think of stack sets as containers and these containers are applied to an admin account.

      I don't want you to think of the admin account as anything special.

      We just refer to it as an admin account when we're talking about stack sets to distinguish the account where a stack set is applied from all of the other accounts where CloudFormation creates resources.

      So again stack sets are containers and stack sets contain stack instances.

      Now these aren't the same thing as stacks.

      You can think of stack instances as references.

      So references to actual stacks running in specific regions in specific AWS accounts.

      So stack instances reference one particular stack in one particular region in one particular AWS account and a stack set can contain many stack instances.

      Now the reason that stack instances are treated separately from stacks is that if a stack fails to create for any reason then the stack instance will remain to keep a record of what happens.

      So why is stack failed to create?

      So think of a stack instance as a container for an individual stack.

      So to summarize stack sets are applied in an admin account.

      Stack sets reference many stack instances and stack instances are containers for individual stacks which run in a particular region in a particular account.

      Now stack instances and stacks are created within target accounts.

      Now target accounts are just normal AWS accounts that we refer to as target accounts because these are the accounts that stack sets target to deploy resources into.

      So a stack set architecture consists of a stack set in an admin account referencing stack instances and stacks which are in the target accounts and regions that you choose.

      Now each cloud formation stack created by stack sets is just a normal cloud formation stack.

      It runs in one region of one account and the way that all of this multi-account multi-region architecture is created on our behalf by stack sets is by using either self- managed roles or service managed roles and service managed roles are where we use cloud formation in conjunction with AWS organizations so all of the roles get created on your behalf by the product behind the scenes.

      So you can either use service managed security where everything's handled by the products for you or you can go ahead and manually create roles and then use self-managed roles to get the permissions so that cloud formation stack sets can create infrastructure across many different accounts in many different regions.

      Now visually stack sets look like this so using a stack set starts off in an admin account and this is an AWS account and this is the one that's on the left of your screen.

      It's in this account that we create our stack set and we'll call this the bucket atron because we need a lot of S3 buckets for storing some cat related images.

      Now an important thing to be aware of is that a template used to create a stack set it's just a normal template it's nothing special.

      For this example let's assume that we have a very simple template which creates a single S3 bucket.

      Using stack sets we also have some other accounts these are called the target accounts in this example we have two different AWS accounts and in each of these accounts we've got two regions it doesn't matter which ones so let's just call them region 1 and region 2.

      Now I mentioned on the previous screen that permissions for stack sets either come in the form of self-managed IAM roles or via service managed permissions as part of an AWS organization which the target accounts are members of.

      Cloud formation is essentially in either case assuming a role to interact with all of these target accounts.

      Now as part of the stack set creation you indicate which organizational units or accounts you want to use as targets you give the regions and then cloud formation begins interacting with those accounts it uses roles for permissions.

      Now what it's doing is creating stack instances within each region that you pick within each target account that you select as part of creating the stack set.

      Stack instances remember are just containers they're things that record what happens in each stack that's created by stack sets in each region in each account that you select.

      So once we're at this point once we've created the stack set once cloud formation has used the IAM roles to integrate with each of the target accounts that you've selected and once the stack instances have been created then the stacks themselves are actually created.

      One per region in each target account that you've selected as part of creating at the stack set and this stack creation process in turn creates the resources which are defined within the template.

      Now with this example without using stack sets we have two regions and two accounts so this makes a total of four stacks which would need to be created for the desired infrastructure.

      Now what if instead of two regions we used them all and instead of two accounts maybe we have 50.

      Then the effort reduction provided by stack sets starts to become a little bit more obvious.

      So what kind of things can stack sets be used for?

      Let's look at that next with some other key concepts that you need to be aware of for both the exam and real-world usage.

      Now there are a few terms that you need to be aware of.

      The first is concurrent accounts so this is an option that you can set when creating a stack set and this defines how many individual AWS accounts can be used at the same time.

      So if you're deploying a stack set which is deploying resources into say 10 different accounts and you define a concurrent account value of two then only two accounts can be deployed into at any one time which means that over 10 accounts you'll be doing five sets of two.

      So the more concurrent accounts that you set in theory the faster the resources will be deployed as part of a stack set.

      We've also got the term failure tolerance and failure tolerance is the amount of individual deployments which can fail before the stack set itself is viewed as failed.

      So you need to decide this value carefully especially for larger infrastructure deployment and management.

      Next we've got the term retain stacks so what you're able to do is remove stack instances from a stack set and by default it will delete any of the stacks that are in the target accounts but you can set it so that you can remove stack instances from different AWS accounts and different OUs and different regions and it will retain any of the cloud formation stacks within those regions within those accounts.

      So by default it will delete the actual stacks but you can set it to retain them.

      Now the types of scenarios you might use stack sets for might include enabling AWS config across a large range of accounts.

      You might want to use stack sets to create AWS config rules for things like multi-factor authentication, elastic IPs or EBS encryption or you might want to use stack sets to create IAM roles that are used for cross account access at scale so instead of having to create them in individual accounts one by one you can define a cloud formation template to create an IAM role and then deploy it as part of a stack set.

      Okay now at this point that's everything that I wanted to cover from a theory perspective in this lesson.

      Immediately following this lesson is a demo where you're going to get the chance to experience stack sets within your own environment but for now that's everything that I wanted to cover so go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to continue on from the last lesson where I stepped through nested stacks only this time I want to talk about cross stack references which are similar but used in a very different set of architectural scenarios.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      In the last lesson I talked about this architecture.

      I talked about how nested stacks could be used to get past the cloud formation resources per stack limit.

      I talked about how if you wanted to reuse templates for modular parts of architecture, for example creating a standard VPC template once and then reusing it, then nested stacks were ideal.

      And I talked about how if you wanted to simplify the process of creating large infrastructure using cloud formation you could do it by using nested stacks because a single root stack could create any nested stacks which it needed.

      Now the limitation of nested stacks was that if you reused a particular template, say the VPC template, you would only reuse the code not the actual VPC that it creates.

      If you implemented 10 root stacks each of which was identical then you'd have 10 application stacks, 10 active directory stacks and 10 VPC stacks which included 10 VPCs.

      Now in some cases we want to consume a shared component, for example the VPC, for lots of different implementations.

      The problem is the isolation which is a design feature of cloud formation.

      Let's say that you have a stack which is a well-structured and secured VPC and you want this to be a shared VPC usable by other application stacks in the same region and the same account.

      The issue is that stacks are by design self-contained and isolated.

      There's a logical boundary around each stack which means that things in one stack can't be by default referenced in another.

      In this example if we were deploying EC2 instances into AppStack 1 and AppStack 2 they couldn't natively reference the subnets created by the shared VPC stack.

      Now you could manually add the VPC ID and the subnet IDs into AppStack 1 and AppStack 2 but that means they're static parameters, they're not references and this is where cross stack references come in handy if you want one stack to be able to reference the resources created in another in order to reuse those actual resources.

      Now to understand the benefit of cross stack references first understand that because of the isolation of stacks normally the outputs of stacks are only visible from the user interface or the command line.

      You can't use the built-in ref function of cloud formation to reference anything from one stack in another.

      The exception to this as I detailed in the previous lesson is that root stacks can reference the outputs of nested stacks but that architecture as you also learned means that the stacks are linked in terms of their lifecycle.

      Sometimes like when you want to create a shared VPC architecture you actually want a situation where a VPC might have a long running lifecycle and applications which use that specific VPC they might have a short lifecycle so you don't want to define all of those as part of the same nested stack.

      An example of this imagine you work for a software development company each time a new version of your application is committed to a github repository you want to use cloud formation to create a VPC run the application in the VPC and operate a set of tests before tearing it all down.

      Now you could create an isolated VPC each time using a nested stack architecture but if you wanted to save costs you could use the same shared VPC the same set of NAT gateways and the same set of subnets to do this outputs of a template can be exported.

      An export is defined within an output of a stack it takes that output and adds it under an exported name to a list of exports in one region of your account so the export name has to be unique.

      So for a shared VPC design some examples of what you might choose to export might be VPC ID, subnet IDs, side arrangers, security group IDs anything which you could expect to use elsewhere so external to that shared VPC stack.

      To repeat though the export name needs to be unique inside one region of your account.

      To use the export inside another stack instead of using the ref function which is how you reference other resources in the same stack you use the import value function you provide import value with the export name and it returns the value exported in that other stack so that's how you can use exports from one stack in another.

      So let's have a look visually at how this works.

      Architecturally we start with a single AWS account running in one particular region in this example US East 1.

      Inside this region we have a VPC stack and we want this to be a shared services VPC which can be used by other stacks.

      Step one is inside that stack make sure that anything we want to use is added as an output for example the VPC ID.

      So this is an example of the output section for this particular stack we've got shared VPC ID as an output and then we use the reference function to reference the actual VPC logical resource that's created inside this stack.

      Now this means this output will be visible from the command line or the console UI but to use this value in any other stack in this region of the account we need to use the export directive to export that value to a list within one region of your account and this is the exports list and this operates per region per account so this is only visible inside your account in one specific region.

      Every region inside your account has its own list of exports everyone else's accounts and all of the regions in those accounts each of those has their own dedicated list of exports so within the exports list any of the exports need to be unique so we can only have one export called shared VPC ID within that region of that account.

      Now once a value is in the exports list it can be referenced in other stacks using the import value function this function replaces the ref function and remember the ref function is what you can use to reference other logical resources inside a single stack the import value function when used in a stack allows you to reference values which are exported from other stacks and added to the exports list.

      Now this only works in the same region as a stack is being applied in cross region or cross account isn't supported for cross stack references so essentially the process is that you need to create an output in one stack export the value for that output into the exports list and then use the import value function to import that exported value into each stack that you want to use it in and that's how you can create shared services by using cross stack references.

      Now there are a number of situations where you would choose to use cross stack references for example when you're implementing service oriented architectures i.e. when you need to provide services from one stack to another another example is if you have a churn of short lived applications which all consume from a shared services VPC then you don't want them to be in the same stack or as part of a nested stack if you have things which have different life cycles long versus short then you want to separate them into different stacks and use cross stack references if you want to reuse a stack so reuse the resources created by a stack rather than reusing a template then cross stack references are ideal for the exam I want you to be clear that a template is not a stack or vice versa a template is used to create one or more stacks each stack is unique if you want to reuse a template then you can choose to use nested stacks which allow you to use the same template that you've created once in many distinct architectures a VPC template for example might be used as part of an email system a financial system or for the implementation of hundreds of different isolated client environments that's if you want to reuse a template and each time you reuse that template it creates its own distinct infrastructure but if you want to reuse an actual stack so the resources inside a stack as with this example of a shared VPC then you should use cross stack references rather than nested stacks so cross stack references allow you to reuse actual resources nested stacks allow you to reuse templates they're very different things I hope by this point it makes sense understanding the differences for the exam is essential and if you pick the wrong one in a real-world situation the results can be less than ideal at this point though that's everything that I wanted to cover so go ahead and complete this lesson and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      In the next two lessons I want to cover two features of Cloud Formation.

      In this lesson I'm going to be covering Cloud Formation nested stacks and in the lesson following I'll cover cross stack references.

      Now we've got a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      Most simple projects and deployments which use Cloud Formation will generally utilize a single Cloud Formation stack and a Cloud Formation stack is isolated meaning it contains all of the AWS resources that the project needs.

      These might be things such as a VPC, DynamoDB, S3, maybe EC2 and Lambda, SNS, SQS and maybe even a directory service.

      Now there's nothing wrong with having a Cloud Formation stack built in this way.

      It's isolated, the resources inside it are created together, they're updated together and eventually they're deleted together.

      The idea is that all of the resources within a Cloud Formation stack share a life cycle.

      Stacks make it simple to package everything up into one collection of resources.

      Now designing Cloud Formation in this way where everything's contained in one single stack is fine as long as you don't hit any of the limits that might impact your project.

      There are a few things that you need to be aware of.

      The first is that there is a limit of 500 resources per stack and for larger deployments this could be a problem.

      Another issue with isolated stacks is that you can't easily reuse resources.

      If you had a stack like this one which created a VPC it's not practical to reference that VPC in other stacks which might also want to use it.

      Stacks are by design isolated by default.

      You can use the ref function to reference resources from other resources in the same stack but you can't use this to reference resources in other stacks.

      So stacks are isolated.

      You have to treat them as self-contained groupings of infrastructure which share the same life cycle.

      So you create a stack that creates all of the resources, you update a stack that updates all of the resources and eventually you delete the stack and that deletes all of the resources.

      Everything shares the same life cycle.

      At the professional level or just for any projects which are complex you'll tend to use a multi-stack architecture.

      So you'll implement your project using multiple stacks and there are two ways to architect a multi-stack project.

      Nested stacks and cross stack references and choosing between them is what I want you to be fully comfortable with for the exam and in this lesson we're going to be starting by looking at nested stacks.

      So let's look at that architecture next.

      Nested stacks technically are pretty simple to understand.

      You start with one stack which is referred to as the root stack.

      In this example this stack is both the root and the parent stack.

      A root stack is the stack which gets created first.

      So this is the thing that you create either manually through the console UI or the command line or using some form of automation.

      So the root stack is the only component of a nested stack which gets created manually by an entity either a human or a software process.

      Now a parent stack is the parent of any stacks which it immediately creates.

      So complex nested stack structures can actually have multiple levels.

      A root stack can create several nested stacks and each of those can in turn create additional nested stacks.

      So a parent stack is just a way that we can refer to anything which has its own nested stacks.

      So in this case this stack is going to be a root stack and a parent stack.

      Now a root stack can have parameters just like a normal stack and also have outputs also just like a normal stack and that's because a root stack is just a normal stack.

      There's nothing special about nested stacks.

      Inside all stacks you have logical resources and examples of these that you've seen so far include S3 buckets, a virtual private cloud or VPC and maybe even a DynamoDB table.

      Now you can also have a cloud formation stack as a logical resource and you define it using the type of AWS double colon cloud formation double colon stack and this is a logical resource just like any other only it creates a stack of its own.

      So you have to give the nested stack a URL to the cloud formation template which will be used to create it.

      So that template will contain its own resources it's just a normal cloud formation template as I've just mentioned it could even contain its own nested stack.

      So in this case HTTPS colon forward slash forward slash some URL dot com forward slash template dot yaml is the URL to a template which will be used to create this nested stack the stack that's called VPC stack.

      Now you can also provide nested stack resources with some parameters in this example we're creating a nested stack called VPC stack and if the template for VPC stack had three parameters so param one, param two, param three then we would need to provide values into that stack as it gets created.

      For every parameter that the template has for this nested stack we need to provide a value as we create it if not the stack creation process will fail.

      So in this particular case the template dot yaml file that's used for VPC stack has three parameters param one, two and three and when we're creating it as a nested stack we need to supply parameters for those values that are used to create that stack.

      Now the exception to this is if the VPC stack template had default values for its parameters if it has default values then we wouldn't have to provide those when creating it as a nested stack but it's best practice to populate the VPC stack logical resource with parameters for everything which is parameterized within the template that's used to create that stack.

      So in this case we have the root stack it currently has one logical resource VPC stack this creates a nested stack resource and we're passing in these three parameter values.

      So when the VPC stack nested stack finishes creating then the logical VPC stack resource within the root stack moves into a create complete status and any outputs of that nested stack are returned to the root stack and these can be referenced using the logical resource name of the nested stack so VPC stack and then dot outputs and then the actual output name of the nested stack.

      So you can only reference outputs when using nested stacks you can't directly reference logical resources created in any of the nested stacks you can only reference the outputs that you make visible when creating the nested stack.

      Now we might also have other nested stacks contained within the root stack and because these are also logical resources they too would be created but they might have dependencies either ones which cloud formation calculates or one where we use the depends on directive to explicitly inform cloud formation that there is a dependency between different stacks for example we might have an active directory nested stack called AD stack which depends on the VPC stack whether it's a self-managed active directory or one provided by directory service it will need to run from a VPC and so it will depend on that VPC and that VPC is getting created within the VPC stack nested stack.

      Now the root stack can take the outputs from one nested stack and give them as parameters to another examples of this might be the VPC ID or the subnet IDs of the resources created inside the VPC stack.

      Once the AD stack finishes creating it too might have outputs which are then returned to the root stack then we might create another nested stack perhaps an application stack and this might depend on the AD stack maybe it uses active directory for user authentication and once complete this application stack can also provide its outputs back to the root stack maybe this is a login URL for the application itself as each of the nested stacks finished provisioning the resource in the root stack will be marked as create complete and once all of the logical resources for the nested stacks are complete then the root stack itself will be marked as create complete.

      Now there are two really important aspects to nested stacks that you need to understand in order to pick between nested stacks and cross stack references which I'll be talking about in the next lesson.

      First by breaking up solutions into modular templates it means that these templates can be reused in this example we have VPC stack which is probably something that can be used again and again for different deployments if you upload the template somewhere then many nested stack architectures can use that template and crucially this is reusing the code or the template for a stack it's not reusing the same stack itself so we're not reusing the VPC that's being created by VPC stack what it means is that we can reuse the template that created VPC stack so by uploading the template for the VPC stack other nested stacks can reuse this same YAML template but if you do reuse the same VPC template in another stack it will create a separate VPC the benefit is the ability to reuse the same templates you're not reusing the same stacks now the AD stack template can also probably be used for different projects which use Active Directory but again every time that this particular template is reused it will create a different Active Directory you're reusing the code not the actual resources this isn't the same when we use cross stack references which I'll be covering in the next lesson because then you're actually reusing resources that are created by a stack when using nested stacks you're reusing the template not the actual stack so you generally use nested stacks when you've created individual building blocks so modular templates and you can reuse each of these templates to form part of a single solution which is life cycle linked so you might be able to reuse the template which creates a VPC on lots of different nested stacks but crucially it would always create a dedicated VPC you would not be using the same VPC in the same stack you would be recreating a new stack and new resources each and every time now nested stacks are generally used when all of the infrastructure that you're creating is forming part of the same solution when it's life cycle linked in this example the application needs Active Directory which needs a VPC it's unlikely that one will exist without the other you aren't going to want to switch out Active Directory for another Active Directory or the VPC for another VPC it's likely that these will all be created together operate together and maybe someday be deleted together now nested stacks do allow for a few main benefits before we finish this lesson I just want to summarize them use nested stacks when you want to overcome the resource limit of using a single stack if you have five stacks together as a nested stack you can have 2,500 resources use nested stacks when you're modularizing your templates that way you can create a VPC template once and use it for many implementations but remember if you use nested stacks and each one of those projects will create its own physical VPC with nested stacks you're only reusing the template so the code you're not reusing resources themselves use nested stacks when you want to make stack installations easier this is because you can apply a root stack and have that root stack automatically orchestrate the application of many nested stacks the one single decision point between using nested stacks and cross stack references is only use nested stacks when everything is life cycle linked when everything in the stack structure needs to be created with each other updated with each other and eventually deleted with each other if you're anticipating needing one part long term but not others then nested stacks are the wrong choice if you imagine needing to use the same actual VPC across multiple implementations then cross stack references are probably better suited and we'll talk about that in the next lesson if you want to make frequent changes to one part of an application and not others then it's probably better to have individual non nested stacks and utilize cross stack references which we'll talk about next okay so that's everything I wanted to cover about nested stacks in the next lesson I'll be comparing this to cross stack references so go ahead and complete this lesson and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about a few related features of CloudFormation and those are weight conditions, creation policies and the CFN signal tool.

      So let's jump in and get started straight away.

      Before we look at all of those features as a refresher I want to step through what actually happens with the traditional CloudFormation provisioning process and let's assume that we're building an EC2 instance and we're using some user data to bootstrap WordPress.

      Well if we do this the process starts with logical resources within the template and the template is used to create a Cloud Formation stack.

      Now you know by now that it's the job of the stack to take the logical resources in a template and then create, update or delete physical resources to match them within an AWS account.

      So in this case it creates an EC2 instance within an AWS account.

      From CloudFormation's perspective in this example it initiates the creation of an EC2 instance so when EC2 reports back that the physical resource has completed provisioning the logical resource changes to create complete and that means everything's good right?

      Well the truth is we just don't know.

      With simple provisioning when the relevant system EC2 in this case tells CloudFormation that it's finished then CloudFormation has no further access to any other information beyond the fact that EC2 is telling it that that resource has completed its provisioning process.

      With more complex resource provisions like this one where bootstrapping goes on beyond when the instance itself is ready then the completion state isn't really available until after the bootstrapping finishes and even then there's no built-in link to communicate back to CloudFormation whether that bootstrapping process was successful or whether it failed.

      An EC2 instance will be in a create complete state long before the bootstrapping finishes and so even when it's finished if it fails the resource itself still shows create complete.

      Creation policies, weight conditions and CFN signal provide a few ways that we can get around this default limitation and allow systems to provide more detailed signals on completion or not to CloudFormation.

      So let's have a look at how this works.

      The way that this enhanced signaling is done is via the CFN signal command which is included in the AWS CFN bootstrap package.

      The principle is simple enough you configure CloudFormation to hold or pause a resource and I'll talk more about the ways that this is done next but you configure CloudFormation to wait for a certain number of success signals.

      You want to make it so that resources such as EC2 instances tell CloudFormation that they're okay.

      So in addition to configuring it to wait for a certain number of success signals you also configure a timeout.

      This is a value in hours, minutes and seconds within which those signals can be received.

      Now the maximum permitted value for this is 12 hours and once configured it means that a logical resource such as an EC2 instance will just wait.

      It won't automatically move into a create complete state once the EC2 system says that it's ready.

      Instead if the number of success signals that you define is received by CloudFormation within the timeout period then the status of that resource changes into create complete and the stack process continues with the knowledge that the EC2 instance really is finished and ready to go because on the instance you've configured something to explicitly send that signal or signals to CloudFormation.

      CFN signal is a utility running on the instance itself actually sending a signal back to the CloudFormation service.

      Now if CFN signal communicates a failure signal suggesting that the bootstrapping process didn't complete successfully then the creation of the resource in the stack fails and the stack itself fails.

      So that's important to understand CFN signal can send success signals or failure signals and a failure signal explicitly fails the process.

      Now another possible outcome of this is the timeout period can be reached without the required number of success signals and in this situation CloudFormation views this as an implicit failure.

      The resource being created fails and then logically the stack fails the entire process that it's doing.

      Now the actual thing which is being signaled using CFN signal is a logical resource specifically a resource such as EC2 or auto scaling groups which is using a creation policy or a specific type of separate resource called a weight condition resource.

      Now AWS suggests that for provisioning EC2 and auto scaling groups you should use a creation policy because it's tied to that specific resource that you're handling but you might have other requirements to signal outside of a specific resource.

      For example if you're integrating CloudFormation with an external IT system of some kind in that case you might choose to use a weight condition and next I want to visually step through how both of these work because it will make a lot more sense when you see the architecture visually.

      Let's start with the example of an auto scaling group which uses a launch configuration to launch three EC2 instances.

      These are within a template and that's used to create a stack.

      Because I'm using a creation policy here a few things happen which are different to how CloudFormation normally functions.

      First the creation policy here adds a signal requirement and timeout to the stack.

      In this case the stack needs three signals and it has a timeout of 15 minutes to receive them.

      So the EC2 instances are provisioned but because of the creation policy the auto scaling group doesn't move into a create complete state as normal.

      It waits.

      It can't complete until the creation policy directive is fulfilled.

      The user data for the EC2 instances contains some bootstrapping and then this CFN signal statement at the bottom.

      So once the bootstrapping process whatever it is has been completed and let's say that it's installing the Categorum application well the CFN signal tool signals the resource in this case the auto scaling group that it's completed the build.

      So this CFN signal that's at the bottom left of your screen this is an actual utility which runs on the EC2 instance as part of the bootstrapping process.

      And this causes each instance to signal once and the auto scaling group resource in the stack requires three of these signals within 15 minutes.

      If it gets them all and assuming that they're all success signals then the stack moves into a create complete state.

      If anything else happens so maybe a timeout happens or maybe one of the three instances has a bug then it will signal a failure and in any of those cases the stack will move into a create failed state.

      Creation policies are generally used for EC2 instances or for auto scaling groups and if you do any of the advanced demo lessons in any of my courses you're going to see that I make use of this feature to ensure resources which are being provisioned are actually provisioned correctly before moving on to the next stage.

      Now there are situations when you need some additional functionality maybe you want to pass data back to cloud formation or want to put general wait states into your template which can't be passed until a signal is received and that's where wait conditions come in handy.

      Wait conditions operate in a similar way to creation policies.

      A wait condition is a specific logical resource not something defined in an existing resource.

      A wait condition can depend on other resources and other resources can also depend on a wait condition so it can be used as a more general progress gate within a template a point which can't be passed until those signals are received.

      A wait condition will not proceed to create complete until it gets its signals or the timeout configured on that wait condition expires.

      Now a wait condition relies on a wait handle and a wait handle is another logical resource whose sole job is to generate a pre-signed URL which can be used to send signals to.

      It's pre-signed so that whatever using it doesn't need to use any AWS credentials they're included in the pre-signed URL.

      So let's say that we have an EC2 instance or external server.

      These are responsible for performing a process maybe some final detailed configuration or maybe they assign licensing something which has to happen after a part of the template but before the other part.

      So these generate a JSON document which contains some amazing information or some amazing occurrence.

      This is just an example it can be as complex or as simple as needed.

      This document is passed back as the signal it has a status, a reason, a unique ID and some data.

      Now what's awesome about this is that not only does this signal allow resource creation to be paused and then continued when this event has occurred but the data which has passed back can also be accessed elsewhere in the template.

      We can use the get at function to query for the data attribute of the wait condition and get access to the details on the signal.

      Now this allows a small amount of data exchange and processing between whatever is signaling and the cloud formation stack.

      So you can inject specific data about a given event into the JSON document, send this back as a signal and then access this elsewhere in the cloud formation stack and this might be useful for certain things like licensing or to get additional status information about the event from the external system.

      And that's wait conditions.

      In many ways they're just like creation policies.

      They have the same concept.

      They allow a specific resource creation to be paused, not allowing progress until signaling is received.

      Only wait conditions they're actually a separate resource and can use some more advanced data flow features like I'm demonstrating here.

      AWS recommend creation policies for most situations because they're simpler to manage but as you create more complex templates you might well have need to use wait conditions as well and for the exams it's essential that you understand both creation policies and wait conditions which is why I wanted to go into detail on both.

      Now that's all of the theory that I wanted to cover about creation policies and wait conditions and these are both things that you're going to get plenty of practical experience of in various demo lessons in all of my courses but I wanted to cover the theory and the architecture so that you can understand them when you come across them in those demos.

      For now though thanks for watching go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about a feature of Cloud Formation called Depends On.

      And Depends On allows you to establish formal dependencies between resources within Cloud Formation Templates.

      Now to explain what this is and why it's required, I'm going to step through a few key points and then we're going to look at it visually.

      Now when you use a Cloud Formation template to create a Cloud Formation stack, Cloud Formation tries to be efficient.

      And the way that it attempts to be efficient is to do things in parallel.

      So when it's creating, updating or deleting resources, it's attempting to do this where possible in parallel.

      So for example when using one of my demos, you might notice that many resources inside the template are being created at the same time.

      Now while it's doing this, it's trying to determine a dependency order.

      So for example, it wants to create the VPC first, then create subnets inside that VPC and then create EC2 instances which run in subnets, which run inside a VPC.

      So it tries to determine a dependency order or a dependency tree automatically within the Cloud Formation stack.

      Now one of the ways that it does this is by using references or functions.

      So if an EC2 instance references a subnet and a subnet references a VPC, then it knows that it needs to create the VPC first, then the subnet and then the EC2 instance.

      Now the Depends on feature simply lets you explicitly define any dependencies between resources.

      So you can formally define that resources B and C depend on resource A and that means that Cloud Formation will not attempt to provision either of those resources until resource A is in a create complete state.

      Now in most cases, this built in dependency mapping will work and you won't encounter any issues.

      For example, you might see in many of my demos or advanced demos that if the user data that's defined for an EC2 instance references an Aurora cluster, then it's going to wait until that Aurora cluster has been created before creating the EC2 instance.

      So it tends to work in 99% of cases, but Depends on is a really useful way that lets you explicitly define this dependency relationship.

      So let's take a look at visually at how that works.

      So let's say that we start with two Cloud Formation logical resources in a template.

      Let's say a VPC and an Internet Gateway.

      Now these are different resources and there's no link between the two.

      You can create an Internet Gateway without having a VPC and you can create a VPC without having an Internet Gateway.

      So there's no implicit or explicit dependency between either of them.

      Neither of them require the other to exist.

      But consider this, we have an Internet Gateway attachment.

      This attaches an Internet Gateway to a VPC.

      So logically it requires both of them.

      You can see here in orange at the top that we reference the VPC and in blue at the bottom we reference the Internet Gateway.

      This creates implicit dependencies.

      The Internet Gateway attachment depends on both the VPC and the Internet Gateway resources.

      Now it's implicit because we haven't actually formally stated this dependency.

      It's just assumed by Cloud Formation because the Internet Gateway attachment logical resource references the other two.

      We can't reference a resource until it's in a create complete state.

      So until the VPC and the Internet Gateway resources are fully created, they can't be successfully referenced.

      And so the Internet Gateway attachment can't be created because it references those other two resources until those other two resources move into a create complete state.

      So this implicit dependency feature works in most cases.

      In most cases we can allow Cloud Formation to determine this dependency for us.

      But there are some exceptions and one very common one which always seems to impact me when creating demos and one which always tends to feature in exams, hint hint, is this one.

      This is that we want to create an elastic IP.

      So if you're creating an elastic IP and you want to associate it with a VPC that you're creating in the same template.

      So let's say that you're associating it with an EC2 instance running in a subnet inside a VPC.

      Then it actually requires an attached Internet Gateway.

      Otherwise you'll encounter issues.

      You might find that when creating stacks using templates sometimes it works or sometimes it doesn't.

      You might find when deleting stacks sometimes it works or sometimes it doesn't.

      Without formally declaring this relationship whether you can create an elastic IP depends on the random order that Cloud Formation creates these resources.

      So if the elastic IP attempts to create before the Internet Gateway attachment has been created then you will get an error.

      If you're deleting a stack and Cloud Formation attempts to delete the Internet Gateway attachment before deleting the elastic IP then you're also going to get an error.

      Now what you can do to avoid all of these types of issues is to explicitly define a dependency and this is done using depends on as with this example.

      So we use the depends on key value.

      For the key we use depends on and for the value we specify the resource which this resource formally depends on.

      And so this creates an explicit dependency.

      The elastic IP will only be created after the Internet Gateway attachment has been completed and the elastic IP will be deleted before the Internet Gateway attachment is deleted.

      So using depends on establishes this formal or explicit dependency which ensures that resources are created, updated and deleted in the correct order.

      And this is something that's really essential to understand about Cloud Formation to avoid errors when creating larger templates or when studying an exam with an exam question in this area.

      So it's definitely something that you need to understand going into any of the AWS exams and also if you're creating larger Cloud Formation templates.

      Now it depends on you can either specify a single resource as with this example or you can specify a list of resources if you want to create multiple dependencies.

      So keep that in mind.

      And again if you're working through any of my demos or advanced demos it's definitely worth the time to look through the underlying Cloud Formation templates and identify where I've put any depends on statements because that will help you understand exactly how this works for production and for exam questions.

      At this point though that's everything I wanted to cover so thanks for watching.

      Go ahead complete this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover CloudFormation conditions.

      Now these are a useful feature of CloudFormation which allows a stack to react to certain conditions and change infrastructure which is deployed or specific configuration of that infrastructure based on those conditions.

      Now it's a simple feature but it provides a lot of flexibility for architects, developers or engineers.

      So let's jump in and step through exactly how it works and what features it provides.

      So CloudFormation conditions are declared within an optional section of the template, the conditions section.

      Now you can define many conditions within the conditions section of the template and the end effect is that each condition is evaluated to be true or false.

      And these are processed before logical resources which are defined within a template, a processed by CloudFormation and physical resources are created to mirror those logical resources.

      So essentially the conditions section of a template is evaluated first and then based on those conditions any logical resources which use those conditions that influences what physical resources are created and how they're created.

      So these conditions use other intrinsic functions so AND = IF NOT AND OR and it uses these intrinsic functions to evaluate one or more things and then the result of those functions determines whether the condition itself is true or false.

      Any logical resources within a template can have a condition associated with them and the condition that's associated with them defines whether they're created or not.

      So if a condition that's associated with a resource is true then that logical resource is created.

      If a condition that's associated with a resource is false that resource is not created.

      Now an example is you could have a parameter value on a template which accepted a number.

      Let's say 1, 2 or 3 and then we could create three conditions within a template.

      Let's say 1AZ, 2AZ or 3AZ and each of these conditions would use intrinsic functions to evaluate whether the parameter value was 1, 2 or 3.

      Now we could have many duplicate sets of resources defined within the CloudFormation template and certain of those resources would only be created if 2AZ was true and certain resources would only be created if 3AZ were true.

      We could also have conditions which react to the environment type parameter of a template.

      So based on whether the template was prod or dev we could control the size of instances created by a CloudFormation stack.

      So these are just two relatively common ways that conditions are used within a CloudFormation stack and a CloudFormation template.

      Now let's take a look at how this looks visually and I'm going to step through a pretty simple example.

      So we have three major component parts.

      First we have a template parameter.

      In this example, EnvType.

      An EnvType can be dev or prod and it represents what the template is being used for.

      So development activities or production usage.

      Then also within the template we have a condition defined inside the conditions block of the template and this uses the equals intrinsic function to check if the value of the EnvType parameter is prod and if it is then this condition is prod is set to true.

      Finally conditions are used within resources of the template.

      In this case the word pressed to myEIP and myEIP2 resources they all reference this condition.

      And just before anyone provides feedback for anyone with a really keen eye these templates are not complete.

      So let's just refer to them as pseudo CloudFormation.

      They're cut down to only show what matters for this lesson.

      The flow through this architecture would start with our developer Bob who would decide on a value of dev or prod for the EnvType parameter when applying it.

      So this would set that parameter value.

      Now the template as I've just mentioned has the conditions block which is evaluated first by CloudFormation before even considering the resources.

      So this evaluates to true or false.

      If the EnvType parameter in the template is prod then this condition evaluates to true otherwise it's false.

      Now the next stage is that the processing of the resources within the stack begins when processing the resources for any resources which use the isProd condition they're only created if the condition that they reference is true.

      So in this example if the isProd condition is false then only the wordpress resource is created.

      Because all of the other three have the condition which if it's false will cause those resources not to be created.

      Now if the isProd condition was true then wordpress2 would also be created so we'd have two EC2 instances and each of those would also be allocated with an elastic IP.

      So myEIP and myEIP2.

      So just to reiterate this if a logical resource does not have a condition then it's created regardless.

      If a logical resource does reference a condition then that logical resource is only used so a physical resource is only created if that condition evaluates to true.

      If it evaluates to false then no physical resource is created for that corresponding logical resource.

      Now when you step through the flow of using these conditions they aren't actually that difficult to understand.

      You define a condition, you set it to true or false using one of the intrinsic functions and then you use that condition within resources in the template.

      Now conditions can also be nested so you could have an isProd condition.

      You could also have another condition such as createS3 bucket and if this was true it would create the S3 bucket.

      And then you could have a condition which controls if a bucket policy is applied to the bucket and you could configure it so that that bucket policy would only be applied if a bucket is created and if that stack is a production stack.

      So you can nest conditions together and make a condition that evaluates to true only if two other conditions also evaluate to true and this nesting is done by using these intrinsic functions.

      Now I'll be showing you lots of different examples of conditions in my demos and advanced demos that you'll find through all of my courses.

      So always make a habit as you do the demos to review the cloud formation templates which are used.

      So seeing these through practical examples will help improve your understanding.

      With that you'll be able to read templates and with more and more practice you'll find that writing them becomes much easier.

      At this point though that's everything that I wanted to cover in this theory lesson about cloud formation conditions.

      Thanks for watching.

      Go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to talk about cloud formation outputs and outputs are optional within a template.

      Many don't have them but they're useful in providing status information or showing how to access services which are created by a cloud formation stack.

      Now this is going to be a really quick video so let's jump in and get started.

      So the output section of a template is entirely optional.

      You can implement perfectly valid cloud formation templates without using an output section but if you do decide to include an output section then you can create outputs within that section.

      Essentially you can declare values inside this section which will be visible as outputs when using the CLI, they'll be visible as outputs when using the console UI and and this is a really important point they will be accessible from a parent stack when using nesting and these outputs can be exported allowing cross stack references.

      Now outputs are not a complex topic and so I don't want to dwell too much on how they work because you'll be getting some practical experience in an upcoming demo video.

      Visually though this is how it might look if you're declaring a simple output.

      So in this example we're provisioning an EC2 instance which is running WordPress and this is an output within that template.

      So what we're doing is defining an output called WordPress URL and then we're defining two key value pairs description and value.

      So description is something which is visible from the CLI console UI and is passed back to the parent stack when nested stacks are being used.

      So you can always access the description and it's best practice to provide a description which makes this useful to anyone who might not have seen the template.

      Now the second part is the value and the value is important.

      The value determines exactly what you want to be exposed by the cloud formation stack once the stack is in a create complete state.

      So in this case what we're actually doing is creating a value by joining two other things together.

      So we're using the join intrinsic function which I've covered in a different video and we're joining the literal string of HTTPS colon forward slash forward slash and the logical resource attribute of DNS name and this is how we can create a URL for accessing the service that's created by this cloud formation template.

      So we're using the join function to generate a simple string from two different things from HTTPS colon slash slash which is a literal string and then the attribute of the instance which is created elsewhere in this template.

      So the output will be HTTPS colon slash slash and then the DNS name of the instance and this will provide a method for anyone who's implementing this template to be able to access the service.

      So that's everything I wanted to cover about cloud formation outputs.

      They're not all that complicated you'll be getting some practical experience in using them in an upcoming demo video and when I talk about cross stack references you'll see how we can extend this by exporting a particular output or set of outputs but at this point I want to keep things simple and that's everything that you need to be aware of when it comes to cloud formation outputs.

      So go ahead complete this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to talk about CloudFormation mappings.

      And in keeping with the theme from the last few videos, this is also a feature of CloudFormation which makes it easier to design portable templates.

      Now this is going to be a fairly brief video so let's jump in and get started.

      CloudFormation templates can contain a mappings object.

      Remember at a top level a YAML or JSON template is just a collection of top-level key value pairs.

      Now resources is one, parameters is one and now I'm introducing mappings as another.

      The mappings object can contain many mapping logical resources and each of these maps keys to values allowing information lookup.

      So you might use mappings to map the environment for example production to a particular database configuration or a specific SSH key.

      Now these mappings can have one level of lookup so you can provide a key and get a value back or they can have top and second level keys.

      Now a common example is a mapping of AMI IDs based on the top level key of region and the second level key of architecture.

      Mappings use another intrinsic function which I haven't introduced yet called find in map and an example which I'll show next is the common use case which I just talked about using find in map to retrieve a given Amazon machine image ID for a particular region and a particular architecture.

      Now at this point the key thing to remember about mappings is that they help you, you guessed it, improve template portability.

      They let you store some data which can be used to influence how the template behaves for a given input.

      So let's have a look at a simplified example visually on the next screen.

      Now this is an example of one mapping which is called region map which is in the mappings part of a cloud formation template and this is an example of the find in map function that you will use to lookup data using the mapping.

      Now to use a mapping it's actually pretty simple.

      First we have to use this find in map function and we need to specify a number of pieces of information to this find in map function.

      The first thing that we need to specify is the name of the mapping that we're going to use in this case region map.

      So this allows the intrinsic function find in map to query a particular mapping in the mappings area of the cloud formation template.

      Now the next part this is mandatory we always need to provide at least one top level key.

      In this case we need to provide an item that we will use to lookup information from the mapping.

      Now in this case we're using a pseudo parameter.

      A WS double colon region will always resolve to the region that this template is being applied in to create a stack.

      So in this case let's assume that it's US - East - 1.

      Now the mapping to use and this top level key are the only mandatory parts of find in map and if we only provided these two then it would retrieve the entire object below US - East - 1 on this example.

      But in this case we're going to provide a second level key, HVM 64.

      And if we provide this as well it will perform a second level of lookup.

      Meaning in this case we will retrieve the AMI ID for US - East - 1 using the HVM 64 architecture.

      So this is a simple example but it's a fairly common scenario where you use the mappings area of a template to store an AMI lookup table that you can use to retrieve a particular suitable AMI for a given AWS region and a given architecture.

      Now you could change this, you could use a particular AMI for a particular region and a particular application or a particular environment type.

      But you can perform one or two level lookups using find in map.

      Now again in a future video you're going to get the chance to experience this yourself in a demo video but for now I just wanted to introduce the theory, the architecture behind mappings.

      So that's everything I wanted to cover in this video so go ahead, complete the video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to cover CloudFormation intrinsic functions.

      Up until this point everything that you've defined within a CloudFormation template has either been static or accepted using parameters.

      While intrinsic functions allow you to gain access to data at runtime, your template can take actions based on how things are when the template is being used to create a stack and that's really powerful.

      In this lesson I want to cover the theory of intrinsic functions but don't worry you'll be getting the chance to use them practically in an upcoming demo video so let's jump in and get started.

      Now I want to quickly step through the functions that we're going to be looking at over the remaining videos of this CloudFormation series and then we can look at some of them visually and technically step through how they work.

      So first we're going to be looking at the ref and get attribute function or get at and these both allow you to reference a value from one logical resource or parameter in another one.

      If you create a VPC in a template and you want to make sure that another resource such as a subnet goes inside that VPC then you can reference the VPC within other logical resources.

      Next we've got join and split and these as the name suggests allow you to join strings together or split them up.

      An example usage might be is if you create an EC2 instance which is given a public IP version for DNS name then you can use the join function to create a web URL that anyone can use to access that resource.

      Next is get azs which can be used to get a list of availability zones for a given AWS region and the select function which allows you to select one element from that list and these two are commonly used together to pick an availability zone from the list of availability zones in one particular region.

      Next are a set of conditional logic functions if and equals not and or and these can be used to provision resources based on conditional checks.

      So for example if a certain parameter is set to prod then deploy big instances.

      If it's dev then deploy smaller ones.

      Next is base64 and sub.

      Many parts of AWS accept input using base64 encoding.

      For example if you're providing EC2 with some user data for automated builds then you need to provide this using base64.

      So the base64 function accepts non-encoded text and its outputs base64 encoded text that you can then provide to that resource.

      Sub allows you to substitute things within text based on runtime information.

      So you might be passing build information into EC2 and you want to provide a value from the template parameters in which case sub can help you do that.

      And then next we've got sider which lets you build sider blocks for networking.

      It's a way to automatically configure the network ranges subnet used within a cloud formation template.

      Now there are others such as import value, find in map and transform and I'll be covering these in dedicated videos later in this series.

      Each one of these functions can be used in isolation or used together to implement some pretty advanced logic within templates.

      Now let's take a look at how these work visually and technically and once again don't worry you will be getting the chance to use all of these practically in upcoming demo video.

      Two of the most common intrinsic functions within cloud formation are ref and get at meaning get attribute.

      It's important that you understand how these are used and the differences between the two.

      So let's use this as an example.

      A template with a logical resource which we're going to use to create a stack and this creates a physical resource in this case a t3.micro EC2 instance.

      Now every parameter and logical resource within cloud formation has a main value which it returns so for example the main value returned by an EC2 instance is its physical resource ID.

      The main value for a parameter logically enough is its value and the ref function can be used as the name suggests to reference this main value of a parameter or a logical resource.

      Now if you look at the cloud formation simplified example at the bottom left you will see next to image ID we're referencing latest AMI ID which is a parameter and that's how we can use parameters with logical resources by referencing them.

      We can also use ref with logical resources as I just described so when an EC2 instance is created once it reaches a create complete state then it makes available a range of data.

      The primary value its physical ID can be accessed using the ref intrinsic function.

      Now there are also secondary values depending on the type of resource that you're deploying and these can be accessed using the get at function.

      With this function you provide the logical resource name and the name of an attribute and examples of this free EC2 might be the public IP address or the public DNS name of the instance.

      Ref and get at are critical.

      They're used in almost all cloud formation templates to access logical resource attributes, template parameters, pseudo parameters and much more.

      They'll be the key to evolving the non-portable template that you created in the previous demo video through to being a portable template so it's really important that you understand how both of these work.

      Next I want to talk about the get azs function and the select function.

      Now these are often used together which is why I've included them on the same example.

      Get azs is an environmental awareness function.

      Let's say that we're deploying a template into US East 1 and let's assume this region has 6 azs, US East 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E and 1F.

      Now if you wanted to launch an EC2 instance into one of these azs you would need to know its name.

      Basically you would need to know a list of names for all of the valid azs in that region and then you would need to pick one.

      Remember from the previous demo video we're trying to ensure that our templates are portable so hard coding, availability zone names is a bad practice.

      What you can do is use the get azs function and with this you can either explicitly specify a region, you can use the region pseudo parameter or you can leave it blank and then it will use the region currently being used to create the stack.

      What it will do is return a list of availability zones within that region.

      There is a little nuance here though under normal circumstances it should return a list of all the azs in that region but what it actually does is to return a list of all azs within that region where the default VPC has subnets in that az.

      Now normally these are one and the same but if you have a default VPC where you've deleted subnets then the list that you're going to get back is not going to have all available azs.

      So if you don't have a default VPC or if you have the default VPC in its form where it does have subnets for all azs in that region then it will return a list of all available azs within that region.

      But if you have a badly configured default VPC then you might get some inconsistent results.

      But having this dynamic list of availability zones is really powerful because then you can use the select function to select a numbered one from that list.

      Now select accepts a list and an index starting at zero which returns the first object in that list.

      So it allows you to dynamically refer to azs in the current region without explicitly stating their identifiers which makes templates much more portable.

      It's one part of ensuring that templates can be applied to all regions without having issues and it's something that you're going to get experience of very soon in the next demo video.

      Now I'm going to start moving through the rest of these much faster because some of these intrinsic functions are much more situational and you're going to get experience of them as we move through this series of videos.

      Next we have the join function and the split function.

      Now split accepts a single string value and a delimiter pipe in this example and it outputs a list where each object in the list is part of the original split.

      So in this example we provide split with a single string, ruffle pipe, truffles pipe, penny pipe, winky and we get as an output a list where each object in that list is one of those cat names which can be referenced individually.

      Now join is the reverse of this.

      You provide a delimiter and a list of values and the join function joins them together to make a string.

      In this case we're creating a web URL for a WordPress EC2 instance by combining https// and the DNS name of the instance and note how that's obtained with the get at function which I've just covered.

      Okay so moving on, next we have base64 and sub.

      Now this is an example of user data which I'm going to be covering soon.

      Essentially it's a script that you provide to instances which allow them to perform auto configuration.

      Now this user data needs to be provided using base64 encoded text but as you can see this isn't the case.

      It's simply using plain text.

      The base64 function accepts normal text and it encodes it and then passes the output which is base64 into an instance which is the format that that instance needs.

      So if you're operating with any AWS resources which require base64 then you can use this function, provide the function with some normal text and it will output the base64 encoded text that you need.

      Now the substitute or sub function allows you to do replacements on variables.

      So for example this is a variable.

      This is the instance ID attribute of the instance logical resource.

      By putting it in this format so dollar, curly bracket, variable name, close curly bracket the sub function will replace it with the actual runtime value, the instance ID.

      Now there are some restrictions.

      You can't do self references.

      So in this case this user data could only reference the instance ID of another instance.

      This example is actually an invalid one which I wanted to show you visually.

      The formatting is correct but it actually shows a self reference.

      How can we pass in an attribute of a physical instance before the physical instance is created?

      So this is not valid but during an upcoming demo video I'm going to be covering how to use these effectively and you're going to get plenty of practical experience of using the sub function within your own cloud formation templates.

      Now the format of using things in substitutions is either the left one for a parameter, the middle one for the primary value of a resource and this is like using the ref function and the right is the format for using attributes.

      The logical resource name and then the attribute name and again don't worry you're going to get plenty of practical experience of using this in an upcoming demo video.

      The last function I want to talk about is actually a really cool feature of cloud formation which makes networking much easier.

      So when you're creating VPCs you have to provide a side arrange for the VPC to use.

      Inside that side arrange you've historically had to manually assign rangers for the sub nets inside that VPC.

      With this function you can use it to reference the side arrange in this example of a VPC.

      You can tell it how many sub nets you want to allocate and then finally you can tell it the size of those sub nets and from that it will output a list of side arrangers which you can use within sub nets within a VPC and you can combine this with the select function to allocate those to sub nets individually.

      So in both of these examples sub net one and sub net two what we're doing is we're using the side function, we're passing it the side arrange of the VPC, we're telling it we want 16 ranges in total and we're giving it the size for those ranges.

      Both of them output a list of possible ranges to use and we're selecting the first one so index zero for sub net one and the second one so index one for sub net two.

      And this is an example of how we can assign side arrangers to sub nets in a more automated way.

      It assists again in making templates more portable by auto assigning things.

      Now it does have its limitations, it's all based on the parent VPC side arrange and it can't allocate or unallocate ranges but luckily I'm going to show you some really cool techniques how you can fix that in later videos of this series.

      Now at this point that's everything I wanted to cover, I wanted to quickly go through some common intrinsic functions that you might use while you're creating cloud formation templates.

      Now very soon there's going to be another demo video where you're going to get some practical experience to all of the theoretical concepts that I've been talking about in this block of theory videos.

      So don't worry we start with a theory, we make sure that you're entirely comfortable with that and then you'll get the opportunity to practice that in a demo video.

      Now that's everything that I wanted to cover in this video so as always please go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to talk about template and pseudo parameters, two types of parameters which can be used within CloudFormation templates and which can influence logical resources within those templates.

      Now we've got a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      Parameters both template and pseudo parameters allow input.

      They let external sources provide input into CloudFormation.

      For template parameters this means that the human or automated process can provide input via the console, CLI or API when a stack is created or updated.

      An example of this might be the size of the instance or the environment that the template is for.

      So for example dev, test or prod.

      Now parameters are defined inside a template along with the resources and the values for those parameters can be referenced within logical resources also within that template which allows them to influence the physical resources and/or the configuration of those physical resources when a template is used with a stack to provision AWS resources.

      For every parameter that you define in a template you can provide configuration for that specific parameter.

      You can define defaults for it so if no value is explicitly provided then that default applies.

      You can define allowed values so maybe a list of instance types which are valid for the template.

      You can define restrictions such as the minimum and maximum length or even allowed patterns.

      You can also define the parameter as using no echo which is useful for passwords where you don't want the input to be visible when it's being typed.

      And then finally each parameter can have a type.

      You have simple ones like string, number or list but you also have AWS specific ones which allow you to specify a VPC from a list or subnets from a list and some of these can be populated so from the console UI perspective they're interactive based on the region and the account that you're applying the template within.

      Now you're going to be getting some practical experience of working with parameters in a future demo video.

      For now I just want you to have a basic awareness.

      Now visually parameter architecture looks like this.

      Parameters start by being defined within a cloud formation template and let's use this as an example.

      I've defined two parameters here so instance type which is a string and it has a default of t3.micro together with a set of three allowed values.

      I've also provided a description which makes it easier to use from the console UI and then second we have instance AMI ID which is a normal string type parameter with no allowed values so this is simple free text.

      Now this example is part of a wider template which includes an EC2 logical resource so if we load this into cloud formation via the console UI then this is what we might see a user interface presentation of those parameters.

      At this stage we enter values or we accept the default values and we move through the process of creating the stack.

      Conceptually this means that the template defines things based on the resources declared within it and the interactive values provided via the parameters so both of these are combined and are used to create the stack.

      It means that the stack creates physical resources based both on the logical resources and the effect on them which the parameters have.

      In this case based on the parameter values we would create an instance with one of three sizes and use a certain Amazon machine image.

      Now most of this applies to both template and pseudo parameters.

      The thing unique to template parameters is that the personal process provides the values into cloud formation either explicitly or by implicitly accepting the defaults.

      Pseudo parameters can be treated in the same way but they're provided by AWS so let's have a look at that visually.

      Now we start off with a familiar architecture a cloud formation template is used to create a cloud formation stack.

      The template could be using the template parameters I've just been talking about.

      You don't have to pick one type over the other.

      Template and pseudo parameters can be used in a complementary way.

      With pseudo parameters what happens is that AWS make available parameters which can be referenced and these exist even if you don't define them in the parameters section of the template.

      So conceptually think of these as being injected by AWS into the template and stack.

      Now an example of a pseudo parameter is AWS double colon region and the value of this parameter always matches whichever region a template is being applied in to create a stack.

      In this example US - East - 1.

      Other pseudo parameters include AWS double colon stack ID which matches the unique ID of the stack, AWS double colon stack name which matches the name on the stack and AWS double colon account ID which is populated with the account ID of the account that the stack is being created in.

      So pseudo parameters think of them like template parameters but instead of being populated by a human or a process when creating the stack they're populated by AWS.

      Now both types of parameters are useful in ensuring that a template is portable and can adjust based on input from the person or process creating the stack.

      Static templates are much less flexible and this functionality goes a long way to removing the negative aspects of static templates.

      From a best practice perspective you should aim to minimize the number of parameters which you have which require explicit input.

      Now this means wherever possible using defaults and where possible getting values from AWS rather than whoever is implementing the stack.

      In the videos which follow as well as learning more about the features of cloud formation which help with template portability you're going to get the chance to experiment with all of those features in some demos.

      I'm introducing the theory first and then you'll get the chance to experience it yourself.

      Now with that being said that's everything that I wanted to cover in this video so go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to cover two things which are at the core of CloudFormation as a product.

      Physical resources and logical resources.

      In covering both of those you're also going to be learning about templates and stacks.

      So this will be a good video to cover the basics of CloudFormation.

      Now we've got a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      CloudFormation begins with a template which is a document written in either YAML or JSON, both of which you should now have an awareness of.

      And defined within a CloudFormation template are logical resources.

      Think of logical resources as what you want to create but not how you want them created.

      When using CloudFormation you focus on the what and let CloudFormation deal with the how.

      CloudFormation templates can be used to create CloudFormation stacks.

      And a template can be used to create one stack, a hundred stacks or twenty stacks in different regions.

      The idea is that one template defines what resources you want.

      And defining good templates means a template can be used many times in many accounts in many regions.

      And we refer to that as a portable template.

      The initial job of a stack is to create physical resources based on the logical resources defined within the template.

      For every logical resource in a template when a stack is created a physical resource is also created.

      If a stack's template is updated in some way and then the stack itself is updated the physical resources are also changed.

      The stack keeps the logical and physical resources in sync.

      If a stack is deleted then normally the physical resources are also deleted.

      So think about CloudFormation as a product which looks at a template specifically the logical resources within a template.

      And then it creates, modifies or deletes physical resources as required.

      So visually it looks like this.

      This is a CloudFormation template and this one has been written using YAML.

      The template contains logical resources.

      In this example instance is the name of the logical resource and this is the type.

      So AWS double colon EC2 double colon instance.

      Now logical resources are generally going to have properties which are used by CloudFormation when configuring the actual physical resources.

      In this example this sets the Amazon machine image to use, the type of the instance and the SSH key pair to use when connecting to the instance.

      So the collection of logical resources and other things which I'll be covering in future videos is called a CloudFormation template.

      And this template can be used to create one or many CloudFormation stacks.

      And a stack when created also creates physical resources based on the logical resources.

      So this means because we've set the AMI to use in the template and the SSH key to use these will be used when creating the physical resource.

      In this case an EC2 instance.

      So this physical EC2 instance is a representation of the logical resource defined in the CloudFormation template.

      Now the stack will also react to template changes to update or delete physical resources as required.

      Once a logical resource defined inside the CloudFormation template moves into a create complete state, meaning that the physical resource has been created, then the logical resource can be referenced by other logical resources to retrieve various physical configuration elements or IDs.

      For example in this case the physical machine ID of the EC2 instance.

      So in summary logical resources are contained inside CloudFormation templates.

      CloudFormation templates are used to create CloudFormation stacks and the stacks job is to create, update or delete physical resources based on what's contained in that template.

      CloudFormation as a product aims to keep the two in sync, so physical and logical resources.

      So when you use a template to create a stack, CloudFormation will scan the template and create a stack with logical resources inside and then create physical resources which match those logical resources.

      If you update the template then you can use it to update that same stack.

      When you do that the stack's logical resources will change, either new logical resources will be added or existing ones are updated or deleted and CloudFormation will perform the same actions on the physical resources.

      So adding new ones, updating existing ones or removing physical resources entirely.

      If you delete a stack its logical resources are also deleted which causes it to delete the matching physical resources.

      CloudFormation is a really powerful tool which you'll be using extensively in the real world and this is the same whether you're a solutions architect, a developer or an engineer.

      I use CloudFormation constantly in all of the AWS courses that I create and so by taking the courses you'll be gaining a lot of practical and theory understanding of how CloudFormation works.

      Now if you're taking any of my courses with my CloudFormation mini deep dive then you'll be learning even more.

      By talking about every important aspect of CloudFormation that's relevant for the course that you're taking as well as giving you plenty of practical examples.

      CloudFormation lets you automate infrastructure.

      Imagine that you host WordPress blogs.

      You can use one template to create one, ten, a hundred or more deployments rather than having to create a hundred individual sites.

      CloudFormation can also be used as part of change management.

      You can store templates in source code repositories, add changes and get approval before applying them.

      Or they can be used to just quickly spin up one-off deployments and if you're taking any of my AWS courses you'll be seeing that I'll be using CloudFormation extensively as part of any of the practical demo lessons in the course.

      We'll be using templates to spin up any of the infrastructure that will support the demo lesson that you're going to be taking.

      Now that's all of the theory that I wanted to cover about physical and logical resources within CloudFormation.

      It is a fairly theoretical topic but you need to understand what a physical resource is, what a logical resource is and how the two relate together as far as they're used within CloudFormation.

      Now at this point that's everything that I wanted you to cover in this video so go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk briefly about Amazon Guard Duty.

      Now this is something which you only need detailed knowledge of for the security specialty stream of training.

      Now I'll try to keep this lesson as efficient as possible so let's jump in and get started.

      Now it's important at the outset that you know what Guard Duty is and what makes it special.

      So it's a security service but specifically it's a continuous security monitoring service.

      This means once enabled it's running all the time trying to protect your account and resources from any security issues.

      Now the way that it works is that it can be integrated with supported data sources and I'll talk about this more on the next screen.

      It's constantly reviewing those data sources for anything occurring within the account and it also uses artificial intelligence and machine learning plus threat intelligent feeds.

      Now the aim of the product is to identify any unexpected or unauthorized activity on the account.

      Guard Duty is doing this in an intelligent way so you aren't having to identify things you usually do or define what normal activity is.

      It attempts to learn this on its own and using threat intelligence feeds it tries to spot odd or worrying activity as it occurs on the account.

      Now you can influence this so white listing IPs and influencing what it sees as okay behavior but the whole point of the product is that on the whole it learns patterns of what happens normally within any managed accounts.

      Now if it finds something which logically is called a finding then it can be configured to notify somebody or initiate an event driven process of protection and/or remediation.

      Now this might be a lambda function performing some kind of remediation or an event driven workflow via cloud watch events but Guard Duty can be part of an automatic event driven security response and that's really cool.

      What's even more awesome is that it actually supports multiple accounts via a master and member account architecture.

      When you enable Guard Duty you're essentially making the account that you enable it in the master Guard Duty account and then you can invite other AWS accounts and if they accept they become member Guard Duty accounts meaning the product supports a single location for managing multiple AWS accounts.

      Now architecturally the product looks like this.

      First we have Guard Duty and Guard Duty receives logs from supported data sources.

      At the time of creating this lesson this includes DNS logs from Route 53 showing DNS requests, VPC flow logs showing traffic metadata for any traffic flowing through a VPC, cloud trail event logs showing any API calls within the account, cloud trail management events which cover any control plane level events and then finally cloud trail S3 data events which cover any interactions with objects within S3.

      Now all of those are ingested together with various threat intelligent feeds and are used to generate findings which show any unusual or unexpected behavior.

      These findings can be sent to cloud watch events now known as event bridge which can be used to handle event driven notification and automatic remediation.

      So event bridge can use S&S for notifications to any team members or external security management systems or it can invoke Lambda functions which can interact with AWS APIs, products and services to help automatically remediate any security issues maybe to add an explicit deny rule to a network ACL if there's a potential intrusion.

      Now that's pretty much all you need to know for the exam and to get started using the product in the real world.

      Now thanks for watching go ahead and complete this lesson and then when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I'm going to be talking about Amazon Inspector.

      Now this is a service which is really simple to use and it only features in a relatively minor way on most of the AWS exams.

      So this is a fundamental video.

      If appropriate for the course that you're taking, I'll be going into much more detail in separate videos.

      For this video you just need to have a basic awareness of what this product does and how to use it effectively.

      Now nearly all of my lessons contain visuals because I find this helps students to learn better.

      But in this case Inspector is just one of those services which is easy to understand but very detailed in terms of what it does.

      And unfortunately this means it's going to be a text heavy lesson.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      Amazon Inspector is a product designed to check EC2 instances, the operating systems running on those instances as well as container workloads for any vulnerabilities or deviations against best practice.

      The idea is to run an assessment of varying lengths, say 15 minutes, 1, 8 or 12 hours and even 1 day and identify any unusual traffic or configurations which put applications on the instances, the instances themselves or containers at risk.

      Now at the end of this process the product will provide you with a review of findings ordered by severity.

      In the exam if you see anything about a security report then think Inspector.

      But remember it's checking instances, their operating systems, containers and any other networking components involved.

      Now Inspector can work with two main types of assessments.

      A network assessment can be conducted without using an Inspector agent but adding an agent provides additional richer information.

      It can also run a network and/or host assessment which does use an agent.

      The host assessment looks at OS level vulnerabilities and this needs access to inside of the instance, so the instance OS and this requires an agent.

      With Inspector rules packages determine what is checked.

      The first package, network reachability which can be done with no agent or with an agent for additional rich information.

      This checks how an instance or group of instances is exposed to public networks, so it checks end-to-end reachability.

      So EC2, application load balancers, Direct Connect, elastic load balancers, network interfaces, internet gateways, access control lists, route tables, security groups.

      It even checks subnet and VPC configuration and even exposure from virtual private gateways and any VPC peering.

      The network reachability rules package returns the following types of findings.

      First, for recognized ports, so well-known ports, it confirms if the port is recognized with a listener, i.e. is it exposed to the public networks and is the operating system listening on that port, or recognized port no listener where it's exposed to the internet but with nothing listening, or if you don't use an agent, a recognized port which is exposed but there is no agent to check if the operating system is listening, and this is why using an agent always adds more information versus no agent.

      Now lastly, it can identify any unrecognized ports which are exposed with listeners.

      So for the exam, this is what the network reachability rules package does.

      You might see that term, you need to know what it does, or it might request you to suggest a product which can do this type of analysis and then question whether an agent is required.

      And so these are all key points to understand.

      We also have rules packages which do require an agent, so host assessments, and all of these are really, really important to remember for the exam.

      These are pure keywords, so easy to remember but massively important.

      First, there is the common vulnerabilities and exposures or CVE package, and CVE is a database of known cyber security vulnerabilities, each of which is assigned a CVE number, and this package checks against those.

      If you see CVE in the exam, think Inspector.

      And a report will include any CVE IDs for anything found on the instances or containers.

      Next, we have the Center for Internet Security or CIS Benchmarks.

      The formal definition is the CIS Security Benchmark Program provides well-defined, unbiased, consensus-based industry best practices to help organizations assess and improve their security.

      This rules package checks against that.

      So again, if you see CIS as an exam question, think Inspector.

      Then finally, we have Security Best Practices for Inspector, which is just a collection of best practices provided by Amazon, including things like disabling root login over SSH, using only modern version numbers for SSH, password complexity checks, and permissions on certain folders.

      Again, if you see anything of this nature in the exam, think Inspector.

      And that really is everything that you need to know at this fundamental level for this product.

      Again, if you're studying for a particular exam which requires more information, I will have additional videos covering everything else in depth.

      This is just a fundamental 101 level lesson.

      Now, you'll know by now I do hate teaching based on just keywords, but this is one of those outliers where you don't really need to know all of the details.

      But I don't want you dropping exam marks because you don't know any of these really valuable keywords.

      And again, I'm just going to repeat this one more time.

      If applicable for the course that you're studying, I'll be covering Inspector in much more detail in other dedicated lessons.

      For now, though, that is everything I wanted to cover.

      So go ahead and complete this video.

      And when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome to this lesson where we're going to be covering Amazon Macie.

      Now we have a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      So what is Macie?

      Well, it's a data security and data privacy service.

      You'll understand now the architecture of the simple storage service known as S3.

      It's one of AWS's most popular services and it can host huge quantities of large or small objects at scale.

      It can also be made public and for some time it's been a constant source of risk within organizations because of the fact that data can be leaked if the service is misconfigured.

      So Macie is a service which can be used to discover, monitor and protect data which is stored within S3 buckets.

      It's critical if an organization wants to control the security of its data that it needs to have an awareness of where that data is and what exactly it contains.

      So once enabled and pointed at buckets within your AWS account or AWS accounts, Macie can get to work discovering data and this might mean data which is classed as personally identifiable information or PII or personal health information known as PHI as well as financial data and many other types of data.

      Now these high level categories include a huge range of data which you personally will have day to day familiarity with.

      Things like AWS access keys, SSH keys, PGP keys or bank account numbers, credit card numbers or expiry dates, health insurance numbers, birth dates, drivers license numbers, national insurance numbers, passport numbers, addresses and much more.

      It's the first job of Macie to identify and inventory this data.

      So by using Macie you'll know what you have, what it contains and where it is.

      Now the way that it does this is using data identifiers.

      Think of these like rules which your objects and their contents are assessed against and there are two types of data identifiers.

      Managed data identifiers and custom data identifiers.

      Now managed data identifiers are built into the product.

      They use a combination of criteria and techniques including machine learning and pattern matching to analyse the data that you specify.

      They're designed to detect sensitive data types for many countries and regions including multiple types of personally identifiable information, personal health information and financial data.

      And this type of identifier can be used to detect almost all common types of sensitive data that you might need to manage within your organisation.

      Now you can also build custom data identifiers for your business.

      These are proprietary so you can look for specific data which your business needs to identify and control.

      An example you might use a regular expression known as a reg X to search for certain patterns of specific text within your business.

      Maybe employee IDs or performance reports.

      With Macy you create discovery jobs which use these identifiers and look for anything matching on buckets.

      If anything is found these jobs generate findings and you can view these findings interactively or they can be used as part of integrations with other AWS services.

      For example security hub or finding events can be generated and passed into EventBridge and then they can be used for automatic event driven remediation.

      So it's a super powerful architecture.

      Now one final thing which you need to understand before we review the architecture visually is that Macy uses a multi account architecture.

      One account is the administrator account and that can be used to manage Macy within member accounts.

      And this multi account structure can be done either using AWS organisations or by explicitly inviting accounts.

      And once invited buckets across all accounts within the Macy organisation can be evaluated in the same way.

      Now let's just take a second to review the architecture visually.

      We start with one or more S3 buckets and then the Macy service itself and then we create a discover job.

      And within the discover job we can specify which buckets we want to analyse which means detecting and classifying data within those buckets.

      The discovery job has a schedule so this controls when it runs and how frequently it runs and then the job uses a combination of managed data identifiers and custom data identifiers.

      And these are the things which actually identify and classify the types of data that Macy is locating.

      So it's these things which are the important part of the whole process.

      Now as an output to the discovery job findings are generated and these can be viewed either using the console interactively or and this is the more common use case.

      They can be used with a vent bridge in the form of event findings generation which can then be delivered to other AWS services.

      And this is commonly used for integration or for event driven remediation in this example where a Lambda function can receive the event and can perform some kind of automatic fix based on the finding.

      So at a high level that's how the architecture looks.

      And before we finish up with this lesson I want to explore a number of other important elements of the service and we're going to start with looking in more detail at the managed and custom data identifiers.

      To discover sensitive data within Amazon Macy you create and run data discovery jobs.

      A data discovery job analyzes objects within S3 buckets to determine whether the objects contain sensitive data.

      And the way that it does this is via data identifiers.

      First we have managed data identifiers and these are created and managed by AWS.

      And as I mentioned earlier in this lesson they can be used to identify a growing list of sensitive data types.

      Now I've included a link attached to this lesson which details the full range of data which is matched by this type of identifier.

      But it's things like various credentials, financial data, credit cards, bank details and more.

      Things like health data or anything personally identifying such as addresses, passports, drivers licenses and much much more.

      It's a pretty comprehensive list so it's worth checking out the link that's included with this lesson which gives a full overview.

      In addition to this anyone can create custom data identifiers.

      Now the foundation of these are regular expressions which define a pattern to match within data.

      This one for instance matches any data which contains the letters A through to Z and then a dash and then eight digits.

      Anything that you can define using regular expressions you can match using custom data identifiers.

      And these are generally used for data patterns which are custom to your organization as with this example of an employee ID.

      You can optionally add keywords to custom data identifiers which must occur within a definable proximity to the pattern matched by the regular expressions.

      And this definable distance is called the maximum match distance.

      And then finally you can also include ignore words.

      So if the regex match is something but an ignore word is there in addition it's ignored and doesn't match.

      So keywords, maximum match distance and ignore words are all refiners.

      They help you start with a regex pattern but influence how something is classified based on those refinements.

      So these identifiers run in addition to built in checks that Macy performs and then findings are generated.

      And Macy will produce two types of findings.

      Policy findings and sensitive data findings.

      Macy generates policy findings when the policies or settings for an S3 bucket are changed in a way that reduces the security of the bucket or its objects but crucially after Macy is enabled.

      For example if the default encryption on a bucket was enabled when you enabled Macy and then default encryption is later disabled on that bucket then this is highlighted as a policy finding.

      So that's an example of a policy finding.

      Macy generates the other type of finding which is a sensitive data finding when it discovers sensitive data in S3 objects that you configure it to analyze.

      And it determines what is sensitive data based on the jobs and identifiers which you configure and which I've just stepped through.

      So some examples of policy findings are S3 block public access disabled which is triggered if the block public access settings on a bucket are disabled.

      Another is S3 bucket encryption disabled which is triggered logically when encryption on a bucket is disabled.

      Another is S3 bucket public which is triggered when a bucket policy or ACL changes are made which make a bucket public and another is S3 bucket shared externally and this is triggered when a bucket policy or ACL allows an AWS account other than those within the Macy organization access to this bucket.

      So these are all policy changes which Macy decides reduce the security of a bucket or objects in that bucket and so trigger policy findings.

      So these are called policy findings and there are more of these and I've included a link attached to this lesson which details all of them and that's really worth a look through just to become familiar with all of the different things that Macy can identify.

      Now examples of sensitive data findings include these and it's worth pointing out that there are many more of them.

      Again I've included a comprehensive list which is attached to this lesson but for now let's just focus on these important examples.

      First we have S3 object credentials and this matches any exposed SSH keys or AWS access keys that Macy can locate.

      We've also got S3 object custom identifier and this matches anything defined within custom data identifiers.

      We have S3 object financial which matches credit card numbers or bank account numbers and much more.

      We have S3 object multiple which occurs when more than one thing is identified.

      We have S3 object personal which covers personally identifiable information such as full names, mailing addresses, personal health information such as health insurance or medical identification numbers or combinations of those.

      Now this isn't an exhaustive list.

      Again I've included a link attached to this lesson which gives you a full overview.

      And that at a high level is Macy.

      It's a useful tool which you'll need to understand for the exam.

      If you see any questions regarding the classification of data within S3 so identifying data, discovering data or reacting to sensitive data automatically then Macy is probably the product to use.

      Now that's everything I wanted to cover within this theory lesson.

      If you're doing any of my courses where practical knowledge of Macy is required then there's going to be a demo lesson immediately following this one.

      If not then this theory is all that you'll need.

      So at this point this is the end of the lesson.

      Thanks for watching.

      Go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about AWS config.

      Now let's just jump in and get started because we've got a lot to cover.

      AWS config is an interesting service because people often misunderstand what it does.

      This is especially important within exam situations where you don't have the benefit of Google and have to make architectural decisions quickly.

      Now AWS config has two main jobs.

      Its primary function is to record changes over time on resources within an AWS account.

      Once enabled, the configuration of every resource in the account is monitored.

      Every time a resource's configuration changes, a configuration item is created which stores the configuration of that resource at a specific point in time.

      The information which is stored is the configuration of the resource, the relationship to other resources and who makes any changes.

      So for example, if you had a security group attached to an instance and you added a rule to that security group, then it would track the pre-change state, the post-change state, the fact that you changed it and the fact that it was attached to that EC2 instance.

      Now this makes AWS config great for auditing changes and for checking if resources are compliant with standards defined by your organization.

      The most important thing to understand about AWS config is that it doesn't prevent changes happening.

      It's not a permissions product or a protection product.

      Even if you define standards for resources, it can check compliance against those standards but it doesn't prevent you from breaching those standards and creating non-compliant resources.

      An example of compliance might be a certain set of allowed ports within security groups.

      You can add additional ports exposing an instance to a certain amount of risk.

      Now AWS config won't stop you but that non-compliance, that additional port will be identified.

      Now config is a regional service so when enabled it monitors changes within a particular AWS region in a particular AWS account but it can be configured for cross-region and cross-account aggregation.

      It can also generate notifications via SNS and it can generate events via EventBridge and Lambda when resources change in terms of their compliance state so while AWS config won't prevent you changing something it can be used for automatic remediation.

      Now the product stores all of the configuration data and changes in a consistent format within the S3 config bucket and the product allows you to access that data so all of the configuration history of all of the resources and you can interact with them directly from that bucket or using the AWS config APIs.

      Now there are two sides to AWS config, the features which are standard and the parts of the product which are optional.

      Now the standard part is on the left and the optional part is on the right.

      So starting on the left we have some account resources and we have AWS config.

      To use the product we have to enable it and this enables the recorder functionality and this takes config information of all the resources and stores them in an S3 bucket, the config bucket and this is all part of the standard functionality provided by the product.

      Now you could just enable all of this functionality and leave this as it is.

      This would allow you to record and review all changes to resources over time.

      Every time a change happens a configuration item would be generated and all of these for all resources would be stored in a standard format in the config bucket.

      But we can do a lot more with the product and this is where the real power of AWS config comes from because we can use config rules.

      Now config rules are either AWS managed ones or you can define your own which uses Lambda.

      What happens is that these rules evaluate resources against a defined standard.

      Resources based on these rules are either compliant or non-compliant based on if they meet criteria specified within the config rule.

      Now custom rules use Lambda to evaluate if resources match criteria.

      The Lambda function does the evaluation using whatever things that you can code and then returns information back to AWS config.

      AWS config can then notify or work with other products for automatic remediation.

      For example, it can use SNS to send either a stream of changes or compliance notifications and these will either go to human operators or other applications to deal with.

      In addition though you can integrate AWS config with EventBridge.

      So for any changes in the state of config rules whenever anything becomes compliant or non-compliant this event can be sent to EventBridge and then EventBridge can be used to invoke Lambda functions to perform automatic remediation of any changes.

      So to fix the problems automatically.

      Now this isn't strictly part of AWS config.

      You're essentially using EventBridge to send any events from AWS config to targets to perform this automatic remediation.

      You can also fix these type of config changes using SSM.

      So AWS config can integrate with systems manager and apply fixes to remediate any issues.

      But Lambda can be more flexible for account level things whereas SSM can be effective for anything relating to the configuration of instances.

      Now that's all of the theory that I wanted to cover in this lesson.

      Go ahead and complete this lesson and then when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next lesson.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about CloudHSM.

      Now this is a product which is similar to KMS in terms of the functionality which it provides, in that it's an appliance which creates, manages and secures cryptographic material or keys.

      Now there are a few key differences and you need to know these differences because it will help you decide on when to use KMS and when to use CloudHSM.

      And you might face an exam question where you need to select between these two.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      Now I promised you at the start of the course I wouldn't use facts and figures in lessons unless absolutely required.

      You shouldn't have to remember lots of different facts and figures unless they influence the architecture.

      Now this unfortunately is going to be one of the lessons where I do have to introduce some keywords that you simply need to remember.

      Because in this lesson the detail, the difference between CloudHSM and KMS really matters.

      Now let's start by quickly talking about KMS.

      KMS is the key management service within AWS.

      So it's used essentially for encryption within AWS and it integrates with other AWS products.

      So it can generate keys, it can manage keys, other AWS services integrate with it for their encryption.

      But it has one security concern, at least if you operate in a really demanding security environment.

      And that's that it's a shared service.

      While your part of KMS is isolated, under the covers you're using a service which other accounts within AWS also use.

      What's more, while the permissions within AWS are strict, AWS do have a certain level of access to the KMS product.

      They manage the hardware and the software of the systems which provide the KMS product to you as a customer.

      Now behind the scenes KMS uses what's called a HSM which stands for Hardware Security Module.

      And these are actually industry standard pieces of hardware which are designed to manage keys and perform cryptographic operations.

      Now you can actually run your own HSM on-premise.

      Cloud HSM is essentially a true single tenant HSM that's hosted within the AWS cloud.

      So if you hear the term HSM mentioned, it could refer to both Cloud HSM which is hosted by AWS or an on-premise HSM device.

      Now specifically focusing on Cloud HSM, AWS provision it and they're responsible for hardware maintenance.

      But they have no access to the part of the unit where the keys are stored and managed.

      It's actually a physically tamper resistant piece of hardware.

      So it's not something that they can gain access to.

      Generally if you as the customer lose access to a HSM, that's it, game over.

      You can reprovision them but there's no easy way to recover data.

      Now there's actually a well-known standard for these cryptographic modules.

      It's called the Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 140-2.

      You can easily determine the capability of any HSM modules based on their compliance with this standard.

      And I've included a link in the lesson description with additional information.

      But Cloud HSM is FIPS 140-2 Level 3 compliant and it's the Level 3 which really matters in the context of this lesson.

      KMS in comparison is overall 140-2 Level 2 compliant and some of the areas of the KMS product are also compliant with Level 3.

      Now this matters.

      This is really important.

      If you see an exam question or if you're in a real world production situation which requires 140-2 Level 3 overall, then you have to use Cloud HSM or your own on-premises HSM device.

      And that's a fact that you really need to remember for the exam.

      Another important distinction between KMS and Cloud HSM is how you access the product.

      With KMS, all operations are performed with AWS standard APIs and all permissions are also controlled with IAM permissions.

      Now Cloud HSM isn't so integrated with AWS and this is by design.

      With Cloud HSM, you access it with industry standard APIs.

      Now examples of this are PKCS 11, the JCE extensions or the CryptoNG extensions.

      And I've highlighted the keywords that you should try to build up an association with Cloud HSM.

      So if you see any of these keywords listed in the exam or in production situations, then you know you need a HSM appliance, either on-premise or Cloud HSM hosted by AWS.

      Now it used to be that there was no real overlap between Cloud HSM and KMS.

      They were completely different.

      But more recently, you can use a feature of KMS called a custom key store.

      And this custom key store can actually use Cloud HSM to provide this functionality, which means that you get many of the benefits with Cloud HSM together with the integration with AWS.

      So when you're facing any exam questions, you still should be able to look for these keywords to distinguish between situations when you use KMS versus Cloud HSM.

      Now just to summarize before we move on from this screen, I want you to focus on doing your best to remember all of the three key points that are highlighted with the exam power-up icon.

      If you can remember those, then you should be in a really good position to determine whether to use KMS or Cloud HSM within exam questions.

      Now I want to look at the architecture of Cloud HSM as a product, and I think it's best that we do that visually.

      Now architecturally, Cloud HSMs are not actually deployed inside a VPC that you control.

      They're deployed into an AWS managed Cloud HSM VPC that you have no visibility of.

      So architecturally, this is how that looks.

      So on the left, we've got a customer managed VPC.

      On the right, we've got the Cloud HSM VPC that's managed by AWS.

      We're using two availability zones, and inside the customer managed VPC, we've gone ahead and created two private subnets, one in availability zone A and one in availability zone B.

      Now inside the Cloud HSM VPC, to achieve high availability, you need to deploy multiple HSMs and configure them as a cluster.

      So a HSM by default is not a highly available device.

      It's a physical network device that runs within one availability zone.

      So in order to provide a fully highly available system, we need to create a cluster and have at least two HSMs in that cluster, one of them in every availability zone that you use within a VPC.

      Now once HSM devices are configured to be in a cluster, then they replicate any keys, any policies, or any other important configuration between all of the HSM devices in that cluster.

      So that's managed by default, by the appliances themselves.

      That's not something that you need to configure.

      So the HSMs operate from this AWS managed VPC, but they're injected into your customer managed VPC via elastic network interfaces.

      So you get one elastic network interface for every HSM that's inside the cluster injected into your VPC.

      Once these interfaces have been injected into your customer managed VPC, then any services which are also inside that VPC can utilize the HSM cluster by using these interfaces.

      And if you want to achieve true high availability, then logically instances will need to be configured to low balance across all of the different interfaces.

      Now also in order to utilize the cloud HSM devices, then a client needs to be installed on the EC2 instances, which are going to be configured to access the cloud HSM.

      So this is a background process known as the cloud HSM client.

      And this needs to be installed on the EC2 instance in order for it to access the HSM appliances.

      And then once the cloud HSM client is installed, then you can utilize industry standard API's such as PK, CS11, JCE and crypto NG to access the HSM cluster.

      Now a really important thing to understand about cloud HSM, because this is a distinguishing factor between it and KMS, is that while AWS do provision the HSM, they're actually partitioned and they're tamper resistant.

      So AWS have no access to the area of the HSM appliances which store the keys.

      Only you can control these.

      You manage them, you're responsible for them.

      Now AWS can perform things like software updates and other maintenance tasks, but these don't take place on the area of the HSM which is used to perform cryptographic operations.

      Only you as an administrator or anyone that you delegate that to has the ability to interact with the secure area of the HSM devices.

      Now before we finish this lesson, there are a few more things that I want to cover.

      So these are points that I think you should be aware of.

      So some of these are use cases, some of these are limitations that will help you select between using cloud HSM and using something like KMS.

      So first, by default there's no native integration between cloud HSM and any AWS products.

      So one example of this is that you can't use cloud HSM in conjunction with S3 server-side encryption.

      That's not a capability that it has.

      Cloud HSM is not accessed using AWS standard APIs at least by default and so you can't integrate it directly with any AWS services.

      Now you could, for example, use cloud HSM to perform client-side encryption.

      So if you've got an encryption library on a particular local machine and you want to encrypt objects before you upload them to S3, then you can use it to perform that encryption on the object before you upload it to the S3 service.

      But this is not integrated with S3.

      You're just using it to perform encryption on the objects before you provide them to S3.

      Now a cloud HSM can also be used to offload SSL or TLS processing from web servers.

      And if you do that, then the web servers can benefit from A, not having to perform those cryptographic operations, but also the cloud HSM is a custom designed piece of hardware that accelerates those processes.

      So it's much more economical and efficient to have a cloud HSM device performing those cryptographic operations versus doing it on a general purpose EC2 instance.

      So that's something that a cloud HSM can do for you, but KMS natively cannot.

      Now other products that you might use inside AWS can also benefit from cloud HSM, products which are able to interact using these industry standard APIs.

      And this includes products like Oracle databases.

      So they can utilize cloud HSM for performing transparent data encryption or TDE.

      So this is a method that Oracle has for encrypting data that it manages on your behalf.

      And it can utilize a cloud HSM device to perform the encryption operations and to manage the keys.

      Now this does mean that because a cloud HSM device is something that's entirely managed by you, you're the only entity that initially starts off with access to be able to interact with the encryption materials.

      So the keys, it means that if you use a cloud HSM and integrate it with an Oracle database, then you're doing so in a way which means that AWS have no ability to decrypt that data.

      And so if you're operating in a highly restricted regulatory environment where you really need to use strong encryption and verify exactly who has the ability to perform encryption operations, then generally cloud HSM is an ideal product to support that.

      And then lastly in a similar way, cloud HSM can also be used to protect the private keys for a certificate authority.

      So if you're running your own certificate authority, you can utilize cloud HSM to manage the private keys for that certificate authority.

      Now just to summarize at this point, the overall theme is that for anything which isn't specific to AWS, for anything which expects to have access to a hardware security module using industry standard APIs, then the ideal product for that is cloud HSM.

      For anything that uses standards for anything that has to integrate with products which aren't AWS, then cloud HSM is ideal.

      For anything which does require AWS integration, then natively cloud HSM isn't suitable.

      If FIPS 140-2 Level 3 is mentioned, then it's cloud HSM.

      If integration with AWS is mentioned, then it's probably going to be KMS.

      If you need to utilize industry standard encryption APIs, then it's likely to be cloud HSM.

      Now that's everything that we need to cover.

      I just wanted you to be able to handle any curveball HSM style questions that you might encounter in the exam.

      So thanks for watching, go ahead and complete this video and then when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next one.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about AWS Shield, which is an essential tool to protect any internet connected environment from distributed denial of service attacks.

      Now it's important for the exam, but especially so for the real world.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      So AWS Shield actually comes in two forms, Shield Standard and Shield Advanced.

      Both of them provide protection against DDoS attacks, but there's a huge difference in their respective capabilities.

      First, Shield Standard is free for AWS customers, whereas Shield Advanced is a commercial extra product, which comes with additional costs and benefits, which I'll detail later in this lesson.

      The product protects against three different types or layers of DDoS attack.

      Now I've covered these in the DDoS lesson in the technical fundamental section of the course, but as a reminder, these categories are Network Volumetric Attacks, so these are things which operate at layer three of the OSI 7 layer model, and these are designed to simply overwhelm the system being attacked, so to direct as much raw network data at a target as possible.

      Next, we have Network Protocol Attacks, such as SYNFLUDS, and these operate at layer four of the OSI model.

      Now there are various types of protocol attack, but one common one is to generate a huge number of connections from a spoofed IP address and then just leave these connections open, so never terminating them, and while the CPU memory and data resources of the target will be fine, its ability to service real connections will be impacted by the huge volume of fake ones.

      To understand this, imagine a call centre where people call up and just leave the phone line silent.

      The operators won't be doing anything, but there won't be capacity for new calls to be answered.

      Now Network Protocol Attacks can also be combined with volumetric attacks, but by default, you should view these as two different things.

      Lastly, we have Application Layer Attacks, which operate at layer seven, for example, Web Request Floods.

      Imagine you have a part of your web app which allows searchers.

      Think of something like this which lets you search for every cat image in the world ever.

      From the perspective of the attacker, this uses almost no resources to run.

      It can be done hundreds, thousands or millions of times per second.

      But from the perspective of the system being attacked, this might take two to three seconds to return data, maybe even more.

      And so it's possible to de-doss a system by using the application as intended, where certain parts of the application are cheap to request, but expensive to deliver the result.

      So those are the types of things which SHIELD protects against.

      Now I want to spend a little time delving deeper into the capabilities of SHIELD Standard and Advanced, together with the differences.

      And I want to focus on when you might pick one versus the other.

      So let's start with SHIELD Standard.

      SHIELD Standard, as I mentioned earlier, is free for all AWS customers, so you benefit from its protection automatically without you having to do anything.

      The protection is at the perimeter of the network, which can either be in your region, meaning as data flows into a VPC, or it can be at the edge of the AWS network if you use CloudFront or Global Accelerator.

      SHIELD Standard protects against common network or transport layer attacks.

      So that's attacks at layer three or four of the OSI seven layer model.

      Now you get the best protection if you use Route 53, CloudFront or Global Accelerator.

      Now SHIELD Standard doesn't provide much in the way of proactive capability or any form of explicit configurable protection.

      It's just there working away in the background.

      Now that's the foundation, the baseline of the product.

      Now let's look at what extra things SHIELD Advanced offers.

      So SHIELD Advanced, as a starting point, is a commercial product.

      In fact, it costs $3,000 per month per organization.

      Now this is important, it's not per AWS account.

      If you have multiple accounts where you're wanting the advanced level of protection that SHIELD Advanced offers, then just make sure they're in the same AWS organization and you can share the one single investment.

      Now the cost while it is per month is part of a one year commitment.

      So at 3K per month, this means $36,000 per calendar year.

      And there's also a charge for data out for using the product.

      Now SHIELD Advanced protects more than standard.

      It covers CloudFront, Route 53, Global Accelerator, anything associated with elastic IPs, for example EC2.

      It also covers application, classic and network load balances.

      It's a comprehensive set of DDoS protections for your network perimeter.

      Now what's really important to understand as a concept is that the protections offered by SHIELD Advanced are not automatic.

      You need to explicitly enable protections, either in SHIELD Advanced or as part of AWS Firewall Manager when using SHIELD Advanced policies.

      It's an explicit act, remember that.

      You might find a question on the exam where you need to answer whether these protections require explicit configuration or they happen in the background.

      Now SHIELD Advanced offers two other really important benefits and it's important to understand that these are not technical functionality differences, but they're important nonetheless.

      First you get cost protection.

      And this means that if you as a customer incur any costs for any attacks which should be mitigated by AWS SHIELD Advanced, but aren't, then you're protected against those costs.

      And an example of this might be EC2 scaling events caused by excessive load.

      Now there are restrictions, it needs to be something SHIELD Advanced should cover and you should have enabled the coverage on that resource.

      Now I've included a link attached to this video which covers this particular feature in much more detail.

      You don't need to understand the detail for the exam, but for the real world it's good knowledge to have.

      Now the other benefit is a proactive style of management as well as access to the AWS SHIELD Response Team known as SRT.

      With proactive management, the SHIELD Response Team contacts you directly when the availability or performance of your application is affected because of a possible attack.

      And this provides the quickest level of response.

      It allows the SHIELD Response Team to begin troubleshooting even before they've established contact with you, the customer.

      Now to use this you need to provide your contact details in advance and enable the feature.

      And when you do, the SHIELD Response Team will contact you when any attacks are detected.

      You can also contact the SHIELD Response Team to log support tickets.

      And the SLA for this depends on your support plan.

      It might be one hour or 15 minutes.

      These are all things that you need to think about and decide upon up front.

      Now let's step through some of the technical ways in which SHIELD Advanced helps us.

      The first unique feature of SHIELD Advanced is the integration with the web application firewall.

      SHIELD Advanced uses the web application firewall to implement its protection against layer 7 attacks.

      And if you have a SHIELD Advanced subscription, this includes basic WAF fees to implement these protections.

      This is one of the differences in feature benefits which SHIELD Advanced provides over SHIELD Standard.

      And so it's an important one to keep in mind.

      Another benefit that SHIELD Advanced provides is advanced real-time metrics and reports for DDoS events and attacks.

      And these can be accessed via the SHIELD Advanced Console or APIs and via CloudWatch.

      Now, if you have a business need for SHIELD Advanced, if you can justify the cost, you're also going to have a need for this enhanced level of visibility.

      So this is another one to keep in mind.

      You also have health-based detection and this is using Route 53 health checks to implement application-specific health checks.

      Now, this allows you to reduce any false positives detected by AWS SHIELD.

      And it's used alone or in combination with the proactive engagement team to provide faster detection and mitigation of any issues.

      Health-based detection is actually a requirement for using the proactive engagement team.

      Again, another important thing to remember.

      Now, lastly, you also have protection groups and you can use protection groups to create groupings of resources which SHIELD Advanced protects.

      You can define the criteria for membership in a protection group so any new resources are automatically included.

      And with these groups, you gain the ability to manage protection at a group level versus a resource level which can significantly decrease the admin overhead of using the product.

      Now, at this point, that's everything I wanted to cover about AWS SHIELD at a high level.

      If the topic that you're studying requires any additional detail, there will be additional deep dive lessons.

      If not, don't worry, this is everything that you need to know.

      But at this point, that's the end of this video.

      So go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to talk about the web application firewall known as WAF.

      Now this is a key part of the AWS network and network security product set so let's jump in and get started.

      Now WAF is AWS's implementation of a layer 7 or application layer firewall which we talked about in a previous video.

      That means a firewall which is capable of understanding layer 7 protocols such as HTTP and HTTPS.

      Now before I talk in detail about the features of the product I want to visually step through how a WAF architecture might look.

      Now the example I'll be using is relatively complex.

      They can range from fairly simple through to this type of example which is relatively complex involving event-driven security response.

      So we start with an AWS environment and we decide to use a web application firewall which protects web resources which supports WAF and these include CloudFront, application load balancers, AppSync and API Gateway.

      Now WAF is the product but the actual unit of configuration within the product is known as the web access control list known as web ACL and it's this which is used by WAF and also associated with the various supported services.

      So you would associate a web ACL with a CloudFront distribution and this would result in the CloudFront distribution being protected by WAF.

      So WAF can protect global services such as CloudFront but also regional resources such as application load balancers, API gateways and AppSync and you need to configure this when you create the web ACL essentially creating it in a region rather than globally as is the case for CloudFront.

      Now within a web ACL you have rule groups and rules and I'll be talking more about how this is architected later in this video.

      At a high level this might be things like AWS managed rules or simple allow or deny lists.

      It might cover things like SQL injections or cross-site scripting attacks, HTTP floods or might relate to things like IP reputation and even protect against known botnets.

      It's these rule groups and rules which control how the WAF product reacts to incoming traffic allowing connections from valid users while hopefully blocking those from bots and other attackers against your web resources.

      Now this alone would be a super useful product which offers significant security benefits but when we combine this with other AWS products and architectures it can be even more useful.

      You can obviously update the web ACLs manually based on human identified security events or risks but you could also do simple automated things such as using event bridge and scheduled rules to pass various publicly maintained IP lists to block known bad actors.

      Now WAF does output logs and logging can be directed at S3 directly at cloud watch logs or kinesis firehose.

      Now importantly if you want to react to logs quickly you shouldn't directly use S3 as these are delivered directly approximately every five minutes.

      Firehose can be configured to put the logging data into any of its supported destinations including S3 and then all of these destinations can be integrated with an event driven security response architecture so using a combination of products such as S3 events, Lambda, Athena and EventBridge you can extract and identify intelligence to act on and then use this intelligence to update web ACLs to improve the security of the platform in a way which doesn't require humans.

      So this type of architecture is based on taking basic WAF and creating a feedback loop to take data, identify actionable intelligence and then automate changes based on that intelligence.

      And now that you have a visual idea about how a WAF implementation might look let's look at the raw features and how everything fits together.

      I mentioned earlier in this video that the web access control list or web ACL is the main unit of configuration within WAF.

      A web ACL is what controls if traffic is allowed or blocked.

      The starting point of a web ACL is a default action which will either allow or block any traffic which isn't matched by the ACL.

      Which one of these you pick depends on if you're using WAF to explicitly protect against certain exploits or if you want to only allow known good traffic through to your web resources.

      Additionally a web ACL is created for either cloud front which is a global service or a regional service such as an application load balancer, API gateway or AppSync.

      If you create a web ACL designed for a regional service then you have to define a region for the web ACL which matches the region that your services are located in.

      Now web ACLs on their own don't do anything you have to add rule groups or rules and these are processed in order.

      This order can be changed so you can move rules and rule groups around.

      Now I'm going to talk about rule groups and rules in a second but conceptually rules have a certain compute requirement based on their complexity.

      Web access control lists have a limit of how much compute requirements rules contained within them can use.

      An AWS have a concept called web ACL capacity units or WCU and this is not to be confused with DynamoDB WCU which is right capacity units.

      Web ACL capacity units are an indication at the complexity of rules and a web ACL has a default maximum of 1500 WCU that can be increased with a support ticket.

      Web ACLs are the things which are associated with resources so you associate a web ACL for example with a cloudfront distribution and this association can take some time it depends on the service.

      Cloudfront for example needs to update the distribution and then push this out to edge locations so this can take a fair bit of time.

      Adjusting a web ACL which is already associated to resources is quicker so keep that in mind.

      Now this is web ACLs at a high level these are the things which contain rules or rule groups and the things which are associated with resources.

      Importantly the relationship is currently that a resource can have one web ACL but one web ACL can be associated with many resources.

      Now also because of the global nature of cloudfront you can't associate a cloudfront web ACL with a regional resource or vice versa and web ACLs can currently not be used with AWS outposts.

      Okay let's move on and talk about rule groups.

      Rule groups as the name suggests are groups of rules they contain rules.

      They're used by web ACLs they're a feature which allows grouped admin of rules.

      They don't themselves have any default actions they're added to web ACLs and the web ACLs have the default action for anything not matched by rules either within groups or added directly to that web ACL.

      Now rule groups are either managed by AWS or a marketplace vendor, yours so managed by you or service owned for example SHIELD or firewall manager owned groups.

      AWS managed rule groups are mostly available for free for AWS WAF customers.

      The AWS WAF bot control and fraud control account takeover protection rule groups do have additional fees and I'll be talking about this later in the video where I talk about pricing.

      Now any rule groups obtained via the marketplace also generally have a subscription attached to them so you need to keep this in mind.

      Rule groups can be reused within many web ACLs.

      They're a separate entity and a web ACL can reference one or more rule groups.

      When you create a rule group you define upfront the WCU capacity and the default maximum is the same 1500 WCU.

      This indicates the amount of resources the rule group uses with its rules and it helps inform anyone using the rule group when they're building a web ACL.

      So now that we've talked about rule groups which are essentially an admin or contain a concept and rule groups can be referenced from web ACLs let's talk in more detail about the rules themselves.

      Now within WAF rules have a simple enough structure.

      We've got type, statement and action.

      The type of rule determines at a high level how it works.

      The statement consists of one or more things which match traffic or not and the action is what WAF does if a match occurs.

      Now rules are one of two types.

      We've got regular and rate based.

      Regular rules are designed to match if something occurs.

      Rate based are designed to match if something occurs at a certain rate.

      An example of this might be that you might have a rule to allow SSH connections from a certain IP address and this is an example of a regular rule but you might want another rule which allows you to do something if anyone attempted to connect via SSH save 5,000 times in a five-minute period because this would suggest a brute force attack.

      So you need to understand the differences between regular and rate based rules.

      Then you have the statement of a rule and this is the main part of a rule.

      It defines what the rule checks for.

      For regular rules think of this as a what.

      What does the rule match against?

      Examples might be incoming TCP port 80 or incoming SSH or it might be requests which have a certain HTTP header.

      For rate based rules it's slightly different.

      You're either going to be applying a rate limit on the number of connections for a source IP address or you're going to be applying a rate limit to connections which come from an IP address which also match certain criteria.

      So for example you might want a rule to apply if a client makes 5,000 connections over a five-minute period or you might only want this to apply if 5,000 connections to SSH are made within a five-minute period.

      Now in terms of criteria you can match against things like origin country, IP address, label and I'll talk more about this in a second.

      Headers, cookies, query parameters, your IPath, query string, the body of a request or the HTTP method.

      Now for the body it's important to understand that WAF is only checking the first 8,192 bytes.

      Again remember this one for the exam.

      Now depending on the criteria that you select from this list you can then choose how to match.

      Examples include exact matches, starts with, ends with, contains and much more.

      You can even match using regular expressions.

      Now you can also have more than one statement.

      Rules can have a single statement but also multiple and if you do have multiple you can choose whether to use and/or not conditions so you can define a pretty complex set of evaluation conditions.

      Now next we have the rule action and for regular rules these can allow block count or run a capture.

      For rate-based rules you can block count or run a capture.

      Allow and block obviously affect whether traffic is allowed.

      Count just counts the number of requests and records that data and capture runs a capture on the request so if a valid response is received it treats it as a count records it and continues processing and if the capture fails it's blocked and processing stops.

      Now it makes sense that allow is not valid for rate-based rules since conceptually you want to do something if a rate is above a certain value and it doesn't make sense that that something is allow.

      So remember with rate-based rules you're essentially wanting to perform an action if a rate is above a certain level.

      So remember with rate-based rules you only have block count and capture you don't have allow.

      Now you can also add custom responses as an optional extra.

      If your action is block then this can be a custom response or a custom header.

      For allows counts and capture this can be a custom header only.

      This custom header means your application itself can react to traffic which has been matched and custom headers are prefixed with x-amzn-waf- and the header is used so that your application can react in some way to traffic which has been affected by a rule.

      Now optionally labels can also be added.

      Labels are internal to WAF but what it allows is multi-stage flows where one rule can add a label and whether another rule runs can be based on the label being present or not.

      Labels as I just mentioned are internal to WAF only and they can be referenced from other rules within a single web ACL.

      They don't persist outside of that.

      Now importantly using labels relies on WAF not stopping processing and this is an important thing to understand with allow and block actions if a rule matches no further action occurs.

      Processing for that bit of traffic on that web ACL is stopped.

      For count and capture actions processing continues and this is where you typically use labels in follow-up rules which react in different ways based on that label being present.

      Now let's finish up by talking about pricing.

      With WAF you're charged a monthly price for every web ACL.

      Now currently this is $5 per month and I've put an asterisk next to this because this is subject to change so don't be surprised if this specific value is different when you're watching this lesson.

      Now also remember that web ACLs can be reused across different supported products and this is a monthly price per web ACL.

      There's also a charge per rule on a web ACL and this is a monthly charge currently $1 per month but again this is subject to change and also you're going to be charged another monthly fee for every rule group or managed rule group that you add to your web ACL.

      You've also got a charge for every request processed by a web ACL.

      Now again currently this is $0.6 per month for every 1 million requests.

      Now this charge is per web ACL so although you're only charged the single fee per web ACL and this can be reused across different products logically the more products that you use a web ACL on the higher the number of requests so this particular part of the pricing architecture will increase the more usage a web ACL has.

      Now if you need to understand this in detail I do suggest using the AWS pricing calculator and I've linked this attached to this video.

      This makes it really easy to just enter some values and see the true breakdown of using the WAF product.

      Now in addition to these costs there are also optional security features which can be enabled on your web ACL and these are in the area of intelligent threat mitigation and these come with additional fees.

      So first we have bot control and this comes with a monthly fee as well as a request based fee so this is a charge for every 1 million requests and again these are both subject to change they're accurate at the moment but don't be surprised if these prices are different when you're watching this video.

      Next we have captures and there's a price per 1000 challenge attempts and again this is subject to change.

      Next the fraud control and account takeover has a monthly charge and then a charge for every 1000 login attempts analyzed and lastly of course any marketplace rule groups that you choose to utilize will come with extra costs and these are all things that you need to keep in mind.

      So that's the architecture and feature overview of the WAF product.

      Now elsewhere in the course if appropriate there's going to be a demo where you can get experience of working with WAF in a practical sense.

      If you don't need practical knowledge for the particular thing that you're studying then this is all the information that you require.

      At this point though that's all of the theory that I want to discuss so go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to talk in general about application layer firewalls also known as layer 7 firewalls named after the layer of the OSI model that they operate at.

      Now I want to keep this video pretty generic and talk about how AWS implement this within their product set in a separate video.

      So let's just jump in and get started.

      Now before I talk about the high level architecture and features of layer 7 firewalls, let's quickly refresh our knowledge of layer 3, 4 and 5.

      So we start with a layer 3 and 4 firewall which is helping to secure the Categorum application.

      Now this is accessed by millions of people globally because it's that amazing.

      Now because this is layer 3 and 4, the firewall sees packets and segments, IP addresses and ports.

      It sees two flows of communications, requests from the laptop to the server and then responses from the server back to the laptop.

      Because this firewall is limited to layer 3 and 4 only, these are viewed as separate and unrelated.

      You need to think of these as different streams of data, request and response, even though they're part of the same communication from a human perspective.

      Now if we enhance the firewall, this time adding session capability, then the same communication between the laptop and server can be viewed as one.

      The firewall understands that the request and the response are part of the same session and this small difference both reduces the admin overhead, so one rule instead of two, but this also lets you implement more contextual security where you can think of response traffic in the context that it's response to an original request and treat that differently than traffic in the same direction which is not a response.

      Now this next point is really important.

      In both cases, these firewalls don't understand anything above the layer at which they operate.

      The top firewall operates layer 3 and 4, so it understands layers 1, 2, 3 and 4.

      The bottom firewall does this plus layer 5.

      Now what this means is that both of them can see IP addresses, ports, flags and the bottom one can do all of this and additionally it can understand sessions.

      Neither of them though can understand the data which flows over the top of this.

      They have no visibility into layer 7, for example, HTTP.

      So they can't see headers or any of the other data that's been transferred over HTTP.

      To them, the layer 7 stuff is opaque.

      A cat image is the same as a dog image is the same as some malware and this is a significant limitation and it exposes the things that we're protecting to a wide range of attacks.

      Now layer 7 firewalls fix many of these limitations so let's take a look at how.

      Let's consider the same architecture where we have a client on the left and then a server or application on the right that we're trying to protect.

      In the middle we have a layer 7 firewall and so that you'll remember it's a layer 7 firewall.

      Let's add a robot, a smart robot.

      With this firewall we still have the same flow of packets and segments and a layer 7 firewall can understand all of the lower layers but it adds additional capabilities.

      Let's consider this example where the Categor application is connected using a HTTPS connection.

      So encrypted HTTP and HTTP is the layer 7 protocol.

      The first important thing to realize is that layer 7 firewalls understand various layer 7 protocols and the example we're stepping through is HTTP so they understand how that protocol transfers data, its architecture, headers, data, hosts, all of the things which happen at layer 7 or below.

      It also means that it can identify normal or abnormal elements of a layer 7 connection which means it can protect against various protocol specific attacks or weaknesses.

      In this example so a HTTPS connection to the Categor server the HTTPS connection would be terminated on the layer 7 firewall so while the client thinks that it's connecting to the server the HTTPS tunnel would be stripped away leaving just HTTP which it could analyze as it transits through the firewall.

      So a new HTTPS connection would be created between the layer 7 firewall and the back end server so from the server and client perspective this process is occurring transparently.

      The crucial part of this is that between the original HTTPS connection and the new HTTPS connection the layer 7 firewall sees an unencrypted HTTP connection so this is plain text and because the firewall understands the layer 7 protocol it can see and understand everything about this protocol stream.

      Data at layer 7 can be inspected, blocked, replaced or tagged and this might be protecting against adult content, spam, off topic content or even malware.

      So in this example you might be looking to protect the integrity of the Categor application.

      You'll logically allow cat pictures but might be less okay with doggoes.

      You might draw a line and not allow other animals sheep for example might be considered spam.

      Maybe you're pretty open and inclusive and only block truly dangerous content such as malware and other exploits.

      Because you can see and understand one or more application protocols you can be very granular in how you allow or block content.

      You can even replace content so if adult images flow through these can be replaced with a nice kitten picture or other baby animals.

      You can even block specific applications such as Facebook and even block the flow of business data leaving the organization onto services such as Dropbox.

      The key thing to understand is that a layer 7 firewall keeps all of the layer 3, 4 and 5 features but can react to layer 7 elements.

      This includes things like DNS names which are used, the rate of flow so how many connections per second, you can even react to content or headers.

      Whatever elements are contained in that specific layer 7 protocol which the firewall understands.

      Now some layer 7 firewalls only understand HTTP, some understand SMTP which is the protocol used for email delivery.

      The limit is only based on what the firewall software supports.

      Now that's everything that I wanted to cover at a high level.

      Coming up in future videos I'm going to be covering how AWS implements layer 7 firewall capability into its product set.

      For now though this high level understanding is what I wanted to help with in this video.

      So go ahead and complete the video.

      Thanks for watching and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      In this lesson, I want to introduce the AWS Secrets Manager.

      It's often one that gets confused with the SSM Parameter Store.

      Inside the Parameter Store, you can create secure strings which allow you to store passwords.

      So logically, it's confusing.

      So when should you use the Parameter Store versus the Secrets Manager?

      So let's take a look at that and make sure that you're 100 percent comfortable with selecting between both of these products for the exam.

      So for Secrets Manager, the functionality that the product provides and the way that it's architected, they're both pretty easy to understand.

      For the exam though, the main thing to lock in is when you should use Secrets Manager versus Parameter Store.

      So let's get that out of the way.

      It shares functionality with Parameter Store.

      So that's the starting point.

      Don't worry too much if for certain scenarios, you can't really pick between them because for certain things you can use either and achieve the same result.

      Secrets Manager though, as the name suggests, is designed specifically for secrets.

      So this means things like passwords and API keys.

      So in the exam, if you see those keywords, so API keys or passwords, then you should default to Secrets Manager.

      Secrets Manager is usable from the console, the CLI, the API, and software development kits.

      It's actually designed architecturally to be integrated inside other applications.

      So that's one of the most common use cases that Secrets Manager is integrated with other applications.

      Another key differentiator of Secrets Manager is that it actually supports the automatic rotation of secrets.

      This uses Lambda.

      Essentially, a Lambda function is invoked periodically and it's used to update the secrets.

      And for certain AWS products such as RDS, Secrets Manager supports direct integration.

      So as well as being able to periodically change a secret that's stored inside Secrets Manager, the product can also make sure that any authentication built into that product such as RDS is also changed.

      So it's kept synchronized with Secrets Manager.

      So if Lambda is invoked and changes a secret, so rotates a secret, then the password inside an RDS instance can also be changed.

      And that integration is only supported for a certain limited set of products.

      And RDS is one of those products.

      So in the exam, if you see any mention of rotating secrets and more specifically, rotating secrets with RDS, then it's almost certain that Secrets Manager is the right answer.

      So the product at a fundamental level, just like with Parameter Store, lets you store secrets.

      But in this case, this product is specifically designed and focuses on the storage and rotation of these secrets.

      So the product keeps them safe, they're encrypted at rest.

      It integrates with IAM, so you can use IAM permissions to control access to the secrets.

      It rotates them and clients can use Secrets Manager to access the secrets and then use these to communicate with say a database in a safe and secure way.

      So let's have a look visually at an example architecture that involves Secrets Manager.

      I want to use an example of a web application which allows you to share funny images showing happy things.

      So you guessed it, we're talking about Categor.

      Categor uses the Secrets Manager SDK.

      So the SDK is part of the application and it uses this SDK to retrieve database credentials.

      So the SDK uses IAM credentials for authorization, generally a role, but it might also use access keys, even though this is less ideal.

      These credentials are used to interact with Secrets Manager and retrieve the secrets for the database that the application uses.

      So once the application has these secrets, it can use them to securely access the database.

      Now, so far all of this functionality could also be provided using the SSM parameter store.

      It has the capability to store secure strings and we could use these secure strings which are encrypted to store any database connectivity information.

      What sets the Secrets Manager apart is that periodically the Secrets Manager can invoke a Lambda function to rotate credentials.

      Now the Lambda function will require permissions to do this and it gets those permissions from an execution role and it will use these permissions both to update the secret that is stored within Secrets Manager, but also if you use supported products such as RDS, then the actual authentication information inside RDS can also be updated and kept in sync with the secrets that are inside the Secret Manager product.

      So if you're using a supported integrated product, then everything is managed end to end by Secrets Manager.

      It can handle the rotation of credentials, it can handle the update of the products which use those credentials and as long as the application keeps checking in with Secrets Manager, it can always ensure that it has access to the most updated versions of those secrets.

      Now it's also worth mentioning that secrets are secured using KMS, so you never risk any leakage via physical access to the AWS hardware and KMS also ensures role separation which means that you need permissions both to KMS and to Secrets Manager in order to access secrets and decrypt them.

      With a specific focus on the exam, if you see any questions where you suspect that Secrets Manager might be involved, you need to do keyword analysis.

      So you need to determine if the question mentions anything in the area of secrets, you need to check if the question mentions anything to do with rotation and if it mentions either of them or both of them and if it's also mentions a product such as RDS, then you're almost certain to be using Secrets Manager for the correct answer.

      So the key differentiating point between Secrets Manager and the parameter store tends to be whether it explicitly mentions secrets, whether it talks about rotation and whether it talks about integration with specific products, specifically RDS.

      Now most questions in the exam won't present you with a situation where you have to pick between Secrets Manager and the parameter store.

      Generally the question will present a scenario and you will either have parameter store or Secrets Manager as an answer.

      It's very rare that you have both.

      If you do have both, then you need to be looking for keywords around rotation, integration and the specific mention of secrets.

      And if you see any of those, it's likely that Secrets Manager will be the correct answer versus the parameter store.

      If you need to store anything but secrets, so hierarchical configuration information, maybe the configuration for the CloudWatch agent, anything of that nature, that tends to be the type of situation where you would use the parameter store.

      If it's just Secrets, if it's rotation, if it's product integration, then it's Secrets Manager.

      With that being said, that's everything that I wanted to cover in this architectural theory lesson.

      Go ahead, complete the video, and then when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome to this video where I'm going to very briefly talk about AWS Transfer Family.

      Now this is going to be an introduction video.

      If the topic you're studying requires any additional information, either theory or practical, then there will be additional videos.

      If not, then this is all that you need to know.

      Now I want to keep this video as brief as possible.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      So AWS Transfer Family is a product which provides a managed file transfer service.

      So it allows you to transfer files to or from S3 and EFS.

      Now the reason that it's managed is that it provides managed servers which support various protocols.

      So this product allows you to upload and download data to and from EFS and S3 using protocols other than those two native protocols.

      So if you need to access S3 or EFS and not use S3 or EFS natively, then Transfer Family is the product which allows this.

      So it allows you to interact with both of these services using a number of common protocols.

      First is FTP, which is the File Transfer Protocol, and this is an unencrypted File Transfer Protocol.

      This is a legacy protocol.

      It's been around for decades.

      It's unencrypted, and so the usage of it is relatively niche.

      You've also got File Transfer Protocol Secure, or FTP-S, and this is the File Transfer Protocol, but with TLS encryption.

      This is something which adds additional layers of functionality to FTP.

      We've also got the Secure Shell, or SSH, File Transfer Protocol, known as SFTP.

      So this is File Transfer running over the top of SSH.

      And then lastly we have the Applicability Statement 2, or AS2 protocol, and this is used for transferring structured business to business data.

      Now this is relatively niche, but it was added to the product because this is relatively common in certain industry sectors.

      So you might use AS2 in industries where workflows with compliance requirements, so data protection and security features, need to be built into the protocol.

      You might use AS2 for various supply chain logistics processes, payment workflows, or other business to business transactions, or integrations with enterprise resource planning and customer relationship, or CRM systems.

      So using AS2 is something that you'll only be doing in a certain set of niche situations, and you'll know that you need this protocol.

      FTP, FTP-S, and SFTP are much more common, and you'll generally find these in a wide variety of industries.

      Now Transfer Family also supports a wide variety of identity providers, so the service can have built-in identities.

      You can utilize the Directory Service product of AWS, or you can use custom identity providers, and this uses Lambda or API Gateway.

      And then lastly, one really important feature of Transfer Family is the Managed File Transfer Workflows, or MFTW.

      And you can think of this as a serverless file workflow engine.

      So this can be used for when files are uploaded to the product, you can define a workflow as to what happens to that file as it gets uploaded.

      So things like notification or tagging.

      And this can be really effective if you need to build in the Transfer Family as part of other process-based workflows that you have within your business.

      So with Transfer Family, you get access to all of these different file transfer protocols via a Transfer Family server within AWS without the need to manage any server infrastructure.

      So if you need to interact with S3 or EFS using existing workflows where you can't change your applications, then you can use Transfer Family.

      Now let's take a look visually at the architecture of the product.

      So to high level, this is how Transfer Family works.

      So we have an AWS environment and inside we have S3 and EFS.

      And we want to grant access to either or both of these to an external user.

      And let's say it's a medical user of some kind and they want to use the SFTP protocol.

      Now to do that, we'd configure Transfer Family and with Transfer Family, we create servers which are enabled for one or more protocols.

      These servers are configured to communicate with our backend storage resources using IAM roles in order to get permissions.

      Now once this is configured, it means that our user can access these resources potentially using a custom DNS name using a protocol which they support and not the native S3 or EFS access methods.

      And as I mentioned moments ago, Transfer Family supports a range of authentication methods including built-in identities, directory service within AWS or a custom identity store.

      Now that's how the service works from a high level architecture perspective.

      But there is additional information that you'll need for the real world and the AWS exams where it features.

      So let's take a look at how we can connect to the service over various different networking architectures.

      Within Transfer Family, you create servers which you can think of as the front end access points to your storage.

      So they present the supporting backend storage, so S3 and EFS via one or more supported protocols.

      So SFTP, FTPS, FTP and AS2.

      Now how you're able to access these depends on how you configure the service's endpoints.

      And we have three different options, Public, VPC with Internet access and VPC internal only.

      With Public, the endpoint is running in the AWS public zone and so it's accessible from the public internet.

      This means that there's nothing to configure.

      You don't need to configure anything in the way of networking or have to worry about VPCs or any other networking components.

      But it does come with some shortcomings.

      First, the only supported protocol is SFTP.

      Second, the endpoint has a dynamic IP which can change and this is managed by AWS.

      So you should generally use DNS to access it.

      And then finally, it means that you can't control who can access it using features such as network access control lists or security groups.

      Next, we have the endpoint types which run in a VPC.

      And much of this is shared between the two.

      So both run inside a VPC.

      With the VPC Internet type, you can use SFTP and FTPS endpoints and also AS2.

      I keep this separate because it's a pretty niche use case right now.

      And most users of this product you'll tend to find will be the usual file transfer protocols.

      Now with the internal only VPC endpoint type, you can use SFTP, FTPS and FTP in addition to AS2.

      And this makes sense because FTP which is the one additional protocol which is supported with VPC internal only is unencrypted.

      So this is not something you'll want to be running over the public Internet.

      Now both of these types can be accessed from connected business networks.

      So anything that's using Direct Connect and VPNs.

      So anything which has connectivity into the VPC can access this service as though it was inside the VPC.

      In both cases, Transfer Family provides static IPs and both can be secured using network access control lists or security groups.

      So this is a security benefit versus the public endpoint type.

      The main difference is that the VPC Internet type is allocated with an elastic IP and this is static and it allows it to be accessible over the public Internet in addition to within the VPC and from corporate networks.

      So this is the level of detail which you need to understand as a foundation.

      If for the course that you're studying you need to know anything else then there will be additional theory or practical videos following this one.

      If not, don't worry, this is everything that you'll need to understand.

      Now a few final points about the AWS Transfer Family.

      It is multi-AZ.

      The cost is based on provisioned server per hour and data transferred through the product.

      So this product does not have any upfront costs and you only build while you're utilizing the product.

      With FTP and FTPS, only directory service or custom identity providers are supported.

      So remember that.

      And for the FTP protocol, you can only use it internally within a VPC.

      This one can't be public, which means you can't use it with the public endpoint type and can't use it with the VPC Internet endpoint type.

      Now with the AS2 protocol, this needs to be VPC Internet or internal only.

      This cannot use the public endpoint type.

      So you'd use this product if you need access to S3 or EFS using existing protocols, potentially integrating it with your existing workflows where you can't change the protocol that's used, or potentially using the managed file transfer workflow feature in order to create new workflows with the product.

      Now as I mentioned at a high level, this is the knowledge that you need across any AWS exams which feature this product.

      If there is any additional theory or practical knowledge that you need to know, there will be follow-up videos to this one.

      But at this point, that's everything I want to cover in this video.

      So go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about another file system provided by FSX and that's FSX for Lustre.

      Now this is a file system designed for various high-performance computing workloads.

      Now it's important for the exam that you understand exactly what it provides and how it's architected.

      Now we've got a lot to cover so let's jump in and take a look.

      In the exam you won't need to know about Lustre in detail, it's one of those relatively niche products but you'll need to distinguish between scenarios when you might use products such as FSX for Windows versus FSX for Lustre.

      Now FSX for Windows is a Windows native file system which is accessed over SMB.

      It's used for Windows native environments within AWS.

      FSX for Lustre is a managed implementation of the Lustre file system which is a file system designed specifically for high performance computing.

      It supports Linux based instances running in AWS and as a keyword to track for the exam it also supports POSIX style permissions for file systems.

      Now Lustre is designed for use cases such as machine learning, big data or financial modeling.

      Anything which needs to process large amounts of data and do so with a high level of performance.

      Now FSX for Lustre can scale to hundreds of gigabytes per second of throughput and it offers sub millisecond latency when accessing that storage and this is the level of performance that you'll need for high performance computing across many different clients or many different instances.

      Now FSX for Lustre can be provisioned using two different deployment types.

      If you have a need for the absolute best performance for short-term workloads then you can pick Scratch.

      Scratch is optimized for really high-end performance but it doesn't provide much in the way of resilience or high availability.

      If you need a persistent file system or high availability for your workload then you can choose the persistent option.

      Now this is great for longer-term storage it offers high availability but crucially in one availability zone only.

      Lustre is a single availability zone file system because it needs to deliver this really high-end performance and so the high availability provided by the persistent deployment type is high availability within one availability zone only and this also offers self-healing so if any hardware fails as part of the file system it will be automatically replaced by AWS.

      So this is the deployment type to choose if you need resilience and high availability of the data running on the file system.

      Now you won't need to know this level of detail for the exam but I have included a link attached to this lesson which details the differences between Scratch and persistent in detail.

      I find it useful to know at least at a high level the difference between these two different deployment types.

      Now FSX for Lustre as with FSX for Windows is available over a VPN or Direct Connect from on-premises locations.

      Obviously you will need a pretty substantial amount of bandwidth to benefit from the Lustre performance but it is there as an option.

      Now it's important for the exam that you have an understanding of how FSX for Lustre works so let's have a look at that next.

      Before I cover the architecture of FSX for Lustre I want to conceptually talk about what FSX for Lustre means.

      What do you actually do when you use this file system?

      Well the product focuses around a managed file system which you create it's accessible from within a VPC and anything connected to that VPC via private networking.

      So connectivity wise it's much like EFS or FSX for Windows in that sense in that you can access it from the VPC or anything connected to it with private networking.

      Now the file system is where the data lives.

      It's where it lives while it's being analyzed or processed by your applications.

      When you create a file system though you can associate it with a repository and a repository in this case is an S3 bucket.

      If you do this when the file system is created the objects within the S3 bucket are visible in the file system but crucially at this stage they're not actually stored within the Lustre file system.

      When they're first accessed by any clients connected to the Lustre file system the data is lazy loaded into the file system from the S3 repository that first time it's loaded and then it's present within the file system.

      So it's important to understand that while objects initially appear to be within the file system if you're using an S3 repository they're only actually truly present in the file system when they're first accessed so they're lazy loaded from the repository into the file system.

      There isn't actually any built-in synchronization so conceptually the Lustre file system is completely separate it can just use an S3 repository as a foundation.

      Now you can actually sync any changes made in the file system back to the S3 repository i.e. the S3 bucket using the HSM underscore archive command.

      What I want you to understand conceptually is that the Lustre file system is completely separate it can be configured to lazy load data from S3 and to write it back but it's not automatically in sync and it's the file system the Lustre file system the separate file system where the processing of data occurs.

      So now that I've covered the conceptual elements of this let's take a look at how the product is actually architected.

      Before I do that there are a few key points that I want to discuss so Lustre splits data up when it's storing it to disks there are a number of different types or elements to data that are stored within the file system.

      First is the metadata so this is things like file names, timestamps and permissions and this is stored on metadata targets or MSTs and Lustre file system has one of these.

      Then we've got the data itself and the data is split over multiple object storage targets known as OSTs and each of these is 1.17 TIB in size and it's by splitting the data across each of these OSTs that the performance levels of Lustre are achieved.

      Now the performance provided by the product is a baseline performance level based on the size of the file system and the size of the file system starts with a minimum of 1.2 TIB and then you can use increments of 2.4 TIB.

      For the scratch deployment type you get a baseline performance of 200 megabytes per second per TIB of storage.

      For the persistent deployment type there are actually three baseline performance levels you've got 50 megabytes per second 100 megabytes per second and 200 megabytes per second per TIB of storage and for both types you can burst up to 1300 megabytes per second per TIB of storage and this is based on a credit system so you earn credits when you're using a performance level below your baseline and you consume these credits when you burst above the baseline so it shares many of the characteristics of EBS volumes but just at a much higher scale and with more parallel architecture.

      So let's look at this architecture visually.

      So any FSx architecture uses a client managed VPC so something that you design and maybe you implement.

      Inside this client managed VPC are some clients and these are generally Linux EC2 instances with the Lustre software installed so they can read and interact with the Lustre file system.

      Then at the other side of the architecture you create a Lustre file system and optionally an S3 repository for that file system.

      Now depending on the size of storage that you can figure within Lustre the product deploys a number of storage servers.

      These servers handle the storage requests placed against the file system and each of them also provides an in-memory cache which allows faster access to frequently used data.

      At a high level the more storage provisioned the more servers and the more aggregate throughput and IOPS that FSx for Lustre can deliver into your VPC and this performance is delivered into your VPC using a single elastic network interface.

      Lustre runs from one availability zone and so you'll have one elastic network interface within your client managed VPC which is used to access the product.

      Now from a performance perspective any rights to Lustre will go via the ENI and they'll be written directly to disk and so that will be dependent on the disk throughput and IO characteristics.

      Likewise if data is read directly from disk then it too is based on the performance characteristics of the underlying disks.

      Once data is read and then accessed again so for any frequently accessed data it can use in-memory caching and at that stage it's based on the performance characteristics of the networking connecting the clients through to the Lustre servers themselves.

      So at a high level this is the architecture that the FSx for Lustre product uses.

      Now let's have a look at some key points that you need to be aware of for the product.

      When you're creating an FSx for Lustre file system you get to create it using one of two deployment types.

      I mentioned these earlier in this lesson.

      The first one is scratch and scratch is designed when you want pure performance.

      You might be looking to deploy some short-term or temporary workloads and the only thing that you care about is pure performance.

      So for this type of workload you can use the scratch deployment type but it's really important that you know as a solutions architect that this doesn't provide any high availability nor any form of replication.

      If you have any form of hardware failure then any data that stored on that hardware is lost and isn't available to the file system.

      Now this doesn't mean that other data is also at risk because any other data continues to be available as part of the Lustre file system.

      It's only data affected by a failure.

      But what you need to understand from a file system planning perspective is that larger file systems generally mean more servers, that means more disks and that means a higher chance of failure.

      So the larger the file system the more chance of failure when you're using the scratch deployment type.

      Now choosing the persistent deployment type means you do have replication but crucially only within a single availability zone.

      So all the hardware and all the data is replicated within a single availability zone which protects you against hardware failure but not against the failure of a full availability zone.

      So using the persistent deployment type means the product will auto heal any hardware failure and data won't be lost.

      But remember this is only within one availability zone.

      If an entire availability zone fails then you could have data loss because hardware is not recoverable outside of that availability zone.

      Now this doesn't mean data has to be at risk because with both of these deployment types you can use the backup functionality of the product to back up that data to S3 and you can either do manual backups or automatic backups.

      And automatic backups have anywhere between zero to 35 days of retention and like other AWS products zero means that automatic backups are disabled.

      So this at a high level is how the FSx for Lustre product works.

      It's similar to FSx for Windows and similar to EFS in terms of how it's architected.

      It uses elastic network interfaces which are injected into a VPC and these can be accessed from the VPC or from any other network connected to that VPC using private networking.

      Now for the exam if you see Windows mentioned or SMB mentioned then it's going to be FSx for Windows and not FSx for Lustre.

      If you see any mention of Lustre, any mention of really high end performance requirements, any mention of POSIX, high performance computing, machine learning, big data or any of those type of scenarios then it's going to be FSx for Lustre.

      If you see any mention of machine learning and SageMaker and you need to have access to a really high performance file system then again it could be FSx for Lustre.

      With that being said that is everything that I wanted to cover within this lesson so go ahead complete lesson and then when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover the FSx products, specifically FSx for Windows File Server.

      FSx is a shared file system product, but it handles the implementation in a very different way than say EFS, which we've covered earlier in the course.

      Now FSx for Windows File Server is one of the core components of the range of services that AWS provide to support Windows environments in AWS.

      For a fair amount of AWS history, its support of Windows environments was pretty bad.

      It just didn't seem to be a priority.

      Now this changed with FSx for Windows File Server, which provides fully managed native Windows File Servers or more specifically file shares.

      You're provided with file shares as your unit of consumption.

      The servers themselves are hidden.

      It's similar to how RDS is architected, but instead of databases, you get file shares.

      Now it's a product which is designed for integration with Windows environments.

      It's a native Windows file system.

      It's not an emulated file server.

      It can integrate with either managed Active Directory or self-managed Active Directory and this can be running inside AWS or on-premises.

      And this is a critical feature for enterprises who already have their own Active Directory provision.

      Now it's a resilient and highly available system and it can be deployed in either single or multi AZ mode.

      Picking between the two controls the network interfaces which are available and are used to access the product.

      It uses elastic network interfaces inside the VPC.

      The back end, even in single AZ mode, uses replication within that availability zone to ensure that it's resilient to hardware failure.

      But if you pick multi AZ, then you get a fully multi AZ highly available solution.

      Now it can also perform a full range of different types of backups and this includes some client side and AWS side features.

      And I'll talk about that later in the lesson.

      But from an AWS side, it can perform both automatic and on demand backups.

      Now file systems that are created inside the FSx product are accessible within a VPC, but also, and this is how more complex environments are supported, they can be accessed over peering connections, over VPN connections, and even can be accessed over physical direct connects.

      So if you're a large enterprise with a dedicated private link into a VPC, then you can access FSx file systems over Direct Connect.

      Now in the exam when you faced with any questions which talk about shared file systems, you need to be looking to identify any Windows related keywords.

      So look for things like native Windows file systems, look for things like Active Directory or Directory Service integration, and look for any of the more advanced features which I'll talk about over the remainder of this lesson.

      Essentially your job in the exam needs to be to pick when to use FSx versus EFS because these are both network shared file systems that you'll find on the exam.

      Generally EFS tends to be used for shared file systems for Linux EC2 instances as well as Linux on-premises servers whereas FSx is dedicated for Windows environments, so that's the main distinction between these two different services.

      So let's have a look visually at how a typical implementation of FSx for Windows file server might look for an Animals for Life type organization.

      So we start with a familiar architecture.

      We have a VPC on the left and a corporate network on the right and these networks are connected with Direct Connect or VPN and have some on-premises staff members.

      Now inside the VPC we have two availability zones A and B and in each of those availability zones we have two different private subnets.

      FSx uses Active Directory for its user store and so logically we start with a directory and this can either be a managed directory delivered as a service from AWS or it can be something which is on-premises.

      Now this is important FSx can integrate with both and it doesn't actually need an Active Directory service defined inside the Directory Services product.

      Instead it can connect directly to Active Directory running on-premises.

      This is critical to understand because it means it can integrate with a completely normal implementation of Active Directory that most large enterprises already have.

      Now I already mentioned this on the previous screen but FSx can be deployed either in single AZ or multi AZ mode and in both of those it needs to be connected to some form of directory for its user store.

      Now once deployed you can create a network share using FSx and this can be accessed in the normal way using the double backslash, DNS name and share notation that you'll be familiar with if you use Windows environments.

      So in this example a file system ID dot animals for life dot org and then a slash cat pics and in this example cat pics is the actual share.

      Now using this access path the file system can be accessed from other AWS services which use Windows based storage and an example of this is Workspaces which is a virtual desktop service similar to Citrix which is available inside AWS.

      So when you deploy Workspaces into a VPC not only does it require a directory service to function but for any shared file system needs it can also use FSx.

      The most important thing to remember about FSx is that it is a native Windows file system.

      It supports things like DGUplication, the distributed file system or DFS which is a way Windows can group file shares together and scale out for a more managed file share structure at scale.

      It supports at rest encryption using KMS and it also lets you enforce encryption in transit.

      Shares are accessed using SMB protocol which is standard in Windows environments and FSx even allows for volume shadow copies which in this context are a way that users can see multiple file versions and initiate restores from the client side.

      So that's really important to understand if you're utilizing an FSx share from a Windows environment you can right click on a file or folder view previous versions and initiate file level restores without having to use AWS or engage with a system administrator and that's something that's provided along with the FSx product as long as it's integrated with Windows environments you get that capability.

      Now from a performance perspective FSx is highly performant.

      The performance that's delivered can range from anywhere from 8 megabytes per second to 2 gigabytes per second.

      It can deliver hundreds of thousands of IOPS and it delivers less than a one millisecond latency so it can scale up to whatever performance requirements your organization has.

      Now for the exam you don't need to be aware of the implementation details and I'm trying inside this course to focus really on the topics and services that you need for the exam.

      So when things do occur I want to teach you more information than you do require for the exam but there are a lot of topics or features of different services that you only require a high level overview of and this is one of those topics.

      So what I want to do now is go through some keywords or features that you should be on the lookout when you see any exam questions that you think might be related to FSx.

      Now the first one of these is VSx and this is a Windows feature that allows users to perform file and folder level restores.

      So this is one of the features that's provided that's unique to FSx and it means that if you have any users of workspaces if they use files and folders on an FSx share and they right click they can view previous versions they can restore from a user-driven perspective without having to engage a system administrator.

      So this might come up in the exam.

      Another thing you need to be aware of is that FSx provides native Windows file systems that are accessible over SMB.

      So if you see SMB mentioned in the exam it's probably going to be FSx as the default correct answer.

      Remember the EFS file system uses the NFS protocol and this is only accessible from Linux EC2 instances or Linux on premises servers.

      If you see any mention of SMB then you can be almost certain that it's a Windows environment question and involves FSx.

      Another key feature provided by FSx is that it uses the Windows permission model so if you're used to managing permissions for folders or files on Windows file systems then you'll be used to exactly how FSx handles permissions.

      So this is provided natively by the product specifically to support Windows environments in AWS.

      Next is that the product supports DFS which is the distributed file system so if you see that mentioned either its full name or DFS then you know that this is going to be related to FSx.

      So DFS is a way that you can natively scale out file systems inside Windows environments.

      You can either group file shares together in one enterprise-wide structure or you can use DFS for replication or scaling out performance.

      It's a really capable distributed file system.

      Now if you see any questions which talk about the provision of a native Windows file server but where the admin overhead of running a self managed EC2 instance running something like Windows server is not ideal then you know that it's going to be FSx.

      So FSx provides you with the ability to provision a native Windows file server with file shares but without the admin overhead of managing that server yourself.

      And lastly the product is unique in the sense that it delivers these file shares and they can also be integrated with either directory service or your own active directory directly.

      So these really important things to remember for the exam and they'll help you select between other products and FSx.

      Now again I don't expect you to get many questions on FSx.

      I do know at least one or two unique questions in the exam but even if it only gets you that one extra mark it can be the difference between a pass and a fail.

      So try your best to remember all the key features that have explained throughout this lesson.

      But at that point that is everything I wanted to cover in this theory only lesson.

      So go ahead complete this video and then when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about an AWS service which you will use in the real world as a solutions architect.

      And it's also one which starts to feature more and more in the exam.

      Now that product is AWS Datasync.

      We've got a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      Now AWS Datasync tends to feature in the exam currently in a very light way.

      You might be lucky and not even have a question on it but I do know that it features in at least two unique questions that I'm aware of.

      And so you do need to be aware of what it is, what it does and the type of situations where you might use it.

      So Datasync is a data transfer service which allows you to move data into or out of AWS.

      Historically many of the transfer tasks involving AWS have either been manual uploads or downloads or have used a physical device like the Snowball or Snowball Edge series of transfer devices.

      While Datasync is a service which manages this process end to end.

      Datasync tends to be used for workloads like data migrations into AWS or when you need to transfer data into AWS for processing and then back out again or when you need to archive data into AWS to take advantage of cost effective storage.

      It can even be used as part of disaster recovery or business continuity planning.

      Now as a product it's designed to work at huge scales.

      Each agent and I'll introduce the concept of an agent later in this lesson but each agent can handle 10 gigabits per second of data transfer and each job and I'll also introduce the concepts of jobs within this lesson can handle 50 million files.

      Now this is obviously huge scale.

      Very few transfer jobs will require that level of capacity or performance but in addition to that scale it also handles the transfer of metadata such as permissions and timestamps which are both essential for complex data structure migrations.

      And finally and this is a huge benefit for some scenarios.

      It includes built-in data validation.

      Imagine if you're transferring huge numbers of medical records or scans into AWS you need to make sure that the data as it arrives in AWS matches the original data and Datasync includes this functionality as default.

      Now in terms of the key features of the product it is really scalable.

      Each agent can handle 10 gigabits per second of data transfer which equates to around 100 terabytes per day and you can add additional agents assuming you have the bandwidth to support it.

      You can use bandwidth limiters to avoid the saturation of internet links so reducing the customer impact of transferring the data.

      The product supports incremental and scheduled transfers and it supports compression and encryption.

      If you're transferring huge amounts of data and have concerns over liability issues then it also supports automatic recovery from transit errors.

      It also handles integration with AWS services such as S3, EFS and FSX for Windows servers and for some services it supports service to service transfer.

      So moving data from EFS to EFS inside AWS even cross region and best of all it's a pay as you use service so there is a per gigabyte cost for any data that's moved by the product.

      So let's quickly look at the architecture visually to help you understand exactly how it gets used and this is going to be useful for the exam.

      In this example architecture we have a corporate on-premises environment on the left and an AWS region on the right.

      The business premises has an existing SAN or NAS storage device which has data on it that we want to move into AWS.

      And so we install the data sync agent on the businesses on-premise VMware platform and this agent is capable of communicating to the NAS or SAN with either the NFS or SMB protocols.

      So most SANs or NASs or any other storage devices will support either one or both of these protocols.

      So the data sync agent is capable of integrating with nearly all local on-premises storage.

      Once data sync is configured the agent communicates with the data sync endpoint running within AWS and from there it can store the data in a number of different types of locations.

      Examples of this include various S3 storage classes or VPC resources such as the Elastic File System or FSX for Windows Server.

      Now you can configure a schedule for the transfer so either targeting or avoiding certain time periods and if you do have any link speed performance issues you can set a bandwidth limit to throttle the rate at which data sync syncs the data between your on-premises environment and AWS.

      Now for the exam it's just the architecture that you need to understand.

      It won't feature at the level where you'll need to be aware of the implementation details.

      So at a very high level be aware that you need to have the data sync agent installed locally within your on-premises environment.

      Be aware that it communicates over NFS or SMB with on-premises storage and then it transfers that data through to AWS.

      It can recover from failures, it can use schedules, it can throttle the bandwidth between on-premises and AWS and then from there it can currently store into S3 the Elastic File System or FSX for Windows Servers.

      So if you see any questions in the exam which talk about the reliable transfer of large quantities of data if it needs to integrate with EFS, if it needs to integrate with FSX, if it needs to integrate with S3 and support bidirectional transfer, incremental transfer, schedule transfer then it's likely to be AWS data sync that's the right answer.

      Now let's finish up by reviewing the main architectural components of the data sync product.

      First we have the task and a task within data sync is essentially a job.

      A job defines what is being synced, how quickly, any schedules that need to be used, any bandwidth throttling that needs to take place, but it also defines the two locations that are involved in that job.

      So where is the data being copied from and where is it being copied to?

      Next we have the agent and I've already talked about this.

      This is the software that's used to read or write to on-premises data stores.

      So it uses NFS or SMB and it's used to pull data off that store and move it into AWS or vice versa.

      Lastly we've got a location and every task so every job has two locations, the from location and the to location.

      Examples of valid locations are network file systems or NFS, server message block or SMB and both of these are very common corporate data transfer protocols.

      You tend to use NFS with Linux or Unix systems and SMB is very popular in Windows environments.

      Other valid locations include AWS storage services such as EFS, FSX and Amazon S3.

      Now that's all of the information that you'll need for the exam.

      I just wanted to introduce the service because as I mentioned at the start, I am aware that there are at least two questions involving this product which feature on the new version of the exam.

      And I want to make sure that you go into that exam understanding the high level architecture.

      So if you do see DataSync mentioned, you can at least identify whether it's an appropriate use of that technology or not.

      You'll find that those questions aren't asking you to interpret different features of DataSync.

      You'll be asked to select between DataSync and another product or another method of getting data into AWS.

      And so in this lesson I wanted to focus on exactly when you would use DataSync.

      So if you need to use an electronic method, obviously Snowball or Snowball Edge aren't appropriate.

      If you need something that can transfer data in and out of AWS, if that product needs to support schedules, bandwidth throttling, automatic retries, compression and cope with huge scale transfers involving lots of different AWS and traditional file transfer protocols, then it's likely to be DataSync that's the product that you need to pick.

      With that being said, that's everything that you need to know for any DataSync questions on the exam.

      So go ahead, complete this video and when you're ready, I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover the AWS Directory service.

      This is another service which I think is often overlooked and undervalued.

      It provides a managed directory, a store of users, objects and other configuration.

      Now it's delivered as a managed service, it has a few versions and lots of use cases.

      So we do have a lot to cover in this architecture lesson.

      So let's jump in and take a look.

      Before we start I want to talk about directories in general.

      What are they and what do they do?

      Well, directories store identity and asset related information.

      So things like users, groups, computer objects, server objects and file shares.

      And it holds all of these objects in a structure which is hierarchical.

      So like an inverted tree.

      And this is often referred to as a domain.

      But regardless of its name, it's essentially an inverted tree structure that holds identity related objects.

      Now multiple directories, each of which provide a tree structure, can be grouped together into what's called a forest.

      Now directories are commonly used within larger corporate windows environments.

      You can join devices to a directory.

      So laptops, desktops and servers.

      And directories provide centralized management and authentication.

      So it means that you can sign in to multiple devices with the same usernames and passwords.

      And it allows corporate IT staff to centrally manage all of the identity and asset information in one single data store.

      One of the most common types of directory that's in use in large corporate environments is Active Directory by Microsoft.

      And its full name is Microsoft Active Directory Domain Services or ADDS.

      But there are alternatives.

      Another common one is called SAMBA, which is an open source implementation of Active Directory.

      And it's designed to provide an alternative, but only provides partial compatibility with Active Directory.

      And that's something that you need to be aware of when it comes to picking the mode that directory service will be operating in.

      So now let's look at directory service specifically.

      So directory service is an AWS implementation of a directory.

      It's the same equivalent to Active Directory as RDS is to databases.

      Using it means you have no admin overhead of running your own directory service.

      And that admin overhead is often significant.

      Directory service runs within a VPC.

      It's a private service.

      So to use it for services, those services either need to be within that VPC or you need to configure private connectivity to that VPC.

      It provides high availability and it does this by deploying into multiple subnets in multiple availability zones within AWS.

      Now there are certain AWS services such as EC2, which can optionally use a directory.

      So Windows EC2 instances can be configured to join the directory and then you can use identities inside that directory to log in to that EC2 instance.

      And you can also configure a directory for centralized management to various different Windows features that are running on Windows EC2 instances.

      Certain services that run inside AWS require a directory.

      And an example of this is Amazon Workspaces, which is a virtual desktop product where you can get a virtual operating system upon which you can run applications.

      If you've ever used Citrix or anything similar, then Amazon Workspaces is essentially AWS's version of this.

      But it needs a directory and it needs to be a directory that's registered with AWS.

      And so it needs the directory service, the directory service product.

      And to join EC2 instances to a domain via the AWS tools, you also need to have a registered directory inside AWS.

      So the directory service product is this implementation.

      It's an AWS supported and registered directory service within AWS that other AWS products can utilize for identity and management purposes.

      Now, when you create a directory, you're going to be doing so with a number of different architectures in mind.

      So it might be an isolated directory, meaning inside AWS only and independent of any other directory that you might have, or you might not have any other directory.

      It can be integrated with an existing on-premises directory, so almost like a partner directory, or you can use the directory service in what's called connector mode, where it just proxies connections back to your on-premises system.

      Essentially, this allows you to use your existing on-premises directory with AWS services which require a registered directory service.

      It's essentially just a proxy.

      Now, I want to quickly step through each of these different architectures visually before we finish up, because for the exam, you really only need to have an awareness of the architecture.

      And I always find that by looking at it visually, it helps keep it in your memory for when you sit the exam.

      So let's do that next.

      Let's step through each of the different modes that the directory service can run in.

      Now, first, we're going to look at the directory service running in simple AD mode.

      This is the cheapest and the simplest way that the product can run inside a VPC.

      So we start off with a VPC, and let's say that we want to run Amazon Workspaces within this VPC.

      And these Workspaces will be utilized by some Animals for Life users.

      So Workspaces as a product requires a directory service.

      So when you log into a workspace, you're not logging into a local user, you're logging in using a user of that directory.

      And so it needs some type of directory that's registered within AWS.

      And one option is that we can deploy the directory service in simple AD mode.

      So simple AD is an open source directory that's based on SAMBA4.

      So it's a directory that aims to provide as much compatibility with Microsoft Active Directory as possible, but do it in a lightweight way.

      So if you see any mention of open source or SAMBA4 or SAMBA, then think simple AD.

      So you can create users and other objects within simple AD, and this can be integrated with Workspaces.

      So simple AD can operate in two different sizes, and it can support up to 500 users when using the small mode and up to 5,000 users for large-sized simple AD.

      And it can integrate with lots of different AWS services.

      Things like Amazon Chime, Amazon Connect, Amazon QuickSite, Amazon RDS, WorkDocs, WorkMail, WorkSpaces, and even the AWS Management Console allows you to sign in with users of the directory service.

      But there are other things such as EC2, which can utilize the directory service as well, either from the console or by manually configuring the operating system of the EC2 instance.

      When you deploy a simple AD directory service, you're actually deploying a highly available version of SAMBA, and so anything that can join this SAMBA directory is capable of joining the directory service directory running in simple AD mode.

      Now, the critical thing to understand about simple AD mode is that it's designed to be used in isolation.

      It's not designed to integrate with on-premises systems, and it isn't a full implementation of something like Microsoft Active Directory.

      If you need something bigger and more feature-rich, then you can choose to use Managed Microsoft AD mode.

      And this mode is designed for when you want to have a direct presence inside AWS, but also when you have an existing on-premises environment.

      Using this mode, you can create an instance of the directory service inside AWS, and architecturally, it's similar to simple AD.

      You can have users which are created within the directory service itself hosted inside AWS, and once created, services inside AWS can integrate directly with the directory service.

      But in addition, and this is a set of features that goes beyond simple AD mode, you can create a trust relationship with your existing on-premises directory, and this needs to occur over private networking, so either a direct connect or a VPN connection.

      Now, the benefit of this mode is that the primary location is in AWS, and it trusts your on-premises directory.

      It means if the VPN fails, the AWS services which rely on the directory will still be able to function.

      So when you deploy directory service in Microsoft AD mode, it means that it's a fully fledged directory service in its own right.

      It's not reliant on any on-premises infrastructure to function.

      But also, it's an actual implementation of the Microsoft Active Directory, specifically the 2012 R2 version, and so it directly supports applications which require Microsoft AD features, such as schemers and schema extensions.

      And these products include things like Microsoft SharePoint, as well as Microsoft SQL Server-based applications.

      So if you see questions in the exam about requiring an actual implementation of Microsoft Active Directory, complete with trust relationships with an on-premise Microsoft Active Directory, then it's the managed Microsoft Active Directory mode that you need to use, not simple AD.

      Now, there's one final mode that you need to be aware of, and I have seen this come up in the exam, and this mode is AD Connector.

      Consider a scenario where you only want to use one specific AWS service that has a requirement of a directory service, let's say Amazon Workspaces.

      And in this example, you already have an on-premises directory, and you don't want to create a brand new one just to use this one single product.

      Well, AD Connector offers a solution.

      To utilize AD Connector, you would need to establish private network connectivity between your AWS account and your on-premises network.

      So an example of this could be a VPN.

      And then once this VPN is established, you would create the AD Connector and point the AD Connector back at your on-premises directory.

      Now, what's critical to understand about the AD Connector is that it is only a proxy.

      It just exists as an entity to integrate with AWS services.

      So any AWS services which need a directory, they will see the AD Connector, and they'll know they'll have access to an active directory instance, but they won't care where.

      And it's the AD Connector itself that's pointing back at your on-premises directory.

      It doesn't provide any authentication of its own.

      It is simply a proxy.

      It simply proxies the requests back to your on-premises environment.

      So using this architecture, the primary directory is still located on-premises, and all requests for authentication from services are proxied all the way back to your on-premises directory.

      Now, this means that you don't need to provision an additional directory service specifically to use AWS products and services, but it does mean that if the private network connectivity fails, then the AD Connector stops working, and any services which use it could experience problems.

      So you would use this option only when you already have a directory on-premises and just want to use AWS products and services which need a directory without deploying a brand new one.

      Now, one of the important things for the exam is to know when to pick between the different modes for directory service.

      You should always start off with simple AD.

      Simple AD is your default.

      It's designed for simple requirements.

      If you need an isolated directory within AWS, if you don't need any connectivity with on-premises, you simply need to use it to support any AWS products and services which require a directory than use simple AD mode.

      You can move to using Microsoft AD if you have any applications in AWS which need an actual implementation of Microsoft Active Directory.

      If you have any products which expect an actual implementation of Microsoft Active Directory, you need to use this mode, or if you need to have that trust relationship with your existing on-premises Microsoft Active Directory, that's another reason to use the Microsoft AD mode.

      It's critical to understand that this is actually an implementation of Microsoft Active Directory.

      It's not emulated in any way.

      It's not been adjusted by AWS.

      It's essentially a managed deployment of a Microsoft Active Directory set of domain servers.

      Now finally, if your only requirement is to use AWS services which need a directory, but you don't want to store any directory information in the cloud, you don't want to manage a directory in the cloud, you simply want the ability to use the products and services that require a directory.

      That's when you would use the AD connector.

      The important thing to remember about the AD connector, it doesn't provide functionality of its own.

      You create it, you have to point it back at your on-premises environment, and it requires connectivity to your on-premises environment and for that on-premises environment to be fully functional.

      If either of those two things are not the case, then the AD connector will fail.

      Now one of the major differences between the older SAAC01 exam and the newer C02 exam is that there are a lot more Windows environment-based questions.

      And that's the reason I've included this lesson on the directory service.

      You need to be aware of all the different products and services that can be used to support and implement Windows environments within AWS and enable hybrid mode operation with any Windows environments that you have on-premise.

      Now the questions at an associate level won't be very challenging.

      They'll focus purely on this high-level architecture.

      So you won't need to be aware of the implementation details for the exam.

      And that's why I've chosen to make this a theory-only lesson.

      So this lesson provides all the information that you'll need to answer any directory service questions that you might get in the exam.

      So at this point, that's everything I wanted to cover.

      So go ahead, complete this video.

      And when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about a really effective set of services which AWS provide for moving data between on-premises and AWS.

      So these services are Snowball, Snowball Edge and the AWS Snowmobile.

      Now we've got a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      At a high level the Snowball series, so Snowball, Snowball Edge and Snowmobile are designed to move large amounts of data in or out of AWS.

      In many cases, especially with smaller projects, you can just upload data over an internet connection or in some cases if you have specific requirements you can use Direct Connect.

      But there are situations where the amount of data that you need to move makes this impractical.

      Either because of the speed of your internet connection making a transfer of this size impractical or because you need to get huge amounts of data into AWS as quickly as possible.

      Now the devices in this product series are physical storage units either suitcase sized or the size of a truck literally carried on trucks inside a custom built shipping container.

      Now you can either order them empty, load them up with data and then return them to AWS or the reverse so you can order them with data, receive them, empty off the data and return the appliances to AWS.

      Now the key things that you need to know for the associate exam is not specifically the product specifics but rather when and where you need to use the products.

      So you don't need to be aware of the implementation details just the architecture.

      So that's what I want to cover in this lesson and we're going to start with Snowball.

      Now when you're using the Snowball product it's actually a physical process you're interacting physically with AWS and so it's a device that you order from AWS you log a job and the device is delivered to you so it's not an instant process.

      Any data which is stored on a Snowball is encrypted using KMS so there is encryption at rest.

      Anything that's persistently stored on that device is encrypted using KMS.

      Now there are two types of Snowball devices.

      You can get a 50 TB device and an 80 TB device.

      Now in terms of network connectivity you can connect to the Snowball using either 1 gig or 10 gig networking so that's important to make sure that you have that physical, cabled network connectivity wherever you get the Snowball delivered to because you will need to use physical networking.

      Now whilst the capacity of the normal Snowball device is either 50 TB or 80 TB the economical range for using Snowball is generally within the region of 10 TB to 10 PB of data so if the amount of data that you need to transfer in or out of AWS is in that range then it tends to be economical to use Snowball rather than transferring the data across the internet or across Direct Connect or any other connection technology.

      For large amounts of data physical transfer using Snowball is often the most economical.

      Now one of the benefits of using Snowball or Snowball Edge that I'll cover next is that you can order multiple devices so whilst it's got a 50 or an 80 TB capacity whilst the economical range is 10 TB to 10 PB you can order multiple devices and get them sent to multiple business premises so that is a really important architectural benefit you could order 10 Snowballs and have one deployed into each of 10 business premises and use those devices to ingest data send it back to AWS and get that data accessible inside your AWS environment so remember for the exam multiple devices multiple premises and try your best to remember the economical range so 10 TB to 10 PB.

      Now Snowball as a device only includes storage so it's only a storage device it doesn't include any compute capability and that's important because that's in contrast to the next product that I want to talk about which is Snowball Edge.

      So Snowball Edge comes with both storage and compute so it's like the Snowball product but in addition it comes with compute capability so architecturally you tend to use Snowball when you've got large amounts of data to ingest or get out of AWS with Snowball Edge you've got some other architectural patterns that you can use that involve compute and we'll talk about that in a second but another benefit of Snowball Edge is that it has a larger capacity versus the Snowball product and it also offers faster networking so you've got 10 gig over RJ45 10 or 25 over SFP and then 45 50 or 100 over QSFP plus so whatever local connection technology you have you can generally achieve faster connection to Snowball Edge versus Snowball.

      Now there are actually three different types of Snowball Edge first we've got storage optimized but there's also a slight variant of the storage optimized series which includes EC2 capability so by default the storage optimized version of Snowball Edge comes with 80 TB of storage, 24 vCPUs and 32 GIB of memory but if you include the EC2 capability option it also comes with 1 terabyte of local SSD so you can actually run EC2 instances on top of this using that 1 terabyte of SSD.

      Now we've also got compute optimized variants which include 100 TB of storage plus 7.68 gig of NVME storage so this is storage which is directly attached to the PCI bus it's super fast super low latency and that's beneficial when you've got aggressive compute requirements that you want to run on the Snowball Edge.

      The compute optimized also includes 52 virtual CPUs of capacity and 208 GIB of memory and then finally there's also the compute optimized with GPU capability so in addition to all of those above resources it also includes GPU capability so for any scientific analysis any modeling or any parallel activities that benefit from a GPU then you can also get the Snowball Edge with GPU capability.

      Now in terms of when you'd use the Snowball Edge versus the Snowball, Snowball is older generation it's purely for storage Snowball Edge includes compute so if you've got any remote sites where you need to perform data processing on data as it's ingested then you should use the Snowball Edge.

      If you've got higher capacity requirements all you need faster networking if you do really have lots of data and you need to make sure that you load it onto the device as quickly as possible so that you can ship that device back to AWS then by having the faster networking provided by the Snowball Edge the turnaround time can be quicker.

      Now the last piece of this product set is the Snowmobile and the Snowmobile is a portable data center within a shipping container on a truck.

      Now I literally mean this it is a truck that's delivered to your business premises on the back of this truck is a custom design shipping container and in that shipping container is a portable data center so this is a product that needs to be specially ordered from AWS.

      It's not something that's available in high volume and it's not available everywhere it's something that is generally only used when you have a single location with huge amounts of data that you need to ingest into AWS.

      Think about situations where you've got a large enterprise who have a huge amount of data or maybe you're doing a traditional data center migration of anything over 10 petabytes of data that's the type of scenario where you might use a snowmobile.

      Now snowmobiles can actually store up to a hundred petabytes of data per snowmobile.

      Now the process is that you order a snowmobile it's driven to your data center location the back of the shipping container is opened up and they expect to connect into data center grade power and data networking so essentially this is driven to your location and you physically plug it into your data center and use it to transfer data into.

      Now for the exam remember it's a single truck.

      Why this matters is that it is not economical for smaller than 10 petabytes or when you have multi site migrations.

      You have to remember that this is one single device so if you have for example 10 petabytes of data but that spread across lots of different sites then logically you would be using the snowball edge product.

      If you've got all this data on one single site then potentially it's more economical to use the snowmobile.

      You can't physically split a snowmobile into multiple trucks you can't do a road trip around your different data centers a snowmobile drives out to one location it's plugged in it's used to transfer data into and then it drives off back to AWS.

      So if your requirement is multi site then unless it really is a huge scale migration you would not look to use a snowmobile.

      So these are the three different products the snowball the snowball edge and the snowmobile and it really will benefit you in the exam to understand the exact set of requirements when you would and wouldn't use each of these products.

      I don't expect you to get any questions which test your knowledge in detail you certainly won't get any questions where you need to physically know what the process of ordering and the process of transferring but I think from an architectural perspective you will get massive benefit from knowing the details on each of these products and that's what I've tried to do in this lesson.

      With that being said that is everything I wanted to cover in this lesson so go ahead and complete the video and then when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this final part of the Storage Gateway series I want to talk about storage gateway running in file mode.

      So far I've covered volume mode which is where Storage Gateway handles raw block volumes and VTL mode or tape mode where Storage Gateway pretends to be a physical tape backup system.

      Running in file mode as you can guess from the name Storage Gateway Managers Files.

      Now we have a lot to cover because this is one of the most feature-rich modes of Storage Gateway so let's jump in and get started.

      Now I want to stress one thing right at the start for any storage gateway questions in the exam if you see volumes mentioned then you should default to volume gateway.

      If you see tapes mentioned default to VTL mode if you see files mentioned then default to file mode and only move away if you see something that eliminates any of those options.

      Now File Gateway bridges on-premises file storage and S3.

      It links local file storage and an S3 bucket.

      With a file gateway you create one or more mount points or shares and these are available via two protocols either NFS which is generally used for Linux servers and workstations or SMB which is a Windows Network file sharing protocol.

      Now these are another pair of keywords which will help you distinguish between volume gateway, tape gateway and file gateway.

      So if you see any mention of NFS or SMB with a storage gateway question that concerns files then you know it's going to be the file gateway.

      Now these file shares or mount points that you create within the file gateway map directly to one S3 bucket which is in your account.

      Now you manage this S3 bucket and you have visibility of this S3 bucket.

      This means that when you store files onto a mount point over SMB or NFS they appear in the S3 bucket as objects.

      If you store objects into an S3 bucket they're visible on the corresponding mount point on-premises.

      Now this is essentially the key benefit of using storage gateway running in file mode.

      It translates between on-premises files and AWS based S3 objects and this is super powerful from an architecture perspective.

      Like the other storage gateways it typically runs on premises and to ensure performance it also does read and write caching and that's to ensure the performance that you achieve is more land-like so you get the same or similar level of performance as anything else which runs on a local area network.

      Now the file gateway isn't an overly complex product.

      Essentially what you see on screen is what it does but where the power comes from is how it integrates with S3 and how you can take advantage of the S3 features to implement some really useful architectures.

      Now over the remainder of this lesson I want to step through those architectures so that you can get some idea of how you can use it effectively in production and answer any questions relating to the file gateway that you might experience in the exam.

      Now a typical architecture with file gateway starts with a business premises like the one on the left and AWS on the right.

      File gateway runs as a virtual appliance in most cases and it has local storage that it uses as a read and write cache and this gives whatever data is managed by the storage gateway near local area network performance.

      Now on the storage gateway end so on-premises we create file shares and each of these file shares are linked with a single S3 bucket running in your account.

      Now this link between a file share and an S3 bucket creates what's known as a bucket share.

      This is one S3 bucket and one linked file share.

      These file shares can be accessed from any local servers using NFS in the case of Linux servers and SMB for any Windows servers and if you're using a Windows share you can also use Active Directory authentication for even better integration with a Windows environment.

      Now the reason why file gateway is so awesome is because the file shares and the buckets are linked together.

      It means that S3 objects are visible in the file share and vice-versa.

      So files that are on-premises map directly onto objects running in AWS so there's a mapping between the file name and the object name and the structure of on-premise file shares is preserved by building that structure into the object name within S3 and this is much like how S3 emulates a nested file system structure within what is a flat object storage system by building it into the object name.

      So in this case a file on the left called winky.jpeg will be represented by an object called winky.jpeg inside the S3 bucket.

      Another file called ruffle.png inside the omg wow folder will be represented by an object called forward slash omg wow forward slash ruffle.png so you can see how a structure is emulated by building that in to the object name.

      Now you can have 10 of these shares per storage gateway and crucially the primary data is held on S3 so the only thing that stored locally is within the local cache and this holds data written or read from the storage gateway and is designed to improve performance to near those achieved from any other resources running on a local area network.

      Now because the objects are stored within S3 you have the ability to integrate with other AWS services.

      You can use S3 events and Lambda as well as other AWS services such as Athena.

      Anything which can use S3 as a source location will have access to any files that you store on S3 indirectly using the file gateway.

      So at a high level this is the architecture of a file gateway.

      It allows you to extend your local file storage into AWS using S3 so if you see the keyword file in the exam maybe with the keyword extension then a possible answer is going to be the storage gateway running in file mode but the product goes far far beyond this.

      The reason it's my favorite mode of storage gateway is because it enables some really cool hybrid architectures.

      Now the architecture that's on screen now is a simple two-site hybrid architecture with on-premises on the left and then AWS on the right architecture.

      In this architecture we still have the storage gateway in the top on-premises environment on the left of the screen and there's still the one-to-one relationship between the files presented by the storage gateway and the object in the S3 bucket but we can add another on-premises environment at the bottom and this environment also presents the same set of objects from the same bucket and it presents those as files.

      Now there are some concerns to keep in mind.

      First when you update a file on a local storage gateway that update is copied into S3 that's automatic but to save on resource usage and avoid unnecessary S3 listings there's no automatic version of that in reverse.

      When you list the file share on-premises you're listing the most recent copy of the S3 bucket that the gateway is aware of.

      In this example if you added a new cat picture to the top storage gateway that would create a new object immediately in the S3 bucket but if you then listed the file share in the bottom on-premises environment it wouldn't show until you initiated a listing.

      Now there's a feature of storage gateway called notify when uploaded and I'll make sure I put a link attached to the lesson which details this functionality but at a high level this sends an event using cloud watch events which can inform the other storage gateways when an update has occurred but this needs to be designed into your solution it doesn't occur by default and another point to be aware of is that file gateway doesn't support any form of object locking this means that if two users are editing the winky.jpg file in the top and bottom environments and they both write there isn't any form of checking or control over this access and this can result in data loss where one update overwrites another so either make sure that one of the shares is read and write and everything else is read or implement some form of control on who accesses files and when.

      Another powerful architecture which is supported when running storage gateway in file gateway mode is replication.

      Given this architecture where we have two customer sites linked to the S3 bucket in US East 1 we could create another bucket in say US West 1 and then configure cross region replication of that data between those two buckets this gives us a nice way to implement multi-region DR without any significant changes to infrastructure or much in the way of additional costs.

      We can also use file gateway and S3 lifecycle management together.

      Let's say that we had this architecture so we have on-premises on the left AWS on the right using file gateway means that the files and objects remain in sync because it's using S3 there are different storage classes available for objects and three examples are S3 standard S3 standard infrequent access and S3 Glacier.

      When you create a file share you specify the default storage class to use and this is generally S3 standard but over the top of this default you can create life cycle policies which run within an S3 bucket maybe you configure them to move objects from standard to standard IA after 30 days and behind the scenes objects are moved automatically between these two different classes and then because this is an automatic process maybe it repeats as additional objects reach a certain age more objects are moving between these different storage classes now multiple steps are allowed so in addition to the move after 30 days to standard IA you could also have a 90-day move to Glacier meaning that objects over time move towards cheaper storage this process happens in the background automatically which means it's cost-effective and because the primary copy of all data is in S3 any on-premises locations automatically benefit from this cost-effective storage system.

      File Gateway is a really cool product but to fully appreciate it it helps to experience it in practice but for the exam this lesson has covered everything that you'll need I've covered all of the main features and architectural patterns of file gateway for the exam try to make sure that you're familiar with when you'd use each type of storage gateway so when it makes sense to use volume stored or when it makes sense to use volume cached what situations is VTL mode useful and then the same question for file gateway now if you're in doubt come and talk to me on techstudieslack.com and we can discuss this in more detail but with that being said thanks for watching go ahead complete the video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson of the Storage Gateway series I wanted to cover Storage Gateway running in Tape mode, also known as VTL mode, which stands for Virtual Tape Library.

      Now try your best as you go through this lesson to ignore the fact that the logo looks like a toilet roll.

      It's one of those things where once you've seen it it can't easily be unseen.

      I also often forget that there might be some of my students who don't actually know what Tape backup is, so I want to quickly cover that before I show you how Storage Gateway can integrate Tape backups and AWS.

      So let's jump in and take a look.

      Large enterprise backups in recent times tend to run in one of three ways.

      Backup to Tape, backup to disk or off-site backup to a remote facility over a network link.

      For this lesson we're focusing on Tape backup.

      Now there are various different types of tapes and one popular type is called LTO which stands for Linear Tape Open.

      This is an example of some LTO tapes.

      They come in various different generations and one of the more recent is LTO 9 which is capable of storing 24 terabytes of data per tape and this is uncompressed data.

      If you add compression it allows for storage up to 60 terabytes per tape.

      All Tape backup solutions have at least one Tape drive.

      A Tape drive can logically be empty or it can have a tape inserted.

      Assuming it does have a tape inserted then the Tape drive can read from the tape or write to the tape and it's sequential meaning not random access like disk or SSD based storage.

      Now to find data you need to seek through the entire tape, locate the data and then read it and data that's stored on tape can't easily be updated.

      You need to overwrite the data that's already on that tape.

      It's not really possible to modify data stored on tape.

      Essentially it's designed as a medium which allows write as a whole or read as a whole.

      Now as well as a tape drive you have what's known as a Tape loader sometimes called a Tape robot.

      Think of this as a literal robot arm which can insert tapes, remove tapes or swap tapes between a drive and somewhere else.

      Now a tape library is a piece of equipment which often fits in a rack or it's the size of one or more racks.

      It contains one or more tape drives, one or more tape loaders so the robots which move tapes and a collection of slots and these slots can store tapes when they're not in the drive.

      So a tape library could have room for eight tapes, 32 tapes, hundreds of tapes or even thousands of tapes.

      So when we're discussing tape backup we've got a number of different components.

      We've got the drive itself where tapes go to be read from or written to.

      Next we've got the library and the library consists of a tape drive or tape drives, the robots and then a number of slots that can store tapes when they're not in the drives themselves and then thirdly we've got a tape shelf.

      Now this is a throwback to the physical world where tapes were stored on shelves.

      If you see a tape shelf mentioned it's anywhere which isn't the library so another location which could be in the same building or a different physical site entirely.

      In a traditional tape backup situation this is what the architecture might look like so on the left we've got a business premises and inside it we've got a number of application and data storage servers which aren't shown together with a backup server and a tape library.

      Now the backup server connects to the tape library using a protocol known as iSCSI and this iSCSI connection exposes a few devices.

      The most important ones being one or more tape drives and a media changer and a media changer is just another name for a tape loader or a tape robot.

      Now the important thing to realize is that everything has a cost so the equipment cost money to buy that's the tapes the software and the library and their capex costs and then to operate it there's ongoing costs so licensing maintenance and the staffing costs it's not cheap to run an enterprise grade backup architecture such as the one that's on screen now.

      In addition to this though we have the other side of the architecture off-site tape storage which is often managed by a third party.

      This location is often a decent distance away from your primary business premises and this is done to provide resilience in the event of a disaster.

      Now only tapes which are in the library itself can be used for backups and to keep data safe any tapes which aren't being actively used are moved from your primary premises to off-site tape storage and this transport costs money and takes time so we have a few main problems with this architecture we have the cost to purchase the cost to maintain the cost to operate and the time and cost to move things around between our primary premises and our off-site tape storage and storage gateway running in VTL or tape mode fixes many of these problems so let's take a look at how.

      Using storage gateway and VTL mode much of the architecture changes about the only thing which is shared is that we still have a business premises and a backup server.

      Instead of the on-premises tape library we use storage gateway in tape or VTL mode and this presents itself in the same way to the backup server using iSCSI.

      Now this is actually part of the design the backup server sees this as a normal tape loader it doesn't know the difference between this and the previous physical tape library.

      There are very little if any software changes required beyond connecting the backup software to the storage gateway.

      The storage gateway presents a media changer and the tape drives but it looks like a normal physical tape library but it has an upload buffer and a local cache much like volume gateway running in cache mode.

      It uses these to store data which is being actively used essentially virtual tapes and I'll talk about these in a second.

      Instead of using physical tapes which are present in a local tape library the storage gateway communicates with the storage gateway endpoint within AWS so this is much like the volume gateway.

      The storage gateway endpoint then presents two main capabilities the virtual tape library or VTL which is backed by S3 and the virtual tape shelf or VTS which is backed by either Glacier or Glacier Deep Archive.

      Now conceptually the virtual tape library is an AWS hosted version of a tape library which the storage gateway uses and the virtual tape shelf is for virtual tapes which have been logically moved out of that virtual tape library.

      So the on premises storage gateway communicates with the virtual tape library it caches stuff locally and it uploads in the background to the virtual tape library.

      So backups occur at LAN speeds to the local storage that the storage gateway uses and then in the background any backup data gets uploaded to the storage gateway endpoint running inside AWS specifically the virtual tape library.

      Now a virtual tape can be anywhere from 100 gig to 5 terabytes.

      If you have a good memory you might notice that the 5 terabyte maximum size for a virtual tape is also the maximum size of an S3 object and that's because these virtual tapes are stored using S3 in an AWS managed storage gateway bucket.

      Now the storage gateway can handle a total of one PB of data across 1500 virtual tapes within the virtual tape library.

      Remember this is the part which uses S3.

      When virtual tapes aren't being used for anything they can be exported within the backup software and this marks them as not being within the library.

      Now in the physical architecture which I showed you on the previous screen this would then mean ejecting them from the physical tape library and moving them to off-site storage.

      An exported tape simply means that it's not in the library.

      Now when you export a virtual tape using storage gateway in VTL mode it archives it from the virtual tape library or VTL into the virtual tape shelf or VTS and this moves the data from S3 into Glacier or Glacier Deep Archive and that offers unlimited storage.

      The limit of this storage gateway appliance is only for tapes that are stored in the virtual tape library.

      Anything which you archive into the virtual tape shelf benefits from unlimited amounts of capacity.

      Now Glacier is generally used for archival when there's an expectation that at some point you will need access to data so anything that's infrequently accessed can be archived into the virtual tape shelf using Glacier.

      Glacier Deep Archive is used for longer term data retention where you might never need to access the data again but you do need to keep it maybe for legal reasons.

      In either case if you need to access the data again then it can be retrieved from the virtual tape shelf into the virtual tape library and then it can be accessed again by the storage gateway.

      Now I'm hoping by this point that you understand what this mode of the storage gateway provides.

      It essentially pretends to be an iScusy tape library, an iScusy changer and an iScusy drive and it uses a combination of S3 and Glacier and Glacier Deep Archive to support the backup and restore functionality of a physical tape library.

      Now this gives you a few interesting capabilities.

      You can use it to maintain your existing backup system which you might need to keep but replace much of the expensive parts with economical AWS storage.

      It also allows you to extend an additional backup system by using capacity within AWS so you can use this together with existing backup software and extend any limited on-premises capacity into AWS by using S3 and Glacier.

      Or it also lets you do a migration so let's say that you're migrating everything into AWS but you need to maintain a historical set of tape backups.

      Well you can migrate those tape backups onto storage gateway using VTL mode, decommission the physical tape hardware and then even run the storage gateway appliance and the backup server from within AWS for any data retrieval needs.

      So this type of storage gateway presents some really interesting architectural possibilities.

      For the exam anything which involves traditional tape backup architecture then storage gateway running in VTL mode is likely to be the correct answer.

      VTL mode is a really powerful product which I've used a few times in real-world projects generally as part of data center extensions or migrations of backup platforms.

      But at this point that's everything that I wanted to cover about storage gateway running in VTL mode so thanks for watching go ahead and complete the video and I'll look forward to you joining me in the next part of this storage gateway series where I'll be covering the file gateway which is probably my favorite storage gateway mode.

    1. Welcome back.

      Over the next few lessons I'm going to be covering storage gateway in more depth, focusing on the type of architectures which it can be used to support.

      Now the key to exam success when it comes to storage gateway is to understand when you would use each of the modes because each of them has their own specific situation when it should and shouldn't be used.

      In this lesson I'll be starting off with the storage gateway running in volume stored mode and volume cached mode so let's jump in and get started.

      Storage gateway normally runs as a virtual machine on-premises although it can be ordered as a hardware appliance but it's much more common to use the virtual machine version of this product.

      Now storage gateway acts as a bridge between storage that exists on-premises or in a data center and AWS so locally it presents storage using iSCSI which is a SAN and NAS protocol, NFS which is often used by Linux environments to share storage over the network and between servers and finally SMB which is used within Windows environments.

      At the AWS side it integrates with EBS, S3 and the various different types of Glacier.

      Now as a product storage gateway is used for things like migrations from on-premises to AWS, extensions of a data center into AWS, maybe if you're running low on storage and can't expand it anymore then you can use AWS storage instead.

      You can use storage gateway to implement storage tiering, it can help with DR and it can help replace legacy tape media backup solutions.

      For the exam you need to be able to pick the correct type of storage gateway for a given scenario and that's what I want to help you with within this set of lessons.

      Now as a quick visual refresher a storage gateway is generally something which has run as a virtual appliance on-premises.

      Architecturally you might also have some network attached storage known as a NAS or a storage area network known as a SAN also running on-premises and the storage hardware will be used by a collection of servers also you guessed it running on-premises.

      Now these servers probably also have their own local disks but for primary storage they're likely to connect to either the SAN or NAS equipment.

      These storage systems so SANs or NASs generally use the iSCSI protocol which presents raw block storage over the network as block devices to these servers so the servers will see them as just another type of storage device which they can use to create a file system on and then use it in the normal way.

      Now this is a traditional architecture that you'll see in many businesses and what's also pretty common is that businesses specifically smaller ones have little if any funds for backups or effective disaster recovery and are often looking at AWS as a solution to rising operational costs or as an alternative to running their own data center facilities.

      So how does storage gateway work?

      Well volume gateway works in two different modes we've got cached mode and stored mode and they're both very different and offer very different advantages.

      First let's look at stored mode.

      In this mode the virtual appliance presents volumes over iSCSI to servers running on-premises and this is just like the NAS or SAN hardware.

      These volumes look exactly the same as the ones presented by the NAS or the SAN and servers can create file systems on top of these volumes just as they can with the volumes presented by the NAS or SAN devices.

      Now in gateway stored mode these volumes consume capacity on-premises so the storage gateway has local storage and this local storage is the primary storage location for all of the volumes that storage gateway presents out over iSCSI and this is a critical point to remember for the exam when you're using storage gateway in volume stored mode everything is stored locally so all of the volumes presented to servers are stored on local storage on-premises.

      Now storage gateway in this mode also has a separate area of storage called the upload buffer.

      Any data which has written to any of the volumes in the local storage is also written to this buffer temporarily and then it's copied asynchronously into AWS and this is via the storage gateway endpoint which is a public endpoint and so this can occur over your normal internet connection or a public VIF running on a direct connect.

      Now this data is being copied into S3 in the form of EBS snapshots so conceptually these snapshots are snapshots of the volumes running on-premises and this occurs constantly in the background and requires no human intervention so that's the architecture of storage gateway running in volume stored mode so think about the architecture and what it enables because this is what's important for the exam.

      First it's great for doing full disk backups of servers because you're using raw volumes on the on-premises side and because you're backing those up asynchronously in the form of EBS snapshots then you have a great full disk backup regime happening and this offers excellent RPO and RTO values because these snapshots can be quickly restored without much in the way of lost data.

      Volume gateway in stored mode is also great for disaster recovery because the EBS snapshots which are created can themselves be used to create new EBS volumes.

      In theory you can provision a full copy of an on-premises server within AWS by just using these EBS snapshots but and this is probably the most important thing to remember for the exam what this mode doesn't allow is extending your data center capacity because the primary location for data using this mode of storage gateway is on-premises.

      For every volume that storage gateway presents you have a full copy of that data on your local on-premises storage.

      If you have capacity issues this mode won't do anything to help so for the exam if you're dealing with volumes and you need something to improve capacity at an on-premises or data center location then this is not the mode to help you with that.

      If you need to keep low latency access to data then this mode works because the primary location of that data is on-premises.

      If you need help with full disk backups or disaster recovery then this mode potentially is ideal.

      Now I stress full disk because in the next few lessons in this series I'll be covering other modes of storage gateway which also help with backups.

      Volume gateway deals in volumes raw disks presented over iSCSI.

      Now there are some key facts which are worth knowing you won't need to remember these figures exactly for the exam but for volume stored mode you can have 32 volumes per gateway 16 TB per volume and that represents 512 TB per gateway in volume stored mode so that's volume gateway in stored mode and next I want to look at volume gateway in cached mode.

      Cached mode is useful for a different set of scenarios.

      Gateway cached mode shares the same basic architecture you still have the storage gateway running as a virtual appliance or in some cases physical you still have the local servers and they're still being presented with volumes from the gateway over iSCSI.

      Storage gateway is still also communicating to the storage gateway endpoint which is running in AWS and it's still a public endpoint so this communication channel still runs over either the public internet or a public vif using a direct connect.

      Where the difference starts is that the main location for the data is no longer on-premises instead the primary location for the data is in AWS specifically S3 so instead of the storage gateway having a local storage volume instead it has local cache and the primary data for all of these volumes that are presented by the storage gateway is now in S3.

      This is critical to understand because it's the main difference between storage gateway running in volume stored mode and volume cached mode.

      In volume stored mode all of the primary data is stored locally on the gateway.

      In volume cached mode all of the data is stored in S3 and it's cached locally.

      Now importantly when I'm talking about the primary data being stored in S3 it's actually an AWS managed area of S3.

      This is only visible from the storage gateway console so you can't just open a bucket and look at the data because it's in this AWS managed part of S3 and if you think about it that wouldn't make sense because the data being stored is raw block storage it's not files or objects it's raw data from a volume.

      Now you can still use it to create EBS snapshots and these snapshots will be copies of all the data that's on the volumes as your on-premises servers see them so in that sense it's the same as volume stored mode.

      The key difference between volume stored and volume cached is the location of the data.

      In volume stored mode the entire data is managed by the storage gateway and runs with it on-premises.

      In volume cached mode the primary data runs from S3 and the only thing that's stored locally is the frequently accessed data.

      Now this presents some really awesome architectural benefits because the only data being stored locally is cached data it means that we could potentially have hundreds of terabytes of data managed by the storage gateway and presented to servers and only consume a fraction of that locally in the form of cache storage and this allows for an architecture known as data center extension.

      Imagine if the animals for live premises in this example was at capacity it only has a small server room maybe with one or two racks now imagine that the business knows long-term it needs to migrate all of its data through to AWS but right now it has urgent capacity issues.

      Well what it can do is extend into AWS.

      AWS becomes an extension of the animals for life business premises.

      Storage in AWS appears to be on-premises but it's actually inside AWS.

      Now up until now you might have thought that volume stored and volume cached are similar and they are they're very similar both work with volume so raw block storage both of them provide backups in AWS both are allow you to create EBS snapshots and volumes from these snapshots volume stored only really provides backup disaster recovery and migration capabilities it doesn't allow for this capacity or data center extension volume stored means data is accessible locally at local area network speeds with volume cached data is stored in AWS as the primary location any data written on premises is copied to AWS any data frequently accessed on premises is cached locally in the cache storage and so it too is accessible with local area network speeds anything which is not frequently accessed locally doesn't get cached locally and this means that it can be slower to access but it means capacity can be extended into AWS if you only have a hundred GB of storage for the storage gateway you can use it to provide access to hundreds of TB's of AWS stored data in gateway cached mode a single gateway can handle 32 TB per volume 32 volumes max for a total of one PB of storage so the common aspect of these two modes is that both work with volumes which are raw block storage where the difference is is that volume stored mode stores everything on premises and essentially uses AWS just for backups running in volume cached mode the storage gateway only caches a local copy of any frequently accessed data everything else is stored in AWS and this allows for a data center extension architecture which is what's on screen now for the exam if you see the keyword volume in a storage gateway question then it's going to be volume mode the difference between the two volume gateway types is whether you're going to be using it for either backups DR and migration or extension and with the information in this lesson it should now be clear which type of volume gateway you would pick based on those two different scenarios with that being said that's all of the theory that I wanted to cover in this lesson in the next lesson I'll be covering another mode of storage gateway which is tape mode also known as VTL mode so go ahead complete this lesson and then when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about the AWS Transit Gateway known as TGW.

      Now this is a product that I remember being super excited about because at the time there was a massive hole in the hybrid network capability on the AWS platform.

      Transit Gateway answered a lot of the complexity issues which plagued AWS in this space.

      Now understanding why the Transit Gateway is such a valuable product means focusing both on the features it provides as well as how it can help evolve network architectures and that's something I'll attempt to do in this lesson.

      Now we do have a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      The Transit Gateway is a network transit hub which connects VPCs to each other and to on-premises networks using site-to-site VPNs and Direct Connect.

      It's designed to reduce the complexity of network architectures within AWS.

      It's a network gateway object so another one that you need to remember and like other network gateway objects it's highly available and scalable.

      The architecture is that you create attachments which is how Transit Gateway connects to other network objects within AWS and it's how it connects to on-premises networks.

      Currently valid attachments include VPC attachments, site-to-site VPN attachments and Direct Connect gateway attachments.

      Now to understand why Transit Gateway is required it's useful to compare a moderately complex network architecture and see how Transit Gateway affects that complexity.

      So let's do that.

      Let's use Animals for Life as an example and let's assume that the Animals for Life network has evolved and they have four VPCs.

      So A, B, C and D as well as a corporate office.

      Now we want to connect these together so that every point has connectivity to every other point in a fully highly available way.

      Now we can use VPC peering connections to connect the four VPCs and these are already highly available and scalable.

      But as you know they don't support transitive routing and so we need to create a full mesh between all VPCs.

      So rather than four peering connections we'd need to have six.

      That's already six connections that we need to plan, implement, manage and support but that's not everything that we need for this architecture.

      We need the corporate office to be connected to all of the VPCs and because VPN routing isn't transitive we need a full mesh here as well.

      And this means a customer gateway on the customer side and VPN connections between the VPCs and that customer gateway.

      So that's a total of eight tunnels, two tunnels from each of the VPCs to the customer gateway of the Animals for Life corporate office.

      So this ensures high availability at the AWS side.

      But remember we need this architecture to be fully, highly available and we currently have a single point of failure, the customer gateway on the customer side.

      While we have multiple availability zones at the AWS side all connecting back to the customer premises they all do so via this single customer gateway.

      And so to make this architecture fully, highly available we need to add another customer gateway on the customer premises.

      Ideally using a separate internet connection and ideally in a separate premises entirely and then have that customer gateway connected back to all four of these.


      So that adds another eight tunnel connections.

      Now I'm hoping at this point that you start to see the problem.

      A full mesh network is complex.

      It has a lot of admin overhead to implement and to maintain.

      And what's more, it scales really badly.

      The more networks are involved, the more networks get added each time a new network is added.

      It's a problem which gets worse the more you scale.

      So in addition to getting more complex that increase in level of complexity itself increases the more that you scale.

      So this is not a solution that we can use much beyond this point.

      If we add additional VPCs or additional customer premises, it gets really complex really quickly.

      And that's where the transit gateway becomes really useful.

      So let's have a look at how that changes this architecture.

      Now using transit gateway, we start with the same basic architecture.

      So for VPCs A, B, C and D and then the corporate premises with the two customer gateway routers.

      This time though, we have a transit gateway which we create within the Animals for Life AWS account.

      A transit gateway can use a site to site VPN attachment meaning it becomes the AWS side termination point for the VPN.

      So rather than having to have connections between the corporate office and every VPC terminated on a virtual private gateway, instead each customer gateway only has to be connected back to this single transit gateway.

      So we have the same level of high availability.

      We still have the four tunnels connected from different availability zones at the AWS side to different customer gateways at the on-premises side.

      So we don't lose any high availability with this solution, but we do reduce the number of VPN tunnels that are required.

      With the transit gateway, you can also create attachments to VPCs and just like VPC interface endpoints that you used earlier in the course, you need to specify a subnet in each availability zone inside the VPCs that you want to use the transit gateway with.

      And when you do that, it acts as a highly available inter-VPC router.

      So one single transit gateway can route traffic between lots of different VPCs and this is a transitive routing capable device.

      So we only need attachments from the transit gateway to VPC A, B, C and D and then all of the VPCs can talk to each other through the transit gateway.

      And in addition to allowing full connectivity between all of the VPCs, because we have the VPN attachment, it means that all of the VPCs can communicate with the on-premises environment as well as the on-premises environment being able to communicate with all of the individual VPCs using this single network routing device, the transit gateway.

      And in addition, you can also peer transit gateways with other transit gateways in other accounts in other regions.

      So you can use this to peer with networks that themselves are connected to the peer transit gateway and those can be in other AWS regions and even across accounts.

      And this is a really useful feature to create a global network within AWS.

      Any cross-region data uses the AWS global network and so benefits from the more predictable latency rather than using the public internet.

      And in addition, you can also attach a transit gateway to direct connect gateways if your business uses direct connect.

      And so this allows you to use the transit gateway as well with physical, private networking connections into your business premises.

      And I'll be covering this specific feature in a dedicated lesson elsewhere in the course.

      Transit gateways come with a default route table, which is how traffic is routed between attachments.

      But you can create a complex routing topology by using multiple route tables.

      So before we finish this theory lesson, just some important considerations that you should be aware of for the transit gateway.

      It does support transitive routing, which means that you don't need to create this full mesh topology.

      You can have a single transit gateway with multiple attachments and it will orchestrate the routing of traffic between any of those attachments as long as appropriate routing is in place.

      So you need route tables with routes on them in order for the transit gateway to route traffic between its different attachments.

      But assuming you do, then it's capable of transitive routing.

      Transit gateway can be used to create global networks.

      I've just talked about that.

      You can peer different transit gateways.

      And again, you need to be aware of this for the exam.

      You can share transit gateways between different AWS accounts using AWS RAM or resource access manager.

      I've not covered that product yet in the course, but it's an AWS service which allows you to share products and services or components of products and services between different AWS accounts.

      Again, you can peer transit gateways with different regions in the same or cross accounts.

      So remember that one for the exam.

      It doesn't have any limitations in terms of region or accounts.

      You really can use it to create really complex, highly efficient routing topologies.

      Now, overall, the thing to remember about the transit gateway is it offers much less complexity in terms of network architectures than without transit gateway.

      So instead of having to use multiple VPC peers and then a full mesh topology in terms of VPN connections, you can use this one single resilient scalable, highly available device to perform transitive routing between all of your different networks.

      And that results in a massive reduction of network complexity.

      Now, there's going to be a demo lesson in this section of the course.

      Well, you'll get the opportunity to implement a transit gateway inside your AWS account.

      You'll get to experience using a transit gateway instead of VPC peering connections to link different VPCs together.

      But with that being said, that's all of the theory that I wanted to cover in this lesson.

      So go ahead, complete this video.

      And when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about how you can use Direct Connect, PublicViffs and IPsec VPNs to provide end-to-end encrypted access to private VPC networks across Direct Connect.

      Let's just jump in and get started covering this really useful feature of Direct Connect and virtual private gateways.

      Now using a VPN gives you an encrypted and authenticated tunnel and this is true whether you use the public internet or run a VPN over Direct Connect.

      By running a VPN over Direct Connect though you get that plus low latency and consistent latency.

      You get great performance together with great security.

      Now architecturally this uses a public vif and many students get confused by this because it provides access to a private VPC so why not use a private vif?

      Well remember I said that a private vif gives access to private IPs only.

      A public vif gives access to public zones meaning public IP addresses owned by AWS.

      Well with a VPN what you're connecting to are public IPs which belong to a virtual private gateway or transit gateway and so to access these public IPs you need a public vif.

      When you're thinking about vifs focus on what it is that you're trying to access and that should inform you whether you should use a public vif or a private vif.

      Now a VPN is great because it's transit agnostic.

      You can connect using a VPN to a virtual private gateway or a transit gateway over the public internet or over a public vif.

      The VPN configuration is the same it's just the transit which differs public internet or public vif.

      A VPN is end-to-end encryption from a customer gateway through to a transit or virtual private gateway.

      Compare this to MaxEc which I've covered in another lesson of the course which is single hop based between the AWS DX router and whatever your cross connect is terminated into.

      I say this so that you understand that a VPN and MaxEc are not competitors they do different things.

      A VPN provides an end-to-end encrypted tunnel between a customer gateway and an AWS virtual private gateway or transit gateway and a MaxEc connection is between two hops in the same layer two local area network.

      VPNs have wide vendor support getting a router which supports IPsec VPN is easier than getting a switch which supports MaxEc although this will change over time.

      VPNs also have more cryptographic overhead versus MaxEc meaning VPN speeds tend to be very limited based on the hardware that you use.

      MaxEc is much faster and designed for terabit or above network speeds.

      Now one very common pattern for using an IPsec VPN and direct connect together is that a VPN can be provided immediately in minutes using software whereas direct connect takes time.

      This means you can start with a VPN get your traffic flows working over that and then add a direct connect later either leaving the VPN in place to encrypt primary traffic over the direct connect or using it as a backup to the direct connect or both.

      A common form of resilience in many of my clients is to have a normal internet connection over this you also run an IPsec VPN into AWS then you have a direct connect also running another IPsec VPN tunnel this way traffic is always encrypted.

      The direct connect is the primary so the organization benefits from great performance and you have a backup in the form of a completely separate network connection and a completely separate IPsec tunnel.

      Now visually the architecture of using a VPN and direct connect looks like this so this is a typical architecture we have two AWS regions on the left us east one at the top and AP southeast two in the middle we also have a direct connect location in AP southeast two in the middle of your screen and a business premises on the right when using a VPN with AWS in this case let's assume that we're going to use a virtual private gateway what actually happens is that two VPN endpoints are created within the AWS public zone in that region so one in each of two availability zones and these endpoints have public addressing this means that you can either connect from the customer site to these endpoints using the public internet for transit which means lots of hops as well as a fairly varied latency or you can create the IPsec VPN across the public VIF which means you'll benefit from direct connect low and consistent latency in both cases it's the same encrypted tunnel between the customer on premises gateway and the AWS VPN endpoint only using a direct connect means using a public VIF as transit so you'll benefit from the performance improvements that direct connect provides you can even connect to VPN gateways in other AWS regions using the same public VIF across the AWS global network and this is often a great way to provide global encrypted transit between VPCs and your business network what I want you to take away from this lesson is that IPsec running over a direct connect it doesn't compete with max sec VPN is when you need end-to-end encryption of data from AWS to on-premises networks using something which can work equally as well over the public internet and the public VIF it also means that you can connect to VPCs in remote regions using the same grade of equipment focus on understanding why we're using a public VIF with this architecture because we're connecting from the customer gateway to a public IP or public IPs which are provided by the virtual private gateway or transit gateway because we're connecting to public IPs we need to use a public VIF with that being said that's everything I wanted to cover about this topic go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      As an architect, you need to understand the impacts of failures at various points within the DX architecture and the way that it integrates with your on-premises networks.

      So let's jump in and get started because we've got a lot to cover.

      Now before we start looking at how resilience works with Direct Connect, let's review an architecture which is not resilient.

      Now, worryingly, this is actually the way I've seen most people provision Direct Connect.

      A typical DX deployment has a number of physical components.

      First, the AWS region.

      Think of this as the actual infrastructure that AWS uses to deliver services in that region.

      Secondly, a Direct Connect or DX location, which is typically a data center in the geographic area that the region is in.

      Now there are often multiple DX locations in a single region and these are generally located within a major data center in a metro area.

      And the last typical component in most architectures is the customer premises.

      So your office buildings or self-managed data centers.

      Now architecturally, I want you to think of the AWS region as a separate thing in terms of Direct Connect architecture.

      So an AWS region is connected to all of the DX locations in that region using multiple high-speed network connections.

      Now you can assume that this part is always highly available.

      So while the region and DX location are conceptually different, they're always connected with high performance, highly available networking.

      Now inside the DX location, which remember is a data center, are a collection of AWS DX routers and these conceptually are connected to the AWS region.

      So picture a DX router, which is the exit point of the AWS network.

      When you order a DX connection within your AWS account, what you actually receive is a port on a DX router at a DX location.

      Now ideally, you'll also have equipment at this DX location and this is referred to as the customer DX router.

      If not, you'll need to purchase a service from a communications provider and use one of their routers, which is also going to be at the DX location.

      But in either case, there's another router inside the DX location, the customer or provider DX router.

      So when you order a DX connection, you're allocated a port on the AWS DX router and you need to arrange a connection between this port and a port on your customer DX router or provider DX router.

      And this process, this cable is called a cross connect and it's a single cable between both of these routers.

      In addition to this, generally you'll also want to connect the DX location back to your company network.

      If you're a large company, you might have lots of capacity at the same data center that the DX location uses.

      But if not, you'll need to extend this back into your own on-premises network.

      Generally, you'll have a customer premises router and you'll pay a carrier or a telco provider to extend the direct connect from the customer or provider DX router all the way back through to your on-premises network.

      So to summarize, the AWS region is linked in a highly available way to one or more DX locations.

      The DX location houses the AWS DX routers in addition to your or a provider's DX router and you cross connect from the AWS DX router into your DX router with a physical cable.

      And then all of this is extended to your on-premises environment.

      So what can go wrong with this architecture?

      Well, there are actually seven single points of failure on this diagram.

      There are actually more, but seven that I would be directly concerned about if I was implementing direct connect.

      The first is the entire DX location could fail.

      You can have power failures, buildings can and often do collapse.

      The AWS DX router could fail either in isolation or along with the building.

      The same for the cross connect.

      It's just a cable.

      Cables do fail.

      Your DX router could fail and what if you don't have an on-site spare?

      The extension from the DX location to your on-premises environment.

      It's just a cable.

      It probably goes under the road or across above ground cables and any engineering works can potentially be a risk to the stability of that cable.

      You might also have a failure of your actual customer premises environment or your customer premises router within that environment could also have a hardware failure.

      When people think about direct connect for some reason, they have a perception that it's a resilient product.

      It's actually not resilient in any way by default.

      It's a product which is based on lots of physical components which each depend on each other.

      But it's also a product that's designed to be flexible.

      So it can actually be made into a super resilient service.

      Let's look at that and now that you know about the architecture details, I can speed up and zoom out a little.

      Now we can improve the resilience of the architecture by provisioning multiple DX ports.

      So we start with the same architecture at a high level.

      The AWS region on the left, the DX location in the middle and the customer premises on the right.

      Now there are actually multiple points of connection within each DX location.

      If you have multiple routers in the DX location, you can configure multiple cross-connects into multiple DX ports.

      And from there you can extend those into multiple customer premises routers using extensions.

      So this architecture has two AWS DX routers, two customer DX routers and two customer premises routers.

      So when you're ordering direct connect, if you order two direct connects into the same DX location, then AWS will provision these onto separate DX routers and that gives you a level of resilience.

      Now this architecture adds significant benefits because we have the two independent DX ports, two DX routers and two customer routers.

      The architecture can tolerate a failure of a router in either of those two paths or a failure of one of the extensions and still continue operating.

      The design does have some problems though.

      Some single points of failure do still exist.

      If the DX location itself fails, then connectivity is lost and since all connectivity goes via a single customer location, if that single customer location fails, then connectivity to the AWS platform is also lost.

      So we still have two fairly major single points of failure, the two locations that are involved in this private networking.

      We also have a potentially hidden single point of failure with this architecture and this occurs because the extensions between the DX location and the single customer premises location could in theory travel via the same physical cable route.

      So if you order multiple connections between two physical locations, then generally the cable route for both of those connections could be the same.

      This isn't always the case but it's something to be very aware of.

      I've seen many businesses build this type of architecture.

      They assume a high level of resilience only to find that both of their independent cables enter their building under the same sidewalk and both of those cables were broken by roadworks occurring on that same sidewalk.

      So to prevent this, we need another step of evolution in terms of resilience.

      We can't have any single points of failure if the private networking is important to our organization.

      So let's look at a better version of this architecture, another evolution in terms of resilience.

      So at a high level, we still have the AWS region on the left but now we have two independent customer premises on the right.

      So two completely different buildings, ideally two buildings that are spread out geographically.

      In addition, we have two different DX locations.

      In each DX location, we're going to provision one DX port that's cross-connected into one customer DX router and each of these is going to be extended into a different customer router in a different customer premises.

      If we architect the solution this way, it offers much better resilience than the previous architecture.

      We've got two different DX locations, meaning the architecture can tolerate the failure of one of these locations and still continue to operate.

      Because there are two customer premises and two customer routers, it can also tolerate the failure of hardware and location at the customer side.

      The only risk of outage is if an entire location fails and then the hardware in the remaining path also fails.

      So with this architecture, if we had hardware failure in DX location one, the solution would continue to run.

      If the entire DX location one failed, the solution would continue to run.

      If both DX location one and the customer premises one failed, the solution would still provide connectivity.

      Only if we had all of that fail and then in addition, if we had hardware failure in DX location two or customer premises two, would the connectivity be interrupted.

      But we can take this one step further and implement an architecture designed for extreme levels of resilience.

      This next design offers maximum resilience.

      We still have the AWS region on the left, the two DX locations in the middle and the two customer premises environments on the right.

      However, this time in each of the DX locations, we have two DX ports on separate equipment.

      And then in each location, we also have two customer DX routers.

      This provides a level of resilience within each location covering hardware failure and resilience against the failure of an entire location.

      So at each location, we have a pair of cross-connects between the AWS DX router and the customer DX router.

      And then these are all extended to dual customer routers at each of the customer premises locations.

      So this architecture gives us extreme levels of resilience.

      We have high availability from a direct connect location perspective.

      One can fail and the connectivity is still active because we have infrastructure in both.

      Inside each DX location, we have a pair of both AWS DX routers and customer DX routers.

      So even if one DX location fails, we could still lose one pair of those in the remaining DX location and still the connectivity would be fine.

      The extensions from the DX location to the customer premises because they're going between two completely different locations at both sides will generally follow two completely separate routes.

      So this is because the starting and the end points of those connections are to different physical buildings, which means the extensions themselves and the customer premises are going to be highly available.

      And inside each of the customer premises because we're using multiple customer routers, these are also highly available.

      Now this is relatively complex network architecture and the thing that I want you to take away from this lesson from an exam perspective and if you intend to use direct connect in real world projects is that direct connect is a physical technology and so it is not resilient in any way unless you architect it that way.

      So if you just provision a single direct connect, it will be a single port on a single DX router at a single DX location.

      You'll cross connect it to a single customer DX router, extend it to a single customer premises with a single customer router.

      Each step of that process will be a single pointer failure.

      If you want something that is highly available and you need to use direct connect, then you need to consider one of the more resilient solutions that I've demonstrated in this lesson.

      Now you can also use site to site VPN as a backup for direct connect and I've explained exactly how this works in another lesson in this section of the course, but generally if you do need to use direct connects only for a design then you should definitely review all of these highly available architectures rather than provisioning a simple single direct connect.

      Now with that being said that's all of the theory and the architecture that I wanted to talk about in this lesson so go ahead complete the lesson and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about AWS Direct Connect.

      A direct connect is a physical connection into an AWS region.

      If you order this via AWS and this connection is either a 1 gig, 10 gig or 100 gig at the time of creating this lesson.

      There are other ways to provision slower speeds but I'll be covering those in a dedicated lesson later in this section of the course.

      The connection is between a business premises, a direct connect or DX location and finally an AWS region.

      And I'll show this architecture visually on the next screen.

      Conceptually think of three different physical locations.

      So your business premises where you have a customer premises router, a DX location where you also have other equipment such as a DX router and maybe some servers and then finally an AWS region such as US East 1.

      When you order a DX connection what you're actually ordering is a network port at the DX location.

      AWS provide a port allocation.

      That's it.

      They also authorize you to connect to that port and I'll detail that process very soon.

      But a direct connect which is ordered directly from AWS doesn't actually provide a connection of any kind.

      It's just a physical port.

      It's up to you to connect to this directly or arrange the connection to be extended via a third party comms provider.

      Now the port has two costs.

      You have an hourly cost based on the DX location together with the speed of the port and then there's a charge for outbound data transfer.

      Inbound data transfer is free of charge.

      Now there are a couple of important things to keep in mind about direct connect.

      The first is the provisioning time.

      AWS will take time to allocate a port and then once allocated you will need to arrange connection into that port at the DX location.

      If you want to connect the DX location to your business network and haven't already done so then you might be looking at weeks or months of extra time for the physical laying of cables between the DX location and your business premises.

      So keep that in mind.

      Now because it's a physical cable there's no built-in resilience.

      If the cable is cut the cable is cut.

      You can design in resilience by using multiple direct connects but that's something that you have to layer on top.

      Direct connects provide low latency and that's because data isn't transiting across the public internet like with say a VPN.

      It also provides consistent latency as you're using a single physical cable at best or a small number of private networking links at worst.

      In any case if you need low and consistent latency for an application then direct connect is the way to go.

      In addition it's also the best way to achieve the highest speeds for hybrid networking within AWS.

      As above it can be provisioned with one, ten or a hundred gigabit speeds and because it's a dedicated port you're very likely to achieve the maximum possible speed of that port.

      Now contrast that with say an IPsec VPN which uses encryption so requires processing overhead and transits over the public internet and you can see how direct connect is going to give higher more consistent speeds.

      And then lastly direct connect can be used to access AWS private services running in a VPC and AWS public services.

      It cannot be used to access the public internet unless you add a proxy or other networking appliance to do that on your behalf.

      So visually this is the architecture of direct connect.

      We start on the right with your business premises and inside it will be some kind of customer premises router or firewall.

      This might be the same router which is connected to your internet connection or it might be a new dedicated DX capable router.

      And I'll talk more about what this means in an upcoming lesson.

      Additionally you're going to have some staff in this case, Bob and Julie.

      Now next in the middle we have a DX location.

      This part is often confusing because this is not a location which is actually owned by AWS.

      It's not an AWS building at all.

      It's often a regional large data center within which AWS rent space but your business might also rent space together with other businesses.

      Inside this DX location conceptually there's going to be an AWS cage which is an area owned by AWS.

      And this contains one or more DX routers known as AWS DX routers which are the endpoints of the direct connect service.

      Often you'll also rent space at this DX location and this is known as the customer cage.

      And this is where things can start to differ.

      If you're a large organization you might rent this space directly in which case it might have some of your other infrastructure together with a router.

      So this is known as the customer DX router.

      Now if you're a smaller organization then this cage might belong to a communications partner and this is known as the comms or communications partner cage.

      So if you don't have space within a DX location the communications partner does and they extend any connections from this DX location into your business premises.

      The key thing to understand about direct connect is that it's a port allocation.

      You order a direct connect from AWS to specific DX location and you're allocated a DX port.

      This needs to be connected physically with a fiber optic cable to another port in the DX location.

      So this is either your router in your cage at the DX location or it's a communication partners router which is also located at the DX location.

      Now in either case you're going to have a corresponding port within the DX location either your equipment or a comms provider equipment.

      And between these two ports you're going to order a cross connect.

      It's a connection between the direct connect port within the AWS cage in the DX location and either a port on your router or a communications partner router also within the DX location.

      And this is really important to understand whether you have equipment within the DX location directly or whether you purchase this capacity from a communication provider.

      From a communications partner you will be given a port within the DX location and it's to this port that you will use a cross connect.

      And this is a physical cable that connects the AWS DX port with your port on either your or a communication partner router.

      Now if you are using a communications partner then this link can be further extended through to your customer premises.

      But in either case you do have to have a port within either a customer cage or a comms partner cage at the DX location because this is what you will use to connect using a cross connect through to the AWS DX port.

      Now at the left side we have an AWS region in this case AP Southeast 2.

      And then inside this a VPC with a private subnet containing some services.

      And then we have the AWS public zone and also some example services in this case SQS and elastic IP addresses for that region and S3.

      Now the AWS region is AWS owned infrastructure.

      It might be running from the same physical facilities as the DX location or it might be different.

      But in either case it's connected with multiple resilient high speed network connections.

      Conceptually just think about it as something which is always connected with one or more local DX locations.

      So that's the physical architecture and I'm going to be going into much more detail in upcoming lessons elsewhere in the course.

      Logically we have to configure virtual interfaces over this single physical connection and these are called VIFs and I'll be covering these in depth very soon.

      There are three types of VIFs.

      First transit VIFs which have a very specific use case and I'll be talking about these in detail elsewhere in the course.

      Second we have public VIFs which are used to access the AWS public space services and a public VIF being a virtual interface runs over the end to end direct connect from your customer outer through to the customer DX router into the AWS DX router and then into the public part of the AWS region.

      You also have private VIFs which run over the direct connect but connect into virtual private gateways which are attached to a VPC and these provide access to private AWS services.

      At this point though that's everything I wanted to cover so go ahead and complete this lesson and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I'm going to be stepping through the architecture of AWS site-to-site VPN.

      For the exam and if you're designing solutions for real-world production usage, understanding VPNs and how they can be used within AWS is essential.

      They offer the quickest way to create a network link between an AWS environment and something that's not AWS.

      And this might be on-premises, another cloud environment or a data centre.

      Now we've got a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      A site-to-site VPN is a logical connection between a VPC or virtual private cloud and an on-premises network.

      And this connection is encrypted in transit using IPsec, which is important because it runs over the public internet in most cases.

      Now there's a common exception to this when you run a VPN over the top of a direct connect and we'll be covering this later in this section.

      But assume, unless written otherwise, that a VPN is running over the public internet.

      Now a site-to-site VPN can be fully, highly available, assuming that you design and implement it correctly.

      This is really important to understand for the exam and real-world usage.

      So I'm going to be covering it as a priority in this lesson.

      There are a few points of failure within the VPN architecture and you need to understand them all.

      Site-to-site VPNs are also quick to provision.

      Assuming you understand all the steps and have all the skills, you can have a site-to-site VPN up and running in less than an hour.

      And try and remember this because it's in contrast to the long provisioning times for physical connections like direct connect, which we'll talk about later in this section.

      Now there are a few components involved in creating a VPN connection that you need to be aware of.

      First, and this goes without saying, the VPC.

      VPNs connect VPCs and private on-premise networks.

      So it's logical that the VPC is one important building block of the wider connection architecture.

      Second, we've got the virtual private gateway or VGW and this is another type of logical gateway object, which can be the target on route tables.

      It's something that you create and associate with a single VPC and it's the target on one or more route tables.

      Next, we've got the customer gateway or CGW and this can actually refer to two different things.

      It's often used to refer to both the logical piece of configuration within AWS and the thing that that configuration represents, a physical on-premises router which the VPN connects to.

      So when you see CGW mentioned, it's either the logical configuration in AWS or it's the physical device that this logical configuration represents.

      And then the last component is the VPN connection itself which stores the configuration and it's linked to one virtual private gateway and one customer gateway.

      So this is how we create the network virtual connection between these two locations.

      Now, later in this section, I'm going to be showing you how to create a VPN connection, but for now, I want to focus on the architecture and the theory.

      So let's look visually at how VPNs are architected.

      First, I want to cover a simple implementation of a site to site VPN so that you're comfortable with the architecture.

      So on the left, we have the Animals for Life VPC.

      It's a simplified version with three private subnets in availability zone A, B and C.

      Next, we've got the AWS Public Zone where AWS public services operate from.

      The public internet directly connected to that and then finally on the right, the Animals for Life corporate office using an IP range of

      Now, step one for creating a VPN connection is to gather all of the required information.

      We need the IP address range of the VPC that will be connecting to the on-premises network and we'll also need the IP range of the on-premises network itself and the IP address of the physical router on the customer premises.

      Once we have all of this information, then we can create a virtual private gateway and attach it to the Animals for Life VPC.

      The virtual private gateway is a logical gateway object within AWS and so it can be the target of routes just like any other gateway object.

      Now, within our on-premises environment, we're going to have a customer premises router and this will have an external IP address.

      And for this router, we create a customer gateway object within AWS.

      This is a logical configuration entity that represents this physical device on our customer premises.

      In this case, we need to define its public IP address so that the logical CGW entity matches the physical router.

      Behind the scenes, the virtual private gateway is actually a highly available gateway object.

      Just the same as earlier in the course when you configured internet gateways.

      All you had to do was create the gateway and associate it with a VPC and a virtual private gateway is just the same.

      Behind the scenes, a virtual private gateway actually has physical endpoints.

      These are devices in different availability zones each with public IP version 4 addresses.

      And this means that the virtual private gateway is fully, highly available by design.

      An availability zone can fail and if it affects one of the physical endpoints, the other will still function.

      But that doesn't mean that the whole thing is highly available and I'll detail that during the remainder of this lesson.

      The next step is that we need to create a VPN connection inside AWS and there are different types of VPN connection.

      There are static and dynamic VPNs.

      For now, we're going to create a static one and I'll be explaining the differences between the two later in this lesson.

      Now, when creating a VPN connection, you need to link it to a virtual private gateway and this means that it can use the endpoints which that virtual private gateway provides.

      You also need to specify a customer gateway to use and when you do, two VPN tunnels are created.

      One between each endpoint and the physical on-premises router.

      A VPN tunnel is an encrypted channel through which data can flow between the VPC and on-premises network or vice versa.

      As long as at least one of these VPN tunnels are active, then the two networks are connected.

      So in this particular case, we've got one VPN connection that's using the two endpoints of the virtual private gateway and both of those are connected back to our one customer gateway.

      So we have a partially highly available design.

      If one of the AZs on the AWS side fails, then the other endpoint will continue functioning.

      So at least one of these tunnels will be active.

      Now, because this is a static VPN, it means that we have to statically configure the VPN connection with IP addressing information.

      So we have to tell the AWS side about the network range that's in use within the on-premises network and we have to configure the on-premises side so that it knows the IP address range that the AWS side uses.

      And this means that traffic can flow from the VPC via the VPC router through the virtual private gateway over the tunnels to the on-premises network and back again.

      Now, as I just mentioned, this design from an overall perspective is actually not fully highly available, but there is still one single point of failure.

      And that single point of failure is the customer on-premises router.

      If this fails, then the whole VPN connection fails.

      Even though at the AWS side, it is highly available, all of the connections currently terminate into the single customer on-premises router.

      At the AWS side, there are two tunnels to separate hardware in separate availability zones, but this doesn't matter if the customer side fails because all of the tunnels terminate into the same single point of failure.

      And this is known as partial high availability.

      It's highly available on the AWS side, but suffers from a single point of failure on the customer side.

      So it's not a fully highly available solution.

      It is actually pretty simple to resolve this to modify this design so that it is fully highly available.

      And let's look at that next.

      Moving to a fully highly available solution means adding another on-premises customer router using a second internet connection and ideally doing all of this in a separate building.

      Once you have this second resilient connectivity method, then you can create an additional VPN connection at the AWS side.

      Now, behind the scenes, this actually creates two more physical endpoints which are managed by the virtual private gateway.

      And each of those has their own public IP addressing.

      So this new VPN connection, it would be linked to the same virtual private gateway at the AWS side, but to the new customer gateway.

      So it would establish another pair of VPN tunnels between the two new endpoints and that additional customer gateway.

      Now, this means architecturally, we're in the situation where the virtual private gateway is now highly available.

      So it's highly available as a logical entity.

      It's using endpoints which are located in different availability zones and so it can withstand physical failure.

      But now in addition, at the customer side, we're now using multiple pieces of hardware with multiple internet connections, ideally in separate buildings.

      And that means this is a fully highly available solution.

      It's got two VPN tunnels connecting each customer premises router to two VPC endpoints in separate availability zones.

      And then that configuration is repeated again with a second customer gateway.

      So either of the customer gateways can fail, either of the availability zones can fail.

      And still the VPC and on-premises network will have connectivity.

      Now, before we finish, I just want to talk about the differences between static and dynamic VPNs.

      Now, a dynamic VPN uses a protocol called BGP known as the border gateway protocol.

      And that's important because if your customer router doesn't support BGP, then you can't use dynamic VPNs.

      So conceptually, this is a traditional VPN architecture.

      A VPC subnet on the left, a VPC router middle left, a virtual private gateway middle right, and then an on-premises environment with a customer router on the right.

      This architecture is the same based on both types of VPNs, so static VPNs and dynamic VPNs.

      At a high level, the difference is how routes are communicated.

      So a static VPN uses static networking configuration.

      Static routes are added to the route tables and static networks have to be identified on the VPN connection.

      The benefit of using a static VPN is that it's simple.

      It just uses IPsec and because of that, it works almost anywhere with any combination of routers.

      You are really restricted on things like load balancing and multi-connection failover.

      So if you need any advanced high availability, if you need to use multiple connections, if the VPNs need to work with Direct Connect, which we'll talk about later in this section, then you really do need to be using dynamic VPNs.

      With dynamic VPNs, as I just mentioned, you're using a protocol called BGP or the Border Gateway Protocol.

      Now this is a protocol which lets routers exchange networking information.

      And so if you have a dynamic VPN, you're creating a relationship between the virtual private gateway and the customer router.

      Over this relationship, they can both exchange information on which networks are at the AWS side and which are at the customer side.

      In addition, they can communicate the state of links and adjust routing on the fly.

      And that allows for multiple links to be used at once between the same locations.

      So this is why dynamic VPNs are able to use really high end, highly available VPN architectures because they can communicate the state of the links between the virtual private gateway and the customer gateway.

      Now with dynamic VPNs, routes can still be added to the route table statically.

      Or you can make the entire solution fully dynamic by enabling a feature called route propagation on the route tables in the VPC.

      And when you enable route propagation, it means that while any VPNs are active, any networks that these VPNs become aware of, so the on-premises networks in this example are automatically added as dynamically learned routes on the route tables.

      So instead of having to statically enter routes on each and every route table, if you enable routes propagation, they will learn these routes from the virtual private gateway whenever any VPNs are active.

      So any virtual private gateways which learn any routes using BGP, they can automatically and dynamically be added onto route tables on a per route table basis if you enable route propagation.

      Now whichever method you decide on, there are a number of key considerations that you need to be aware of.

      First, there is a speed cap for VPNs.

      A single VPN connection with two tunnels has a maximum throughput of 1.25 gigabits per second.

      Now this is an AWS limit.

      You would also need to check the speed supported by your customer router because VPNs use encryption.

      There's a processing overhead on encrypting and decrypting data and at high speeds, this overhead can be significant.

      Now the speed limit is something that you should remember for the exam because it's often something which makes selecting between VPNs and something else significantly easier.

      So if you need more than 1.25 GB per second, then you can't use VPNs.

      Now you also need to be aware that there is a cap for the virtual private gateway as a whole.

      So for all VPN connections connecting to that virtual private gateway and that's also 1.25 GB per second.

      Another consideration for VPNs is latency.

      The VPN connection transits over the public internet and depending on the quality of your internet connection, there may be many hops between you and the AWS VPN endpoints.

      Each hop adds latency and variability.

      So if you care about these as a priority, maybe you're running an application which is really latency sensitive.

      You might want to look at something else like Direct Connect which we'll be covering later in this section.

      Again, latency is often a selection criteria to pick between VPNs and something else in the exam.

      Now in terms of costs, VPNs have an hourly cost to operate.

      There's a data transfer charge to transfer data out.

      And because you're using the internet to transit data, your on-premises internet connection is also going to be used by the VPN.

      So if you have any data caps on your internet connection, this is something to keep in mind, especially if you're going to be using a VPN to transfer lots of data.

      Now one of the benefits of VPNs and this is important for the exam is that they are very quick to set up.

      Sometimes taking hours or less because it's all software defined.

      An IPsec is supported on pretty much all hardware at this point, even consumer grade routers.

      It is worth keeping in mind though that to use dynamic VPNs you will need BGP support which is much less common.

      But when comparing VPNs to anything else, VPNs are almost always quicker to set up versus other private connection technologies.

      VPNs can also be used as a backup for a physical connection such as Direct Connect Rather than needing to provision two physical connections for true high availability, you can use one physical connection as the primary and use VPNs as the secondary.

      VPNs can also be used with physical technologies though, for example Direct Connect.

      So you can use a VPN at the start because they're quick to set up and provision.

      And then you can lodge a request to provision a Direct Connect which is added later.

      So a Direct Connect can take much longer to provision sometimes weeks or months, but you can use a VPN to set up that initial connectivity and then either replace it further down the line as the Direct Connect comes online or you can run both of them together for high availability.

      Now VPNs can also be used over the top of Direct Connect to add a layer of encryption, but I'll be covering that in the Direct Connect lesson.

      For now though that's all of the theory that I wanted to cover, so go ahead complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover the theory and architecture for the simple notification service or SNS.

      SNS is a key component of many architectures within AWS so it's one which you need to fully understand.

      So let's jump in and get started because I really want to make sure that you understand SNS end to end.

      Simple notification service or SNS is a highly available, durable, secure, pub/sub messaging service.

      It's a public AWS service meaning to access it you need network connectivity with the public AWS endpoints.

      But the benefit of this is that it's accessible from anywhere that has that network connectivity.

      What it does at a high level is coordinate the sending and delivery of messages and messages are payloads which are up to 256 kilobytes in size.

      Now I'm not mentioning the size because you need to know it exactly for the exam but more so so that you understand that you can't send an entire cat movie using the service.

      Architecturally, messages are not designed for large binary files.

      Now the base entity of SNS is the SNS topic and it's on these topics where permissions are controlled as well as where most of the configuration for SNS is defined.

      SNS has the concept of a publisher and a publisher is the architectural name for something which sends messages to a topic.

      With a pub/sub architecture publishers send things into a topic.

      Now as well as publishers, each topic can have subscribers and these by default receive all of the messages which are sent to the topic.

      Now subscribers can come in many different forms.

      We've got things like HTTP and HTTPS endpoints, email addresses which can receive the message, SQS queues where each message is added to the queue as it's sent to the topic.

      Topics can also be configured with mobile push notification systems as subscribers so that messages sent to a topic are delivered to mobile phones as push notifications or as SMS messages.

      Even Lambda functions can be subscribed to a topic so that that Lambda function is invoked as messages are sent into the topic.

      SNS is used across AWS products and services.

      CloudWatch uses it when alarms change state.

      CloudFormation uses it when stacks change state.

      Auto scaling groups can even be configured to send notifications to a topic when a scaling event occurs.

      SNS is one of those subjects which is a lot easier to understand if you look at it visually.

      So let's move on to an architecture diagram.

      Now the SNS service as I just mentioned is a public space AWS service.

      It operates from the AWS public zone.

      And because of that the service can be accessed from the public internet assuming the entity trying to access it has the relevant AWS permissions.

      And assuming that a VPC is configured to be able to access public AWS endpoints then SNS can be accessed from a VPC as well.

      SNS as a service runs from this public zone and you can create topics inside of SNS.

      For each topic a wide variety of producers so external APIs running on the public internet or CloudWatch or EC2 or auto scaling groups or CloudFormation stacks and many other AWS services can publish messages into a topic.

      The topic has subscribers and things can be subscribers and producers at the same time for example APIs.

      Any subscribers by default will receive all of the messages sent to the topic by publishers.

      But it's possible to apply a filter onto a subscriber which means that subscriber will only receive messages which are relevant to its particular functionality.

      Another interesting architecture that I want to comment on just briefly is the fan out architecture.

      And this is when you have a single SNS topic with multiple SQSQs as subscribers and we'll be covering SQSQs later in this section.

      But this is a way that you can create multiple related workloads.

      So if for example a message is sent to an SNS topic when a processing job arrives that message can be added to multiple SQSQs which are configured as subscribers for that SNS topic.

      Now each of these Qs might perform the same related processing but using the pet tube as an example might work on a different variant.

      So there might be processing a different bitrate or a different video size.

      So using fan out is a great way of sending a single message to an SNS topic representing a single processing workload and then fan that out to multiple SQSQs to process that workload in slightly different and isolated ways.

      Now the functionality that's offered by SNS is pretty important.

      It really is a foundational service for developing application architectures within the AWS platform.

      So SNS offers delivery status.

      So with a number of different types of subscribers you can confirm the status of delivery of messages to those subscribers.

      An example of some subscriber types that do support delivery status is HTTP or HTTPS endpoints, Lambda and SQS.

      As well as delivery status SNS also supports delivery retries so you've got the concept of reliable delivery within SNS.

      SNS is also a highly available and scalable service within a region.

      So SNS is a regionally resilient service.

      So all the data that's sent to SNS is replicated inside a region.

      It's scalable inside that region so it can cope with a range of workloads from nothing all the way up to highly transactional workloads and it's also highly available.

      So if particular availability zones fail then an SNS topic will continue to function.

      SNS is also capable of server-side encryption or SSE which means that any data that needs to be stored persistently on disk can be done so in an encrypted form.

      So this is important if you do have any requirements which mandate the use of on disk encryption.

      Now SNS topics are also capable of being used cross account just like S3 buckets.

      You can apply a resource policy.

      In the case of an SNS topic this is a topic policy.

      It's exactly the same.

      It's a resource policy that you apply to the resource, the SNS topic and you can configure from a resource perspective exactly what identities have access to that topic.

      Now you'll need to know all of this architecture relating to SNS for the exam.

      An SNS really is one of those topics that you'll be using extensively as you deploy projects inside AWS but for now that's everything that you need to know about SNS.

      You will as we go through the course get more and more experience with the products but I wanted to illustrate all of the important pieces of architecture at this point.

      So go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

  2. Dec 2024
    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover IPsec fundamentals.

      So I want to talk about what IPsec is, why it matters and how IPsec works at a fundamental level.

      Now we have a lot of theory to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      At a foundational level IPsec is a group of protocols which work together.

      Their aim is to set up secure networking tunnels across insecure networks.

      For example, connecting two secure networks or more specifically their routers called PIRS across the public internet.

      Now you might use this if you're a business with multiple sites spread around geographically and want to connect them together.

      Or if you have infrastructure in AWS or another cloud platform and want to connect to that infrastructure.

      IPsec provides authentication so that only PIRS which are known to each other and can authenticate with each other can connect.

      And any traffic which is carried by the IPsec protocols is encrypted which means to unlockers the secure data which has been carried is ciphertext.

      It can't be viewed and it can't be altered without being detected.

      Now architecturally it looks like this.

      We have the public internet which is an insecure network full of goblins looking to steal your data.

      Over this insecure network we create IPsec tunnels between PIRS.

      Now these tunnels exist as they're required.

      Within IPsec VPNs there's the concept of interesting traffic.

      Now interesting traffic is simply traffic which matches certain rules.

      And these could be based on network prefixes or match more complex traffic types.

      Regardless of the rules if data matches any of those rules it's classified as interesting traffic.

      And a VPN tunnel is created to carry traffic through to its destination.

      Now if there's no interesting traffic then tunnels are eventually torn down only to be reestablished when the system next detects interesting traffic.

      The key thing to understand is that even though those tunnels use the public internet for transit any data within the tunnels is encrypted while transiting over that insecure network.

      It's protected.

      Now to understand the nuance of what IPsec does we need to refresh a few key pieces of knowledge.

      In my fundamental section I talked about the different types of encryption.

      I mentioned symmetric and asymmetric encryption.

      Now symmetric encryption is fast.

      It's generally really easy to perform on any modern CPU and it has pretty low overhead.

      But exchanging keys is a challenge.

      The same keys are used to encrypt and decrypt.

      So how can you get the key from one entity to another securely?

      Do you transmit it in advance over a different medium or do you encrypt it?

      If so you run into a catch-22 situation how do you securely transmit the encrypted key?

      That's why asymmetric encryption is really valuable.

      Now it's slower so we don't want to be using it all the time.

      But it makes exchanging keys really simple because different keys are used for encryption and decryption.

      Now a public key is used to encrypt data and only the corresponding private key can decrypt that data.

      And this means that you can safely exchange the public key while keeping the private key private.

      So the aim of most protocols which handle the encryption of data over the internet is to start with asymmetric encryption.

      Use this to securely exchange symmetric keys and then use those for ongoing encryption.

      Now I mentioned that because it will help you understand exactly how IPsec VPN works.

      So let's go through it.

      IPsec has two main phases.

      If you work with VPNs you're going to hear a lot of talk about phase one or phase two.

      It's going to make sense why these are needed by the end of this lesson.

      But understand there are two phases in setting up a given VPN connection.

      The first is known as Ike phase one.

      Ike or internet key exchange as the name suggests is a protocol for how keys are exchanged in this context within a VPN.

      There are two versions.

      Ike version one and Ike version two.

      Version one logically is older.

      Version two is newer and comes with more features.

      Now you don't need to know all the detail right now.

      Just understand that the protocol is about exchanging keys.

      Ike phase one is the slow and heavy part of the process.

      It's where you initially authenticate using a pre-shared key.

      So a password of sorts or a certificate.

      It's where asymmetric encryption is used to agree on, create and share symmetric keys which are used in phase two.

      The end of this phase is what's known as an Ike phase one tunnel or a security association known as an SA.

      There's lots of jargon being thrown around and I'll be showing you how this all works visually in just a moment.

      But at the end of phase one you have a phase one tunnel and the heavy work of moving towards symmetric keys which can be used for encryption has been completed.

      The next step is Ike phase two which is faster and much more agile because much of the heavy lifting has been done in phase one.

      Technically the phase one keys are used as a starting point for phase two.

      Phase two is built on top of phase one and is concerned with agreeing encryption methods and the keys used for the bulk transfer of data.

      The end result is an IPsec security association, a phase two tunnel which runs over phase one.

      Now the reason why these different phases are split up is that it's possible for phase one to be established, then a phase two tunnel created, used and then torn down when no more interesting traffic occurs, but the phase one tunnel stays.

      It means that establishing a new phase two tunnel is much faster and less work.

      It's an elegant and well designed architecture.

      So let's look at how this all works together visually.

      So this is Ike phase one.

      The architecture is a simple one.

      Two business sites, site one on the left with the user Bob and site two on the right with the user Julie and in the middle the public internet.

      The very first step of this process is that the routers, the two peers at either side of this architecture need to authenticate, essentially prove their identity which is done either using certificates or pre-shared keys.

      Now it's important to understand that this isn't yet about encryption, it's about proving identity, proving that both sides agree that the other side should be part of this VPN.

      No keys are exchanged, it's just about identity.

      Once the identity has been confirmed then we move on to the next stage of Ike phase one.

      In this stage we use a process called Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange.

      Now again, I'm sorry about the jargon but try your best to remember Diffie-Hellman known as DH.

      What happens is that each side creates a Diffie-Hellman private key.

      This key is used to decrypt data and to sign things.

      You should remember this from the encryption fundamentals lesson.

      In addition, each side uses that private key and derives a corresponding public key.

      Now the public key can be used to encrypt data that only that private key can decrypt.

      So at this point each side has a private key as well as a corresponding public key.

      At this point these public keys are exchanged.

      So Bob has Julie's public key and Julie has Bob's public key.

      Remember these public keys are not sensitive and can only be used normally to encrypt data for decryption by the corresponding private key.

      The next stage of the process is actually really complicated mathematics but at a fundamental level each side takes its own private key and the public key of the other side and uses this to derive what's known as the Diffie-Hellman key.

      The Diffie-Hellman key is the same at both sides but it's been independently generated.

      Now again the maths is something that's well beyond this lesson but it's at the core of how this phase of VPN works.

      And at this point it's used to exchange other key material and agreements.

      This part you can think of as a negotiation.

      The result is that each side again independently uses this DH key plus the exchanged key material to generate a final phase one symmetrical key.

      This key is what's used to encrypt anything passing through the phase one tunnel known as the Ike Security Association.

      Now if that process seems slow and heavy that's because it is.

      It's both complex and in some ways simplistically elegant at the same time but it means that both sides have the same symmetric key without that ever having been passed between them.

      And the phase ends with this security association in place and this can be used at phase two.

      So let's talk about that next.

      So in phase two we have a few things.

      First a DH key on both sides and the same phase one symmetric key also on both sides and then finally the established phase one tunnel.

      During this phase both of the peers are wanting to agree how the VPN itself will be constructed.

      The previous phase was about allowing this exchanging keys and allowing the peers to communicate.

      This phase so Ike phase two is about getting the VPN up and running being in a position to encrypt data.

      So agreeing how when and what.

      So the first part of this is that the symmetric key is used to encrypt and decrypt agreements and pass more key material between the peers.

      The idea is that one peer is informing the other about the range of Cypher suites that it supports basically encryption methods which it can perform.

      The other peer in this example the right one will then pick the best shared one.

      So the best method which it also supports and it will let the left peer know and this becomes the agreed method of communication.

      Next the DH key and the key material exchanged above is used to create a new key a symmetrical IP sec key.

      This is a key which is designed for large scale data transfer.

      It's an efficient and secure algorithm and the specific one is based on the negotiation which happened above in steps one and two of this phase.

      So it's this key which is used for the encryption and decryption of interesting traffic across the VPN tunnel.

      Across each phase one tunnel you actually have a pair of security associations one from right to left and one from left to right.

      And these are the security associations which are used to transfer the data between networks at either side of a VPN.

      Now there are actually two different types of VPN which you need to understand policy based VPNs and route based VPNs.

      The difference is how they match interesting traffic.

      Remember this is the traffic which gets sent over a VPN.

      So with policy based VPNs there are rules created which match traffic and based on this rule traffic is sent over a pair of security associations.

      One which is used for each direction of traffic.

      It means that you can have different rules for different types of traffic something which is great for more rigorous security environments.

      Now the other type of VPN are route based VPNs and these do target matching based on prefix.

      For example send traffic for over this VPN.

      With this type of VPN you have a single pair of security associations for each network prefix.

      This means all traffic types between those networks use the same pair of security associations.

      Now this provides less functionality but it is much simpler to set up.

      To illustrate the differences between route based and policy based VPNs it's probably worth looking visually at the phase one and phase two architectures.

      Let's start with a simple route based VPN.

      The phase one tunnel is established using a phase one tunnel key.

      Now assuming that we're using a route based VPN then a single pair of security associations is created.

      One in each direction using a single IPsec key.

      So this means that we have a pair of security associations essentially a single phase two tunnel running over the phase one tunnel.

      That phase two or IPsec tunnel which is how we talk about the pair of security associations can be dropped when there is no more interesting traffic and recreated again on top of the same phase one tunnel when new traffic is detected.

      But the key thing to understand is that there's one phase one tunnel running one phase two tunnel based on routes.

      Running a policy based VPN is different.

      We still have the same phase one tunnel but over the top of this each policy match uses an essay pair with a unique IPsec key.

      And this allows us to have for the same network different security settings for different types of traffic.

      In this example infrastructure at the top CCTV in the middle and financial systems at the bottom.

      So policy based VPNs are more difficult to configure but do provide much more flexibility when it comes to using different security settings for different types of traffic.

      Now that at a very high level is how VPNs functions.

      So the security architecture of how everything interacts with everything else elsewhere in my course you'll be learning how AWS use VPNs within their product set.

      But for now that's everything that I wanted to cover.

      So go ahead and complete this video and then when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I'm going to be talking about the border gateway protocol known as BGP.

      Now BGP is a routing protocol and that means that it's a protocol which is used to control how data flows from point A through points B and C and arrives at the destination point D.

      Now BGP is a complex topic that goes far beyond the scope of this exam but as a solutions architect you need to be aware of how it works at a high level because AWS products such as Direct Connect and Dynamic VPNs both utilize BGP.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      BGP as a system is made up of lots of self managing networks known as autonomous systems or AS.

      Now an AS could be a large network, it could be a collection of routers but in either case they're controlled by one single entity.

      From a BGP perspective it's viewed as a black box, an abstraction away from the detail which BGP doesn't need.

      Now you might have an enterprise network with lots of routers and complex internal routing but all BGP needs to be aware of is your network as a whole.

      So your autonomous systems are black boxes which abstract away from the detail and only concern themselves with network routing in and out of your autonomous system.

      Now each autonomous system is allocated a number by IANA, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.

      The ASNs are 16 bits in length and range from 0 through to 65,535.

      Now most of that range are public ASNs which are directly allocated by IANA.

      However the range from 64,512 to 65,534 are private and can be utilized within private peering arrangements without being officially allocated.

      Now ASNs or Autonomous System Numbers are the way that BGP identifies different entities within the network, so different peers.

      So that's the way that BGP can distinguish between your network or your ASN and my network.

      BGP is designed to be reliable and distributed and it operates over TCP using port 179 and so it includes error correction and flow control to ensure that all parties can communicate reliably.

      It isn't however automatic, you have to manually create a peering relationship, a BGP relationship between two different autonomous systems and once done those two autonomous systems can communicate what they know about network topology.

      Now a given autonomous system will learn about networks from any of the peering relationships that it has and anything that it learns it will communicate out to any of its other peers.

      And so because of the peering relationship structure you rapidly build up a larger BGP network where each individual autonomous system is exchanging network topology information.

      And that's how the internet functions from a routing perspective.

      All of the major core networks are busy exchanging routing and topology information between each other.

      Now BGP is what's known as a path vector protocol and this means that it exchanges the best path to a destination between peers.

      It doesn't exchange every path only the best path that a given autonomous system is aware of and that path is known as an AS path, an autonomous system path.

      Now BGP doesn't take into account link speed or condition, it focuses on paths.

      For example, can we get from A to D using A, B, C and D or is there a direct link between A and D?

      It's BGP's responsibility to build up this network topology map and allow the exchange between different autonomous systems.

      Now while working with AWS or integrating AWS networks with more complex hybrid architectures, you might see the terms IBGP or EBGP.

      Now IBGP focuses on routing within an autonomous system and EBGP focuses on routing between autonomous systems.

      And this lesson will focus on BGP as it relates to routing between autonomous systems because that's the type that tends to be used most often with AWS.

      Now I need to stress at this point that this lesson is not a deep dive into BGP.

      All I need you to understand at this point is the high level architecture so that you can make sense of how it's used within AWS.

      So let's look at this visually and hopefully it will make more sense.

      So I want to step through an example of a fairly common BGP style topology.

      So this is Australia, the land of crocodiles and kangaroos.

      And in this example we have three major metro areas.

      We have Brisbane on the east and this has an IP address range of

      And the router is using the IP of and this has an autonomous system number of 200.

      We have Adelaide on the south coast using a network range of and the router is using and this has an autonomous system number of 201.

      And then finally between the two in the middle of Australia we have Alice Springs using the network

      The router uses and the autonomous system number is 202.

      Now between Brisbane and Adelaide and between Adelaide and Alice Springs is a one gigabit fiberlink.

      And then connecting Brisbane and Alice Springs is a five megabit satellite connection with an unlimited data cap.

      BGP at its foundation is designed to exchange network topology and it does this by exchanging paths between autonomous systems.

      So let's step through an example of how this might look using this network structure.

      We start at the top right with Brisbane and this is how the route table for Brisbane might look at this point.

      The route table contains the destination.

      In this case we only have the one route and it's the local network for Brisbane.

      The next column in the route table is the next hop.

      So what IP address is needed is the first or next hop to get to that network and in this case means that it's locally connected.

      And this is because it's the local network that exists in the Brisbane site.

      And then finally we have the AS path which is the autonomous system path and this shows the path or the way to get from one autonomous system to another.

      And the I in this case means that it's the origin so it's this network.

      Now the two other locations will have a similar route table at this stage.

      So Adelaide will have one for and Alice Springs will have one for

      And both of those will have as the next hop and I for the AS path because they're all local networks.

      So each of these autonomous systems so 200, 201 and 202 can have peering relationships configured.

      So let's assume that we've linked all three.

      So Brisbane and Alice Springs, Alice Springs and Adelaide and then finally Adelaide and Brisbane.

      Each of those peers will exchange the best paths that they have to a destination with each other.

      So Adelaide will send Brisbane the networks that it knows about and at this point it's only itself.

      And what it does when it exchanges this or when it advertises this is it pre-pens its AS number onto the path.

      So Brisbane now knows that to get to the network it needs to send the data to

      And because of the AS path it knows that it goes through autonomous system 201 which is Adelaide and then it reaches the origin or I.

      And so it knows that the data only has to go through one autonomous system to reach its final destination.

      Now in addition to this Brisbane will also receive an additional path advertised from Alice Springs in this case over the satellite connection.

      And Alice Springs propends its AS number 202 onto that path.

      So Brisbane knows to get to the network.

      The next stop is which is the Alice Springs router and it needs to go via the 202 autonomous system number which belongs to Alice Springs.

      So at this point Brisbane knows about both of the other autonomous systems and it's able to reach both of them from a routing perspective.

      Now in addition to that Adelaide will also learn about the Brisbane autonomous system because it has a peering relationship with the Brisbane autonomous system.

      And in addition Adelaide will also in the same way learn about the network in Alice Springs because it also has a peering relationship with the Alice Springs ASN 202.

      And then finally because Alice Springs also has BGP peering relationships between it and both of the other autonomous systems.

      It will also learn about the Brisbane autonomous system and the Adelaide autonomous system.

      And so at this point all three networks are able to route traffic to the other two.

      So if we look at the route table for Alice Springs it knows how to get to the 10.16 and 10.17 networks via the ASN of 202.01 respectively.

      All three autonomous systems can talk to both of the others and this has all been configured automatically once those BGP peering relationships were set up between each of the autonomous systems.

      But it doesn't stop there.

      This is a ring network and so there are two ways to get to every other network clockwise and anti-clockwise.

      Adelaide is aware of how to get to Alice Springs so ASN 202 because it's directly connected to that.

      And so it will advertise this to Brisbane pre-pending its own ASN onto the AS path.

      And so Brisbane can now reach Alice Springs via Adelaide so using the 201 and then 202 AS path.

      Notice how the next hop for the route given to Brisbane is the Adelaide router so

      And so if we used this route table entry the traffic would go first to Adelaide and then be forwarded on to Alice Springs.

      Likewise Adelaide is aware of Brisbane and so it will advertise that to Alice Springs pre-pending its own ASN onto the AS path.

      So notice how this new route on the Alice Springs route table the one for is going via Adelaide so

      The AS path is 201 which is Adelaide, 200 which is Brisbane and then the origin.

      Now lastly Adelaide will also learn an additional route to Alice Springs but this time via Brisbane.

      And Brisbane would pre-pend its own ASN onto the AS path.

      So in this case we've got the additional route at the bottom for but the next hop is Brisbane and the AS path is 200 which is Brisbane and then 202 which is Alice Springs and then we've got the origin.

      Autonomous systems advertise the shortest route that they're aware of to any other autonomous systems that they have peering relationships with.

      Now at this point we're in a situation where we actually have a fully highly available network with paths to every single network.

      If any of these three sites failed then BGP would be aware of the route to the working sites.

      Notice that the indirect routes that I've highlighted in blue at the bottom of each route table have a longer AS path.

      These are non-preferred because it's not the shortest path to the destination.

      So Brisbane for example if it was sending traffic to Alice Springs it would use the shorter path, the direct satellite connection.

      By default BGP always uses the shorter path as the preferred one.

      Now there are situations where you want to influence which path is used to reach a given network.

      Imagine that you're the network administrator for the Alice Springs network.

      Now that autonomous system has two networking connections, the fiber connection coming from Adelaide and the satellite connection between it and Brisbane.

      Now ideally you want to ensure that the satellite connection is only ever used as a backup when absolutely required and that's for two reasons.

      Firstly it's a slower connection, it only operates at 5 megabits and also because it's a satellite connection it will suffer from significantly higher latencies than the fiber connection between Alice Springs and Adelaide and then Adelaide and Brisbane.

      Now because BGP doesn't take into account performance or condition the satellite connection because it's the shortest path will always be used for any communications between Alice Springs and Brisbane.

      But you are able to use a technique called ASPATH prepending which means that you can configure BGP at Alice Springs to make the satellite link look worse than it actually is.

      And you do this by adding additional autonomous system numbers to the path.

      You make it appear to be longer than it physically is.

      Remember BGP decides everything based on path length and so by artificially lengthening the path between Alice Springs and Brisbane it means that Brisbane will learn a new route, the old one will be removed and so the new shortest path between Brisbane and Alice Springs will be the one highlighted in blue at the bottom of the Brisbane route table.

      This one will be seen as shorter than the artificially extended one using ASPATH prepending and so now all of the data between Brisbane and Alice Springs will go via the fiber link from Brisbane through Adelaide and finally to Alice Springs.

      BGP thinks that the path from Brisbane to Alice Springs directly over the satellite connection has three hops versus the two hops for the fiber connection via Adelaide and so this one will always be preferred.

      So in summary a BGP autonomous system advertises the shortest path to a destination that it's aware of to all of the other BGP routers that it's paired with.

      It might be aware of more paths but it only advertises the shortest one and it means that all BGP networks work together to create a dynamic and ever-changing topology of all interconnected networks.

      It's how many large enterprise networks function, it's how the internet works and it's how routes are learned and communicated when using Direct Connect and dynamic VPNs within AWS.

      Now that's everything that I wanted to cover.

      This has just been a high level introduction to how BGP works and it's going to be a protocol that you'll need to understand in order to architect more complex or hybrid networks between AWS and on-premise.

      Now that's all of the theory that I wanted to cover in this lesson so go ahead, finish off this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I'm going to be covering another important piece of networking functionality, VPC peering.

      I want to cover the theory and architecture quickly and then move on to a demo so you can experience exactly how it works.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      VPC peering is a service that lets you create a private and encrypted network link between two VPCs.

      One peering connection links two and only two VPCs.

      Remember that no more than two.

      It's important for the exam.

      A peering connection can be created between VPCs in the same region or cross region and the VPCs can be in the same account or between different AWS accounts.

      Now there are some limitations when running a VPC peering connection between VPCs in different regions but it still can be accomplished.

      When you create a VPC peer you can enable an option so that public host names of services in the peered VPCs resolve to the private internal IP addresses and this means that you can use the same DNS names to locate services whether they're in peered VPCs or not.

      If a VPC peer exists between one VPC and another and this option is enabled then if you attempt to resolve the public DNS host name of an EC2 instance it will resolve to the private IP address of that EC2 instance.

      And if your VPCs are in the same region then they can reference each other by using security group ID and so you can do the same efficient referencing and nesting of security groups that you can do if you're inside the same VPC.

      This is a feature that only works with VPC peers inside the same region.

      In different regions you can still utilize security groups but you'll need to reference IP addresses or IP ranges.

      If the VPC peers are in the same region then you can do the logical referencing of an entire security group and that massively improves the efficiency of the security of VPC peers.

      Now if you can take away just two important facts from this theory lesson about VPC peers it's that VPC peering connections connect two VPCs and only two.

      One VPC peer connects two VPCs and the second fact that I want you to take away is that this connection is not transitive.

      Now what I mean by that and I'll show you it visually on the next screen is that if you have VPC A peered to VPC B and you have VPC B peered to VPC C that does not mean that there is a connection between A and C.

      If you want VPC A B and C to all communicate with each other then you need a total of three peers one between A and B one between B and C and one between A and C.

      So you need to make sure that for any connectivity requirements that you have there is always a peering connection between every VPC pair that you want to connect.

      You can't route through interconnected VPCs and you'll see exactly how that looks visually on the next screen.

      Now when you create a VPC peering connection between two VPCs what you're actually doing is creating a logical gateway object inside of both of those VPCs and to fully configure connectivity between those VPCs you need to configure routing.

      So route tables with routes on them pointing at the remote VPC IP address range and using the VPC peering connection gateway object as the target and don't worry you'll get to see exactly how this works when you implement it in the next demo lesson.

      I do want you to keep in mind that as well as creating the VPC peering connection and configuring routing you also need to make sure that traffic is allowed to flow between the two VPCs by configuring any security groups or network ACLs as appropriate.

      So let's look at the architecture visually before we move on to a demo lesson where you'll get the chance to implement VPC peering between a number of different VPCs.

      So architecturally let's say that we have three VPCs belonging to animals for life.

      So we've got VPC A which is using an IP sider of

      We've got VPC B at the bottom which is using and then VPC C on the right which is using

      By default each of these VPCs are isolated networks so no communication is allowed between any of the VPCs.

      Now to allow communications we can create a peering connection between VPC A and VPC B and we can add another peering connection between VPC B and VPC C.

      Now what that would do as I mentioned on the previous screen is establish a networking link and create a logical gateway object inside each VPC.

      So step two would be to configure routing tables within each VPC and associate these with subnets.

      And these routing tables have the remote VPC sider and as the target the VPC peering connection or the gateway object that's created when we create the VPC peering connection.

      Now this would mean that the VPC router in VPC A would know to send traffic destined for the IP range of VPC B toward the VPC peering logical gateway object.

      That configuration would be needed on all subnets at both sides of all peering connections assuming we wanted to allow completely open communications.

      Now something to understand for the exam it does come up in questions at an associate level is that the IP address ranges of the VPCs so the VPCs siders cannot overlap if you want to create VPC peering connections.

      So this is another reason why right at the start of the course I cautioned against ever using the same IP address ranges.

      If you want to allow VPCs to communicate with each other using VPC peers you cannot have overlapping IP addresses.

      Now assuming that you have followed best practice and don't have any overlapping sider ranges inside your VPCs then you will have connectivity between your isolated networks but one really really important thing to understand both for production usage and the exam is that with the architecture that you see now VPC A and B have one peering relationship and VPC B and C have another peering relationship but there is no link between VPC A and VPC C and while it might seem logical to assume that they could communicate through VPC B as an intermediary that's not the case.

      Routing isn't transitive.

      What this means is that you cannot communicate through an intermediary.

      You need to have a VPC peer created between all of the VPCs that you want to be able to communicate with each other.

      At least if you only use VPC peers there is a product called the transit gateway which I'll talk about later in the course which is a little bit more feature rich but for VPC peers you need to make sure that you have one peering connection between all VPCs that you want to communicate.

      So in this example for VPC A to communicate with VPC C they would need their own independent peering connection created between those two VPCs.

      Now with VPC peering any data that's transferred between VPCs is encrypted and if you're utilizing a cross region VPC peer then the data transits over AWS's global secure network so you get secure transit and you gain the performance from using the global AWS transit network versus the public internet.

      Okay so that's it for the features and architecture of VPC peering that's everything that I wanted to cover in this lesson.

      Next you're going to be doing a demo where you'll have the chance to implement this within your own AWS environment so thanks for watching go ahead and complete this video and then when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next lesson.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about another type of endpoint available within a VPC and that's an interface endpoint.

      These do a similar job to gateway endpoints but the way that they accomplish it is very different and you need to be aware of the difference.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      Just like gateway endpoints, interface endpoints provide private access to AWS public services, so private instances or instances which are in fully private VPCs.

      Interface endpoints historically have been used to provide access to all services apart from S3 and DynamoDB.

      Historically both of these services were only available using gateway endpoints and interface endpoints were used for everything else.

      Recently though AWS have enabled the use of S3 using interface endpoints so at the time of creating this lesson you have the option to use either gateway endpoints or interface endpoints.

      Currently DynamoDB is still only available using gateway endpoints.

      Now one crucial difference between gateway endpoints and interface endpoints is that interface endpoints are not highly available by default.

      They're interfaces inside a VPC which are added to specific subnets inside that VPC.

      So one subnet as you now know means one availability zone.

      So one interface end point is in one availability zone meaning if that availability zone fails then the functionality provided by the interface endpoint also fails.

      To make sure that you have a highly available service then you need to add one interface endpoint in one subnet in each availability zone that you use inside a VPC.

      So if you use two availability zones you need two interface endpoints.

      If you use three then you'll need three interface endpoints.

      Now because interface endpoints are just interfaces inside a VPC you're able to use security groups to control access to that interface endpoint from a networking perspective and that's something that you can't do with gateway endpoints.

      You do still have the option of using endpoint policies with interface endpoints in just the same way as with gateway endpoints and these can be used to restrict what can be accessed using that interface endpoint.

      Another aspect of interface endpoints that you should be aware of is they currently only support the TCP protocol and only IP version 4.

      Now IP version 4 is probably the most important of those two things that you need to know.

      I've not seen it come up in the exam yet but it will make its way there eventually and it's probably something that you should be aware of regardless.

      Now behind the scenes interface endpoints use private link which is a product that allows external services to be injected into your VPC either from AWS or from third parties.

      So if you see any mention of private link it's a technology that allows AWS services or third party services to be injected into your VPC and be given network interfaces inside your VPC subnet.

      So private link is how interface endpoints operate but it's also how you can deploy third party applications or services directly into your VPC and this is especially useful if you're in a heavily regulated industry but you want to provide access to third party services inside private VPCs.

      You can do it without creating any additional infrastructure you just use private link and inject that services network interfaces directly into subnets inside your VPC.

      Now interface endpoints don't work in the same way that gateway endpoints do it's a completely different way of providing a similar type of functionality.

      Gateway endpoints used a prefix list which was a logical representation of a service and this was added to route tables that's how traffic flows to the gateway end point from VPC subnets.

      Now interface endpoints primarily use DNS.

      Interface endpoints are just network interfaces inside your VPC.

      They have a private IP within the range which the subnet users that they're placed inside.

      Now the way that this works is that when you create an interface endpoint in a particular region for a particular service you get a new DNS name for that service an endpoint specific DNS name and that name can be used to directly access the service via the interface endpoint.

      This is an example of a DNS name that you might get for the SNS service inside the US East 1 region.

      Now this name resolves to the private IP address of the interface endpoint and if you can update your applications to use this endpoint specific DNS name then you can directly use it to access the service via the interface endpoint and not require public IP addressing.

      Now interface endpoints are actually given a number of DNS names.

      First we've got the regional DNS name which is one single DNS name that works whatever AZ you're using to access the interface endpoint.

      It's good for simplicity and for high availability.

      Also each interface in each AZ gets a zonal DNS which resolves to that one specific interface in that one specific availability zone.

      Now either of these two types of DNS endpoints can be used by applications to directly and immediately utilize interface endpoints.

      But interface endpoints also come with a feature known as private DNS and what private DNS does is associate a Route 53 private hosted zone with your VPC.

      This private hosted zone carries a replacement DNS record for the default service endpoint DNS name.

      It essentially overrides the default service DNS with a new version that points at your interface endpoint and this option which is now enabled by default means that your applications can use interface endpoints without being modified.

      So this makes it much easier for applications running in a VPC to utilize interface endpoints.

      Without using interface endpoints accessing a service like SNS from within a VPC would work like this.

      The instance using SNS would resolve the default service endpoint which is SNS.us-eas-1.amazonaws.com.

      It would resolve this name to a public space IP address and the traffic would be routed via the VPC router then the internet gateway and out to the service.

      Private instances would also attempt to do the same so they would also try to resolve this default service address but without having access to a public IP address they wouldn't be able to get their traffic flow past the internet gateway so it would fail.

      But if we change this architecture and we add an interface endpoint if private DNS isn't used then services which continue to use the service default DNS would leave the VPC via the internet gateway and connect with the service in the normal way.

      Now for services which choose to use the endpoint specific DNS name they would resolve that name to the interface endpoints private IP address.

      The endpoint is a private interface to the service that it's configured for in this case SNS and so the traffic could then flow via the interface endpoint to the service without requiring any public addressing.

      It's as though SNS in this example has been injected into the VPC it's being accessed in a more secure way.

      Now if we utilize private DNS it makes it even easier.

      Private DNS replaces the services default DNS so even clients which haven't been reconfigured to use the endpoint specific DNS so they keep using the service default DNS name will now go via the interface endpoint.

      So in this example using private DNS overrides the default SNS service endpoint name so SNS.us-east-1.amazonaws.com.

      When you use private DNS rather than that resolving to a public IP address belonging to the SNS service it's overridden so it now resolves to the private IP address of the interface endpoint.

      So using private DNS means that even services or applications which can't be modified to use the endpoint specific DNS name will also utilize the interface endpoint.

      So for the exam I want you to try and remember a few really important things.

      Gateway endpoints they work using prefix lists and route tables so they never require changes to the applications.

      Essentially the application thinks that it's communicating directly with S3 or DynamoDB and all we're doing by using a gateway endpoint is influencing the route that that traffic flow uses instead of going via the internet gateway and requiring public IP addresses it goes via a gateway endpoint and can use private IP addressing.

      Interface endpoint uses DNS and a private IP address for the interface endpoint.

      You've got the option of either using the endpoint specific DNS names or you can enable private DNS which overrides the default and allows unmodified applications to access the services using the interface endpoint.

      Interface endpoints don't use routing they use DNS so the DNS name is resolved it resolves to the private IP address of the interface endpoint and that is used for connectivity with the service.

      Now gateway endpoints because they're a VPC logical gateway object they're highly available by design but interface endpoints because they use normal VPC network interfaces are not.

      When you're designing an architecture if you're utilizing multiple availability zones then you need to put interface endpoints in every availability zone that you use inside that VPC.

      But at this point thanks for watching we finished everything that I wanted to cover so go ahead finish up this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next lesson.

    1. Welcome back and in the next two lessons I'll be stepping you through two types of VPC endpoint.

      Now in this lesson I'll be talking about gateway endpoints and in the next I'll be covering interface endpoints.

      Now they're both used in roughly the same way, they provide the same functionality but they're used for different AWS services and the way that they achieve this functionality from a technical point is radically different.

      So let's get started and in this lesson I want to cover gateway endpoints.

      So at a high level gateway endpoints they provide private access to supported services and at the time of creating this lesson the services that work with gateway endpoints are S3 and DynamoDB.

      So what I mean when I say private access in the context of this lesson, I mean that they allow a private only resource inside of VPC or any resource inside a private only VPC to access S3 and DynamoDB.

      Remember that both of these are public services.

      Normally when you want to access AWS public services from within a VPC you need infrastructure and configuration.

      Normally this is an internet gateway that you need to create and attach to the VPC and then for the resources inside that VPC you need to grant them either a public IP version 4 address and IP version 6 address or you need to implement one or more NAT gateways which allow instances with private IP addresses to access these public services.

      So these services exist outside of the VPC and so normally public IP addressing is required and a gateway endpoint allows you to provide access to these services without implementing that public infrastructure.

      Now the way that this works is that you create a gateway endpoint and these are created per service per region.

      So let's use an example of S3 in the US East 1 or Northern Virginia region.

      So you create this gateway 4S3 in US East 1 and you associate it with one or more subnets in a particular VPC.

      Now a gateway endpoint doesn't actually go into VPC subnets.

      What happens is that when you allocate the gateway endpoint to particular subnets something called a prefix list is added to the route tables for those subnets and this prefix list uses the gateway endpoint as a target.

      Now a prefix list is just like what you would find on a normal route but it's an object, it's a logical entity which represents these services.

      So it represents S3 or DynamoDB.

      Imagine this is a list of IP addresses that those services use but where the list is kept updated by AWS.

      So this prefix list is added to the route table.

      The prefix list is used as the destination and the target is the gateway endpoint.

      And this means in this example that any traffic destined for S3 as it exits these subnets it goes via the gateway endpoint rather than the internet gateway.

      Now it is important for the exam to remember that a gateway endpoint does not go into a particular subnet or an availability zone, it's highly available across all availability zones in a region by default.

      Like an internet gateway it's associated with a VPC but with a gateway endpoint you just set which subnets are going to be used with it and it automatically configures this route on the route tables for those subnets with this prefix list.

      So it's just something that's configured on your behalf by AWS.

      A gateway endpoint is a VPC gateway object, it is highly available, it operates across all availability zones in that VPC, it does not go into a particular subnet.

      So remember that for the exam because that is different than interface endpoints which we'll be covering next.

      Now when you're implementing gateway endpoints you can configure endpoint policies and an endpoint policy allows you to control what things can be connected to by that gateway endpoint.

      So we can apply an endpoint policy to our gateway endpoint and only allow it to connect to a particular subset of S3 buckets.

      And this is great if you run a private only high security VPC and you want to grant resources inside that VPC access to certain S3 buckets but not the entire S3 service so you can use an endpoint policy to restrict it to particular S3 buckets.

      Now gateway endpoints can only be used to access services in the same region.

      So you can't for example access an S3 bucket which is located in the AP Southeast 2 region from a gateway endpoint in the US East 1 region, it's in the same region only.

      So in summary gateway endpoints support two main use cases.

      First you might have a private VPC and you want to allow that private VPC to access public resources in this case S3 or DynamoDB.

      Maybe you have software or application updates stored in S3 and want to allow a super secure VPC to be able to access them without allowing other public access or access to other S3 buckets.

      Now the second type of architecture that gateway endpoints can help support is the idea of private only S3 buckets.

      Gateway endpoints can help prevent leaky buckets.

      S3 buckets as you know by now can be locked down by creating a bucket policy and applying it to that S3 bucket.

      So you could configure a bucket policy to only accept operations coming from a specific gateway endpoint.

      And because S3 is private by default for anything else the implicit deny would apply.

      So if you allow operations only from a specific gateway endpoint you implicitly deny everything else.

      And that means that the S3 bucket is a private only bucket.

      One limitation of gateway endpoints that you should be aware of the exam is that they're only accessible from inside that specific VPC.

      There are logical gateway objects and you can only access logical gateways created inside of VPC from that VPC.

      So before we finish up with this theory lesson let's quickly look at the architecture visually because it will probably help you understand exactly how all of the components fit together.

      Without using gateway endpoints this is the type of architecture that you've been using so far in the course.

      Two availability zones each with two subnets one public and green on the right and one private in blue on the left.

      Resources in the public subnets on the right can be given public IP version 4 addresses and so access public space resources using those addresses through the VPC router via the internet gateway into the public space and then through to the public resource S3 in this example.

      Now private instances can't do this they still go via the VPC router but they need to use a NAT gateway which provides them with a NATed public IP version 4 address to use and then this public address that's owned by the NAT gateway is used via the internet gateway and finally through to the public resource again S3.

      The problem with this architecture is that the resources have public internet access either directly for public resources or via the NAT gateway for private only EC2 instances.

      If you want instances inside the VPC to be able to access S3 but not the public internet then it's problematic.

      If you work in a heavily regulated industry and you need to create VPCs which are private only with no internet connectivity then that is almost impossible to do without using gateway endpoints.

      Using gateway endpoints we can change this architecture.

      Architecturally to use gateway endpoints we create one inside of VPC and when creating it we associate it with one or more subnets and this means that a prefix list is added to the route table for that subnet.

      This means that any traffic which leaves the private instances inside those subnets now has a route to the public service so it will go via the gateway endpoint and they won't need public addresses to talk to that service.

      Imagine the gateway endpoint is being inside your VPC but having a tunnel to the public service and that way data can flow from private services inside the VPC through the gateway endpoint to the public service without needing any public addressing.

      Note how this VPC has no internet gateway and no NAT gateway.

      The private instance has no access to anything else outside the VPC only S3 and that's only because we've created the gateway endpoint.

      We could even go one step further using a bucket policy on the S3 bucket and denying any access which doesn't come via the gateway endpoint.

      Now a couple of important things to remember for the exam gateway endpoints are highly available by design.

      You don't need to worry about AZ placement just like internet gateways that's all handled for you by the VPC service.

      For the exam just know that gateway endpoints are not accessible outside of the VPC that they're associated with and in terms of access control endpoint policies can be used on gateway endpoints to control what the endpoint can be used to access.

      So if you did want to allow access to one or two S3 buckets only rather than the entire service then that's something which can be controlled by using an endpoint policy on the gateway endpoint.

      Now that's everything that I wanted to cover in this lesson about the theory and architecture of gateway endpoints.

      In the next lesson we're going to be covering interface endpoints which offer similar functionality to gateway endpoints but and this is critical they're implemented in a very different way from an architecture perspective and that difference really does matter for the exam.

      And if you intend to use these products in real world production implementations.

      But at this point thanks for watching we finished everything that I wanted to cover so go ahead finish up this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next lesson.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about another type of gateway object available within VPCs, the egress only internet gateway.

      The name gives away its function, it's an internet gateway which only allows connections to be initiated from inside a VPC to outside.

      Let's step through the key concepts and architecture and you'll get chance to implement this yourself in the demo lesson later in this section.

      To understand why egress only internet gateways are required, it's useful to look at the differences between IPv4 and v6 inside of AWS.

      With IPv4, addresses are private or public.

      The connectivity profile of an instance using IPv4 is easy to control, private instances cannot communicate directly with the public internet or public AWS services, at least not directly.

      Public instances they have a publicly routable IP address which works in both directions and in the absence of any security filtering, public instances can communicate to the public internet and be communicated with from the public internet.

      For private IPv4 addresses, the NAT gateway provides two pieces of functionality which are easy to confuse into one.

      First, the NAT gateway provides private IPv4 IPs with a way to access the public internet or public AWS services but, and this is the important thing in the context of this lesson, it does so in a way which doesn't allow any connections from the internet to be initiated to the private instance.

      So NAT as a process allows private EC2 instances to connect out to the public internet and receive responses back but doesn't allow the public internet to connect into that private instance.

      Now NAT as a process exists because of the limitations of IPv4, it doesn't work with IPv6 and so we have a problem because all IPv6 addresses in AWS are publicly routable.

      It means that an internet gateway will allow all IPv6 instances to connect out to the public space AWS services and the public internet but will also allow networking connectivity back in.

      So anything on the public internet from a networking perspective will be allowed to initiate connections to IPv6 enabled EC2 instances.

      In the absence of any other filtering the IPv6 instance will be exposed to the public internet.

      So since NAT isn't usable with IPv6 we have a functionality hole, the ability to connect out but not allow networking connectivity to be initiated in an inbound direction and that's what egress only internet gateways provide for IPv6.

      They allow connections to be initiated out and response traffic back in but they don't allow any externally initiated connections to reach our IPv6 enabled EC2 instances.

      With normal internet gateways all IPv6 instances from a networking perspective can connect out and things are capable of connecting into them.

      With egress only internet gateways then IPv6 instances can initiate connections out and receive responses back but things cannot initiate connections to them in an inbound way.

      And architecturally that looks something like this.

      So this is a common architecture, a VPC with two subnets in two availability zones and inside these subnets we've got two IPv6 enabled EC2 instances.

      Now the first step just like with a normal internet gateway is to create it and attach it to the VPC.

      Just like a normal internet gateway it's highly available by design across all of the AZs that the VPC uses and it scales based on the traffic flowing through it.

      So for any exam questions where you're asked about the architecture of egress only internet gateways it is exactly the same as a normal internet gateway.

      It's just the way that you use it which differs.

      The architecture is exactly the same.

      Now once we've created and attached it to the VPC then we need to focus on the route tables in the subnet.

      We need to add a default IPv6 route of colon colon slash zero and use the egress only internet gateway as a target.

      This means that the flow for IPv6 traffic will flow to the egress only internet gateway via the VPC router and from there out to the destination service.

      Let's say a software update server.

      Any response traffic will be allowed to flow back in because all types of internet gateway understand the state of traffic, their stateful devices.

      What wouldn't be allowed in is any inbound traffic so traffic that's initiated from the public internet.

      This will fail, it won't be allowed to pass through the egress only internet gateway and reach our IPv6 enabled EC2 instances.

      And that's it.

      It's not really a complex architecture.

      It's just like an internet gateway.

      Only it's designed for IPv6 traffic and it only allows outgoing connections and their response.

      It also allows incoming connections.

      Now you can use a normal internet gateway for both IPv4 instances with a public IPv4 IP and the IPv6 enabled instances and in that case traffic is allowed out and in in a bidirectional way.

      If you need to implement a VPC where you only want IPv6 instances to be able to connect out and receive responses so in many ways like the architecture that you get from using a NAT instance then if you need to do that with IPv6 then you use an egress only internet gateway.

      Now you're going to get the chance to implement one of these yourself in an upcoming demo lesson later in this section and that will help really cement the knowledge that you've learned in this theory lesson.

      For now though just go ahead and complete the lesson and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back to this lesson where I want to talk briefly about VPC Flow Logs, which are a useful networking feature of AWS VPCs, which provide details of traffic flow within the private network.

      The most important thing to know about VPC Flow Logs is that they only capture packet metadata.

      It doesn't capture packet contents.

      If you need to capture the contents of packets, then you need a packet sniffer, something which you might install on an EC2 instance.

      So just to be really clear on this point, VPC Flow Logs only capture metadata.

      So this means things like the source IP, the destination IP, the source and destination ports, packet size and so on.

      Anything which conceptually you could observe from outside.

      Anything to do with the flow of data through the VPC.

      Now Flow Logs work by attaching virtual monitors within a VPC and these can be applied at three different levels.

      We can apply them at the VPC level, which monitors every network interface in every subnet within that VPC.

      We can apply them at the subnet level, which monitors every interface within that specific subnet and they can be applied to interfaces directly and only monitor that one specific network interface.

      Now Flow Logs aren't real time.

      There's a delay between traffic entering or leaving monitored interfaces and showing up within VPC Flow Logs.

      Now this often comes up as an exam question.

      So this is something that you need to be aware of.

      You can't rely on Flow Logs to provide real time telemetry on network packet flow.

      There's a delay between that traffic flow occurring and that data showing up within the Flow Logs product.

      Now Flow Logs can be configured to go to multiple destinations.

      Currently this is S3 and CloudWatch Logs.

      Now it's a preference thing.

      Each of these comes with their own trade-offs.

      If you use S3, you're able to access the log files directly and can integrate that with either a third party monitoring solution or something that you design yourself.

      If you use CloudWatch Logs, then obviously you can integrate that with other products.

      You can stream that data into different locations and you can access it either programmatically or using the CloudWatch Logs console.

      So that's important.

      That distinction you need to understand for the exam.

      You can also use Athena if you want to query Flow Logs stored in S3 using a SQL-like querying method.

      Now this is important if you have an existing data team and a more formal, rigorous review process of your Flow Logs.

      You can use Athena to query those logs in S3 and only pay for the amount of data read.

      So Athena remember is an ad hoc querying engine which uses a schema on read architecture.

      So you're only billed for the data as it's read through the product and the data that's stored on S3.

      So that's critical to understand.

      Now visually, this is how the Flow Logs product is architected.

      We start with a VPC with two subnets, a public one on the right in green and a private one on the left in blue.

      This architecture is running the Categorum application and this specific implementation has an application server in the public subnet.

      Which is accessed by our user Bob.

      The application uses a database which is within the private subnet and this has a primary instance as well as a replicated standby instance.

      Flow Logs can be captured as I just mentioned at a few different points.

      We've got the VPC.

      We can also capture them at a subnet level and then finally directly on specific elastic network interfaces.

      And it's important to understand that Flow Logs capture from that point downwards.

      So any Flow Logs enabled at the VPC level will capture traffic metadata from every network interface in every subnet in that VPC.

      Anything enabled at the subnet level is going to capture metadata for any network interfaces in that specific subnet and so on.

      Flow Logs can be configured to capture metadata on only accepted connections, only on rejected connections or they can capture metadata on all connections.

      So visually this is an example of a Flow Log configuration at the network interface level.

      It captures metadata from the single elastic network interface of the application instance within the public subnet.

      If we created something at the subnet level, for example the private subnet, then metadata from both of the database instances is captured as part of that configuration.

      And anything captured can be sent to a destination and the current options are S3 and CloudWatch Logs.

      Now I'm going to be discussing this in detail in a moment but the Flow Logs product captures what are known as Flow Log Records.

      And architecturally these look something like this.

      And I'm going to be covering this next in detail.

      I'm going to step through all of the different fields just to give you a level of familiarity before you get the experience practically in a demo lesson.

      A VPC Flow Log is a collection of rows and each row has the following fields.

      All of the fields are important in different situations but I've highlighted the ones that I find are used most often.

      So source and destination IP address, source and destination port, the protocol and the action.

      Consider this example.

      Bob is running a ping against an application instance inside AWS.

      So Bob sends a ping packet to the instance and it responds.

      This is a common way to confirm connectivity and to assess the latency.

      So this is a good indication of the performance between two different internet connected services.

      Now the Flow Log for this particular interaction might look something like this.

      I've highlighted Bob's IP address in pink and the server's private IP address in blue.

      This shows outward traffic from Bob to the EC2 instance.

      Remember the order, source and destination and that's for both the IP addresses and the port numbers.

      Now normally you would have a source and destination port number directly after that but this is ping so ICMP which doesn't use port so that's empty.

      The one highlighted in pink that's the protocol number and ICMP is 1, TCP is 6 and UDP is 17.

      Now you don't really need to know this in detail for the exam but it definitely will help you if you use VPC Flow Logs day to day and it might feature as a point of elimination in an exam question.

      So do your best to remember the number for ICMP, TCP and UDP.

      Now the second to last item indicates if the traffic was accepted or rejected.

      This indicates if it was blocked or not by a security group or a network access control list.

      If it's a security group then generally only one line will show in the Flow Logs.

      Remember security groups are stateful so if the request is allowed then the response is automatically allowed in return.

      What you might see is something like this where you have one Flow Log record which accepts traffic and then another which rejects the response to that conversation.

      If you have an EC2 instance inside a subnet where the instance has a security group allowing pings from an external IP address then the response will be automatically allowed.

      But if you have a network ACL on that instance's subnet which allows the ping inbound but doesn't allow it outbound then it can cause a second line, a reject.

      It's important that you look out for both of these types of things in the exam so if you see and accept and then a reject and these look to be for the same flow of traffic then you're going to be able to tell that both a security group and a network ACL are used and they're potentially restricting the flow of traffic between the source and the destination.

      Flow Logs show the results of traffic flows as they're evaluated.

      Security groups are stateful and so they only evaluate the conversation itself which includes the request and the response.

      Network ACLs are stateless so they consider traffic flows as two separate parts, request and response and both of these are evaluated separately so you might see two log entries within VPC Flow Logs.

      Now one thing before I finish up with this lesson, VPC Flow Logs don't log all types of traffic.

      There are some things which are excluded.

      This is things such as the metadata service so any accesses to the metadata service running inside the EC2 instance, this includes time server requests, any DHCP requests which are running inside the VPC and then any communications with the Amazon Windows license server.

      Obviously this applies only for Windows EC2 instances so you need to be aware that certain types of traffic are not actually recorded using Flow Logs.

      Now we are going to have some demos elsewhere in the course where you are going to get some practical experience of working with Flow Logs but this is all of the theory which I wanted to introduce within this lesson.

      At this point go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to introduce a product which is becoming more important for the exam.

      And as a solutions architect it's an essential one to understand.

      That product is the AWS Global Accelerator.

      It's a product which is designed to optimize the flow of data from your users to your AWS infrastructure.

      Now we have a fair amount to cover so let's jump in and take a look.

      To understand why global accelerator is required, let's review a pretty typical problem when using AWS.

      Let's say that you've created an application and you choose to initially host it in the US.

      Now it involves cats and so logically it becomes really popular initially with users based in the US and these users generally have a great user experience.

      But over time the notoriety of the application increases and it becomes popular with global users.

      And these global users have a much less optimal experience.

      The reason for their suboptimal experience is that generally the traffic between their locations and the infrastructure in North America is likely to be less direct.

      Conceptually every flow of data using the internet can take a different route.

      Take this example, a communication between a laptop and a VPC.

      The communication isn't direct.

      Data moves between different routers, different hops.

      Each hop adds delay, variability and potential failure.

      And what's worse is that the route can vary between customers and even for the return flow of traffic for the same customer.

      Now each of these hops is suboptimal.

      The lower the number of hops generally the better and more consistent the experience.

      It means that generally customers who are further away from your infrastructure go through more internet based hops and this means a lower quality of connection.

      The internet is designed to be distributed, it's designed to be autonomous and highly resilient.

      And while speed is important it's less important than these other priorities.

      Now global accelerator as a product isn't actually that difficult to understand architecturally.

      In many ways its architecture is similar to cloud front and one of the key things in the exam is for you to be able to determine when to use cloud front and when to use global accelerator because they both improve performance but in different ways and for different reasons.

      Global accelerator starts with two Anycast IP addresses.

      Now Anycast IP addresses are a special type of IP address.

      Normal IP addresses which you will have experienced so far are actually referred to as Unicast IP addresses.

      And Unicast IP addresses refer to one thing, one network device.

      Generally if you have two devices on a network which use the same Unicast IP address at the same time then bad things happen.

      In contrast Anycast IPs are designed to allow this, their IP addresses which multiple devices can use and they're advertised onto the public internet and internet core routers will route traffic to the device closest to the source.

      So with this example we have Anycast IP addresses of and and both of these map on to three global accelerator edge locations.

      Now in reality there are many more but I'm trying to keep this diagram tidy.

      The key thing to understand is that all three of these global accelerator edge locations are all using this pair of Anycast IP addresses.

      So if there's any traffic that's destined for either one of these Anycast IP addresses then that can be serviced by anyone at the global accelerator edge locations.

      So in this example if we have two users, one based in London and one based in Australia and they browse to either of these Anycast IP addresses then they would both be routed to an edge location that's closest to them, crucially using the public internet.

      This part of the connection is still subject to the variability that the public internet can cause but now it's very limited to just the part between the customer and the global accelerator edge location.

      What we've done is essentially move the AWS network closer to the customer.

      At this point global accelerator accepts the data that arrives at one of its edge locations and it transits that data from that edge location to the destination but crucially this transit occurs over the AWS global network.

      AWS have their own dedicated network so Fiberlinks between all of their different regions and they control these entirely.

      They handle capacity and they handle performance and to use their own words if performance is anything but optimal you can complain to them.

      Now for the exam I really only need you to understand this architecture so that customers will arrive at one of the global accelerator edge locations because they're using one of the Anycast IP addresses that's allocated to us when we create a global accelerator.

      So we make a global accelerator, we create it, we're allocated these two Anycast IP addresses and if our customers use these then their connections will be routed to the closest global accelerator edge location.

      That part which is indicated in red on the diagram that will occur over the public internet and so that can be affected by the variability that the public internet suffers from but once the traffic has entered the global accelerator product then it's transited over the AWS global network into our infrastructure platforms and the benefit of that is substantially improved performance.

      There are less hops, AWS generally maintain the network to a higher standard and it's designed and maintained specifically for the transit of data between AWS regions.

      So for the exam just understand the architecture, understand how it works, what it does and then finally when and where to use it.

      And regarding those last two criteria so when and where I want to talk about some additional points which might help.

      So global accelerator is very much like cloud front so you're okay to be confused.

      They both in their own way move the AWS network closer to your customers.

      Now cloud front specifically moves the content closer by caching it on the edge locations.

      Global accelerator moves the actual AWS network as close to your customers as possible.

      The aim with global accelerator is to get your customers onto the global AWS network as quickly as possible as close to their location as possible and this is done using these anycast IP addresses.

      Once the traffic arrives at the edge it's transited over the AWS global network all the way through to one or more locations.

      Now on the previous screen I showed you the example with one location of infrastructure.

      So we created the Categorum application and hosted it in North America.

      But global accelerator is also capable of routing traffic to the closest infrastructure location to the customer.

      It can make the decision to direct connections from London to local infrastructure based in Europe rather than the US.

      The key thing that global accelerator does is to get the data from your customer to an application end point as quickly as possible with the best performance as possible.

      Now the one key difference between global accelerator and cloud front conceptually is that global accelerator is a network product.

      It works on any TCP or UDP applications including web apps whereas cloud front only caches HTTP and HTTPS content.

      If you see questions which mention caching then it's probably going to be cloud front that is the right answer but if you see questions which mention TCP or UDP and the requirement for global performance optimization then possibly it's going to be global accelerator which is the right answer.

      Now why I keep mentioning cloud front is that people tend to confuse them, tend to confuse the situations where you would pick one over the other.

      I want to start off with both of these products in your mind and make sure that you understand the points of differentiation.

      Global accelerator doesn't cache anything.

      It doesn't cache content, it doesn't cache any network data.

      It doesn't provide any HTTPS or HTTP level capabilities.

      It doesn't understand the protocol for either HTTP or HTTPS.

      It's a network product.

      So the question gives you a scenario which involves transiting network data TCP or UDP as quickly and efficiently as possible through a global network then it's likely to be global accelerator.

      If it mentions content delivery, caching, pre-signed URLs or any of the other services that cloud front provides then logically it's going to be cloud front that's the correct answer.

      So why it might initially seem confusing, why you might find it a little bit difficult to distinguish between these two products at this point it should be obvious that they're completely separate.

      If you need to do caching, if you need to deal with web or secure web or anything involves with the delivery of content or the manipulation of that content it's going to be cloud front.

      If you want global TCP or UDP network optimization then it's going to be global accelerator.

      At this point though that's everything that you'll need to know so go ahead complete this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson, I want to cover something which starts to feature much more in AWS exams and that's CloudFront Lambda at Edge.

      You don't need to have any experience implementing it, but you do need to know how it's architected and what it's capable of doing.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      Lambda at Edge is a feature of CloudFront which allows you to run lightweight Lambda functions at CloudFront Edge locations.

      Now these Lambda functions can adjust traffic between the viewer and the origin in a number of interesting ways and we'll talk about some of those soon.

      Now there are some limitations that you need to be aware of because the Lambda functions are running at the Edge.

      They don't have the full Lambda feature set.

      So currently only Node.js and Python are supported as run times.

      You can't access any VPC based resources since the functions are running in the AWS public zone and additionally Lambda layers are not supported.

      Lastly, the functions have different size and execution time limits versus normal Lambda.

      Now you don't need to memorize all of these facts.

      What's more important is a good understanding of the architecture.

      So let's look at that next.

      Lambda at the Edge starts with the traditional CloudFront architecture.

      So customers on the left, the Edge locations in the middle and the origins on the right.

      Now any interaction between a customer, Edge location and origin consists of four individual parts of that communication.

      The connection between the customer and the Edge location which is known as the viewer request.

      Then you've got the connection between the Edge location and the origin known as the origin request.

      Next, when the origin responds, there's a connection between the origin and the CloudFront Edge known as the origin response.

      And then finally, the connection between the Edge location and the customer known as the viewer response.

      Now with Lambda at the Edge, each of these individual components of the wider communication can run a Lambda function and this Lambda function can influence the traffic as part of that connection.

      So a viewer request Lambda function runs after the CloudFront Edge location receives a request from a viewer.

      An origin request function runs before CloudFront forwards that request onto the origin.

      An origin response function runs after CloudFront receives a reply from the origin.

      And then finally, a viewer response function runs before the response is forwarded back to the viewer.

      Now there are limits on how the Lambda functions can run in each part of the architecture.

      At the viewer side, a Lambda at Edge function has a limit of 128 MB for memory allocation and a function timeout of five seconds.

      At the origin side, the memory limits are the same as a normal Lambda, but with a 30 second timeout.

      Now again, don't worry too much about these limits.

      For now, try to focus at a high level on what these limits mean, what types of architectures and what type of adjustments these Lambda functions can perform on each of these different components of the flow of data between a viewer and an origin and back again.

      Now let's look at some example solutions which involve Lambda at the Edge.

      Now I've included a link attached to this lesson which gives a few examples of situations where you would use Lambda at the Edge.

      Now I can't give an exhaustive list in this lesson because just like Lambda itself, you can pretty much do anything that you want as long as you can code it within a Lambda environment.

      But a couple of common examples that you might find useful for the exam.

      First, you can use Lambda at the Edge to perform A/B testing.

      And this is generally done with a viewer request function.

      You can use a viewer request function in an A/B testing scenario to present two different versions of an image without creating redirects or changing the URL.

      In this architecture, the function views the viewer request and modifies the request URL based on which version of an image you want the viewer to receive.

      With this architecture, the Lambda function can modify the viewer request and change the URL based on any logic that you can define inside a Lambda function.

      It can be things like a percentage-based algorithm or it can be random chance.

      Another scenario which you might use Lambda at the Edge for is running a function as part of the origin request.

      And this can be used to perform a gradual migration between different S3 origins.

      You can use a function running in this part of the architecture to gradually transfer traffic from an existing S3 origin over to a new one.

      And you can do so in a controlled way.

      For example, based on a weighted value which represents a percentage of the traffic of your application.

      So over time, you can increase the percentage of traffic which goes to the new S3 origin versus the old.

      And all of this can be done in a controlled way without updating the CloudFront distribution.

      Now, you can also use Lambda at the Edge to customize behavior based on the type of device that your customer has.

      So given a particular type of device or a particular capability of that device, you can display different objects.

      Now this might include different sizes of objects or objects with different quality levels.

      For example, if you have a device which has a high DPI screen, so a higher dots per inch, then you might want to display objects which themselves have a higher DPI value and save lower DPI objects for devices which can't support high DPI.

      So again, that's something that you can use Lambda at the Edge for rather than making any changes to the CloudFront distribution.

      You can also use Lambda at the Edge to vary the content displayed by country.

      So a Lambda function that's running in the origin request component of the communication can be used to adjust what gets displayed based on the country of the customer.

      Now the link that I've included attached to this lesson gives a lot more examples of the types of scenarios that would benefit from Lambda at the Edge.

      And in addition to the scenarios, most of these include example Lambda function code that you can implement in your own environments.

      So this is going to be something that's outside of the scope of this course.

      You only need to be aware of the architecture of Lambda at the Edge for this certification.

      But if you do want to experiment with this in your own time, then you can use the examples contained on this page.

      And again, the URL is attached to the lesson and you can do your own experimentation.

      But at this point, that's all of the architecture that I wanted to cover in this lesson.

      I just want you to be aware of exactly what Lambda at Edge can be used for because you might get a question on it in the exam.

      So make sure that you're comfortable with all of the examples that I've given in this lesson and all of the examples which are included on the link that are attached to this lesson.

      Again, you won't need to remember all of the different facts and the execution limits and the memory amounts.

      It's all about the architecture.

      So if you familiarize yourself with all of the examples that are on screen now and the ones that are in the link attached to this lesson, then you'll have all of the information that you need to answer questions about this topic in the exam.

      But at this point, that's all of the theory that I wanted to cover in this lesson.

      So go ahead, complete the lesson, and then when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to step through how you can deliver private content from CloudFront using behaviors.

      Now additionally I want to step through the differences between signed URLs and signed cookies and these are ways to deliver private content through to your end users.

      Now we've got a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      CloudFront can run in two security modes when it comes to content.

      The first and the default is public.

      In this mode any content which is distributed via CloudFront is public and can be accessed by any viewer.

      This is the mode that you've probably experienced so far but there's also private and in this mode any requests made to CloudFront need to be made with a signed cookie or signed URL or they'll be denied.

      CloudFront distributions are created with a single behavior and in this state the whole behavior and so the whole distribution is either public or private.

      Generally though you're going to have multiple behaviors and part will be public and part private and this allows you to redirect any unintended accesses to a private behavior at a public one for example starting a login process.

      Now there are two ways to configure private behaviors in CloudFront the old way and the new preferred way.

      Now in both cases you require a signer and a signer is an entity or entities which can create signed URLs or signed cookies.

      Once a signer is added to a behavior that behavior is now private and only signed URLs and cookies can be used to access content.

      Now with the old way you first had to create a CloudFront key to use and this is something that an account root user had to create and manage.

      This is a special key that's tied to an AWS account rather than a specific identity within that account and once a CloudFront key exists in an account that account can be added as a trusted signer to a distribution specifically a behavior in that distribution.

      Now for real-world usage and for the exam while this is the legacy method you do need to remember the term trusted signer.

      If you see it you'll know that a private distribution or a private behavior is involved.

      Now the new and preferred method is to create trusted key groups and assign those as signers.

      The key groups determine which keys can be used to create signed URLs and signed cookies.

      Now there are a few reasons why you should use trusted key groups versus the old architecture.

      First you don't need to use the AWS account root user to manage public keys for CloudFront signed URLs and signed cookies.

      If you use trusted key groups then you can admin these in a much more flexible way.

      You can manage these key groups and the configuration using the CloudFront API and you can associate a higher number of public keys with your distribution more specifically with your behavior giving you more flexibility in how you use and manage those keys.

      So it's absolutely preferred to use this new method of trusted key groups versus the old method of a CloudFront key being added to an AWS account and that account being added as a trusted signer.

      So there's the old way and the new way and absolutely you should prefer the new way for any new deployments.

      Now at this point I want to quickly step through the differences between signed URLs and signed cookies so you know some of the situations where you might use one versus the other.

      So signed URLs provide access to one object and one object only.

      That's really critical.

      Remember that one for the exam because it can be a really easy way to pick between the two.

      Now this is not really valid at this point but historically RTMP distributions couldn't use signed cookies so this was a legacy point to pick between signed URLs and cookies but this isn't really applicable anymore.

      Now you should use signed URLs if the clients don't support using cookies.

      Not everything does so if your client doesn't support cookies then you can only use signed URLs.

      Now cookies can provide access to groups of objects so you could use a signed cookie to provide access to groups of files or all files of a particular type.

      For example all catgifts so this is a really common re-daintain the application URLs.

      So when you use signed URLs with Cloud Front you get a custom URL.

      If you want to present access using a certain format of URL then you need to use signed cookies so that's another point of differentiation.

      Now visually this is how the architecture looks so we start with our customers who are using the Categorum application this time the new iPhone application.

      Because of the popularity of the existing web application the new mobile application has been developed to use Cloud Front.

      The application has images which are public and then some more sensitive ones for example cats bearing all for a belly rub.

      So there needs to be some method of distributing private content.

      So within the Cloud Front distribution there are two behaviors a public behavior which is the default and this handles all non-sensitive application operations and then a private one which handles access to all of the sensitive catgifts.

      All of the infrastructure runs within an AWS account and it's a serverless application so the back end consists of API gateway, Lambda for the compute functionality and S3 to store the media.

      The application flow starts when the application connects through to the distribution which for the default behavior uses the API gateway as an origin which uses Lambda for the serverless compute.

      Let's assume that the mobile app is using ID Federation so a Google, Twitter or Facebook Identitate for Logins.

      The application communicates with the default behavior uses API gateway it logs in and accesses some images which are private.

      The Lambda signer function checks the application's access to the image and if everything is good because we've added trusted key groups on the distribution specifically the behavior the Lambda function is able to generate a signed cookie which grants access to a selection of images belonging to this specific application user.

      That cookie together with information on access URLs is returned to the mobile application.

      The mobile application all behind the scenes uses the access information to access the images and it supplies the cookie along with this request.

      The cookie is checked by CloudFront and assuming everything checks out an origin fetch occurs.

      The cat images are retrieved and returned back to the application.

      Private behaviors are an excellent way to secure content but you need to make sure that the origin is also secure.

      In this case the S3 origin needs to be configured using an origin access identity so that it only accepts connections from the CloudFront distribution and that will avoid the security issue where CloudFront gets bypassed.

      Now at this point that's all of the theory I wanted to cover in this video.

      Thanks for watching go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      In the next few lessons I want to talk about how to secure the content delivery path when using CloudFront.

      When content is being delivered globally using CloudFront there are a few zones that you need to think about.

      First on the left are the origins so these are the locations where content is hosted.

      In the middle we've got the CloudFront network which consists of the network itself and the edge locations and then on the right the public internet and our consumers of content.

      For the next two lessons I want to focus on the security of this path.

      So first in this lesson the security of the origin fetch side which is the transfer of data into the CloudFront network from the origins and then through to the edge locations.

      Then in the next lesson I'll be covering the security of the customer or viewer side.

      So how to get content through to the consumer in a safe and secure way.

      For this lesson I'll be focusing on the origin side security and I want to focus on how we can make sure that only CloudFront gets access to the data on those origins.

      Essentially avoiding an ingenious customer bypassing CloudFront and accessing the origins directly.

      So let's get started and explore this part of the delivery path.

      Now before we start I want to reiterate something that I covered in an earlier lesson.

      You can use S3 as an origin for CloudFront but you can do it in two different ways.

      If you just use S3 as an origin then it's known as an S3 origin.

      If you utilize the static web hosting feature of S3 and use this with CloudFront then the S3 bucket is treated the same as any non S3 origin and this is known as a custom origin.

      For this lesson when I'm covering OAIs or origin access identities this is only applicable for S3 origins so not using the static website feature of S3.

      So what is an OAI?

      Well it's a type of identity.

      It's not the same as an IAM user or an IAM role but it does share some of the characteristics of both.

      It can be associated with CloudFront distributions and those CloudFront distributions when they're accessing an S3 origin in essence the CloudFront distribution becomes that origin access identity.

      This means when a CloudFront distribution is accessing an S3 origin the identity can be used within bucket policies so either explicit allows or denies.

      Generally the common pattern is to lock an S3 origin down to only being accessible via CloudFront so this uses the implicit default deny to apply to everything except the origin access identity.

      So the origin access identity is explicitly allowed access to the bucket and everything else is implicitly denied and visually this looks like this.

      So we start this architecture with a CloudFront distribution already configured for animals for life and this architecture uses an S3 origin a few edge locations and we've also got two customers Julie and Moss and we want to allow access via CloudFront to this S3 origin and deny any direct access and so to do that we create an origin access identity and we associate that origin access identity with the CloudFront distribution.

      Now the effect of doing this means that the edge locations gain this identity the origin access identity.

      Then we can create or adjust the bucket policy on the S3 bucket.

      We add an explicit allow for the origin access identity and then in its most secure form we remove all other access leaving the implicit deny.

      Now at this point any accesses from the edge locations are actually from the origin access identity the virtual identity that we've created and associated with the CloudFront distribution and so access from the edge locations is allowed because the origin access identity is explicitly allowed via the bucket policy.

      Direct access though for example from our Moss user would not have the origin access identity associated with them and because of this it's implicitly denied from accessing the bucket.

      So with this configuration we've explicitly allowed the origin access identity we've not explicitly allowed anything else and so what remains is the implicit deny that applies to everything but that identities can be created and used on many CloudFront distributions and many buckets at the same time.

      Generally though I find it easier to manage if you create one origin access identity for use with one CloudFront distribution because long term this makes it easier to manage permissions.

      So that's how we handle origin security for S3 origins but what about non S3 origins custom origins is there a way to secure those?

      Well let's take a look at that next.

      For this architecture let's say that we have two custom origins two CloudFront edge locations and a customer and what we want to do is prevent the customer accessing the origins directly.

      Now remember these are not S3 origins and so we can't use origin access identities to control access.

      So for custom origins we have two ways that we can implement a more secure architecture.

      First we can utilize custom headers and the way that this works is that our users use HTTPS to communicate with the edge locations and we can insist on this by configuring the viewer protocol policy.

      Now HTTPS is actually just HTTP running inside a secure tunnel and so this has the advantage of protecting the contents of that tunnel.

      Now we can also use the same protocol between the edge location and the origin and this is known as the origin protocol policy.

      But in addition to this we configure CloudFront to add a custom header which is sent along with the request to the origin.

      But the origin is configured to require this header to be present otherwise it won't service requests.

      These are called custom headers and can be configured within CloudFront so because the entire stream utilizes HTTPS then nobody can oversee the headers that we're using and fake them.

      The custom headers are injected at the edge location and these allow our custom origin to know for sure that the request is coming from a CloudFront edge location and if this header isn't present the origin will simply refuse to service any of the requests.

      Now that's one way to handle it but we do have another way and that's via traditional security methods.

      AWS actually publicize the IP addresses of all of their services so we can easily determine the IP ranges at the CloudFront edge locations.

      Now if we have the IP ranges that are used by CloudFront then we can use a traditional firewall around the custom origin.

      This firewall is then configured to allow connections in from the edge locations and deny anything else.

      So this is another solution which means the origin is essentially private to anything but CloudFront and can't be bypassed.

      Now you can use either of these approaches or even both of them in combination.

      In doing so you make sure that the secure and private distribution of content cannot be bypassed by accessing the origins directly.

      All of these methods so origin access identity, custom headers and traditional IP blocks secure the first part of the content delivery path.

      In the next lesson we're going to look at how to use CloudFront to secure the point between the edge location and our customer.

      So thanks for watching go ahead complete this lesson and when you're ready I look forward to speaking to you in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to go into a little bit more detail about origin types and origin architecture within CloudFront.

      You need to understand the types of origins, how they differ and the features that each of them provides.

      Now this is going to be another lesson where it's easier to show you the differences rather than talk about them so I'm going to move over to my console UI and explain the key points that you need to know for the exam and real-world usage.

      Okay so let's take a look at some origins.

      So I'm going to click on the services drop down and just type CloudFront so I'll move to the CloudFront console.

      Now I've got two CloudFront distributions that are already set up.

      One of them is a production one so this one is blurred out and the other one is just one that I'm getting ready for production usage.

      So I'm going to open up this distribution then I'm going to click on origins.

      So architecturally origins are where CloudFront goes to get content.

      If an edge location receives a request from a customer and that object isn't cached at the edge then an origin fetch occurs to the relevant origin.

      Now origin groups and I don't have any of those configured allow you to add resiliency.

      So if you have two or more origins created within a distribution then you can create an origin group, group those origins together and have an origin group used by a behavior.

      Remember origins themselves are selected from behavior so if I go to behavior we only have the one default behavior.

      If I select it and click edit it's here where I can pick an origin or an origin group where any requests for this path pattern this is the default behavior so it's got a star wild card but for this behavior it will direct any requests if an origin fetch is required at the origin or origin group specified in this drop down.

      Now this is only the single origin but if we had an origin group then it would provide resilience across those origins so this is a really cool way to be able to add resilience.

      Now moving back to origins there are actually a few categories of origins and it's important that you understand all of them and exactly which features they provide as well as the situations where you'd use one versus the others.

      So for origins you can have Amazon S3 buckets, AWS media package channel endpoints, AWS media store container endpoints and then everything else and everything else means web servers.

      Now we haven't covered media package or media store yet I will be touching upon those elsewhere in the course but this split between S3 buckets media package and media store and then everything else is important.

      The everything else being web servers these are known as custom origins and these have different features and restrictions versus S3 buckets and it's also important that you know that an S3 bucket has one set of features but if you configure static website hosting on that S3 bucket and use that as an origin then CloudFront views it as a web server so a custom origin and the feature set available is different.

      S3 origins the simplest to integrate because they're designed to work directly with CloudFront so let's look at exactly what we can configure with an S3 origin so I've already got one prepared so I'll select it and click on edit.

      Now for the origin domain name this is pointed directly at an S3 bucket an origin path allows CloudFront to use a particular path inside that origin so by default any requests made to the default behavior which are pointing at this origin will apply to the top level of the bucket.

      If we wanted to look inside a particular path in that bucket for example images then we could specify that in the origin path box.

      Now because this is an S3 origin we have access to various advanced features which we won't have if we're using custom origins and one of those advanced features is origin access.

      Now this is the ability to restrict access to an S3 origin so that it's only accessible via a CloudFront distribution.

      Now there are two ways of doing this we have origin access identity which is the legacy way and because this is an older CloudFront distribution this is why I've got legacy access identities selected.

      Now the new and recommended way is origin access control and I'm going to have a demo coming up elsewhere in the course while you'll get the chance to experience this in practice.

      For now though we don't need to worry too much about it just know that it means that you can restrict an S3 origin so that it's only accessible via the CloudFront distribution.

      Another important thing to realize when you're using S3 origins is whichever protocol is used between the customer and the edge location so the viewer protocol policy is also used between CloudFront and the S3 origin the origin protocol policy so they're matched if you're using an S3 origin you've got the same viewer side and origin side protocol so whether you're using HTTP or HTTPS they're matched at both sides.

      Then lastly you have the ability to pass through origin custom headers so if you have any headers which you want to pass through to the origin then you can do so on the origin settings and that's pretty much all that can be customized when you're using an S3 origin.

      Everything's handled on your behalf the complex configuration comes when you're using a custom origin so let's look at that next.

      So I'm going to click on cancel and then I'm going to click on create origin.

      Now for origin domain name I'm just going to type a placeholder so in this case catagram.io.

      Now CloudFront is smart enough to realize that this isn't an S3 bucket and so now I get the additional options that we're able to configure for custom origins so we still have the ability to specify an origin path so this works in the same way as it does for S3 origins if we want our behavior to point at an origin but instead of using the top level of that origin look at a sub path then we can specify that in the origin path box.

      Now because this is a custom origin we can be much more granular with some of the configuration options so we can specify a minimum origin SSL protocol so this configures the minimum protocol level that CloudFront will use when it establishes a connection with your origin so best practice is always to select the latest version that's supported by the custom origin because that ensures maximum security.

      You can also configure the origin protocol policy so remember for S3 origins the viewer protocol and the origin protocol are matched when you're using a custom origin you're able to select from one of three options you can either say HTTP only, HTTPS only or to match the viewer protocol policy so if the viewer protocol policy is HTTP and this option was selected then CloudFront would connect to your custom origin also using HTTP you can explicitly set either insecure or secure or you can match it so you've got to pick whichever is appropriate for your particular use case.

      Now with custom origins you also have the ability to pick the HTTP and HTTPS port to use for CloudFront connections between the edge location and the origin so when you're using S3 you don't have the ability to set this because S3 doesn't have configurable ports but if you're running a custom origin it might well be that you have different services bound to different ports and so you have the ability to select the port to use for HTTP and HTTPS now the default of course is 80 for insecure HTTP and 443 for secure HTTPS so you can change these if you're using different ports on your custom origin and these are really important points remember for the exam so if you see any exam questions which talk about custom ports or the ability to configure the origin protocol policy or the minimum SSL protocol versions then you need to be using a custom origin.

      Now you do still have the ability to pass through custom headers and elsewhere in this section of the course I'm going to be talking about how you can secure origins so they're only accessible using CloudFront if you're not using an S3 origin it means you don't have the ability to use origin access identities or origin access control and so to secure custom origins you can use custom headers you can pass in a custom header that only you're aware of and have your custom origin check for that header and that allows you to configure your custom origin only to accept connections from CloudFront so this is an important one to remember if you're wanting maximum security while using custom origins.

      Now that's pretty much everything that I wanted to cover in this lesson I just wanted to give you a quick walkthrough of some of the important configuration options that you have available when it comes to S3 origins and custom origins it's fairly common to see CloudFront distributions use S3 origins and this is a popular way of delivering static content if you do need to integrate custom origins then you should be aware of some of those advanced configuration options and for the exam definitely make sure that you're aware of the different options that you have for custom origins and S3 origins because it does come up in the exam in multiple questions with that being said though that is everything that I wanted to cover about origins so go ahead complete this lesson and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to focus on how CloudFront works with SSL.

      Each CloudFront distribution receives a default domain name when it's created.

      It's the default way that you access a distribution and it's a CNAME DNS record.

      Now it looks something like this.

      It starts with a random part and is always followed by cloudfront.net.

      Now you can enable HTTPS access to your distribution by default with no additional requirements as long as you use this address.

      CloudFront is supplied with a default SSL certificate which uses star.cloudfront.net as the name.

      So it covers all of the CloudFront distributions which use that default domain name.

      Most of the time though you want to use your own custom name with a CloudFront distribution.

      For example cdn.catagram.whatever.

      And this is allowed via the alternate domain name feature where you specify different names which will be used to access a CloudFront distribution.

      Once these are added and active you can point that custom name at your CloudFront distribution using a DNS provider such as Route53TPS you need a certificate applied to the distribution which matches that name.

      And even if you don't use HTTPS you need a way of verifying that you own and control the domain.

      And that way is by adding an SSL certificate which matches the name that you're adding to the CloudFront distribution.

      The result whether you want to use HTTPS or not you need to add a cert to the distribution which matches the alternate domain name that you're trying to add.

      And to do this you either need to generate or import an SSL certificate using the AWS certificate manager known as ACM.

      Now this is a regional service.

      Normally you need to add a certificate in the same region as the service that you're using.

      So a load balancer located in AP Southeast 2 would also need a certificate creating within ACM also in the AP Southeast 2 region.

      Now the exceptions to this are global services and one such global service is CloudFront.

      For these services the certificate needs to be always created or added in US East 1.

      Remember this for the exam.

      It will come up.

      For CloudFront if you're wanting to add any certificates they always need to be in US East 1 which is the northern Virginia region.

      Now there are a few options that you can set on a CloudFront behavior in terms of how to handle HTTP versus HTTPS.

      First you can allow both HTTP or HTTPS so no restrictions.

      You will allow the customer to make the choice about the protocol whether it's insecure or secure.

      Second you can redirect any incoming HTTP connections to HTTPS which is the option many people use to encourage the use of secure HTTP.

      And then finally you can restrict a behavior within CloudFront to only allow HTTPS but this does mean that any HTTP connections will fail entirely.

      Now if you choose to use HTTPS with CloudFront then you have to have the appropriate certificates which match the name that you're using for that distribution.

      For the exam understanding certificates is really important which is what I want to cover in detail in the remainder of this lesson.

      Now there are actually two sets of connections when any one individual is using CloudFront.

      First you've got the connection between the viewer and the CloudFront edge location and second the connection between CloudFront and the origin that's being used and these are known as the viewer and origin protocols.

      And for the exam and really try to commit this one to memory both of those connections need valid public certificates as well as any intermediate certificates in the chain and the key part here is public.

      Self-signed certificates if you see that term will not work with CloudFront.

      They need to be publicly trusted certificates.

      Okay so now I've covered the basics of HTTPS with CloudFront.

      Let's quickly move on and touch on something else.

      One really important thing to understand about CloudFront and SSL for the exam is how it's charged and to understand that and why it is this way you need a little understanding of how SSL has worked over time.

      So historically in the distant past so before 2003 every SSL enabled website needed its own dedicated IP.

      The reason why is critical to understand if you really want to understand SSL.

      So SSL and TLS are often used interchangeably but in this context I just mean encryption that happens over a network connection.

      Now the problem is is that when encryption is being used as part of HTTPS that encryption happens at the TCP layer and this is much lower level than HTTP which is an application layer protocol.

      Now you might be aware that a single web server can actually host many websites using different names using one single IP address.

      For example I could host Catergram and DogoGram on the same server using the same IP address.

      Now how this works when only using HTTP is that when your web browser is sending a request to my web server which hosts both of these sites on a single IP it uses what's called a host header.

      Essentially your browser tells my server that you're requesting a page from Catergram or DogoGram and so my server knows to provide that particular website rather than the other.

      So if you're accessing Catergram you tell my web server you're accessing Catergram and it knows to provide you with the Catergram website rather than the DogoGram website.

      But this happens at the application layer so layer 7 and this is after the connection has been established.

      Now TLS so the encrypted part of HTTPS this happens before this point so before the browser sends the web server the information about the site that it wants.

      Part of what TLS does is allow a web server to validate its identity.

      When you first create the encrypted connection between you and an IP address so before you start a HTTP connection the web server identifies itself.

      Now the issue is that if you don't have a way of telling that web server which site you're trying to access and there wasn't such a way originally then the server doesn't know and so the server can only provide one certificate.

      And this is why historically it wasn't possible to host multiple HTTPS sites on a single IP.

      If they needed separate certificates then the web server had no method of understanding which particular site you were trying to access.

      It had no method of supplying the relevant certificate and so it couldn't handle more than one certificate.

      So if you had multiple sites which needed multiple certificates then they all needed separate IP addresses.

      So in 2003 an extension was added to TLS called SNI or server name indication.

      An SNI adds the ability for a client to tell a server which domain name it's attempting to access and this occurs within the TLS handshake so before HTTP even gets involved.

      So when you're establishing the encrypted connection between your device and CATAGRAM your device can tell the server that it wants to access CATAGRAM.

      The server can then respond with the CATAGRAM certificate proving its identity as the CATAGRAM server and this allows one IP to host many HTTPS websites which need their own certificates.

      Now the problem is that all the browsers don't support SNI.

      So if you want to use CloudFront and you want to allow HTTPS connections and you want to use a custom certificate with a custom domain name then CloudFront needs to provide dedicated IP addresses if it needs to support older browsers.

      So when using CloudFront you can either choose to use SNI mode which is free as part of the service or you can choose to use a dedicated IP at the edge location and this costs money at the time of creating this lesson $600 per month per distribution.

      So if you need to support HTTPS on anything but prehistoric browsers it's standard and it's free and you don't need to pay any extra you just need to install that SSL certificate.

      For all the browsers SNI won't be supported and you need to pay $600 per month for a dedicated IP address.

      Okay so with that being said one last thing before we finish and that's to look at the architecture of SSL in CloudFront visually.

      So let's move on and look at that next.

      So architecturally this is how it looks.

      We have a CloudFront edge location in the middle and three origins on the right.

      An S3 bucket, an application load balancer and a custom origin and this could either be an EC2 instance or an on-premises web server.

      On the left we have a few customers at the top one customer which is using a modern web browser and they're using this to browse category.

      At the bottom we have some customers with a slightly older pre-2003 browser.

      What you need to understand for the exam is the certificate requirements to support this and how the older browser influences things.

      Now to start because we have a mixture of clients and some of them include older browsers.

      With this architecture we would need to use a dedicated IP and this does cost extra.

      If we only had to support modern browsers which support SNI then we could use the one shared IP address.

      So in either case our customers use these IP addresses to connect to one or more edge locations and this is called the viewer protocol or viewer connection.

      The connection between the viewers or the customers and the edge location.

      The key consideration here is that the certificate used by the edge location has to be a publicly trusted certificate.

      Something trusted by the web browsers which our customers use and this generally means something by the major certificate authorities such as Komodo, Digisert, Symantec or AWS certificate manager.

      If you use the AWS certificate manager then just to reiterate the certificate has to be created in US East One.

      I'm going to keep stressing this point throughout any cloudfront related lessons in the course because it features all the time in the exam.

      For anything cloudfront related where it integrates with a regional service so logging or certificates then assume you have to interact with it in US East One.

      Now any public certificate needs to match the name of the cloudfront distribution that it's being applied to.

      So if you add a custom domain name the DNS needs to point at cloudfront and the certificate needs to match the DNS name that you're using.

      So that's the viewer side secured and a really important point again that I want to stress is that you cannot use self signed certificates.

      Only publicly trusted certificates are able to be applied to cloudfront distributions.

      That's another really important point for the exam.

      At the other side is the connection between the edge location and the origin or the origins and this is called the origin protocol.

      Now the rules about certificates at this side are similar to the viewer side.

      First they need to use publicly trusted certificates and of course again this means no self signed certificates.

      If your origin is S3 then you don't need to worry about anything else because S3 handles this natively.

      So you don't need to apply certificates onto your S3 bucket and indeed you can't actually change the certificate that's on an S3 bucket.

      So if you're using S3 origins it's really simple.

      You just point your cloudfront distribution or specifically your behavior at the origin and everything works.

      If you're using an application load balancer then this needs a publicly trusted certificate and you can either use one that's generated externally or you can use the AWS certificate manager to generate a managed one on your behalf.

      For any custom origins so EC2 instances or on-premise servers then again you need to use a publicly trusted certificate but neither of these services are supported by ACM and so you can't use ACM to manage the certificate on your behalf.

      You need to apply the certificates manually.

      Now in all cases for origins I'm going to stress this again.

      The certificate needs to match the DNS name of the origin.

      So in order for SSL to work as an architecture from the viewer side the certificate applied to cloudfront needs to match the DNS name of whatever your customers are using to access cloudfront and then at the origin side the certificate installed on any of your origins needs to match the DNS name that cloudfront is using to contact the origin.

      So that's really important.

      Now that's everything I wanted to cover for this lesson.

      Thanks for watching.

      Go ahead and complete it and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next lesson.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about AWS Certificate Manager or ACM.

      This is something which is essential to understand for almost all of the AWS certifications and most real-world projects.

      You need to know a little bit at the associate level, more at the pro level and different things matter in each of the different streams.

      So architect, developer and operations.

      Now let's just jump in and get started.

      Let's start with the basics just to put ACM into context.

      HTTP or the Hypertext Transfer Protocol was initially created without the need for much in the way of security, so no server identity authentication or transport encryption.

      As HTTP evolved from just text to move towards complex web applications, the security vulnerabilities became an issue.

      For example, if somebody could spoo for websites DNS name, then they could direct users to another potentially compromised web server.

      Users would be unaware of this because the address displayed by the browser would appear normal just like they expect, and this could be used to gain access to credentials and potentially sniff data in transit.

      The evolution of HTTP, HTTPS or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure to use its full name was designed to address the problems with HTTP.

      It uses either SSL or TLS protocols to create a secure tunnel which normal HTTP can be transferred through.

      In effect, the data is encrypted in transit from the perspective of an outside observer.

      Now, HTTPS also allows for servers to prove their identity.

      Using SSL and TLS, servers can be authenticated by using digital certificates.

      These certificates can be digitally signed by one of the certificate authorities trusted by the web client.

      Since your web client trusts the CA, you trust the certificate which it signs, and that's why you trust the site itself.

      It means that it's harder to spoof.

      If the site claiming to be Netflix.com actually has the Netflix.com certificate which is signed by a trusted certificate authority, then it's almost certain to actually be Netflix.com.

      To be viewed as secure, a website picks a DNS name like animalsforlive.org, it generates a certificate or has one generated for it, it's signed and it uses that certificate to prove its identity, so the DNS name and the certificate are tied together.

      Now, ACM can function both as a public certificate authority generating certificates which are trusted by public web browsers and devices, or as a private certificate authority.

      So this has the same architecture, but something which is private to your organization, and this is something often used by large corporates.

      With private certificate authorities, you need to configure clients so that they trust the private certificate authority.

      Something generally done manually by adding this trust into your client laptop and desktop builds, or automatically by adding a policy to configure this trust.

      In public mode, browsers trust a list of certificate authorities provided by the vendor of that operating system, and these trusted providers can then themselves trust other providers which establishes this chain of trust.

      With ACM, you can either generate or import certificates, so the product can make certificates for you, which just needs to use DNS or email verification to prove that you own the domain, and if ACM generates the certificates, it can automatically renew them on your behalf, and you won't have any ongoing issues with expired certificates.

      If you import certificates generated from another external source, then you're going to be responsible for renewing them, which generally means renewing them with this external source, and then importing them again into ACM.

      Now, these are really important points to remember for the exam.

      If ACM generates the certificate for you, it can automatically renew it.

      If it imports it, you're going to be responsible.

      Now, another important point for the exam is that ACM can only deploy certificates to supported services.

      The certificates are always stored encrypted within the product and deployed in a managed and secure way to those supported services, so services within AWS which are integrated with ACM.

      Now, not all services are supported.

      In fact, this is generally only CloudFront and loadbalances.

      EC2, for example, which is a self-managed compute service, is not supported because AWS has no way of securing the transfer and deployment.

      If you manage an EC2 instance, if you have root access, there will always be a way to access the certificate, and the whole point of ACM is to secure the storage and deployment of those certificates.

      Now, that's going to be tested in AWS exams all of the time, so the idea that you are aware that not all AWS services are supported, specifically EC2, is not, so only supported services can be used with ACM.

      Remember that for the exam just to restress, you cannot use ACM with EC2.

      A few more important things to know before we look at the architecture visually.

      ACM is a regional service.

      There is an isolated ACM in US East One and another in AP Southeast Two and another in every AWS region.

      If you import a certificate into a region or generate a certificate in that region, those certificates cannot leave that region.

      Once inside, they're locked to that particular region.

      Now, and this is really critical for the AWS exams, I cannot stress this enough.

      If you want to use a certificate within a service, for example, a load balancer in AP Southeast Two, then the certificate needs to be inside ACM in that same region.

      I'm going to repeat this because it's that important.

      To use a certificate from ACM inside a load balancer within a particular region, so AP Southeast Two, that certificate needs to be within ACM also in AP Southeast Two.

      Now, there's one exception to this and it's not really an exception once you understand why.

      For CloudFront, that service, while being global, you should view it as running in US East One from an ACM perspective.

      For CloudFront, conceptually, I want you to think about it that a distribution, which is the unit of configuration for CloudFront, is actually within US East One.

      And so you always use US East One for CloudFront certificates.

      So last time of repeating this, for most services, the certificate needs to be in the same region where the service is located.

      So a load balancer needs to be in the same region as the certificate that it's using within ACM.

      For CloudFront, always use US East One with ACM.

      If you generate a certificate in any other region, you won't be able to deploy it using CloudFront.

      Now, let's look at this visually because everything should start to click.

      Visually, this is how ACM looks.

      On the right, we've got three regions, US West One at the top, US East One in the middle, and AP Southeast Two at the bottom.

      Inside each of these regions, we have regionally isolated instances of ACM, one running in each region.

      Then also in each region, we have application load balancers together with associated EC2 instances.

      We also have a CloudFront distribution, associated edge locations, and an S3 origin.

      For this lesson, the region of the S3 bucket doesn't matter because we're focusing on ACM, and S3 does not use ACM for certificates.

      On the left, we have some globally distributed users, and on the right, our security specialist.

      Step number one is that our security specialist will interact with ACM in each of these regions and generate a certificate and then deploy it out to ACM in each region where service is required.

      This means for supported services in those regions such as application load balancers, those certificates can be used from ACM to services in those regions.

      What we can't do is deploy cross region.

      In this example, from ACM located in US West One to a load balancer located in US East One, cross region deployment is not supported.

      Nor can we deploy to unsupported services such as EC2.

      For CloudFront, as I mentioned earlier in the lesson, conceptually think about it as the distribution, the main unit of configuration, being located in US East One.

      This means when deploying certificates to CloudFront using ACM, the certificate needs to be located in US East One.

      At that point, once the certificate is linked to the distribution, the distribution can then take the certificate and deploy it out to the edge locations no matter what regions they're located in.

      Once the certificates are deployed onto supported services they can be used, they allow trust to be established from customers to the application load balancer, as with the top example, and the same architecture is true for edge locations at the bottom.

      Once the ACM certificate is deployed to the distribution and then passed out to the edge locations, customers can make secure connections to those edge locations.

      Now, once again, ACM isn't used for S3, which handles its own interaction with CloudFront within this architecture, so S3 does not use ACM for any certificates.

      Now, that's all of the architecture which I wanted to cover about ACM.

      It's everything that you need for the associate or professional level AWS certifications, and enough to get started with the product for any real world projects.

      Now, I found ACM comes up a lot in the exams focused on diagnosing errors around which certificates can be used in which regions.

      So now you know that certificates can only be used in the same regions that they're deployed into.

      Cross region deployments are not supported, EC2 is not supported in CloudFront, to repeat it one last time, from the point of view of ACM is in US East One.

      Now, you have all you need with everything that I've covered in this lesson, so thanks for watching.

      Go ahead and complete this lesson, and when you're ready, I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about CloudFront TTL as well as CloudFront invalidations.

      Now both of these are features which can be used to influence how long objects are stored at edge locations and when they're ejected.

      Now we've got a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      Now let's step through in detail exactly what happens with caching one image at one edge location.

      So a simple architecture is an S3 origin on the left, an edge location in the middle and three users top, middle and bottom right.

      Now let's say that we have a photo of Whiskers the cat and he's crying a little so it's not his best ever photo but that's the one that's uploaded into the S3 bucket by the Categorum application.

      Now our first customer makes a request for the picture of Whiskers.

      This image is not stored on the edge location and so an origin fetch happens where the image is retrieved from the origin and placed on the edge location before being returned to the customer which is the response.

      Now let's say that the image of Whiskers is replaced in the origin so we take away this picture of Whiskers the cat crying and we replace it with a much better one.

      So now we've got a much happier looking picture of Whiskers but now that this image has been replaced on the origin, note how the one on the edge location is still the old version so what happens when another customer makes a request to the same edge location.

      This time the older or bad image of Whiskers is returned.


      Because it's the one that's cached at the edge location and from an object perspective it's still viewed as valid even though the origin has a new version it's never checked because the copy that's cached in the edge location is viewed as valid by CloudFront.

      Now there are ways to influence this which I'll explain later in the lesson but for now you need to understand this architecture can be problematic.

      Now at some point every object that's cached by CloudFront will expire and when that happens it's not immediately discarded but now it's stale it's viewed as not current.

      If at this point another customer requests a copy of this object then the edge location doesn't immediately return the object.

      Instead as with step two it forwards this on to the origin and the origin will respond in one of two ways.

      Now this is based on the version of the object that's cached at the edge location versus the one that's stored in the origin.

      It's either current or the origin has an updated object.

      If it's current then a 304 not modified is returned and the object is delivered directly from the edge location to the customer and the copy of the object in the edge location once again becomes viewed as current.

      If there is a difference between the edge location and the origin so if the origin has a newer version of the object then a 200 okay message is returned along with a new version of the object which replaces the one that's cached at the edge location.

      That's how an edge location behaves within the CloudFront network.

      An object stays in the cache ideally for the entire time that it's valid.

      If the edge location has capacity issues then in theory it could be ejected early.

      Even when an object expires the next time that it's accessed assuming that it's still within the edge location cache then the edge location checks the version of the object that it has versus the one in the origin and if they're the same a 304 code is returned and the object is not updated it's just marked as once again been current.

      A new version of the object is only transferred if the communication between the edge location and the origin determines that the version of the object that's in the origin has been updated.

      Now the problem that you need to understand is step four on this diagram.

      The middle user received an old version of the object even though a newer version was stored in the origin so he updated the copy of the whiskers object and even though that updated copy existed in the origin that user received a copy of the old object and that's something that you need to be aware of because there are ways that you can influence this and that's what I want to look at for the remainder of this lesson.

      So now let's talk about object validity.

      An edge location views an object as not expired when it's within its TTL or time to live period.

      So let's explore what this means.

      Before we do it's important to understand that as a general rule the more often that the edge location delivers objects directly to your customer which is called a cache hit the lower the load will be on your origin and the better performance for the user.

      So where possible we want to avoid edge locations having to perform origin fetches to our origins because that will mean that cloud front is performing better.

      It's giving better performance to our customers.

      Objects which are cached by cloud front have a default validity period of 24 hours and this value is actually defined on a behavior within a distribution.

      The default value for this default TTL is 24 hours.

      This means any objects cached by cloud front using this behavior will also have a default TTL of 24 hours and this means 24 hours after the object is cached they're viewed as expired.

      Now also on a behavior within a distribution you can set two other values the minimum TTL and the maximum TTL.

      Now these values don't by themselves do anything to influence caching behavior.

      Essentially they set lower and upper values for the TTL value that an individual object can have.

      Now it's possible to define per object values for the TTL.

      If you don't specify an object TTL then the default one attached to the behavior is used so the 24 hour default TTL.

      Now an origin which remember could be an s3 bucket or a custom origin running your application.

      Both of these can direct cloud front to use object specific TTL values using headers.

      Now there are a number of different headers and you do need to remember these for the exam.

      The first header is called cache-control s-max-age and this is a value in seconds.

      We've also got cache-control s-max-age and this is again also configured in seconds.

      Now think about these as the same thing setting either or both of these will do the same thing direct cloud front to apply a TTL value in seconds for a particular object and after the number of seconds specified within this object specific TTL have passed then that object will be viewed as expired.

      Now we also have the expires header and instead of specifying a number of seconds this actually specifies a date and time.

      So a specific date and time that you wish to direct cloud front that an object should be viewed as expired.

      Now for any of these headers both the ones that are specified in seconds and the expires header where you specify a date and time the minimum TTL and maximum TTL specified on the behavior are both limiters.

      So values below the minimum TTL of the behavior will mean that the minimum TTL is used rather than the per object setting and likewise for any per object TTLs specified which are above the maximum TTL for the behavior will mean that the maximum TTL value is used instead of the per object setting.

      So it's important that you understand the architecture of this you have a default TTL on a behavior which is by default set to 24 hours you can change this value though but by default it is 24 hours and this applies to any object which doesn't have a per object TTL set you also set minimum TTL and maximum TTL values and these act as limiters for any per object settings that are defined using these cash control headers so max - age s - max age and then expires.

      Now I mentioned this earlier but these headers can be set using custom origins or s3 if you're doing it using custom origins then these can be injected by your application or the web server if you're using s3 then these are defined on every object using object metadata so that's something that you can set using the API the command line or even the console UI.

      Now let's look at one last topic before we finish up with this lesson and that's cash invalidations so cash invalidations are performed on a distribution whatever you set the invalidation to be is applied to all edge locations within that distribution so it's something that takes time it isn't immediate but what a cash invalidation does is immediately expire any objects regardless of their TTL based on the invalidation pattern that you specify so some examples include this one which is used to invalidate a specific object using a specific path in this case forward slash images forward slash whiskers one dot jpeg we've also got this one which uses a wild card and this will invalidate any objects in the images path which start with whiskers so this could be whiskers one whiskers two or even whiskers one three three seven dot jpeg all of these would be affected by this wild card invalidation pattern and then we've got this one which is forward slash images forward slash star and this would affect any objects contained within this path so this could be images about whiskers it could be images of sparky it could be images of woofy anything that's contained in this specific path would be matched by this star wild card and then lastly we've got slash star and this invalidates all objects which are cached by a distribution so this means everything on every edge location is immediately invalidated now there is a cost to perform cache invalidations and that cost is the same regardless of the number of objects which are matched by the pattern so invalidation should only really be thought of as a way to correct errors if you are regularly having a need to update individual files or invalidate individual files then you might want to think about using versioned file names instead now an example of a versioned file name would be whiskers one underscore v one dot jpeg if that's the crying picture from the start of the lesson and you wanted to replace it then you could add a new object called whiskers one underscore v two dot jpeg or v three dot jpeg and then update your application to point at that new version and this requires no invalidation now this one comes up in the exam all the time because versioned file names are better for a few reasons first because you're using a different name for the object it means that even if those objects are cached in a customer's browser it won't be used because you're changing the name and the application points at the new name even data cached in a user's browser won't impact the image or the object that your customers see second it means that logging is more effective because you know which actual object was used because nothing has the same name it also means that you keep all versions of all objects and these are consistent between edge locations so you can move between them and of course it's less expensive because you don't need to use continued cache invalidations now don't confuse versioned file names with s3 object versioning that's a different thing s3 object versioning allows you to have different data for an object different versions which use the same name cloudfront will always use the latest object version in a bucket by default what i'm describing here is different using versioned file names means having different file names for different actual versions different data stored in different file names and that means that each of these file names will be cached independently on every edge location and you can move between them in a consistent way by making changes to your application so this is an important one to remember for the exam if you do see any questions in the exam which talk about versioned file names and the question is looking at the scenario from a cost efficacy point of view then it's likely going to be versioned file names which is the correct answer now that's all of the theory that i wanted to cover in this lesson so thanks for watching go ahead and complete the lesson and when you're ready i'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to quickly step through the architecture of CloudFront behaviors.

      Now I've introduced them earlier in this section.

      You need to have a good grasp of what options are set at the distribution level and what is configured within a behavior.

      Now as I've already introduced behaviors, it's going to be easier for me to show you rather than tell you the detail of behaviors and how behaviors fit in to the wider CloudFront components.

      So I'm going to switch over to my console and step through all the features and exactly how things work.

      Okay, so let's take a look at some behaviors.

      So I'm going to go ahead and move to the CloudFront console.

      So I'll click on services and type CloudFront.

      Select it from the list.

      Now I've got two CloudFront distributions.

      One of them is production and one of them is for my testing.

      So the production one's blurred out.

      I'm just going to go ahead and move into my testing distribution.

      So distributions are the unit of configuration within CloudFront and you'll see that there are lots of high level options which configured at a distribution level.

      So it's here where all of the main important configuration options for the distribution are configured.

      So let's take a look at some of them.

      So first we've got the price class.

      The price class determines which edge locations your distribution is deployed to.

      So you can make CloudFront slightly cheaper by selecting to only deploy the distribution to US, Canada and Europe based edge locations.

      This will result in a slightly reduced level of performance for any users not in those regions.

      You can elect to use all of the edge locations which provides the best performance or use the option in between which deploys to only the US, Canada, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

      So normally I like to deploy out to all edge locations because I prioritize customer performance but you do have the ability to narrow this down and select only the US, Canada and Europe for deployment.

      So just keep that in mind.

      It's also to a distribution that you're able to associate a web application firewall.

      So this is a layer seven firewall product available within AWS.

      Now I'll be covering this elsewhere in the course, but it's at a distribution level that you can configure this integration.

      So you create a web ACL within the WAF product and then associate it with a CloudFront distribution.

      It's also at a distribution level that you can configure alternate domain names for your CloudFront distribution.

      So notice how my CloudFront distribution has this default domain name, which is the random string which is unique for this distribution and then followed by CloudFront.net.

      So this is the default, but I did configure an alternate domain name which is labs-bucket.cantral.io and this is added at a distribution level.

      It's also at the distribution level that you can configure the type of SSL certificate that you want to use with the CloudFront distribution.

      Now I'll be talking about this elsewhere in this section where I focus specifically on CloudFront and SSL, but you're able to use the default certificate as long as you're using that default DNS name.

      If you want to use an alternate domain name and use that with HTTPS, then you need to use a custom SSL certificate.

      And when you're using a custom SSL certificate, that's defined also at the distribution level.

      It uses ACM and you have to pick between SNI and non-SNI.

      And I'll be talking about exactly what that means in a dedicated lesson elsewhere in this section.

      Now for the exam, this is important.

      You can select the security policy to use.

      So there are various different security policies and AWS update these periodically.

      Now this is generally a trade-off because if you pick a more recent security policy, then potentially you can prevent any customers with older browsers accessing your distribution.

      So you need to pick the one that's the best balance of security and accessibility for your users.

      Now as well as that, all the things that are configured at a distribution level are supported HTTP versions, whether you want logging on or off, which again, I'll have another lesson coming up elsewhere in the course that talks about this.

      So this is all of the high level things which can be configured at a distribution level.

      There's also a lot which can be configured from a behavior perspective.

      Now a single distribution can have multiple behaviors.

      And I've mentioned that there's always going to be the one default behavior.

      So let's open that up.

      I'll select it and then click on edit.

      Now the way that behaviors work is for any requests which are incoming to an edge location, their pattern matched against any behaviors for that distribution using this path pattern.

      Now the default behavior has a wild card or star path pattern.

      And so it matches anything which is not matched by another more specific behavior.

      Once a path pattern is matched against an incoming request, it's then subject to any of the options specified within this behavior.

      The most important one is which origin or origin group to use, but you can also select the viewer protocol policy.

      So which policy is used between the viewer and the edge location?

      Options include insecure or secure HTTPS.

      You can redirect insecure towards secure HTTPS or only accept secure HTTPS.

      So these are configurable on a per behavior basis.

      That's important to understand.

      You can also select to allow different HTTP methods.

      And again, that's configured on a behavior.

      You can configure field level encryption and I talk about this in a dedicated lesson elsewhere in this section.

      So I won't go over it here in detail, but this allows you to encrypt data from the point that it enters the edge location through the cloud front network.

      And again, this is configured on a per behavior basis.

      You're also able to set all the cache directives within a behavior.

      And you can do this either using legacy cache settings, which mine is configured using because this is an older distribution.

      Or you can use the newer cache policy and origin request policy settings.

      And these are recommended by AWS.

      So this is the methods that are cash, the cash and origin request settings.

      You're able to set whether you want to cash based on any request headers.

      So options include non whitelist or all.

      And again, this is per behavior.

      The minimum TTL, maximum TTL and default TTL again is set on a per behavior basis.

      And I talk about this in much more detail elsewhere in this section of the course.

      An important one for the exam is that you're also able to restrict viewer access to a behavior.

      So this is different than restricting access to an S3 origin.

      This is the option that sets the entire behavior to be restricted or private.

      And if you select this, you need to specify the trusted authorization type, which is trusted key groups or trusted signers.

      Now, key groups are the new way of doing this and signers are the legacy way.

      And for the exam, if you see trusted key groups or trusted signer, then you know that it is set to restrict viewer access.

      And you need things like signed cookies or signed URLs in order to access the content.

      And I'll be discussing this if appropriate elsewhere in the course.

      And many distributions which are in use in the real world will have some behaviors which are non restricted, for example, sign on, and then some behaviors which are restricted and these control access to sensitive content.

      It's on a behavior that you can set to compress objects automatically.

      And it's also on a per behavior basis that you can associate Lambda at Edge functions with CloudFront.

      So I talk about Lambda at Edge elsewhere in this section of the course, but it's at the behavior level that you associate these Lambda functions.

      Now, from a real world perspective, you're obviously always going to have access to Google and the console.

      So you can easily remind yourself exactly which options are set on a per behavior basis versus the distribution.

      For the exam, do your best to try and commit these to memory.

      Specifically, you need to understand that all of the caching controls are set on a behavior as well as the restrict viewer access.

      If you remember those are behavior based.

      You'll also remember that you can have different settings for those options for different behaviors in the same distribution.

      And that will help you answer some of the more complex exam questions which you might encounter.

      With that being said, though, that's everything I wanted to cover in this lesson.

      I just wanted to give you a quick walkthrough to help you understand the different components.

      Go ahead, complete this lesson.

      And when you're ready, I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      In this lesson, I want to either introduce or refresh your memory on the high-level architecture of Cloudfront.

      So what it does, what components it has and some of the important terminology.

      So this lesson is just going to be an introduction or a refresher.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      Cloudfront is a content delivery network.

      Its job is to improve the delivery of content from its original location to the viewers of that data.

      And it does so by caching and by using an efficient global network.

      So let's look at an example.

      Let's say that I'm running an application from Australia and the application becomes so successful that it has global users.

      Bob on the west coast of the US and Julie in the UK.

      Now if they access the application, then the data has to flow from Australia to them.

      And in reality, the route that the data takes will be a lot less direct than I'm showing on screen now.

      Whatever route the data takes, it's traveling long distances.

      And this introduces two problems.

      Higher latencies and slower transfer speeds.

      Both of these impact user experience.

      It means that data is being transferred globally.

      And it means that it's being transferred each and every time that data is requested.

      And Cloudfront helps us with this.

      I want to introduce some concepts first before we look visually at the architecture of Cloudfront.

      Now you might be familiar with these terms if you've studied for the Associate Level Solutions Architect Certification.

      If so, consider this a refresher for some of the more advanced topics covered in later lessons of this section.

      So first we've got an origin.

      And an origin is the original location of your content.

      An origin can either be an S3 origin or a custom origin.

      It's either S3 or anything else which runs a web server and has a publicly routable IP version 4 address.

      So an S3 bucket or anything else.

      The origin though is where your content lives and it's where it's served from.

      And we'll talk more about origins as we move on in the section.

      But for one Cloudfront configuration, you would either have one or more origins.

      Next is a distribution.

      And the distribution is the unit of configuration within Cloudfront.

      To use Cloudfront, you create a distribution and this distribution gets deployed out to the Cloudfront network.

      Almost everything is configured within a distribution, either directly or indirectly.

      And so when I just mentioned that a Cloudfront configuration can have multiple origins, well they're all configured inside a distribution, but indirectly as I'll talk about later in this lesson.

      Next we have edge locations and these are the names of the pieces of global infrastructure where your content is cached.

      AWS have regions which are located globally, generally at least one in all major markets for AWS.

      But these are almost always located in or around capital cities or other major areas of usage for AWS.

      Edge locations are bigger in number and more widely distributed.

      So there are more edge locations, they're smaller than regions, and these are distributed globally, much closer to your customers.

      At the time of creating this lesson, there are over 200 edge locations and there's a big chance that there's one in the city closest to you.

      So just to put this into context, edge locations are smaller than AWS regions.

      There are generally one or more racks in a third party data center and a usually 90% storage with the odd bit of compute services tacked on for certain AWS services which we'll be talking about throughout this course.

      But generally edge locations are used for the storage or the caching of dates, so you're not able to select an edge location as a target to deploy an EC2 instance.

      Now the last term which I want to introduce is a regional edge cache and these are much bigger than edge locations and there are fewer of them.

      They're designed to hold more data to cache things which are accessed less frequently, but where there's still a performance benefit for caching your data closer to your customers than your origins.

      So regional edge caches do provide a real benefit when it comes to larger, more global deployments of CloudFront.

      Now the diagram coming up next will make it clear how regional edge caches and edge locations are related.

      So let's look at that next.

      CloudFront isn't that complex as an architecture.

      At a high level, Bob uploads some content to an S3 bucket which is going to be used as the origin for our CloudFront distribution.

      In addition, Bob creates a CloudFront distribution which as I've mentioned is the configuration for CloudFront.

      On the distribution, he configures the S3 bucket to be the origin, so the original location of the content.

      And then at the other side of this architecture are our edge locations, so the locations which cache the content which will be distributed globally.

      So these edge locations, as with the content, are distributed globally as close to our customers as possible.

      Now one of the things which is created along with the distribution is a domain name for that distribution.

      And this looks something like this.

      It always ends in CloudFront.net and it will be unique to every distribution which you create.

      You can also take your own domain name and configure the distribution to use that alternate domain name.

      In this case, animalsforlife.org.

      Once you've configured a distribution exactly how you like it, you can deploy that distribution to the CloudFront network.

      And what this actually does is push the distribution configuration to all of the chosen edge locations, meaning that these edge locations can now be used by your customers because they have the configuration stored within the distribution.

      Architecturally, in between the edge locations and the origin, remember this is where your content is stored.

      So in between those two things are the regional edge caches.

      Now they're bigger than the edge locations and generally support a number of local edge locations in the same geographic area.

      So now let's assume that we have two customers who want to access our content hosted in our S3 bucket.

      We have Julie and Moss and let's assume that they're in different locations but they're within the same continent.

      Maybe Julie is in France on holiday and Moss lives in London.

      So when Julie or Moss attempt to access animalsforlife.org, both of them will be directed towards their closest edge location.

      And both Moss and Julie in this example are looking to access the same object, whiskers.jpg.

      Now let's assume though that Julie attempts to access this object first.

      So Julie makes the request for whiskers.jpg and her local edge location is checked for this object.

      Now if the object was locally cached in this edge location, then the object would be returned immediately and the process would stop.

      Julie would get the request returned quickly.

      Her experience will be really positive and have high performance.

      This is called a cache hit and this is a good thing.

      Delivering content from a local edge location in all cases is what you want because it will always deliver better performance.

      So faster speeds and lower latency.

      If the object is not stored locally in an edge location, then this is called a cache miss and this is a bad thing.

      If this happens, then Julie's edge location might check its closest regional cache and this is bigger.

      So there's a bigger chance that the object will be stored regionally within this cache.

      So the regional cache acts as a bigger cache for multiple edge locations.

      And so if any local edge locations have accessed this object before, then it's likely to be stored in the regional edge cache.

      Now if the object is not in the regional edge cache, then the process that happens next is called an origin fetch.

      The content is fetched from the origin and this means that whiskers.jpg is now stored on the regional cache.

      The regional cache pushes the object back to the edge location which originally requested it, which also means that it's now cached at the local edge location.

      Once it's locally cached in the edge location, then it's returned to Julie and all of this happens behind the scenes.

      Julie has no awareness of the multiple step process which is occurring within the cloud front network.

      If Julie or anyone else near that local edge location requests the object again, then it can be delivered directly from that edge location.

      This is a cache hit and this will offer improved access times, so lower latency and better performance.

      And this will occur from the second access onward whenever it's locally cached at the edge location.

      But what about Moss?

      Well because Moss is accessing from a different edge location, he would make his own request and this would contact his local edge location.

      But because his local edge location doesn't have a cached copy of that object, this will be a cache miss.

      And so it also checks its regional edge cache.

      It's checking for the whiskers.jpg object.

      This time though, the regional edge cache does have the object based on the previous time when Julie accessed that object.

      And so this time it's immediately returned to the edge location from the regional edge cache.

      The local edge location that Moss is using caches that object and then immediately it's delivered to Moss.

      Any customers accessing the object from a similar location to Moss will immediately get the object returned from the edge location.

      Again, a cache hit and this is instead of using the regional cache or the origin.

      So by deploying CloudFront, you can reduce the load on origins and get improved performance for your customers globally.

      Now there are two important architectural things that you need to know about CloudFront at this stage.

      First, it integrates with ACM or the AWS certificate manager.

      So you can use SSL certificates with CloudFront.

      And also CloudFront is for download style operations only.

      Any uploads go direct to the origin for processing.

      CloudFront performs no write caching and that's important to understand because there are questions which test your knowledge of whether it does read only or read and write caching.

      Now I want to elaborate on one thing at this point because it will make the lessons which follow a lot easier to understand.

      I talked about distributions earlier in this lesson and I mentioned that they're the base configuration entity within CloudFront.

      But they aren't actually where a lot of the important configuration is stored, at least not directly.

      That's actually contained within behaviors which themselves are contained within distributions.

      A behavior is a configuration within a distribution.

      Think of it like a sub configuration.

      It works on the principle of a pattern match.

      So let's look at this visually.

      So we start with two users on the right connected to two edge locations.

      And these edge locations receive their high level configuration via the distribution within CloudFront.

      At the other side on the left we've got the origins.

      It's easy to assume that origins are directly linked to distributions.

      But that's not actually how it's architected.

      Instead, origins are linked to behaviors which themselves are linked to distributions.

      So behaviors architecturally sit in the middle between origins and distributions.

      A CloudFront distribution always has at least one behavior but it can have many more.

      So all CloudFront distributions start with the one behavior, the default behavior.

      And this has a pattern of star which matches everything.

      It's a wild card.

      But you can define other behaviors which are more specific and these take priority.

      Let's assume that this architecture on screen is for the Categorum application.

      The default behavior is used for anything not matched by another behavior.

      So low security things.

      But let's say that we have private images which are located in the top bucket.

      And this is more heavily restricted.

      Well we could define a second behavior matching a more specific pattern.

      Let's say IMG/*.

      So anything accessed via the distribution which has a path of IMG/ and then anything else would use this other behavior.

      Now the path pattern as the name suggests matches a certain path.

      And this can allow us to have different configurations within a distribution.

      So we can have different configuration options for different components of our CloudFront distribution.

      Things like TTL, policies, origins and even the public or private nature of CloudFront may have been described as being set on the distribution.

      But that's not actually entirely accurate.

      They're actually set on behaviors which are themselves part of a distribution.

      So that's a quick refresher and over the remaining lessons in this section of the course I'm going to be focusing in on a few of the key bits of functionality provided by CloudFront.

      For now just go ahead and complete this lesson and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video, I want to briefly talk about Amazon AppFlow at a high level.

      So in this video, I'll be covering the basics.

      If you need any other knowledge for the course that you're studying, then there will be additional videos.

      If you only see this one, don't worry, it's everything that you'll need to know.

      Now let's jump in and get started.

      AppFlow is an interesting service in that if you worked in this space and had this specific problem, you'll immediately see the value that the product provides.

      If not, you might not get the point.

      AppFlow is a fully managed integration service.

      Think of it like middleware.

      It allows you to exchange data between applications using flows.

      So applications are connected to using connectors and the main unit of configuration of the product is a flow.

      Now a flow consists of a source connector and a destination connector and other optional components.

      But at a high level, it's the job of the product to exchange data.

      Now examples of this might be to sync data across applications or aggregate data from different sources together to avoid data silos within your organization.

      By default, the service uses public endpoints which allows it to interact with public SaaS applications, but it can work using private link to access private sources.

      Now it comes with functionality for connecting to many of the most popular applications by default, but you can use the custom connector SDK to build your own.

      Now some examples where you might use the product are to sync contact records from Salesforce to Redshift for analysis, or to copy your support tickets from something like Zendesk into S3 for storage or analysis.

      AppFlow is one of those services which can do a lot.

      If you have a need for this type of functionality, you will immediately understand how awesome it is.

      Now visually, this is how the architecture might look.

      We start with a flow and into this, we configure source and destination connections.

      In this case, Slack and Redshift.

      Now connections store the configuration and credentials to access an application.

      And it's important to understand that they're defined separately from flows so they can be reused across many different flows.

      Now it's using connections with this example that the product knows how to connect to Slack and to Redshift and what authentication details to use for both of these applications.

      Now next within the flow, we define source and destination field mappings as well as any optional data transformation configuration.

      This is what in this example tells AppFlow what fields were interested in from Slack and where to write them in Redshift.

      We're also able to define optional filtering and validation within the flow to control what data we want to copy and what if any checks should be performed en route.

      And that at a high level is AppFlow.

      It's designed to enable you to exchange data between applications in a managed way.

      A basic architectural understanding is enough knowledge for most of the AWS exams.

      And if you need to know more, I'll include additional videos.

      If you only see this one, this is everything that you need to know.

      And at this point, that's everything I'm going to cover in this video.

      So go ahead and complete the video.

      And when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to very briefly touch on Amazon MQ.

      Amazon MQ is a product which is almost like a merge between SQS and SNS but using open standards.

      Now it's something that you need to understand for the exam so let's jump in and get started and I'm going to keep this as brief as possible.

      To understand when you would use Amazon MQ it's good to put it into context versus the other AWS products which are similar.

      SNS and SQS are AWS services which utilise AWS APIs.

      SNS provides topics which are one to many communication channels and SQS provides queues which are one to one communication channels.

      Now while queues can have multiple compute things adding to the queue and removing from it, conceptually it's the same worker group at each side so it's one to one communications and queues are generally used to allow different components of an application to be decoupled.

      Now both of these services so SNS and SQS are both public services within AWS meaning they can be accessed from anywhere which has network connectivity to the public endpoint for those services.

      They're also both highly scalable and integrated with AWS from an API's perspective but also other AWS products can directly use them.

      Now the problem is that larger organisations might already use topics and queues meaning they might already have an on-premise messaging system and this on-premise messaging system or queuing system might already use certain industry standards.

      That organisation might want to migrate that existing system into AWS and if that's the case SNS and SQS won't work without application modification.

      To migrate an existing messaging system or queuing system into AWS without application modification means that we need a standards compliant solution.

      Amazon MQ is an open source message broker.

      It's based on a managed implementation of Apache Active MQ which is one of the most common enterprise message broker solutions.

      If you need a system which supports the JMS API or protocols such as AMQP, MQTT, OpenWire or Stomp then this means that you need Amazon MQ.

      Now the product provides both queues and topics so it provides both one-to-one and one-to-many messaging architectures and it does so within the same product.

      Now it's a managed service but not managed in the same way that SNS and SQS are.

      With Amazon MQ you're provided with message broker servers and these can either be a single instance for test development or if you're cost conscious or a highly available pair for production usage.

      One critical thing to understand about Amazon MQ is that unlike SQS and SNS it's not a public service.

      It runs in a VPC and so private networking or holes in a firewall are required for anyone who needs to access it and it also doesn't have native AWS integration so you can't use it with other AWS products and services in the same way as SNS and SQS because other services expect to use SNS and SQS.

      So you do have to keep in mind both the strengths and the limitations of this product and in the exam you will be expected to be able to identify the types of situation when you would select to use Amazon MQ and I'll be touching upon that towards the end of this lesson.

      Now this is an architecture of SNS which you've seen before.

      Publishers add messages to a topic, subscribers get those messages delivered and SNS as a service runs in the public AWS zone so it's accessible anywhere which has a network connection.

      This is how SQS functions.

      Again messages can be added to a queue and received at the other side of that queue and once again it's an AWS public service meaning it's accessible anywhere which has a network connection with connectivity to the public SQS endpoint.

      So visually this is how a typical Amazon MQ deployment might look.

      You might have an existing on-premises environment with an existing messaging infrastructure.

      In this example a message producer interacts with an on-premise implementation of Active MQ.

      Now if you want to migrate this into AWS or begin a period of coexistence then you need an AWS environment and let's say we have one with two availability zones and let's say into this environment you provision a highly available pair of Amazon MQ servers which would deploy a primary and standby and use EFS for shared storage between the two by default.

      This means data is replicated between availability zones and between the brokers.

      Now the really really crucial thing to understand for the exam is that Amazon MQ is not a public service and this means that you need a private network connection between your on-premises environment and AWS.

      Now this could be a virtual private network or it could be a direct connect.

      This private networking means that the on-premises broker and the AWS managed pair can communicate over this connection.

      And this is what allows any migrated application to communicate with those brokers using standard protocols and integrate with the on-premises implementation.

      Now before we finish I want to go through a few considerations that you should be aware of for the exam.

      So your default position should be to use SNS or SQS for most new implementations where you require topics or queues.

      You should always select to use SNS or SQS if you need topics or queues and AWS integration is required.

      So if you want to take advantage of other AWS services for logging or permissions or encryption or if you're using other AWS services which expect SNS and SQS to exist then this is a good reason to pick SNS or SQS.

      You should choose Amazon MQ if you need to migrate from an existing system with little to no application change and especially if you need to utilize APIs such as JMS or protocols such as AMQP, MQTT, OpenWire and Stomp.

      Remember though if you do decide to use Amazon MQ and this is really important I've seen it in a number of exam questions you need to make sure that you do have the appropriate private networking configured.

      Amazon MQ is not a public service.

      It occupies a VPC and anything which accesses the service needs to have access to that networking inside the VPC.

      Now again you don't need to have extensive knowledge of this product for the exam.

      I have started to see more and more questions crop up dealing with hybrid style scenarios where an existing system exists on premises and you need to migrate from it into AWS or establish coexistence with that existing system and for both of those type of architectures Amazon MQ is an excellent solution.

      With that being said though that's everything I wanted to cover in this lesson so go ahead complete the lesson and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about AWS Glue.

      Glue is an interesting product which starts to feature more in the AWS exams and more in real world projects which I've been exposed to.

      Now I'm only going to be talking about it in terms of the architectural theory in this lesson because anything more is well beyond the scope of this course.

      So let's just jump in and take a look.

      AWS Glue is a serverless ETL or Extract, Transform and Load system.

      There's another product within AWS called Data Pipeline which can also do ETL processors but this uses compute within your account.

      Specifically it creates EMR clusters to perform the tasks.

      Glue is serverless.

      AWS provide and manage all of the resources as part of the managed service.

      Now at a high level, Glue is used to move data and transform data between a source and destination.

      And these sources and destinations are databases, streams or other stores of data such as S3.

      If you want to take source data and restructure it or enrich it, then you can use a Glue job to handle that in a serverless way.

      Glue also crawls data sources and generates the AWS Glue Data Catalog which I'll cover in more detail next.

      Glue supports a range of data locations.

      Source data stores such as S3, RDS and any JDBC compatible databases such as Redshift or others and DynamoDB fall under this category.

      We've also got source streams such as Kinesis Data Streams and Apache Kafka and then we've got data targets which include S3, RDS and again any JDBC compatible databases.

      So that's AWS Glue at a high level.

      Now let's quickly focus on Data Catalog.

      AWS Glue provides a data catalog and if you've never heard that term, a data catalog is a collection of metadata combined with data management and search tools.

      Essentially it's persistent metadata about data sources within a region.

      Now the AWS Glue Data Catalog provides one unique data catalog in every region of every AWS account and it helps avoid data silos because rather than data being hidden away somewhere managed by a particular team and not visible to any other teams in the organization, it makes this metadata, the data structure available to be browsed and then brought into other systems using the ETL features of Glue.

      So it's something that improves the visibility of data across an organization.

      Now various AWS Data Related products can use Glue for ETL and catalog services, like Athena, Redshift Spectrum, EMR, AWS Lake Formation, they all use Data Catalog in some way and the way data is discovered is by configuring crawlers and giving them credentials and then pointing them at sources and letting them go to work.

      Visually this is how the components of Glue fit together.

      Let's start with the Data Catalog functionality.

      So we have some data sources on the left, S3, RDS, maybe some JDBC compatible stores, DynamoDB, Kinesis, Kafka and much more.

      So we configure data crawlers which connect to these stores.

      They connect, they determine, schemers, they create metadata and all of this information goes into a data catalog which means that rather than those data stores being siloed, we now have visibility of them across the organization.

      So this data catalog can be connected to by users of the AWS account and so all members of the business can get value from all of the data by using it in other areas than the area that it was gathered in.

      So it essentially publicizes data from across an organization.

      It makes it visible.

      It allows a finance team to use data that's gathered by different teams within the organization.

      Now the other components of Glue are Glue jobs and the Data Catalog is also used as part of Glue jobs.

      Glue jobs are extract, transform and load jobs.

      So data is extracted from a source and then loaded into a destination and in the middle Glue can perform transformation using a script which you create.

      Now Glue is serverless and as such you don't need to manage the compute which is used to perform the transformation.

      Instead AWS maintain a pool of resources and these are used to perform the transform tasks when required and you're only billed for the resources which you consume.

      Now Glue jobs can be started manually or invoked in an event driven way using events from other sources or scheduled events within EventBridge and that's pretty much what you need to understand about Glue for the exam.

      It's an extract, transform and load or ETL service and a data catalog service which is serverless and it forms part of the data and data analytics services provided by AWS.

      Historically the ETL part of this has been done using Data Pipeline and so in exam questions you will generally only have one or the other.

      So either Data Pipeline or Glue.

      If you see both then look for keywords such as serverless, ad hoc or cost effective and if you see these you should pick Glue rather than Data Pipeline.

      So Data Pipeline does offer some additional functionality versus Glue but over time it's my expectation that the Glue product will replace the functionality offered by Data Pipeline.

      At this point though that's everything I wanted to cover in this lesson so go ahead and complete the lesson and then when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to go into some more depth about Amazon Cognito which is one of the core identity products available within AWS.

      Now we do have a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      Now this is going to be one of the most important non-graphical screens of information in the entire course.

      I want to make sure that you understand the terrible naming within the Cognito product.

      Cognito provides two main pieces of functionality.

      Both are very different but both are essential to understand.

      Now the service as a whole provides authentication, authorization and user management for web and/or mobile applications.

      Now authentication means to login to verify credentials.

      Authorization means to manage access to services and user management means to allow the creation and management of a serverless user database.

      Now there are two parts of Cognito.

      User pools and identity pools and the naming on these is terrible.

      This is why most students struggle to understand the detail of how Cognito works.

      The end goal of a user pool is to allow you to sign in and if successful you get a JSON web token known as a JWT.

      This JWT can be used for authentication with applications, certain AWS products such as API Gateway can even accept it directly.

      But, and this is crucial to understand, most AWS services cannot use JWTs.

      To access most AWS services you need actual AWS credentials.

      Now user pools do not grant access to AWS services, their job is to control sign in and deliver a JWT.

      So they do things like sign up and sign in services.

      They also provide a built-in customizable web user interface to sign in users.

      They provide certain security features such as multi-factor authentication.

      They check for compromised credentials and they offer account takeover protection as well as phone and email verification.

      Now you can also implement customized workflows and user migration by using Lambda triggers and we'll talk about that if applicable elsewhere in the course.

      Now where it gets confusing is that user pools as well as allowing sign in from built-in users.

      They also allow social sign in using identities provided by Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple, as well as offering sign-in services using other identity types such as SAML identity providers.

      But the important thing to understand is this is about offering a joined up user management experience.

      At no point can a user pool be used to directly access most AWS resources.

      When you think of user pools imagine a database of users which can include external identities.

      They sign in and they get a JWT.

      That's it.

      I'm stressing this point because it's really important to conceptually separate this from an identity pool which is coming up next.

      Now the aim of an identity pool is to exchange a type of external identity for a set of temporary AWS credentials which can then be used to access AWS resources.

      Now one option is unauthenticated identities which can be used to offer guest access to AWS resources.

      Imagine you have a mobile application and want to allow high scores to be stored in a leaderboard which is hosted using DynamoDB and you want to offer this without a user having to sign up and this is one way to do that.

      Identity pools can also be used to swap an external identity for temporary AWS credentials and this means things like Google identity, Facebook, Twitter, SAML 2.0 for corporate logins and even user pool identities.

      So from an identity pool perspective user pools are just treated as another form of identity.

      Now all of these are examples of authenticated identities.

      If another identity provider which we trust say that they have authenticated successfully then identity pools will exchange that identity for temporary AWS credentials.

      Now I hope at this point that you do see the difference.

      User pools are about offering a joined up sign up or sign in experience with user directory and profile management services.

      So it's about login and about managing user identities.

      Identity pools are about swapping either an unauthenticated or authenticated identity for AWS credentials and one possible type of identity is actually a user pool identity.

      And this is a reason why these two different components of Cognito are often difficult to separate because they can operate together.

      Now identity pools work by assuming an IAM role on behalf of the identity.

      That assumption generates temporary credentials and they're provided back in return in most cases to a mobile or web application.

      These IAM roles are configured within identity pools and there's going to be a demo coming up very soon where you can experience that.

      Now for the rest of this lesson let's just step through a few architecture overviews and I think doing this visually will help you to understand how the product works.

      First let's step through an architecture which just uses user pools.

      Remember user pools are about user management, sign in, sign up and anything associated with that process.

      So we start with a web and mobile application and a Cognito user pool with both internal identities and social sign in.

      So anyone can sign in to the pool with any type of identity and the result is a Cognito user pool token also known as a JSON web token or JWT.

      This user pool token proves that the identity has been used to sign in and it now represents a Cognito user pool user.

      Whether an internal user is used or a social identity the authenticated identity is now a user pool identity.

      And this token can then be used to access self-managed resources such as applications running on servers that you manage or accessing databases which you also manage.

      It can also be used with an API gateway which is capable of accepting user pool tokens directly.

      Remember these are known as JWTs.

      An API gateway is capable of accepting JWTs for authentication.

      So let's focus for a second on what's just happened.

      A user pool is a collection of identities of users.

      It's used to allow sign up and sign in both for internal users and social sign in.

      The tokens which are generated as a result can be used for self-managed systems and the tokens can be used to authenticate for API gateway.

      But, and this is the single biggest thing to remember about Cognito, these tokens cannot be used to access AWS resources.

      In general that requires AWS credentials and AWS credentials can be handed out via identity pools.

      So let's look at those next.

      So we have the same web and mobile application.

      This time though we aren't using user pools.

      We're allowing customers to log in directly using external identities.

      How this works is as follows.

      We start with a collection of supported external identities.

      And these include the same social identities which I've demonstrated previously with user pools.

      Our application allows users to sign in with any of those external identities.

      So when they click on a sign in button within our application, they're directed at an external ID provider sign in page.

      You might have experienced one of these before.

      This is an example of the sign in with Google page.

      After a customer authenticates with their Google credentials, which it's worth pointing out that we never have access to.

      Because this sign in takes place on the external identity provider.

      In any case we receive a Google token as a result, but it could be a Facebook token, an Amazon token or whatever external ID provider is used.

      Crucially it can be one of many different types.

      And if we want to support many different external identity providers, then we need to configure that support.

      But now that we have this external ID provider token, this proves that a user has logged in with an external ID provider.

      This token can't be used to access AWS resources and that's where identity pools come in handy.

      Our application takes this token and passes it to an identity pool that we've configured.

      We've configured this to support every external identity that we want to allow logins from.

      This is a key thing to keep in mind.

      If we want to support five external ID providers, we need five different configurations, five different types of token to be supported.

      What happens next is that Cognito is configured with roles, at least one for authenticated identities and one for unauthenticated or guest identities.

      In this case we have an authenticated identity, the Google token.

      And so on our behalf Cognito assumes a role and generates temporary AWS credentials which are then passed back to the application.

      The application can then use these credentials to access AWS resources.

      Once they expire, the application renews them again using Cognito and the process continues.

      The permissions the application has are based on the roles permissions.

      At no point does the application store any credentials within code or any credentials permanently.

      So the process is that an external identity provider authenticates a user, Cognito identity pools swap the external ID token for temporary credentials and these are used to authorize access to AWS resources.

      So once again focus on the fact that user pools are about sign in and sign up for users and identity pools are about swapping identity tokens from an external ID provider for temporary AWS credentials.

      These are two very different and isolated tasks.

      Now you can use user pools and identity pools together to fix one small lingering problem.

      With this configuration your application has to be able to deal with many different ID tokens from many different external providers.

      Now one option is that we could use user pools to handle the many different types of identity and then we can use identity pools to swap the Cognito user pool token for AWS credentials.

      Now the swapping of any external ID provider token for AWS credentials is known as Web Identity Federation and you're going to experience that term both in the real world and in the exam.

      So let's quickly step through the final architecture which combines both user pools and identity pools.

      We start with a user pool and this is configured to support external identities and its internal store of users.

      Whatever is used, whichever identity type is used to log in, the identity that's authenticated is now a Cognito user pool user.

      So there's only one type of token which is generated whether sign in is using internal users or social sign in.

      This is the user pool token or JWT.

      By using a user pool we've abstracted away from all of the configuration of many different external ID providers.

      We have conceptually one user store to manage, one set of user profiles all provided via a Cognito user pool.

      So if you log in with a user pool user or if you log in via the user pool but using Google credentials the outcome is the same.

      A user pool token is returned to the application so the user pool simplifies the management of identity tokens.

      Next the application can pass this user pool token into an identity pool and this assumes an IAM role defined in the identity pool which generates temporary AWS credentials and these temporary credentials are returned to the application.

      The benefit to this approach is that the identity pool need only be configured with a single external identity provider, the user pool.

      But otherwise the process is the same as using an identity pool directly just with less admin overhead.

      The application can then use those AWS credentials to access AWS resources and that's pretty much everything I wanted to cover.

      Now in summary user pools manage user sign up and user sign in either internal or using social logins.

      And what you get as a result is a user pool token also known as JSON web token or JWT and that is the output of any form of sign in using user pools.

      Now identity pools swap external identity tokens for AWS credentials.

      This process is called federation.

      External identity tokens can be direct external identity tokens such as Google, Amazon, Facebook and many others or they can be user pool tokens which can themselves represent external ID logins.

      Once an application uses an identity pool to gain access to temporary AWS credentials it can access AWS resources.

      Now this process allows for a near unlimited number of users.

      An unlimited is much more than the 5000 I am user limit which means this is great for web scale applications.

      Now you're going to get experience of identity pools in an upcoming advanced demo.

      For now though that's everything that I wanted to cover.

      Really try to focus on understanding the two different parts of Cognito really well.

      I promise it will be helpful for both the exam and for the real world.

      Now at this point that's everything I wanted to cover so thanks for watching.

      Go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover another product within the Kinesis family, Kinesis Video Streams.

      Now this product is a little bit different than the others in the family, it's still used for streams but this time for video data.

      So let's jump in and take a look.

      Kinesis Video Streams allows you to ingest live video streaming data from producers and producers can be security cameras, smartphones, cars, drones or non-video but time serialized data such as audio data, thermal data, depth or even radar data.

      Now once the media is inside AWS then consumers can access the data frame by frame or as needed to perform further analysis and on the next screen I'll be demonstrating an architecture involving recognition which is a service I cover elsewhere in the course.

      Kinesis Video Streams can persist data and encrypt data both in transit and at rest and it does this as a managed service.

      Now you can't access the data directly that's ingested by Kinesis Video Streams and that's really critical to understand for the exam.

      It's not stored in its original format, it's all been indexed and stored in a structured way inside the product so don't let any exam question fool you into thinking that you can access the data directly on storage such as EBS or S3 or EFS.

      It's not possible you have to go via the product itself.

      Now Kinesis Video Streams integrates with other AWS services and two really common examples a recognition for live stream deep learning based analytics for example facial recognition and something like Kinect for voicemail or other audio streaming.

      Now let's step through a fairly common style of architecture which uses Kinesis Video Streams and recognition because this should help you understand all the different components and how they can be used for the exam.

      Now let's say we have a smart home so we have a cat, a doggo and three video cameras and we want a solution where we can detect any known or unknown faces in the house and alert us if anything is concerning so those three cameras stream their video feeds into AWS specifically three Kinesis Video Streams one per camera.

      Now this means we don't need any processing in the house no hardware designed to perform complex analysis on the video and it means that we've got a location to store the video data in some form outside of the property.

      So we configure those three video streams to integrate with recognition video this is a product I've talked about elsewhere in the course which provides deep learning based intelligence for images and video and one of the things that it can do is facial recognition on live video streams so the Kinesis Video Streams are integrated with recognition and we also define a face collection so data on some known faces which we expect in our house so we've got Bob the homeowner, Julie his friend another random friend and Whiskers small group of cat sitters for when his human minion isn't around.

      Now recognition then analyzes the streamed data and outputs an analysis to a Kinesis data stream.

      The analysis includes details of any faces which are detected in the video stream and in addition to that list of detected faces it can identify any of those which it has a level of confidence match one of the faces in the face collection.

      Now we can configure a lambda function to be invoked based on records in the Kinesis data streams so the lambda function is invoked and can analyze every record in the stream and then it can make some logic based decisions based on whether it detects known or unknown faces and if a face is detected which shouldn't be there then the lambda function can utilize the simple notification service which can be used to send Bob or Julie a notification and this is an example of a very simple architecture using Kinesis video streams and recognition that can be used for an event driven video analytics workflow.

      Now the product is capable of doing so much more but in the exam if you see any mention of any live video streaming and any analytics that needs to be performed on that video stream if you see any mention of G streamer or RTSP then you can probably think about using Kinesis video streams as your default answer.

      With that being said though I don't expect it to feature in the exam in a detailed way so that's everything that you need to know to cover you for any exam questions so go ahead complete this video and when you ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics.

      This is a real-time data processing product and it's critical that you understand its features together with when you should and shouldn't use it for the exam.

      Before I start talking about Kinesis Data Analytics I want to position the product relative to everything else.

      Kinesis data streams are used to allow the large-scale ingestion of data into AWS and the consumption of that data by other compute resources known as consumers.

      Kinesis Data Firehose provides delivery services.

      It accepts data in and then delivers it to supported destinations in near real-time and it can also use Lambda to perform transformation of that data as it passes through.

      Kinesis Data Analytics is a service which provides real-time processing of data which flows through it using the structured query language known as SQL.

      Data inputs at one side, queries run against that data in real-time and then data is output to destinations at the other.

      The product ingests from either Kinesis data streams or Kinesis Firehose and can optionally pull in static reference data from S3 but I'll show you how that works visually in a moment.

      Now after data is processed it can be sent on in real-time to destinations and currently the supported destinations are Firehose and indirectly any of the destinations which Firehose supports but keep in mind if you're using Firehose then the data becomes near real-time rather than real-time.

      The product also directly supports AWS Lambda as a destination as well as Kinesis Data Streams and in both of those cases the data delivery is real-time so you only have near real-time if you choose Firehose or any of those indirect destinations.

      If you use Lambda or Kinesis Data Streams then you keep the real-time nature of the data.

      Conceptually the product fits between two streams of data input streams and output streams and it allows you in real-time to use SQL queries to adjust the data from the input to the output.

      Now let's look at it visually because it will be easier to see how all of the various components fit together.

      So on the left we start with the inputs the source streams and this can be Kinesis Streams or Kinesis Firehose.

      In the middle we create a Kinesis Analytics application this is a real-time product and I'll explain what that means in a second.

      The Kinesis Analytics application can also take data in from a static reference source an S3 bucket and then the Kinesis Analytics application will output to destination streams on the right so Kinesis Streams or Kinesis Firehose.

      Remember all of these are external sources or destinations they exist outside of Kinesis Data Analytics.

      Kinesis Data Analytics doesn't actually modify the sources in any way what actually happens is this inside the analytics application you define sources and destinations known as inputs and outputs.

      So conceptually what happens is for the input side objects called in application input streams are created based on the inputs.

      Now you can think of these like normal database tables but they contain a constantly updated stream of data from the input sources the actual Kinesis Streams or Firehose.

      These exist inside the analytics application but they always match what's happening on the streams which are outside of the application.

      Now the reference table is a table which matches data contained within an S3 bucket and it can be used to store static data which can enrich the data coming in over the streams.

      Consider the example of a popular online game where a Kinesis Stream has all of the data about player scores and player activities.

      In this particular case the reference table might contain data on player information which can augment the stuff coming in via the stream so if the stream only contains the raw score and activity data then the reference data will contain other metadata about those players so maybe player names certain items the player has or awards and these can all be used to enrich the data that's coming in real time from Kinesis Streams.

      Now the core to the Kinesis Analytics application is the application code and this is coded using the structured query language or SQL.

      It processes inputs and it produces outputs so in this case it operates on data in the in application input stream table and the reference table and any output from the SQL statement is added to in application output streams and again think of these like tables which exist within the Kinesis Analytics application only these tables map onto real external streams so any data that's outputted into those tables by the Kinesis Analytics application is entered onto the Kinesis Stream or Kinesis Firehose and then these will feed into any consumers of the stream or destinations of the firehose.

      Additionally any errors generated by the SQL query can be added to an in application error stream and all of this happens in real time so data is captured from the source streams via the in application input stream so the virtual tables it's manipulated by the analytics application using the SQL query and then stored into the in application output streams which put that data into either the external Kinesis Stream or external Kinesis Firehose.

      All of this just to stress it again happens in real time and if the output data is delivered into a Kinesis Stream then it stays real time if the output data is delivered into a Kinesis Firehose then it becomes near real time delivering to all of those supported destinations.

      Now you only pay for the data processed by the application but it is not cheap so you should only use it for scenarios which really fit this type of need and before we finish this lesson let's talk about that the scenarios where you might choose to use Kinesis data analytics.

      Now there are some particular use cases or scenarios which fit using Kinesis data analytics at a high level this is anything which uses streaming data that needs real time SQL based processing so things like time series analytics so maybe election data and e-sports things like real-time dashboards for games so high score tables or leaderboards and even things like real-time metrics for security and response teams anything which needs real-time stream-based SQL processing is an ideal candidate for Kinesis data analytics.

      Now I mentioned in the previous lesson that data firehose can also support transformation of data using lambda but remember the key differentiator is that data firehose is not a real-time product and using lambda you're restricted to relatively simple manipulations of data.

      Using Kinesis data analytics you can create complex SQL queries and use those queries to manipulate input data into whatever format you want for the output data so it has a lot more in terms of features than data firehose so if you're dealing with any exam questions which need really complex manipulation of data in real-time then Kinesis data analytics is the product to choose.

      Okay so with that being said that's everything that I wanted to cover in this theory lesson go ahead complete the lesson and then when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next lesson.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk in detail about Amazon Kinesis data firehose.

      Now this is one product out of the Kinesis product set which combined a design to cope with large amounts of streaming data ingestion consumption and management within AWS.

      Now it's important for the exam that you really understand the different situations when you would use each of the Kinesis family of products so let's jump in and explore data firehose in detail.

      You learned in the last lesson that Kinesis data streams is a product which provides a way for producers to send huge quantities of data into AWS, storing that data for a window of time and then allowing multiple consumers to consume that data at different rates.

      Now producers need to be designed to put data into Kinesis and consumers need to be designed to consume data from Kinesis.

      What Kinesis by default doesn't offer is a way to persist that data.

      Once records in Kinesis age past the end of the rolling window then they're gone forever.

      Now Kinesis data firehose is a fully managed service to deliver data to supported services including S3 which lets data be persisted beyond the rolling window of Kinesis data streams.

      Data firehose is also used to load data into data lake products, data stores and analytics services within AWS.

      So data firehose scales automatically.

      It's fully servalous and it's resilient.

      Firehose accepts data and it offers near real-time delivery of that data to destinations.

      Now this is key for the exam.

      It is not a real-time product, it is a near real-time product.

      So generally the delay is anywhere around the 60 second mark.

      So it's not like Kinesis which offers consumers fully real-time access to data which is ingested.

      Firehose is near real-time.

      So remember that one for the exam.

      Firehose also supports the transformation of data on the fly using lambda.

      Anything that you can define in a lambda function can be done to data being handled by firehose but be aware that it can add latency depending on the complexity of the processing.

      Now firehose is a pay-as-you-go service.

      You'll build based on data volume passing through the service.

      So it's a really cost-effective service which handles the delivery of data through to supported destinations.

      So let's look at the architecture of firehose visually.

      We start with Kinesis data firehose in the middle.

      The end result of firehose is to deliver incoming data through to a number of supported destinations.

      Now these are important for you to remember for the exam.

      You need to be able to pick if firehose is a valid solution and for that you need to know the valid destinations for the service.

      So it can deliver data to HTTP endpoints which means it can deliver to third-party providers.

      It directly supports delivery to Splunk.

      It can deliver data into Redshift.

      It can also deliver data into Elasticsearch and then finally it can deliver data into S3.

      Firehose can directly accept data from producers or that data can be obtained from a Kinesis data stream.

      So if you already have a set of producers adding data into a Kinesis data stream then we might want to integrate that with firehose.

      Remember these producers are adding data into the Kinesis stream.

      That data is available in real time by any consumers of that stream but Kinesis offers no way to persist that data anywhere or no way to deliver it natively to any other services.

      But what we can do is to integrate the Kinesis data stream with the Kinesis firehose delivery stream.

      That data is delivered into firehose in real time.

      Now producers can also send data directly into firehose if you have no need for the features that Kinesis data streams provide or you just want to use firehose directly.

      In any case firehose actually receives the data in real time but this is where that changes.

      So even though firehose receives data in real time firehose itself is not a real-time service.

      Kinesis data streams are real time but firehose is what's known as a near real-time service.

      What this means in practice is that any data being handled by the service is buffered for delivery.

      Firehose waits for one MB of data or 60 seconds.

      These can be adjusted but these are the general minimums of the product.

      So for low volume producers firehose will generally wait for the full 60 seconds and then deliver that data through to the destinations.

      For high volume producers it will deliver every MB of data that's injected into the product.

      So even though firehose gets the data in real time it doesn't deliver it to the destination in real time and that's essential to remember for the exam.

      So if there are any answers which involve firehose it cannot be a real-time solution.

      It can only be near real time.

      So from an AWS perspective something in the range of 200 milliseconds would be a real-time product but something in the range of 60 seconds would be classified as near real time and you need to get a feel for the differences between those two and which products fit into which of those categories.

      Now firehose can actually transform the data passing through it using lambda.

      So source records added to firehose are sent to a lambda function and functions can be created from blueprints to perform common tasks and then transformed records are sent back for delivery but this can add to the latency of data flowing through the product.

      And if you do decide to do a transform then you can optionally store the unmodified data in a backup bucket which you define.

      Once the buffer or time buffer passes then data is passed into the final destinations so transformed records can be sent into S3 or directly to Elasticsearch or directly to Splunk or HTTP endpoints.

      The only exception to this architecture for delivery is when you're using Redshift.

      What happens with Redshift is it uses an intermediate S3 bucket and then runs a Redshift copy to bring the data from S3 into the product.

      So even though conceptually it's direct when used you're actually copying data to an intermediate location an S3 bucket and then you're running the copy command to pull that data into Redshift and that's handled all end-to-end by the data firehose product.

      Now there are a few common situations where firehose will be used.

      You might use it to provide persistence to data coming into a Kinesis stream so providing a permanent storage of data that comes into a stream so it's not lost when it exits the rolling window that Kinesis data streams provide or you might use it if you want to store data in a different format because firehose can transform it using Lambda.

      Or you might want to deliver data that comes either directly into firehose or via data stream into one of the supported products.

      But just keep in mind though it is not real-time.

      I need to stress that for the exam it's only near real-time.

      You trade the fact that you don't have to build this yourself so you don't need to put in the effort to build this solution but what you lose is the real-time nature of Kinesis.

      If you need a solution which handles data in real-time then you need to stick to Kinesis and use something like a Lambda function to handle what to do with that data.

      Say delivering it in real-time to Elasticsearch.

      Now with that being said that is everything I wanted to cover in this lesson.

      For the exam you just need a good architectural overview of how the firehose product works and some of the scenarios which it might be used for.

      So really try to focus on these core concepts.

      Exactly what firehose does.

      Try to commit to memory that it's only a near real-time product and make sure that you remember all of the supported destinations.

      Now thanks for watching.

      Go ahead and complete this lesson and then when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to talk about another product within AWS, Kinesis Data Streams.

      So let's just jump in and get started.

      Kinesis is a service that a lot of people I talk to confuse with SQS.

      There are even exam questions which test your ability to select between the two.

      Now this shouldn't be a difficult thing to do because they're actually very different products designed for different situations.

      Kinesis is a scalable streaming service.

      Now what I mean by this is that it's designed to ingest data, lots of data from lots of devices or applications.

      Producers send data into a Kinesis stream.

      The stream is the basic entity of Kinesis and it can scale from low levels of data throughput to near infinite amounts of data.

      Now Kinesis is a public service and it's highly available in a region by design.

      You don't need to worry about replication or providing access from a network perspective like other application services within AWS.

      All of this is handled as a service.

      Kinesis Streams provide a level of persistence.

      You have a default 24 hour rolling window so when data is ingested by a Kinesis stream from a producer it's accessible for 24 hours by default from that point.

      So data which is 24 hours and one second old is discarded.

      Now as a product it includes storage for that amount of data so however much you ingest within that 24 hour period the storage is included.

      And this window can be increased up to a maximum of 365 days for additional costs.

      Kinesis supports lots of producers pushing data into a stream but also multiple consumers reading data from that same stream.

      And consumers can access data from anywhere within the rolling window.

      For example the default 24 hours.

      And each of these consumers might access this data at different levels of granularity so maybe looking at data every second or looking at data points once per minute or once per hour.

      This makes Kinesis great for things like analytics and dashboards.

      Now visually the product architecture looks like this.

      On the right we have producers and these might be things like EC2 instances, on-premises servers, mobile applications or devices and even things like IoT sensors.

      On the left we have consumers.

      Again these could be on-premises servers running software to access Kinesis, EC2 instances or even Lambda functions which can be configured to invoke when data is added to the stream.

      In the middle is the stream itself and it's into this that producers send data so the stream ingests this data.

      And it's from this that consumers read the data.

      Now the way that a Kinesis stream scales is by using a shard architecture.

      A stream starts off with one shard and as additional scale is required shards are added to the stream.

      Now each shard provides its own capacity.

      One MB per second of ingestion capacity and two MB per second of consumption.

      The more shards a stream has the more expensive it is and the more performance that it provides.

      Now what also impacts the price is the data window.

      As I mentioned previously by default a stream provides a 24 hour window and this can be increased up to 365 days for additional cost.

      And remember the window is also persistent so a 365 day window means 365 days worth of data stored by Kinesis.

      The way that the data is stored on a stream is via Kinesis data records and these have a maximum size of one MB.

      Kinesis data records are stored across shards meaning the performance scales in a linear way based on the number of shards.

      Kinesis also has a related product called the Kinesis data fire hose and there will be a separate video discussing this in more detail.

      This connects to a Kinesis stream and can move the data which arrives onto a stream en masse into another AWS service.

      An example being S3.

      So if you have a fleet of sensors which stream data into Kinesis and that's used for real time analysis but if you also need to store this longer term maybe to analyse it using a different AWS product such as EMR which is a big data analytics tool then you can put that data into S3 using Kinesis fire hose.

      Now I just want to spend a few moments more comparing SQS and Kinesis so that you understand the differences from a conceptual level.

      Now one of the common areas of confusion is this difference between these two products.

      When should you pick SQS versus Kinesis?

      Well if you're in the exam and you're reviewing one particular question then you need to review it through this lens.

      Is the question about the ingestion of data or is it about worker pools decoupling or does it mention asynchronous communications?

      Well if it's about the ingestion of data it's going to be Kinesis.

      If it's about any of the others then assume it's SQS first and only change your mind if you have strong reasons to do so.

      SQS generally has one thing or one group of things sending messages to the queue.

      This might be something like a web tier inside an auto scaling group.

      Generally you won't have hundreds or thousands of sensors sending to an SQS queue.

      It's not designed for that type of workflow.

      Additionally you'll generally only have one consumer or group of consumers reading from the queue, generally a worker tier.

      SQS queues are generally used for decoupling application components.

      They allow asynchronous communications where the sender and receiver don't need to be aware of each other and don't care about each other.

      SQS also doesn't really provide the concept of persistence.

      Messages on a queue are temporary.

      Once they're received and processed the next step is deletion at which point they're gone forever.

      There's no concept of a time window within SQS queues.

      Now contrast this to Kinesis.

      It's designed for huge scale ingestion of data.

      Lots of things sending data into a stream at potentially super high data rates.

      And it's designed for multiple consumers, each of which might be consuming data at different rates.

      Kinesis is designed for ingestion, analytics, monitoring, application clicks or mobile click streams.

      If you think for a minute about the two products they aren't all that similar, either in function or in terms of the ideal architecture.

      Try and make sure that before you go into the exam you really clearly see the distinction between these two products.

      There's always going to be one or two questions asking you about either of these products and generally one which asks you to pick between them for a given scenario.

      Now that's everything that I wanted to cover in this video at the high level about Kinesis data streams.

      Thanks for watching, go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about dead letter queues which is another piece of SQS functionality which you need to be aware of.

      So let's just jump in and get started.

      Dead letter queues are designed to help you handle reoccurring failures while processing messages which are within an SQS queue.

      So let's say that you have a queue and inside this queue is a single message and let's say that this particular message is problematic.

      Something about it is causing errors while processing it.

      So the first time that it's received it's invisible for the duration of the visibility timeout.

      Then once the visibility timeout expires it appears again in the queue assuming that it hasn't been successfully processed and then explicitly deleted.

      But imagine that this process happens again and again.

      The message is received, processing fails and eventually the message appears again after the visibility timeout.

      This process could continue forever and it's this issue which dead letter queues aim to fix.

      Every time the message is received the receive count attribute is incremented initially 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 then 5 and so on.

      What we can do is define a redrive policy.

      So this defines the source queue, the dead letter queue to use and the conditions where the message will be moved into this dead letter queue and it defines a variable called max receive count.

      So how this works is that when the receive count on a given message is more than the max receive count and when the message isn't explicitly deleted it's moved to the dead letter queue.

      Setting up a dead letter queue gives you some really useful pieces of functionality.

      It allows you to configure an alarm for any messages which are delivered to a dead letter queue so this could automatically notify you if you have any problematic messages.

      It's a separate area which allows you to perform separate isolated diagnostics so you can examine logs for a particular message to determine why it's repeatedly failed processing.

      You can analyze the contents of messages which are delivered to a dead letter queue to diagnose what's causing the issue and it also allows you to test or apply separate processing which can be used for problematic messages.

      Now one really important thing to keep in mind when you're using dead letter queues in the real world all SQS queues have retention periods for messages so if a message ages past a certain point and hasn't been processed then that message is dropped.

      Now the way that this works is that when a message is added to a queue it has an N queue timestamp so the timestamp of the point that it was sent into the queue.

      Now when you're moving a message from a normal queue to a dead letter queue this N queue timestamp is not adjusted so it remains the same the timestamp is maintained and it's the date and time when it was added to the original queue so you have to be really careful when a message is moved into a dead letter queue.

      If a message for example has been in a source queue for one day and the retention period on a dead letter queue is two days the message will only remain in the dead letter queue for one additional day because this original N queue timestamp is used rather than the date and time that the message was moved into the dead letter queue so generally the retention period of dead letter queues should be longer than source queues and this takes into account that the N queue timestamp is not updated when the message is moved between queues.

      So dead letter queues are a really useful architecture which allows you to build additional rigor into any processes surrounding queues.

      It allows you to define this dead letter queue which helps with diagnostics, you can add additional processing features which allow problematic messages to be processed and many other use cases and finally a single dead letter queue can be used for multiple source queues so that's also something to keep in mind.

      Now that's everything I wanted to cover in this lesson so thanks for watching go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover a feature of SQS called delay cues.

      And this is going to be a quick topic.

      It's just something that you'll need to understand for the exam and it might come in useful for the real world.

      So let's just jump in and get started.

      Delay cues at a high level allow you to postpone the delivery of messages to consumers.

      Now as a refresher, by now you'll understand the concept of a visibility timeout.

      The concept is simple enough but we'll use this as an opportunity for a quick refresher.

      So we start with an SQS cue and inside this cue we send a single message which has added to the cue using the send message operation.

      Once a message is in the cue, messages can be polled using receive message.

      And while the message is being processed, the visibility timeout takes effect.

      During this time any further receive message calls will return no results.

      During this processing period, either the process will complete and the message will be explicitly deleted or not.

      If not, this suggests a failure in processing and the message will reappear on the cue.

      Now the visibility timeout period is configurable.

      The default is 30 seconds and the valid range is 0 seconds through to 12 hours.

      And this value can be changed on a per cue or per message basis in which case it's changed with the change message visibility operation.

      Now the critical thing to understand about visibility timeout is that messages need to appear on the cue and be received before this visibility timeout occurs.

      So this is used to allow automatic reprocessing.

      So you receive messages from a cue and you begin processing.

      If that processing fails and the application doing it crashes, it might not be in a position where it can tell the cue that processing has failed.

      And so visibility timeout means that after a certain configurable duration that message will reappear in the cue and can be processed again.

      So visibility timeout is generally used for error correction and automatic reprocessing.

      Now a delay cue is significantly different.

      With a delay cue we configure a value called delay seconds on that cue.

      Now this means that messages which are added to the cue will start off in an invisible state for that period of time.

      So when messages are added they're conceptually parked or invisible for that duration of time.

      They're not available on the cue.

      During this delay seconds period any receive messages operation will return nothing.

      Once the period expires the message will be visible on the cue.

      Now the default is zero and for a cue to be a delay cue it needs to be set to a non-zero value and the maximum is 15 minutes.

      You can also use message timers to configure this on a per message basis and this has the same minimum of zero and maximum of 15 minutes.

      But it is important to know that you can't use this per message setting on 5-0 cues.

      It's not supported.

      Delay cues in a way are similar to visibility timeouts because both features make messages unavailable to consumers for a specific period of time.

      But the difference between the two is that for delay cues a message is hidden automatically when it's first added to the cue.

      Using visibility timeouts a message is initially visible and it's only hidden after it's consumed from the cue and automatically reappears if that message isn't deleted.

      So delay cues are generally used when you need to build in a delay in processing into your application.

      Maybe you need to perform a certain set of tasks before you begin processing a message or maybe you want to add a certain amount of time between an action that a customer takes and for the processing of the message that represents that action.

      Visibility timeouts are used to support automatic reprocessing of problematic messages.

      So it's important to understand that these two are completely different features.

      Now with that being said that is everything I wanted to cover in this lesson.

      I'll make sure I include some links attached to this lesson which provide additional information but this is what you'll need to understand for the exam and to get started in the real world.

      At this point though you can go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next lesson.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to quickly step through the differences between standard SQSQs and FIFO SQSQs.

      So let's quickly jump in and get started.

      To get started with understanding some of the architectural differences between standard and FIFO Qs, I want you to think about FIFO Qs as single-lane highways and then think about standard Qs as multi-lane highways.

      Imagine the messages as cars driving along these highways.

      What this means is that the performance of a FIFO Q, so the number of cars per second in this analogy and the number of messages per second in reality, is limited by the width of the road.

      FIFO Qs can handle 300 messages per second without batching and 3000 width.

      Now this is actually 300 transactions per second to the SQS API when using FIFO mode.

      Each transaction is one message but with batching it means that each transaction can contain 10 messages.

      Now it's worth mentioning at this point that there is a high throughput mode for FIFO but at the time of creating this lesson it's only available in preview.

      Standard Qs, so multi-lane highways in this analogy, don't suffer from any real performance issues and can scale to a near infinite number of transactions per second.

      FIFO Qs as the name suggests guarantees order.

      They're first in, first out, so what you're trading is performance for this preserved order.

      They also guarantee exactly once processing, removing the chance of duplicate message delivery.

      Now another odd restriction is that FIFO Qs have to have a FIFO suffix in order to be a valid FIFO Q.

      Now remember that one because I've seen it come up in the exam many times before.

      Now FIFO Qs are great for workflow based order processing, command ordering, so if you've got a system administrator who's entering commands into a processing system and you need the order of those commands to be maintained then FIFO Qs are ideal as well as any sequential iterative price adjustment calculations for sales order workflows.

      Now standard Qs, so the multi-lane highways of Qs, they're faster.

      Conceptually think of this as multiple messages being carried on the highway at the same time, so the multi-lane part of this analogy.

      But because of this there are a few important trade-offs.

      First, there's no rigid preservation of message ordering, it's best efforts only.

      And second, what's guaranteed is only at least once message delivery, meaning in theory messages can be delivered more than once, so any applications which use standard Qs need to be able to accommodate the potential for multiple of the same messages to be delivered.

      Now standard Qs are ideal for decoupling application components or for workable architectures or to batch together items for future processing, so all of these are ideal use cases for standard SQSQs.

      Now that's everything I wanted to cover, I just wanted to make sure that for the exam you understand the difference in architecture between these two different Q types.

      Thanks for watching, go ahead and complete the lesson and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover the architecture of another really important product within AWS.

      It's something I've already mentioned in other lessons and it's the simple queue service or SQS.

      So let's jump in and explore what the product provides and exactly how it works.

      Simple queue service or SQS provides managed message queues.

      And it's a public service so it's accessible anywhere with access to the AWS public space endpoints.

      And this includes private VPCs if they have connectivity to the services.

      It's fully managed so it's delivered as a service.

      You create a queue and the service delivers that queue as a service.

      Now queues are highly available and highly performant by design.

      So you don't need to worry about replication and resiliency.

      It happens within a region by default.

      Now queues come in one of two types, standard queues and FIFO queues.

      FIFO queues guarantee an order.

      So if messages one, two and three are added in that order to a FIFO queue, then when you receive messages you'll also see them in order.

      So one, two and then three.

      With a standard queue this is best efforts.

      But there's always the possibility with a standard queue that messages could be received out of order.

      Now FIFO queues do come with some other considerations but more on that later.

      Now the messages which are added to a queue can be up to 256 kilobytes in size.

      If you need to deal with any data which is larger, then you can store it on something like S3 and link to that object inside the message.

      Architecturally though, ideally you want to keep messages small because they're easier to process and manage at scale.

      Now the way that a queue works is that clients can send messages to that queue and other clients can poll the queue.

      And polling is the process of checking for any messages on a queue.

      And when a client polls and receives messages, those messages aren't actually deleted from the queue.

      They're actually hidden for a period of time, the visibility timeout.

      Now the visibility timeout is the amount of time that a client can take to process a message in some way.

      So if the client receives messages from the queue, if it finishes processing whatever workload that that message represents, then it can explicitly delete that message from the queue, and that means that it's gone forever.

      But if a client doesn't explicitly delete that message, then after the visibility timeout, the message will reappear in the queue.

      Architecturally this is a great way of ensuring fault tolerance because it means that if a client fails when it's processing a job, or maybe even fails completely, then the queue handles the default action to put the message back in the queue, which makes that message available for processing by a different client.

      So the visibility timeout is really important.

      It's something that features regularly on the exam.

      Just be aware that the visibility timeout is the amount of time that a message is hidden when it's received.

      If it's not explicitly deleted, then it appears back in the queue to be processed again.

      Now SQS also has the concept of a dead letter queue.

      And this is a queue where problem messages can be moved to.

      For example, if a message is received five or more times and never successfully deleted, then one possible outcome of that can be to move the message to the dead letter queue.

      And dead letter queues allow you to do different sets of processing on messages that can be problematic.

      So if messages are being added to the queue in a corrupt way, or if there's something specific about these messages that means different styles of processing are required, then you can have different workloads looking at the dead letter queue.

      Now I've already talked about how queues can be used to decouple application components.

      One component adds things to the queue, another reads from the queue, and neither component needs to be aware or worry about the other.

      But queues are also great for scaling.

      Auto scaling groups can scale based on the length of the queue, and lambdas can be invoked when messages appear on a queue.

      And this allows you to build complex worker pool style architectures.

      Now this is a pretty common style of architecture that you might see which involves a queue.

      So you might have two auto scaling groups.

      The one on the right is the web application pool and the one on the left is a worker pool.

      So a customer might upload a master video to the web application pool via a web app.

      And the master video is taken by this web application pool and it's stored in a master video bucket, and a message is also added to an SQS queue.

      Now the message itself has a link to the master video, so the S3 location that the master video is located at, and this avoids having to deal with unwieldy message sizes.

      And at this point that's all that the web pool needs to do.

      That's where the responsibility ends for this particular part of the application.

      Now the web pool is controlled by an auto scaling group, and its scaling is based on CPU load of the instances inside that auto scaling group, meaning that it grows out as the load on the system increases.

      The scaling of the worker pool is based on the length of the SQS queue, so the number of messages in the queue.

      As the number of messages on the queue increases, the auto scaling group scales out based on this number of messages.

      So it adds additional EC2 instances to cope with the additional processing.

      So instances inside this auto scaling group, they all pool the queue and receive messages.

      And these messages are linked to the master video, which is stored in the master bucket, which they also retrieve.

      Now they perform some processing on that video, in this example generating different sizes of videos, and they store them in a different bucket.

      And then the original message that was on the queue is deleted.

      Now if the processing fails, or even if an instance fails, then it will be reprovisioned automatically by the auto scaling group, and the message that it was working on will automatically reappear on the queue after the visibility timeout has expired.

      As the queue empties, the number of worker instances scales back in, all the way to zero if no processing workloads exist.

      So the auto scaling group that's running the worker pool is constantly looking for the length of the queue.

      When messages appear on the queue, the auto scaling group for the worker pool scales out, adds additional instances, those instances poll the queue, retrieve the messages, download the master video from the master bucket, perform the transcode operations, store that in the transcode bucket, delete the message from the queue, and the size of the worker pool auto scaling group will scale back in as that workload decreases.

      Now this is an example of a worker pool elastic architecture that's using an SQSQ.

      At this point, the responsibilities of the worker pool have finished.

      It doesn't have any visibility of or care about the health of the web pool.

      It purely responds to messages that appear inside the SQSQ.

      So the effect of the SQSQ is to decouple these different components of this application and allow each of them to scale independently.

      Once the worker pools finished its processing, then the web pool can retrieve the videos of different sizes from the transcode bucket and then present these to the user of our application.

      Now this video processing architecture is one that's generally used to illustrate exactly how queues function.

      So a multi-part application where one part produces a workload and the other part scales automatically to perform some processing of that workload.

      It's actually a simplified version of the architecture that would generally be used in a production implementation of this.

      For workloads like this where one job is logged and multiple different outputs are needed, generally we would use a more complicated version which looks something like this.

      It has a similar architecture but it uses SNS and SQS fan out.

      And the way that that works is once the master video is uploaded from our application user and placed into the master video bucket, a message is sent, but instead of the message going directly onto an SQSQ, the message is added onto an SNS topic.

      Now this SNS topic has a number of subscribers.

      For each different video size required, there is one independent SQS queue configured as a subscriber to that topic.

      So in this example, one for 480p, one for 720p and one for 1080p.

      So each size has its own queue and its own auto scaling group which scales based on the length of that individual queue.

      And this means that if the different workload types need different sizes or capabilities of instances, then they can independently scale.

      S3 buckets are capable of generating an event when an object is uploaded to that bucket, but it can only generate one event.

      So in order to take that one event and create multiple different events that can be used independently, you'll use this fan out design.

      So you'll take one single SNS topic with multiple subscribers, generally multiple SQS queues, and then that message will be added into each of those queues, allowing for multiple jobs to be started per object upload.

      Now I want you to really remember this one for the exam.

      You can't see me right now, but I'm winking as much as I can.

      Really, really remember this one for the exam, this fan out architecture, because it will come in handy for the exam, I promise you.

      But at this point, let's move on to the last few points that I want to cover before we finish this theory lesson.

      I mentioned at the start of the lesson that there are two types of queues, standard and FIFO.

      It's important that you understand the differences and benefits and limitations of both of these.

      So think of standard queues like a multi-lane highway, and think of FIFO queues like a single lane road with no opportunity to overtake.

      Standard queues guarantee at least once delivery, and they make no guarantees on the order of that delivery.

      FIFO queues both guarantee the order and guarantee exactly once delivery, and that's a critical difference.

      With standard queues, you could get the same message delivered twice on two different poles, and the order can be different.

      FIFO queues guarantee exactly once delivery, and also they guarantee to maintain the order of messages in the same order as they were added.

      So first in, first out.

      Now, because FIFO queues are single lane roads, their performance is limited. 3,000 messages per second with batching, and 300 per second without.

      So FIFO queues don't offer exceptional levels of scaling, because standard queues are more like multi-lane highways, and they can scale to a near infinite level, because you can just continue adding additional lanes to that multi-lane highway.

      So standard queues scale in a much more linear and fluid way.

      With SQS, you'll build on requests, and a request is not the same as a message.

      A request is a single request that you make to SQS.

      So one single request can receive between one and ten messages, or zero, and anywhere up to 64 kilobytes of data in total.

      So SQS is actually less efficient and less cost effective the more frequently that you make requests, because you'll build based on requests, and requests can actually return zero messages, the more frequently that you poll an SQS queue, the less cost effective the service is.

      Now why this matters is there are actually two ways to poll an SQS queue.

      You have short polling and long polling.

      Short polling uses one request, and it can receive zero or more messages.

      But if the queue has zero messages on that queue, then it still consumes a request, and it immediately returns zero messages.

      This means that if you only use short polling, keeping a queue close to zero length would require an almost constant stream of short polls.

      Each of these consuming a request, and each of these being a billable item based on the product.

      Now long polling on the other hand is where you can specify await time seconds, and this can be up to 20 seconds.

      If messages are available on the queue, when you lodge the request then they will be received.

      Otherwise it will wait for messages to arrive.

      Up to 10 messages and 64 kilobytes will be counted as a single request, but it will wait for up to 20 seconds until messages do arrive on the queue.

      Long polling is how you should poll SQS, because it uses fewer requests.

      It will sit waiting for messages to arrive on the queue if non-currently exist.

      One final point, because messages can live in an SQS queue for some time, anywhere up to 14 days, the product supports encryption at rest using KMS.

      So this is server-side encryption.

      It's encryption of the data as it's stored persistently on disk.

      Now data by default is encrypted in transit between SQS and any clients, but you need to understand the difference between encryption at rest and encryption in transit.

      They're not the same thing.

      Now access to a queue is based on identity policies, or you can also use a queue policy.

      So identity policies or queue policies can be used to control access to a queue from the same account, but queue policies only can allow access from external accounts.

      And a queue policy is just a resource policy, just like the ones that you've used earlier in the course on S3 buckets or SNS topics.

      Now that's all of the theory that I wanted to cover about SQS queues.

      Thanks for watching.

      Go ahead and complete this video.

      And then once you're ready, I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to go into a little bit more depth about API Gateway.

      Now we've got a lot to cover in a single lesson so let's jump in and get started.

      API Gateway is a service which lets you create and manage APIs.

      Now an API is an application programming interface.

      It's a way that applications communicate with each other.

      So for example if you run the Netflix application on your TV then it's using an API to communicate with the Netflix back-end services.

      API Gateway acts as an endpoint or an entry point for applications looking to talk to your services.

      And architecturally it sits between applications which utilize APIs and the integrations which are the back-end services which provide the functionality of that API.

      Now API Gateway is highly available and scalable so you don't have to worry about either.

      It's delivered as a managed service.

      It handles authorizations so you can define who can access your APIs using the API Gateway.

      It can be configured to handle throttling so how often individuals can use APIs.

      It can perform caching to reduce the amount that your back-end services are called as part of the usage of your API.

      It supports cores so you can control security of cross-domain calls within browsers and it supports transformations and all of this within the API Gateway product.

      It also supports the open API spec which makes it easy to create definition files for APIs so APIs can be imported into API Gateway and it also supports direct integration with AWS services.

      So for things like writing into DynamoDB, starting a step function or anything through to sending messages to SNS topics you might not even need any back-end compute so it's capable of directly integrating with a range of AWS services.

      Now API Gateway is a public service and so it can act as the front-end for services running within AWS or on-premises and it can also be an effective migration product to provide a consistent front-end while the backing services are being moved from on-premises into AWS or even re-architected moving from monolithic compute services such as virtual servers through to serverless architectures using Lambda.

      Now lastly it can provide APIs that use HTTP, REST or even web socket-based APIs.

      Now visually this is how the high-level architecture of API Gateway looks.

      We have API Gateway in the middle here and this is acting as the endpoint for the consumers of our API and this could be mobile applications or the APIs or even web applications loaded from static hosting within an S3 bucket.

      In any case these all connect to the API running on the API Gateway using the endpoint DNS name.

      Now it's actually the API Gateway's job to act as an intermediary between clients and what are called integrations and these are the back-end services which provide the functionality to API Gateway.

      API Gateway is capable of connecting to HTTP endpoints running in AWS or on-premises.

      It can use Lambda for compute and this is something that's typically used within serverless architectures and as I mentioned previously it can even directly integrate with some AWS services such as DynamoDB, SNS and step functions.

      Now there are three phases in most API Gateway interactions.

      The request phase which is where the client makes a request to the API Gateway and then this is moved through API Gateway to the service provided by the integrations and then finally the response phase where the response is provided back to the client.

      The request phase at a high level does three things.

      It authorizes, validates and transforms incoming requests from the client into a form that the integration can handle and then the response takes the output from the integration, it transforms it, prepares it and then returns it through to the client.

      API Gateway also integrates with CloudWatch to store logging and metric-based data for request and response side operations and it also provides a cache which improves performance for clients and also reduces the number of requests made to the back-end integrations.

      So that's the high-level architecture and through the remainder of this lesson I want to touch on a number of the pieces of functionality in a little bit more detail and we'll start with authentication.

      API Gateway supports a range of authentication methods.

      Now you can allow APIs to be complete open access so no authentication is required but there are different types of authentication which are supported by the product and let's use the example of the Categorum application which is now serverless.

      API Gateway can use Cognito user pools for authentication, this is one of the supported methods.

      If this method is used then the client authenticates with Cognito and receives a Cognito token in return assuming a successful authentication.

      It passes that token in with the request to API Gateway and because of the tight integration which API Gateway has with Cognito it can natively validate the token.

      So that's Cognito but API Gateway can also be extended to use Lambda-based authorization which used to be called custom authorization.

      With this flow we assume that the client has some form of bearer token something which asserts an identification and it passes this into API Gateway with the request.

      Now at this point API Gateway not knowing how to natively validate this authentication or authorization it calls a Lambda authorizer and it's the job of this function to validate the request.

      So it either does some custom compute maybe checking a local user store or it calls an ID provider an external provider of identification to check the ID.

      If this all comes back okay and the Lambda function is happy it returns to API Gateway an IAM policy and a principal identifier.

      API Gateway then evaluates the policy and it either sends the request on to a Lambda function so invoking the Lambda function or it returns a 403 access denied error if the access is denied.

      Now IAM can also be used to authenticate and authorize with API Gateway by passing credentials in the headers but this level of detail is beyond what's required for the exam.

      I just think it's useful to give you the architecture visually so you can picture how all the components fit together.

      At this point let's move on and talk about endpoint types.

      With API Gateway it's possible to configure a number of different endpoint types for your APIs.

      First we've got edge optimized and with edge optimized endpoint types any incoming requests are routed to the nearest cloud front pop or point of presence.

      We've also got regional endpoints and these are used when you have clients in the same region so this doesn't deploy out using the cloud front network instead you get a regional endpoint which clients can connect into so this is relatively low overhead it doesn't use the cloud front network and this is generally suitable when you have users or other services which consume your APIs in the same AWS region.

      Lastly we have private endpoint types and these are endpoints which are only accessible within a VPC via an interface endpoint so this is how you can deploy completely private APIs if you use the private endpoint type.

      The next concept I want to talk about are API Gateway stages.

      When you deploy an API configuration in API Gateway you do so to a stage for example you might have the prod and dev stage for the Categorum application.

      Most things within API Gateway are defined based on a stage so in this case you could have the production application connecting to the prod stage and developers testing new additions via the dev stage.

      Each of these stages has its own unique endpoint URL as well as its own settings.

      Each of these stages can be deployed onto individually so you might have version one of the API configuration deployed into production and this uses version one of a lambda function as a backing integration and then we might have version two which is currently under development deployed into the dev stage and this also could use a separate backing lambda function containing the new code.

      Now you can roll back deployments on a stage so they can be used for some pretty effective isolation and testing but what you can also do with API Gateway stages is to enable canary deployments on stages.

      What this means is that when enabled any new deployments which you make to that stage are actually deployed on a sub part of that stage the canary part of that stage and not the stage itself.

      So traffic distribution can be altered between the base stage and the canary based on a user configurable value and eventually the canary can be promoted to be the base stage and the process repeated.

      In this example it means that version two of the API configuration can be tested by the development team and then canary can be enabled on production.

      Version two can be deployed onto production and this will be deployed into the canary because canary is enabled on the production stage.

      We can adjust the distribution of traffic between the main production stage and its canary until we can completely happy and then we can promote the canary to be the full base stage and this process of development production cycles can then continue.

      If you're not happy with how a canary is performing if it's got bugs or if it's negative in terms of performance then you can always remove it and return back to the base stage.

      Now at this point I have to apologize I hate getting you to remember facts and figures but for the exam I genuinely think these facts and figures might help so do your best to note them down and remember them even if you only do it at a high level even if you only get the basics I think it will help you answer certain exam questions quicker and with less thought.

      So to start with error codes generated by API gateway are generally in one of two categories.

      First we have 400 series error codes and these are client errors this suggests that something is wrong on the client side so something wrong either on the client or in terms of how it's making a request through to API gateway maybe permissions are wrong maybe headers are malformed anything that's on the client side then we have 500 series errors and these are server errors so this indicates that there's a valid request but there's a back-end issue.

      Now inside both of these categories there are a number of important requests that you need to remember the error code number four and I want to step through these on this part of the lesson so 400 400 this is one that's really hard to diagnose because it can actually have many different root causes but if you do see a 400 error then you should at least be aware that it's a generic client side error we've got 403 and this suggests an access denied error so either that the authorizer has executed and then indicates to API gateway that the request should be denied or the request has been filtered by something like the web application firewall.

      Next we've got a 429 error code and this is an indication that throttling is occurring I mentioned earlier that API gateway can be configured to throttle requests so if you're getting a 429 error it means that you've exceeded a configured throttling amounts so 429 associate that with throttling now if you get a 502 error this is a bad gateway exception and this indicates that a bad output has been returned by whatever is providing the backing services so if you've got a lambda function servicing request your API then a 502 error suggests that that lambda is returning something that's invalid a 503 error indicates service unavailable so this could indicate that the backing endpoint is offline or you're having some form of major service issues so 503 is definitely one to remember I have seen that come up in the exam 504 indicates an integration failure now there is a limit of 29 seconds for any requests to API gateway so even though lambda has a timeout of 15 minutes if lambda is providing backing compute for an API gateway API then if that request takes longer than 29 seconds then this can generate a 504 error so you need to make sure that any lambda functions that are backing your APIs are capable of responding within that 29 second limit otherwise you might get 504 errors and I've included a link that's attached to this lesson which details all of the error codes as well as a little bit more detail if you do want to use it for extra reading now one final thing before we finish up with this in-depth lesson for API gateway and that's to talk about caching now you should be familiar with the general concept of caching at this point in the course as it relates to API gateway we start in the middle with an API gateway stage and this is important because caching is configured per stage this matters both for the exam and if you're developing this infrastructure for production situations now what happens with out a cache is that any users at the application make requests to the API gateway stage and there are some back-end integrations which service those requests without a cache those services would be used on each and every request with caching though you define a cache on that stage it can be anywhere from 500 mb to 237 gb in size it caches things by default for 300 seconds and this can be configured from zero meaning disabled through to a maximum of 3600 seconds and a point that you should know for the exam is that this cache can be encrypted now using a cache means that calls will only be made to the back end when there's a cache miss and this means reduced load reduced cost and improved performance because of the lower latency that caching provides okay so that's everything I wanted to cover in this in-depth lesson on API gateway this is definitely a service where you need to be aware of much more in the developer and operation streams of aws certifications at this point though that is everything that I'm going to be talking about so go ahead complete this lesson and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I'm going to be covering AWS step functions.

      To understand why step functions exist we need to look at some of the problems with Lambda that it addresses.

      Step functions address some of the limitations of Lambda or not so much limitations but design decisions that have been made with the Lambda product.

      No product is perfect and it's important to understand the product limitations or the design decisions which have been implemented as a product has been created.

      Now you know by now that Lambda is a function as a service product and the best practice is to create functions which are small, focused and do one thing very well.

      What you should never be doing with Lambda is trying to put a full application inside a Lambda function.

      A because it's bad practice and B because there's an execution duration limit of 15 minutes.

      A Lambda function cannot run past this 15 minute limit for its execution duration.

      Now you can in theory chain Lambda functions together so one Lambda function reaches its end and it directly invokes another.

      And by doing this in theory you can get another 15 minutes but this gets messy at scale.

      What you're doing is building a chain of functions in an attempt to create a long running flow and this isn't what Lambda's designed for.

      It's made worse due to the fact that Lambda runtime environments are stateless.

      Each environment is isolated, cleaned each time and any data needs to be transferred between the environments if you want to maintain any form of state which is why you can't hold a state through different Lambda functions or different Lambda function invocations.

      Imagine an example where you might have an order processing system.

      You can upload a picture of your pet, maybe a cat or a dog or a lizard and have it printed on different types of material, maybe glass, metal or high quality paper.

      This process can take more than 15 minutes and it will involve lots of decision points, potentially manual human intervention.

      There's a state, the order, the process, it's all data that needs to persist and doing it by chaining together lots of Lambda functions is really, really messy.

      Step functions as a service lets you create what are known as state machines.

      Think of a state machine as a workflow.

      It has a start point and it has an end point and in between there are states.

      States you can think of as things which occur inside the state machine.

      States can do things, they can decide things and they all take in data, modify data and output data.

      So states are the things inside these workflows.

      Conceptually the state machine is designed to perform an activity or perform a flow which consists of lots of individual components and maintain the idea of data between those states.

      Imagine that you're ordering something from an online retailer such as Amazon.com so you complete the purchase and behind the scenes between you completing the purchase and you receiving your goods, lots of things happen behind the scenes.

      So your stock is located, it's physically picked, it's packed and verified, postage is booked and when it's dispatched your order is flagged as being dispatched and that's an example of a long running order flow.

      With Amazon it might only take a few hours to move through this flow from beginning to end.

      With something more bespoke it could take longer and that's why the maximum duration for state machine executions within step functions is one year.

      Now there are actually two types of workflows available within step functions.

      We've got standard and express.

      When you create a state machine you need to choose between the two and it influences some of the features so the speed and the maximum duration.

      For the exam you only need to remember that at a high level standard is the default and it has a one year execution limit.

      Express that's designed for high volume event processing workloads such as IOT, streaming data processing and transformation, mobile application back ends or any of those type of workloads and these can run for up to five minutes so you would use standard for anything that's long running and express for things that are highly transactional and need much more in terms of processing guarantees.

      Now state machines can be started in lots of different ways.

      A few examples are using the API gateway, IOT rules, you might use a vent bridge if you're wanting to use event driven architectures, Lambda can initiate state machines and you can even do it manually.

      Now generally state machines are used for back end processing so something in your application will initiate a state machine execution.

      With state machines you can use a template to create an export state machines once they're configured to your liking.

      It's called Amazon States Language or ASL and it's based on JSON and you'll use this yourself during the demo lesson which is coming up later in this section.

      Now state machines like any other AWS services they're provided with permissions to interact with other AWS services by using IAM roles.

      The state machine assumes the role while running and it gets credentials to interact with any AWS services that it needs to.

      Now before we look at the state machine architecture visually I want to focus on states themselves.

      I want you to understand the type of states that exist so let's look at that next.

      As a reminder states are the things inside a workflow, the things which occur so let's step through what states we have available.

      First we've got the succeed and fail states and basically if the process through a state machine ever reaches one of these states then it succeeds or it fails depending on which of these states it arrives at.

      That's nice and easy.

      Next we've got the wait state and the wait state will wait for a certain period of time or it will wait until a specific date and time.

      It's provided with this information as an input and it holds or pauses the processing of the state machine workflow until the duration is passed or until that specific point in time.

      Next we've got choice and choice is a state which allows the state machine to take a different path depending on an input and it's useful if you want a different set of behavior based on that input.

      For example you might want a state machine to react differently depending on the stock levels of an item in an order.

      So the choice state allows you to have a choice inside a state machine and you'll be using the choice state as part of the demo later in this section.

      Next we've got the parallel state and the parallel state allows you to create parallel branches within a state machine.

      So you might want to take a certain set of actions depending on an input and that might use the choice state but one of those choices might be to perform multiple sets of things at the same time.

      So you might have one of the choices of a choice state leading to the parallel state and that's exactly what you're going to implement in the demo lesson at the end of this section.

      Next we've got the map state and a map state accepts a list of things.

      An example might be a list of orders and for each item in that list the map state performs an action or a set of actions based on that particular item.

      So if you have 10 items being ordered inside an order you might have a map state that performs a certain set of things 10 times one for each of those items on that order.

      Now these are all examples of states but they are states which control the flow of things through a state machine.

      The last type of state that I want to talk about is a task state and a task state represents a single unit of work performed by a state machine.

      So it's the task state themselves that allow you to perform actions.

      It allows the state machine to actually do things.

      So a task states can be integrated with lots of different services.

      So things like Lambda, AWS Batch, DynamoDB, the Elastic Container Service, SNS, SQS, Glue, SageMaker, EMR and lots of different AWS services.

      And when you configure this integration that's how a state machine can actually perform work.

      So what it does to do the work itself, the architecture of a state machine is that it coordinates the work occurring.

      So a state machine has different states that control flow through that state machine and then it has task states which coordinate with other external services to perform that actual work.

      Now let's look at how all of this fits together visually because it will make a lot more sense.

      Now for this example we're going to use the scenario that we're going to look at in the demo lesson at the end of this section.

      The scenario that we have is a serious one.

      Bob has a cat called Whiskers who can never get enough cuddles.

      It's become so bad that poor Whiskers has had to design a step functions powered serverless application to remind his human minion Bob every time a cuddle is required.

      Whiskers wants to be in full control of the frequency of the cuddles and there are times when Whiskers might need a cuddle within a few minutes but sometimes it could be more than 15 minutes or even hours away.

      He wants to be able to notify his human minion when the next cuddle is needed however far away he is and so there needs to be multiple ways of reminding Bob.

      Bob isn't always around and so the reminder method needs to be flexible.

      We need email reminders so that if Bob is at a computer he can receive the reminder and we also need an SMS reminder so if Bob isn't at home he can immediately rush home to cuddle Whiskers.

      Now because Whiskers is a cat and because he's fussy the time between cuddles could be longer than 15 minutes so we can't use lambda so we're going to use step functions.

      Step functions work with a base entity called a state machine and the pet cuddle atron will use one state machine.

      Inside the state machine are a number of states.

      First we've got a wait state called timer and timer waits for a predefined amount of time.

      The time period that you set until the next cuddle is required.

      Then we have a choice state and the state machine is pretty flexible.

      It allows you to decide on three methods of notification.

      Email only notification, SMS only notification or both.

      The choice state has three paths that it can direct progress down depending on which option is chosen.

      The choices are three task states.

      We've got email only, we have SMS only and we've got email and SMS and there are two lambda functions.

      Email reminder and SMS reminder.

      Depending on the choice taken one or both of these lambda functions are invoked as part of the state machine execution.

      If the email only choice is taken then logically this only invokes the email reminder lambda and this uses the simple email service to send an email to Bob demanding a cuddle.

      If the SMS only choice is taken then this performs the same action but for SMS only so Bob will receive a text message with whiskers cuddle based demands.

      If the email and SMS choice is taken then this performs both actions.

      It invokes both lambda functions so Bob receives both an email and an SMS reminder.

      Now the back end of this application is provided by the step function service in the form of a state machine but the whole application end to end is actually implemented as a serverless application.

      So Bob has a laptop and it downloads the client side web application from an S3 bucket.

      So inside this S3 bucket we have HTML and JavaScript and the JavaScript lets Bob's browser connect to a managed API hosted by the API gateway.

      The API gateway is what Bob's browser communicates with and this is backed up by a lambda function.

      And the lambda function is the thing that behind the scenes provides the compute service necessary to interact with the JavaScript running on Bob's laptop.

      And the combination of both of these allows Bob's laptop to initiate the execution of the state machine every time he sets a cuddle reminder.

      So the state machine is actually invoked by Bob clicking on a button on a web page that's provided by this serverless application.

      Now you'll see this when you open the pet cuddle atron application it will just be a HTML page that's loaded from an S3 bucket but it will ask you for a number of pieces of input.

      You'll get asked for the number of seconds until the next cuddle as well as a custom message.

      And depending on the notification method that you pick you'll need to enter either an email address or a phone number or both.

      And when you've entered all of the required information based on which method of notification that you'll select you'll click on one of three buttons.

      One for email only one for SMS only and one for both and clicking on that button generates an event.

      This communicates with the API gateway.

      It causes an invocation of the API Lambda function and the API Lambda function passes all of the information entered on this serverless web app all the way through to the state machine.

      And the state machine begins its execution based on the options that you've selected it waits for a certain period of time and then it makes a choice based on your selected notification method.

      And then it invokes one or both Lambda functions that will either send you an email and SMS or both.

      And this is the application that you're going to implement in the pet cuddle atron demo lesson in this section of the course.

      Now if this looks complicated don't worry because we'll be implementing this piece by piece bit by bit together.

      I'll be around every step of the way to guide you on exactly how to implement this fairly complex architecture inside AWS.

      I promise you by the end of the demo lesson it will make complete sense in summary step functions let you create state machines and state machines are long running serverless workflows.

      They have a start and an end and in between they have states and states can be directional decision points or they can be tasks which actually perform things on behalf of the state machine.

      And by using them you can build complex workflows which integrates with lots of different AWS services.

      But at this point that's it for the theory so go ahead and complete this lesson and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover the serverless architecture.

      Serverless is a type of architecture which is relatively commonplace within AWS, mainly because AWS includes many products and services which support its use.

      The key thing to understand about the serverless architecture, aside from the fact that there are really servers running behind the scenes, is that it's not one single thing.

      Serverless is an architecture, but it's more a software architecture than a hardware architecture.

      The aim with the serverless architecture and where its name comes from is that as a developer or an architect or an administrator, you're aiming to manage few, if any, servers.

      Servers are things which carry overhead, so cost, administration and risk, and the serverless architecture aims to remove as much of that as possible.

      In many ways, serverless takes the best bits from a few different architectures, mostly microservices and event-driven architectures.

      Within serverless you break an application down into as many tiny pieces as possible, even beyond microservices, collections of small and specialized functions.

      These functions start up, do one thing really, really well, and then they stop.

      In AWS, logically, because of this, Lambda is used.

      But there are other platforms such as Microsoft Azure, which has their own equivalent, namely Azure Functions.

      From an architecture perspective, the actual technology which is used is less relevant.

      These functions which make up your application, they run in stateless and ephemeral environments.

      Why this matters is because if the application is architected to assume a clean and empty environment, then these functions can run anywhere.

      Every time they run, they obtain the data that they need, they do something, and then optionally, they store the result persistently somehow, or they deliver that output to something else.

      The reason why Lambda is cheap is because it's scalable.

      Each environment is easy to provision, and each environment is the same.

      So the serverless architecture uses this to its advantage.

      Each function that runs does so in an ephemeral and stateless environment.

      And another key concept within serverless is that generally everything is event-driven.

      This means that nothing is running until it's required.

      Any function code that your application uses is only running on hardware when it's processing a system or customer interaction, an event.

      Serverless environments should use fast products such as Lambda for any general processing needs.

      Lambda as a service is built based on execution duration, and functions only run when some form of execution is happening.

      Because serverless is event-driven, it means that while not being used, a serverless architecture should be very close to zero cost until something in that environment generates an event.

      So serverless environments generally have no persistent usage of compute within that system.

      Now, where you need other systems beyond normal compute, a serverless environment should use where possible managed services.

      It shouldn't reinvent the wheel.

      Examples are using S3 for any persistent object storage, or DynamoDB, which we haven't covered yet for any persistent data storage, and third-party identity providers such as Google, Twitter, Facebook, or even corporate identities such as Active Directory instead of building your own.

      Other services that AWS provides, such as Elastic Transcode, can be used to convert media files or manipulate these files in other ways.

      With the serverless architecture, your aim should be to consume as a service whatever you can, code as little as possible, and use function as a service for any general-purpose compute needs, and then use all of those building blocks together to create your application.

      Now, let's look at this visually, because I think an architecture diagram might make it easier to understand exactly what a serverless architecture looks like.

      So let's step through a simple serverless architecture, and we're going to do so visually.

      And I want your default position to be that unless we state otherwise, you're not using any self-managed compute, so no servers and no EC2 instances, unless we discuss otherwise.

      So that should be your starting position.

      And at each step throughout this architecture, I'll highlight exactly why the parts are serverless and why it matters.

      Now, we're going to use a slightly more inclusive example.

      This time, we're going to use PetTube.

      There was an uproar about PetTube only being for cats, and so it's rebranded to be a little bit more inclusive.

      So to start with, we've got Julie using her laptop, and she wants to upload some woofy holiday videos.

      And so to do that, she browsers to an S3 bucket that's running as a static website for the PetTube application.

      She downloads some HTML, and that HTML has some JavaScript included within it.

      Now, one crucial part of the serverless architecture is that modern web browsers are capable of running client-side JavaScript inside the browser.

      And this is what actually provides the front end for the PetTube application, JavaScript that's running in the browser of the user that's downloaded from a static website S3 bucket.

      So at this point, the application has no self-managed compute that's being used.

      We've simply downloaded HTML from an S3 bucket with some included JavaScript that's now running in Julie's web browser.

      Now PetTube uses third-party identity providers for its authentication.

      Like all good serverless applications, it doesn't use its own store of identity, its own store of users.

      It's lower admin overhead, and also remember there's a limit on the number of IAM users that can exist inside one AWS account.

      That's 5,000 IAM users per account.

      And so if we used IAM users for authentication, then PetTube would be limited to 5,000 users, and each user of the application would need one additional account.

      So one additional username and one additional password.

      So instead of doing that, we use a third-party identity provider and one that our users are already likely to have an account inside.

      So that reduces the number of accounts that our users are required to maintain.

      So the JavaScript that's running in Julie's browser communicates with the third-party identity provider, and we're going to assume that we're using Google.

      And you'll have seen the screen that's generated if you've ever logged into Gmail or anything that uses Gmail logins, but this could just as easily be Twitter, Facebook, or any other third-party identity provider.

      The key thing to understand is that Julie logs into this identity provider.

      It's this identity provider that validates that the user claiming to be Julie is in fact Julie, so it checks her username and password.

      And if it's happy with the process or if it's happy with the username and password combination that Julie's provided, then it returns to Julie an identity token.

      And this token proves that she's authenticated with the Google identity provider.

      Now, AWS can't directly use third-party identities, and so the JavaScript that's running in Julie's browser communicates with an AWS service called Cognito.

      And Cognito swaps this Google identity token for temporary AWS credentials, and these can be used to access AWS resources.

      So the JavaScript in Julie's browser now has available some temporary AWS credentials that it can use to interact with AWS.

      And so it uses these temporary credentials to upload a video of Woofy to an S3 bucket.

      This is the original bucket of our application, the bucket where the master videos go that our customers upload.

      Notice that so far in this process, no self-managed compute, no servers have been used to provision this service.

      We've performed all of these activities without using any compute servers or compute instances that we need to manage or design as solutions architects.

      It's all delivered by using managed services, so S3, Cognito, and the Google identity provider.

      Now, when the Woofy video arrives inside the original's bucket, that bucket is configured to generate an event.

      That event contains the details of the object which was uploaded, and it's set to send that event to and invoke a Lambda function to process that video.

      That Lambda function takes in the event and it creates jobs within the elastic transcoder service, which is a managed service offered by AWS which can take in media and manipulate that media.

      One of the things that it can do is to transcode the media, so generate media of different sizes from one master video file.

      Multiple jobs get created, one for each size of video that's required.

      The elastic transcoder gets the location of the original video as part of the initiation of the job and it loads in that video at the start of each job processing cycle.

      So each job outputs an object to a transcoder bucket, so one object for each different size of the original video.

      In addition, details on each of the new videos are added to a database, in this case DynamoDB.

      Now again at this stage, notice that we still have no self-managed servers.

      The only resources that are consumed are storage space in S3, DynamoDB, and any processing time used for the Lambda function and any elastic transcoder jobs.

      With this architecture so far, we've allowed a customer to upload a master video, we've transcoded it into different video sizes, and at no point have we consumed any self-managed compute, no EC2 instances or no other long-running compute services.

      It's all managed services or compute that's used in Julie's browser.

      Now the last part of the architecture is where Julie, by clicking another part of the client site that's running inside her browser, can interact with another Lambda function, and we'll call this My Media, and this Lambda function will load data from the database, identify which objects in the transcode bucket are Julie's, and return URLs for Julie to access.

      And this is how Julie can load up a web page which show all of the videos that she's uploaded to the PetTube application.

      Now this is a simplified diagram, in reality it's a little bit more complex.

      For example, API Gateway would generally be used between any client-side processing and the Lambda functions, but conceptually this is actually how it works.

      We've got no self-managed servers, we've got no self-managed database servers, we've got little, if any, costs that are incurred for base usage.

      It's a fully consumption-based model.

      It consumes compute only when it's being used, so when events are generated, either from a system-side or a client-side, and it uses third-party services as much as possible.

      Now there are many third-party services to choose from, and you can never expect to know them all end-to-end.

      The key thing to understand about serverless is the way to do things, and I've covered that in this lesson.

      Later in the section you'll experience how to implement a serverless application within the demo lesson called PetCuddleatron.

      And this will show you how to implement a serverless application just like the one that's on screen.

      It's slightly less complex, but it's one that uses many of the same architectural fundamentals, and it should start to really cement the theory that you're learning right now.

      Now before we move on to this demo, there are a few more services that I need to cover, which the PetCuddleatron demo lesson will utilize.

      So for now, that's it for this lesson.

      Thanks for watching.

      Go ahead and complete this video, and then when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      In this lesson, I want to cover CloudWatch events.

      We've covered CloudWatch earlier in the course, which focused on metrics and monitoring.

      We've also covered CloudWatch logs, which focused on the ingestion and management of logging data.

      CloudWatch events delivers a near real-time stream of system events.

      These events describe changes in AWS products and services.

      When an instance is terminated, started or stopped, these generate an event.

      When any AWS products and services which are supported by CloudWatch events perform actions, they generate events that the product has visibility of.

      Events Bridge is the service which is replacing CloudWatch events.

      It can perform all of the same bits of functionality that CloudWatch events can produce.

      It's got a superset of its functionality.

      In addition, Events Bridge can also handle events from third parties as well as custom applications.

      They do both share the same basic underlying architecture, but AWS are now starting to encourage a migration from CloudWatch events over to Events Bridge.

      We've got a lot of architecture to cover, so let's jump in and get started.

      Both Events Bridge and CloudWatch events perform at a high level the same basic task.

      They allow you to implement an architecture which can observe if X happens or if something happens at a certain time, so Y, then do Z.

      X is a supported service which generates an event, so it's a producer of an event.

      Y can be a certain time or time period, and this is specified using the Unix Cron format, which is a flexible format letting you specify one or more times when something should occur, and Z is a supported target service to deliver the event to.

      Events Bridge is basically CloudWatch events version two.

      It uses the same underlying APIs, and it has the same basic architecture, but AWS recommend that for any new deployments, you should use Events Bridge because it has a superset of the features offered by CloudWatch events.

      Things created in one are visible in the other for now, but this could change in the future.

      So as a general best practice, you should start using Events Bridge by default for any of the functions that you can use CloudWatch events for.

      Now, both of these services actually operate using a default entity, which is known as an event bus, and both of them actually have a default event bus for a single AWS account.

      A bus in this context is a stream of events which occur from any supported service inside that AWS account.

      Now, in CloudWatch events, there is only one event bus available, so it's implicit.

      It's not really exposed to the UI.

      It just exists.

      You interact with it, but because there's only one of them, it's not actually exposed as a visible thing.

      You just look for events and then send these events to targets when you want something to occur.

      So in CloudWatch events, there is only one event bus, and it's not exposed inside the UI.

      In Event Bridge, you can create additional buses, either for your applications or third-party products and services, and you can interact with these buses in the same way as the account default event bus.

      Now, with CloudWatch events and Event Bridge, you create rules, and these rules pattern match events which occur on the buses, and when they see an event which matches, they deliver that event to a target.

      Alternatively, you also have schedule-based rules which are essentially pattern-matching rules but which match a certain date and time or ranges of dates and times.

      So if you're familiar with the Unix Cron system, this is similar.

      For a schedule rule, you define a Cron expression, and the rule executes whenever this matches and delivers this to a particular target.

      So the rule matches an event, and it routes that event to one or more targets which you define on that rule.

      And an example of one target is to invoke a specific Lambda function.

      Now, architecturally, at the heart of Event Bridge is the default account event bus, which is a stream of events which are generated by supported services within the AWS account.

      Now, EC2 is an example of a supported service, and let's say in this case, we've got Bob changing the state of an EC2 instance, and he's changing the state from stopped to running.

      When the instance changes state, an event gets generated which runs through the event bus.

      Event Bridge, which sits over the top of any event buses that it has exposure to, monitors all of the events which pass through this event bus.

      Now, within Event Bridge or CloudWatch events, which I'm going to start calling just Event Bridge from now on because it makes it easier, but within Event Bridge, we have rules.

      Now, rules are created, and these are linked to a specific event bus, and the default is the account default event bus.

      The two types of rules are pattern matching rules, and these match particular patterns of the events themselves as they pass through the event bus.

      We've also got scheduled rules which match particular cron-formatted times or ranges of times, and when this cron-formatted expression matches a particular time, the rule is executed, and in both of these cases, when a rule is executed, the rule delivers the particular event that it's matched through to one or more targets.

      And of course, as I just mentioned, examples of these targets could be to invoke a lambda function.

      Now, events themselves are just JSON structures, and the data in the event structure can be used by the targets.

      So in the example of a state change of an EC2 instance, the lambda function will receive the event JSON data, which includes which instance has changed state, what state it's changed into, as well as other things like the date and time when the change occurred.

      So that's a theory of both CloudWatch events and the event bridge, and both of these products are used as a central point for managing events generated inside an AWS account and controlling what to do with those events.

      So at this point, that is everything that I wanted to cover.

      Go ahead and complete this lesson, and then when you're ready, I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in part three of this series, I want to finish off and talk about some advanced elements of Lambda.

      Now we've got a lot to cover, so let's jump in and get started.

      First, I want to talk about the ways a Lambda function can be invoked.

      We've got three different methods for invoking a Lambda function.

      We've got synchronous invocation, asynchronous invocation, and invocation using event source mappings.

      And I want to step through each of them visually so that you can understand in detail how they work because this is essential for the exam.

      So let's start off with synchronous invocation of Lambda.

      With this model, you might start off with a command line or API directly invoking a Lambda function.

      The Lambda function is provided with some data and it executes that data.

      Now all this time, the command line or API is waiting for a response because it's synchronous.

      It needs to wait here until the Lambda function completes its execution.

      So the Lambda function finishes and it returns that data, whether it's a success or a failure.

      Now synchronous invocation also happens if Lambda is used indirectly via the API gateway, which is the use case for many serverless architectures.

      So we might have some clients using a web application via API gateway and this proxies through to one or more Lambda functions.

      Again, the Lambda function performs some processing all the while the client is waiting for a response within their web application.

      And then when the Lambda function responds, this goes back via the API gateway and back through to the client.

      The common factors with both of these approaches is that the client sends a request which invokes Lambda and the result be it a success or failure is returned during that initial request.

      The client is waiting for any data to be returned.

      Another implication of a synchronous invocation is that any errors or retries have to be handled within the client.

      The Lambda function runs once, it returns something and then it stops.

      If there's a problem or data isn't processed correctly, then the client needs to rerun that request.

      And this happens at the client side.

      So synchronous invocation is generally used when it's a human directly or indirectly invoking a Lambda function.

      Next, let's look at asynchronous invocation.

      And this is typically used when AWS services invoke Lambda functions on your behalf.

      Let's use an example, an S3 bucket with S3 events enabled.

      So we upload a new image of whiskers to this S3 bucket.

      This causes an event to be generated and sent through to Lambda.

      And this is an asynchronous invocation.

      So S3 isn't waiting around for any kind of response.

      It basically just forgets about it at this point.

      Once it sent that event through to Lambda, it doesn't continue waiting.

      It doesn't worry about this event at all.

      Now maybe as part of processing this image, it's generating a thumbnail or maybe performing some kind of analysis and storing that data into DynamoDB.

      But again, S3 isn't waiting around for any of this.

      It's asynchronous.

      Lambda is responsible for any reprocessing in the event that there's a failure.

      And this reprocessing value is configurable between zero and two times.

      Now a key requirement for this is that the function code needs to be idempotent.

      And this is important.

      If you've never heard this term before, let me explain.

      Let's say that you had $10 in your bank account and I wanted to increase this value to $20.

      Now there are two ways that I could do this if I operated the bank.

      I could simply add $10 to your balance, increasing it from 10 to 20, or I could explicitly set the balance to 20.

      Now if I set the balance to 20 and this operation failed at some undetermined point in this process, then I could simply rerun the process, safe in the knowledge that even running it again on your balance would only at worst set the value to $20 again.

      This is known as an idempotent operation.

      You can run it as many times as you want and the outcome will be the same.

      Now if I performed the operation where I added $10 to your account and the operation failed, it could have failed before it added the $10 or after.

      If it failed after and I rerun the operation, well now you'd have $30 and this is an example of something which is not idempotent.

      When Lambda retries an operation it doesn't really provide any other information.

      The function just reruns.

      So logically in this example you would need to make sure that your function code isn't additive or subtractive.

      It just needs to perform its intended task.

      With this example it needs to set your balance to $20.

      Generally when designing a Lambda function which is used in this way, the Lambda function needs to finish with a desired state.

      It needs to make something true.

      If you're using Lambda functions which are designed in a non-idempotent way, you can end up with some questionable results.

      Now Lambda can be configured to send any events which it can't process after those automatic retries to a dead letter queue which can be used for diagnostic processing.

      And a new feature of Lambda is the ability to create destinations.

      So events processed by Lambda functions can be delivered to another destination such as SQS, SNS, another Lambda function and even EventBridge.

      And separate destinations can be configured based on successful processing or failures.

      So this is asynchronous invocation.

      It's generally used by AWS services which are capable of generating events and sending those events to Lambda.

      It means that Lambda can automatically reprocess failed events and the original source of the event isn't waiting for processing to complete.

      But there is a third type of invocation.

      The last type of invocation is known as Event Source Mapping.

      And this is typically used on streams or queues which don't generate events.

      So things where some kind of polling is required.

      Let's look at an example.

      Let's say that we have a Kinesis data stream and into this stream, a fleet of producer vans driving around scanning with LIDAR and imaging equipment are all producing data which is being put into a Kinesis stream.

      Now Kinesis is a stream based product.

      Generally consumers can read from a stream but it doesn't generate events when data is added.

      So historically this wouldn't have been an ideal fit for Lambda which is an event driven service.

      So what happens is that we have a hidden component called an event source mapping which is polling queues or streams looking for new data and getting back source batches.

      So batches of source data from this data source.

      Now these source batches are then broken up as required based on a batch size and sent into a Lambda function as event batches.

      Now a single Lambda function invocation could in theory receive hundreds of events in a batch.

      It depends on how long each event takes to process.

      Remember Lambda has a 15 minute timeout so you need to carefully control this event batch size to ensure that the Lambda function doesn't terminate before completing this batch.

      Now there's one really important thing that you need to understand about event source mapping.

      With a synchronous invocation an event is delivered to Lambda from the source and Lambda doesn't need permissions to the source service unless it actually wants to read more data from that source.

      For example, if an object is added to an S3 bucket then S3 generates and delivers an event which contains details of that event.

      So which object was uploaded and perhaps some other metadata.

      But unless you need to read additional data from S3 maybe to get the actual object well then the Lambda function doesn't need S3 permissions.

      With event source mapping invocation the source service isn't delivering an event.

      The event source mapping is reading from that source.

      And so the event source mapping uses permissions from the Lambda execution role to access the source service.

      And this is really important to know because it does come up in the exam.

      So even if a Lambda function receives an event batch containing Kinesis data even though the Lambda function doesn't directly read from Kinesis the execution role needs Kinesis permissions because the event source mapping uses them on its behalf to retrieve that data.

      Now any batches which consistently fail can be sent to an SQS queue or an SNS topic for further processing or analysis.

      Now that's the third type of invocation.

      This is event source mapping invocation.

      And that's the method used when Lambda functions are processing SQS queues, Kinesis streams, DynamoDB streams and even Amazon managed streaming for Apache Kafka.

      And this last one is something that we won't be covering within the course.

      But it's important to know all of the different types of products that use event source mapping based invocation.

      With that being said that's all of the three types of invocation I wanted to cover.

      So let's move on to a different topic.

      This time Lambda versions.

      With Lambda functions it's possible to define specific versions of Lambda functions.

      So you could have different versions of the given function for example, version one, version two and version three.

      Now as it relates to Lambda, a version of a function is actually the code plus the configuration of that Lambda function.

      So the resources and any environment variables in addition to any other configuration information.

      Now when you publish a version, that version is immutable.

      It never changes once it's published.

      And it even has its own Amazon resource name.

      So once you publish a version you can no longer change that version.

      There's also the concept of dollar latest and dollar latest points at the latest version of a Lambda function.

      Now this can obviously change as you publish later and later versions of the function.

      So this is not immutable.

      You can also create aliases.

      So for example, dev stage and prod.

      And these can point at a particular version of a Lambda function.

      And these can be changed.

      So these aliases are not immutable.

      So generally with large scale deployments of Lambda you'd be producing Lambda function versions for all of the major changes.

      And using aliases so that different components of your serverless application can point at those specific immutable version numbers.

      So that's important to know for the exam.

      So the last thing I want to talk about is Lambda startup times.

      And to understand that you need to understand how Lambda functions are actually executed.

      Lambda code runs inside a runtime environment.

      And this is also referred to as an execution context.

      Think of this as a small container which is allocated an amount of resource which runs your Lambda code.

      When a Lambda function is first invoked, let's say by receiving an S3 event, this execution context needs to be created and configured.

      And this takes time.

      First the environment itself is created and this requires physical hardware.

      Then any run times which are required are downloaded and installed.

      Let's say this is for Python 3.8.

      Then the deployment package is downloaded and then installed and this takes time.

      Now this process is known as a cold start.

      And all in this process can take hundreds of milliseconds or more, which can be significant if a Lambda function is performing a task which touches a human who is expecting a response.

      Now if this is an S3 event, then maybe this extra time isn't such a big deal.

      But you need to be aware that this cold start occurs because an execution context is being created and configured.

      Any prerequisites are being downloaded and installed.

      The deployment package is being downloaded and installed.

      And that's all before the function itself can execute.

      Now if the same Lambda function is invoked again without too much of a gap, then it's possible that Lambda will use the same execution context.

      And this is known as a warm start.

      It doesn't need to set up the environment or download the deployment package because all of that is already contained within the execution context.

      This time the context just receives the event and immediately begins processing.

      A warm start means the code can be running within milliseconds because there's no lengthy build process.

      A Lambda function which invokes again fairly soon after a cold start can reuse an execution context.

      But if too long a time period goes between invocations, then the context can be deleted which results in another cold start.

      Also one function invocation runs at a time per context.

      So if you need 20 invocations of a function at once, then this can result in 20 cold starts.

      Now you can make this process more efficient.

      You can actually use a feature known as provisioned concurrency where you can inform AWS in advance.

      An execution context can be provisioned for you in advance for Lambda invocations.

      You might use these when you know that you have periods of high load on a serverless application or if you're preparing for a new production release of a serverless application and want to pre-create all of these execution environments.

      Now there are also other things that you can do to improve performance.

      You can use the temp space to pre-download things within an execution context.

      For example, maybe you're using some animal images as part of your processing.

      Well, if another function uses the same execution context, then it too will have access to those same animal images without having to download them a second time.

      Now you do need to be careful because your functions need to be able to cope with the environment being new and clean every time they can never assume the presence of anything.

      From a code perspective, you can create other things like database connections outside of the Lambda function handler code.

      So when you create a Lambda function, generally most things go within the Lambda function handler.

      But if you create anything outside of the Lambda function handler, then these will be made available for any future function invocations in the same context.

      So anything that you define within a Lambda function handler is limited to that one specific invocation of that Lambda function.

      But for anything which you anticipate there being a potential for reuse, you can declare that outside of the Lambda function handler.

      And in theory, that will be available for any other invocations of the Lambda function which occur within that same execution context.

      But again, you need to make sure that your function doesn't require or expect that.

      Every single time a function invokes, it should be absolutely fine with recreating everything.

      You should by default assume that execution contexts are stateless and any invocation of a Lambda function is going to be operating in a completely freshly created environment.

      But if you want to be efficient, your functions should also be able to reuse common aspects that persist through different function invocations.

      Now again, these are all deep dive things that you need to be aware of for the exam.

      I've covered a lot of these elements across all three parts of this Lambda deep dive mini series.

      But at this point, that's everything I wanted to cover in part three.

      And this is the last part of this mini series.

      So thanks for watching.

      Go ahead and complete this video.

      And when you're ready, I look forward to you joining me in the next lesson.

    1. Welcome back to part two of this lesson series going into a little bit more depth on Lambda.

      In this part of the series I'm going to be talking about Lambda networking, Lambda permissions and Lambda monitoring.

      Now this is a lot to cover in one lesson so let's jump in and get started.

      Lambda has two networking modes and you need to be aware of both of them for the exam.

      First we have public which is the default and then second we have VPC networking.

      Now you need to understand the architecture of both of them so let's step through them in a little bit more detail.

      For public networking we start with an AWS environment and inside it a single Lambda function.

      Now this is part of a wider application let's say the Categorum Enterprise application running in a VPC which uses Aurora for the database, EC2 for compute and the Elastic file system for shared file storage.

      Now this is the default configuration for Lambda where it's running in the public AWS network so Lambda using this configuration can access public space AWS services such as SQS and DynamoDB or internet-based services such as IMDB if the Lambda function wanted to fetch the latest details of cat themed movies and TV shows.

      So Lambda running by default using public networking means that it has network connectivity to public space AWS services and the public internet.

      It can connect to both of those from a networking perspective and as long as it has the required methods of authentication and authorization then it can access all of those services.

      Now public networking offers the best performance for Lambda because no customer specific networking is required.

      Lambda functions can run on shared hardware and networking with nothing specific to one particular customer but this does mean that any Lambda functions running with this default have no access to services running within a VPC unless those services are configured with public addressing as well as security rules to allow external access so this is a big limitation that you need to understand for the exam so the architecture on screen now this Lambda function could not access Aurora EC2 or the Elastic File system unless they had public addressing and the security was configured to allow that access.

      So in this example without configuration changes the Lambda function could access public services but would have no access to anything running inside the VPC.

      Now in most cases in my experience Lambda is used with this public networking model but there are situations where this isn't enough and for those situations Lambda can be configured to run inside a VPC.

      Let's look at how.

      This time we have the same architecture so a VPC running within AWS but this time the Lambda function is configured to run inside a private subnet at the bottom.

      Now this is the same subnet where the Catergram Enterprise infrastructure is running from and for the exam specifically the key thing to understand about Lambda's running inside a VPC is that they obey all of the same rules as anything else running in a VPC because they're actually running within that VPC.

      So to start with this means that Lambda functions running inside a VPC can freely access other VPC based resources assuming any network ACLs and security groups allow that access but the flip side of this means they can't access things outside of the VPC unless networking configuration exists within the VPC to allow this external access.

      So by default with this architecture the Lambda function couldn't access DynamoDB or any internet based endpoints such as with this example IMDB.

      Now if you face any exam questions or you need to design any solutions which involve Lambda functions running within a VPC then just treat them like anything else running in that VPC.

      So this means that you could use a VPC endpoint for example a gateway endpoint to provide access to DynamoDB because the Lambda function is running within the VPC it could utilize a gateway endpoint to access DynamoDB or in the case that the Lambda function needed access to AWS public services or the internet you could deploy a NAT gateway in a public subnet and then attach an internet gateway to the VPC.

      Remember Lambda running within a VPC behaves like any other VPC based service the same gateways and configurations are needed to allow VPC based Lambda functions to communicate with the AWS public zone and the public internet.

      Now you also need to give your Lambda functions EC2 network permissions via the execution role which I'll cover very soon because the Lambda service needs to create network interfaces within your VPC it requires these permissions and this architecture of using network interfaces within a VPC is what I want to quickly cover now.

      Now there used to be disadvantages to running Lambda in a VPC significant disadvantages and the reason was the networking architecture that Lambda used.

      VPC based Lambda functions don't actually run within your VPC the way they work is similar to Fargate so we have AWS and there's a Lambda service VPC and a customer VPC.

      Now let's keep things simple and say that we only have three Lambda functions.

      Now the way that this historically worked is that each of these Lambda functions when invoked would create an elastic network interface within the customer VPC and traffic would flow between this service VPC and the customer VPC.

      Now the problem is that configuring these elastic network interfaces on a per function per invocation basis would take time and add delay to the execution of the Lambda function code.

      In addition this architecture doesn't scale well because parallel function executions or concurrency required additional elastic network interfaces and the more popular a system became the worse the problem became with larger systems you had more and more performance issues and more and more issues with keeping VPC capacity available for larger and larger numbers of ENIs.

      Now luckily this is the old architecture this is the way that Lambda used to handle this private networking it's not how it works anymore.

      With the new way instead of requiring an elastic network interface per function execution AWS analyze all of the functions running in a region in an account and build up a set of unique combinations of security groups and subnets.

      So for every unique one of those one ENI is required in the VPC.

      So if all your functions used a collection of subnets but the same security groups then one network interface would be required per subnet if they all used the same subnet and all used the same security group then all of your Lambda functions could use the single elastic network interface.

      So a single connection between the Lambda Service VPC and your VPC is created for every unique combination of security groups and subnets used by your Lambda functions.

      Now the network interfaces using this architecture are created when you configure the Lambda function and typically this might take 90 seconds but this is done once so when you create the function or when you update the network and configuration this network and configuration is created or updated and that means that it isn't required every single time a Lambda function is invoked so it doesn't delay your function invocations.

      Now this means that you can use private networking at scale without increasing the number of elastic network interfaces required.

      So where it used to be a bad idea performance-wise to use VPC-based lambdas this is no longer the case.

      So that's networking so this is how you configure Lambda functions if you need them to have access to private VPC services and it's important that you understand both the public and VPC networking model especially for the exam because you will face questions on the exam about executing Lambda functions within a VPC.

      Again one really important hint that I will provide is just treat Lambda functions running in a VPC like any other VPC-based resource and by now you should know how to architect a VPC so that services running in that VPC have access to everything that they need so just treat Lambda functions in the same way.

      Now let's look at the security of Lambda functions.

      When it comes to Lambda permissions there are actually two key parts of the permissions model that you need to understand.

      One of them is pretty well known and that's covered at the associate level the other not so much.

      Now let's start with a typical Lambda environment this is a runtime environment the thing where your Lambda functions execute within so this is running a runtime in this case Python 3.8 it's allocated some resources and the code loads and runs within this environment.

      Now for this environment to access any AWS products and services it needs to be provided with an execution role this is a role which is assumed by Lambda and by doing so the code within the environment gains the permissions of that role based on the role's permissions policy so a role is created which has a trust policy which trusts Lambda and the permissions policy that that role has is used to generate the temporary credentials that the Lambda function uses to interact with other resources so in many ways this is just the same as an EC2 instance role so this governs what permissions the function receives which might be something like loading data from DynamoDB and storing output data into S3.

      Now this is the most well known aspect of Lambda permissions but there is another part Lambda actually has resource policies now this in many ways is like a bucket policy on S3 it controls who can interact with a specific Lambda function it's this resource policy which can be used to allow external accounts to invoke a Lambda function or certain services to use a Lambda function such as SNS or S3.

      The resource policy is something changed when you integrate other services with Lambda and you can manually change it via the CLI or the API unless something's changed between creating this lesson and when you're watching it it currently can't be changed using the console UI so this is only something which can be manipulated using the CLI or the API so that's how security works within a Lambda function now one more thing that I want to cover before finishing up with part two is logging so Lambda uses cloud watch, cloud watch logs and x-ray for various aspects of its logging and monitoring so any logging information generated from Lambda executions that goes into cloud watch logs so the output of Lambda functions any messages that you output to the log any errors details on the duration of the execution that's all stored into cloud watch logs any metrics so details such as invocation successes or failure numbers any retries anything to do with latency that's all stored in cloud watch so cloud watch is the thing that stores metrics and this is important to understand logging goes into cloud watch logs and any details on the number of indications successes or failures anything around metrics goes straight into cloud watch now lambdas can also be integrated into x-ray which I cover elsewhere in the course and this can be used to add distributed tracing capability so if you need to trace the path of a user or the path of a session through a serverless application which uses Lambda then you can use the x-ray service now I don't expect this to feature heavily on the exam but just remember the terms x-ray and distributed tracing because that might come in handy for one or two exam questions if these topics do crop up now one really important thing to remember for the exam is that for Lambda to be able to log into cloud watch logs to generate the output of any of the executions you need to give Lambda permissions via the execution role so there's actually a pre-built policy and role within aws specifically designed to give Lambda functions the basic permissions that they require to log information into cloud watch logs and one really common exam scenario is where you're trying to diagnose why a Lambda function is not working there's nothing in cloud watch logs and one possible answer is that it doesn't have the required permissions via the execution role now that's everything I wanted to cover in part two of this Lambda in-depth mini series so we've covered networking both public and private we've covered security and we've covered logging so go ahead and complete this lesson and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in part three.

    1. Welcome back and in this multi-part lesson mini series, I want to talk about AWS Lambda.

      Lambda is a function as a service or a fast product.

      This means that you provide specialized short running and focused code to Lambda and it takes care of running it and billing you only for what you consume.

      So a Lambda function is a piece of code which Lambda runs and every Lambda function is using a supported runtime.

      So an example of a supported runtime is Python 3.8.

      So when you create a Lambda function, you need to define which runtime that piece of code uses.

      Now, when you provide your code to Lambda, it's loaded into and executed within a runtime environment.

      And this runtime environment is specifically created to run code using a certain runtime, a certain language.

      So when you create a Lambda function that uses the Python 3.8 runtime, then the runtime environment that's created is itself specifically designed to run Python 3.8 code.

      Now, when you create a Lambda function, you also define the amount of resource that a runtime environment is provided with.

      So you directly allocate a certain amount of memory and based on that amount of memory, a certain amount of virtual CPU is allocated, but this is indirect.

      You don't get to choose the amount of CPU.

      This is based on the amount of memory.

      Now, the key thing to understand about Lambda as a service, because it's a function as a service product, because it's designed for short running and focused functions, you only actually build for the duration that a function runs.

      So based on the amount of resource allocated to an environment and based on the duration that that function runs for per invocation, that determines how much you'll build for the Lambda product.

      So you'll build for the duration of function executions.

      Now, Lambda is a key part of serverless architectures running within AWS.

      And over this section of the course, you're going to get some experience of how you can use Lambda to create serverless or event-driven architectures.

      Architecturally, the way that Lambda works is this.

      You define a Lambda function.

      Now, you can think of a Lambda function as a unit of configuration.

      Yes, you can also use the term Lambda function to describe the actual code.

      But when you think of a Lambda function, think of it as the code plus all the associated wrappings and configuration.

      Your Lambda function at its most basic is a deployment package which Lambda executes.

      So when you create a Lambda function, you define the language which the function is written in.

      You provide Lambda with a deployment package and you set some resources.

      And whenever the Lambda function is invoked, what actually happens is the deployment package is downloaded and executed within this runtime environment.

      Now, Lambda supports lots of different runtimes.

      Some of the common ones are various different versions of Python.

      We also have Ruby.

      We've got Java.

      We've also got Go and there's also C# as well as various versions of Node.js.

      Now, you can also create custom ones using Lambda layers.

      And many of these are created by the community.

      For the exam though, one really important point is that if you see or hear the term Docker, consider this to mean not Lambda.

      So Docker is an anti-pattern for Lambda.

      Now, Lambda does now support using Docker images, but this is distinct from the word Docker.

      If you hear the term Docker in the exam, then it generally will be referring to traditional containerized computing.

      So that's using a specific Docker image to spin up a container and use it in a containerized compute environment such as ECS.

      Now, you can also use container images with Lambda.

      Now, that's a different process.

      That means that you're using your existing container build processes, the same ones that you use to create Docker images.

      But instead, you're creating specific images designed to run inside the Lambda environment.

      So don't confuse Docker container images and Docker with images used for Lambda.

      They're two different things.

      The only thing that they share is that you can use your existing build processes to build Lambda images.

      Now, custom runtimes could allow languages such as Rust, which is a very popular community-based language to work within the product.

      So if you search using Google or any other popular search engine, you'll be able to find lots of languages which have been added by the community using the Lambda layer functionality.

      And I'll be talking about that elsewhere in the course.

      Now, you select the runtime to use when creating the function, and this determines the components which are available inside the runtime environment.

      So Python code, for instance, requires Python of a certain version to be installed in addition to various Python modules.

      Conceptually, think about it like this.

      Every time a Lambda function is invoked, which means to execute that function, a new runtime environment is created with all of the components that that Lambda function needs.

      Let's say, for example, a Python 3.8-based Lambda function.

      So the code loads, it's executed, and then it terminates.

      Next time, a new clean environment is created, it does the same thing, and then it terminates.

      Lambda functions are stateless, which means no data is left over from a previous invocation.

      Every time a function is invoked, it's a brand new invocation, a brand new environment.

      Now, I'm going to be talking about this in part 3 of this series, because this isn't always the case, but you have to assume that it is architecturally.

      So your code running within Lambda needs to be able to work 100% of the time if it's a new environment.

      Lambda runtime environments have no state.

      Now, there are some situations where a function might be invoked multiple times within the same environment.

      And I'll be talking about that in part 3 of this series.

      But as a base level, a default, assume that every time a Lambda function is invoked, it's inside a brand new runtime environment.

      Now, you also define the resources that Lambda functions use, and this determines how much resource the runtime environment gets.

      Now, you directly define the memory.

      And this is anywhere from 128 MB to 10 to 40 MB in one MB steps.

      Now, you don't directly control the amount of virtual CPU.

      This scales with the memory.

      So 1769 MB of memory gives you one VCPU of allocation, and it's linear.

      So the less memory means less virtual CPUs, and more memory means additional VCPU capacity.

      The runtime environment also has some disk space allocation.

      512 MB is mounted as forward slash TMP within the runtime environment.

      This is the default amount, but it can scale to 10,240 MB.

      Now, you can use this, but keep in mind, you have to assume that it's blank every single time a Lambda function is invoked.

      This should only be viewed as temporary space.

      Lambda functions can run for up to 900 seconds or 15 minutes.

      And this is known as the function timeout.

      This is important because for anything beyond 15 minutes, you can't use Lambda directly.

      And that's a really important figure to know for the exam.

      You know by now I'm not a fan of people memorizing facts and figures, but this is definitely one that you need to remember for the exam.

      So 15 minutes is a critical amount of time for a Lambda function.

      You can use other things, such as step functions, to create longer running workflows, but one invocation of one function has a maximum of 15 minutes or 900 seconds.

      Now, we're going to be covering security in more detail in part two, as well as networking.

      But the security for a Lambda function is controlled using execution roles.

      And these are IAM roles, assumed by the Lambda function, which provides permissions to interact with other AWS products and services.

      So any permissions which a Lambda function needs to be provided with are delivered by creating an execution role and attaching that to a specific Lambda function.

      Now, just a few final things before we finish up some common uses of Lambda.

      So Lambda forms a core part of the delivery of serverless applications within AWS.

      And generally this uses products such as S3, API gateway, and Lambda.

      So these three together are often used to deliver serverless applications.

      Lambda can also be used for file processing, using S3, S3 events, and Lambda.

      So a very common example that's used in training is watermarking images.

      So have images uploaded to S3, generate an S3 event, invoke a Lambda function, which applies a watermark, and then terminates.

      And you're only billed for the compute resources used during those Lambda function invocations.

      You can also use Lambda for database triggers.

      So this is using DynamoDB, as well as DynamoDB streams, and then Lambda.

      So Lambda can be invoked any time data is inserted, modified, or deleted from a DynamoDB table with streams enabled.

      And this is another powerful architecture.

      You can also use Lambda to implement a form of serverless cron.

      So you can use EventBridge or CloudWatch events to invoke Lambda functions at certain times of day, or certain days of week, to perform certain scripted activities.

      And this is something that traditionally you would need to run on something like an EC2 instance, but using Lambda means that you're only billed for the amount of time that these functions are executing.

      So this is another really common use case.

      And then finally, you can perform real-time stream data processing.

      So Lambda's can be configured to invoke whenever data is added to a Kinesis stream.

      And this can be useful because Lambda is really scalable.

      And so it can scale with the amount of data being streamed into a Kinesis stream.

      And again, this is another really common architecture for any businesses that are streaming large quantities of data into AWS, and they require some form of real-time processing.

      Now that's everything that I wanted to cover in part one of this series.

      Remember, it's a three-part mini-series, part two and part three, are going to introduce some more advanced concepts.

      Specifically, though, is that you'll need for the exam.

      But at this point, go ahead, complete this lesson, and then when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      This is part two of this lesson.

      We're going to continue immediately from the end of part one.

      So let's get started.

      Now the previous architecture can be evolved by using queues.

      A queue is a system which accepts messages.

      Messages are sent onto a queue and messages can be received or polled off the queue.

      In many queues there's ordering.

      So in most cases messages are received off the queue in a 5.0 or first in, first out architecture.

      Although it's worth noting that this isn't always the case.

      Using a queue based decoupled architecture, CatTube would look something like this.

      Bob would upload his newest video of whiskers laying on the beach to the upload component.

      And once the upload is complete, instead of passing this directly onto the processing tier, it does something slightly different.

      It stores the master 4k video inside an S3 bucket.

      And it also adds a message to the queue, detailing where the video is located, as well as any other relevant information such as what sizes are required.

      This message, because it's the first message in the queue, is architecturally at the front of the queue.

      At this point the upload tier, because it's uploaded the master video to S3 and added a message to the queue, it's finished this particular transaction.

      It doesn't talk directly to the processing tier and it doesn't know or care if it's actually functioning.

      The key thing is that the upload tier doesn't expect an immediate answer from the processing tier.

      The queue has decoupled the upload and processing components.

      It's moved from a synchronous style of communication where the upload tier expects and needs an immediate answer and it needs to wait for that answer.

      Instead, it uses asynchronous or async communications where the upload tier sends the message and it can either wait in the background or just continue doing other things while the processing tier does its job.

      Now while this process is going on, the upload component is probably getting additional videos being uploaded and they're added to the queue along with the whiskers video processing job.

      Other messages that are added to the queue are behind the whiskers job, because with this queue there is an order.

      It's a 5.0 or first in, first out queue.

      Now at the other side of the queue we have an auto scaling group which has been configured.

      It has a minimum size of 0, a desired size of 0 and a maximum size of 1,337.

      So currently it has no instances provisioned.

      But it has auto scaling policies which provision or terminate instances based on what's called the queue length.

      And the queue length is just the number of items in the queue.

      Because there are messages on the queue added by the upload tier, the auto scaling group detects this and so the desired capacity is increased from 0 to 2.

      And because of this, instances are provisioned by the auto scaling group.

      And these instances start polling the queue and receive messages that are at the front of the queue.

      Remember that these messages contain the data for the job, but they also contain the location of the S3 bucket and the location of the object in that bucket.

      So once these jobs are received from the queue by these processing instances, they can also retrieve the master video from the S3 bucket.

      Now these jobs are processed by the instances and then they're deleted from the queue and this leaves only one job in the queue.

      At this point maybe the auto scaling group decides to scale back because of the shorter queue length.

      So it reduces the desired capacity from 2 to 1.

      And this process terminates one of the processing instances.

      The instance that remains polls the queue and receives the one final message.

      It completes processing of that message so it performs the transcoding on the videos and it leaves zero messages in the queue.

      The auto scaling group realizes this, it scales back the desired capacity from 1 to 0 and that results in the termination of the last processing EC2 instance.

      Using a queue architecture, so placing a queue in between two application tiers decouples those tiers.

      One tier adds jobs to the queue and doesn't care about the health or the state of the other and another tier can read jobs from that queue and it doesn't care how they got there.

      This is unlike the example on the previous screen where application load balancers were used between tiers.

      While this did allow for high availability and scaling, the upload tier in the previous example still synchronously communicated with one instance of the processing tier.

      This way using the queue architecture no communication happens directly.

      The components are decoupled, the components can scale independently and freely and in this case the processing tier which uses a worker fleet architecture.

      It can scale anywhere from zero to a near infinite number of instances based only on the length of the queue.

      So the number of messages in the queue.

      Now this is a really powerful architecture because of the asynchronous communications that it uses.

      And it's an architecture that's commonly used in applications such as CatTube where customers upload things for processing and you want to ensure that you've got a worker fleet behind the scenes that can scale to perform that processing.

      Now you might be asking why this matters at least in the topic of event driven architectures and I'm getting there, I promise.

      If you continue breaking down a monolithic application into smaller and smaller pieces, you'll end up at a microservice architecture which is a collection of as the name suggests microservices.

      And microservices do individual things very well.

      In this example we have the upload microservice, the processing microservice and the store and manage microservice.

      A full application such as CatTube might have hundreds or even thousands of these microservices.

      They might be different services or there might just be lots of copies of the same service such as this example which is lucky because it's far easier to diagram.

      The upload service is a producer, the processing node is a consumer and the data, store and manage microservice performs both.

      Now logically producers produce data or they produce messages.

      Consumers as the name suggests consume data or messages and then you've got microservices that can do both things.

      Now the things that services produce and consume architecturally are events.

      Cues can be used to communicate events as we saw with the previous example but larger microservices architectures can get complex pretty quickly.

      With services needing to exchange data between partner microservices, if we do this with a queue architecture then logically we're going to have a lot of queues.

      It works but it can be complicated.

      Keep in mind a microservice is just a tiny self-sufficient application.

      It has its own logic, its own store of data and its own input/output components.

      Now if you hear the term event driven architecture I don't want you to be too apprehensive.

      Event driven architectures are just a collection of event producers which might be components of your application which directly interact with customers or they might be parts of your infrastructure such as EC2 or they might be systems monitoring components.

      They're bits of software which generate or produce events in reaction to something.

      If a customer clicks submit that might be an event.

      If an error occurs when packing a customer order or an error occurs during the upload of the whiskers holiday video that's an event.

      Producers are things which produce events and the inverse of this are consumers.

      Pieces of software which are ready and waiting for events to occur.

      If they see an event which they care about they will do something with that event.

      They will take an action.

      It might be displaying something for a customer.

      It might be to dispatch a human to resolve an order packing issue or it might be to retry an upload.

      Components or services within an application can be both producers and consumers.

      Sometimes a component might generate an event for example a failed upload and then consume events to force a retry of that upload.

      Now the key thing to understand about event driven architectures is that neither the producers or the consumers are sat around waiting for things to occur.

      They're not constantly consuming resources.

      They're not running at 100% CPU load waiting for things to happen.

      With producers events are generated when something happens when a button is clicked when an upload works or when it doesn't work.

      These producers produce events.

      Consumers are not waiting around for those events.

      They have those events delivered and when they receive an event they take an action and then they stop.

      They're not constantly consuming resources.

      Now applications would be really complex if every software component or service needed to be aware of every other component.

      If every application component required a queue between it and every other component to put events into and access them from it would be a really complex application architecture.

      Best practice event driven architectures have what's called an event router.

      A highly available central exchange point for events and the event router has what's known as an event bus and you can think of this like a constant flow of information.

      When events are generated by producers they're added to this event bus and the router can deliver these to event consumers.

      The WordPress system that we've used to date we've been running it on an EC2 instance and an EC2 instance is essentially a consistent allocation of resources.

      Whether that WordPress is using low amounts of load or large amounts of load we're still going to be billed for that EC2 instance.

      We're still consuming resources.

      I want you to imagine a system with lots of small services all waiting for events.

      If events are received the system springs into action it allocates resources and it scales components up as required.

      It deals with those events and then it returns to the low or no resource usage which is the default state.

      Event driven architectures only consume resources as and when required.

      So with an event driven architecture there's generally nothing constantly running nothing waiting for things.

      We're not constantly polling hoping for things to happen.

      We have producers which generate events when something happens.

      If you're browsing the Amazon.com website and you click on order that generates an event and actions are taken based on that event.

      But the Amazon.com website is not constantly checking your browser each and every second to check if you've clicked submit on that order.

      So producers generate events when something happens so when clicks happen when errors occur when criteria are met when uploads complete or any other actions.

      So producers they generate event on things occurring and these events are delivered to consumers of those events and that generally happens using an event router.

      An event router decides which consumers to deliver events to and when that occurs when these events are delivered to the consumers then actions are taken.

      And then once the action is complete the system returns to waiting it goes into a dormant state and doesn't consume resources.

      So in summary a mature event driven architecture it only consumes resources while handling events when events are not occurring it doesn't consume resources.

      And this is one of the key components of a serverless architecture which I'll be talking about more later in this section.

      Now I know that this has been a lot of theory but I promise you as you continue through the course it will really make sense why I introduce this theory in detail at this point in the course.

      And it really will help you within the exam.

      In the rest of this section we're going to be covering more AWS specific and practical things.

      But they'll all rely on your knowledge of this evolution of systems architecture.

      So thanks for watching this video.

      At this point though you can go ahead finish off this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next lesson.

    1. Welcome back and in this first technical lesson of this section of the course, we'll be stepping through what an event-driven architecture is and comparing it to other architectures available within AWS.

      As a solutions architect, this matters because you're the one who needs to design a solution using a specific architecture around a given set of business requirements.

      So you need to have a good base level understanding of all of the different types of architectures available to you within AWS.

      You can't build something unless you fully understand the architectures.

      So let's jump in and get started because we've got a lot to cover.

      Now to help illustrate how an event-driven architecture works, let's consider an example.

      And the example that I want to use is a popular online video sharing platform that you've all probably heard of.

      Yes, that's right, it's CatTube.

      One of the popular ways that CatTube is used is for people to upload holiday videos of their cats.

      So Bob uploads a 4k quality video of whiskers on holiday to CatTube.

      Now at this point, CatTube begins some processing and it generates lots of different versions of that video at various different quality levels.

      For example, 1080p, 720p and 480p.

      Now this is only part of the application but it happens to be the most intensive in terms of resource usage.

      The website also needs to display videos, manage playlists and channels, and store and retrieve data to and from a database.

      Now there are a few ways that we could architect this solution.

      Historically, the most popular systems architecture was known as a monolithic architecture.

      Now think of this as a single black box with all of the components of the application within it.

      So in this example, I'm just showing a subset but we've got the upload component where Bob uploads his collection of videos where whiskers is on holiday, the processing component which does the conversion of videos, and then we have the store and manage component which interacts with the underlying persistent storage.

      Now this architecture has a number of considerations, a number of important things to keep in mind.

      Because it's all one entity, it fails together as an entity.

      If one component fails, it impacts the whole thing end to end.

      If uploading fails, it could also affect processing as well as store and manage.

      Logically, you know that they're separate things, you know that uploading is different than processing, which is different than store and manage.

      But if they're all contained in a single monolithic architecture, one code base, one big monolithic component, then the failure of any part of that monolith can affect everything else.

      The other thing to consider when talking about monoliths is they also scale together.

      They're highly coupled.

      All of the components generally expect to be on the same server directly connected and have the same code base.

      You can't scale one without the other.

      Generally with monolithic architectures, you need to vertically scale the system because everything expects to be running on the same piece of compute hardware.

      And finally, and this is one of the most important aspects of monolithic architectures that you need to be aware of, they generally build together.

      All of the components of a monolithic architecture are always running and because of that they always incur charges.

      Even if the processing engine is doing nothing, even if no videos are being uploaded, the system capacity has to be enough to run all of them.

      And so they always have allocated resources, even if they aren't consuming them.

      So using a monolithic architecture tends to be one of the least cost effective ways to architect systems, ranging from small to enterprise scale.

      Now we've seen earlier in the course how we can evolve a monolithic design into a tiered one.

      With a tiered architecture, the monolith is broken apart.

      What we have now is a collection of different tiers and each of these tiers can be on the same server or different servers.

      With this architecture, the different components are still completely coupled together because each of the tiers connects to a single endpoint of another tier.

      The upload tier needs to be able to send data directly at the processing tier and again this could be on the same server or a different server.

      With the WordPress example that you looked at earlier in the course, we separated the database component of the monolithic application onto its own RDS instance and left the EC2 instance running the Apache web server and the WordPress application.

      But both of those services still needed to communicate with each other.

      They were very tightly coupled.

      Now the immediate benefit of a tiered architecture versus a monolith is that these individual tiers can be vertically scaled independently.

      Put simply, you can increase the size of the server that's running each of these application tiers.

      What this means is that if the processing tier for example requires more CPU capacity, then it can be increased in size to cope with that additional load without having to increase the size of the upload or the store and manage tiers.

      But this architecture can be evolved even more.

      Instead of each tier directly connecting to each other tier, we can utilize load balances located between each of the tiers.

      Remember in the previous section I mentioned internal load balances.

      This is an example of when internal load balances are useful.

      It means that in this example the upload tier is no longer communicating with a specific instance of the processing tier.

      And it means that the store and manage tier is not communicating with a specific instance of the processing tier.

      Both of them are going via a load balancer.

      And if you remember from the section of the course where I talked about load balances, this means it's abstracted.

      It allows for horizontal scaling, meaning additional processing tier instances can be added.

      Communication occurs via the load balances, so the upload and store and manage tiers have no exposure to the architecture of the processing tier, whether it's one instance or a hundred.

      This means that the processing tier is now able to be scaled horizontally by adding additional instances.

      And it's now highly available.

      If one instance fails, the load balancer just redistributes the connections across the working instances.

      So by abstracting away from individual instance architecture for the individual tiers, using load balances now means we can scale each tier independently, either vertically or horizontally.

      Now this architecture isn't perfect for two main reasons.

      First, the tiers are still coupled.

      The upload tier, for example, expects and requires the processing tier to exist and to respond.

      While the load balancer means that we can have multiple instances for the processing tier, for example, the processing tier has to exist.

      If it fails completely, then the upload tier itself will fail because the upload tier expects at least one instance of the processing tier to answer it.

      If there's a backlog in processing, if the processing tier slows down and it starts to take longer to accept jobs for processing, then that can also impact the upload tier and the customer experience.

      The other issue with this architecture is that even if there's no jobs to be processed, the processing tier has to have something running.

      Otherwise, there'll be a failure when the upload tier attempts to add an upload job.

      So it's not possible to scale the individual tiers of the application back down to zero because the communication is synchronous.

      The upload tier expects to perform a synchronous communication with the processing tier.

      It expects to ask for a job to be entered and it requires an answer.

      So while the tiered architecture improves things, it doesn't solve all of the problems.

      Okay, so this is the end of part one of this lesson.

      It was getting a little bit on the long side and so I wanted to add a break.

      It's an opportunity just to take a rest or grab a coffee.

      Part two will be continuing immediately from the end of part one.

      So go ahead, complete the video and when you're ready, join me in part two.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk in a little bit of detail about gateway load balances.

      Now these are a relatively new addition to the load balancer family and are designed for very specific sets of use cases which I'll cover in this lesson.

      Now we have a lot of architectural theory to cover so let's jump in and get started straight away.

      Now before we talk about gateway load balances, I want to step through the type of situation where you might choose to use one.

      Consider this architecture, the Categorum Application Server in a public subnet communicating with the public internet.

      Now what's missing here is some kind of inspection based security appliance, something which can check data for any exploits to protect our application server.

      Now if this is an important application, which it is because it involves cats, we can improve the architecture, we can add a security appliance and this would be a transparent security device.

      It would sit in the flow of traffic inbound and outbound transparently reviewing traffic as it enters the application from the public internet so protecting the application against any known exploits and then filtering any traffic on the way back out.

      For example, detecting and preventing any information leakage.

      Now this works well assuming that we don't really have to think about scaling.

      The issue comes when we grow or shrink our application.

      Remember AWS pushes the concept of elasticity where applications can grow and shrink based on increasing and decreasing load on a system.

      When you need to deal with a growing and shrinking number of application instances and where this growth is extreme you need an appropriate number of security appliances and this can be complex and prone to failures.

      Now this solution is tightly coupled where the application and security instances are tied together.

      The failure of one can impact the other.

      It doesn't scale well even in a single application environment and it's even more complex if you're trying to build multi-tenant applications.

      It's this type of situation where you need to use some kind of security appliance at scale and have flexibility around network architecture when you might choose to use a gateway load balancer and over the remainder of this lesson I want to step through what they do, how they function and how to use them.

      A gateway load balancer is a product which AWS have developed to help you run and scale third-party security appliances things such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems or intrusion prevention systems, even data analysis tools.

      You might use these for example to perform inbound and outbound transparent traffic inspection or protection.

      Now AWS have a lot of awesome networking products but there are many large businesses who use third-party security and networking products.

      You might do this because you have existing skills on those products and want to use them inside AWS or you might have a formal requirement to use those products or a specific feature or set of features which only one specific vendor can deliver.

      So in those cases you'll need to use a third-party appliance and to do that at scale in a manageable way you'll need to use a gateway load balancer.

      At a high level a gateway load balancer has two major components.

      First, gateway load balancer endpoints which run from a VPC where the traffic you want to monitor, filter or control originates from or is destined to.

      So in the example I'll be using the VPC where the Category Application Instance is hosted.

      Now gateway load balancer endpoints are much like interface endpoints within VPCs which you've experienced so far but with some key improvements which I'll talk about in a second.

      The other component is the gateway load balancer or GWLB itself and this load balancers packets across multiple back-end instances and these are just normal EC2 instances running security software.

      In order for this type of architecture to work the gateway load balancer needs to forward packets without any alteration.

      The security appliance needs to review packets as they're sent or as they're received.

      After all that's the whole point.

      These packets have source and destination IP addresses which might be okay on the original network but which might not work on the network where the security appliances are hosted from.

      And so gateway load balancers use a protocol called Geneva and this is a tunnelling protocol.

      A tunnel is created between the gateway load balancer and the back-end instances so the security appliances.

      Packets are encapsulated and sent through this tunnel to the appliances.

      Now let's review this visually which should help you understand how all of the components fit together.

      Let's say that we have a laptop and this is accessing the Categorum application.

      Now I'm keeping this simple for now and not including any VPC boundaries.

      I'll show you this in a moment.

      So traffic leaves this source laptop and moves into a VPC through an internet gateway and arrives at a gateway load balancer endpoint.

      So gateway load balancer endpoints this is like a normal VPC interface endpoint with one major difference.

      It can be added to a route table as the next hop and this allows it to be part of traffic flows controlled by that route table.

      So traffic via a route table is directed at this endpoint and then the traffic flows through to a gateway load balancer.

      So gateway load balancers allow three and four devices similar in many ways to a network load balancer.

      But it integrates with gateway load balancer endpoints and it encapsulates all traffic that it handles between it and the targets using the Geneva protocol.

      And this means that packets are unaltered.

      They have the same source IP destination IP source port destination port and contents as when they were created and sent.

      This allows the security appliances to scan the packets review them for any security issues block them as required perform analysis or adjust them as needed.

      And when finished the packets are returned over the same tunnel encapsulated back to the load balancer where the Geneva encapsulation is removed and then the packets move back to the gateway load balancer endpoint and through to the intended destination.

      Now the benefits of this architecture are that gateway load balancers will load balance across security appliances so you can horizontally scale.

      The gateway load balancer manages flow stickiness so one flow of data will always use one appliance and this is useful because it allows that appliance to monitor the state of flows through a system.

      It provides abstraction.

      It means that you can use multiple security appliances to provide resilience.

      If one of them fails then packets are just moved over to another available security appliance.

      So in this way it's much like other load balancers within AWS.

      Now just before we finish up with this lesson I wanted to provide a little bit more of a detailed typical architecture where you might use a gateway load balancer.

      So this is the category application.

      It's running in a pair of private subnets at the bottom behind an application load balancer which is running in a pair of public subnets.

      Off to the right we have a separate VPC running a set of security appliances inside an auto scaling group so this can grow and shrink based on load to the application.

      Now what I want to do now is to step through traffic flow through this architecture and show you how the gateway load balancer architecture works to ensure we can scale this security platform.

      So we start at the top with a client which is accessing the web application.

      Now this flow is going to be arriving at the application load balancer which uses public addressing and so logically it first hits the internet gateway.

      The internet gateway is configured with an ingress route table also known as a gateway route table which influences what happens as traffic arrives at the VPC.

      In this case our packets are destined for the public IP that the application load balancer on the right is using.

      The internet gateway first translates the destination public IP address onto the corresponding private IP of that application load balancer and this will be running inside the subnet.

      So this is the subnet where the application load balancer is running from.

      So the third route is used because it's the most specific route for the range and traffic is sent towards the gateway load balancer endpoint in the right availability zone.

      Remember gateway load balancer endpoints are like interface endpoints but they can be the targets within routes.

      So the gateway load balancer endpoint receives these packets and then moves these packets through to the gateway load balancer itself which is running in the security VPC.

      At this point the packets still have the original IP addressing and normally this would be a problem since the security VPC might be using a different or maybe even conflicting IP range.

      So while the source and destination addressing remains the same the packets are encapsulated using the Geneva protocol and sent through unaltered to the security appliance chosen by the gateway load balancer.

      The exact nature of the analysis which takes place depends on the security appliance and that's one of the benefits of using a gateway load balancer.

      It just allows third party appliances to be used in a scalable way.

      It doesn't inflict a particular feature set on us as network engineers or architects.

      So once the analysis has happened the packets are returned encapsulated to the gateway load balancer.

      The encapsulation is stripped and returned via the endpoint to the Category VPC.

      Since the original IP addressing is maintained the route table on the top public subnet is used which has a local route for the VPC side arrange.

      This as the most specific route available is used and packets flow through to the application load balancer and from there through to the chosen application instance.

      And of course this logic is decided upon by the application load balancer.

      Now the return path uses the same logic data leaves the application instance in response to the initial communication from the laptop and so it will return via the application load balancer.

      The load balancer is in a subnet which has a local route but the default route goes towards the gateway load balancer endpoint in the same availability zone.

      Now since traffic is going back to the client device who originally accessed the Category application it will have a public IP version 4 destination IP address and so the default route will be used.

      This means the packets will flow back to the gateway load balancer endpoint and then from there through to the gateway load balancer where they'll be encapsulated passed through to the appliances then back to the load balancer de-encapsulated and passed back to the gateway load balancer endpoint.

      Once they're back at the gateway load balancer endpoint the subnet which the gateway load balancer endpoints are in has the internet gateway as the default route and so this will be used and traffic moves through the internet gateway where its source IP will be changed to the corresponding public one of the application load balancer and then the data will be sent on through to the original client device.

      And that's it transparent inline network security done in a scalable resilient and abstracted way.

      Now I'm going to be talking more about some of the more nuanced features in other lessons but for now that's the basics covered of gateway load balancers.

      In terms of other architecture they share many elements with network and application load balancers including the target group architecture but they have a very specific purpose network security at scale.

      Now with that being said that's everything which I wanted to cover in this video so go ahead and complete the lesson and then when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

  3. Nov 2024
    1. Welcome back to stage 5 of this advanced demo series.

      And in this stage you're going to be adding a load balancer and auto scaling group to provision and terminate instances automatically based on the load of the system.

      By adding a load balancer you'll also abstract connections away from individual instances which will allow elastic scaling and self-healing if any of the instances have problems.

      Now the first step to moving towards this elastic architecture is to create the load balancer.

      To do that move to the EC2 console, scroll down and toward the bottom under load balancing click on load balancers.

      Go ahead and click on create load balancer and it's going to be an application load balancer that we're creating.

      So click on create.

      We're going to be calling the load balancer A4L WordPress ALB.

      It's going to be an internet facing load balancer which means the nodes of the load balancer will be allocated with public IP addressing.

      And we want the IP address type for this demonstration to be IP version 4.

      Okay so now we need to select the subnets that the load balancer nodes will be placed into.

      So first make sure that the animals for life VPC is selected so A4L VPC.

      And then check the box next to US East 1A, 1B and 1C.

      For US East 1A I want you to select the SN-PUB-A which is the public subnet inside Availability Zone A so US East 1A.

      For US East 1B I want you to select the public subnet in AZB so SN-PUB-B.

      And then lastly for US East 1C we'll be selecting the SN-PUB-C.

      So this configures the subnets that the load balancer nodes will be placed into because they're public subnets and because we have the scheme set to internet facing these nodes will be provided with public IP addressing.

      Next under security groups click on the cross to delete the default security group.

      And then click in the drop down and go ahead and select A4L VPC-SG load balancer.

      Now there will be some random afterwards that's okay just make sure you select A4L VPC-SG load balancer.

      Now scroll down and under listeners and routing make sure that the protocol is set to HTTP and the port is set to 80.

      Application load balancers work using target groups and so we need to define a target group to forward the traffic to.

      Now we don't currently have any target groups which have been created so we need to go ahead and click on create target group.

      Now under basic configuration the target type is going to be instances so make sure that that's selected.

      Under target group name just enter A4L WordPress ALBTG.

      Scroll down further still make sure the protocol is set to HTTP and port is set to 80 on this screen as well.

      Make sure the VPC is set to A4L VPC.

      The protocol version by default should be HTTP1 you can leave that as the default.

      Under health checks make sure the health check protocol is HTTP and the health check path is forward slash.

      Once that's set go ahead and click next.

      Now we won't be adding any instances to the target group these can either be added manually or a target group can be integrated with an autoscaling group and that's something that we'll be configuring later in this advanced demo.

      For now just scroll down to the bottom and click create target group.

      Then go back to the previous tab click on the refresh icon and then select the A4L WordPress ALBTG from the drop down.

      Now we won't be picking any add-on services so you don't need to check the AWS global accelerator.

      Just scroll down to the bottom and click create load balancer.

      Next click on view load balancer and then select the load balancer that you've just started creating and we'll need to create another parameter in the parameter store so we'll need the DNS name of the load balancer.

      So go ahead and click on the little symbol next to that to copy that into your clipboard.

      Next you'll need to move back to the parameter store.

      Now because we're automating this environment we need to provide a way so that all of the EC2 instances know the DNS name of the load balancer because this will be used as a workaround to the fact that the IP addresses are hard coded into the database so we need to provide an automatic way of exposing the load balancer DNS name to the EC2 instances.

      Click on create parameter for the parameter name forward slash A4L forward slash WordPress forward slash ALB for application load balancer and then DNS name so forward slash A4L forward slash WordPress forward slash ALB DNS name for description put DNS name of the application load balancer for WordPress.

      We're going to be picking a standard tier parameter.

      It's going to be a string parameter.

      It's going to be a text for data type and in value go ahead and paste the DNS name of the load balancer which you just copied into your clipboard scroll down to the bottom and click on create parameter.

      Now the next thing we're going to do is to update the launch template and this is quite a complex update so you need to understand exactly what we're doing.

      Currently and I've mentioned this a few times throughout this demo series the IP address of the first EC2 instance that's used for a WordPress deployment is hard coded into the database.

      Now this is fine if it's a static IP address but if it's not or if you're using multiple EC2 instances then you can't use IP addresses because they change both on an individual EC2 instance and if you're scaling using multiple instances.

      So we need to replace this hard coded value with the DNS name of the load balancer.

      So that's what we're going to do.

      We're going to update the launch template with some final configuration so that it can adjust this configuration replacing the IP address with the DNS name of the load balancer.

      So go back to the EC2 console, click on launch templates, select the WordPress launch template and click on actions modify template create new version.

      Under the template version description we're going to use app only, users EFS file system defined in /a4l/wordpress/efs/fsid and then ALB home added to the WP database.

      So we're going to make some on the fly adjustments to the WordPress database when every instance is provisioned to make sure that the load balancer DNS name is set to be the home URL for WordPress.

      So again scroll all the way down to the bottom because we're using an older template as the foundation for this one.

      All of the values will be pre-populated.

      Expand advanced details and scroll all the way down to user data and then just expand this text entry to make it slightly easier to interact with.

      As with the previous step position your cursor at the end of this top line and press enter twice.

      We need to add the first two lines of script which will bring in the application load balancer DNS name into an environment variable using systems manager parameter store.

      So now this instance when it's provisioning has the DNS name of the load balancer.

      Now next move all the way down to the bottom of this user data.

      So the last step that we want a machine to do when it's provisioning is to perform this update of the database.

      So there's a fairly large block of text which you need to copy from this stages text instructions.

      It's stage five and you need to paste this into the bottom of this file.

      So right at the bottom after these last two fine statements paste in this block.

      So this should start with the cat command on the top line of what you've just pasted in and then all the way down at the bottom.

      It should end with forward slash home forward slash EC2 hyphen user forward slash update underscore WP underscore IP dot SH.

      Essentially what this does is to bring in the WordPress configuration file to get the current authentication details for the database.

      So all these lines at the top are just designed to get the authentication information.

      So the DB name, the DB user and the DB password.

      This line runs a database script to get the old value for the IP address of the original IP address of the EC2 instance.

      So this is pulling in the original hard coded IP address.

      Then we're going to take the load balancer DNS name and we're going to run a series of SQL commands to update the database moving from that hard coded IP.

      To using the ALB DNS name.

      Now what this is actually doing is this line here is creating a script file and it's going to put into this script file everything until this EOF directive.

      So scrolling down this means that everything between these two lines is going to be stored in this script.

      Then we're going to make the script executable using CHmod 755.

      We're going to echo the path to this script into ETC RC.local which is run every time the instance is started up.

      And then finally we're going to run this script the once to update this information right here and now.

      So this new version of the launch template essentially changes what this hard coded IP address is every time to be the DNS name of the load balancer.

      It means if we ever change the DNS name of this load balancer this script will automatically correct this hard coded value.

      Now this is a thing specific to WordPress and there are many situations where you'll have applications which have certain nuances that you need to be aware of when creating elastic architectures.

      This is the one for WordPress.

      So now that we've made these changes go ahead and click on create template version to create that new version of this launch template.

      Click on launch template some for the final time we need to update the default version.

      So make sure this launch template is selected.

      Click on actions scroll down select set default version click in the drop down the current default version is version three we want to select version four so select that and then click set as default version.

      Now that means the launch template is updated and we can now provision instances in a fully elastic way.

      Okay so this is the end of part one of this lesson.

      It was getting a little bit on the long side and I wanted to give you the opportunity to take a small break maybe stretch your legs or make a coffee.

      Now part two will continue immediately from this point so go ahead complete this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in part two.

    1. Welcome back to stage 5 of this advanced demo series.

      And in this stage you're going to be adding a load balancer and auto scaling group to provision and terminate instances automatically based on the load of the system.

      By adding a load balancer you'll also abstract connections away from individual instances which will allow elastic scaling and self-healing if any of the instances have problems.

      Now the first step to moving towards this elastic architecture is to create the load balancer.

      To do that move to the EC2 console, scroll down and toward the bottom under load balancing click on load balancers.

      Go ahead and click on create load balancer and it's going to be an application load balancer that we're creating.

      So click on create.

      We're going to be calling the load balancer A4L WordPress ALB.

      It's going to be an internet facing load balancer which means the nodes of the load balancer will be allocated with public IP addressing.

      And we want the IP address type for this demonstration to be IP version 4.

      Okay so now we need to select the subnets that the load balancer nodes will be placed into.

      So first make sure that the animals for life VPC is selected so A4L VPC.

      And then check the box next to US East 1A, 1B and 1C.

      For US East 1A I want you to select the SN-PUB-A which is the public subnet inside Availability Zone A so US East 1A.

      For US East 1B I want you to select the public subnet in AZB so SN-PUB-B.

      And then lastly for US East 1C we'll be selecting the SN-PUB-C.

      So this configures the subnets that the load balancer nodes will be placed into because they're public subnets and because we have the scheme set to internet facing these nodes will be provided with public IP addressing.

      Next under security groups click on the cross to delete the default security group.

      And then click in the drop down and go ahead and select A4L VPC-SG load balancer.

      Now there will be some random afterwards that's okay just make sure you select A4L VPC-SG load balancer.

      Now scroll down and under listeners and routing make sure that the protocol is set to HTTP and the port is set to 80.

      Application load balancers work using target groups and so we need to define a target group to forward the traffic to.

      Now we don't currently have any target groups which have been created so we need to go ahead and click on create target group.

      Now under basic configuration the target type is going to be instances so make sure that that's selected.

      Under target group name just enter A4L WordPress ALBTG.

      Scroll down further still make sure the protocol is set to HTTP and port is set to 80 on this screen as well.

      Make sure the VPC is set to A4L VPC.

      The protocol version by default should be HTTP1 you can leave that as the default.

      Under health checks make sure the health check protocol is HTTP and the health check path is forward slash.

      Once that's set go ahead and click next.

      Now we won't be adding any instances to the target group these can either be added manually or a target group can be integrated with an autoscaling group and that's something that we'll be configuring later in this advanced demo.

      For now just scroll down to the bottom and click create target group.

      Then go back to the previous tab click on the refresh icon and then select the A4L WordPress ALBTG from the drop down.

      Now we won't be picking any add-on services so you don't need to check the AWS global accelerator.

      Just scroll down to the bottom and click create load balancer.

      Next click on view load balancer and then select the load balancer that you've just started creating and we'll need to create another parameter in the parameter store so we'll need the DNS name of the load balancer.

      So go ahead and click on the little symbol next to that to copy that into your clipboard.

      Next you'll need to move back to the parameter store.

      Now because we're automating this environment we need to provide a way so that all of the EC2 instances know the DNS name of the load balancer because this will be used as a workaround to the fact that the IP addresses are hard coded into the database so we need to provide an automatic way of exposing the load balancer DNS name to the EC2 instances.

      Click on create parameter for the parameter name forward slash A4L forward slash WordPress forward slash ALB for application load balancer and then DNS name so forward slash A4L forward slash WordPress forward slash ALB DNS name for description put DNS name of the application load balancer for WordPress.

      We're going to be picking a standard tier parameter.

      It's going to be a string parameter.

      It's going to be a text for data type and in value go ahead and paste the DNS name of the load balancer which you just copied into your clipboard scroll down to the bottom and click on create parameter.

      Now the next thing we're going to do is to update the launch template and this is quite a complex update so you need to understand exactly what we're doing.

      Currently and I've mentioned this a few times throughout this demo series the IP address of the first EC2 instance that's used for a WordPress deployment is hard coded into the database.

      Now this is fine if it's a static IP address but if it's not or if you're using multiple EC2 instances then you can't use IP addresses because they change both on an individual EC2 instance and if you're scaling using multiple instances.

      So we need to replace this hard coded value with the DNS name of the load balancer.

      So that's what we're going to do.

      We're going to update the launch template with some final configuration so that it can adjust this configuration replacing the IP address with the DNS name of the load balancer.

      So go back to the EC2 console, click on launch templates, select the WordPress launch template and click on actions modify template create new version.

      Under the template version description we're going to use app only, users EFS file system defined in /a4l/wordpress/efs/fsid and then ALB home added to the WP database.

      So we're going to make some on the fly adjustments to the WordPress database when every instance is provisioned to make sure that the load balancer DNS name is set to be the home URL for WordPress.

      So again scroll all the way down to the bottom because we're using an older template as the foundation for this one.

      All of the values will be pre-populated.

      Expand advanced details and scroll all the way down to user data and then just expand this text entry to make it slightly easier to interact with.

      As with the previous step position your cursor at the end of this top line and press enter twice.

      We need to add the first two lines of script which will bring in the application load balancer DNS name into an environment variable using systems manager parameter store.

      So now this instance when it's provisioning has the DNS name of the load balancer.

      Now next move all the way down to the bottom of this user data.

      So the last step that we want a machine to do when it's provisioning is to perform this update of the database.

      So there's a fairly large block of text which you need to copy from this stages text instructions.

      It's stage five and you need to paste this into the bottom of this file.

      So right at the bottom after these last two fine statements paste in this block.

      So this should start with the cat command on the top line of what you've just pasted in and then all the way down at the bottom.

      It should end with forward slash home forward slash EC2 hyphen user forward slash update underscore WP underscore IP dot SH.

      Essentially what this does is to bring in the WordPress configuration file to get the current authentication details for the database.

      So all these lines at the top are just designed to get the authentication information.

      So the DB name, the DB user and the DB password.

      This line runs a database script to get the old value for the IP address of the original IP address of the EC2 instance.

      So this is pulling in the original hard coded IP address.

      Then we're going to take the load balancer DNS name and we're going to run a series of SQL commands to update the database moving from that hard coded IP.

      To using the ALB DNS name.

      Now what this is actually doing is this line here is creating a script file and it's going to put into this script file everything until this EOF directive.

      So scrolling down this means that everything between these two lines is going to be stored in this script.

      Then we're going to make the script executable using CHmod 755.

      We're going to echo the path to this script into ETC RC.local which is run every time the instance is started up.

      And then finally we're going to run this script the once to update this information right here and now.

      So this new version of the launch template essentially changes what this hard coded IP address is every time to be the DNS name of the load balancer.

      It means if we ever change the DNS name of this load balancer this script will automatically correct this hard coded value.

      Now this is a thing specific to WordPress and there are many situations where you'll have applications which have certain nuances that you need to be aware of when creating elastic architectures.

      This is the one for WordPress.

      So now that we've made these changes go ahead and click on create template version to create that new version of this launch template.

      Click on launch template some for the final time we need to update the default version.

      So make sure this launch template is selected.

      Click on actions scroll down select set default version click in the drop down the current default version is version three we want to select version four so select that and then click set as default version.

      Now that means the launch template is updated and we can now provision instances in a fully elastic way.

      Okay so this is the end of part one of this lesson.

      It was getting a little bit on the long side and I wanted to give you the opportunity to take a small break maybe stretch your legs or make a coffee.

      Now part two will continue immediately from this point so go ahead complete this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in part two.

    1. Welcome back to stage 4 of this advanced demo series.

      Now in stage 4, we're going to perform the last step before we can make this a truly elastic and scalable design.

      And we're going to migrate the wp-content folder which stores these priceless animal images from the EC2 instance onto EFS which is the elastic file system.

      This is a shared network file system that we can use to store images or other content in a resilient way outside of the life cycle of these individual EC2 instances.

      So to do that, we need to move back to the AWS console, click on the services drop down and type EFS.

      Right click and open the EFS console in a new tab.

      Once that's opened, click on create file system.

      Now we're going to step through the full configuration options so rather than using this simplified user interface, go ahead and click on customize.

      So the first step is to create the file system itself.

      So for name, go ahead and call this a4l-wordpress-content.

      Leave the storage class as standard.

      These cat images are critical data and so we are going to leave automatic backups enabled.

      And we're also going to leave life cycle management set to be the default so 30 days since the last access for throughput mode pick bursting which links the throughput to the size of the storage.

      Then expand additional settings.

      You've got two performance modes, general purpose and max IO.

      For this demonstration, go ahead and select general purpose.

      Max IO is for very specific high performance scenarios for 99% of use cases.

      You should select general purpose.

      Now also go ahead and untick enable encryption of data at rest.

      If this were a production scenario, you would leave this on.

      But for this demo, which is focusing on architecture evolution, it simplifies the implementation if we disable it.

      So go ahead and make sure that encryption is disabled.

      Once you've done that, that's all of the file system specific options that we need to configure.

      So go ahead and click on next.

      In this part, you're configuring the EFS mount targets, which are the network interfaces in the VPC, which your instances will connect with.

      So in the virtual private cloud drop down, select it and then pick a for L VPC.

      So this is the VPC that these mount targets are going to go into.

      Now, each of the mount targets is secured by a security group.

      The first thing we need to do is to strip off the default security group for the VPC.

      So click in the crosses next to each of these security groups.

      Now, you should have three rows, one for each availability zone.

      So in my case, you are seized one A, one B and one C and make sure that you've got the same selected.

      So one row for each availability zone, A, B and C.

      Now in the subnet drop down for availability zone one A, I want you to go ahead and pick SN-AP-A.

      So this should be

      For the US East one B row, I want you to go ahead and pick SN-AP-B.

      This should be

      And then finally for US East one C, I want you to go ahead and pick SN-AP-C, which should be

      Now for all three rows within the security groups drop down, I want you to go ahead and select A4LVPC-SGEFS.

      Again, for each of these, it will have some randomness after it, but just make sure you pick the right one.


      And you need to pick that for each of the three rows.

      Make sure you pick the right one because if you don't, it will impact your ability to connect.

      So there the mount targets configured and they'll be allocated with an IP address in each of these subnets automatically, which will allow you to connect to them.

      At this point, go ahead and click on Next.

      You can configure some additional file system policies.

      This is entirely optional.

      We won't be using that.

      So just go ahead and click on Next.

      And then on the review screen, scroll all the way down to the bottom and just click on Create.

      Now the file system itself will initially show as being in the creating state and it will then change to available.

      Go ahead and click on the file system itself.

      Click on the Network tab and then just scroll down and these are the mount targets which are being created.

      Now in order to configure our EC2 instance, we will need all of these mount targets to be in the available state.

      But what we can do to save some time is we can note down the file system ID of this EFS file system.

      So this is this value.

      You can see it at the top header here or you can see it in this row at the top.

      Just note that down and copy that into your clipboard because we need to configure another parameter to point at this file system ID.

      Because remember when we're scaling things automatically, it's always best practice to use the parameter store to store configuration information.

      So click on Services, type Sys which are the first few letters of Systems Manager and open that in a new tab.

      Once you're at the Systems Manager console, go ahead and click on Parameter Store and then you need to click Create Parameter to create a new parameter.

      We're going to call this parameter forward slash A4L forward slash WordPress forward slash and then EFS for Elastic File System, FS for File System and then ID.

      So EFS File System ID.

      For description, put File System ID for WordPress content and then in brackets WP-Content and that will help us know exactly what this parameter is for.

      As before, we'll be picking the standard tier, the type will be string, the data type will be text and then into the value, just go ahead and paste that file system ID.

      And once you've done all that, you can go ahead and click on Create Parameter.

      Once that's done, go back to the EFS console and if required, just hit refresh and make sure that all of these mount targets are in the available state.

      This is what it should look like with all three showing a green tick and available.

      Once that's the case, go to the EC2 console because now we're going to configure our EC2 instance to connect to this file system.

      So go to Running Instances, locate the WordPress -LT instance, right click, select Connect, choose Session Manager and then click on Connect.

      And this will open Session Manager console to the EC2 instance.

      As always, type shudubash, press Enter, cd and press Enter and then type clear and press Enter again, just to clear the screen making it easier to see.

      Now, even though EFS is based on NFS, which is a standard, in order to get EC2 instances to connect to EFS, we need to install an additional tools package.

      And to do that, we use this command.

      So type or paste that in and press Enter to install the EFS support package.

      Once that's installed again, I'm going to clear the screen to make it easier to see.

      Then I'm going to move to the Web Root folder by typing cd /vr/www/html.

      And what I'm going to do is to move the entire wp-content folder somewhere else.

      So if I just go inside this folder to illustrate exactly what it looks like and then do a list, you'll see that inside there are plugins, themes and uploads.

      And inside those folders are any media assets used by WordPress.

      So I'm just going to type cd /dot/ to move back up a level out of this folder.

      And then I'm going to move this entire folder to the /tmp folder, which is a temporary folder.

      So mv/wp-content///tmp and that moves that entire folder to the temporary folder.

      Then we're going to create a new folder.

      So shudu space mkdir space wp-content.

      This will be the mount point for the EFS file system.

      So I'm making an empty directory.

      Then I'm going to clear the screen and then paste in the next two commands from the lesson instructions.

      And this populates an environment variable called EFS/FSID with the value from the parameter you just created in the parameter store.

      So this is now the file system ID of the EFS file system.

      Now there's a file called fstab which exists in the /etc folder.

      And inside there it's called fstab and this contains a list of file systems which are mounted on this EC2 instance.

      Initially this only has the single line for the boot volume.

      What we're going to do is add an additional line to this fstab file.

      And this line is going to configure the EC2 instance so that it mounts our EFS file system on boot every single time.

      And this is this command.

      So it echoes this line.

      So the file system ID from the environment variable.

      We're going to mount it to the folder that we just created.

      So the wp-content folder and these are all of the file system options.

      So we're going to put that into the fstab file.

      So if we now cap this file it's got this extra line.

      And this means this file system will be mounted whenever the operating system starts.

      And we can force this just for now by running mount space-a space-t space-efs space-defaults.

      And this will mount the EFS file system onto this EC2 instance.

      We can verify that by doing a df space-k.

      And the bottom line should show us that we've now got this EFS file system mounted as the wp-content folder.

      So this is the folder that WordPress expects its media to be inside.

      Now all that remains is for us to migrate the existing data that we moved to the temporary folder back in to wp-content.

      And to do that we use this command.

      So we're using the mv command to move forward slash tmp forward slash wp-content forward slash star.

      So any files and folders and then we're moving it back into var www.html wp-content.

      So this is the EFS file system.

      So run that and that will copy the data back to EFS, which remember is now mounted where WordPress expects it to be.

      Now that might take a few moments to complete.

      Once it's done, we just need to fix up the permissions.

      So run this command chown space-bigr space-ec2-user colon apache space and then slash var slash www.

      So this just reestablishes permissions and ownership of everything in this particular part of the file system.

      Just make sure we won't have any problems going forward.

      Now at this point we're going to use the reboot command to restart this instance.

      And if everything goes well, the instance should start, the EFS file system should be loaded and WordPress should have access to all of this wp-content, which is now running from a network file system.

      So go ahead type reboot and press enter.

      If you press enter just to make sure that you are disconnected and I am.

      So that's good.

      So now I need to wait a few minutes for this EC2 instance or at least its operating system to restart.

      So I'll go ahead and close down this session manager tab.

      Go back to the EC2 console.

      After waiting a few minutes, I'll right click select connect check session manager click on connect.

      Assuming the instance has restarted, I'll be back at the prompt.

      And if I do a DF space-k if everything's working as expected, the EFS file system will still be mounted into the directory that we configured.

      If I go back to the EC2 console and just copy down the instances public IP version for address, either refresh the tab if you still got it open or paste in the IP address and reload that page.

      And if everything's working as expected, all of these high quality critical cat pitches should still load from the WordPress blog.

      So now at this point when we're interacting with the application, both the database and the wp-content both exist away from the EC2 instance.

      And this means we're now in a position where we can scale the EC2 instance without worrying about the data or the media for any of the posts.

      And this means we can now further evolve this architecture to be fully elastic.

      Now there is one more thing that we need to do before moving on to the next stage of the demo and implementing this final step towards a fully elastic architecture.

      And that's that we need to update the launch template to include this updated configuration so that it uses EFS.

      To do that, go back to the EC2 console, go to launch templates, select the launch template.

      So check the box, click on the actions drop down, select modify template, create new version.

      For template version description, use app only, uses EFS file system defined in and then the parameter store value that contains the file system ID.

      So this is just the description.

      Now again, because we're creating a new version, it will populate all of the configuration with the previous template version.

      But I'll need you to scroll all the way down to the bottom, expand advanced details and scroll all the way down.

      Again, we're going to make some edits to the user data.

      So expand this box a little bit to make it easier to read.

      What I'll need you to do is to put your cursor after the end of this top line and just press enter twice to make some space and then paste in this set of configuration.

      And again, this is stored within the instructions for this stage of the demo series that will just populate an environment variable with the file system ID that it will get from the parameter store.

      Scroll down and next you're looking for a software installation line.

      You're looking for this line, the line that performs the installation of the Maria DB server, the Apache web server and the W get utility.

      Position your cursor after the word stress and then press space.

      And then I'll want you to add this text followed by a space, which is Amazon hyphen EFS hyphen utils.

      Next, scroll down a little bit further and you're looking for the line that says system, CTL, start, HTTBD.

      Click on the end to position your cursor at the end of that line and then press enter twice to add some space and then paste in this next block also contained within this lessons instructions.

      What this does is to make a WP hyphen content folder before we install WordPress, configure the ownership of the entire folder tree and then add the line for EFS to the FSTAB file and then mount this EFS file system in to VARWWWW/HTML/WP hyphen content.

      And this means that when we're automatically provisioning this instance before we install WordPress, we're creating and mounting this EFS file system.

      And then we go on to installing WordPress, configuring the database and performing the final fix of all of the permissions at that folder structure.

      Next, scroll down.

      We're done with all of the launch template user data configuration.

      Just go ahead and click on create template version.

      We need to make this new version the default.

      So click on launch templates, select the WordPress launch template, click on actions, scroll down, select set default version, click in the dropdown.

      Version two should currently be the default.

      Change that to version three and click set as default version.

      So at this point, you further evolved the architecture.

      Now we have both the database for WordPress stored in RDS and the WP hyphen content data stored within the Elastic file system.

      So we've solved many of the applications limitations.

      We can scale the database independently of the application.

      We've stored the media files separate from the instance.

      So now we can scale the instance freely out or in without risking the media or the database.

      We do still have two final limitations which will be fixing together in the next stage of this demo series.

      One is that customers still connect to the instance directly so we don't have any health checks.

      We don't have any auto healing capabilities and we're limited to how we can scale.

      And then finally, the IP address of the instance is still hard coded into the database.

      And so even if we did provision additional instances, WordPress would expect all of the data to be loaded from that one single original instance.

      And to allow us to scale, we have to resolve both of those problems.

      At this point though, you've done everything required in stage four.

      So go ahead, complete this video.

      And when you're ready, I look forward to you joining me in stage five of this advanced demo series.

    1. Welcome back and in stage three of this demo series, you're going to change the single server architecture that's on screen now and move towards something a little more scalable.

      You're going to migrate the database from the EC2 instance into a separate RDS instance and that means each of these can scale independently, so you can grow or shrink the database independently of the EC2 instance.

      It also means that the data in the database lives past the lifecycle of the EC2 instance and this is required for later stages in the demo where you want to scale in and out based on load.

      So let's go ahead and do that.

      So you'll need to be at the AWS console, click on services and in the find services drop down, type RDS and then open that in a new tab.

      Now we're going to create a subnet group first and a subnet group is what allows RDS to select from a range of subnets to put its databases inside.

      In this case, we'll be giving RDS a selection of three subnets, so SN-DB-A, B and C.

      So three availability zones which it can choose to deploy database instances into.

      So to do that, look on the left hand menu and just click on subnet groups.

      Click on create DB subnet group.

      For name, call it WordPress RDS subnet group.

      Under description, just type RDS subnet group for WordPress.

      In the VPC drop down, select the A4L VPC.

      Scroll down a little and then under availability zones, click in the drop down and check the box next to US East 1A, 1B and 1C because we have database subnets in each of those availability zones and these were created as part of the infrastructure cloud formation template that you applied at the start of this advanced demo.

      Once you've selected those availability zones, next we need to pick the subnets inside those availability zones that the databases will go into.

      So click in the subnets drop down.

      Now you could go to the VPC console and get the IP address ranges that correspond to the different database subnets but I'm going to save us some time.

      So in US East 1A, you need to pick

      That's the database subnet in availability zone A.

      In availability zone B, you need to pick

      That's the database subnet in AZB.

      And then in US East 1C, you need to pick because that's the database subnet in availability zone C.

      So now you've selected the three availability zones, the three subnets in those availability zones so you can scroll down and click on create.

      So that creates the database subnet group that RDS uses in order to select which subnets database instances should go into.

      The next step is to actually create the RDS instance itself.

      And to start with, we're going to use a free tier eligible database.

      So go ahead and click on databases, click on create database, select standard create.

      RDS is capable of using lots of different database engines, but we're going to select MySQL.

      So select MySQL.

      Scroll down and under version, put the version number that's inside this lesson's description.

      AWS regularly make changes and instead of using the version you see on this video, pick the one that's inside this lesson's description.

      Scroll down.

      Under templates, click on free tier because this will make sure that we're only selecting options that are eligible under the free tier.

      And we want to keep the first part of this demo series completely within the AWS free tier.

      Now under DB instance identifier, we need to give this instance a name.

      So delete this placeholder and then just enter A4L wordpress.

      Now for master username and password, we need to enter the values from the parameter store that we entered previously.

      So click on services, start typing sys and then right click on systems manager and open in a new tab.

      Go to the parameter store, look for the DB user parameter and then copy what's in the value field and then go back to the RDS console and paste that in for master username.

      So that should be A4L wordpress user.

      Do the same for the master password.

      So for that, you need to go back to parameter store and this time you're looking for A4L wordpress DB password.

      So select that.

      Once you're here, click on show and then copy the value for this parameter.

      Once you've got that value, paste it into both the master and confirm password boxes.

      Scroll down further still and now you need to pick the database instance size.

      Now because we've selected free tier eligible, we can only select DB.t3.micro.

      Or in some cases, this may be slightly different, but it's only going to allow you to pick free tier eligible instance types.

      So we can leave that selected.

      It is the default because we picked free tier only.

      Now scroll down to connectivity.

      Under the virtual private cloud VPC, click in the drop down and select the A4L VPC.

      So this defines the VPC that this database is going into.

      Once you've selected that, make sure for subnet group, you've got WordPress RDS subnet group selected.

      Choose no for publicly accessible and then for existing VPC security groups, I want you to go ahead and click on the cross next to default and then click in the drop down and select A4L VPC - SG database.

      And again, this will have some randomness on the end, but that's perfectly okay.

      So select A4L VPC - SG database.

      Under availability zone preference, select US East 1A.

      This makes sure this database just to start off with is in the same availability zone as the EC2 instance.

      Scroll down further still, go past database authentication and then expand additional configuration.

      And this is important because we need to set an initial database name.

      So for the initial database name, we'll need to go back to the parameter store.

      This time we need the value for the A4L WordPress DB name parameter.

      So select that and then copy its value.

      So copy that into the clipboard, go back to the RDS console and paste that in for the initial database name.

      And that should be A4L WordPress DB.

      At this point, we can leave everything else as default.

      So scroll all the way down to the bottom and click on create database.

      Now this can take anywhere up to 30 minutes to create the database and it will need to be fully ready before you move on to the next step.

      So now's a great time to pause this video, go and grab a coffee and wait for this database to become available, at which point you can resume the video.

      Now that this database instance is available, the next thing to do is to migrate the actual WordPress data.

      And to do that, we need to move back to the EC2 console.

      So open the EC2 console, locate WordPress -LT and then select that instance, right click, select connect, choose session manager and then click on connect.

      We're going to perform the migration from this instance itself.

      To start with run shudu space bash and press enter, cd and press enter and then type clear and press enter.

      We're going to be running some commands which are in the text instructions for this stage of the demo series.

      The first set of commands will load data from the parameter store into environment variables within the operating system.

      So go ahead and copy all of the first block of commands and paste it in to this terminal.

      This will load the DB password, the DB root password, DB user, DB name and DB endpoint all into environment variables and make sure to press enter on the last line just to complete that command.

      Next we're going to export the data from the local MariaDB database instance and we'll do that using this command.

      So mysqldump -h space and then uses these environment variables.

      So the database endpoint which will be local host and then a space -u and then a space and then the database user which is also an environment variable and then a space -p and then DB password which is an environment variable and then a space and then DB name which is also an environment variable.

      And then we direct the output of this command into a file called a4lwordpress.sql which is a database export file.

      So the best way is to copy and paste this out of the lesson instructions and then press enter and then run an ls space -la and just make sure that you've got that a4lwordpress.sql file and this is an output of the current sqldatabase for WordPress.

      Now next we need to change the parameter in parameter store for DB endpoint so that it points at our new RDS instance.

      So go back to the RDS console, click on the a4lwordpress instance and then copy this endpoint name into your clipboard.

      So it should start with a4lwordpress and then some random and then the region and then RDS and then amazonaws.com.

      So copy all of that into your clipboard and then either open the systems manager console and go to the parameter store or if you still got it open in a previous tab then you can open that tab.

      So click on parameter store to list all the parameters.

      Now at this point we're going to delete one of these parameters and it needs to be a deletion because we're going to recreate it.

      Please make sure that you do delete it and recreate it rather than just editing the value for the existing parameter because that won't work.

      You'll need to select the checkbox next to a4lwordpress.db endpoint and then click on delete.

      And once you've done that click on delete parameters to confirm that deletion and we're going to create a new parameter with the same name.

      So click on create parameter for name put forward slash a4lwordpress/db endpoint which is the same name as before.

      For description put WordPress endpoint name.

      We're going to use the standard tier again.

      It's going to be a string type.

      The data type is going to be text and then in the value paste in the RDS endpoint that you just copied into your clipboard.

      And once you've done that scroll down and click on create parameter.

      Go back to the session manager tab that you've got open to the instance and we need to refresh the environment variable with the updated parameter store parameter.

      So to do that copy and paste this next block of commands and this updates the db endpoint with the new RDS DNS name.

      Once we've updated that then we can run the mysql command to load in the a4lwordpress.sql export into the RDS instance and that's using this command.

      So again mysql -h space and then the RDS endpoint name which is in that environment variable and then specifying the db user db password and db name and then directing the command to load in the contents of this file.

      So if we paste all that in and press enter that imports that database export into RDS.

      So now RDS has the same data as our local Maria db installation.

      Now to finalize the migration we need to update the wordpress configuration file.

      So instead of pointing at the local Maria db instance it points at RDS.

      And we can do that using sed and perform a replace of local host with the contents of the db endpoint environment variable which remember now contains the DNS name for the RDS instance.

      And the location of the file that will be performing this replace on is /var/www/html/wp-config.php which is the wordpress configuration file.

      So paste that in and press enter and that's reconfigured wordpress now so that it talks to the RDS instance for the database functionality.

      Lastly we can run these commands to both disable Maria db so it doesn't start every time the operating system boots and set it to stopped right now.

      So now Maria db is no longer running on this EC2 instance.

      So we can verify that the functionality of our application is still there by going back to the EC2 console.

      Selecting wordpress -lt just copy this public IP address into your clipboard.

      If you already have it open in an existing tab you can refresh.

      It should still load the blog and yet we've still got the same best animals blog post.

      But now wordpress is loading the data for this blog post from the RDS instance.

      Now to be really clear at this point wordpress when you create a blog post has two different sets of data.

      It has the data of the blog post so the text, the metadata, the author, the date and time, the permissions, the published status and many other things they're stored in the database.

      But any media, any content for this blog post is still stored locally in a directory called wp-content.

      That is still on the EC2 instance or that we've migrated in this stage of the demo is the database itself from Maria db through to RDS.

      Now before we finish with this stage of the demo series there's one final task and that's to update the launch template so we can launch additional EC2 instances.

      But using this new configuration so pointing at the RDS instance.

      So to do that go back to the EC2 console and click on launch templates.

      Click in the checkbox next to the wordpress launch template.

      Select the actions drop down and then locate and click modify template create new version.

      Now for the description we're going to put single server app only.

      So we're indicating with this version of the launch template we no longer have the database inside the instance itself.

      Now because we're creating this from a previous version all of the boxes will be pre-populated.

      What we need to do is to update the user data.

      So go all the way down to the bottom and expand advanced details scroll all the way down to the bottom of that and find the user data box.

      And I find it's easier if we just expand it to make it slightly easier to see.

      There are a number of things which we need to adjust in this user data.

      First just scroll down and you need to locate this block of commands.

      So system CTL enable and system CTL start.

      What we need to remove are the lines that refer to MariaDB.

      So the top one is system CTL enable MariaDB select that and delete and then locate system CTL start MariaDB select that and delete.

      So that prevents MariaDB starting on the EC2 instance.

      Now because we're using an RDS instance we also need to remove this line which attempts to set the root password of the MariaDB database instance.

      We don't need that anymore so delete that.

      Scroll all the way down to the bottom and look for this block.

      So it starts with echo create database DB name and it finishes with RM/TMP/DB.setup.

      This is the block that creates the database within MariaDB, creates the user and sets all of the permissions.

      But because we're using RDS now we don't need to do any of this so we're going to delete this block as well.

      Once you've done that you can go ahead and click on create template version and this will create a new version but this time designed to use RDS.

      Once you've done that go back to the launch template screen and click on the launch template.

      We need to change it so that the new version is the default version that's used whenever we launch instances from this template.

      So click on the launch template.

      Once that's loaded you'll see we're currently on version one.

      Change this to version two and you'll see the updated details and then click on the actions drop down.

      Select set default version.

      In the dialogue make sure that version two is shown under template version and then click on set as default version.

      And at this point version two or the one which uses RDS is now set as default and this means when we use this template to launch any instances this is the version that will be used by default.

      Now at this point that's everything that I wanted you to do in stage three of this demo series.

      So you've migrated the data for a working WordPress installation from a local MariaDB database instance through to RDS.

      And that's essential to be able to scale this application because now the data is outside of the lifecycle of the EC2 instance.

      So we know that for any scale in or out events it won't impact the relational or SQL based data.

      It also means that we can scale the database independently of the WordPress application instances.

      So that helps us reach the desired outcome of a fully elastic architecture.

      Now at this point we've actually fixed many of the limitations of this design.

      At this point the only things that we need to fix are the application media.

      So the WordPress content which still resides in a folder local to the EC2 instance.

      So we need to migrate this out so that we can scale the instances in and out without risking that data.

      The other things that are still limiting factors are that customers are still connecting directly to the instance.

      So we need to resolve that by using a load balancer and the IP address of the instance is still hard coded into the database.

      So if this EC2 instance fails for whatever reason and we provision a new one, it won't function because WordPress expects everything to be loaded from this IP address.

      So that's something we need to resolve.

      But at this point that's everything you need to do in stage three.

      In stage four you'll be migrating these images from the EC2 instance into an elastic file system.

      And that's one of the last stages that we need to do before we can make this a fully elastic design.

      So go ahead complete this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in stage four of this advanced demo series.

    1. Welcome back to stage two of this advanced demo lesson and again have included full instructions attached to this lesson.

      And this stage of the demo will be another one where you're entering lots of commands because you're going to automate the build of the WordPress application instance.

      So again, I would recommend opening the instructions for this demo lesson and copy and pasting the commands rather than typing them out by hand.

      Now at this point in the advanced demo series, you're going to have a leftover instance that you used to manually install WordPress in the previous stage.

      It should be called WordPress - Manual.

      So I'm going to want you to go ahead and right click on that and select terminate instance and confirm that process to remove this instance from your AWS account.

      We're going to be setting up exactly the same single instance deployment of WordPress, so both the database and the application on the same instance.

      But instead of manually building this, we're going to be using a launch template.

      So from the EC2 console, just go ahead and click on launch templates under instances.

      The first step is to create a launch template for our WordPress application.

      So go ahead and click on create launch template.

      Now launch templates are actually a new version of launch configurations that were previously used with auto scaling groups.

      Launch templates allow you to either launch instances manually using the template or they can be part of auto scaling groups.

      But what a launch template allows you to do is to specify all of the configuration in advance to launch an instance and that template can be used to launch one or many instances.

      So we're going to create a launch template which will automate the installation of WordPress, MariaDB and perform all of the configuration.

      And a launch template can actually have many different versions, which is a feature we'll use throughout this demo series as we evolve the design.

      So the first step is to name this template and we're going to call it WordPress.

      Under template version description, go ahead and enter single server DB and app.

      And then check this box which says provide guidance to help me set up a template that I can use with EC2 auto scaling.

      We're not immediately going to set it up as part of an auto scaling group, but it will help us highlight any options which are required if we want to use it with an auto scaling group.

      Now launch templates can actually be created from scratch or they can be based on a previous template version.

      If we expand source template, you're able to specify a template which this template is based on.

      But in this case, we're creating one from scratch so we won't set any of those options.

      Now just scroll down.

      So the next thing we're going to define in this launch template is the AMI that we're going to use.

      So go ahead and click on Quickstart.

      And once this has changed, we're going to use the same AMI we've been using previously.

      So I want you to go ahead and click on Amazon Linux, specifically Amazon Linux 2023.

      It should be the SSD volume type.

      It should be listed as free tier eligible and just make sure that you've got 64 bit x86 selected.

      And then scroll down further still and in the instance type drop down, we're looking for the T series of instances.

      And then you need to select the one that's free tier eligible.

      In most cases, this will be T2.micro, but select whichever is free tier eligible.

      We want to keep this advanced demo as much as possible within the free tier.

      Scroll down again and for key pair, just make sure that it says don't include in the launch template.

      Move down further still to network settings.

      Then make sure select existing security group is selected.

      And then in the security groups drop down, click in that and make sure that you select the A4L.

      VPC - SG WordPress.

      So this is the security group which will automatically be associated with any instances launched using this launch template.

      So select A4L.

      VPC - SG WordPress and there will be some randomness after this.

      That's fine.

      Just make sure you select the SG WordPress group and then we can scroll down further still.

      Now we can leave storage volumes as default.

      We won't set any resource tags.

      We won't do any configuration of network interfaces, but I will want you to expand advanced details.

      There are a few things that we need to set within advanced details.

      The first is an IAM instance profile.

      So click in this drop down and then make sure that you pick A4L.

      VPC - SG WordPress instance profile.

      Again, there will be some randomness.

      That's fine.

      What this is doing is creating the configuration which will attach an instance role to this EC2 instance.

      And this instance role is going to provide all the permissions required to interact with the parameter store and the elastic file system and anything else that this instance requires.

      And this was pre-created on your behalf using the cloud formation template.

      Next, scroll down further still and look for credit specification.

      Remember, this is the same option that you set when launching an instance manually.

      Now, as before, it's always best to set this to unlimited.

      But if you are using a brand new AWS account, then it's possible that AWS won't allow you to use this option.

      So you should probably go ahead and pick standard.

      It won't make that much of a difference.

      I'm going to pick unlimited, but I do suggest if you are using a fairly new account, you go ahead and select standard.

      So that's the configuration for the instance, the base level configuration.

      What I want you to do now though is to scroll all the way down to the bottom and there's a user data box.

      This user data allows us to specify bootstrapping information to automatically configure our EC2 instances.

      So into this user data box, I want you to paste the entire code snippet within stage 2B of this stages instructions.

      And again, they're attached to this lesson.

      The top line should be hash bang forward slash bin forward slash bash and then a space hyphen XE.

      And then if you scroll all the way down to the bottom, the last line should be RM space forward slash TMP forward slash DB dot setup.

      And now we can see we've pasted this entire user data.

      Once you've done that, go ahead and click on create launch template.

      Now that user data that you just pasted in is essentially all of the commands that you ran in the previous stage of the demo.

      Only instead of pasting them one by one, you've defined them within the user data.

      So this simply automates the process end to end.

      So to test this, go ahead and click on launch templates towards the top of the screen.

      It should show that you have a single launch template.

      It's called WordPress.

      The default version is one and the latest version is one.

      And as we move throughout this demo series, the latest version and the default version will change.

      So just keep an eye on those as we go.

      For now, though, I want you to click in the checkbox next to this launch template, click on actions and then launch instance from template.

      So this is going to launch an EC2 instance using this launch template.

      We're asked to choose a launch template and a version and define the number of instances and we can leave all of these as the defaults.

      If we just scroll down, you'll see how it's pre-populating all of these values with the configuration from the launch template.

      And that's what we want.

      Under key pair name, just select to proceed without a key pair not recommended.

      And that's the default value.

      Scroll down further still.

      Even the networking configuration is partially pre-populated.

      The only thing we need to do is specify a subnet that this instance will be launched into.

      And when we configure auto scaling groups to use this launch template, the auto scaling group will configure the subnets on our behalf.

      Because we're launching an instance directly from the launch template, we have to specify this subnet.

      So click in the subnet dropdown and then look for SN-PUB-A.

      Because we're going to deploy this WordPress instance into the public subnet in Availability Zone A.

      So select that.

      Scroll down.

      Look for the resource tag section and click on add tag.

      We're going to add a tag to the instance launched by this template.

      So into key, just type name and then for value, use WordPress-LT.

      And this will just tell us that this is an instance launched using the launch template.

      Once you've entered those, just scroll all the way down to the bottom and click launch instance.

      And this will launch an EC2 instance using this template.

      And this will automate everything that we had to do in the previous stage manually.

      So this saves us significant time and it enables us to use automation in later stages of this demo series.

      So now go ahead and click on the instance ID in this success box and this will take you to the EC2 console.

      Just give this instance a couple of minutes to finish its build process.

      Even though we're automating the process, it does still take some time to perform the installation and the configuration of all of those different components.

      So go ahead and just copy the public IP version for address of this instance into your clipboard.

      And then after you've waited a few minutes, open that in a new tab.

      If you get an error or it opens with a blank page, then you just need to give it a few minutes longer.

      But when it's finished, it should show the same WordPress installation screen.

      Once it does load the installation screen, we're going to follow the same process.

      So site title is Categorum, username is Admin.

      Enter the same password and then enter the fake test at test.com email address.

      Then click on install WordPress.

      Then click on login.

      Enter admin again.

      Enter the password.

      Click on login.

      It looks as though our automated WordPress build has worked because the dashboard has loaded.

      Click on posts.

      Delete the default post.

      Click on add new.

      For the title, the best animals again, click on the plus, select gallery, click on upload.

      And again, pick a selection of animal pictures and click on open.

      Remember, this is a new EC2 instance.

      So the one we previously terminated will have also deleted the data on that previous instance.

      Once these images have uploaded, click on publish and then publish again to upload the images to the EC2 instance and store the data within the database.

      So remember two components, the data stored in the database and the images or media stored locally on the EC2 instance.

      Click on view post to make sure that this loads correctly.

      It does.

      So that means the automatic build has worked okay.

      Everything's functioning as we expect.

      This has been an automatic build of a functional WordPress application.

      Now, the only thing that's changed from the previous stage of this advanced demo series is we've automated the build of this instance.

      It still has much the same limitations as the previous stage.

      So while we can improve the build time and we can use launch templates to support further automation, the database and application are still on the same instance.

      So neither can scale without the other.

      The database of the application is still located on that instance, meaning scale in or out operations risk this data.

      The WordPress content store is also stored locally on the instance.

      So again, any scale in or out operations risk the media that's stored locally as well as the database.

      Customers still connect directly to the instance, which means we can't perform health checks or automatically heal any failed instances.

      For this, we need a load balancer which we'll be looking at in later stages of this demo series.

      And of course, the IP address of the instance is still hard coded into the database.

      So this is something else we need to resolve as we move through the demo series.

      With that being said, though, that is everything that you needed to do in stage two of this demo series.

      So in this stage, you've automated the build of the WordPress instance using a launch template.

      Now, in stage three, you're going to migrate the data from the local database on EC2 into RDS.

      And this will move the data out of the lifecycle of the EC2 instance.

      And this makes it easier to scale.

      So in stage three, you're going to perform that migration and then update the launch template to take account of that configuration change.

      So go ahead and complete this stage of the demo lesson.

      And when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      This is part two of this lesson.

      We're going to continue immediately from the end of part one.

      So let's get started.

      Now that we've created all of those, we need to go ahead and install WordPress on our EC2 instance.

      So move back to instances.

      By now, the instance should be in the running state.

      Right-click, select Connect, change it to Session Manager, and then go ahead and click on Connect.

      This will allow us to connect into the EC2 instance without worrying about direct network access or having an SSH key pair.

      Once you're connected, go ahead and type shudu bash and press Enter, then type cd and press Enter, and then type clear and press Enter.

      And that will just clear the screen to make everything easy to see.

      Now, at this point, there are a lot of commands that you'll need to type in to manually install WordPress.

      Now, you can copy and paste these out of the text instructions for this stage of the demo lesson.

      But while you're doing so, I want you to imagine that you'd have to type these in one by one, because I want you to get an appreciation for just how long this install would take if you were doing it entirely manually.

      So first, we need to set some environment variables on this instance with the parameters that we've just stored in Parameter Store.

      So go ahead and copy all of this set of commands out of this stage's instructions, and this will set environment variables on this instance with values from the Parameter Store.

      And again, imagine how long this would take if you had to type all of this manually.

      Once we've got those variables configured, next we need to just update the operating system on the instance, make sure it's running with all the patches, and just update the package repositories.

      And we can do that with this command.

      The next set of commands in this stage's instructions install prerequisites.

      So this is the MariaDB database server, the Apache web server, WGet, some libraries, and a stress test utility.

      So go ahead and paste in the next block of commands to install all of these packages.

      Now, again, this is something that we will automate later in this demo series, but I want you to have an appreciation for just how long this takes.

      I'll type clear again to clear the screen, and then the next set of commands will start up the web server and the database server and ensure that both of them start up automatically when the instance operating system is first started.

      So if we restart this instance, both of these services will start up automatically.

      Again, make sure you press enter on the last command to make sure that starts up successfully.

      So that's the Apache web server and MariaDB that are both started and set to automatically start on operating system boot.

      Again, I'll clear the screen, and the next command that you'll run sets the root password for the MariaDB database server.

      So this is my SQL admin, and you're setting the password for the root user, and we're using the environment variable that we created earlier with values taken from the parameter store.

      So that sets the root password for the local database instance.

      Next, we're going to download and install WordPress, and we do that with the next block of commands.

      So this first downloads the WordPress package.

      It moves into the web root directory.

      It expands that package and then clears up after itself.

      So now we have WordPress installed.

      Again, I'll clear the screen to make it easier to see.

      This next set of commands replaces some placeholders in the wp-config.php file, which is the configuration for WordPress, and it replaces the placeholders with values taken earlier from the parameter store.

      So this is how we're configuring WordPress to be able to connect to the local MariaDB database server.

      The next block of commands that we use will fix up the permissions of all of this directory structure, so we don't have any problems accessing these files or any other security issues.

      Again, make sure you press Enter on the last command, and then we're almost done.

      The last step is to actually create the WordPress database, create the WordPress database user, set the password, and then grant permission on that database to that user.

      So these are all steps that we need to do because we're using a self-managed MariaDB database instance.

      So paste in this next block of commands and press Enter.

      So this has created a db.setup file with a number of SQL commands, and then it's used the MySQL utility to run those commands, which have created the database, the database user, and set permissions, and then it's cleared up the temporary file after all of that's been done.

      And at this point, that's all of the configuration needed.

      We've installed WordPress, we've installed MariaDB, we've started them both up, we've corrected permissions, and adjusted the configuration files.

      Now you've had the ability to copy and paste these commands from the lesson instructions, but imagine if you had to type them in all one by one.

      It would take much longer, and he's also something that's prone to many errors.

      That's something important to keep in mind as we move through this advanced demo.

      So the next step is to move back to the EC2 console.

      Make sure you've got the WordPress-manual instance selected, and then copy down the IP version for public IP address into your clipboard, and make sure that you do copy the public IP address, and don't click on the open address link, because that uses HTTPS, which we're not using.

      So go ahead and open that in a new browser tab.

      Now this is going to take you to the setup screen for WordPress.

      We're going to perform a quick setup.

      So under site title, I want you to enter CategorM.

      Under username, I want you to enter Admin.

      We'll keep things simple.

      For password, enter the Animals for Life password that we've been using in previous steps.

      Under email, go ahead and enter a fake email address, and then click on Install WordPress.

      That'll perform the final installation steps, at which point you can click on login.

      You'll need to enter the Admin username together with the password that you've just chosen, and then click on login.

      So this is the WordPress dashboard, and this suggests that our WordPress application is working absolutely fine.

      So to test it, just go to posts.

      We're going to delete the default post of Hello World.

      Once done, go ahead and click on Add New.

      You can just close down this Welcome to Block Editor dialog.

      Under title, use the best animal and then S, because we might have more than one animal, and then just put an exclamation mark at the end for effect.

      Click on the plus underneath that title, select Gallery.

      Click on Upload, select some animal pictures to upload.

      If you don't have any, you can go to Google Images and download some cat or dog or gerbil or guinea pig pictures.

      Anything that you want, chickens, snakes, just select a couple of animal pictures to upload, and then click on Open.

      And then once they've uploaded, you can go ahead and click on Publish, and then Publish again, and this will publish this post.

      And what it's doing in order to publish it is it's uploading the images into a local image store that's called wp-content.

      And in addition to that, it's storing the metadata for this post into the local MariaDB database.

      So there are two different places that data is stored, the local content store, as well as the database.

      So keep that in mind as we move on throughout this lesson.

      At this point, click on View Post.

      Just verify the post loads, it does.

      So that means everything's working as expected.

      Now, the configuration that you've just implemented has a number of important limitations.

      The first is that the application and database have been built manually, which takes time and doesn't allow automation.

      It's been slow and annoying, and that's very much the intention.

      Additionally, the database and the application are on the same instance.

      Neither of them can scale without the other.

      The database of the application is stored on an EC2 instance, and that means that scaling in or out risks data in this database.

      The application media, so the content is stored, also local to the instance in a folder called wp-content, and this means again, any scaling events in or out risks this media.

      Additionally, customer connections are directly to an instance, which prevents us from doing any form of scaling, automatic healing, or any health checks.

      One final part about WordPress that isn't commonly known is the IP address of the instance is actually hard-coded into the database.

      Now, where this starts to exhibit problems is when running inside AWS because EC2 instances don't have static IP addresses.

      If we go back to the EC2 console, right-click on this instance, and then stop the instance.

      Remember, a stop and start of an instance will not force the change of the public IP address of the instance, so restarting it isn't enough.

      You need to stop and then start.

      Watch what happens when the instance fully moves into a stop state.

      First, it loses this public IP address and it moves into the stop state.

      If I right-click to then start, that will take a few moments, but what will happen is once it's fully started, it will have a different IP version for public address.

      So now if I copy that IP address into my clipboard, move back to the tab where the website was previously open, and then open this new IP address in a different browser tab and note how it doesn't load.

      Even though the IP address is correct, it's not loading our WordPress website.

      The reason for that is the application is hard-coded with the IP address that was used to install WordPress.

      And so what it's attempting to do now is reference the old IP address.

      It's trying to contact the previous EC2 instance.

      Now, this is crucial because it prevents us from scaling the application.

      If we create new EC2 instances, they'll all point back at this instance.

      Even if we fix the database and content issues, we need to resolve the ability of WordPress to scale.

      And don't worry, we'll look at that later in this demo series.

      For now, that's everything you needed to do in stage one of this advanced demo.

      You've manually created a WordPress application with the application and database running on the same instance.

      In stage two, you're going to automate this process.

      So go ahead, complete this part of the demo series, and when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in stage two.

    1. Welcome back and in this advanced demo lesson you're going to get the chance to experience how to do a practical architecture evolution.

      Now one of the things that I find very common amongst my students is that they complete the certification and as soon as they get their first job interview many of them which have an architectural scenario component they struggle on how to get started, how to design an architecture for a given scenario.

      So in this advanced demo series you're going to step through and evolve an architecture yourself.

      So you'll start with a single EC2 instance running the WordPress blogging engine and this single instance will be running the application itself, the database and it will be storing the content for all of the blog posts.

      And for this example we're going to assume it's an animal pictures blog.

      Now crucially in this first stage you're going to build this server manually to experience all of the different components that need to operate to produce this web application.

      Once you've built the instance manually next you'll replicate the process but using a launch template to provide automatic provisioning of this WordPress application but crucially it will still be the one single WordPress instance.

      Next you'll perform a database migration moving the MySQL database off the EC2 instance and running it on a dedicated RDS instance.

      So now the database, the data of this application will exist outside the life cycle of the EC2 instance and this is the first step of moving towards a fully elastic scalable architecture.

      Next once you've migrated the database instead of storing the content locally on the EC2 instance you'll provision the Elastic File System or EFS which provides a network based resilient shared file system and you'll migrate all of the content for the WordPress application from the instance to this Elastic File System.

      Once done these are all the components required to move this architecture to be fully elastic and that is being able to scale out or in based on load on that system.

      So the next step will be to move away from your customers connecting directly to this single EC2 instance.

      Instead you'll provision an autoscaling group which will allow instances to scale out or in as required and you'll configure an Elastic Load Balancer to point at that autoscaling group so your customers will connect in via the application load balancer rather than connecting to the instances directly and this will abstract your customers away from the instances it will allow your system to be fully resilient self-healing and fully elastically scalable.

      So by completing this advanced demo lesson you'll learn how to get started with scenario based questions as part of job interviews.

      With that being said let's go ahead and get started and to do that we need to move to the AWS console.

      To get started you're going to need to be logged in to a full AWS account without any restrictions you should be logged in as an admin user.

      If you're watching this demo as part of any of my courses then you need to use the general AWS account so that's the management account of the AWS organization which we've set up in the course and as always please make sure that you've selected the northern Virginia region.

      Now attached to this lesson are two links one of them is a one-click provision for the base infrastructure of this advanced demo lesson and the other is a link to the GitHub repository which contains text-based instructions for every stage of this advanced demo.

      So to start with go ahead and click on the one-click provisioning link.

      This is going to take you to the quick create stack page and everything should be pre-populated.

      The stack name should say A4LVPC all you need to do is check this acknowledgement box and then go ahead and click on create stack.

      Now you'll need to wait for this stack to move from create in progress to create complete before you can continue with the demo so go ahead and pause the video and you can resume it once this stack is in a create complete state.

      So now this stack's moved into the create complete state the first stage of this advanced demo series is to manually create a single instance WordPress deployment.

      Now this CloudFormation template has created the architecture that you can see on screen now so the VPC together with the three tier architecture so database application and public split across three different availability zones.

      So what you're going to do in this first part of this demo series is to create this single EC2 instance and you're going to do it manually so that you can experience all of the associated limitations.

      So make sure that you do have the text-based instructions open and the link for those is attached to this lesson because it will make it easier because you can copy and paste any commands or any configuration items.

      The first thing to do though is to click on services and then type EC2 into the services drop down and click on EC2 to move to the EC2 console.

      We're going to be launching our WordPress instance so what I need you to do is to click on launch instance and then again on launch instance.

      Now you should be fairly familiar with creating an EC2 instance so we're going to go through this part relatively quickly.

      So first you need to name the EC2 instance so go ahead and enter WordPress - manual in the name box and then scroll down and select Amazon Linux specifically Amazon Linux 2023 and just make sure that it's shown as free tier eligible.

      Simply make sure that it says 64-bit x86.

      Once set scroll down again and go to the instance type box, click in the drop down and just make sure that you have a free tier eligible instance selected.

      For most people this should be T2.micro but just make sure that it's an equivalent sized instance which is under the free tier.

      Continue scrolling down and under the key pair box just click in the drop down and select proceed without a key pair because we won't be connecting to this instance using an SSH key we'll be using session manager.

      Once selected scroll down further still and click on edit next to network settings.

      In the VPC box make sure that A4LVPC is selected.

      This is the animals for life VPC created by the one click deployment.

      Then under subnet make sure that SN-PUB-A is selected.

      This is the public subnet in availability zone A.

      Below this make sure that for both auto assign public IP and auto assign IPv6 IP both of these need to be set to enable.

      Once done scroll down again and next to firewall security groups check the box to say to select an existing security group.

      And then in the drop down make sure that you pick A4LVPC-SG WordPress.

      Now this will be followed by some randomness and that's okay just make sure that it's the SG-WordPress security group.

      This will allow us to connect into this instance using TCP port 80 which is HTTP.

      Once selected scroll down and we won't be making any changes to the storage we'll be using the default of 8GIB of GP3 storage.

      Below this expand advanced details and there are a couple of things that we need to change.

      First click on the drop down under IAM instance profile and just make sure that you select the A4LVPC-WordPress instance profile and again this will have some randomness after it and that's okay.

      Scroll down and next you're looking for a box which says credit specification.

      Now for this my preference is that you select unlimited because this will make the performance of the EC2 instance potentially better than not selecting anything at all or selecting standard.

      Now on brand new AWS accounts it's relatively common that you can't select unlimited.

      AWS don't allow you generally to select unlimited until the account has a billing history.

      So you might want to select standard here to avoid any problems.

      I'm going to select unlimited because my account allows it but if you've got a new AWS account then go ahead and select standard.

      If you do choose to select unlimited and you do receive an error then you can go ahead and repeat this process but select standard.

      So go ahead and select standard in your case and then scroll down and that's everything that we need to set at this point.

      Everything else looks good so go ahead and click on launch instance.

      So now that our instance is provisioning just go ahead and click on instances at the top and that will allow us to monitor the progress.

      Now we'll need this to be in a running state before we perform the WordPress installation but there's one more set of steps that I want to do first.

      Now throughout this advanced demo lesson we're going to be taking this single instance WordPress application and moving it towards a fully scalable or an elastically scalable design.

      Now to do that we need to move away from statically setting any configuration options so we're going to make use of the parameter store which is part of systems manager and we're going to create some parameters that our automatic build processes later in this demo will utilize.

      For now we're going to be performing everything manually but we'll still be using these variables because it will simplify what we have to type in the EC2 instance.

      So go ahead and click on services.

      Start typing systems manager and then once you see it populated in the list you can right click and open that in a new tab.

      Once you're at the systems manager console on the left under application management just locate parameter store and click it to move to the parameter store console and we're going to create a number of parameters.

      Now if you're watching this demo as part of my courses you may already have some parameters listed on this screen.

      If you have any existing ones which begin with forward slash A4L then go ahead and delete them before continuing.

      So go ahead and click on create parameter and the exact naming for each of these is in the full instructions contained on the github repository which is attached to this lesson so make sure you've got that open it'll make it significantly easier and less prone to errors.

      We're going to create a number of parameters for WordPress and the first is the database username so the username that will have permissions on the WordPress database.

      So I want you to set the name to forward slash A4L forward slash WordPress forward slash DB user.

      For description WordPress database user you can set the tier for the parameter to standard or advanced to keep things in the free tier we're going to use standard it's going to be a string parameter the data type is going to be text and the value needs to be our actual database username so for this demonstration we're going to use A4L WordPress user so enter that and click on create parameter.

      Now we're going to be moving quicker now now that you've seen the process our next parameter is going to be the database name so enter this in the name field for description WordPress database name again standard string data type of text and the value is going to be the WordPress database name so A4L WordPress DB scroll down and click on create parameter.

      Next is going to be the database endpoint so the host name that WordPress will connect to so for name enter this A4L WordPress DB endpoint for the description.

      WordPress endpoint name again standard string text for data type and then to start with because the database is on the same instance as the application the value will be local host so enter that and go ahead and click on create parameter.

      Next we'll be creating a parameter to store the password of the WordPress user so click on create parameter this time it's A4L WordPress DB password for description WordPress DB password again standard tier but this time it's going to be a secure string for KMS key source use current account and then for KMS key ID it will be alias AWS SSM which is the default KMS key for this service for value go ahead and enter a strong password again this is for the WordPress user that has permissions to access the database so if this were production it would need to be a strong password now I recommend that you use the same password as I'm using in this demo it uses number letter substitution and I know that it works with all of the different system components now I've included this password in the text based instructions and I do recommend that you use it in your demo as well go ahead and enter something in this value and then scroll down and click on create parameter and then last time click on create parameter again for name this time A4L WordPress DB root password and this is the root password for the local database server that's running on the EC2 instance so for description WordPress DB root password standard again and then again secure string because we're storing a password KMS key sources my current account leave everything else as default and then enter another strong password if this were production generally this would be different from the previous password but as this is a demo you should use the same strong password as you used previously whichever you choose go ahead and enter that into the value box and then click on create parameter okay so this is the end of part one of this lesson it was getting a little bit on the long side and I wanted to give you the opportunity to take a small break maybe stretch your legs or make a coffee now part two will continue immediately from this point so go ahead complete this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in part two.

    1. Welcome back and in this demo lesson you're going to get the chance to quickly experience how session stickiness works with load balances.

      Now it's going to be a pretty brief demo lesson because I've tried to automate much of the infrastructure configuration that you've already done by this point in the course.

      I want to focus on this demo lesson purely on the session stickiness configuration so let's jump in and get started and we're going to start by applying a CloudFormation template which will create the basic infrastructure that we need.

      So I'm going to move across to the AWS console.

      Now to start with make sure you're logged into an AWS account and the user that you're using has admin privileges on that account and you've got the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now attached to this demo lesson and in the demo instructions is a one click link that you can use to deploy the infrastructure so go ahead and click on that link.

      It'll take you to a quick create stack screen and all you'll need to do is to scroll all the way down to the bottom, check this capabilities box and then click on create stack.

      Now that can take anywhere from five to ten minutes to create so while that's creating let's talk through the architecture that you'll be using for this demo.

      The template which you're currently applying will create this architecture so it creates a VPC and then inside of that three public subnets one in each AZ then it creates an auto scaling group and linked to this is a launch template providing instance build directives.

      The auto scaling group is set to create six EC2 instances, two in each AZ and then it creates a load balancer configured to run from each public subnet.

      So this is the architecture that's going to exist in the AWS account once the cloud formation stack has finished creating.

      Now in this demo you're first going to connect to the load balancer with session stickiness disabled.

      This means that each time you connect to the load balancer the connection can be sent to any of the six instances meaning that each of them has around a 16.66 recurring chance to get a connection.

      So you'll first connect to the load balancer in this configuration.

      Once you've seen how that looks you're going to enable session stickiness and see how that affects the architecture.

      What will happen is the first time you connect to the load balancer with session stickiness enabled a cookie called AWS ALB will be generated and returned to your browser.

      Unfortunately for this guy it's not that type of cookie.

      What happens next is that any connections made while the cookie is valid are locked to one specific EC2 instance and they'll be locked to that instance until the cookie expires or that instance fails its health check at which point any connections will move to a different EC2 instance.

      Now at this point let's move back to the console and just check how the cloud formation creation process is going.

      At this point mine is still in a create in progress and you'll need this stack to be in a create complete state before moving on.

      So go ahead and pause the video and resume it once this changes to create complete.

      Okay so now the stack is in a create complete status we're good to move on and the first thing we'll need to do is verify that all of the six EC2 instances are functioning as they should be.

      So to do that go ahead and click on services and then type EC2 in the find services box and open that in a new tab then move to that tab and click on instances running.

      Now again this might look a little bit different in your account that's okay what we need to do is select each of these instances in turn and we're looking for the instance public IP version 4 DNS name.

      So go ahead and locate the public IP version 4 DNS field and just copy that into your clipboard and then open that in a new tab.

      The instance should load and it should show an instance ID, a random color background and an animated catgif.

      Now I want you to go ahead and open each of the remaining five instances each in its own tab so let's do that next.

      So select the second instance, scroll down, locate the public DNS address and then open that in a new tab.

      You'll see this has a different color background and a different animated catgif.

      We'll do the third instance, again different color background, different catgif.

      We'll do the fourth, once again different background, different gif.

      Do the fifth, different background, different gif and then finally the sixth instance.

      So we have each of the six EC2 instances all with a different background and a different catgif.

      Next scroll down on the menu on the left and click on load balances.

      You should see a load balancer which starts with ALB - ALB and then some random that's fine.

      Select that and copy the load balance the DNS name into your clipboard and then open that in a new tab.

      So this opens the load balancer and if you refresh that a few times you'll see that it moves between all of the EC2 instances.

      Now it could load the same instance twice or it might cycle through the same EC2 instances but you should see as you refresh it's cycling between all of the available instances and that's because we don't have session stickiness enabled.

      It's just doing a round robin approach to select different back-end instances within the target group.

      So each time we refresh there's a chance that it will move to a different back-end instance.

      Now let's assume at this point that we have an application which doesn't handle state in an external way so it stores the state on the EC2 instance itself.

      Well to enable session stickiness with application load balances we do it on a target group basis.

      So click on target groups and then click on the target group to go into its configuration.

      Locate and click on the attributes tab.

      Click on edit next to attributes.

      To enable session stickiness all we have to do is check this box select load balancer generated cookie and then pick validity period for the cookie that's generated by the application load balancer.

      So go ahead and leave this value as 1 but then click on the drop-down and change this from days to minutes.

      Once you've done that click on save changes and now session stickiness is enabled on this load balancer.

      If we go back to the tab that we have open to the load balancer and just keep hitting refresh you might notice initially that it changes to a new instance but at a certain point if you keep clicking it will lock to a specific EC2 instance and won't change.

      So now we're on this particular EC2 instance it's got this instance ID and even though we keep hitting refresh the background and the catgif remains the same.

      Now the way that this works and I can demonstrate this using Firefox if I go to the menu bar click on tools then browser tools then web developer tools and then click on the storage tab you'll be able to see that as part of accessing this load balancer I've got two cookies and one of the cookies the one that we're interested in is AWS ALB.

      This is the cookie that controls the session stickiness so every time I access this load balancer from the first point when this cookie is generated it passes this cookie back to the load balancer and it knows which back-end EC2 instance I should be connected to and so I will stay connected to this back-end instance until the cookie expires or this instance fails its health check.

      So let's test that what I want you to do is to copy down the instance ID that you're connected to and it will be different for you and just pay attention to the last few digits of the instance ID.

      Now if I go back to the EC2 console go to dashboard and then instances running locate the instance you just noted down the ID for right click and then stop that instance and confirm.

      We'll give that instance a few moments to stop if we go back to the load balancer tab and just keep hitting refresh now now that the instance is in a stopped state the load balancer detects that it's no longer valid and so I immediately switch to a brand new EC2 instance the cookie generated by the load balancer is updated to lock me to this new EC2 instance and I wouldn't have any idea that this back-end instance has failed and no longer responds to requests other than the fact that I can see that I've changed instances because I've created the instances to highlight which instance ID is being used.

      Now if I go back to the EC2 console select this instance again right click and this time start the instance even though this instance is started up again I won't reconnect to that original back-end instance because now I'm locked to this instance and there's a chance that what might happen while you're doing this demo lesson is while that instance was in a stopped state because this has been configured to use elastic load balancer health checks it might have detected that this instance is in a failed state and so it's instructed the auto scaling group to terminate that instance and replace it with a new one so don't be surprised if when you try to start this instance up it's in a terminated state that's okay the system is working as intended.

      So back to the load balancer tab I'll just keep hitting refresh and what we'll see is after the cookie expires there's always a chance that we could be moved onto a new EC2 instance.

      To return the configuration back to how it was at the start of the demo we can go back to the EC2 console go down to target groups open this target group click on the attributes tab and then edit and then uncheck the stickiness box and save the changes and at this point the cookie that's generated will no longer lock our connections to one specific back-end instance and so over time if we keep refreshing this page we should be moved between different back-end EC2 instances because again now we no longer have session stickiness.

      Now that's all I really wanted to highlight in this demo lesson I just wanted to give you some practical exposure to how the session stickiness feature works of application load balancers so this is something that you need to understand for the exam essentially if your application doesn't handle state externally to individual EC2 instances then you need the load balancer to make sure that any connections from a given user always end up on the same EC2 instance and the way to do that is with application load balancer controlled session stickiness now remember this does come with some negatives it means that the load balancer is not able to as efficiently distribute load across each of the back-end instances so while session stickiness is enabled it means customers are locked to one particular EC2 instance and even if customers locked to one instance generate much more load than customers locked to other instances the load balancer doesn't have the same level of flexibility to distribute connections so where possible application should be designed so they handle sessions externally to the instances and then you should not have session stickiness enabled and this is the way to ensure well-performing elastic architectures now at this point that's everything that you need to do in this demo lesson all that remains is to tidy up the environment so go back to the cloud formation console we can just go ahead and click on stacks click in the box next to the ALB stack click on delete and then click delete stack which will delete the stack and all of the infrastructure that it created at the start of this demo lesson at this point congratulations you've successfully completed this demo lesson and implemented the architecture that's on screen now as well as experienced how an application load balancer handles session stickiness so I hope you enjoyed the demo go ahead complete this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next lesson.

    1. Welcome back and in this brief lesson I want to cover two features of the Elastic Load Balancer series of products and those features are SSL offload and session stickiness.

      Now you'll need to be aware of the architecture of both of these for the exam.

      The implementation details aren't required, the theory of the architecture is what matters, so let's jump in and get started.

      Now there are three ways that a load balancer can handle secure connections and these three ways are bridging, pass through and offload.

      Each of these comes with their pros and their cons and for the exam and to be a good solutions architect you need to understand the architecture and the positives and negatives of them all.

      So let's step through each of these in turn.

      So first we've got bridging mode and this is actually the default mode of an application load balancer.

      With bridging mode one or more clients makes one or more connections to a load balancer and that load balancer is configured so that its listener uses HTTPS and this means that SSL connections occur between the client and the load balancer.

      So they're decrypted known as terminated on the load balancer itself and this means that the load balancer needs an SSL certificate which matches the domain name that the application uses.

      And it also means in theory that AWS do have some level of access to that certificate and that's important if you have strong security frameworks that you need to stay inside of.

      So if you're in a situation where you need to be really careful about where your certificates are stored then potentially you might have a problem with bridged mode.

      Once the secure connection from the client has been terminated on the load balancer the load balancer makes second connections to the back end compute resources EC2 instances in this example.

      Remember HTTPS is just HTTP with a secure wrapper.

      So when the SSL connection comes from the client to the front facing the listener side of the load balancer it gets terminated which essentially means that the SSL wrapper is removed from the unencrypted HTTP which is inside.

      So the load balancer has access to the HTTP which it can understand and use to make decisions.

      So the important thing to understand is that an application load balancer in bridging mode can actually see the HTTP traffic.

      It can take actions based on the contents of HTTP and this is the reason why this is the default mode for the application load balancer.

      And it's also the reason why the application load balancer requires an SSL certificate because it needs to decrypt any data that's being encrypted by the client.

      It needs to decrypt it first then interpret it then create new encrypted sessions between it and the back end EC2 instances.

      Now this also means that the EC2 instances will need matching SSL certificates.

      So certificates which match the domain name that the application is using.

      So the elastic load balancer will re-encrypt the HTTP within a secure wrapper and deliver this to the EC2 instances which will use the SSL certificate to decrypt that encrypted connection.

      So they both need the SSL certificates to be located on the EC2 instances as well as needing the compute to be able to perform those cryptographic operations.

      So in bridging mode which is the default, every EC2 instance at the back end needs to perform cryptographic operations.

      And for high volume applications the overhead of performing these operations can be significant.

      So the positives of this method is that the elastic load balancer gets to see the unencrypted HTTP and can take actions based on what's contained in this plain text protocol.

      The method does have negatives though because the certificate does need to be stored on the load balancer itself and that's a risk.

      And then the EC2 instances also need a copy of that certificate which is an admin overhead and they need the compute to be able to perform the cryptographic operations.

      So those are two pretty important negatives that can play a part on which connection method you select for any architectures that you design.

      Now next we have SSL pass through and this architecture is very different.

      With this method the client connects but the load balancer just passes that connection along to one of the back end instances.

      It doesn't decrypt it at all.

      The connection encryption is maintained between the client and the back end instances.

      The instances still need to have the SSL certificates installed but the load balancer doesn't.

      Specifically it's a network load balancer which is able to perform this style of connection architecture.

      The load balancer is configured to listen using TCP.

      So this is important.

      It means that it can see the source and destination IP addresses and ports.

      So it can make basic decisions about which instances send traffic to i.e. the process of performing the load balancing.

      But it never touches the encryption.

      The encrypted connection exists as one encrypted tunnel between the client all the way through to one of the back end instances.

      Now using this method means that AWS never need to see the certificate that you use.

      It's managed and controlled entirely by you.

      You can even use a cloud HSM appliance which I'll talk about later in the course to make this even more secure.

      The negative though is that you don't get to perform any load balancing based on the HTTP part because that's never decrypted.

      It's never exposed to the network load balancer and the instances still need to have the certificates and still need to perform the cryptographic operations which users compute.

      Now the last method that we have is SSL offload and with this architecture clients connect to the load balancer in the same way using HTTPS.

      The connections use HTTPS and are terminated on the load balancer and so it needs an SSL certificate which matches the name that's used by the application.

      But the load balancer is configured to connect to the back end instances using HTTP so the connections are never encrypted again.

      What this means is that from a customer perspective data is encrypted between them and the load balancer.

      So at all times while using the public internet data is encrypted but it transits from the load balancer to the EC2 instances in plain text form.

      It means that while a certificate is required on the load balancer it's not needed on the EC2 instances.

      The EC2 instances only need to handle HTTP traffic and because of that they don't need to perform any cryptographic operations which reduces the per instance overhead and also potentially means you can use smaller instances.

      The downside is that data is in plain text form across AWS's network but if this isn't a problem then it's a very effective solution.

      So now that we've talked about the different connection architectures now let's quickly talk about stickiness.

      Connection stickiness is a pretty important concept to understand for anybody designing a scalable solution using load balancers.

      Now let's look at an example architecture.

      We have our customer Bob, a load balancer and a set of back end EC2 instances.

      If we have no session stickiness then for any sessions which Bob or anyone else makes they're distributed across all of the back end instances based on fair balancing and any health checks.

      So generally this means a fairly equal distribution of connections across all back end instances.

      The problem with this approach though is that if the application doesn't handle sessions externally every time Bob lands on a new instance it would be like he's starting again.

      He would need to log in again and fill his shopping cart again.

      Applications need to be designed to handle state appropriately, an application which uses stateless EC2 instances where the state is handled in say DynamoDB can use this non-sticky architecture and operate without any problems.

      But if the state is stored on a particular server then you can't have sessions being fully load balanced across all of the different servers because every time a connection moves to a different server it will impact the user experience.

      Now there is an option available within Elastic Load Balancers called session stickiness and within an application load balancer this is enabled on a target group.

      Now what this means is that if enabled the first time that a user makes a request the load balancer generates a cookie called AWSALB.

      And this cookie has a duration which you define when enabling the feature and a valid duration is anywhere between 1 second and 7 days.

      If you enable this option it means that every time a single user accesses this application the cookie is provided along with the request and it means that for this one particular cookie sessions will be sent always to the same back end instance.

      So in this case all connections will go to EC2-2 for this one particular user.

      Now this situation of sending sessions to the same server this will happen until one of two things occur.

      The first thing is that if we have a server failure so in this example if EC2-2 fails then this one particular user will be moved over to a different EC2 instance.

      And the second thing which can occur to change this session stickiness is that the cookie can expire.

      As soon as the cookie expires and disappears the whole process will repeat over again and the user will receive a new cookie and be allocated a new back end instance.

      Session stickiness is designed to allow an application to function using a load balancer if the state of the user session is stored on an individual server.

      The problem with this method is that it can cause uneven load on back end servers because a single user even if he or she is causing significant amounts of load will only ever use one single server.

      Where possible applications should be designed to use stateless servers.

      So holding the session or user state somewhere else so not on the EC2 instance but somewhere else like DynamoDB.

      And if you do that if you host the session externally it means that the EC2 instances are completely stateless and load balancing can be performed automatically by the load balancer without using cookies in a completely fair and balanced way.

      So that's everything I wanted to cover about connection stickiness and that's now the end of this lesson.

      I just wanted to quickly cover two pretty important techniques that you might need to be aware of for the exam.

      So at this point go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready as always I'll look forward to you joining me in the next lesson.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about auto-scaling groups and health checks.

      Now this is going to be fairly brief but it's something that's really important for the exam.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      Auto-scaling groups assess the health of instances within that group using health checks.

      And if an instance fails a health check then it's replaced within the auto-scaling group.

      So this is a method of automatically healing the instances within the auto-scaling group.

      Now there are three different types of health checks which can be used with auto-scaling groups.

      We have EC2 which is the default.

      We have ELB checks which can be enabled on an auto-scaling group.

      And then we have custom health checks.

      Now with EC2 checks which are the default any of these statuses is viewed as unhealthy.

      So essentially anything but the instance running is viewed as unhealthy.

      So if it's stopping, if it's stopped, terminated, if it's shutting down or if it's impaired meaning it doesn't have two out of two status checks then it's viewed as unhealthy.

      We also have the option of using load balancer health checks and for an instance to be viewed as healthy when this option is used the instance needs to be both running and it needs to be passing the load balancer health check.

      Now this is important because if you're using an application load balancer then these checks can be application aware.

      So you can define a specific page of that application that can be used as a health check.

      You can do text pattern matching and this can be checked using an application load balancer.

      So when you integrate this with an auto-scaling group the checks that that auto-scaling group is capable of performing become much more application aware.

      Finally we have custom health checks and this is where an external system can be integrated and mark instances as healthy or unhealthy.

      So this allows you to extend the functionality of these auto-scaling group health checks by implementing a process specific to your business or using an external tool.

      Now I also want to introduce the concept of a health check grace period.

      So by default this is 300 seconds or 5 minutes and essentially this is a configurable value which needs to expire before health checks will take effect on a specific instance.

      So in this particular case if you select 300 seconds then it means that a system has 5 minutes to launch the system, to perform any bootstrapping and then any application start-up procedures or configuration before it can fail a health check.

      So this is really useful if you're performing bootstrapping with your EC2 instances which are launched by the auto-scaling group.

      Now this is an important one because it does come up on the exam and it's often a cause of an auto-scaling group continuously provisioning and then terminating instances.

      If you don't have a sufficiently long health check grace period then you can be in a situation where the health checks start taking effect before the applications have finished configuring and at that point it will be viewed as unhealthy, terminated and a new instance will be provisioned and that process will repeat over and over again.

      So you need to know how long your application instances take to launch, bootstrap and then perform any configuration processes and that's how long you need to set your health check grace period to be.

      Now that's everything I wanted to cover in this brief theory lesson.

      I just wanted to make sure that you understand the options that you have available for health checks within auto-scaling groups.

      With that being said go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to quickly cover a pretty advanced feature of auto scaling groups and that's auto scaling group life cycle hooks.

      So let's jump in and take a look at what these are and how they work.

      So life cycle hooks allow you to configure custom actions which can occur during auto scaling group actions.

      So you can define actions which occur either during instance launch transitions or instance terminate transitions.

      So what this allows you to do is when an auto scaling group scales out or scales in it will either launch or terminate instances and normally this process is completely under the control of the auto scaling group.

      So as soon as it makes a decision to provision or terminate an instance this process happens with no ability for you to influence the outcome.

      What life cycle hooks do is when you create them instances are paused within the launch or terminate flow and they pause or wait in this state until one of two things happen.

      Either a configurable timeout and when that timeout expires which by default is 3600 seconds they will either continue or abandon the auto scaling group action.

      The alternative is whatever process that you perform you can explicitly resume the process using complete life cycle action once you've performed whichever activity you want to perform.

      Now in addition to this life cycle hooks can either be integrated with EventBridge or SNS notifications which allow your systems to perform event driven processing based on the launch or termination of EC2 instances within an auto scaling group.

      So let's look at how this looks visually.

      So let's start with a simple auto scaling group.

      If we configure instance launch and terminate hooks this is what it might look like.

      So normally when an auto scaling group gets a scale out situation an instance will be launched and it starts off in the pending state.

      When it completes it will move into the in service state but this gives us no opportunity to perform any custom activities.

      What we could do is define a life cycle hook and hook into the instance launch transition.

      So if we do hook into this transition the instance would move from pending to pending wait and it would wait in this state.

      This allows us to perform a set of custom actions.

      An example might be to load or index some data which might take some time and during this time the instance stays in this state.

      Once done it will move from a pending wait state to a pending proceed state and from there it would move into the in service state.

      So this is the process when configuring a life cycle hook for this part of an EC2 instances life cycle.

      It's these extra steps the wait and proceed which allows the opportunity to run custom actions and the same happens in reverse if we define an instance terminate hook.

      What would normally happen when a scaling event happens would be the instance would move from a terminating state to a terminated state and again we wouldn't have the ability to perform any custom actions.

      Well what we could do is define a life cycle hook to hook into that instead the instance would move from terminating to terminating wait where it would wait for a timeout.

      Now by default this is 3600 seconds and it would wait at this point or until we ran the complete life cycle action operation.

      We could use this time period to maybe back up some data or logs or otherwise tidy up the instance prior to its termination and once the timeout expired or when we explicitly call complete life cycle action then it would move from terminating wait to terminating proceed and then finally through to the terminated state.

      Now life cycle hooks can integrate as I mentioned previously with SNS for transition notifications and EventBridge can also be used to initiate other processes based on the hooks in an event-driven way.

      Now that's everything I wanted to cover about life cycle hooks so at this point go ahead and complete this lesson and when When you're ready, I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover in a little bit more detail something I've touched on earlier and that's Auto Scaling Group Scaling Polices.

      So let's just jump in and get started.

      One thing many students get confused over is whether scaling policies are required on an Auto Scaling Group.

      Now you'll see in demos elsewhere in the course that this is not the case.

      They can be created without any Auto Scaling Polices and they work just fine.

      When created without any scaling policies it means that an Auto Scaling Group has static values for min size, max size and desired capacity.

      Now if you hear the term manual scaling that actually refers to when you manually adjust these values.

      Now this is useful in testing or urgent situations or when you need to hold capacity at a fixed number of instances for example as a cost control measure.

      Now in addition to manual scaling we also have different types of dynamic scaling which allow you to scale the capacity of your Auto Scaling Group in response to changing demand.

      So there are a few different types of dynamic scaling and I want to introduce them here and then cover them in a little bit more detail.

      At a high level each of these adjusts the desired capacity of an Auto Scaling Group based on a certain criteria.

      First we have simple scaling and with this one you define actions which occur when an alarm moves into an alarm state.

      For example by adding one instance if CPU utilization is above 40% or removing one instance if CPU utilization is below 40%.

      This helps infrastructure scale out and in based on demand.

      The problem is that this scaling is inflexible.

      It's adding or removing a static amount based on the state of an alarm.

      So it's simple but it's not all that efficient.

      Step scaling increases or decreases the desired capacity based on a set of scaling adjustments known as step adjustments that vary based on the size of the alarm breach.

      So you can define upper and lower bounds.

      For example you can pick a CPU level which you want say 50% and you can say that if the actual CPU is between 50 and 60% then do nothing.

      If the CPU is between 60 and 70% then add one instance or if the CPU is between 70 and 80 add two instances and then finally the CPU is between 90 and 100% then add three instances and you can do the same in reverse.

      The same step changes as CPU is below 50% only removing rather than adding instances.

      Now generally step scaling is always better than simple because it allows you to adjust better to changing load patterns on the system.

      Next we have target tracking which comes with a predefined set of metrics.

      Currently this is CPU utilization, average network in, average network out and ALB request count per target.

      Now the premise is simple enough you define an ideal value so the target that you want to track against for that metric for example you might say that you want 50% CPU on average.

      The auto scaling group then calculates the scaling adjustment based on the metric and the target value all automatically.

      The auto scaling group keeps the metric at the value that you want and it adjusts the capacity as required to make that happen so the further away the actual value of the metric is from your target value the more extreme the action either adding or removing compute.

      Then lastly it's possible to scale based on an SQS queue and this is a common architecture for a workable where you can increase or decrease capacity based on approximate number of messages visible so as more messages are added to the queue the auto scaling group increases in capacity to process messages and then as the queue empties the group scales back to reduce costs.

      Now one really common area of confusion is the difference between simple scaling and step scaling.

      AWS recommends step scaling versus simple at this point in time but it's important to understand why so let's take a look visually.

      Let's start with some simple scaling and I want to explain this using the same auto scaling group but at three points in time.

      The auto scaling group is initially configured with a minimum of one, a maximum of four and a desired of one and that means right now we're going to have one out of a maximum of four instances provisioned and operational and let's also assume that the current average CPU is 10%.

      Now with simple scaling we create or use an existing alarm as a guide.

      Let's say that we decide to use the average CPU utilization so we create two different scaling rules.

      The first which says that if average CPU is above 50% then add two instances and another which removes two instances if the CPU is below 50%.

      With this type of scaling if the CPU suddenly jumped to say 60% then the top rule would apply and this rule would add two instances changing the desired capacity from one to three.

      This value is still within the minimum of one and the maximum of four and so two additional instances would be provisioned with room for a fourth.

      If the CPU usage dropped to say 10% then the second rule would apply and the desired capacity would be reduced by two or set to the minimum so in this case it would change from three to one.

      Two instances would be terminated and the auto scaling group would be running with one instance and a capacity for three more as required.

      Now this works but it's not very flexible.

      Whatever the load whether it's 1% over what you want or 50% over two instances are added and the same is used in reverse.

      Whether it's 1% below what you want or 50% below the same two instances are always removed so with simple scaling you're adding or removing the same amount no matter how extreme the increases and decreases in the metric that you're monitoring.

      With step scaling it's more flexible so with step scaling you're still checking an alarm but for step scaling you can define rules with steps so you can define an alarm which alarms when the CPU is above 50% and one which alarms when the CPU is below 50% and you can create steps which adjust capacity based on how far away from that value it is.

      So in this case if the CPU usage is between 50 and 59% do nothing between 60 and 69% add one between 70 and 79% add two and then between 80 and 100 add three and the same in reverse so between 40 and 49 do nothing between 30 and 39 remove one between 20 and 29 remove two and then between 0 and 19 remove three.

      So let's say that we had an auto scaling group at six points in time so we start with the auto scaling group on the left and let's say that it has 5% load and let's say that we have the same minimum one maximum four as the previous example the policy is trying to remove three instances with this level of CPU but as the auto scaling group has the minimum of one the auto scaling group starts with one instance with a capacity for a further three as required.

      If our application receives a massive amount of incoming load let's say that the CPU usage increases to 100% and this is an extreme example but based on the scaling policy this would add three instances taking us to the maximum value of four so our auto scaling group now has four instances running which is also the maximum value for that group.

      Now at this point with the same amount of incoming load the increased number of instances is probably going to reduce the average CPU.

      Let's say that it reduces it to 55% well this causes no change instances and neither added or removed because anything in the range of 40 to 59 means zero change.

      Next say that the load on the system reduces so CPU drops to 5% and this removes three instances dropping the desired capacity down to one with the option for a further three instances as required.

      Next the average CPU stays at 5 but the minimum of the auto scaling group is one so the number of instances stay the same even though the step scaling rule should attempt to remove three instances at this level so we always have the minimum number of instances as defined within the minimum value of the auto scaling group.

      Now maybe we end the day with some additional load on the system let's say for example that the CPU usage goes to 60% and this adds one additional instance so you should be able to see by now that step scaling is great for variable load where you need to control how systems scale out and in.

      It allows you to handle large increases and decreases in load much better than simple scaling so based on how extreme the increase or decrease is determines how many units of compute are added or removed it's not static like simple scaling and that's the main difference between simple and step the ability to scale in different ways based on how extreme the load changes are.

      With that being said though that's everything I wanted to cover in this lesson go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I'm going to be covering EC2, auto scaling groups which is how we can configure EC2 to scale automatically based on demand placed on the system.

      Auto scaling groups are generally used together with elastic load balances and launch templates to deliver elastic architectures.

      Now we've got a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      Auto scaling groups do one thing.

      They provide auto scaling for EC2.

      Strictly speaking they can also be used to implement a self healing architecture as part of that scaling or in isolation.

      Now auto scaling groups make use of configuration defined within launch templates or launch configurations and that's how they know what to provision.

      An auto scaling group uses one launch configuration or one specific version of a launch template which is linked to it.

      You can change which of those is associated but it's one of them at a time and so all instances launched using the auto scaling group are based on this single configuration definition either defined inside a specific version of a launch template or within a launch configuration.

      Now an auto scaling group has three super important values associated with it.

      We've got the minimum size, the desired capacity and the maximum size and these are often referred to as min, desired and max and can often be expressed as x, y or z.

      For example 1, 2, 4 means 1 minimum, 2 desired and 4 maximum.

      Now an auto scaling group has one foundational job which it performs.

      It keeps the number of running EC2 instances the same as the desired capacity and it does this by provisioning or terminating instances.

      So the desired capacity always has to be more than the minimum size and less than the maximum size.

      If you have a desired capacity of 2 but only one running EC2 instance then the auto scaling group provisions a new instance.

      If you have a desired capacity of 2 but have three running EC2 instances then the auto scaling group will terminate an instance to make these two values match.

      Now you can keep an auto scaling group entirely manual so there's no automation and no intelligence.

      You just update values and the auto scaling group performs the necessary scaling actions.

      Normally though scaling policies are used together with auto scaling groups.

      Scaling policies can update the desired capacity based on certain criteria for example CPU load and if the desired capacity is updated then as I've just mentioned it will provision or terminate instances and visually this is how it looks.

      We have an auto scaling group and these run within a VPC across one or more subnets.

      The configuration for EC2 instances is provided either using launch templates or launch configurations and then on the auto scaling group we specify a minimum value.

      In this case 1 and this means there will always be at least one running EC2 instance.

      In this case the cat pictures blog.

      We can also set a desired capacity in this example 2 and this will add another instance if a desired capacity is set which is higher than the current number of instances.

      If this is the case then instances are added.

      Finally we could set the maximum size in this case to 4 which means that two additional instances could be provisioned but they won't immediately be because the desired capacity is only set to 2 and there are currently two running instances.

      We could manually adjust the desired capacity up or down to add or remove instances which would automatically be built based on the launch template or launch configuration.

      Alternatively we could use scaling policies to automate that process and scale in or out based on sets of criteria.

      Architecturally auto scaling groups define where instances are launched.

      They're linked to a VPC and subnets within that VPC are configured on the auto scaling group.

      Whatever subnets are configured will be used to provision instances into.

      When instances are provisioned there's an attempt to keep the number of instances within each availability zone even.

      So in this case if the auto scaling group was configured with three subnets and the desired capacity was also set to three then it's probable each subnet would have one EC2 instance running within it but this isn't always the case.

      The auto scaling group will try and level capacity where available.

      Scaling policies are essentially rules.

      Rules which you define which can adjust the values of an auto scaling group and there are three ways that you can scale auto scaling groups.

      The first is not really a policy at all it's just to use manual scaling and I just talked about doing that.

      This is where you manually adjust the values at any time and the auto scaling group handles any provisioning or termination that's required.

      Next there's scheduled scaling which is great for sale periods where you can scale out the group when you know there's going to be additional demand or when you know a system won't be used so you can scale in outside of business hours.

      Scheduled scaling adjusts the desired capacity based on schedules and this is useful for any known periods of high or low usage.

      For the exam if you have known periods of usage then scheduled scaling is going to be a great potential answer.

      Then we have dynamic scaling and there are three subtypes.

      What they all have in common is they are rules which react to something and change the values on an auto scaling group.

      The first is simple scaling and this well it's simple.

      This is most commonly a pair of rules one to provision instances and one to terminate instances.

      You define a rule based on a metric and an example of this is CPU utilization.

      If the metric for example CPU utilization is above 50% then adjust the desired capacity by adding one and if the metric is below 50% then remove one from the desired capacity.

      Using this method you can scale out meaning adding instances or scale in meaning terminating instances based on the value of a metric.

      Now this metric isn't limited to CPU it can be many other metrics including memory or disk input output.

      Some metrics need the cloud watch agent to be installed.

      You can also use some metrics not on the EC2 instances.

      For example maybe the length of an SQSQ which will cover elsewhere in the course or a custom performance metric within your application such as response time.

      We also have stepped scaling which is similar but you define more detailed rules and this allows you to act depending on how out of normal the metric value is.

      So maybe add one instance if the CPU usage is above 50% but if you have a sudden spike of load maybe add three if it's above 80% and the same could happen in reverse.

      Step scaling allows you to react quicker the more extreme the change in conditions.

      Step scaling is almost always preferable to simple except when your only priority is simplicity.

      And then lastly we have target tracking and this takes a slightly different approach.

      It lets you define an ideal amount of something say 40% aggregate CPU and then the group will scale as required to stay at that level provisioning or terminating instances to maintain that desired amount or that target amount.

      Now not all metrics work for target tracking but some examples of ones that are supported are average CPU utilization, average network in, average network out and the one that's relevant to application load balances request count per target.

      Now lastly there's a configuration on an auto scaling group called a cooldown period and this is a value in seconds.

      It controls how long to wait at the end of a scaling action before doing another.

      It allows auto scaling groups to wait and review chaotic changes to a metric and can avoid costs associated with constantly adding or removing instances.

      Because remember there is a minimum billable period.

      Since you'll build for at least the minimum time every time an instance is provisioned regardless of how long you use it for.

      Now auto scaling groups also monitor the health of instances that they provision.

      By default this uses the EC2 status checks.

      So if an EC2 instance fails EC2 detects this passes this on to the auto scaling group and then the auto scaling group terminates the EC2 instance then it provisions a new EC2 instance in its place.

      This is known as self healing and it will fix most problems isolated to a single instance.

      The same would happen if we terminated an instance manually.

      The auto scaling group would simply replace it.

      Now there's a trick with EC2 and auto scaling groups.

      If you create a launch template which can automatically build an instance then create an auto scaling group using that template.

      Set the auto scaling group to use multiple subnets in different availability zones.

      Then set the auto scaling group to use a minimum of one, a maximum of one and a desired of one.

      Then you have simple instance recovery.

      The instance will recover if it's terminated or if it fails.

      And because auto scaling groups work across availability zones the instance can be reprovisioned in another availability zone if the original one fails.

      It's cheap, simple and effective high availability.

      Now auto scaling groups are really cool on their own but their real power comes from their ability to integrate with load balancers.

      Take this example that Bob is browsing to the cat blog that we've been using so far and he's now connecting through a load balancer.

      And the load balancer has a listener configured for the blog and points at a target group.

      Instead of statically adding instances or other resources to the target group then you can use an auto scaling group configured to integrate with the target group.

      As instances are provisioned within the auto scaling group then they're automatically added to the target group of that load balancer.

      And then as instances are terminated by the auto scaling group then they're removed from that target group.

      This is an example of elasticity because metrics which measure load on a system can be used to adjust the number of instances.

      These instances are effectively added as load balancer targets and any users of the application because they access via the load balancer are abstracted away from the individual instances and they can use the capacity added in a very fluid way.

      And what's even more cool is that the auto scaling group can be configured to use the load balancer health checks rather than EC2 status checks.

      Application load balancer checks can be much richer.

      They can monitor the state of HTTP or HTTPS requests.

      And because of this they're application aware which simple status checks which EC2 provides are not.

      Be careful though you need to use an appropriate load balancer health check.

      If your application has some complex logic within it and you're only testing a static HTML page then the health check could respond as okay even though the application might be in a failed state.

      And the inverse of this if your application uses databases and your health check checks a page with some database access requirements well if the database fails then all of your health checks could fail meaning all of your EC2 instances will be terminated and reprovisioned when the problem is with the database not the instances.

      And so you have to be really careful when it comes to setting up health checks.

      Now the next thing I want to talk about is scaling processes within an auto scaling group.

      So you have a number of different processes or functions performed by the auto scaling group.

      And these can be set to either be suspended or they can be resumed.

      So first we've got launch and terminate and if launch is set to suspend then the auto scaling group won't scale out if any alarms or schedule actions take place.

      And the inverse is if terminate is set to suspend then the auto scaling group will not terminate any instances.

      We've also got add to load balancer and this controls whether any instances provisioned are added to the load balancer.

      Next we've got alarm notification and this controls whether the auto scaling group will react to any cloud watch alarms.

      We've also got az rebalance and this controls whether the auto scaling group attempts to redistribute instances across availability zones.

      We've got health check and this controls whether instance health checks across the entire group are on or off.

      We've also got replace unhealthy which controls whether the auto scaling group will replace any instances marked as unhealthy.

      We've got scheduled actions which controls whether the auto scaling group will perform any scheduled actions or not.

      And then in addition to those you can set a specific instance to either be standby or in service.

      And this allows you to suspend any activities of the auto scaling group on a specific instance.

      So this is really useful if you need to perform maintenance on one or more EC2 instances you can set them to standby and that means they won't be affected by anything that the auto scaling group does.

      Now before we finish I just want to talk about a few final points and these are really useful for the exam.

      Auto scaling groups are free.

      The only costs are for the resources created by the auto scaling group and to avoid excessive costs use cooldowns within the auto scaling group to avoid rapid scaling.

      To be cost effective you should also think about using more smaller instances because this means you have more granular control over the amount of compute and therefore costs that are incurred by your auto scaling group.

      So if you have two larger instances and you need to add one that's going to cost you a lot more than if you have 20 smaller instances and only need to add one.

      Smaller instances mean more granularity which means you can adjust the amount of compute in smaller steps and that makes it a more cost effective solution.

      Now auto scaling groups are used together with application load balances for elasticity so the load balancer provides the level of abstraction away from the instances provisioned by the auto scaling group so together they're used to provision elastic architectures.

      And lastly an auto scaling group controls the when and the where so when instances are launched and which subnets they're launched into.

      Launch templates or launch configurations define the what so what instances are launched and what configuration those instances have.

      Now at this point that's everything I wanted to cover in this lesson it's been a huge amount of theory for one lesson but these are really essential concepts that you need to understand for the exam.

      So go ahead and complete this lesson and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover two features of EC2, launch configurations and launch templates.

      Now they both perform a similar thing, but launch templates came after launch configurations and include extra features and capabilities.

      Now I want this lesson to be fairly brief, launch configurations and launch templates are actually relatively easy to understand.

      What we're going to be covering in the next lesson is auto scaling groups which utilize either launch configurations or launch templates.

      So I'll try to keep this lesson as focused as possible, but let's jump in and get started.

      Launch configurations and launch templates at a high level perform the same task.

      They allow the configuration of EC2 instances to be defined in advance.

      Their documents which let you configure things like the AMI to use, the instance type and size, the configuration of the storage which instances use, and the key pair which is used to connect to that instance.

      They also let you define the networking configuration and security groups that an instance uses.

      They let you configure the user data which is provided to the instance and the IAM role which is attached to the instance used to provide the instance with permissions.

      Everything which you usually define at the point of launching an instance, you can define in launch configurations and launch templates.

      Now both of these are not editable.

      You define them once and that configuration is locked.

      Launch templates as the newer of the two allow you to have versions, but for launch configurations versions aren't available.

      Launch templates also have additional features or allow you to control features of the newer types of instances.

      Things like T2 or T3 unlimited CPU options, placement groups, capacity reservations, and things like elastic graphics.

      AWS recommend using launch templates at this point in time because they're a super set of launch configuration.

      They provide all of the features that launch configuration provides and more.

      Architecturally, launch templates also offer more utility.

      Launch configurations have one use.

      They're used as part of auto scaling groups which we'll be talking about later in this section.

      Auto scaling groups offer automatic scaling for EC2 instances and launch configurations provide the configuration of those EC2 instances which will be launched by auto scaling groups.

      And as a reminder, they're not editable nor do they have any versioning capability.

      If you need to adjust the configuration inside a launch configuration, you need to create a new one and use that new launch configuration.

      Now launch templates, they can also be used for the same thing.

      So providing EC2 configuration which is used within auto scaling groups.

      But in addition, they can also be used to launch EC2 instances directly from the console or the CLI.

      So good old Bob can define his instance configuration in advance and use that when launching EC2 instances.

      Now you'll get the opportunity to create and use launch templates in the series of demo lessons later in this section.

      For now, I just wanted to cover all of the theory back to back so you can appreciate how it all fits together.

      That's everything though that I wanted to cover in this lesson about launch configurations and launch templates.

      In the next lesson, I'll be talking about auto scaling groups which are closely related.

      Both of them work together to allow EC2 instances to scale in response to the incoming load on a system.

      But for now, go ahead and finish this video and when you're ready, I look forward to speaking to you in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson, I want to cover application and network load balances in a little bit more detail.

      It's critical for the exam that you understand when to pick application load balances and when to pick network load balances.

      They're both used for massively different situations.

      Now we do have a lot to cover, so let's jump in and get started.

      I want to start by talking about consolidation of load balances.

      Historically, when using classic load balances, you connected instances directly to the load balancer or you integrated an auto scaling group directly with that load balancer, an architecture which looked something like this.

      So a single domain name, categor.io using a single classic load balancer and this has attached a single SSL certificate for that domain and then an auto scaling group is attached to that and the classic load balancer distributes connections over those instances.

      The problem is that this doesn't scale because classic load balancers don't support SNI and you can't have multiple SSL certificates per load balancer and so every single unique HTTPS application that you have requires its own classic load balancer and this is one of the many reasons that classic load balancers should be avoided.

      With this example, we have Catergram and Dogagram and both of these are HTTPS applications and the only way to use these is to have two different classic load balancers.

      Compare this to the same application architecture so both of these applications, Catergram and Dogagram, only this time using a single application load balancer.

      So this is handling both applications, Catergram and Dogagram.

      This time we can use listener based rules and I'll talk about what these do later in the lesson but each of these listener based rules can have an SSL certificate handling HTTPS for both domains.

      Then we can have host based rules which direct incoming connections at multiple target groups which forward these on to multiple auto scaling groups.

      This is a two to one consolidation so we've halved the number of load balancers required to deliver these two different applications.

      But imagine how this would look if we had a hundred legacy applications and each of these used a classic load balancer.

      Moving from version one to version two offers significant advantages and one of those is consolidation.

      So now I just want to focus on some of the key points about application load balancers.

      So these are things which are specific to the version two or application load balancer.

      First, it's a true layer seven load balancer and it's configured to listen on either HTTP or HTTPS protocols.

      So these are layer seven application protocols and an application load balancer understands both of these and can interpret information carried using both of those protocols.

      Now the flip side to this is that the application load balancer can't understand any other layer seven protocols.

      So things such as SMTP, SSH or any custom gaming protocols are not supported by a layer seven load balancer such as the application load balancer and that's important to understand.

      Now additionally, the application load balancer has to listen using HTTP or HTTPS listeners.

      It cannot be configured to directly listen using TCP, UDP or TLS.

      And that does have some important limitations and considerations that you need to be aware of.

      And I'll talk about that later on in this lesson.

      Now because it's a layer seven load balancer, it can understand layer seven content.

      So things like the type of the content, any cookies which are used by your application, custom headers, user location and application behavior.

      The layer seven load balancer, so the application load balancer is able to inspect all of the layer seven application protocol information and make decisions based on that information.

      And that's something that the network load balancer cannot do.

      It has to be a layer seven load balancer so the application load balancer to understand all of these individual components.

      Now an important consideration about the application load balancer is that any incoming connections, so HTTP or HTTPS, and remember HTTPS is just HTTP, which is transiting using SSL or TLS.

      In all of these cases, whichever type of connection is used, it's terminated on the application load balancer.

      And this means that you can't have an unbroken SSL connection from your customer through to your application instances.

      It's always terminated on the load balancer and then a new connection is made from the load balancer through to the application.

      This is important because this is the type of thing that matters to security teams.

      And if your business operates in a fairly strict security environment, then this might well be very important.

      And in some cases, it can exclude using an application load balancer.

      So it can't do end-to-end unbroken SSL encryption between a client and your application instances.

      And it also means that all application load balancers which use HTTPS must have SSL certificates installed on that load balancer.

      Because the connection has to be terminated on the load balancer and then a new connection made to the instances.

      Now application load balancers are also slower than network load balancers because there are additional levels of the networking stack which need to be processed.

      So the more levels of the networking stack which are involved, the more complexity the slower the processing.

      So if you're facing any exam questions which are really strict on performance, then you might want to look at network load balancers rather than application load balancers.

      A benefit though that application load balancers offer is because they're layer seven, then they can evaluate the application health at layer seven.

      So in addition to just testing for a successful network connection, they can actually make an application layer request to the application to ensure that it's functioning correctly.

      Now application load balancers also have the concept of rules and rules direct connections which arrive at a listener.

      So if you make a connection to a load balancer, what the load balancer does with that connection is determined by any rules and rules are processed in priority order.

      You can have many rules which might affect a given set of traffic and they're processed in priority order.

      And the last one to be processed is the default rule which is a catch all.

      But you can add additional rules and each of these can have conditions.

      Now things that you can have inside the conditions of a rule include checking for things like host headers, HTTP headers, HTTP request methods, path patterns, query strings and even source IP.

      So these rules could take different actions depending on which domain name you're asking for, category or dogogram.

      They can perform different actions based on which path you're looking for.

      So images or API, they can even take different decisions based on query string and even make different decisions based on the source IP address of any customers connecting to that application load balancer.

      Now rules can also have actions.

      These are the things that the rules do with the traffic.

      So they can forward that traffic through to a target group.

      They can redirect traffic at something else.

      So maybe another domain name.

      They can provide a fixed HTTP response, a certain error code or a certain success code and they can even perform certain types of authentication.

      So using open ID or using Cognito.

      Now this is how it looks visually.

      This is a simple application load balancer deployment, a single domain, category.io.

      We've got one host based rule with an attached SSL certificate and the rule is using host header as a condition and forward as an action.

      So it's forwarding any connections for Cognito.io to the target group for the Cognito application.

      But what if you want additional functionality?

      Well, let's take a look.

      First, let's imagine that we want to use the same application load balancer for a corporate client who's trying to access Cognito.io.

      Maybe users of Bowtie Incorporated who use the IP address are attempting to access our load balancer and we want to present them with an alternative version of the application.

      Well, we can easily handle that by defining a listener rule but this time the condition will be the source IP address of

      Now this rule would have an action to forward traffic at a separate target group, an auto scaling group which handles a second set of instances dedicated for this corporate client because the application load balancer is a layer seven device.

      It can see inside the Htt protocol and make decisions based on anything within that protocol or anything up to layer seven.

      Now it's worth pointing out in addition that because this is a layer seven load balancer, the connection from the load balancer to the instances for target group two will be a separate set of connections.

      And that's why it's in a slightly different color of purple.

      The HTTP connection from our enterprise users are terminated on the load balancer and there's a separate set of connections through to our application instances.

      There's no option to pass through the encrypted connection to the instances.

      It has to be terminated.

      Now this might not matter but it's something that you need to know for the exam.

      If you have to forward encrypted connections through to the instances without terminating them on the load balancer, then you need to use a network load balancer.

      Now because it's a layer seven load balancer, you can also use rules which work on layer seven elements of the protocol.

      You could route based on paths or anything else in the HTTP protocol such as headers.

      And you can also redirect traffic from a HTTP level.

      An example, let's say that this ALB was also handling traffic for DogoGram.

      Well, you could define a rule which matched the DogoGram.io domain name and as an action instead of forwarding, you could configure a redirect towards catagram.io, the obviously superior website.

      And these are just a small subset of the features which are available within the application load balancer because it's layer seven, you can pretty much perform routing decisions based on anything which you can observe at layer seven and that makes it a really flexible product.

      Before we finish this lesson, let's take a quick look at network load balancers.

      Network load balancers function at layer four.

      So there are layer four device which means that they can interpret TCP, TLS and UDP protocols as well as TCP and UDP.

      But the flip side of this is that they have no visibility or understanding of HTTP or HTTPS.

      And this means that they can't interpret headers, they can't see or interpret cookies and they've got no concept of session stickiness from a HTTP perspective because that uses cookies which the network load balancer cannot interpret because that's a layer seven entity.

      Now network load balancers are really, really, really fast.

      They can handle millions of requests per second and have around 25% of the latency of application load balancers.

      And again, this is because they don't have to deal with any of the computationally heavy upper layers of the networking stack.

      They only have to deal with layer four.

      This also means that they're ideal to deal with any non-HTTP or HTTPS protocols.

      So examples might be SMTP email, SSH, game servers which don't use either of the web protocols and any financial applications which are not HTTP or HTTPS.

      So if you see any exam questions which talk about things which aren't web or secure web and don't use HTTP or HTTPS, then you should probably default to network load balancers.

      One of the downsides of not being aware of layer seven is that health checks which are performed by network load balancers only check ICMP and basic TCP handshaking.

      So they're not application aware.

      You can't do detailed health checking with network load balancers.

      A benefit of network load balancers is that it can be allocated with static IP addresses which is really useful for white listing if you have any corporate clients.

      So corporate clients can decide to white list the IPs of network load balancers and allow them to progress straight through their firewall.

      And this is great for any strict security environments that you need to operate in.

      Another benefit is that they can forward TCP straight through to instances.

      Now, if you're familiar with the networking stack, how this works is that upper layers build on layers below them.

      So because the network load balancer doesn't understand HTTP or HTTPS, then you can configure a listener to accept TCP only traffic and then forward that through to instances.

      And what that means is that any of the layers that are built on top of TCP are not terminated on the load balancer.

      And so they're not interrupted.

      And this means that you can forward unbroken channels of encryption directly from your clients through to your application instances.

      And this is a really important thing to remember for the exam.

      So network load balancers and TCP listeners is how you can do unbroken end-to-end encryption.

      Network load balancers are also used for private link to provide services to other VPCs.

      And this is another really important thing to remember for the exam.

      Now, just to finish up this lesson, I want to do a quick comparison of a number of facts that you can use to decide between network load balancing and application load balancing.

      And I find it easier to remember the things which you should be using a network load balancer for.

      And then if the scenario is none of those, then you can default to using an application load balancer.

      So let's step through the reasons why you might choose to use a network load balancer.

      Well, the first one is the one we've just discussed.

      If you want to perform unbroken encryption between a client and your instances, then use network load balancers.

      If you need to use static IPs for white listing, then again, network load balancers.

      If you want the absolute best performance, so millions of requests per second and low latency, then again, network load balancers.

      If you need to operate on protocols which are not HTTP or not HTTPS, then you need to use network load balancers.

      And then finally, if you have any requirement which involves private link, then you need to use network load balancers.

      And for anything else, default to using application load balancers because the additional functionality provided by these devices is often really valuable to most scenarios.

      Now, with that being said, that's everything I wanted to cover about application load balancers and network load balancers for the exam.

      Go ahead and complete this video.

      And when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      This is part two of this lesson.

      We're going to continue immediately from the end of part one.

      So let's get started.

      This time, we have a typical multi-tiered application.

      We start with a VPC and inside that two availability zones.

      On the left, we also have an Internet Facing Low Balancer.

      Then we have a Web Instance Auto Scaling Group providing the front-end capability of the application.

      Then we have another Low Balancer, this time an internal Low Balancer, with only private IP addresses allocated to the nodes.

      Next, we have an Auto Scaling Group for the application instances.

      These are used by the web servers for the application.

      Then on the right, we have a pair of database instances.

      In this case, let's assume they're both Aurora database instances.

      So we have three tiers, Web, Application and Database.

      Now, without Load Balancers, everything would be tied to everything else.

      Our user, Bob, would have to communicate with a specific instance in the web tier if this failed or scaled, then Bob's experience would be disrupted.

      The instance that Bob is connected to would itself connect to a specific instance in the application tier, and if that instance failed or scaled, then again, Bob's experience would be disrupted.

      What we can do to improve this architecture is to put Load Balancers between the application tiers to abstract one tier from another.

      And how this changes things is that Bob actually communicates with an ELB node, and this ELB node sends this connection through to a particular web server.

      But Bob has no knowledge of which web server he's actually connected to because he's communicating via a Load Balancer.

      If instances are added or removed, then he would be unaware of this fact because he's abstracted away from the physical infrastructure by the Load Balancer.

      Now, the web instance that Bob is using, it would need to communicate with an instance of the application tier, and it would do this via an internal Load Balancer.

      And again, this represents an abstraction of communication.

      So in this case, the web instance that Bob is connected to isn't aware of the physical deployment of the application tier.

      It's not aware of how many instances exist, nor which one it's actually communicating with.

      And then at this point, to complete this architecture, the application server that's being used would use the database tier for any persistent data storage needs.

      Now, without using Load Balancers with this architecture, all the tiers are tightly coupled together.

      They need an awareness of each other.

      Bob would be connecting to a specific instance in the web tier.

      This would be connecting to a specific instance in the application tier.

      And all of these tiers would need to have an awareness of each other.

      Load Balancers remove some of this coupling.

      They loosen the coupling.

      And this allows the tiers to operate independently of each other because of this abstraction.

      Crucially, it allows the tiers to scale independently of each other.

      In this case, for example, it means that if the load on the application tier increased beyond the ability of two instances to service that load, then the application tier could grow independently of anything else, in this case scaling from two to four instances.

      The web tier could continue using it with no disruption or reconfiguration because it's abstracted away from the physical layout of this tier, because it's communicating via a Load Balancer.

      It has no awareness of what's happening within the application tier.

      Now, we're going to talk about these architectural implications in depth later on in this section of the course.

      But for now, I want you to be aware of the architectural fundamentals.

      And one other fundamental that I want you to be completely comfortable with is cross zone load balancing.

      And this is a really essential feature to understand.

      So let's look at an example visually.

      Bob accessing a WordPress blog, in this case, The Best Cats.

      And we can assume because this is a really popular and well-architected application that it's going to be using a load balancer.

      So Bob uses his device and browsers to the DNS name for the application, which is actually the DNS name of the load balancer.

      We know now that a load balancer by default has at least one node per availability zone that it's configured for.

      So in this example, we have a cut down version of the Animals for Life VPC, which is using two availability zones.

      So in this case, an application load balancer will have a minimum of two nodes, one in each availability zone.

      And the DNS name for the load balancer will direct any incoming requests equally across all of the nodes of the load balancer.

      So in this example, we have two nodes, one in each availability zone.

      Each of these nodes will receive a portion of incoming requests based on how many nodes there are.

      For two nodes, it means that each node gets 100% divided by two, which represents 50% of the load that's directed at each of the load balancer nodes.

      Now, this is a simple example.

      In production situations, you might have more availability zones being used, and at higher volume, so higher throughput, you might have more nodes in each availability zone.

      But this example keeps things simple.

      So however much incoming load is directed at the load balancer DNS name, each of the load balancer nodes will receive 50% of that load.

      Now, originally load balancers were restricted in terms of how they could distribute the connections that they received.

      Initially, the way that it worked is that each load balancer node could only distribute connections to instances within the same availability zone.

      Now, this might sound logical, but consider this architecture where we have four instances in availability zone A and one instance in availability zone B.

      This would mean that the load balancer node in availability zone A would split its incoming connections across all instances in that availability zone, which is four ways.

      And the node in availability zone B would also split its connections up between all the instances in the same availability zone.

      But because there's only one, that would mean 100% of its connections to the single EC2 instance.

      Now, with this historic limitation, it means that node A would get 50% of the overall connections and would further split this down four ways, which means each instance would be allocated 12.5% of the overall load.

      Node B would also receive 50% of the overall load.

      And normally it would split that down across all instances also in that same availability zone.

      But because there's only one, that one instance would get 100% of that 50%.

      So all of the instances in availability zone A would receive 12.5% of the overall load and the instance in availability zone B would receive 50% of the overall load.

      So this represents a substantially uneven distribution of the incoming load because of this historic limitation of how load balancer nodes could distribute traffic.

      And the fix for that was a feature known as cross zone load balancing.

      Now, the name gives away what this does.

      It simply allows every load balancer node to distribute any connections that it receives equally across all registered instances in all availability zones.

      So in this case, it would mean that the node in availability zone A could distribute connections to the instance in AZB and the node in AZB could distribute connections to instances in AZA.

      And this represents a much more even distribution of incoming load.

      And this is known as cross zone load balancing, the ability to distribute or load balance across availability zones.

      Now, this is a feature which originally was not enabled by default.

      But if you're deploying an application load balancer, this comes enabled as standard.

      But you still need to be aware of it for the exam because it's often posed as a question where you have a problem, an uneven distribution of load, and you need to fix it by knowing that this feature exists.

      So it's really important that you understand it for the exam.

      So before we finish up with this lesson, I just want to reconfirm the most important architectural points about elastic load balancers.

      If there are only a few things that you take away from this lesson, these are the really important points.

      Firstly, when you provision an elastic load balancer, you see it as one device which runs in two or more availability zones, specifically one subnet in each of those availability zones.

      But what you're actually creating is one elastic load balancer node in one subnet in each availability zone that that load balancer is configured in.

      You're also creating a DNS record for that load balancer which spreads the incoming requests over all of the active nodes for that load balancer.

      Now you start with a certain number of nodes, let's say one node per availability zone, but it will scale automatically if additional load is placed on that load balancer.

      Remember by default, cross-own load balancing means that nodes can distribute requests across to other availability zones, but historically this was disabled, meaning connections potentially would be relatively imbalanced.

      But for application load balancers, cross-own load balancing is enabled by default.

      Now load balancers come in two types.

      Internet facing, which just means that the nodes are allocated with public IP version 4 addresses.

      That's it.

      It doesn't change where the load balancer is placed, it just influences the IP addressing for the nodes of that load balancer.

      Internal load balancers are the same, only their nodes are only allocated private IP addresses.

      Now one of the most important things to remember about load balancers is that an internet facing load balancer can communicate with public instances or private instances.

      EC2 instances don't need public IP addressing to work with an internet facing load balancer.

      An internet facing load balancer has public IP addresses on its nodes, it can accept connections from the public internet and balance these across both public and private EC2 instances.

      That's really important to understand for the exam, so you don't actually need public instances to utilize an internet facing load balancer.

      Now load balancers are configured via listener configuration, which as the name suggests controls what those load balancers listen to.

      And again, I'll be covering this in much more detail later on in this section of the course.

      And then lastly, remember the confusing part about load balancers.

      They require eight or more free IP addresses per subnet that they get deployed into.

      Strictly speaking, this means that a /28 subnet would be enough, but the AWS documentation suggests a /27 in order to allow scaling.

      For now, that's everything that I wanted to cover, so go ahead and complete this lesson.

      And then when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson, I want to talk about the architecture of elastic load balancers.

      Now I'm going to be covering load balancers extensively in this part of the course.

      So I want to use this lesson as a sort of foundation.

      I'm going to cover the high level logical and physical architecture of the product and either refresh your memory on some things or introduce some of the finer points of load balancing for the first time.

      And both of these are fine.

      Now, before we start, it's the job of a load balancer to accept connections from customers and then to distribute those connections across any registered backend compute.

      It means that the user is abstracted away from the physical infrastructure.

      It means that the amount of infrastructure can change.

      So increase or decrease in number without affecting customers.

      And because the physical infrastructure is abstracted, it means that infrastructure can fail and be repaired, all of which is hidden from customers.

      So with that quick refresher done, let's jump in and get started covering the architecture of elastic load balancers.

      Now I'm going to be stepping through some of the key architectural points visually.

      So let's start off with a VPC, which uses two availability zones, AZA and AZB.

      And then in those availability zones, we've got a few subnets, two public and some private.

      Now let's add a user, Bob, together with a pair of load balancers.

      Now, as I just mentioned, it's the job of a load balancer to accept connections from a user base and then distribute those connections to backend services.

      For this example, we're going to assume that those services are long running compute or EC2, but as you'll see later in this section, that doesn't have to be the case.

      Elastic load balancers, specifically application load balancers, support many different types of compute services.

      It's not only EC2.

      Now, when you provision a load balancer, you have to decide on a few important configuration items.

      The first, you need to pick whether you want to use IP version four only or dual stack.

      And dual stack just means using IP version four and the newer IP version six.

      You also need to pick the availability zones which the load balancer will use, specifically you're picking one subnet in two or more availability zones.

      Now, this is really important because this leads in to the architecture of elastic load balancers, so how they actually work.

      Based on the subnets that you pick inside availability zones, when you provision a load balancer, the product places into these subnets one or more load balancer nodes.

      So what you see as a single load balancer object is actually made up of multiple nodes and these nodes live within the subnets that you pick.

      So when you're provisioning a load balancer, you need to select which availability zones it goes into.

      And the way you do this is by picking one and one only, subnet in each of those availability zones.

      So in the example that's on screen now, I've picked to use the public subnet in availability zone A and availability zone B and so the product has deployed one or more load balancer nodes into each of those subnets.

      Now when a load balancer is created, it actually gets created with a single DNS record.

      It's an A record and this A record actually points at all of the elastic load balancer nodes that get created with the product.

      So any connections that are made using the DNS name of the load balancer are actually made to the nodes of that load balancer.

      The DNS name resolves to all of the individual nodes.

      It means that any incoming requests are distributed equally across all of the nodes of the load balancer and these nodes are located in multiple availability zones and they scale within that availability zone.

      And so they're highly available.

      If one node fails, it's replaced.

      If the incoming load to the load balancer increases, then additional nodes are provisioned inside each of the subnets that the load balancer is configured to use.

      Now another choice that you need to make when creating a load balancer, and this is really important for the exam, is to decide whether that load balancer should be internet facing or whether it should be internal.

      This choice, so whether to use internet facing or internal, controls the IP addressing for the load balancer nodes.

      If you pick internet facing, then the nodes of that load balancer are given public addresses and private addresses.

      If you pick internal, then the nodes only have private IP addresses.

      So that's the only difference.

      Otherwise, they're the same architecturally, they have the same nodes and the same load balancer features.

      The only difference between internet facing and internal is whether the nodes are allocated public IP addresses.

      Now the connections from our customers which arrive at the load balancer nodes, the configuration of how that's handled is done using a listener configuration.

      As the name suggests, this configuration controls what the load balancer is listening to.

      So what protocols and ports will be accepted at the listener or front side of the load balancer?

      Now there's a dedicated lesson coming up later in this section which focuses specifically on the listener configuration.

      At this point, I just wanted to introduce it.

      So at this point, Bob has initiated connections to the DNS name associated with the load balancer.

      And that means that he's made connections to load balancer nodes within our architecture.

      Now at this point, the load balancer nodes can then make connections to instances that are registered with this load balancer.

      And the load balancer doesn't care about whether those instances are public EC2 instances, so allocated with a public IP address or their private EC2 instances.

      So instances which reside in a private subnet and only have private addressing.

      I want to keep reiterating this because it's often a point of confusion for students who are new to load balancers.

      An internet-facing load balancer, and remember this means that it has nodes that have public addresses so it can be connected to from the public internet, it can connect both to public and private EC2 instances.

      Instances that are used do not have to be public.

      Now this matters because in the exam when you face certain questions which talk about how many subnets or how many tiers are required for an application, it does test your knowledge that an internet-facing load balancer does not need private or public instances.

      It can work with both of those.

      The only requirement is that load balancer nodes can communicate with the back-end instances.

      And this can happen whether the instances have allocated public addressing or whether they're private only instances.

      The important thing is that if you want a load balancer to be reachable from the public internet, it has to be an internet-facing load balancer because logically it needs to be allocated with public addressing.

      Now load balancers in order to function need eight or more free IP addresses in the subnets that they're deployed into.

      Now strictly speaking, this means a /28 subnet, which provides a total of 16 IP addresses but minus the five reserved by AWS, this leaves 11 free per subnet.

      But AWS suggests that you use a /27 or larger subnet to deploy an elastic load balancer in order that it can scale.

      Keep in mind that strictly speaking, both a /28 and /27 subnets are both correct in their own ways to represent the minimum subnet size for a load balancer.

      AWS do suggest in their documentation that you need a /27, but they also say you need a minimum of eight free IP addresses.

      Now logically, a /28, which leaves 11 free, won't give you the room to deploy a load balancer and back end instances.

      So in most cases, I try to remember /27 as the correct value for the minimum for a load balancer.

      But if you do see any questions which show a /28 and don't show a /27, then /28 is probably the right answer.

      Now internal load balancers are architecturally just like internet facing load balancers, except they only have private IPs allocated to their nodes.

      And so internal load balancers are generally used to separate different tiers of applications.

      So in this example, our user Bob connects via the internet facing load balancer to the web server.

      And then this web server can connect to an application server via an internal load balancer.

      And this allows us to separate application tiers and allow for independent scaling.

      So let's look at this visually.

      Okay, so this is the end of part one of this lesson.

      It was getting a little bit on the long side and I wanted to give you the opportunity to take a small break, maybe stretch your legs or make a coffee.

      Now part two will continue immediately from this point.

      So go ahead, complete this video.

      And when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in part two.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to spend a few minutes just covering the evolution at the Elastic Load Balancer product.

      It's important for the exam and real world usage that you understand its heritage and its current state.

      Now this is going to be a super quick lesson because most of the detail I'm going to be covering in dedicated lessons which are coming up next in this section of the course.

      So let's jump in and take a look.

      Now there are currently three different types of Elastic Load Balancers available within AWS.

      If you see the term ELB or Elastic Load Balancers then it refers to the whole family, all three of them.

      Now the load balancers are split between version 1 and version 2.

      You should avoid using the version 1 load balancer at this point and aim to migrate off them onto version 2 products which should be preferred for any new deployments.

      There are no scenarios at this point where you would choose to use a version 1 load balancer versus one of the version 2 types.

      Now the load balancer product started with the classic load balancer known as CLB which is the only version 1 load balancer and this was introduced in 2009.

      So it's one of the older AWS products.

      Now classic load balancers can load balance HTTP and HTTPS as well as lower level protocols but they aren't really layer 7 devices.

      They don't really understand HTTP and they can't make decisions based on HTTP protocol features.

      They lack much of the advanced functionality of the version 2 load balancers and they can be significantly more expensive to use.

      One common limitation is that classic load balancers only support one SSL certificate per load balancer which means for larger deployments you might need hundreds or thousands of classic load balancers and these could be consolidated down to a single version 2 load balancer.

      So I can't stress this enough for any questions or any real world situations you should default to not using classic load balancers.

      Now this brings me on to the new version 2 load balancers.

      The first is the application load balancer or ALB and these are truly layer 7 devices so application layer devices.

      They support HTTP, HTTPS and the web socket protocols.

      They're generally the type of load balancer that you'd pick for any scenarios which use any of these protocols.

      There's also network load balancers or NLBs which are also version 2 devices but these support TCP, TLS which is a secure form of TCP and UDP protocols.

      So network load balancers are the type of load balancer that you would pick for any applications which don't use HTTP or HTTPS.

      For example if you wanted to load balance email servers or SSH servers or a game which used a custom protocol so didn't use HTTP or HTTPS then you would use a network load balancer.

      In general version 2 load balancers are faster and support target groups and rules which allow you to use a single load balancer for multiple things or handle the load balancing different based on which customers are using it.

      Now I'm going to be covering the capabilities of each of the version 2 load balancers separately as well as talking about rules but I wanted to introduce them now as a feature.

      Now for the exam you really need to be able to pick between network load balancers or application load balancers for a specific situation so that's what I want to work on over the coming lessons.

      For now though this has just been an introduction lesson that talks about the evolution of these products and that's everything that I wanted to cover in this lesson so go ahead complete lesson and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      In this lesson, I want to talk about the regional and global AWS architecture.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      Now throughout this lesson, I want you to think about an application that you're familiar with, which is global.

      And for this example, I'll be talking about Netflix, because this is an application that most people have at least heard of.

      Now, Netflix can be thought of as a global application, but it's also a collection of smaller regional applications which make up the Netflix global platform.

      So these are discrete blocks of infrastructure which operate independently and duplicated across different regions around the world.

      As a solutions architect, when we're designing solutions, I find that there are three main types of architectures.

      Small scale architectures which will only ever exist in one region or one country.

      Then we have systems which also exist in one region or country, but where there's a DR requirement, so if that region fails for some reason, then it fails over to a second region.

      And then lastly, we have systems that operate within multiple regions and need to operate through failure in one or more of those regions.

      Now, depending on how you architect systems, there are a few major architectural components which will map on to AWS products and services.

      So at a global level, first we have global service location and discovery.

      So when you type Netflix.com into your browser, what happens?

      How does your machine discover where to point at?

      Next, we've got content delivery.

      So how does the content or data for an application get to users globally?

      Are their pockets of storage distributed globally or is it pulled from a central location?

      Lastly, we've got global health checks and failover.

      So detecting if infrastructure in one location is healthy or not and moving customers to another country as required.

      So these are the global components.

      Next, we have regional components starting with the regional entry point.

      And then we have regional scaling and regional resilience and then the various application services and components.

      So as we go through the rest of the course, we're going to be looking at specific architectures.

      And as we do, I want you to think about them in terms of global and regional components, which parts can be used for global resilience and which parts are local only.

      So let's take a look at this visually starting with the global elements.

      So let's keep using Netflix as an example.

      And let's say that we have a group of users who are starting to settle down for the evening and want to watch the latest episode of Ozarks.

      So the Netflix client will use DNS for the initial service discovery.

      Netflix will have configured the DNS to point at one or more service endpoints.

      Let's keep things simple at this point and assume that there is a primary location for Netflix in a US region of AWS, maybe US East One.

      And this will be used as the primary location.

      And if this fails, then Australia will be used as a secondary.

      Now, another valid configuration would be to send customers to their nearest location, in this case, sending our TV fans to Australia.

      But in this case, let's just assume we have a primary and a secondary region.

      So this is the DNS component of this architecture and Route 53 is the implementation within AWS.

      Now, because of its flexibility, it can be configured to work in any number of ways.

      The key thing for this global architecture, though, is that it has health checks.

      So it can determine if the US region is healthy and direct all sessions to the US while this is the case, or direct sessions to Australia if there are problems with the primary region.

      Now, regardless of where infrastructure is located, a content delivery network can be used at the global level.

      This ensures that content is cached locally as close to customers as possible, and these cache locations are located globally, and they all pull content from the origin location as required.

      So just to pause here briefly, this is a global perspective.

      The function of the architecture at this level is to get customers through to a suitable infrastructure location, making sure any regional failures are isolated and sessions moved to alternative regions.

      It attempts to direct customers at a local region, at least if the business has multiple locations, and lastly, it attempts to improve caching using a content delivery network such as CloudFront.

      If this part of our architecture works well, customers will be directed towards a region that has infrastructure for our application, and let's assume this region is one of the US ones.

      At this point, the traffic is entering one specific region of the AWS infrastructure.

      Depending on the architecture, this might be entering into a VPC or using public space AWS services, but in either case, now we're architecturally zoomed in, and so we have to think about this architecture now in a regional sense.

      The most effective way to think about systems architecture is a collection of regions making up a whole.

      If you think about AWS products and services, very few of them are actually global.

      Most of them run in a region, and many of those regions make up AWS.

      Now it's efficient to think in this way, and it makes designing a large platform much easier.

      For the remainder of this course, we're going to be covering architecture in depth, so how things work, how things integrate, and what features products provide.

      Now the environments that you will design will generally have different tiers, and tiers in this context are high level groupings of functionality or different zones of your application.

      Initially, communications from your customers will generally enter at the web tier.

      Generally, this will be a regional based AWS service such as an application load balancer or API gateway, depending on the architecture that the application uses.

      The purpose of the web tier is to act as an entry point for your regional based applications or application components.

      It abstracts your customers away from the underlying infrastructure.

      It means that the infrastructure behind it can scale or fail or change without impacting customers.

      Now the functionality provided to the customer via the web tier is provided by the compute tier, using services such as EC2, Lambda, or containers which use the elastic container service.

      So in this example, the load balancer will use EC2 to provide compute services through to our customers.

      Now we'll talk throughout the course about the various different types of compute services which you can and should use for a given situation.

      The compute tier though will consume storage services, another part of all AWS architectures, and this tier will use services such as EBS, which is the elastic block store, EFS, which is the elastic file system, and even S3 for things like media storage.

      You'll also find that many global architectures utilize CloudFront, the global content delivery network within AWS, and CloudFront is capable of using S3 as an origin for media.

      So Netflix might store movies and TV shows on S3 and these will be cached by CloudFront.

      Now all of these tiers are separate components of an application and can consume services from each other and so CloudFront can directly access S3 in this case to fetch content for delivery to a global audience.

      Now in addition to file storage, most environments require data storage and within AWS this is delivered using products like RDS, Aurora, DynamoDB and Redshift for data warehousing.

      But in order to improve performance, most applications don't directly access the database.

      Instead, they go via a caching layer, so products like ElastiCache for general caching or DynamoDB Accelerator known as DAX when using DynamoDB.

      This way, reads to the database can be minimized.

      Applications will instead consult the cache first and only if the data isn't present in the cache will the database be consulted and the contents of the cache updated.

      Now caching is generally in memory, so it's cheap and fast.

      Databases tend to be expensive based on the volume of data required versus cache and normal data storage.

      So where possible, you need to offload reads from the database into the caching layer to improve performance and reduce costs.

      Now lastly, AWS have a suite of products designed specifically to provide application services.

      So things like Kinesis, Step Functions, SQS and SNS, all of which provide some type of functionality to applications, either simple functionality like email or notifications, or functionality which can change an application's architecture such as when you decouple components using queues.

      Now as I mentioned at the start of this lesson, you're going to be learning about all of these components and how you can use them together to build platforms.

      For now, just think of this as an introduction lesson.

      I want you to get used to thinking of architectures from a global and regional perspective as well as understanding that application architecture is generally built using components from all of these different tiers.

      So the web tier, the compute tier, caching, storage, the database tier and application services.

      Now at this point, that's all of the theory that I wanted to go through.

      Remember, this is just an introduction lesson.

      So go ahead, finish this lesson and when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video, I want to talk at a high level about the AWS Backup product.

      Now, this is something that you need to have an awareness of for most of the AWS exams and to get started in the real world.

      But it's not something that you need to understand in depth for all of the AWS certifications.

      So let's jump in and cover the important points of the product.

      So AWS Backup is a fully managed data protection service.

      At this level of study, you can think about it as a backup and restore product, but it also includes much more in the way of auditing and management oversight.

      The product allows you to consolidate the management and storage of your backups in one place, across multiple accounts and multiple regions if you configure it that way.

      So that's important to understand the product is capable of being configured to operate across multiple accounts.

      So this utilizes services like Control Tower and organizations to allow this.

      And it's also capable of copying data between regions to provide extra data protection.

      But the main day-to-day benefit that the product provides is this consolidation of management and storage within one place.

      So instead of having to configure backups of RDS in one place, DynamoDB in another, and organize some kind of script to take regular EBS snapshots, AWS Backup can do all this on your behalf.

      Now, AWS Backup is capable of interacting with a wide range of AWS products.

      So many AWS services are fully supported, various compute services, so EC2 and VMware running within AWS, block storage such as EBS, file storage products such as EFS and the various different types of FSX, and then most of the AWS database products are supported such as Aurora, RDS, Neptune, DynamoDB and DocumentDB.

      And then even object storage is supported using S3.

      Now, all of these products can be centrally managed by AWS Backup, which means both the storage and the configuration of how the backup and retention operates.

      Now, let's step through some of the key concepts and components of the AWS Backup product.

      First, we have one of the central components, and that's backup plans.

      It's on these where you can configure the frequency of backups, so how often backups are going to occur every hour, every 12 hours, daily, weekly or monthly.

      You can also use a chron expression that creates snapshots as frequently as hourly.

      Now, if you have any business backup experience, you might recognize this.

      If you select weekly, you can specify which days of the week you want backups to be taken, and if you specify monthly, you can choose a specific day of the month.

      Now, you can also enable continuous backups for certain supported products, and this allows you to use a point-in-time restore feature.

      So if you've enabled continuous backups, then you can restore a supported service to a particular point in time within a window.

      Now, you can configure the backup window as well within backup plans, so this controls the time that backups begin and the duration of that backup window.

      You can configure life cycles, which define when a backup is transitioned to cold storage and when it expires.

      When you transition a backup into cold storage, it needs to be stored there for a minimum of 90 days.

      Backup plans also set the vault to use, and more on this in a second, and they allow you to configure region copy, so you can copy backups from one region to another.

      Next, we have backup resources, and these are logically what is being backed up.

      So whether you want to back up an S3 bucket or an RDS database, that's what a resource is, what resources you want to back up.

      Next, we have vaults, and you can think of vaults as the destination for backups.

      It's here where all the backup data is stored, and you need to configure at least one of these.

      Now, vaults by default are read and write, meaning that backups can be deleted, but you can also enable AWS backup vault lock, and this is not to be confused by glacier or object locking.

      AWS backup vault lock enables a write once read many, known as worm mode, for the vault.

      Once enabled, you get a 72-hour cool-off period, but once fully active, nobody, including AWS, can delete anything from the vault, and this is designed for compliance-style situations.

      Now, any data retention periods that you set still apply, so backups can age out, but setting this means that it's not possible to bypass or delete anything early, and the product is also capable of performing on-demand backups as required, so you're not limited to only using backup plans.

      Some services also support a point-in-time recovery method, and examples of this include S3 and RDS, and this means that you can restore to the state of that resource at a specific date and time within the retention window.

      Now, with all of these features, the product is constantly evolving, and rather than have this video be out of date the second something changes, I've attached a few links which detail the current state of many of these features, and I'd encourage you to take a look when you want to understand the products up-to-date capabilities when you're watching this video.

      Now, this is all you need to understand as a base foundation for AWS Backup for all of the AWS exams.

      If you need additional knowledge, so more theory detail in general, perhaps more specialized deep-dive knowledge on the security elements of the product, or maybe some practical knowledge, then there will be additional videos.

      These will only be present if you need this additional knowledge for the particular course that you're studying.

      If you only see this video, don't worry, it just means that this is all you need to know.

      At this point, though, that is everything I wanted to cover, so go ahead and complete this video, and when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this demo lesson you're going to experience the difference that EFS can make to our WordPress application architecture.

      Now this demo lesson has three main components.

      First we're going to deploy some infrastructure automatically using the one-click deployments.

      Then I'm going to step through the CloudFormation template and explain exactly how this architecture is built.

      And then right at the end you're going to have the opportunity to see exactly what benefits EFS provides.

      So to get started make sure that you're currently logged in to the general AWS account, so the management account of the organization, and as always you need to have the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now this lesson actually has two one-click deployments.

      The first deploys the base infrastructure and the second deploys a WordPress EC2 instance, which has been enhanced to utilize EFS.

      So you need to apply both of these templates in order and wait for the first one to finish before applying the second.

      So we're going to start with the base VPC RDS EFS template first.

      So this deploys the base VPC, the Elastic File System and an RDS instance.

      Now everything should be pre-populated.

      The stack should be called EFS demo -vpc -rds -efs.

      Just scroll all the way down to the bottom, check the capabilities box and click on create stack.

      While that's going let's switch over to the CloudFormation template and just step through exactly what it does.

      So this is the template that you're deploying using the one-click deployment.

      It's deploying the Base Animals for Life VPC, an EFS file system as well as mount targets and an Aurora database cluster.

      So if we just scroll down we can see all of the VPC and networking resources used by the Base Animals for Life VPC.

      Continue scrolling down we'll see the subnets that this VPC contains IP version 6 information.

      We'll see an RDS security group, a database subnet group.

      We've got the database instance.

      Then we've got an instance security group which controls access to all the resources in the VPC that we use that security group on.

      Then we have a rule which allows anything with that security group attached to it to communicate with anything else.

      We have a rule that the WordPress instance will use and note that this includes permissions on the Elastic File System.

      Then we have the instance profile that that instance uses.

      Then we have the CloudWatch agent configuration and this is all automated.

      And if we just continue scrolling down here we can see the Elastic File System.

      So we create an EFS file system and then we create a file system mount target in each application subnet.

      So we've got mount target zero which is in application subnet A which is in US East 1A.

      We've got mount target one which is an application subnet B which logically is in US East 1B.

      And then finally target two which is in subnet app C which is in availability zone 1C.

      So we create the VPC, the database and the Elastic File System in this first one click deployment.

      Now we need this to be in a create complete state before we continue with the demo lessons.

      So go ahead and pause the video, wait for this to move into a create complete status and then we can use the second one click deployment.

      Okay that stacks now finished creating which means we can move on to the second one click deployment.

      Now there are actually two WordPress one click deployments which are attached to this lesson.

      We're going to use them both but for now I want you to use the WordPress one one click deployment.

      So go ahead and click on that link this will create a stack called EFS demo hyphen WordPress one.

      Everything should be pre-populated just go ahead and click on create stack.

      Now this is going to use the infrastructure provided by that first one click deployment.

      So it's going to use EFS demo hyphen VPC hyphen RDS hyphen EFS and let's quickly step through exactly what this is doing while it's provisioning.

      So this is the cloud formation template that is being used and we can skip past most of this.

      What I want to focus on is the resource that's being created so that's WordPress EC2.

      So this is using cross stack references to import a lot of the resources created in that first cloud formation stack.

      So it's importing the instance profile to use it's importing the web a subnet so it knows where to place this instance.

      And it's importing the instance security group that's created in that previous cloud formation stack.

      Now in addition to this if we look through the user data for this WordPress instance one major difference is that it's mounting the EFS file system into this folder.

      So forward slash var forward slash w w w forward slash HTML forward slash WP hyphen content.

      Now if you remember from earlier demo lessons this is the folder which WordPress users to store its media.

      So now instead of this folder being on the local EC2 file system this is now the EFS file system.

      The EFS file system is mapped into this folder on this WordPress instance.

      Other than that everything else is the same WordPress is installed.

      It's configured to you as the RDS instance the cow say custom login banner is displayed.

      It automatically configures the cloud watch agent and then it signals cloud formation that it's finished provisioning this instance.

      Now what we'll end up with when this stack has finished creating is an EC2 instance which will use the services provided by this original stack.

      So let's just refresh this.

      It's still in progress so go ahead and pause the video and wait for this stack to move into a create complete state and then we good to continue.

      So this stacks now finished creating and if we move across to the EC2 console so click on services locate EC2 right click and open that in a new tab.

      Then click on instances running and you'll see that we have this A4L WordPress instance.

      Now if we select that copy the IP address into your clipboard and then open that in a new tab we need to perform the WordPress installation.

      So go ahead and enter the site title the best cats and add some exclamation points.

      For username we need to use admin then for the password go back to the cloud formation stack and click on parameters and we're going to use the DB password.

      So copy that into your clipboard then go back paste it into the password box and then put test at test.com for the email address and click install WordPress.

      Then as before we need to log in so click on login admin for username reenter that password and click on login.

      Then we need to go to posts we need to click on trash below hello world to delete that post then click on add new close down this dialogue.

      For title put the best cats ever and some exclamation points then click on the plus click gallery click upload.

      There's a link attached to this lesson with four cat images so go ahead and download that link and extract it locate those four images select them and click on open.

      And then once you've done that click on publish and publish again and then click on view post.

      Now what that's doing in the background is it's adding these images to the WP hyphen content folder which is on the EC two instance but now we have that folder mounted using EFS and so the images are being stored on the elastic file system rather than the local instance file system.

      The cat pictures are there but what we're going to do to validate this is to go back to instances right click on this a four L hyphen WordPress instance and click on connect and then connect to this instance using EC two instance connect.

      Now once we connected to the instance you CD space forward slash VAR forward slash WWW forward slash HTML and then do an LS space hyphen LA to do a full listing you'll see that we have this WP hyphen content folder.

      So type CD space WP hyphen content and press enter then we'll clear the screen and do an LS space hyphen LA and then inside this folder we have plugins themes and uploads go into the uploads folder do an LS space hyphen LA depending on when you do this demo lesson you should see a folder representing the year so move into that folder then a folder representing the month again this will vary depending on when you do the demo lesson.

      Move into that folder and then you should see all four of my cat images and if you do a DF space hyphen K you'll be able to see that this folder so forward slash VAR forward slash WWW forward slash HTML WP hyphen content this is actually mounted using EFS so this is an EFS file system.

      Now this means the local instance file system is no longer critical it no longer stores the actual media that we upload to these posts so what we can do is we can go back to cloud formation go to stacks select the EFS demo hyphen WordPress one stack and then click on delete and delete that stack so that's going to terminate the EC two instance that we've just used to upload that media.

      We need to wait for that stack to fully delete before continuing so go ahead and pause the video and wait for this stack to disappear so that stacks disappeared and now there's a second WordPress one click deployment link attached to this lesson remember there are two so now go ahead and click on the second one this one should create a stack called EFS demo hyphen WordPress two scroll to the bottom and click on create stack that's going to create a new stack and a new EC two instance.

      So while we're doing this just close down all of these additional tabs at the top of the screen close them all down apart from the cloud formation one.

      We're going to need to wait for this to finish provisioning and move into the create complete state so again pause the video wait for this to change into create complete and then we go to to continue.

      After a few minutes the WordPress two stack has moved into a create complete state click on services open the EC two console in a new tab click on instances running you'll see a new A4L hyphen WordPress instance this is a brand new instance which has been provisioned using the one click deployment link that you've just used so the WordPress two one click deployment link.

      If we select this copy the public IP address into your clipboard and open that in a new tab it again loads our WordPress blog if we open the blog post.

      Now we can see these images because they're being loaded from EFS from the file system that EFS provides so no longer are we limited to only operating from a single EC two instance for our WordPress application because now there's nothing which gets stored specifically on that EC two instance.

      Instead everything stored on EFS and accessible from any EC two instance that we decide to give permissions to know what we can do to demonstrate this if we go back to cloud formation.

      Now remember attached to this lesson are two WordPress one click deployments we initially applied number one then we deleted that and applied number two so now I want you to reapply number one.

      So again click on the WordPress one one click deployment this again will create a new stack this time called EFS demo hyphen WordPress one click on create stack you need to wait for this to move into a create complete state so pause the video and resume it once the stack changes to create complete after a few minutes this stack also moves into create complete.

      Let's click on resources we can see it's provisioned a single EC two instance so let's click on this to move directly to this new instance select it copy this instance is IP address into your clipboard and open that in a new tab and again we have our WordPress blog and if we click on the post it loads those images so now we have a number of EC two instances we have to EC two instances both with WordPress installed both using the same RDS data.

      And both using the shared file system provided by EFS and it means that if any posts are edited or any images uploaded on either of these two EC two instances then those updates will be reflected on all other EC two instances and this means that we've now implemented this architecture that's on screen now and this is what's going to support us when we evolve this architecture more and add scalability in an upcoming section of the core.

      For now though we've just been focused on the shared file system now all that remains at this point is for us to tidy up the infrastructure that we've used in this demo lesson so close down all of these tabs we need to be at the cloud formation console we need to start by deleting EFS demo WordPress one and WordPress two so pick either of those click delete and then delete stack then select the other delete and then delete stack.

      Now we need both of these to finish deleting and then we can delete this last stack so go ahead and pause the video wait for both of these to disappear and then we can resume both of those have deleted so now we can click the final stack EFS demo hyphen VPC hyphen RDS hyphen EFS so select that delete and then delete stack and that's everything that you need to do in this demo lesson and once that stacks finished deleting the account will be in the same state as it was at the start of this.

      Now I hope you've enjoyed this demo lesson and that it's been useful what you've implemented in this demo is one more supportive step towards us moving this architecture from being a monolith through to being fully elastic.

      Now the application is in this state where we have a single shared RDS database for all of our application instances and we're also using a shared file system provided by EFS and this means that we can have one single EC2 instance we could have two EC2 instances or even 200 all of them sharing the same database and the same shared file system provided by EFS.

      Now in an upcoming section of this course we're going to extend this further by creating a launch template which automatically builds EC2 instances as part of this application architecture.

      We're going to utilize auto scaling groups together with application load balancers to implement an architecture which is fully elastic and resilient and this has been one more supportive step towards that objective.

      At this point though that's everything that you needed to do in this demo lesson so go ahead complete this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      In this lesson, I'm going to be covering a really useful product within AWS, the Elastic File System, or EFS.

      It's a product which can prove useful for most AWS projects because it provides network-based file systems which can be mounted within Linux EC2 instances and used by multiple instances at once.

      For the Animals for Life WordPress example that we've been using throughout the course so far, it will allow us to store the media for posts outside of the individual EC2 instances, which means that the media isn't lost when instances are added and removed, and that provides significant benefits in terms of scaling as well as self-healing architecture.

      In summary, we're moving the EC2 instances to a point where they're closer to being stateless.

      So let's jump in and step through the EFS architecture.

      The EFS service is an AWS implementation of a fairly common shared storage standard called NFS, the Network File System, specifically version 4 of the Network File System.

      With EFS, you create file systems which are the base entity of the product, and these file systems can be mounted within EC2 Linux instances.

      Linux uses a tree structure for its file system.

      Devices can be mounted into folders in that hierarchy, and EFS file system, for example, could be mounted into a folder called forward slash NFS forward slash media.

      What's more impressive is that EFS file systems can be mounted on many EC2 instances, so the data on those file systems can be shared between lots of EC2 instances.

      Now keep this in mind as we talk about evolving the architecture of the Animals for Life WordPress platform.

      Remember, it has a limitation that the media for posts, so images, movies, audio, they're all stored on the local instance itself.

      If the instance is lost, the media is also lost.

      EFS storage exists separately from an EC2 instance, just like EBS exists separately from EC2.

      Now EBS is block storage, whereas EFS is file storage, but Linux instances can mount EFS file systems as though they are connected directly to the instance.

      EFS is a private service by default.

      It's isolated to the VPC that it's provisioned into.

      Architecturally, access to EFS file systems is via mount targets, which are things inside a VPC, but more on this next when we step through the architecture visually.

      Now even though EFS is a private service, you can access EFS file systems via hybrid networking methods that we haven't covered yet, so if your VPC is connected to other networks, then EFS can be accessed over those.

      So using VPC peering, VPN connections, or AWS Direct Connect, which is a physical private networking connection between a VPC and your existing on-premises networks.

      Now don't worry about those hybrid products, I'll be covering all of them in detail later in the course.

      For now though, just understand that EFS is accessible outside of a VPC using these hybrid networking products as long as you configure this access.

      So let's look at the architecture of EFS visually.

      Architecturally, this is how it looks.

      EFS runs inside a VPC, in this case the Animals for Life VPC.

      Inside EFS, you create file systems and these use POSIX permissions.

      If you don't know what this is, I've included a link attached to the lesson which provides more information.

      Super summarized though, it's a standard for interoperability which is used in Linux.

      So a POSIX permissions file system is something that all Linux distributions will understand.

      Now the EFS file system is made available inside a VPC via mount targets and these run from subnets inside the VPC.

      The mount targets have IP addresses taken from the IP address range of the subnet that they're inside and to ensure high availability, you need to make sure that you put mount targets in multiple availability zones, just like NAT gateways for a fully highly available system, you need to have a mount target in every availability zone that a VPC uses.

      Now it's these mount targets that instances use to connect to the EFS file systems.

      Now it's also possible, as I touched on on the previous screen, that you might have an on-premises network and this generally would be connected to a VPC using hybrid networking products such as VPNs or Direct Connect and any Linux-based server that's running on this on-premises environment can use this hybrid networking to connect through to the same mount targets and access EFS file systems.

      Now before we move on to a demo where you'll get the practical experience of creating a file system and accessing it from multiple EC2 instances, there are a few things about EFS which you should know for the exam.

      First, EFS is for Linux-only instances.

      From an official AWS perspective, it's only officially supported using Linux instances.

      EFS offers two performance modes, general purpose and max IO.

      General purpose is ideal for latency-sensitive use cases, web servers, content management systems, it can be used for home directories or even general file serving as long as you're using Linux instances.

      Now general purpose is the default and that's what we'll be using in this section of the course within the demos.

      Max IO that can scale to higher levels of aggregate throughput and operations per second but it does have a trade-off of increased latencies.

      So max IO mode suits applications that are highly parallel.

      So if you've got any applications or any generic workloads such as big data, media processing, scientific analysis, anything that's highly parallel then it can benefit from using max IO but for most use cases just go with general purpose.

      There are also two different throughput modes, bursting and provisioned.

      Bursting mode works like GP2 volumes inside EBS so it has a burst pool but the throughput of this type scales with the size of the file systems.

      So the more data you store in the file system the better performance that you get.

      With provisioned you can specify throughput requirements separately from size.

      So this is like the comparison between GP2 and IO1.

      With provisioned you can specify throughput requirements separate from the amount of data you store so that's more flexible but it's not the thing that's used by default.

      Generally you should pick bursting.

      Now for the exam you don't need to remember the raw numbers but I have linked some in the lesson description if you want additional information.

      So you can see the different performance characteristics of all of these different options.

      Now Amazon EFS file systems have two storage classes available.

      We've got infrequent access or IA and that storage class is a lower cost storage class which is designed for storing things that are infrequently accessed.

      So if you need to store data in a cost effective way but you don't intend to access it often then you can use infrequent access.

      Next we've got standard and the standard storage class is used to store frequently accessed files.

      It's also the default and you should consider it the default when picking between the different storage classes.

      Conceptually these mirror the trade-offs of the S3 object storage classes.

      Use standard for data which is used day to day and infrequent access for anything which isn't used on a consistent basis.

      And just like S3 you have the ability to use life cycle policies which can be used to move data between classes.

      Okay so that's the theory of EFS.

      It's not all that difficult a product to understand but you do need to understand it architecturally for the exam and so to help with that it's now time for a demo.

      I want you to really understand how EFS works.

      It's something that you probably will use if you use AWS for any real world projects.

      Now the best way to understand it is to use it and so that's what we're going to do in the next lesson which is a demo.

      You're going to have the opportunity to create an EFS file system, provision some EC2 instances and then mount that file system within both EC2 instances, create a test file and see that that's accessible from both of those instances.

      Proving that EFS is a shared network file system.

      But at this point that's all of the theory that I wanted to cover so go ahead finish up this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the demo lesson.

    1. Welcome back, this is part two of this lesson.

      We're going to continue immediately from the end of part one, so let's get started.

      Okay, so all three of these mount targets are now in an available state and that means we can connect into this EFS file system from any of the availability zones within the Animals for Life VPC.

      So what we need to do is test out this process and we're going to interact with this file system from our EC2 instances.

      So move back to the tab where we have the EC2 console open.

      And at this point I want you to either, and this depends on your browser, I'll either want you to right click and duplicate this tab to open another identical copy.

      If you can't do this in your browser then just open a new tab and copy and paste this URL into that tab.

      You'll end up with two separate tabs open to the same EC2 screen.

      So on the first tab we're going to connect to A4L-EFS instance A.

      So right click and then select connect.

      We're going to use instance connect.

      So make sure the username is EC2-user and then click on connect.

      Now right now this instance is not connected to this EFS file system and we can verify that by running a DF space-k and press enter.

      You'll see that nowhere here is listed this EFS file system.

      These are all volumes directly attached to the EC2 instance and of course the boot volume is provided by EBS.

      Now within Linux all devices or all file systems are mounted into a folder.

      So the first thing that we need to do to interact with EFS is to create a folder for the EFS file system to be mounted into.

      And we can do that using this command so shudu space mkdir space-p space/efs/wp-content.

      Now the hyphen p option just means that everything in this path will be created if it's not already.

      So this will create forward/EFS if it doesn't already exist.

      So press enter to create that folder.

      So I'm going to clear the screen to keep this easy to see.

      And the next thing I need to do is to install a package of tools which allows this instance or specifically the operating system to interact with the EFS product.

      Now the command I'm going to use to install these tools is shudu to give us admin permissions and then DNF which is the package manager for this operating system.

      And then a space hyphen y to automatically acknowledge any prompts and then a space and then install because I want to install a package and then a space.

      And then the name of the tools that I want to install is amazon hyphen EFS hyphen utils.

      So this is a set of tools which allows this operating system to interact with EFS.

      So go ahead and press enter and that will install these tools and then we can configure the interaction between this operating system and EFS.

      Again I'm going to clear the screen to keep this easy to see and I want to mount this EFS file system in that folder that we've just created.

      But specifically I want it to mount every time the instance is restarted.

      So of course that means we need to add it to the FSTAB file.

      Now if you remember this file from elsewhere in the course it's contained within the forward/ETC folder.

      So we need to move into that folder cd///ETC and then the file is called FSTAB.

      So we need to run shudu to give us admin permissions and then nano which is a text editor and then the name of the file which is FSTAB.

      So press enter and the file will likely have only one or two lines which is the root and/or boot volume of this instance.

      So let's just move to the end because we're going to add a new line and this is contained within the lesson commands document but we're going to paste in this line.

      So this line tells us that we want to mount this file system ID so file system ID colon forward/.

      We want to mount that into this folder so forward/efs forward/wp-content.

      We tell it that the file system type is EFS.

      Remember EFS is actually based on NFS which is the network file system but this is one provided by AWS as a service and so we use a specific AWS file system which is EFS.

      And the support for this has been installed by that tools package which we just installed.

      Now the exact functionality of this is beyond the scope of this course but if you do want to research further then go ahead and investigate exactly what these options do.

      What we need to do though is to point it at our specific EFS file system.

      So this is this component of the line all the way from the start here to this forward/.

      So to get the file system ID we need to go back to the EFS console and we need to copy down this full file system ID and yours will be different so make sure you copy your own file system ID into the clipboard.

      Then go back here and select the colon and then delete all the way through to the start of this line.

      And once you've done that paste in your file system ID what it should look like is the file system ID then a colon and then a forward/.

      So at this point we need to save this file so control O to save and then enter and control X to exit.

      Again I'm going to clear the screen to make it easier to see.

      Then I'll run a DF space -K and this is what the file systems currently attached to this instance look like.

      Then we're going to mount the EFS file system into the folder that we've created and the way that we do this is with this command.

      So shudu mount and then we specify the name of the folder that we want to mount.

      Now the way that this works is that this uses what we've just defined in the FSTAB file.

      So we're going to mount into this folder whatever file system is defined in that file.

      So that's the EFS file system and if we press enter after a few moments it should return back to the prompt and that's mounted that file system.

      There we go we back at the prompt and if we do a DF space -K again we'll see that now we've got this extra line at the bottom.

      So this is the EFS file system mounted into this folder.

      Now to show you that this is in fact a network file system let's go ahead and move into that folder using this command.

      And now that we're in that folder we're going to create a file.

      So we're going to use shudu so that you have admin privileges and then we're going to use the command touch which if you remember from earlier in the course just creates an empty file.

      And we're going to call this file amazing test file dot txt.

      Go ahead and press enter and then do an LS space -LA and you'll see that we now have this file created within this folder.

      And while we're creating it on this EC2 instance it's actually put this file on a network file system.

      Now to verify that let's move back to the other tab that we have open to the EC2 console the one that's still on this running instances screen.

      And now let's go ahead and connect to instance B.

      So right click on instance B select connect again instance connect verify the username is as it should be and click on connect.

      So now we're on instance B.

      Let's do a DF space -K to verify that we don't currently have any EFS file system mounted.

      Next we need to install the EFS tools package so that we can mount this file system.

      So let's go ahead and install that package clear the screen to make it easier to see then we need to create the folder that we're going to be mounting this file system into.

      We'll use the same command as on instance A.

      Then we need to edit the FSTAB file to add this file system configuration.

      So we'll do that using this command so shudu space nano space forward slash ETC forward slash FSTAB press enter.

      Remember this is instance B so it won't have the line that we added on instance A.

      So we need to go down to the bottom paste in this placeholder and then we need to replace the file system ID at the start with the actual file system ID.

      So delete this leaving the colon and forward slash go back to the EFS console copy the file system ID into your clipboard.

      Move back to this instance paste that in everything looks good.

      Save that file with control O press enter exit with control X then we back at the prompt clear the screen.

      We'll use the shudu mount forward slash EFS forward slash WP hyphen content command again to mount the EFS file system onto this instance and again it's using the configuration that we've just defined in the FSTAB file press enter.

      After a few moments you'll be placed back at the prompt we can verify whether this is mounted with DF space hyphen K.

      It has mounted by the looks of things it's at the bottom.

      So now if we move into that folder so CD forward slash EFS forward slash WP hyphen content forward slash and press enter.

      We now in that folder and if we do a listing so LS space hyphen LA what we'll see is the amazing test file dot txt which was created on instance A.

      So this proves that this is a shared network file system where any files added on one instance are visible to all other instances.

      So EFS is a multi user network based file system that can be mounted on both EC2 Linux instances as well as on premises physical or virtual servers running Linux.

      Now this is a simple example of how to use EFS for now we've done everything that we need to do in this demo lesson so we just need to clean up all of the infrastructure that we've used to do that.

      Go back to the EFS console we're going to go ahead and delete this file system so we should already have it selected just select delete you'll need to confirm that process by pasting in the file system ID.

      So go ahead and put your file system ID and then select confirm.

      Now that can take some time to delete and you'll need to wait for this process to complete.

      Once it has completed we're going to go ahead and move across to the cloud formation console.

      You should still have this open in a tab if you don't just type cloud formation in the search box at the top and then move to the cloud formation console.

      You should still have the stack name of implementing EFS which is the stack you created at the start with the one click deployment.

      Go ahead and select this stack then click on delete and confirm that deletion and once that finishes deleting that's all of the infrastructure gone that we've created in this demo lesson.

      So I hope this has been a fun and enjoyable demo lesson where you've gained some practical experience of working with EFS at this point though that is everything that you need to do in this demo lesson.

      So go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this demo lesson I want to give you some abstract practical experience of using the Elastic File System or EFS.

      Now we're going to need some infrastructure.

      Before we apply that as always make sure that you're logged into the general AWS account, so the management account of the organization and you'll need the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now attached to this lesson is a one-click deployment link so go ahead and click that.

      This is going to provision some infrastructure.

      It's going to take you to the quick create stack screen and everything should be pre-populated.

      You'll just need to scroll to the bottom, check the box beneath capabilities and then click on create stack.

      You're also going to be typing some commands within this demo lesson so also attached to this lesson is a lesson commands document.

      Go ahead and open that in a new tab.

      So this is just a list of the commands that we're going to be using during the demo lesson and there are some placeholders such as file system ID that you'll need to replace as we go but make sure you've got this open for reference.

      Now we're going to need this stack to be in a create complete state before we continue with the demo lesson so go ahead pause the video and resume it once your stack moves into a create complete state.

      Okay so the stacks now moved into a create complete status and what this has actually done is create the animals for life base VPC as well as a number of EC2 instances.

      So if we go to the EC2 console and click on instances running you'll note that we've created a for L - EFS instance A and a for L - EFS instance B and we're going to be creating an EFS file system and mount points and then mounting that on both of these instances and interacting with the data stored on that file system.

      We're going to get you the experience of working with a network shared file system so let's go ahead and do that.

      So to get started we need to move to the EFS console so in the search box at the top just type EFS and then open that in a brand new tab.

      We're going to leave this tab open to the instances part of the EC2 console because we're going to come back to this very shortly.

      So let's move across to the EFS console that we have open in a separate tab and the first step is to create a file system so a file system is the base entity of the elastic file system product and that's what we're going to create.

      Now you've got two options for setting up an EFS file system you can use this simple dialogue or you can click on customize to customize it further.

      So if we're using the simple dialogue we'd start by naming the file system so let's say we use A4L - EFS and then you'd need to pick a VPC for this file system to be provisioned into and of course we'd want to select the animals for life VPC.

      Now we want to customize this further we don't want to just accept these high-level defaults so we need to click on customize.

      This is going to move us to this user interface which has many more options so we've still got the A4L - EFS name for this file system.

      Now for the storage class we're going to pick standard which means the data is replicated across multiple availability zones.

      If you're doing this in a test or development environment or you're storing data which is not important then you can choose to use one zone which stores data redundantly but only within a single AZ.

      Now again in this demonstration we are going to be using multiple availability zones so make sure that you pick standard for storage class.

      You're able to configure automatic backups of this file system using AWS backup and if you're taking an appropriate certification course this is something which I'll be covering in much more detail.

      You can either enable this or disable it obviously for a production usage you'd want to enable it but for this demonstration we're going to disable it.

      Now EFS as I mentioned in the theory lesson comes with different classes of storage and you can configure lifecycle management to move files between those different storage classes so if you want to configure lifecycle management to move any files not accessed for 30 days you can move those into the infrequent access storage class and you can also transition out of infrequent access when anything is accessed so go ahead and select on first access for transition out of IA.

      So in many ways this is like S3 with the different classes of storage for different use cases.

      When you're creating a file system you're able to set different performance and throughput modes.

      For throughput mode you can choose between bursting and enhanced.

      If you pick enhanced you're able to select between elastic and provisioned.

      I've talked more about these in the theory lesson.

      We're going to pick bursting.

      Now for performance you can choose between general purpose and max I/O.

      General purpose is the default and rightfully so and you should use this for almost all situations.

      Only use max I/O if you want to scale to really high levels of aggregate throughput and input output operations per second so only select it if you absolutely know that you need this option.

      You've also got the ability to encrypt the data on the file system and if you do encrypt it it uses KMS and you need to pick a KMS key to use.

      Of course this means that in order to interact with objects on this file system permissions are needed both on the EFS service itself as well as the KMS key that's used for the encryption operation.

      Now this is something that you will absolutely need to use for production usage but for this demonstration we're going to switch it off.

      We won't be setting any tags for this file system so let's go ahead and click on next.

      You need to configure the network settings for this file system so specifically the mount targets that will be created to access this file system.

      Now best practice is that any availability zones within a VPC where you're consuming the services provided by EFS you should be creating a mount target so in our case that's US - East - 1A, 1B and 1C.

      So we're going to go through and configure this so first let's delete all of these default security group assignments.

      Every mount target that you create will have an associated security group so we'll be setting these specifically.

      For now though we need to choose the application subnet in each of these availability zones so in the top drop-down which is US - East - 1A I'm looking for app A so go ahead and do the same.

      In US - East - 1B I want to select the app B subnet and then in US - East - 1C logically I'll be selecting the app C subnet so that's app A, app B and app C.

      Now for security groups the CloudFormation 1 click deployment has provisioned this instance security group and by default this security group allows all connections from any entities which have this attached so this is a really easy way that we can allow our instances to connect to these mount targets so for each of these lines go ahead and select the instance security group you'll need to do that for each of the mount targets so we'll do the second one and then we'll do the third one and that's all of the network configuration options that we need to worry about so click on next it's here where you can define any policies on the file system so you can prevent root access by default you can enforce read only access by default you can prevent anonymous access or you can enforce encryption in transit for all clients connected to this EFS file system so any clients that connect to the mount targets to access the file system you can ensure that that uses encryption in transit and if you're using this in production you might want to select at least this last option to improve security for this demo lesson we're not going to use any of these policy options nor are we going to define a custom policy in the policy editor instead we'll just click on next at this point we just need to review everything's to our satisfaction everything looks good so we're going to scroll down to the bottom and just click on create now in order to continue with this demo lesson we're going to need both the file system and all of its mount targets so go into the file system click on network and you'll see three mount targets being created all three of these need to be ready before we can continue the demo lesson so this seems like a great time to end part one of this demo lesson go ahead and finish this video and then when all of these mount targets are ready to go you can start part two.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover a service which starts to feature more and more on the exam the database migration service known as DMS.

      Now this lesson is an extension of my lesson from the Associate Architect course so even if you've taken that course and watched that lesson you should still watch this lesson fully.

      Now this product is something which as well as being on the exam if you're working as a Solutions Architect in the AWS space and if your projects involve databases you will extensively use this product it's something that you need to be aware of regardless so let's jump in and get started.

      Database migrations are complex things to perform normally if we exclude the vendor tooling which is available it's a manual process end to end it usually involves setting up replication which is pretty complex or it means taking a point in time back up and restoring this to the destination database but how do you handle changes which occur between taking that back up and when the new database is live how do you handle migrations between different databases these are all things where DMS comes in handy it's essentially a managed database migration service the concept is simple enough it starts with a replication instance which runs on EC2 this instance runs one or more replication tasks you need to define a source and destination endpoints which point at the source and target databases and the only real restriction with the service is that one of the endpoints must be running within AWS you can't use the product for migrations between two on-premises databases now you don't actually need to have any experience using the product but there will be a demo lesson elsewhere in this section which gives you some practical exposure for this theory lesson though we need to focus on the architecture so let's continue by reviewing that visually using DMS is simple enough architecturally you start with a source and target database and one of those needs to be within AWS the databases themselves can use a range of compatible engines such as MySQL Aurora Microsoft SQL MariaDB MongoDB PostgreSQL Oracle Azure SQL and many more now in between these conceptually is the database migration service known as DMS which uses a replication instance essentially an EC2 instance with migration software and the ability to communicate with the DMS service now on this instance you can define replication tasks and each of these replication instances can run multiple replication tasks tasks define all of the options relating to the migration but architecturally two of the most important things are the source and destination endpoints which store the replication information so that the replication instance and task can access the source and target databases so a task essentially moves data from the source database using the details in the source endpoint to the target database using the details stored in the destination endpoint configuration and the value from DMS comes in how it handles those migrations now jobs can be one of three types we have full load migrations and these are used to migrate existing data so if you can afford an outage long enough to copy your existing data then this is a good one to choose this option simply migrates the data from your source database to your target database and it creates the tables as required next we have full load plus CDC and this stands for change data capture and this migrates existing data and replicates any ongoing changes this option performs a full load migration and at the same time it captures any changes occurring on the source after the full load migration is complete then captured changes are also applied to the target eventually the application of changes reaches a steady state and at this point you can shut down your applications let the remaining changes flow through to the target and then restart your applications and point them at the new target database finally we've got CDC only and this is designed to replicate only data changes in some situations it might be more efficient to copy existing data using a method other than AWS DMS also certain databases such as Oracle have their own export and import tools and in these cases it might be more efficient to use those tools to migrate the initial data and then use DMS simply to replicate the changes starting at the point when you do that initial bulk load so CDC only migrations are actually really effective if you need to bulk transfer the data in some way outside of DMS now lastly DMS doesn't natively support any form of schema conversion but there is a dedicated tool in AWS known as the schema conversion tool or SCT and the sole purpose of this tool is to perform schema modifications or schema conversions between different database versions or different database engines so this is a really powerful tool that often goes hand-in-hand with migrations which are being performed by DMS now DMS is a great tool for migrating databases from on-premises to AWS it's a tool that you will get to use for most larger database migrations so as a solutions architect it's another tool which you need to understand end-to-end in the exam if you see any form of database migration scenario as long as one of the databases is within AWS and as long as there are no weird databases involved which aren't supported by the product then you can default to using DMS it's always a safe default option for any database migration questions if the question talks about a no downtime migration then you absolutely should default to DMS now at this point let's talk in a little bit more detail about a few aspects of DMS which are important first I want to talk about the schema conversion tool or SCT in a little bit more detail so this is actually a standalone application which is only used when converting from one database engine to another it can be used as part of migrations where the engines being migrated from and to aren't compatible and another use case is that it can be used for larger migrations when you need to have an alternative way of moving data between on-premises and AWS rather than using a data link now SCT is not used and this is really important it's not used for movements of data between compatible database engines for example if you're performing a migration from an on-premises MySQL server to an AWS based RDS MySQL server then the engines are the same even though the products are different the engines are the same and so SCT would not be used SCT works with OLTP databases such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL and Oracle and also OLAP databases such as Teradata, Oracle, Vertica and even Green Plum now examples of the types of situations where the schema conversion tool would be used include things like on-premises Microsoft SQL through to AWS RDS MySQL migrations because the engine changes from Microsoft SQL to MySQL and then we could also use SCT for an on-premises Oracle to AWS based Aurora database migration again because the engines are changing now there is another type of situation where DMS can be used in combination with SCT and that's for larger migrations so DMS can often be involved with large-scale database migrations so things which are multi terabytes in size and for those types of projects it's often not optimal to transfer the data over the network it takes time and it consumes network capacity that might be used heavily for normal business operations so DMS is able to utilize the snowball range of products which are available for bulk transfer of data into and out of AWS so you can use DMS in combination with snowball and this actually uses the schema conversion tool so this is how it works so step one you use the schema conversion tool to extract the data from the database and store it locally and then move this data to a snowball device which you've ordered from AWS step two is that you ship that device back to AWS they load that data into an S3 bucket and then DMS migrates from S3 into the target store so the target database if you decide to use change data capture then you can also migrate changes since the initial bulk transfer these also use S3 as an intermediary before being written to the target database by DMS so DMS normally will transfer the data over the network it can transfer over direct connect or a VPN or even a VPC peer but if the data volumes that you're migrating are bigger than you can practically transfer over your network link then you can order a snowball and use DMS together with SCT to make that transfer much quicker and more effective now the rule to remember for the exam is that SCT is only used for migrations when the engine is changing and the reason why SCT is used here is because you're actually migrating a database into a generic file format which can be moved using snowballs and so this doesn't break the rule of only doing it when the database engine changes because you are essentially changing the database you're changing it from whatever engine the source uses and you're storing it in a generic file format for transfer through to AWS on a snowball device now that's everything that I wanted to cover in this lesson and this has been an extension of the coverage which I did at the associate architect level you are going to get the chance to experience this product practically in a demo but in this lesson I just wanted to cover the theory so thanks for watching go ahead and complete this lesson and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to talk about a feature of RDS called RDS proxy.

      This is something which is important to know in its own right but it also supports many other architectures involving RDS.

      Now we've got a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      Before we talk about how RDS proxy works let's step through why you might want to use the product.

      First, opening and closing connections to databases takes time and consumes resources.

      It's often the bulk of many smaller database operations.

      If you only want to read and write a tiny amount, the overhead of establishing a connection can be significant.

      This can be especially obvious when using serverless because if you have a lot of lambda functions invoking or accessing an RDS database for example then that's a lot of connections to constantly open and close especially when you're only built for the time that you're using compute as with lambda.

      Now another important element is that handling failure of database instances is hard.

      How long should you wait for the connection to work?

      What should your application do while waiting?

      When should it consider it a failure?

      How should it react?

      And then how should it handle the failover to the standby instance in the case of RDS?

      And doing all of this within your application adds significant overhead and risk.

      A database proxy is something that can help but maybe you don't have any database proxy experience and even if you do can you manage them at scale?

      Well that's where RDS proxy adds value.

      At a high level what RDS proxy does or indeed any database proxy is change your architecture.

      Instead of your application connecting to a database every time they use it instead they connect to a proxy and the proxy maintains a pool of connections to the database which are open for the long term.

      Then any connections to the proxy can use this already established pool of database connections.

      It can actually do multiplexing where it can maintain a smaller number of connections to a database versus the connections to the proxy.

      A multiplex requests over the connection pool between the proxy and the database.

      So you can have a smaller number of actual connections to the database versus the connections to the database proxy.

      And this is especially useful for smaller database instances where resources are at a premium.

      So in terms of how an architecture might look using RDS proxy let's start with this.

      A VPC in US East one with three availability zones and three subnets in each of those availability zones.

      In AZB we have a primary RDS instance replicating to a standby running in AZC.

      Then we have Categoram our application running in the web subnets in the middle here and the application makes use of some lambda functions which are configured to use VPC networking and run from the subnet in availability zone B and so there's a lambda ENI in that subnet.

      Without RDS proxy the Categoram application servers will be connecting directly to the database every time they needed to access data.

      Additionally every time one of those lambda functions invoked they would need to directly connect to the database which would significantly increase their running time.

      With RDS proxy though things change.

      So the proxy is a managed service and it runs only from within a VPC in this case across all availability zones A, B and C.

      Now the proxy maintains a long term connection pool in this case to the primary node of the database running in AZB.

      These are created and maintained over the long term.

      They're not created and terminated based on individual application needs or lambda function invocations.

      Our clients in this case the Categoram EC2 instances and lambda functions connect to the RDS proxy rather than directly to the database instances.

      Now these connections are quick to establish and place no load on the database server because they're between the clients and the proxy.

      Now at this point the connections between the RDS proxy and database instances can be reused.

      This means that even if we have constant lambda function invocation they can reuse the same set of long running connections to the database instances.

      More so multiplexing is used so that a smaller number of database connections can be used for a larger number of client connections and this helps reduce the load placed on the database server even more.

      RDS proxy even helps with database failure or failover events because it abstracts these away from the application.

      The clients we have can connect to the RDS proxy instances and wait even if the connection to the back end database isn't operational and this is a situation which might occur during failover events from the primary to the standby.

      In the event that there is a failure the RDS proxy can establish new connections to the new primary in the background.

      The clients stay connected to the same endpoint, the RDS proxy and they just wait for this to occur.

      So that's a high level example architecture.

      Let's look at when you might want to use RDS proxy and this is more for the exam but you need to have an appreciation for the types of scenarios where RDS proxy will be useful.

      So you might decide to use it when you have errors such as too many connection errors because RDS proxy helps reduce the number of connections to a database and this is especially important if you're using smaller database instances such as T2 or T3.

      So anything small or anything burst related.

      Additionally, it's useful when using AWS Lambda because you're not having the per invocation database connection setup usage and termination.

      It can reuse a long running pool of connections maintained by the RDS proxy and it can also use existing IAM authentication which the Lambda functions have access to via their execution role.

      Now RDS proxy is also useful for long running applications such as SAS apps where low latency is critical.

      So rather than having to establish database connections every time a user interaction occurs they can use this existing long running connection pool.

      RDS proxy is also really useful where resilience to database failure is a priority.

      Remember your clients connect to the proxy and the proxy connects to the backend databases so it can significantly reduce the time for a failover event and make it completely transparent to your application.

      So this is a really important concept to grasp because your clients are connected to the single RDS proxy endpoint even if a failover event happens in the background instead of having to wait for the database C name to move from the primary to the standby your applications are transparently connected to the proxy and they don't realize it's a proxy they think they're connecting to a database.

      The proxy though is handling all of the interaction between them and the backend database instances.

      Now before we finish up I want to cover some key facts about RDS proxy think of these as the key things that you need to remember for the exam.

      So RDS proxy is a fully managed database proxy that's usable with RDS and Aurora.

      It's auto scaling and highly available by default so you don't need to worry about it and this represents a much lower admin overhead versus managing a database proxy yourself.

      Now it provides connection pooling which significantly reduces database load.

      Now this is for two main reasons.

      Firstly we don't have the constant opening and closing of database connections which does put unnecessary stress on the database but in addition we can also multiplex to use a lower number of connections between the proxy and the database relative to the number of connections between the clients and the proxy.

      So this is really important.

      Now RDS proxy is only accessible from within a VPC so you can't access this from the public internet it needs to occur from a VPC or from private VPC connected networks.

      Accesses to the RDS proxy use a proxy endpoint and this is just like a normal database endpoint it's completely transparent to the application.

      An RDS proxy can also enforce SSL TLS connections so it can enforce these to ensure the security of your applications and it can reduce fail over time by over 60% in the case of Aurora.

      This is somewhere in the region of 66 to 67% improvement versus connecting to Aurora directly.

      Critically it abstracts the failure of a database away from your application so the application connected to an RDS proxy will just wait until the proxy makes a connection to the other database instance.

      So during a failover event where we're failing over from the primary to the standby the RDS proxy will wait until it can connect to the standby and then just continue fulfilling requests from client connections and so it abstracts away from underlying database failure.

      Now at this point that is everything I wanted to cover in this high level lesson on RDS proxy so go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about an advanced feature of Amazon Aurora, multi master rights.

      This feature allows an Aurora cluster to have multiple instances which are capable of performing both reads and writes.

      This is in contrast with the default mode for Aurora which only allows one writer and many readers.

      So let's get started and look at the architecture.

      So just to refresh where we are the default Aurora mode is known as single master and this equates to one read write instance so one database instance that can perform read and write operations and then in addition it can also have zero or more read only replicas.

      Now an Aurora cluster that's running in the default mode of single master has a number of endpoints which use to interact with the database.

      We've got the cluster endpoint which can be used for read or write operations and then we've got another endpoint, a read endpoint that's used for load balancing reads across any of the read only replicas inside the cluster.

      An important consideration with an Aurora cluster running in single master mode is that failover takes time for a failover to occur.

      A replica needs to be promoted from read only mode to read write mode.

      In multi master mode all of the instances by default are capable of both read and write operations so there isn't this concept of a lengthy failover if one of the instances fails in a multi master cluster.

      At a high level a multi master Aurora cluster might seem similar to a single master one.

      The same cluster structure exists the same shared storage.

      Multiple Aurora provisioned instances also exist in the cluster.

      The differences start though with the fact that there is no cluster endpoint to use an application is responsible for connecting to instances within the cluster.

      There's no load balancing across instances with a multi master cluster the application connects to one or all of the instances in the cluster and initiates operations directly.

      So that's important to understand there is no concept of a load balanced endpoint for the cluster an application can initiate connections to one or both of the instances inside a multi master cluster.

      Now the way that this architecture works is that when one of the read write nodes inside a multi master cluster receives a write request from the application it immediately proposes that data be committed to all of the storage nodes in that cluster.

      So it's proposing that the data that it receives to write is committed to storage.

      Now at this point each node that makes up a cluster either confirms or rejects the proposed change.

      It rejects it if it conflicts with something that's already in flight for example another change from another application writing to another read write instance inside the cluster.

      What the writing instance is looking for is a quorum of nodes to agree a quorum of nodes that allow it to write that data at which point it can commit the change to the shared storage.

      If the quorum rejects it then it cancels the change with the application it generates an error.

      Now assuming that it can get a quorum to agree to the write then that write is committed to storage and it's replicated across every storage node in the cluster just as it is with a single master cluster but and this is the major difference with a multi master cluster that change is then replicated to other nodes in the cluster.

      This means that those other writers can add the updated data into their in-memory caches and this means that any reads from any other instances in the cluster will be consistent with the data that's stored on shared storage because instances cached data we need to make sure in addition to committing it to disk it's also updated inside any in-memory caches of any other instances within the multi master cluster.

      So that's what this replication does once the instance on the right has got agreement to be able to commit that change to the cluster shared storage it replicates that change to the instance on the left the instance on the left updates it's in memory cache and then if that instance is used for any read operations it's always got access to the up-to-date data.

      Now to understand some of the benefits of multi master mode let's look at a single master failover situation in this scenario we have an Aurora single master cluster with one primary instance performing reads and writes and one replica which is only performing read operations.

      Now Bob is using an application and this application connects to this Aurora cluster using the cluster endpoint and the cluster endpoint at this stage points to the primary instance the cluster endpoint the one that's used for read and write operations always points at the primary instance.

      If the primary instance fails then access to the cluster is interrupted so immediately we know that this application cannot be fault tolerant because access to the database is now disrupted.

      At this point though the cluster will realize that there is a failure event and it will change the cluster endpoint to point at the replica which the cluster decides will be the new primary instance but this failover process takes time it's quicker than normal rds because each replica shares the cluster storage and they can be more replicas but it can take time.

      The configuration change to make one of the other replicas the new primary instance inside the cluster is not an immediate change it causes disruption.

      Now let's contrast this with multi master.

      With multi master both instances are able to write to the shared storage they're both writers the application can connect with one or both of them and let's assume at this stage that it connects to both.

      Both instances are capable of read and write operations the application could maintain connections to both and be ready to act if one of them fails but when that writer fails it could immediately just send a hundred percent of any future data operations to the writer which is working perfectly there would be little if any disruption.

      If the application is designed in this way it's designed to operate through this failure the application could almost be described as fault tolerant so an Aurora multi master cluster is one component that is required in order to build a fault tolerant application it's not a guarantee and it's not always a thousand percent fault tolerant but it is the foundation of being able to build a fault tolerant application because the application can maintain connections to multiple writers at the same time.

      Now in terms of the high level benefits it offers better and much faster availability the failover events can be performed inside the application and it doesn't even need to disrupt traffic between the application and the database because it can immediately start sending any write operations at another writer.

      It can be used to implement fault tolerance but the application logic needs to manually load balance across the instances it's not something that's handled by the cluster with that being said though that's everything I wanted to cover in this lesson it's not something I expect to immediately feature in detail on the exam so we can keep it relatively brief go ahead complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to quickly cover the Aurora Global Database Product.

      Now the name probably gives away the function, but to avoid any confusion, global databases allow you to create global level replication using Aurora from a master region to up to five secondary AWS regions.

      Now this is one of the things which you just need an awareness of for the exam.

      I don't expect it to feature heavily, but I want you to be aware of exactly what functionality Aurora Global Database provides.

      So on to keep this lesson as brief as possible, let's quickly jump in and look at the architecture first.

      So this is a common architecture that you might find when using Aurora Global Databases.

      We've got an environment here which operates from two or more regions.

      We've got a primary region, US East One on this example on the left.

      This primary region offers similar functionality to a normal Aurora cluster.

      It has one read and write instance and up to 15 read only replicas in that cluster.

      Global databases introduce the concept of secondary regions and the example that's on screen is AP Southeast 2, which is the Sydney region on the right of your screen.

      And these can have up to 16 replicas.

      The entire secondary cluster is read only.

      So in this example, all 16 replicas would be read only replicas.

      The entire secondary cluster during normal operations is read only.

      Now the replication from the primary region to secondary regions, that occurs at the storage layer.

      And replication is typically within one second from the primary to all of the secondries.

      Applications can use the primary instance in the primary region for write operations.

      And then the replicas in the primary or the replicas in the secondary regions for read operations.

      So that's the architecture.

      But what's perhaps more important for the exam is when you would use global databases.

      So let's have a look at that next.

      Aurora Global Databases are great for cross region disaster recovery and business continuity.

      So you can basically create a global database, set up multiple secondary regions.

      And then if you do have a disaster, which affects an entire AWS region, then you can make these secondary clusters act as primary clusters so they can do read write operations.

      So it offers a great solution for cross region disaster recovery and business continuity.

      And because of the one second replication time between the primary region and secondary regions, it makes sure that both the RPO and RTO values are going to be really low.

      If you do perform a cross region failover, they're also great for global read scaling.

      So if you want to offer low latency to any international areas where you have customers, remember low latency generally equates to really good performance.

      So if you want to offer low latency performance improvements to international customers, then you can create lots of secondary regions replicated from a primary region.

      And then the application can sit in those secondary regions and just perform read operations against the secondary clusters.

      And you provide your customers with great performance.

      Again, it's important to understand that Aurora Global Databases, the replication occurs at the storage layer.

      And it's generally around one second or even less between regions.

      So from the primary region to all secondary regions.

      It's also important to understand that this is one way replication from the primary to the secondary regions.

      It is not bidirectional replication and replication has no impact on database performance because it occurs at the storage layer.

      So no additional CPU usage is required to perform the replication tasks.

      It happens at the storage layer.

      Secondary regions can have 16 replicas.

      If you think about Aurora, normally it can have one read and write primary instance and then up to 15 read replicas for a total of 16.

      So it makes sense that secondary regions, because they don't have this read write primary instance, all of the replicas inside a secondary can be read replicas.

      So it can have a total of 16 replicas per secondary region.

      And all of these can be promoted to read write if you do have any disaster situations.

      And currently there is a maximum of five secondary regions.

      Though just like most things in AWS, this is likely to change.

      Now again, for the exam, I don't expect this particular product to feature extensively, but I do want you to have an awareness so that when it does begin to be mentioned in the exam, or if you need to use it in production, you have a starting point by understanding the architecture.

      With that being said, though, that is everything that I wanted to cover in this theory lesson.

      So go ahead, complete the video, and when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this demo lesson you're going to get some experience of migrating a snapshot which you've previously taken from Aurora in provisioned mode and migrate this into Aurora running in serverless mode.

      Now before we begin as always make sure that you're logged in to the general AWS account, so the management account of the organization and you'll need to have Northern Virginia selected.

      Now attached to this lesson is a one-click deployment link and I'll need you to go ahead and open that to start the process.

      Now once you've got this open we're going to need the Aurora snapshot name that you created in a previous demo.

      So click on the services drop down and locate RDS.

      It's probably going to be in the recently visited section if not you can search in the box at the top but go ahead and open that in a new tab.

      Go to that tab and once it's loaded click on snapshots and you should have these two snapshots in your account.

      The first snapshot is a4l wordpress -with -cat - post -mySQL57.

      The other snapshot the one that we're going to use is this one so a4l wordpress -aura -with -cat -post.

      Go ahead and select that entire snapshot name and copy that into your clipboard because we're restoring an Aurora provisioned snapshot into Aurora serverless.

      We're not performing a migration we're performing a restore and so we don't need the snapshot ARN we need the snapshot name.

      So go back to the cloud formation stack everything should be pre-populated but there's a box that you need to paste in the snapshot name that you'll be restoring so that's this one paste that in check the acknowledgement box at the bottom under capabilities and then create stack.

      Now that process can take up to 45 minutes to complete sometimes it can be a little bit quicker and while that's working we're going to follow the same process through manually but we're going to stop before provisioning the Aurora serverless cluster.

      So go back to the RDS tab make sure that you still have this snapshot selected then click on actions and then restore snapshot and I want to step through the options available when restoring an Aurora provisioned snapshot into Aurora serverless.

      So these are the options you'll have when you're restoring an Aurora provisioned snapshot you'll see a list of compatible engines so anything compatible with the snapshot that you're restoring in our case it's only my SQL compatibility then you'll have to select your capacity type now it defaults to provisioned but we want to restore to a serverless cluster so we'll select serverless.

      You need to select the version of Aurora serverless that you're restoring to and again it's only going to show you compatible versions in this case only 2.07.1 and that's why I was so precise with the version numbers when doing the demos earlier in this section.

      Now under database identifier it's here where we would need to provide a unique identifier within this region inside this account for what we're restoring so we might use a4l wordpress-serveless we then need to provide connectivity information so we'd click in the VPC drop-down and make sure we select the animals for life VPC we'd still need to provide a database subnet group to use now currently there isn't one that exists in the account because the cloud formation template is still provisioning but we'd need to choose a relevant subnet group in this box we'd also need to choose a VPC security group which controls access to this database cluster then we have additional configuration and this is a feature which I'm going to be talking about in a dedicated lesson if you're doing the developer or sysops associate courses and this is an API which can be provisioned to give access to the data within this Aurora serverless cluster and it can do so in a way which is very lightweight and this makes it ideal for use with things like serverless applications which prefer a connectionless architecture so this is something that you will use if you want to use for example Aurora serverless with a serverless application based on lambda now something unique to Aurora serverless is the concept of capacity units and I've talked about these in the theory lesson where I talk about Aurora serverless these are the units of database service which the Aurora serverless cluster can make use of and you're able to set a minimum capacity unit and a maximum capacity unit and this provides a range of resources that this cluster can move between based on load on the cluster so as I've talked about in the theory lesson it will automatically provision more capacity or less capacity between these two values based on load now you have additional options for scaling and one that I'll be demonstrating a little bit later on in this demo lesson is how you can actually pause the compute capacity after a consecutive number of minutes of inactivity and this as long as your application supports it can actually reduce the amount of cost that you have running a database platform down to almost zero so you won't have any compute capacity build when the Aurora serverless cluster isn't in use and again I'll be demonstrating that very shortly in this demo lesson you're able to set encryption options just like with other forms of RDS and then under additional configuration you can also configure backup options now these options are obviously based on restoring a snapshot and you have a similar yet more extensive set of options if you're creating an Aurora serverless cluster from scratch so if we select Amazon Aurora and then we go down and select the serverless capacity type then obviously we can select from different versions and we have a wider range of options that we can set so the cluster identifier the admin username and password we've still got the capacity settings we still need to define connectivity options we've got additional configuration options around creating a database controlling the parameter group customizing backup options encryption and enabling deletion protection so whether you're restoring a snapshot or creating an Aurora serverless cluster from scratch these options are similar but you have access to slightly more configuration if you're creating a brand new cluster because when you're restoring a snapshot many of these configuration items are taken from that snapshot at this point we're not going to actually create the cluster manual so I'm going to cancel out of that and I'm going to refresh and as you can see we already have our Aurora serverless DB cluster and it's in an available state so let's go back to our cloud formation stack and refresh it's still in a create in progress state for the stack itself and in order to continue with this demo lesson we're going to need this to be in a create complete state so go ahead pause the video wait for your stack to move into a create complete state and then we can continue so this stacks now moved into a create complete state and we're good to continue so the first thing that I want to draw your attention to if we move back to the RDS console and then let's just refresh you'll see that this cluster is currently using two Aurora capacity units let's go inside the cluster we'll be able to see that it's available it's currently using two capacity units but otherwise it looks very similar to a provisioned Aurora cluster now what we're going to do is click on services open the EC2 console in a new tab go to instances running you should see a single WordPress instance so select that copy the public IP version 4 address into your clipboard making sure not to use this open address and open that in a new tab you'll see that it loads up the WordPress application and it still has the post within it that you created in the previous demo lesson the best cats ever and if you open this post you'll see that it doesn't have any of the attached images because remember they're not stored in the database they're stored on the local instance file system and that's something that we're going to rectify in an upcoming section of the course either called advanced storage or network storage depending on what course you're currently taking but I just wanted to demonstrate that all we've done is restore an Aurora provision snapshot into an Aurora serverless cluster and it still operates in the same way as Aurora provisioned but this is where things change if we go back to the RDS console we know that this Aurora serverless cluster makes use of Aurora capacity units or ACUs and currently it's set to move between one and two Aurora capacity units and the reason it's currently set to two is because we've just used it we've just restored an existing snapshot into this cluster and that operation comes with a relatively high amount of overhead so it needs to go to the two capacity units maximum in order to give us the best performance now what we're going to see over the next few minutes if we just sit here and keep refreshing this screen what should happen is that because we're not using our application first we're going to see it drop down from two capacity units to one capacity unit and that will of course reduce the costs for running this Aurora serverless cluster after a certain amount of time it's going to go from one capacity unit to zero capacity units because it's going to pause the cluster because of no usage we've got this configured if I click on the configuration tab to pause the compute capacity after a number of consecutive minutes of inactivity and it's set to five minutes so after five minutes of no usage on this database it's actually going to pause the compute capacity and we won't be incurring any costs for the compute side of this Aurora serverless cluster so that's one of the real benefits of Aurora serverless versus all of the other types of RDS database engine so let's just go ahead and refresh this and see if it's already changed from two capacity units it's currently still on two so let's select logs and events and refresh we don't see any events currently so this means that we've had no scaling events on this database but if we click on monitoring you'll see how the CPU utilization has decreased from around 25% to just over 5% and the database connection count has reduced from the one when we just accessed the application back down to zero after a few refreshers we'll see that it either decreases from two capacity units down to one or it will go straight to zero if we reach this five minute timer before it performs that scaling event to reduce from two to one so in our case we've skipped the point of having one capacity unit we've reached that five minute threshold where it pauses the compute capacity and so it's gone straight down to zero so your experience might vary it might go from two down to one and then pause or it might go from two straight down to zero but in a case for me my database is currently running at zero capacity units because this time frame has been reached with no activity and the compute has been paused so this means I have no costs for the compute side of Aurora serverless now if I go back to the application and do a refresh you'll see that we don't get a refresh straight away there's a pause and this is because now that the database cluster experiences some incoming load it's unpausing that compute it's resuming the compute part of the cluster and this isn't an immediate process so it's important to understand that when you implement an application and use this functionality the application does need to be able to tolerate lengthier connection times now sometimes in the case of WordPress you will see an error page when you attempt to do a refresh because a timeout value within WordPress is reached before the cluster can resume in the case of this demo lesson that didn't happen it was able to resume the cluster straight away and if we go back to the RDS console and then refresh this page we'll be able to see just how many capacity units this cluster is now operating with and it's operating with two capacity units now in production usage you could be a lot more granular and customize this based on the needs of your application in my case my minimum is one and my maximum is two and my pause time frame is a relatively low five minutes because I wanted to keep it simple for this demo lesson in production usage you might have a larger range between minimum and maximum you might have a higher minimum to be able to cope with a certain level of base load and the time frame between the last access and the pausing of the compute might be significantly longer than five minutes but this demonstration lesson is just that a demo and it's just designed to highlight this at a really high level so that when it comes to you using this in production you understand the architecture now that's everything that I wanted to cover in this demo lesson it's just been a brief bit of experience of using Aurora serverless now to tidy up to return the account into the same state as it was at the start of the demo lesson just go ahead and close down all of these tabs we need to go back to the cloud formation console make sure the Aurora serverless stack is selected and then just go ahead and click on delete and then delete stack and that will remove all of those resources returning the account into the same state as it was at the start of the demo now this whole section of the course has been around trying to improve the database part of our application so we've moved from having a database running on the same server as the application we've split that off we've moved it into rds and we've evolved that from my sequel rds through to Aurora provisioned and now to Aurora serverless we still have one major limitation with our application and that's that for any posts you make on the blog the media for those posts are stored locally on the instance file system and that's something that we're going to start tackling next in the course and we're going to be using the elastic file system product or EFS at this point though that's everything that I wanted to cover in this demo lesson go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover Aurora Serverless.

      Aurora Serverless is a service which is to Aurora what Fargate is to ECS.

      It provides a version of the Aurora database product where you don't need to statically provision database instances of a certain size or worry about managing those database instances.

      It's another step closer to a database as a service product.

      It removes one more piece of admin overhead, the admin overhead of managing individual database instances.

      From now on when you're referring to the Aurora product that we've covered so far in the course you should refer to it as Aurora provisioned versus Aurora Serverless which is what we'll cover in this lesson.

      With Aurora Serverless you don't need to provision resources in the same way as you did with Aurora provisioned.

      You still create a cluster but Aurora Serverless uses the concept of ACUs or Aurora capacity units.

      Capacity units represent a certain amount of compute and a corresponding amount of memory.

      For a cluster you can set minimum and maximum values and Aurora Serverless will scale between those values adding or removing capacity based on the load placed on the cluster.

      It can even go down to zero and be paused meaning that you're only billed for the storage that the cluster consumes.

      Now billing is based on the resources that you use on a per second basis and Aurora Serverless provides the same levels of resilience as you're used to with Aurora provisioned.

      So you get cluster storage that's replicated across six storage nodes across multiple availability zones.

      Now some of the high-level benefits of Aurora Serverless it's much simpler, it removes much of the complexity of managing database instances and capacity, it's easier to scale, it seamlessly scales the compute and memory capacity in the form of ACUs as needed with no disruption to client connections and you'll see how that works architecturally on the next screen.

      It's also cost effective when you use Aurora Serverless you only pay for the database resources that you consume on a per second basis.

      Unlike with Aurora provisioned where you have to provision database instances in advance and you charge for the resources that they consume whether you're utilizing them or not.

      The architecture of Aurora Serverless has many similarities with Aurora provisioned but it also has crucial differences so let's review both of those the similarities and the differences.

      The Aurora cluster architecture still exists but it's in the form of an Aurora Serverless cluster.

      Now this has the same cluster volume architecture which Aurora provisioned uses.

      In an Aurora Serverless cluster though instead of using provisioned servers we have ACUs which are Aurora capacity units.

      These capacity units are actually allocated from a warm pool of Aurora capacity units which are managed by AWS.

      The ACUs are stateless, they're shared across many AWS customers and they have no local storage so they can be allocated to your Aurora Serverless cluster rapidly when required.

      Now once these ACUs are allocated to an Aurora Serverless cluster they have access to the cluster storage in the same way that a provisioned Aurora instance would have access to the storage in a provisioned Aurora cluster.

      It's the same thing it's just that these ACUs are allocated from a shared pool managed by AWS.

      Now if the load on an Aurora Serverless cluster increases beyond the capacity units which are being used and assuming the maximum capacity setting of the cluster allows it then more ACUs will be allocated to the cluster.

      And once the compute resource which represents this new potentially bigger ACU is active then any old compute resources representing unused capacity can be deallocated from your Aurora Serverless cluster.

      Now because of the ACU architecture because the number of ACUs are dynamically increased and decreased based on load the way that connections are managed within an Aurora Serverless cluster has to be slightly more complex versus a provisioned cluster.

      In an Aurora Serverless cluster we have a shared proxy fleet which is managed by AWS.

      Now this happens transparently to you as a user of an Aurora Serverless cluster but if a user interacts with the cluster via an application it actually goes via this proxy fleet.

      Any of the proxy fleet instances can be used and they will broker a connection between the application and the Aurora capacity units.

      Now this means that because the client application is never directly connecting to the compute resource that provides an ACU.

      It means that the scaling can be fluid and it can scale in or out without causing any disruptions to applications while it's occurring because you're not directly connecting with an ACU.

      You're connecting via an instance in this proxy fleet.

      So the proxy fleet is managed by AWS on your behalf.

      The only thing you need to worry about for an Aurora Serverless cluster is picking the minimum and maximum values for the ACU and you only have a build for the amount of ACU that you're using at a particular point in time as well as the cluster storage.

      So that makes Aurora Serverless really flexible for certain types of use cases.

      Now a couple of examples of types of applications which really do suit Aurora Serverless.

      The first is infrequently used applications.

      Maybe a low volume blog site such as the best cats where connections are only attempted for a few minutes several times per day or maybe on really popular days of the week.

      With Aurora Serverless if you were using the product to run the best cat pics blog which you'll experience in the demo lesson then you'd only pay for resources for the Aurora Serverless cluster as you consume them on a per second basis.

      Another really good use case is new applications if you're deploying an application where you're unsure about the levels of load that will be placed on the application so you're going to be unsure about the size of database instance that you'll need.

      With Aurora provisioned you would still need to provision that in advance and potentially change it which could cause disruption.

      If you use Aurora Serverless you can create the Aurora Serverless cluster and have the database autoscale based on the incoming load.

      It's also really good for variable workloads if you're running a normally lightly used application which has peaks maybe 30 minutes out of an hour or on certain days of the week during sale periods then you can use Aurora Serverless and have it scale in and out based on that demand.

      You don't need to provision static capacity based on the peak or average as you would do with Aurora provisioned.

      It's also really good for applications with unpredictable workloads so if you're really not sure about the level of workload at a given time of day you can't predict it you don't have enough data then you can provision an Aurora Serverless cluster and initially set a fairly large range of ACUs so the minimum is fairly low and the maximum is fairly high and then over the initial period of using the application you can monitor the workload and if it really does stay unpredictable then potentially Aurora Serverless is the perfect database product to use because if you're using anything else say an Aurora provisioned cluster then you always have to have a certain amount of capacity statically provisioned.

      With Aurora Serverless you can in theory leave an unpredictable application inside Aurora Serverless constantly and just allow the database to scale in and out based on that unpredictable workload.

      It's also great for development and test databases because Aurora Serverless can be configured to pause itself during periods of no load and during the database pause you only build for the storage so if you do have systems which are only used as part of your development and test processes then they can scale back to zero and only incur storage charges during periods when it's not in use and that's really cost effective for this type of workload and it's also great for multi-tenant applications if you've got an application where you're billing a user a set dollar amount per month per license to the application if your incoming load is directly aligned to your incoming revenue then it makes perfect sense to use Aurora Serverless.

      You don't mind if a database supporting your product scales up and costs you more if you also get more customer revenue so it makes perfect sense to use Aurora Serverless for multi-tenant applications where the scaling is fairly aligned between infrastructure size and incoming revenue.

      So these are some classic examples of when Aurora Serverless makes perfect sense.

      Now this is a product I don't yet expect to feature extensively on the exam it will feature more and more as time goes on and so by learning the architecture at this point you get a head start and you can answer any questions which might feature on the exam about Aurora Serverless and comparing it to the other RDS products which is often just as important but at this point that's all of the theory that I wanted to cover all of the architecture so go ahead finish up this video and when you're ready I look forward to joining you in the next lesson.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I'm going to be covering the architecture of the Amazon Aurora managed database product from AWS.

      I mentioned earlier that Aurora is officially part of RDS but from my perspective I've always viewed it as its own distinct product.

      The features that it provides and the architecture it uses to deliver those features are so radically different than normal RDS, it needs to be treated as its own product.

      So we've got a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      As I just mentioned the Aurora architecture is very different from normal RDS.

      At its very foundation it uses the base entity of a cluster which is something that other engines within RDS don't have and a cluster is made up of a number of important things.

      Firstly from a compute perspective it's made up of a single primary instance and then zero or more replicas.

      Now this might seem similar to how RDS works with the primary and the standby replica but it's actually very different.

      The replicas within Aurora can be used for reads during normal operations so it's not like the standby replica inside RDS.

      The replicas inside Aurora can actually provide the benefits of both RDS multi AZ and RDS read replicas.

      So they can be inside a cluster and they can be used to improve availability but also they can be used for read operations during the normal operation of a cluster.

      Now that alone would be worth the move to Aurora since you don't have to choose between read scaling and availability.

      Replicas inside Aurora can provide both of those benefits.

      Now the second major difference in the Aurora architecture is its storage.

      Aurora doesn't use local storage for the compute instances.

      Instead an Aurora cluster has a shared cluster volume.

      This is storage which is shared and available to all compute instances within a cluster.

      This provides a few benefits such as faster provisioning, improved availability and better performance.

      A typical Aurora cluster looks something like this.

      It functions across a number of availability zones in this example A, B and C.

      Inside the cluster is a primary instance and optionally a number of replicas.

      And again these function as failover options if the primary instance fails.

      But they can also be used during normal functioning of the cluster for read operations from applications.

      Now the cluster has shared storage which is SSD based and it has a maximum size of 128TIB.

      And it also has six replicas across multiple availability zones.

      When data is written to the primary DB instance Aurora synchronously replicates that data across all of these six storage nodes spread across the availability zones which are associated with your cluster.

      All instances inside your cluster so the primary and all of the replicas have access to all of these storage nodes.

      The important thing to understand though from a storage perspective is that this replication happens at the storage level.

      So no extra resources are consumed on the instances or the replicas during this replication process.

      By default the primary instance is the only instance able to write to the storage and the replicas and the primary can perform read operations.

      Because Aurora maintains multiple copies of your data in three availability zones the chances of losing data as a result of any disk related failure is greatly minimized.

      Aurora automatically detects failures in the disk volumes that make up the cluster shared storage.

      When a segment or a part of a disk volume fails Aurora immediately repairs that area of disk.

      When Aurora repairs that area of disk it uses the data inside the other storage nodes that make up the cluster volume and it automatically recreates that data.

      It ensures that the data is brought back into an operational state with no corruption.

      As a result Aurora avoids data loss and it reduces any need to perform pointing time restores or snapshot restores to recover from disk failures.

      So the storage subsystem inside Aurora is much more resilient than that which is used by the normal RDS database engines.

      Another powerful difference between Aurora and the normal RDS database engines is that with Aurora you can have up to 15 replicas and any of them can be the failover target for a failover operation.

      So rather than just having the one primary instance and the one standby replica of the non Aurora engines with Aurora you've got 15 different replicas that you can choose to fail over to.

      And that failover operation will be much quicker because it doesn't have to make any storage modifications.

      Now as well as the resiliency that the cluster volume provides there are a few other key elements that you should be aware of.

      The cluster shared volume is based on SSD storage by default.

      So it provides high IOPS and low latency.

      It's high performance storage by default.

      You don't get the option of using magnetic storage.

      Now the billing for that storage is very different than with the normal RDS engines.

      With Aurora you don't have to allocate the storage that the cluster uses.

      When you create an Aurora cluster you don't specify the amount of storage that's needed.

      Storage is simply based on what you consume.

      As you store data up to the 128 TIB limit you'll build on consumption.

      Now the way that this consumption works is that it's based on a high watermark.

      So if you consume 50 GIB of storage you'll build for 50 GIB of storage.

      If you free up 10 GIB of data so move down to 40 GIB of consumed data you'll still build for that high watermark of 50 GIB.

      But you can reuse any storage that you free up.

      What you'll build for is a high watermark, the maximum storage that you've consumed in a cluster.

      And if you go through a process of significantly reducing storage and you need to reduce storage costs then you need to create a brand new cluster and migrate data from the old cluster to the new cluster.

      Now it is worth mentioning that this high watermark architecture is being changed by AWS and this no longer is applicable for the more recent versions of Aurora.

      Now I'm going to update this lesson once this feature becomes more widespread but for now you do still need to assume that this high watermark architecture is being used.

      Now because the storage is for the cluster and not for the instances it means replicas can be added and removed without requiring storage provisioning or removal which massively improves the speed and efficiency of any replica changes within the cluster.

      Having this cluster architecture also changes the access method versus RDS.

      Aurora clusters like RDS clusters use endpoints.

      So these are DNS addresses which are used to connect to the cluster.

      Unlike RDS, Aurora clusters have multiple endpoints that are available for an application.

      As a minimum you have the cluster endpoint and the reader endpoint.

      The cluster endpoint always points at the primary instance and that's the endpoint that can be used for read and write operations.

      The reader endpoint will also point at the primary instance if that's all that there is but if there are replicas then the reader endpoint will load balance across all of the available replicas and this can be used for read operations.

      Now this makes it much easier to manage read scaling using Aurora versus RDS because as you add additional replicas which can be used for reads this reader endpoint is automatically updated to load balance across these new replicas.

      You can also create custom endpoints and in addition to that each instance so the primary and any of the replicas have their own unique endpoint.

      So Aurora allows for a much more custom and complex architecture versus RDS.

      So let's move on and talk about costs.

      With Aurora one of the biggest downsides is that there isn't actually a free tier option.

      You can't use Aurora within the free tier and that's because Aurora doesn't support the micro instances that are available inside the free tier but for any instances beyond an RDS single AZ micro sized instance Aurora offers much better value.

      For any compute that you use there's an hourly charge and you'll build per second with a 10 minute minimum.

      For storage you'll build based on a gigabyte month consumed metric of course taking into account the high watermark so this is based on the maximum amount of storage that you've consumed during the lifetime of that cluster and as well there is an I/O cost per request made to the cluster shared storage.

      Now in terms of backups you're given 100% of the storage consumption for the cluster in free backup allocation.

      So if your database cluster is 100GIB then you're given 100GIB of storage for backups as part of what you pay for that cluster.

      So for most situations for anything low usage or medium usage unless you've got high turnover in data unless you keep the data for long retention periods in most cases you'll find that the backup costs are often included in the charge that you pay for the database cluster itself.

      Now Aurora provides some other really exciting features.

      In general though backups in Aurora work in much the same way as they do in RDS.

      So for normal backup features, for automatic backups, for manual snapshot backups this all works in the same way as any other RDS engine and restores will create a brand new cluster.

      So you've experienced this in the previous demo lesson where you created a brand new RDS instance from a snapshot and this architecture by default doesn't change when you use Aurora.

      But you've also got some advanced features which can change the way that you do things.

      One of those is backtrack and this is something that needs to be enabled on a per cluster basis and it will allow you to roll back your database to a previous point in time.

      So consider the scenario where you've got major corruption inside an Aurora cluster and you can identify the point at which that corruption occurred.

      Well rather than having to do a restore to a brand new database at a point in time before that corruption if you enable backtrack you can simply roll back in place your existing Aurora cluster to a point before that corruption occurred.

      And that means you don't have to reconfigure your applications you simply allow them to carry on using the same cluster it's just the data is rolled back to a previous state before the corruption occurred.

      You need to enable this on a per cluster basis and you can adjust the window that backtrack will work for but this is a really powerful feature that's exclusive at the time of creating this lesson to Aurora.

      You also have the ability to create what's known as a fast clone and a fast clone allows you to create a brand new database from an existing database but crucially it doesn't make a one-for-one copy of the storage for that database.

      What it does is it references the original storage and it only stores any differences between those two.

      Now differences can be either you update the storage in your cloned database or it can also be that data is updated in the original database which means that your clone needs a copy of that data before it was changed on the source.

      So essentially your cloned database only uses a tiny amount of storage it only stores data that's changed in the clone or changed in the original after you make the clone and that means that you can create clones much faster than if you had to copy all of the data bit by bit and it also means that these clones don't consume anywhere near the full amount of data they only store the changes between the source data and the clone.

      So I know that's a lot of architecture to remember.

      I've tried to quickly step through all of the differences between Aurora and the other RDS engines.

      You'll have lessons upcoming later in this section which deep dive into a little bit more depth of specific Aurora features that I think you will need for the exam but in this lesson I just wanted to provide a broad level overview of the differences between Aurora and the other RDS engines.

      So in the next demo lesson you're going to get the opportunity to migrate the data for our WordPress application stack from the RDS MariaDB engine into the Aurora engine.

      So you'll get some experience of creating an Aurora cluster and interacting with it with some data that you've migrated but at this point that's all of the theory that I wanted to cover.

      So go ahead complete this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to talk about a specific feature of RDS called RDS Custom.

      Now this is a really niche topic.

      I've yet to see it used in the real world and for the exams you really only need to have the most surface level understanding so I'm going to keep this really brief.

      So RDS Custom fills the gap between the main RDS product and then EC2 running a database engine.

      RDS is a fully managed database server as a service product.

      Essentially it gives you access to databases running on a database server which is fully managed by AWS and so any OS or engine access is limited using the main RDS product.

      Now databases running on EC2 they're self managed but this has significant overhead because done in this way you're responsible for everything from the operating system upwards.

      So RDS Custom bridges this gap it gives you the ability to occupy a middle ground where you can utilize RDS but still get access to some of the customizations that you have access to when running your own DB engine on EC2.

      Now currently RDS Custom works for MS SQL and Oracle and when you're using RDS Custom you can actually connect using SSH, RDP and session manager and actually get access to the operating system and database engine.

      Now RDS Custom unlike RDS is actually running within your AWS account.

      If you're utilizing normal RDS then if you look in your account you won't see any EC2 instances or EBS volumes or any backups within S3.

      That's because they're all occurring within an AWS managed environment.

      With RDS the networking works by injecting elastic network interfaces into your VPC.

      That's how you get access to the RDS instance from a networking perspective but with RDS Custom everything is running within your AWS account so you will see an EC2 instance, you will see EBS volumes and you will see backups inside your AWS account.

      Now if you do need to perform any type of customization of RDS Custom then you need to look at the database automation settings to ensure that you have no disruptions caused by the RDS automation while you're performing customizations.

      You need to pause database automation, perform your customizations and then resume the automation so re-enable full automation and this makes sure that the database is ready for production usage.

      Now again I'm skipping through a lot of these facts and talking only at a high level because realistically you're probably never going to encounter this in production and if you do have any exposure to it on the exam just knowing that it exists will be enough.

      Now from a service model perspective this is how using RDS Custom changes things.

      So on this screen anything that you see in blue is customer managed, anything that you see in orange is AWS managed and then anything that has a gradient is a shared responsibility.

      So if you're using a database engine running on-premises then you're responsible for everything as the customer.

      So application optimization, scaling, high availability, backups, any DB patches, operating system patches, operating system install and management of the hardware.

      End-to-end that's your responsibility.

      Now if you migrate to using RDS this is how it looks where AWS have responsibility for everything but application optimization.

      Now if for whatever reason you can't use RDS then historically your only other option was to use a database engine running on EC2 and this was the model in that configuration.

      So AWS handled the hardware but from an operating system installation perspective, operating system patches, database patches, backups, HA, scaling and application optimization they were still the responsibility at the customer.

      So you only gained a tiny amount of benefit versus using an on-premises system.

      With RDS custom we have this extra option where the hardware is AWS's responsibility, the application optimization is the customer responsibility but everything else is shared between the customer and AWS.

      So this gives you some of the benefits of both.

      It gives you the ability to use the RDS product and benefit from the automation while at the same time allowing you an increased level of customization and the ability to connect into the instance using SSH, session manager or RDP.

      Now once again for the exam this is everything that you'll need to understand it only currently works for Oracle and MS SQL and for the real world you probably won't encounter this outside of very niche scenarios.

      With that being said though that is everything I wanted to cover in this video so go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about data security within the RDS product.

      I want to focus on four different things.

      Authentication, so how users can log into RDS.

      Authorization, how access is controlled.

      Encryption in transit between clients and RDS.

      And then encryption at rest, so how data is protected when it's written to disk.

      Now we've got a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      With all of the different engines within RDS you can use encryption in transit which means data between the client and the RDS instance is encrypted via SSL or TLS and this can actually be set to mandatory on a per user basis.

      Encryption at rest is supported in a few different ways depending on the database engine.

      By default it's supported using KMS and EBS encryption.

      So this is handled by the RDS host and the underlying EBS based storage.

      As far as the RDS database engine knows it's just writing unencrypted data to storage.

      The data is encrypted by the host that the RDS instance is running on.

      KMS is used and so you select a customer master key or CMK to use.

      Either a customer managed CMK or an AWS managed CMK and then this CMK is used to generate data encryption keys or DECs which are used for the actual encryption operations.

      Now when using this type of encryption then the storage, the logs, the snapshots and any replicas are all encrypted using the same customer master key and importantly encryption cannot be removed once it's added.

      Now these are features supported as standard with RDS.

      In addition to KMS EBS based encryption Microsoft SQL and Oracle support TDE.

      Now TDE stands for transparent data encryption and this is encryption which is supported and handled within the database engine.

      So data is encrypted and decrypted within the database engine itself not by the host that the instance is running on and this means that there's less trust.

      It means that you know data is secure from the moment it's written out to disk by the database engine.

      In addition to this RDS Oracle supports TDE using cloud HSM and with this architecture the encryption process is even more secure with even stronger key controls because cloud HSM is managed by you with no key exposure to AWS.

      It means that you can implement encryption where there is no trust chain which involves AWS and for many demanding regulatory situations this is really valuable.

      Visually this is how the encryption architecture looks.

      Architecturally let's say that we have a VPC and inside this a few RDS instances running on a pair of underlying hosts and these instances use EBS for underlying storage.

      Now we'll start off with Oracle on the left which uses TDE and so cloud HSM is used for key services because TDE is native and handled by the database engine.

      The data is encrypted from the engine all the way through to the storage with AWS having no exposure and outside of the RDS instance to the encryption keys which are used.

      With KMS based encryption KMS generates and allows usage of CMKs which themselves can be used to generate data encryption keys known as DECays.

      These data encryption keys are loaded onto the RDS hosts as needed and are used by the host to perform the encryption or decryption operations.

      This means the database engine doesn't need to natively support encryption or decryption it has no encryption awareness.

      From its perspective it's writing data as normal and it's encrypted by the host before sending it on to EBS in its final encrypted format.

      Data that's transferred between replicas as with MySQL in this example is also encrypted as are any snapshots of the RDS EBS volumes and these use the same encryption key.

      So that's at rest encryption and there's one more thing that I want to cover before we finish this lesson and that's IAM authentication for RDS.

      Normally logins to RDS are controlled using local database users.

      These have their own usernames and passwords they're not IAM users and are outside of the control of AWS.

      One gets created when you provision an RDS instance but that's it.

      Now you can configure RDS to allow IAM user authentication against a database and this is how.

      We start with an RDS instance on which we create a local database user account configured to allow authentication using an AWS authentication token.

      How this works is that we have IAM users and roles in this case an instance role and attached to those roles and users are policies.

      These policies contain a mapping between that IAM entity so the user or role and a local RDS database user.

      This allows those identities to run a generate DB auth token operation which works with RDS and IAM and based on the policies attached to the IAM identities it generates a token with a 15-minute validity.

      This token can then be used to log in to the database user within RDS without requiring a password.

      So this is really important to understand by associating a policy with an IAM user or an IAM role.

      It allows either of those two identities to generate an authentication token which can be used to log into RDS instead of a password.

      Now one really important thing to understand going into the exam is that this is only authentication.

      This is not authorization.

      The permissions over the RDS database inside the instance are still controlled by the permissions on the local database user.

      So authorization is still handled internally.

      This process is only for authentication which involves IAM and only if you specifically enable it on the RDS instance.

      Now that's everything I wanted to cover about encryption in transit, encryption at rest as well as RDS IAM based authentication.

      So thanks for watching go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      This is part two of this lesson.

      We're going to continue immediately from the end of part one.

      So let's get started.

      Now the next thing that I want to demonstrate is how we can restore RDS if we have data corruption.

      The way that we're going to simulate this is to go back to our WordPress blog and we're going to corrupt part of this data.

      So we're going to change the title of this blog post from the best cats ever to not the best cats ever, which is clearly untrue.

      But we're going to change this and this is going to be our simulation of data corruption of this application.

      So go ahead and click on update to update the blog post with this new obviously incorrect data.

      Now let's assume that we need to restore this database from an earlier snapshot.

      Now let's ignore the automatic backup feature of RDS and just look at manual snapshots.

      Well, let's move back to the RDS console and click on snapshots and we'll be able to see the snapshot that we created at the start of this demo lesson.

      Remember, this does have the blog post contained within it in its original correct form.

      Now to do a restore, we need to select this snapshot, click on actions and then restore snapshot.

      Now I mentioned this in the theory lesson about backups and restores within RDS.

      Restoring a snapshot actually creates a brand new database instance.

      It doesn't restore to the existing one using normal RDS.

      So we have to restore a snapshot.

      Obviously the engine set to MySQL community and we're provided with an entry box for a brand new database identifier.

      And we're going to use a4lwordpress-restore.

      So this allows us to more easily distinguish between this and the original database instance.

      We also need to decide on the deployment option.

      So go ahead and select single DB instance.

      This is only a demo, so we don't need to select multi-AZ DB instance.

      We need to pick the type of instance that we're going to restore to.

      And again, because this is a new instance, we're not limited to the previous free tier restrictions.

      So we're able to select from any of the available instance types.

      So go ahead and select burstable classes and then pick either t2 or t3.micro.

      We'll leave storage as default.

      We'll need to provide the VPC to provision this new database instance into.

      So we'll make sure that a4l-vpc1 is selected and we'll use the same subnet group that was created by the one-click deployment, which you used at the start of this demo.

      You're allowed to choose between public access yes or no.

      We'll choose no.

      You'll have to pick a VPC security group to use for this RDS instance.

      Now the one-click deployment did create one, so click in the drop-down and select the RDS multi-AZ snap RDS security group.

      So not the instance security group, but the RDS security group.

      Once you've selected that, then delete default, scroll down.

      You can specify database authentication and encryption settings.

      And again, if applicable in the course that you're studying, I'll be covering these in a separate lesson.

      We'll leave all of that as default and click on restore DB instance.

      Now this is going to begin the process of restoring a brand new database instance from that snapshot.

      Now the important thing that you need to understand is this is a brand new instance.

      We're not restoring the snapshot to the same database instance.

      Instead, it's creating a brand new one.

      Now when this finishes restoring, when it's available for use, if we want our application to make use of it, and the restored non-corrupted data, then we're going to need to change the application to point at this newly restored database.

      So at this point, go ahead and pause the video because for the next step, which is to adjust the WordPress configuration, we need this database to be in an available state.

      So pause the video, wait for the status to change from creating all the way through to available, and then we're good to continue.

      Okay, so the snapshot restore is now completed and we have a brand new database instance, A4LWordPress-Restore.

      And in my case, it took about 10 minutes to perform that restoration.

      Now just to reiterate this concept, because it's really important, it features all the time in the exams, and you'll need this if you operate in the real world using AWS.

      If we go into the original RDS instance, just pay attention to this endpoint DNS name.

      So we have a standard part, which is the region, and then .rds, and then .amazonaws.com.

      Before this, though, we have this random part.

      Now this represents the name of the database instance as well as some random.

      If we go back to the databases list and then go into the restored version, now we can see that we have A4LWordPress-Restore.

      And this is different than that original database endpoint name for the original database.

      So the really important, the critical thing to understand is that a restore with a normal RDS will create a brand new database instance.

      It will have a brand new database endpoint DNS name, the CNAME, and you will need to update any application configuration to use this brand new database.

      So go ahead and just leave this open in this tab because we'll be needing it very shortly.

      Click on Services, find EC2, and open that in a new tab.

      So as a reminder, if we go back to the WordPress tab and just hit Refresh, we can see that we still have the corrupt data.

      Now what we want to do is point WordPress at the restored correct database.

      So to do that, go to the EC2 tab that you just opened, right click on the A4LWordPress instance, select Connect.

      We're going to use Instance Connect, so choose that to make sure the username is EC2-user and then connect to the instance.

      This process should be familiar by now because we're going to edit the WordPress configuration file.

      So cd/var/www/html, then we'll do a listing ls-la, and we want to edit the configuration file which is wp-config.php, so shudu, space, nano which is the text editor, space, wp-config.php.

      Once we're in this file, just scroll down and again we're looking for the dbhost configuration which is here.

      Now this DNS name you'll recognize is pointing at the existing database with the corrupt data.

      So we need to delete all of this just to leave the two single quotes.

      Make sure your cursor's over the second quote.

      Go back to the RDS console and we need to locate the DNS name for the A4LWordPress-Restore instance.

      Remember this is the one with the correct data.

      So copy that into your clipboard, go back to EC2 and paste that in, and then Ctrl+O and Enter to save, and Ctrl+X to exit.

      That's all of the configuration changes that we need.

      If we go back to the WordPress application and hit refresh, we'll see that it's now showing the correct post, the best cats ever, because we're now pointing at this restored database instance.

      So the key part about this demo lesson really is to understand that when you're restoring a normal RDS snapshot, you're restoring it to a brand new database instance, its own instance with its own data and its own DNS endpoint name.

      So you have to update your application configuration to point at this new database instance.

      With normal RDS, it's not possible to restore in place.

      You have to restore to a brand new database instance.

      Now this is different with a feature of Aurora which I'll be covering later in this section, but for normal RDS, you have to restore to a brand new instance.

      So those are the features which I wanted to demonstrate in this demo lesson.

      I wanted to give you a practical understanding of the types of recovery options and resilience options that you have available using the normal RDS version, so MySQL.

      Now different versions of RDS such as Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and even AWS specific versions such as Aurora and Aurora Serverless, they all have their own collections of features.

      For the exam and for most production usage, you just need to be familiar with a small subset of those.

      Generally, you'll either be using Oracle, MSSQL, or one of the open source or community versions, so you'll only have to know the feature set of a small subset of the wider RDS product.

      So I do recommend experimenting with all of the different features and depending on the course that you're taking, I will be going into much more depth on those specific features elsewhere in this section.

      For now though, that is everything that I wanted to talk about, so all that remains is for us to tidy up the infrastructure that we've used in this demo lesson.

      So go to databases.

      I want you to select the A4L WordPress -Restore instance because we're going to delete this fully.

      We're not going to be using this anymore in this section of the course, so select it, click on the Actions drop down, and then select Delete.

      Don't create a final snapshot.

      We don't need that.

      Don't retain automated backups and because we don't choose either of these, we need to acknowledge our understanding of this and type Delete Me into this box.

      So do that and then click on Delete.

      Now that's going to delete that instance as well as any snapshots created as part of that instance.

      So if we go to Snapshots, we only have the one manual snapshot.

      If we go to System Snapshots, we can see that we have one snapshot for this Restore database, and if you're deleting a database instance, then any system created snapshots for that database instance will also be deleted either immediately or after the retention period expires.

      So those will be automatically cleared up as part of this deletion process.

      We're not going to delete the manual snapshot that we created at the very start of this lesson with the catpost in because we're going to be using this elsewhere in the course.

      So leave this in place.

      Click on Databases again.

      We're going to need to wait for this Restored Database instance to finish deleting before we can continue.

      So go ahead and pause the video, wait for this to disappear from the list, and then we can continue.

      Okay, so that Restored Database instance has completed deleting.

      So now all that remains is to move back to the CloudFormation console.

      You should still have a tab open.

      Select the stack deployed as part of the one-click deployment.

      It should be called RDS Multi-AZ Snap.

      Select Delete and then confirm that deletion, and that will clear up all of the infrastructure that we've used in this demo lesson.

      It will return the account into the same state as it was at the start of this demo with one exception.

      And that one exception is the snapshot that we created of the RDS instance as part of this deployment.

      So that's everything you need to do in this demo lesson.

      I hope you've enjoyed it.

      I know it's been a fairly long one where you've been waiting a lot of the time in the demo for things to happen, but it's important for the exam and real-world usage that you get the practical experience of working with all of these different features.

      So you should leave this demo lesson with some good experience of the resilience and recovery features available as part of the normal RDS product.

      Now at this point, that's everything you need to do, so go ahead and complete this video, and when you're ready, I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this demo lesson we're going to continue implementing this architecture.

      So in the previous demo lesson you migrated a database from a self-managed MariaDB running on EC2 into RDS.

      In this demo lesson you're going to get the experience working with RDS's multi-availability zone mode as well as creating snapshots, restoring those snapshots and experimenting with RDS failover.

      Now in order to complete this demo lesson you're going to need some infrastructure.

      So let's move across to our AWS console.

      You need to be logged in to the general AWS account.

      So that's the management account of the organization and as always make sure that you have the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now attached to this lesson is a one-click deployment link so go ahead and open that.

      This will take you to a quick create stack page and everything should be pre-populated and ready to go.

      So the stack name is RDS multi-AZ snap.

      All of the parameters have default values.

      Multi-AZ is currently set to false so leave that at false, check the capabilities box at the bottom and then click on create stack.

      Now this infrastructure will take about 15 minutes to apply and we need it to be in a create complete state before we continue.

      So go ahead, pause the video and resume it once CloudFormation has moved into a create complete state.

      Okay so now that this stack has moved into a create complete state we need to complete the installation of WordPress and add our test blog post because we're going to be using those throughout this demo lesson.

      Now this is something that you've done a number of times before so we can speed through this.

      So click on the services drop down, move to the EC2 console.

      We need to go to running instances and we'll need the public IP version 4 address of A4L-WordPress.

      So go ahead and copy the public IP version 4 address into your clipboard.

      Don't use this open address.

      Open that in a new tab.

      We'll be calling the site as always the best cats for username put admin for the password.

      We'll be using the animals for life strong password and then as always test at test.com for the email address.

      Enter all of that and click on install WordPress.

      Then you'll need to log in admin for the username and to the password click on login.

      Once we logged in go to posts click on trash under hello world to delete the existing post and then add a new post.

      Close down this dialogue for the title of the post the best cats ever click on the plus select gallery.

      At this point go ahead and click the link that's attached to this lesson to download the blog images.

      Once downloaded extract that zip file and you'll get four images.

      Once you've got those images ready click on upload locate those images select them and click on open and that will add those to the post.

      Once they're fully loaded in we can go ahead and click on publish and then publish again and that will publish this post to our blog.

      And as a reminder that stores these images on the local instance file system and adds the post metadata to the database and that's now running within RDS.

      Now I want to step through a few pieces of functionality of RDS and I want you for a second to imagine that this blog post is actually a production enterprise application.

      Maybe a content management system and I want to view all of the actions that we perform in this demo lesson through the lens of this being a production application.

      So go ahead and return to the AWS console click on services and we're going to move back to RDS.

      The first thing that we're going to do is to take a snapshot of this RDS instance.

      So just close down any additional dialogues that you see go to databases.

      Then I want you to select the database that's been created by the one click deployment link that you used at the start of this demo lesson.

      Then select actions and then we're going to take a snapshot.

      Now a snapshot is a point in time copy of the database.

      When you first do a snapshot it takes a full copy of that database so it consumes all of the capacity of the data that's being used by the RDS instance.

      So this initial snapshot is a full snapshot containing all of the data within that database instance.

      Now we're going to take a snapshot and we're going to call it a four L wordpress hyphen with hyphen cat hyphen post hyphen mySQL hyphen and then the version number without any dots or spaces.

      Now depending on when you're watching this video doing this lesson you might have been using a different version of SQL.

      And so in the lesson description for this lesson I've included the name of the snapshot that you need to use.

      So go ahead and check that now and include that in this box.

      So that informs us what it is, what it contains and the version number that this snapshot refers to.

      So go ahead and enter that and then click on take snapshot and that's going to begin the process of creating this snapshot.

      Now the process takes a variable amount of time.

      It depends on the speed of AWS on that particular day.

      It depends on the amount of data contained within the database and it also depends on whether this is the first snapshot or a subsequent snapshot.

      Now the way that snapshots work within AWS is the first snapshot contains a full copy of all of the data of the thing being snapshotted and any subsequent snapshot only contains the blocks of data which have changed from that last previous successful snapshot.

      So of course the first snapshot always takes the longest and everything else only takes the amount of time required to copy the changed data.

      So if we just give this a few minutes let's keep refreshing.

      Mine's still reporting at 0% complete so we need to allow this to complete before we move on.

      So go ahead and pause the video and resume it once your snapshot has completed.

      And there we go our snapshots now moved into an available status and the progress has completed.

      And in my case that took about five minutes to complete from start to finish.

      So again just to reiterate this snapshot has been taken.

      It's a copy of an RDS MySQL database of a particular version and it contains our WordPress database together with the cat post that we just added.

      And that's important to keep in mind as we move on with the demo lesson.

      Now you could go ahead and take another snapshot and this one would be much quicker to complete.

      It would only contain any data changed between the point that you take it and when you took this previous snapshot.

      I'm not going to demonstrate that in this video but you can do that.

      And for production usage you may use snapshots in addition to the normal automated backups provided by RDS.

      Snapshots that you take manually live past the life cycle of the RDS instance.

      And if you want to tidy them up you have to do that manually or by using scripts that you create.

      So snapshots that are taken manually are not managed by RDS in any way.

      And that's important to understand from a DR and the cost management perspective.

      Now the next thing that I want to demonstrate is the multi AZ mode of RDS.

      So if we go back to the RDS console just expand this menu and go to databases.

      Currently this database is using a single RDS instance.

      So this RDS instance is not resilient to the failure of an availability zone within this region.

      Now to change that process we can provision a standby replica in another availability zone and that's known as multi AZ.

      Now it's worth noting that this is not included within the AWS free tier.

      So there will be a small charge to do this optional step to enable multi AZ mode.

      Make sure that you have the database instance selected and then click on modify.

      Now it's on this screen that we can change a lot of the options which relate to this entire RDS instance.

      We've got the option to adjust the database identifier, provide a new database admin password.

      We can change the DB instance size or type if we want.

      We can adjust the amount of storage available to the database instance, even enable storage auto scaling.

      But what we're looking for specifically is adjusting the availability and durability settings.

      Currently this is set to do not create a standby instance and we're going to modify this.

      We're going to change it to create a standby instance and this is something that's recommended for any production usage.

      This creates a standby replica in a different availability zone.

      So it picks another availability zone, specifically another subnet that's available within the database subnet group that was created by the one click deployment.

      So we're going to set that option and scroll down and then select continue.

      Now because we have a maintenance window defined on this RDS instance, we have two different options of when to apply this change.

      We can either apply the change during the next scheduled maintenance window.

      Remember, this is a definable value that you can set when you create an RDS instance or you modify its settings.

      Or we can specify that we want to apply immediately the change that we're making.

      And for this demo lesson, that's what we're going to do.

      Now it does warn you that any changes could cause a performance impact and even an outage.

      So it's really important that if you are applying changes immediately, you understand the impact of those changes.

      So make sure that you have apply immediately selected and then click on modify DB instance.

      Now a multi AZ deployment is essentially an automatic standby replica in a separate availability zone.

      What happens behind the scenes is that the primary database instance is synchronously replicated into this standby replica inside a different availability zone.

      Now this provides a few benefits.

      It provides data redundancy benefits.

      It means that any operations which can interrupt IO such as system backups will occur from the standby replica.

      So won't impact the primary database and that provides a real advantage for production RDS deployments.

      But the main reason beyond performance is that it helps protect any databases in the primary instance against failure of an availability zone.

      So if the availability zone of the primary instance fails and then the C name of the database will be changed to point at the standby replica.

      And that will minimize any disruption to your application and its users.

      Now if we just hit refresh, we can see the status is modifying and what's happening behind the scenes is AWS are taking a snapshot of the primary DB instance.

      It's restoring that snapshot into the standby replica, which is in a different availability zone.

      And then it's setting up synchronous replication between the primary and the standby replica.

      So this is a process which happens behind the scenes.

      But it does mean that we need to wait for this process to be complete until the process is complete.

      This is not a multi AZ deployment.

      So go ahead and pause the video and wait for the status to change away from modifying.

      We need this to be in an available state in order to continue with the demo.

      So go ahead and pause the video and resume it once this modification has completed.

      Okay, so the status has now changed to available.

      And in my case, it took about 10 minutes to enable multi AZ mode.

      So that's the provisioning of a standby replica in another availability zone.

      Now, the likelihood of an AZ failure happening while I'm recording this demo lesson is relatively small, but we can simulate a failure to do that.

      If we have the database instance selected and then select the actions drop down and then reboot, we can use the option reboot with failover.

      If we choose this option, then part of the process is that a simulated failover occurs.

      So the C name, the database endpoint, that's moved so that it now points at the standby replica and then the old primary instance is restarted.

      So that's what we're going to do to simulate this process.

      So go ahead and select to reboot the database instance.

      Make sure that you have reboot with failover selected and then click on confirm.

      And this will begin the process of rebooting the database instance.

      Now, if we go back to the WordPress blog and we click on view post, you'll see that right away it's not immediately loading.

      And that's because the failover from the primary to the standby isn't immediate.

      Failover times are typically 60 to 120 seconds.

      So that's important to keep in mind if you're deploying RDS in a business critical situation.

      It doesn't offer immediate failover.

      So let's just stop this and hit reload again.

      And now we can see that the page is starting to load because the C name for the database has been moved from pointing at the primary to pointing at the standby replica, which is the new primary.

      Okay, so this is the end of part one of this lesson.

      It was getting a little bit on the long side and so I wanted to add a break.

      It's an opportunity just to take a rest or grab a coffee.

      Part two will be continuing immediately from the end of part one.

      So go ahead, complete the video and when you're ready, join me in part two.

    1. Welcome back.

      In this video I want to talk about RDS read replicas.

      Now read replicas provide a few main benefits to us as solutions architects or operational engineers.

      They provide performance benefits for read operations, they help us create cross-region failover capability, and they provide a way for RDS to meet really low recovery time objectives, just as long as data corruption isn't involved in a disaster scenario.

      Now let's step through the key concepts and architectures because they're going to be useful for both the exam and the real world.

      Read replicas, as the name suggests, are read-only replicas of an RDS instance.

      Unlike MultiAZ, where you can't by default use the standby replica for anything, you can use read replicas but only for read operations.

      Now MultiAZ running in cluster mode, which is the newer version of MultiAZ, is like a combination of the old MultiAZ instance mode together with read replicas.

      But, and this is really important, you have to think of read replicas as separate things.

      They aren't part of the main database instance in any way.

      They have their own database endpoint address and so applications need to be adjusted to use them.

      An application, say WordPress, using an RDS instance will have zero knowledge of any read replicas by default.

      Without application support, read replicas do nothing.

      They aren't functional from a usage perspective.

      There's no automatic failover, they just exist off to one side.

      Now they're kept in sync using a synchronous replication.

      Remember MultiAZ uses synchronous replication and that means that when data is written to the primary instance, at the same time as storing that data on disk on the primary, it's replicated to the standby.

      And conceptually think of this as a single write operation, both on the primary and on the standby.

      With asynchronous, data is written to the primary first at which point it's viewed as committed.

      Then after that it's replicated to the read replicas and this means in theory there could be a small lag, maybe seconds, but it depends on network conditions and how many writes occur on the database.

      For the exam for any RDS questions and exclude Aurora for now, remember that synchronous means MultiAZ and asynchronous means read replicas.

      Read replicas can be created in the same region as the primary database instance or they can be created in other AWS regions known as cross region read replicas.

      If you create a cross region read replica, then AWS handle all of the networking between regions and this occurs transparently to you and it's fully encrypted in transit.

      Now why do read replicas matter?

      Well there are two main areas of importance that I want you to think about.

      First is read performance and read scaling for a database instance.

      So you can create five direct read replicas per database instance and each of these provides an additional instance of read performance.

      So this offers a simple way of scaling out your read performance on a database.

      Now read replicas themselves can also have their own read replicas but this means that lag starts to become a problem because asynchronous replication is used.

      There can be a lag between the main database instance and any read replicas and if you then create read replicas of read replicas then this lag becomes more of a problem.

      So while you can use multiple levels of read replicas to scale read performance even more lag does start to become even more of a problem.

      So you need to take that into consideration.

      Additionally read replicas can help you with global performance improvements for read workloads.

      So if you have read workloads in other AWS regions then these workloads can directly connect to read replicas and not impact the performance at the primary instance in any way.

      In addition read replicas benefit us in terms of recovery point objectives and recovery time objectives.

      So snapshots and backups improve RPOs the more frequent snapshots occur and the better backups are this offers improved recovery point objectives because it limits the amount of data which can be lost but it doesn't really help us for recovery time objectives because restoring snapshots takes a long time especially for large databases.

      Now read replicas offer a near zero RPO and that's because the data that's on the read replica is synced from the main database instance.

      So there's very little potential for data loss assuming we're not dealing with data corruption.

      Read replicas can be promoted quickly they offer a near zero RPO.

      So in a disaster scenario where you have a major problem with your RDS instance you can promote a read replica and this is a really quick process but and this is really important you should only look at using read replicas during disaster recovery scenarios when you're recovering from failure.

      If you're recovering from data corruption then logically the read replica will probably have a replica of that corrupted data.

      So read replicas are great for achieving low RTOs but only for failure and not for data corruption.

      Now read replicas are read only until they're promoted and when they're promoted you're able to use them as a normal RDS instance.

      There's also a really simple way to achieve global availability improvements and global resilience because you can create a cross region read replica in another AWS region and use this as a failover region if AWS ever have a major regional issue.

      Now at this point that's everything I wanted to cover about read replicas.

      If appropriate for the exam that you're studying I might have another lesson which goes into more technical depth or a demo lesson which allows you to experience this practically.

      If you don't see either of these then don't worry they're not required for the exam that you're studying.

      At this point though that's everything I'm going to cover so go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to talk about how RDS can be backed up and restored, as well as covering the different methods of backup that we have available.

      Now we do have a lot to cover, so let's jump in and get started.

      Within RDS there are two types of backup-like functionality.

      We have automated backups and we have snapshots.

      Now both of these are stored in S3, but they use AWS managed buckets, so they won't be visible to you within your AWS console.

      You can see backups in the RDS console, but you can't move to S3 and see any form of RDS bucket, which exists for backups.

      Keep this in mind because I've seen questions on it in the exam.

      Now the benefits of using S3 is that any data contained in backups is now regionally resilient, because it's stored in S3, which replicates data across multiple AWS availability zones within that region.

      Now RDS backups, when they do occur, are taken in most cases from the standby instance, if you have multi-AZ enabled.

      So while they do cause an I/O pause, this occurs from the standby instance, and so there won't be any application performance issues.

      If you don't use multi-AZ, for example with test and development instances, then the backups are taken from the only available instance, so you may have pauses in performance.

      Now I want to step through how backups work in a little bit more detail, and I'm going to start with snapshots.

      Snapshots aren't automatic.

      They're things that you run explicitly or via a script or custom application.

      You have to run them against an RDS database instance.

      They're stored in S3, which is managed by AWS, and they function like the EBS snapshots that you've covered elsewhere in the course.

      Snapshots and automated backups are taken of the instance, which means all the databases within it, rather than just a single database.

      The first snapshot is a full copy of the data stored within the instance, and from then on, snapshots only store data which has changed since the last snapshot.

      When any snapshot occurs, there is a brief interruption to the flow of data between the compute resource and the storage.

      If you're using single AZ, this can impact your application.

      If you're using multi AZ, this occurs on the standby, and so won't have any noticeable effect.

      Time-wise, the initial snapshot might take a while.

      After all, it's a full copy of the data.

      From then on, snapshots will be much quicker because only changed data is being stored.

      Now the exception to this are instances where there's a lot of data change.

      In this type of scenario, snapshots after the initial one can also take significant amounts of time.

      Snapshots don't expire.

      You have to clear them up yourself.

      It means that snapshots live on past when you delete the RDS instance.

      Again, they're only deleted when you delete them manually or via some external process.

      Remember that one because it matters for the exam.

      Now you can run one snapshot per month, one per week, one per day, one per hour.

      The choice is yours because they're manual.

      And one way that lower recovery point objectives can be met is by taking more frequent snapshots.

      The lower the time frame between snapshots, the lower the maximum data loss that can occur when you have a failure.

      Now this is assuming we only have snapshots available, but there is another part to RDS backups, and that's automated backups.

      These occur once per day, but the architecture is the same.

      The first one is a full, and any ones which follow only store changed data.

      So far you can think of them as though they're automated snapshots, because that's what they are.

      They occur during a backup window which is defined on the instance.

      You can allow AWS to pick one at random or use a window which fits your business.

      If you're using single AZ, you should make sure that this happens during periods of little to no use, as again there will be an IO pause.

      If you're using multi AZ, this isn't a concern as the backup occurs from the standby.

      In addition to this automated snapshot, every five minutes, database transaction logs are also written to S3.

      Transaction logs store the actual operations which change the data, so operations which are executed on the database.

      And together with the snapshots created from the automated backups, this means a database can be restored to a point in time with a five minute granularity.

      In theory, this means a five minute recovery point objective can be reached.

      Now automated backups aren't retained indefinitely.

      They're automatically cleared up by AWS, and for a given RDS instance, you can set a retention period from zero to 35 days.

      Zero means automated backups are disabled and the maximum is 35 days.

      If you use a value of 35 days, it means that you can restore to any point in time over that 35 day period using the snapshots and transaction logs, but it means that any data older than 35 days is automatically removed.

      When you delete the database, you can choose to retain any automated backups, but, and this is critical, they still expire based on the retention period.

      The way to maintain the contents of an RDS instance past this 35 day max retention period is that if you delete an RDS instance, you need to create a final snapshot, and this snapshot is fully under your control and has to be manually deleted as required.

      Now RDS also allows you to replicate backups to another AWS region, and by backups, I mean both snapshots and transaction logs.

      Now charges apply for both the cross region data copy and any storage used in the destination region, and I want to stress this really strongly.

      This is not the default.

      This has to be configured within automated backups.

      You have to explicitly enable it.

      Now let's talk a little bit about restores.

      The way RDS handles restores is really important, and it's not immediately intuitive.

      It creates a new RDS instance when you restore an automated backup or a manual snapshot.

      Why this matters is that you will need to update applications to use the new database end point address because it will be different than the existing one.

      When you restore a manual snapshot, you're restoring the database to a single point in time.

      It's fixed to the time that the snapshot was created, which means it influences the RPO.

      Unless you created a snapshot right before a failure, then chances are the RPO is going to be suboptimal.

      Automated backups are different.

      With these, you can choose a specific point to restore the database to, and this offers substantial improvements to RPO.

      You can choose to restore to a time which was minutes before a failure.

      The way that it works is that backups are restored from the closest snapshot, and then transaction logs are replayed from that point onwards, all the way through to your chosen time.

      What's important to understand though is that restoring snapshots isn't a fast process.

      If appropriate for the exam that you're studying, I'm going to include a demo where you'll get the chance to experience this yourself practically.

      It can take a significant amount of time to restore a large database, so keep this in mind when you think about disaster recovery and business continuity.

      The RDS restore time has to be taken into consideration.

      Now in another video elsewhere in this course, I'm going to be covering read replicas, and these offer a way to significantly improve RPO if you want to recover from failure.

      So RDS automated backups are great as a recovery to failure, or as a restoration method for any data corruption, but they take time to perform a restore, so account for this within your RTO planning.

      Now once again, if appropriate for the exam that you're studying, you're going to get the chance to experience a restore in a demo lesson elsewhere in the course, which should reinforce the knowledge that you've gained within this theory video.

      If you don't see this then don't worry, it's not required for the exam that you're studying.

      At this point though, that is everything I wanted to cover in this video, so go ahead and complete the video, And when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to talk through the ways in which RDS offers high availability.

      Historically there was one way, multi-AZ.

      Over time RDS has been improved and now there's multi-AZ instance deployments and multi-AZ cluster deployments.

      And these offer different benefits and trade-offs and so in this video I want to step through the architecture and functionality of both.

      Now we do have a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started straight away.

      Historically the only method of providing high availability which RDS had was multi-AZ.

      So again this is now called multi-AZ instance deployment.

      With this architecture RDS has a primary database instance containing any databases that you create and when you enable multi-AZ mode this primary instance is configured to replicate its data synchronously to a standby replica which is running in another availability zone.

      And this means that this standby also has a copy of your databases.

      Now in multi-AZ instance mode this replication is at the storage level.

      This is actually less efficient than the cluster multi-AZ architecture but more on this later in this video.

      The exact method that RDS uses to do this replication depends on the database engine that you pick.

      MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL use Amazon failover technology whereas Microsoft's SQL instances use SQL server database mirroring or always on availability groups.

      In any case this is abstracted away all you need to understand is that it's a synchronous replica.

      Now architecturally how this works is that all accesses to the databases are via the database CNAME.

      This is a DNS name which by default points at the primary database instance.

      With multi-AZ instance architecture you always access the primary database instance.

      There's no access to the standby even for things like reads.

      Its job is to simply sit there until you have a failure scenario with the primary instance.

      Other things though such as backups can occur from the standby so data is moved into S3 and then replicated across multiple availability zones in that region.

      Now this places no extra load on the primary because it's occurring from the standby.

      And remember this is important because all accesses so reads and writes from this multi-AZ architecture will occur to and from the primary instance.

      Now in the event that anything happens to the primary instance this will be detected by RDS and a failover will occur.

      This can be done manually if you're testing or if you need to perform maintenance but generally this will be an automatic process.

      What happens in this scenario is the database CNAME changes instead of pointing at the primary it points at the standby which becomes the new primary.

      Because this is a DNS change it generally takes between 60 to 120 seconds for this to occur so there can be brief outages.

      This can be reduced by removing any DNS caching in your application for this specific DNS name.

      If you do remove this caching it means that the second RDS has finished the failover and the DNS name has been updated.

      Your application will use this name which is now pointing at the new primary instance.

      So this is the architecture when you're using the older multi-AZ instance architecture.

      I want to cover a few key points of this architecture before we look at how multi-AZ cluster architecture works.

      So let's move on.

      So just to summarize replication between primary and standby is synchronous and what this means is that data is written to the primary and then immediately replicated to the standby before being viewed as committed.

      Now multi-AZ does not come within the free tier because of the extra cost for the standby replica that's required.

      And multi-AZ with the instance architecture means that you only have one standby replica and that's important.

      It's only one standby replica and this standby replica cannot be used for reads or writes.

      Its job is to simply sit there and wait for failover events.

      A failover event can take anywhere from 60 to 120 seconds to occur and multi-AZ mode can only be within the same region.

      So different availability zones within the same AWS region.

      Backups can be taken from the standby replica to improve performance and failovers will occur for various different reasons such as availability zone outage, the failure of the primary instance, manual failover, instance type change so when you change the type of the RDS instance and even when you're patching software.

      So you can use failover to move any consumers of your database onto a different instance, patch the instance which has no consumers and then flip it back.

      So it does offer some great features which can help you maintain application availability.

      Now next I want to talk about multi-AZ using a cluster architecture.

      And when you watch the Aurora video you might be confused between this architecture and Amazon Aurora.

      So I'm going to stress the differences between multi-AZ cluster for RDS and Aurora in this video.

      And this is to prepare you for when you watch the Aurora video.

      It's really critical for you to understand the differences between multi-AZ cluster mode for RDS and Amazon Aurora.

      So we start with a similar VPC architecture only now in addition to the single client device on the left.

      I'm adding two more.

      In this mode RDS is capable of having one writer replicate to two reader instances.

      And this is a key difference between this and Aurora.

      With this mode of RDS multi-AZ you can have two readers only.

      These are in different availability zones than the writer instance but there will only be two whereas with Aurora you can have more.

      The difference between this mode of multi-AZ and the instance mode is that these readers are usable.

      You can think of the writer like the primary instance within multi-AZ instance mode in that it can be used for writes and read operations.

      The reader instances unlike multi-AZ instance mode these can be utilized while they're in this state.

      They can be used only for read operations.

      This will need application support since your application needs to understand that it can't use the same instance for reads and writes.

      But it means that you can use this multi-AZ mode to scale your read workloads unlike multi-AZ instance mode.

      Now in terms of replications between the writer and the readers while data is sent to the writer and it's viewed as being committed when at least one of the readers confirms that it's been written.

      It's resilient at that point across multiple availability zones within that region.

      Now the cluster that RDS creates to support this architecture is different in some ways and similar in others versus Aurora.

      In RDS multi-AZ mode each instance still has its own local storage which as you'll see elsewhere in this course is different than Aurora.

      Like Aurora though you access the cluster using a few endpoint types.

      First is the cluster endpoint and you can think of this like the database C name in the previous multi-AZ architecture.

      It points at the writer and can be used for reads and writes against the database or administration functions.

      Then there's a reader endpoint and this points at any available reader within the cluster.

      And in some cases this does include the writer instance.

      Remember the writer can also be used for reads.

      In general operation though this reader endpoint will be pointing at the dedicated reader instances and this is how reads within the cluster scale.

      So applications can use the reader endpoint to balance their read operations across readers within the cluster.

      Finally there are instance endpoints and each instance in the cluster gets one of these.

      Generally it's not recommended to use them directly as it means any operations won't be able to tolerate the failure of an instance because they don't switch over to anything if there's an instance failure.

      So you generally only use these for testing and fault finding.

      So this is the multi-AZ cluster architecture.

      Before I finish up with this video I just want to cover a few key points about this specific type of multi-AZ implementation.

      And don't worry you're going to get the chance to experience RDS practically in other videos in this part of the course.

      So first RDS using multi-AZ in cluster mode means one writer and two reader DB instances in different availability zones.

      So this gives you a higher level of availability versus instance mode because you have this additional reader instance versus the single standby instance in multi-AZ.

      In instance mode.

      In addition multi-AZ cluster mode runs on much faster hardware.

      So this is Graviton architecture and uses local NVMe SSD storage.

      So any writes are written first to local superfast storage and then flushed through to EBS.

      So this gives you the benefit of the local superfast storage in addition to the availability and resilience benefits of EBS.

      In addition when multi-AZ uses cluster mode then readers can be used to scale read operations against the database.

      So if your application support it it means you can set read operations to use the reader endpoint which frees up capacity on the writer instance and allows your RDS implementation to scale to high levels of performance versus any other mode of RDS.

      And again you'll see when you're watching the Aurora video, Aurora as a database platform can scale even more.

      And I'll detail exactly how in that separate video.

      Now when using multi-AZ in cluster mode replication is done using transaction logs and this is much more efficient.

      This also allows a faster failover.

      In this mode failover rather than taking 60 to 120 seconds can occur in as little as 35 seconds plus any time required to apply the transaction logs to the reader instances.

      But in any case this will occur much faster than the 60 to 120 seconds which is needed when using multi-AZ instance mode.

      And again just to confirm when running in this mode writes a viewed as committed when they've been sent to the writer instance and stored and replicated to at least one reader which has confirmed that it's written that data.

      So as you can see these are completely different architectures and in my opinion multi-AZ in cluster mode adds some significant benefits over instance mode.

      And you'll see how this functionality is extended again when I talk about Amazon Aurora.

      But for now that's everything I wanted to cover in this video so thanks for watching.

      Go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      This is part two of this lesson.

      We're going to continue immediately from the end of part one.

      So let's get started.

      Okay, so the instance is now in an available state.

      Let's just close down this informational dialogue at the top.

      And let's just minimize this menu on the left.

      Let's maximize the amount of screen space that we have for this specific purpose.

      So I just want us to go inside this database instance and explore together the information that we have available.

      So I talked in the theory lesson how every RDS instance is given an endpoint name and an endpoint port.

      So this is the information that we'll use to connect to this RDS instance.

      Networking wise, this instance has been provisioned in US-EAST-1A.

      It's in the Animals for Life VPC and it's used our A4L subnet group that we created at the start of this demo.

      And that means that it's currently utilizing all three database subnets in the Animals for Life VPC.

      But it's chosen because we only deployed one instance to use US-EAST-1A.

      Now this is the VPC security group that we're going to need to configure.

      So right click on this and open it in a new tab and move to that tab.

      This is the security group which controls access to this RDS instance.

      So let's expand this at the bottom.

      So currently it has my IP address being the only source allowed to connect into this RDS instance.

      So the only inbound rule on the security group protecting this RDS instance is allowing my IP address.

      So we're going to click on Edit and then click on Add Rule.

      And we're going to add a rule which allows our other instances to connect to this RDS instance.

      So first in the type drop down click and then type mySQL to get the same option as the line above and then click to select.

      Next go ahead and type instance into the source box and then select the migrate to RDS-instance security group.

      Now this is the security group that's used by any instances deployed by our one click deployment.

      And this allows those instances to connect to our RDS instance and that's what we want.

      So go ahead and select that and then click on Save Rules.

      And this means now that our WordPress instance can communicate with RDS.

      So now let's move back to the RDS tab and then make sure we're inside the A4L WordPress database instance.

      So that's the connectivity and the security tab.

      We also have the monitoring tab and it's here where you can see various CloudWatch provided metrics about the database instance.

      You also have logs and events related to this instance.

      So if we go and have a look at recent events we can see all of the events such as when the database instance was created, when its first backup was created.

      And you can explore those because they might be different in your environment.

      You can click on the Configuration tab and see the current configuration of the RDS instance.

      The Maintenance and Backups tab is where you can configure the maintenance and backup processes and then of course you can tag the RDS instance.

      Now in other lessons in this section of the course and depending on what course you're taking I will be talking about many of these options, what you can modify and which actions you can perform on RDS instances.

      But for now we're just going to move on with this demo.

      So the next step is that we need to migrate our existing data into this RDS instance.

      So what we're going to do is to click on the Connectivity and Security tab and we're going to leave this open.

      We're going to need this endpoint name and port very shortly.

      You should still have a tab open to the EC2 console.

      If you don't you can reach that by going on Services and then opening EC2 in a new tab.

      But I want you to select the A4L-WordPress instance and then right click and connect to it using Instance Connect.

      So go ahead and do that.

      Once you've done that we're going to start referring to the lesson commands document.

      So make sure you've got that open.

      We're going to use this command to take a backup of the existing MariaDB database.

      So we need to replace a placeholder.

      What we need to do is delete this and replace it with the private IP address of the MariaDB EC2 instance.

      So go back to the EC2 console, select the DB-WordPress instance and copy the private IP version 4 address into your clipboard.

      And then let's move back to the WordPress instance and paste that in.

      Go ahead and press Enter and it will prompt you for the password.

      And the password is the same Animals for Life strong password that we've been using everywhere.

      Copy that into your clipboard.

      So this is the password for the A4L WordPress user on the MariaDB EC2 instance.

      So paste that in and press Enter and then LS-LA to confirm that we now have this A4L WordPress.SQL database backup file.

      And we do, so that's good.

      So as we did in the previous demo lesson, we're going to take this backup file and we're going to import it into the new destination database, which is going to be the RDS instance.

      To do that, we'll use this command, but we're going to need to replace the placeholder hostname with the CNAME of the RDS instance.

      So go ahead and delete this placeholder, then go back to the RDS console and I'll want you to copy the endpoint name into your clipboard.

      So select it, right click and then copy.

      We won't need the port number because this is the standard MySQL port and if you don't specify it, most applications will assume this default.

      So just make sure that you have the endpoint DNS name or endpoint CNAME in your clipboard.

      And then back on the WordPress EC2 instance, go ahead and paste this database name into this command and press Enter.

      And again, you'll be asked for the password and that's the same Animals for Life strong password.

      So copy that into your clipboard, paste that in and press Enter.

      And that's imported this A4LWordPress.SQL file into the RDS instance.

      So now we need to follow the same process and change WordPress so that it points at the RDS instance.

      And we do that by moving to where the WordPress configuration file is.

      So cd space forward slash var forward slash ww w forward slash html and press Enter.

      And then shudu.

      So we have admin privileges, nano, which is a text editor and then wp-config.php and press Enter.

      Then we need to scroll down and we're looking for where it says DB host and currently it has a host name here.

      Now if you go back to the EC2 console and you look at the A4L-DB-WordPress instance, you'll see that its private IP version for DNS name is what's listed inside this configuration item.

      So it's currently pointing at this dedicated database instance.

      What we need to do is replace that and we're going to replace it with the RDS database DNS name or the CNAME of this RDS instance.

      So copy that into your clipboard and then go ahead and delete this private DNS name for the MariaDB EC2 instance and then paste in the RDS endpoint name, also known as the RDS CNAME.

      Once you've done that, control O and Enter to save and control X to exit.

      And now our WordPress instance is pointing at the RDS instance for its database.

      Now we can verify that by checking WordPress, move back to instances, select the WordPress instance, copy the public IP version for addressing to your clipboard.

      Don't use this open address link.

      Open that in a new tab.

      Go ahead and just click on the best cats ever to verify the functionality and it does look as though it's working.

      And to verify that, if we go back to the EC2 console, select the A4L-DB-WordPress instance and right click and then stop that instance.

      Now the original database that was providing database services to WordPress is going to move into a stopped state.

      And if our WordPress blog continues functioning, we know that it's using the RDS instance.

      So let's keep refreshing and wait for this to change into a stopped state.

      There we go.

      It's stopped.

      And if we go back to our WordPress page and refresh, it still loads.

      And so we know that it's now using RDS for its database services.

      So at this point, that's everything that I wanted you to do in this demo lesson.

      You've stepped through the process of provisioning an RDS instance.

      So you've created a subnet group, provisioned the instance itself, explored the functionality of the instance, including how to provide access to it by selecting a security group.

      And then editing that security group to allow access.

      You've performed a database migration and you've explored how the RDS instance is presented in the console.

      So that's everything that you need to do within this demo lesson.

      And don't worry, we're going to be exploring much more of the advanced functionality of RDS as we move through this section of the course.

      For now, though, I want us to clear up the infrastructure that we've created as part of this demo lesson.

      Now, because we've provisioned RDS manually outside of CloudFormation, unfortunately, there is a little bit more manual work involved in the cleanup.

      So I want you to go to the RDS console, move to databases, select this database, click on actions, and then select delete.

      Now it will prompt you to create a final snapshot and we're not going to do that.

      We're not going to retain automated backups and so you'll need to acknowledge that upon instance deletion, automated backups including any system snapshots and pointing time recoveries will no longer be available.

      And don't worry, I'll be talking about backups and recovery in another lesson in this section of the course.

      For now, just acknowledge that and then type delete me into this box and confirm the deletion.

      Now this deletion is going to take a few minutes.

      It's not an immediate process.

      It will start in a deleting state and we need to wait for this process to be completed before we continue the cleanup.

      So go ahead and pause this video and wait for this instance to fully delete before continuing.

      Now that the instance has been deleted, it vanishes from this list.

      Next, we need to delete the subnet group that we created earlier.

      So click on subnet groups, select the subnet group and then delete it.

      You'll need to confirm that deletion.

      Once done, it too should vanish from that list.

      Next, go to the tab you've got open to the VPC console, scroll down and select security groups.

      Now look through this list and locate the security group that you created as part of provisioning the RDS instance.

      It should be called a4LVPC-RDS-SG.

      Select that, click on actions and then delete security group and you'll need to confirm that process as well.

      Once that's deleted, the final step is to go to the cloud formation console and then you'll need to delete the cloud formation stack that was created using the one-click deployment at the start of the demo.

      It should be called migrate to RDS.

      Select it, click on delete and confirm that deletion.

      And once deleted, the account will be returned into the same state as it was at the start of the demo lesson.

      So all of the infrastructure that we've used will be removed from the account and the account will be in the same state as at the start of the demo.

      Now I hope you've enjoyed this demo and that we're repeating the same WordPress installation and then the creation of the blog post over and over again.

      But I want you to get used to different parts of this process over and over again.

      You need to know why not to use a database on EC2.

      You need to know why not to perform a lot of these processes manually.

      From this point onward in the course, we're going to be using RDS to evolve our WordPress design into something that is truly elastic.

      And so all of these processes, the things I'm having you repeat are really useful to aid in your understanding of all of these different components.

      So from this point onward, we're going to be automating the creation of RDS and focusing on the specific pieces of functionality that you need to understand.

      But at this point, that's everything that you need to do in this demo.

      So go ahead, complete the video and when you're ready, I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this demo lesson you're going to get some experience of how to provision an RDS instance and how to migrate a database from an existing self-managed MariaDB database instance through to RDS.

      So over the next few demo lessons in this section of the course, you're going to be evolving your database architecture.

      We're going to start with a single database instance, then we're going to add multi-AZ capability as well as talking about backups and restores.

      But in this demo lesson specifically, we're going to focus on provisioning an RDS instance and migrating data into it.

      Now in order to get started with this demo lesson, as always make sure that you're logged into the general AWS account, so the management account of the organization and you need to have the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now attached to this lesson is a one-click deployment link that you'll need to use to provision this demo lesson's infrastructure.

      So go ahead and click on that link now.

      That's going to move you to a quick create stack screen.

      The stack name should be pre-populated with migrate to RDS.

      Scrolling down all of the parameter values will be pre-populated.

      All you need to do is to click on the capabilities checkbox and then create stack.

      There's also a lesson commands document linked to this lesson and I'd suggest you go ahead and open that in a new tab because you'll be referencing it as you move through this demo lesson.

      Now you'll notice that this will look similar to the previous demo lesson's lesson commands document, but it has one small difference.

      The initial command way of doing the backup of the source database, because that source database is going to be stored on a separate MariaDB database running on a separate EC2 instance, instead of taking the backup from the local instance, in this case it's connecting to a separate EC2 instance.

      Otherwise, most of these commands are similar to the ones you used in the previous demo lesson.

      Now you're going to need to wait for this stack to move into a create complete state before you continue the demo.

      So go ahead and pause the video, wait for your stack to change to create complete and then you're good to continue.

      Okay, so that cloud formation stack has now moved into a create complete state and it's created a familiar set of infrastructure.

      Let's go ahead and click on the services drop down and then move to the EC2 console and just take a look.

      So if we click on instances, you'll see that we have the same two instances as you saw in the previous demo lesson.

      So we have A4L-WordPress, which is running the Apache web server and the WordPress application.

      And then we have A4L-DB-WordPress and this is running the separate MariaDB database instance.

      So what we need to do in order to perform this migration is first create the WordPress blog itself and the sample blog post.

      And this is the same thing that we did in the previous demo.

      So we should be able to go through this pretty quickly.

      So go ahead and select the A4L-WordPress instance and copy its public IP version for address into your clipboard and then open that in a new tab.

      And again, make sure not to use the open address because this uses HTTPS.

      So copy the public IP version for address and then open that in a new tab.

      Again, we're going to call the site the best cats.

      We're going to use admin for the username.

      And then for the password, let's go back to the CloudFormation tab.

      Make sure you've got the migrate to RDS stack selected and then click on parameters.

      We're going to use the same database password.

      So copy that into your clipboard and replace the automatically generated one with the animals for live complex password.

      And then enter test@test.com into the email box and click on install WordPress.

      Once installed, click on login.

      You'll need to use the admin username and the same password.

      Click on login.

      Then we're going to go to posts.

      We're going to select the existing Hello World post.

      Select trash this time.

      Then click on add new.

      Close down this dialog for title.

      We're going to use the best cats ever.

      Click on the plus.

      Select gallery.

      At this point, go ahead and click the link that's attached to this lesson to download the blog images.

      Once downloaded, extract that zip file and you'll get four images.

      Once you've got those images ready, click on upload, locate those images, select them and click on open.

      Wait for them to load in.

      Select publish and publish again.

      And that saved the images onto the application instance and added the data for this post onto the separate MariaDB database.

      So now we have this simple working blog.

      Let's go ahead and look at how we can provision an RDS instance and how we can migrate the data into that RDS instance.

      So move back to the AWS console.

      Click on the services drop down and type RDS into the search box and open that in a new tab.

      Now, as I've mentioned in the theory parts of this section, RDS is a managed database server as a service product from AWS.

      It allows you to create database instances and those instances can contain databases that your applications can make use of.

      Now to provision an RDS instance, the first thing that we need to do is to create a subnet group.

      Now a subnet group is how we inform RDS which subnets within a VPC we want to use for our database instance.

      So first we need to create a subnet group.

      So select subnet groups on the menu on the left and then create a DB subnet group.

      Now we're going to use a4lsn group, so animals for life subnet group for both the name and for the description.

      And then select the VPC drop down and we're going to select the a4l-vpc1vpc.

      So this is the animals for life VPC which has been created by the one click deployment that you used at the start of this demo.

      Now once we've selected a name and a description and a VPC for this subnet group, then what we need to do is select the subnets that this database will be going into.

      So we're going to select the database subnets in US East 1A, US East 1B and US East 1C.

      So click on the availability zone drop down and pick those three availability zones.

      So 1A, 1B and 1C.

      Once we've selected the availability zones that this subnet group is going to use, next we pick the subnets.

      So click on the drop down.

      Now we want to pick the database subnets within the animals for life VPC and all we can see here are the IP address ranges.

      So to help us with this click on the services drop down, type VPC and then open that in another new tab.

      Once that loads, go ahead and click on subnets, sort the subnets by name and then locate sn-dba, dbb and dbc.

      And just move your cursor across to the right hand side and note what the IP address ranges are for those different database subnets.

      So 16, 80 and 144.

      Go back to the RDS console, click on the subnets drop down and we need to pick each of those three subnets.

      So 16, 80 and 144.

      So these represent the database subnets in availability zone 1A, 1B and 1C.

      And then once we've configured all of that information, we can go ahead and click on create to create this subnet group.

      So this subnet group is something that we use when we're provisioning an RDS instance.

      And as I mentioned moments ago, it's how RDS determines which subnets to place database instances into.

      Now when we're only using a single database instance, then that decision is fairly easy.

      But RDS deployments can scale up to use multiple replicas in multiple different availability zones.

      You can have multi-AZ instances, read replicas.

      Aurora has a cluster architecture which we'll talk about later in this section.

      And so subnet groups are essential to inform RDS which subnets to place things into.

      So now that we've configured that subnet group, let's go ahead and provision our RDS database instance.

      So to do that, click on databases and then we're going to create a database.

      So click on create database.

      Now when you're creating a database, you have the option of using standard create where you have visibility of all of the different options and then easy create which applies some best practice configurations.

      Now I want you to get the maximum experience possible, so we're going to use standard create.

      Now when you're creating an RDS database instance, you have the ability to pick from many different engines.

      So some of these are commercial like Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server.

      And with some of these, you have the option of either paying for a license included with RDS or you can bring your own license.

      For other database engines, there isn't a commercial price to pay for their usage and so they're much cheaper to use.

      But you should select the engine type which is compatible with your application.

      Now we're going to be talking about Amazon Aurora in dedicated lessons later in this section of the course.

      Amazon Aurora is an AWS designed database product which has compatibility with MySQL and PostgreSQL.

      For this demo lesson, we're going to use MySQL.

      So go ahead and select MySQL and it's going to be using MySQL Community Edition.

      So now let's just scroll down and step through some of the other options that we get to select when provisioning an RDS instance.

      Now for all of these database engines, you have the ability to pick different versions of that engine.

      And this is fairly critical because there are different major and minor versions that you can select from.

      And different versions of these have different limitations.

      So for example, we're going to be talking about snapshots later in this section.

      And if you want to take a snapshot of an RDS database and then import that into an Aurora cluster, you need to pick a compatible version.

      And then Aurora Serverless which we'll be talking about later on in this section has even more restrictions.

      Now to keep things simple, I want you to ignore what version I pick in this video and instead look in this lesson's description and pick the version that I indicate in the lesson description because I'll keep this updated if AWS make any changes.

      Now you can choose to use a template.

      These templates give you access to only the options which are relevant for the type of deployment that you're trying to use.

      So in production, you would pick the production template.

      If you have any smaller or less critical dev or test workloads, then you could pick this template.

      If you want to ensure that you can only select free tier options, then you should pick this template.

      And that's what we're going to do in this demo because we want this demo to fall under the free tier.

      So click on the free tier template.

      I'll be talking about availability and durability later in this section because we've selected free tier only.

      We don't have the ability to create a multi AZ RDS deployment.

      And now we need to provide some configuration information about the database instance specifically.

      So the first thing that we need to do is to provide a database instance identifier.

      So this is the way that you can identify one particular instance from any other instances in the AWS account in the current region.

      So this needs to be unique.

      So we're going to use a four L WordPress for this database instance.

      Then we need to pick a username which will be given admin privileges on this database instance.

      And we're going to replace admin with a four L WordPress.

      So we're going to use this for both the database identifier and the admin user of this database.

      Now for the password for this admin user, we're going to move back to the cloud formation console and we're going to use this same animals for life complex password.

      So copy that into your clipboard and paste it in for the password and the confirm password box.

      And this just keeps things consistent between the self banished database and the RDS database.

      Scroll down further still and it's here where you can select the database instance class to use.

      Now because we've selected free tier only, we're limited as to what database size and type we can pick.

      If we'd have selected production or dev test from the templates above, we would have access to a much wider range of database instance classes, both standard, memory optimized and burstable.

      But because we've selected the free tier template, we're limited as to what we can select.

      Now this might change depending on when you're watching this demonstration, but at the point I'm recording this video, it's db.t3.micro.

      So don't be concerned if you see something different in this box.

      Just make sure that you select the type of instance which falls under the free tier.

      Then continue scrolling down and we need to pick the size of storage and the type of storage to use for this RDS instance.

      Now whether you need to select this is dependent on what engine type you pick.

      If you select Aurora, which we'll be talking about later on in this section, then you don't need to pre-allocate storage.

      If you're using the MySQL version of RDS, then you do need to set a type of storage and a size of storage.

      Now we're going to use the minimum which is 20GIB because our requirements for this database are relatively small.

      And if we wanted to, if this was production, we could set storage autoscaling.

      And this allows RDS to automatically increase the storage when a particular threshold is met.

      But again, because this is a demo and it's only using a very small blog, we don't need storage autoscaling.

      So go ahead and uncheck that option.

      Now we need to select a VPC for this RDS instance to go into.

      So click in the drop down and select the Animals for Life VPC.

      So that's A4L-VPC1.

      And then we need to pick a subnet group.

      Now this is the thing that we've just created.

      We only have one in this account, so there's nothing else to select.

      But this is how we can advise RDS on which subnets to use inside the VPC.

      Scroll down further still and we can specify whether we want this database to be available.

      We want this database to be publicly accessible.

      So this is whether we want instances and devices outside the VPC to be able to connect to this database.

      This obviously comes with some security trade-offs.

      And because we don't need that in this demonstration, because the only thing that we want to connect to this RDS instance is our WordPress instance, which is in the same VPC, then we can select Not to Use Public Access.

      So make sure the No option is selected.

      Now the way that you control access to RDS is you allocate a VPC security group to that instance.

      So we could either choose an existing security group or we could create a new one.

      So it's this security group which surrounds the network interfaces of the database and controls access to what can go into that database.

      So we want to create a new VPC security group.

      So we want to make that option.

      We're going to call the security group A4LVPC-RDS-SG.

      And we need to remember to update this so that our WordPress instance can communicate with our RDS instance.

      And we'll do that in the next step.

      If we wanted to pick a specific availability zone for this instance to go into, then we could select one here or we can leave it up to RDS to pick the most suitable.

      So we can select No Preference.

      Continue scrolling down.

      We won't change the Database Authentication option because we want to allow password authentication.

      Continue scrolling down and we're going to expand Additional Configuration.

      By default, an RDS instance is created with no database on that instance.

      In this case, because we're migrating an existing WordPress database into RDS, we're going to go ahead and create an initial database.

      And to keep things easy and consistent, we're going to use the same name, so A4L WordPress.

      Now you can enable automatic backups for RDS instances.

      And I'll be talking about these in a separate theory lesson.

      If you do select automatic backups, then you can also pick a backup retention period as well as a backup window.

      So we've got Advanced Monitoring, various log exports.

      We don't need to use any of those.

      You can also set the Maintenance window for an RDS instance.

      So when Maintenance will be performed, you can enable Deletion Protection if you want.

      If this is a production database, we don't need to do that.

      What we're going to do is scroll all the way down to the bottom and then click on Create Database.

      Now this process can take some time.

      I've seen it take anywhere from five to 45 minutes.

      And we're going to need this to be finished before we move on to the next step.

      So this seems like a great time to end this video.

      It gives you the opportunity to grab a coffee or stretch your legs.

      Wait for this database creation to finish.

      And then when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in part two of this video.

    1. Welcome back and in this video which is the first of this series I'm going to step through the architecture of the relational database service known as RDS.

      Now this video will focus on the architecture of the product with upcoming videos going into specific features in more depth.

      Now we do have a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      Now I've heard many people refer to RDS as a database as a service or DB AAS product.

      Now details are important and you need to understand why this is not the case.

      A database as a service product is where you pay money and in return you get a database.

      This isn't what RDS does.

      With RDS you pay for and receive a database server so it would be more accurate to call it a database server as a service product.

      Now this matters because it means that on this database server or instance which RDS provides you can have multiple databases.

      RDS provides a managed version of a database server that you might have on-premises only with RDS you don't have to manage the hardware, the operating system or the installation as well as much of the maintenance of the DB engine and RDS of course runs within AWS.

      Now with RDS you have a range of database engines to use including MySQL, Maria DB, PostgreSQL and then commercial databases such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL.

      Some of these are open source and some are commercial and so there will be licensing implications and if appropriate for the exam that you're working towards there will be a separate video on this topic.

      Now there's one specific term that I want you to disassociate from RDS and that's Amazon Aurora.

      You might see Amazon Aurora discussed commonly along with RDS but this is actually a different product.

      Amazon Aurora is a custom database engine and product created by AWS which has compatibility with some of the above engines but it was designed entirely by AWS.

      Many of the features I'll step through while talking about RDS are different for Aurora and most of these are improvements so in your mind separate Aurora from RDS.

      So in summary RDS is a managed database server as a service product.

      It provides you with a database instance so a database server which is largely managed by AWS.

      Now you don't have access to the operating system or SSH access.

      Now I have a little asterisk here because there is a variant of RDS called RDS custom where you do have some more low level access but I'll be covering that in a different video if required.

      In general when you think about RDS think no SSH access and no operating system access.

      Now what I think might help you at this point is to look at a typical RDS architecture visually and then over the remaining videos in this series I'll go into more depth on certain elements of the product.

      So RDS is a service which runs within a VPC so it's not a public service like S3 or DynamoDB.

      It needs to operate in subnets within a VPC in a specific AWS region and for this example let's use US East 1 and to illustrate some cross region bits of this architecture our second region will be AP Southeast 2 and then we're going to have within US East 1 a VPC and let's use three availability zones here A, B and C.

      Now the first component of RDS which I want to introduce is an RDS subnet group.

      This is something that you create and you can think of this as a list of subnets which RDS can use for a given database instance or instances.

      So in this case let's say that we create one which uses all three of the availability zones.

      In reality this means adding any subnets in those three availability zones which you want RDS to use and in this example I'm going to actually create another one.

      We going to have two database subnet groups and you'll see why in a second.

      In the top database subnet group let's say I add two public subnets and in the bottom database subnet group let's say three private subnets.

      So when launching an RDS instance whether you pick to have it highly available or not and I'll talk about how this works in an upcoming video you need to pick a DB subnet group to use.

      So let's say that I picked the bottom database subnet group and launched an RDS instance and I chose to pick one with high availability.

      So it would pick one subnet for the primary instance and another for the standby.

      It picks at random unless you indicate a specific preference but it will put the primary and standby within different availability zones.

      Now because these database instances are within private subnets it means that they would be accessible from inside the VPC or from any connected networks such as on-premises networks connected using VPNs or Direct Connect or any other VPCs which appeared with this one and I'll cover all of those topics elsewhere in the course if I haven't already done so.

      Now I could also launch another set of RDS instances using the top database subnet group and the same process would be followed assuming that I picked to use multi AZ.

      RDS would pick two different subnets in two different availability zones to use.

      Now because these are public subnets we could also if we really wanted to elect to make these instances accessible from the public internet by giving them public addressing and this is something which is really frowned upon from a security perspective but it's something that you need to know is an option when deploying RDS instances into public subnets.

      Now you can use a single DB subnet group for multiple instances but then you're limited to using the same defined subnets.

      If you want to split databases between different sets of subnets as with this example then you need multiple DB subnet groups and generally as a best practice I like to have one DB subnet group for one RDS deployment.

      I find it gives me the best overall flexibility.

      Okay so another few important aspects of RDS which I want to cover.

      First RDS instances can have multiple databases on them.

      Second every RDS instance has its own dedicated storage provided by EBS so if you have a multi AZ pair primary and standby each has their own dedicated storage.

      Now this is different than how Amazon Aurora handles storage so try to remember this architecture for RDS each instance has its own dedicated EBS provided storage.

      Now if you choose to use multi AZ as in this architecture then the primary instances replicate to the standby using synchronous replication.

      Now this means that the data is replicated to the standby as soon as it's received by the primary.

      It means the standby will have the same set of data as the primary so the same databases and the same data within those databases.

      Now you can also decide to have read replicas.

      I'll be covering what these are and how they work in another dedicated video but in summary read replicas use asynchronous replication and they can be in the same region but also other AWS regions.

      These can be used to scale read load or to add layers of resilience if you ever need to recover in a different AWS region.

      Now lastly we also have backups of RDS.

      There is a dedicated video covering backups later on in this section of the course but just know that backups occur to S3.

      It's to an AWS managed S3 bucket so you don't see the bucket within your account but it does mean that data is replicated across multiple availability zones in that region.

      So if you have an AZ failure backups will ensure that your data is safe.

      If you use multi AZ mode then backups occur from the standby instance which means no negative performance impact.

      Now this is the basic product architecture.

      I'll be expanding on all of these key areas in dedicated videos as well as giving you the chance to get practical experience via some demos and mini projects if appropriate.

      For now let's cover one final thing before we finish this video and that's the cost architecture of RDS.

      So before I finish the video I want to talk about RDS costs because it's a database server as a service product you're not really build based on your usage.

      Instead like EC2 which RDS is loosely based on you'll build for resource allocation and there are a few different components to RDS's cost architecture.

      First you've got the instance size and type.

      Logically the bigger and more feature rich the instance the greater the cost and this follows a similar model to how EC2 is built.

      The fee that you see is an hourly rate but it's billed per second.

      Next we have the choice of whether multi AZ is used or not because multi AZ means more than one instance there's going to be additional cost.

      Now how much more cost depends on the multi AZ architecture which I'll be covering in detail in another video.

      Next is a per gig monthly fee for storage which means the more storage you use the higher the cost and certain types of storage such as provisioned IOPS cost more and again this is aligned to how EBS works because the storage is based on EBS.

      Next is the data transfer costs and this is a cost per gig of data transfer in and out of your DB instance from or to the internet and other AWS regions.

      Next we have backups and snapshots so you get the amount of storage that you pay for for the database instance in snapshot storage for free.

      So if you have 2 TB of storage then that means 2 TB of snapshots for free.

      Beyond that there is a cost and this cost is gig per month of storage so the more data is stored the more it costs the longer it's stored the more it costs.

      One TB for one month is the same cost as 500 GB for two months so it's a per GB month cost and then finally we have any extra costs based on using commercial DB engine types and again I'll be covering this if appropriate in a dedicated video elsewhere in the course.

      Okay so at this point that is everything I wanted to cover in this video as I mentioned at the start this is just an introduction to RDS architecture.

      We're going to be going into more detail on specific key points in upcoming videos but for now that's everything I wanted to cover.

      So go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome to this demo lesson where you're going to migrate from the monolithic architecture on the left of your screen towards a tiered architecture on the right.

      Essentially you're going to split the WordPress application architecture, you're going to move the database from being on the same server as the application to being on a different server and this will form step one of moving this architecture from being a monolith through to being a fully elastic architecture.

      Now this is the first stage of many but it is a necessary one.

      Now in order to perform this demonstration you're going to need some infrastructure.

      Before we apply the infrastructure just make sure that you're logged in to the general AWS account, so the management account of the organization and as always you need to have the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now once you've got both of those set there's a one-click deployment link attached to this lesson so go ahead and click on that link.

      What this is going to do is deploy the Animals for Life base infrastructure, it's going to deploy the monolithic WordPress application instance and it's also going to deploy a separate MariaDB database instance that you're going to use as part of the migration.

      Now everything set, the stack name should be set to a suitable default, all you need to do is to scroll all the way down to the bottom, check this capabilities box and click on create stack.

      Now also attached to this lesson is a lesson commands document which contains all the commands you'll be using throughout this demo.

      So go ahead and open that in a new tab, you'll be referencing it constantly as you're making the adjustments to the WordPress architecture.

      Now we're going to need this CloudFormation stack to be fully complete before we can continue so go ahead and pause the video and resume once the CloudFormation stack moves into a create complete state.

      So now the stacks moved into a create complete state, we're good to continue.

      Now this has created the base Animals for Life infrastructure which includes a number of EC2 instances so let's take a look at those, let's click on services and then locate and open EC2 in a brand new tab.

      Once you're at the EC2 console if you do see any dialogues around user interface updates then just go ahead and close those down and then click on instances running.

      Once you're here you'll see two EC2 instances, one will be called A4L-WordPress and this is the monolith so this is the EC2 instance which contains the WordPress application and the built-in database.

      So this is the WordPress installation that we're going to migrate from and then this instance A4L-DB-WordPress this contains a standalone MariaDB installation so we're going to migrate the database for WordPress from this instance onto the DB instance and this will create a tiered application architecture rather than the monolith which we currently have.

      So step number one is to perform the WordPress installation so to do that I want you to go ahead and copy the public IP version for address of the WordPress EC2 instance into your clipboard and then open it in a new tab.

      Now be careful not to use the open address link that will use HTTPS which we're not currently using so copy the IP address into your clipboard and open that in a new tab.

      Now when you do that you'll see a familiar WordPress installation dialog we're going to create a simple blog for site title go ahead and call it the best cats for username pick admin and then for the password instead of using the randomly selected one go ahead and use this same complex password that we've used for the CloudFormation template so this is animals for life but with number substitution.

      So if you go back to your CloudFormation tab and go to the parameters tab this is the same password that we use for the DB password and the DB root password.

      Now of course in production this is incredibly bad practice we're just doing it in this demo to keep things simple and avoid any mistakes.

      So back to the WordPress installation screen site title the best cats username admin this for the password and then just go ahead and type a fake email so I don't want to use my real email for this I'm going to type test at test.com you can do the same and then go ahead and click on install WordPress so this is installed the WordPress application and it's using the Maria DB server that's on the same EC2 instance so part of the same monolith.

      So we're going to log in we'll need to type admin and then use the animals for life strong password and click on login and once we logged in we're going to create a simple blog post so click on posts we're going to select the existing hello world post select trash this time then click on add new then we're going to add a new post we can close down this introduction dialogue and for title go ahead and type the best cats ever and then some exclamation points next click on this plus sign and we're going to add a gallery now at this point you're going to need some images to upload to this blog post I've attached an images link to this lesson so if you go ahead and click that link it will download a zip file if you extract that zip file it's going to contain four image files all four of my cats so at this point once you've downloaded and extracted that file go ahead and click on upload locate those images there should be four select them all and click on open that will add these images to this blog post and once you've added them all you can go ahead and click on publish and then publish again and this will publish this blog post so it will add data to the database that's running on the monolithic application instance as well as store these images on the local instance file system now making a point of mentioning that these images are stored on the file system because as you'll see later in the course this is one of the things that we need to migrate when we're moving to a fully elastic architecture we can't have images stored on the instances themselves we need to move that to a shared file system for now though we're focusing on the database so at this point we have the working blog the images for this blog are stored on the local file system of a4l-wordpress and the data for that blog post is stored on the MariaDB database that's also running on this EC2 instance so the next step of this demo lesson is that you're going to migrate the data from a4l-wordpress onto a4l-db-wordpress and this is an isolated MariaDB instance this is dedicated for the database so to do this migration select a4l-wordpress right click we're going to connect to this instance we'll be using EC2 instance connect so just make sure that the username is set to EC2-user and then click on connect now this is where you're going to be using the commands that are stored within the lesson commands document so you need to make sure that you have this ready to reference because it's far easier to copy and paste these commands and then adjust any placeholders rather than type them out manually because that's prone to errors the first step is to get the data from the database that's running on this monolithic application instance and store it in a file on disk so that's the first thing we need to do we need to do a backup of the database into a .sql file now to do that we use this command so it's a utility called my sql-dump it uses the -u to specify the user that we're going to be using to connect to the database then we use -p to specify that we want to provide a password and we could either provide the password on the command line or we could have it prompt us now if we supply the password with no spaces next to this -p then it will accept it as input on this command if we don't specify anything so there's a space here then it's going to ask us for the password the next thing we specify is the database name that we want to do the dump of in this case it's a4l WordPress which is the database for the animals for life WordPress instance now if we just run this command on its own it would output the dump so all of the data in the database to standard output which in this case is our screen we don't want it to do that we want it to store the results in a file called a4l WordPress dot sql and so we use this symbol which means that it's going to take the output of this component of the command and it's going to redirect it into this file so let's go ahead and run this command and it's going to prompt us for the password for this database now to get that go back to cloud for information make sure parameters are selected and it's this password that we need which is the DB password so copy that into your clipboard go back to the instance paste that in press enter and that will output all the data in the database to this file now you won't see any indication of success or failure but if you do an LS space -la and press enter one of the files that you'll see is a4l WordPress dot sql so now we have a copy of the WordPress database containing our blog post the next thing that we need to do is to take this file this backup of the database and inject it into the new database that we want to use so the dedicated Maria DB EC2 instance and to do that we're going to use this command so this command has two components the first component is this which connects to the Maria DB database instance the second component is this which takes the backup that we've just made and it feeds it into this command so this backup contains all the necessary definitions to create a new database and inject the data required this component of the command just allows us to connect to this new dedicated Maria DB instance now there are some place holders that we need to change the database name that we're going to use is the same so a4l WordPress we're still going to want to be prompted for a password so -p is what we use this time though we're going to connect using a user called a4l WordPress so we're not using the root user we're going to connect to this separate Maria DB database instance using a user a4l WordPress the only thing that we need to change is that we need to connect to a non-local host so when we used the mysql dump command we didn't specify a host to connect to and this defaulted to local host so the current machine in the case of this command we're operating with a separate server this dedicated EC2 instance which is running the Maria DB database server so a4l -db -wordpress we need to connect to this so what we'll need to connect to this is the private IP version for address of this separate database instance so select it look for private IP version for addresses and then click on the icon next to this to copy the private IP version for address of this separate database server into your clipboard then return to the application instance and we need to replace the placeholder here with that value so make sure that you're one space after the end of this placeholder and just delete this leave a space between -h and where the cursor is and then paste in that IP address so this is going to connect to this separate EC2 instance using its private IP it's going to use the a4l WordPress user it will prompt us for a password it will perform the operation on the a4l WordPress database and it's going to use the contents of this backup file to perform those tasks so go ahead and press enter and you'll be prompted for a password now again it's the same password this has all been set up as part of the cloud formation one-click deployment this lesson is about the migration process not setting up a database server so I've automated this component of the infrastructure so copy the DB password into your clipboard go back to the instance paste it in and press enter so now we've uploaded our WordPress application database into this separate MariaDB database server the next step is to configure WordPress to point at this new database server so to do that cd space forward slash var forward slash www forward slash html and press enter and then we're going to run a shudu space nano which is a text editor space wp-config.php and this is the WordPress configuration file so press enter now what we're looking for if we scroll down is we're looking for the line which says define and then a space and then DB host so this is the database host that WordPress attempts to connect to and currently it's set to local host which means it will use the database on the same EC2 instance as the application we're going to delete this local host so delete until we have two single quotes and then make sure that you still have the private IP version for address of this separate database instance in your clipboard if you don't just go ahead and copy it again from the EC2 console and then paste that in place of local host so now you should see DB underscore host and this now represents this private IP address and now the private IP address that you should use here will be different you need to use your private IP address of your a4l - DB - WordPress EC2 instance so now that you've updated this configuration file press control o and enter to save and then control x to exit out of editing this file now this now means that the WordPress instance is going to be communicating with the separate MariaDB database instance let's verify that let's go back to the tab that we have to our WordPress application and let's just go ahead and do a refresh if everything's working as expected we should see that the blog reloads successfully now this means that this blog is now pointing at this separate MariaDB database instance to be doubly sure of this though let's go back to the WordPress instance and let's shut down the MariaDB database server and we do that using this command so shudu space service space MariaDB space and then stop so type or copy and paste that command in and press enter and that's going to stop the MariaDB database service which is running on a4l WordPress so now the only MariaDB database that we have running is on the a4l - DB - WordPress EC2 instance now we can go back to the WordPress tab and hit refresh and assuming it loads in as it does in my case this now confirms that WordPress is communicating with this dedicated MariaDB EC2 instance now the reason why I wanted to step you through all these tasks in this demo lesson is the time a firm believer that in order to understand best practice architecture you need to understand bad architecture and as I mentioned in the theory lesson there is almost no justification for running your own self-managed database server on an EC2 instance in almost all situations it's preferable to use the RDS service but I need you to understand exactly how the architecture works when you're self managing a database and how to migrate from a monolithic all-in-one architecture through to having a separate self managed database in the demo lesson that's coming up next in the course you're going to migrate from this through to an RDS instance so that's step two but at this point you've done everything that I wanted you to do in this demo lesson you've implemented the architecture that's on screen now on the right all we need to do is to tidy up all of the infrastructure that we've used within this lesson so to do that it's nice and easy just go back to the cloud formation console make sure that you have the monolith to EC2 DB stack selected click on the delete button and then confirm that deletion and that stack deleting will clean up all of the infrastructure that we've used throughout this demo lesson and it will return the account into the same state as it was at the start of the lesson at this point you've completed all of the tasks that I want you to do so I hope you've enjoyed this demo lesson go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover something which can be argued is bad practice to do inside AWS and that's running databases directly on EC2.

      As you'll find out in this section of the course there are lots of AWS products which provide database services so running any database on EC2 at best requires some justification.

      In this lesson I want to step through why you might want to directly run databases on EC2 and why it's also a bad idea.

      It's actually always a bad idea to run databases on EC2.

      The argument really is whether the benefits to you or your business outweigh the fact that it is a bad idea.

      So let's jump in and take a look at some of the reasons why you should and shouldn't run databases on EC2.

      Generally when people think about running databases on EC2 they picture one of two things.

      First, a single instance and on this instance you're going to be running a database platform, an application of some kind and perhaps a web server such as Apache.

      Or you might picture a simple split architecture where the database is separated from the web server and application.

      So you'll have two instances, probably smaller instances than the single large one.

      And architecturally I hope this makes sense so far.

      So far in the course with the Animals for Life WordPress application stack example we've used the architecture on the left.

      A single EC2 instance with all of the application tiers or components on one single instance.

      Crucially one single instance running within a single availability zone.

      Now if you have a split architecture like on the right you can either have both EC2 instances inside the same availability zone or you could split the instances across two.

      So AZA and AZB.

      Now when you change the architecture in this way, when you split up the components into separate instances, whether you decide to put those both in the same availability zone or split them, you need to understand that you've introduced a dependency into the architecture.

      The dependency that you've introduced is that there needs to be reliable communication between the instance running the application and the database instance.

      If not the application won't work.

      And if you do decide to split these instances across multiple availability zones then you should also be aware that there is a cost for data when it's transiting between different availability zones in the same region.

      It's small but it does exist.

      Now that's in contrast to where communications between instances using private IPs in the same availability zone is free.

      So that's a lot to think about from an architectural perspective.

      But that's what we mean when we talk about running databases on EC2.

      This is the architecture.

      Generally one or more EC2 instances with at least one of them running the database platform.

      Now there are some reasons why you might want to run databases on EC2 in your own environment.

      You might need access to the operating system of the database and the only way that you can have this level of access is to run on EC2 because other adbs products don't give you OS level access.

      This is one of those things though that you should really question if a client requests it because there aren't many situations where OS level access is really a requirement.

      Do they need it?

      Do they want it?

      Or do they only think that they want it?

      So if you have a client or if your business states that they do need OS level access the first thing that you should do is question that statement.

      Now there are some database tuning things which can only be done with root level access and because you don't have this level of access with managed database products then these values or these configuration options won't be tuneable.

      But in many cases and you'll see this later on in this section AWS does allow you to control a lot of these parameters that historically you would need root access for without having root access.

      So again this is one of those situations where you need to question any situation where it's presented to you that you need database root access.

      It's worth noting often that it's an application vendor demanding this level of access not the business themselves.

      But again it's often the case that you need to delve into the justifications.

      This level of access is often not required and a lot of software vendors now explicitly support AWS's managed database products.

      So again verify any suggestion of this level of access.

      Now something that is often justified is that you might need to run a database or a database version which AWS don't provide.

      This is certainly possible and more so with emerging types of databases or databases with really niche use cases.

      You might actually need to implement an application with a particular database that is not supported by AWS and any of its managed database products.

      And in that case the only way of servicing that demand is to install that database on EC2.

      So that's one often justified reason for running databases on EC2.

      Or it might be that a particular project that you're working on has really, really detailed and specific requirements and you need a very specific version of an OS and a very specific version of a DB in combination which AWS don't provide.

      Or you might need or want to implement an architecture which AWS also don't provide.

      Certain types of replication done in certain ways or at certain times.

      Or it could be something as simple as the decision makers in your organization just want a database running on EC2.

      You could argue that they're being unreasonable to just demand a database running on EC2 but in many cases you might not have a choice.

      So it can always be done.

      You can run databases on EC2 as long as you're willing to accept the negatives.

      So these are all valid.

      Some of them I would question or fight or ask for justification but situations certainly do exist which require you to use databases on EC2.

      And I'm stressing these because I've seen tricky exam questions where the right answer is to use a database on EC2.

      So I want to make sure that you've got fresh in your mind some of the styles of situations where you might actually want to run a database on EC2.

      But now let's talk about why you really shouldn't put a database product on EC2.

      Even with the previous screen in mind, even with all of those justifications, you need to be aware of the negatives.

      And the first one is the admin overhead.

      The admin overhead of managing the EC2 instance as well as the database host, the database server.

      Both of these require significant management effort.

      Don't underestimate the effort required to keep an EC2 instance patched or keep a database host running at a certain compatible level with your application.

      You might not be able to upgrade or you might have to upgrade and keep the database version running in a very narrow range in order to be compatible with the application.

      And whenever you perform upgrades or whenever you're fault finding, you need to do it out of core usage hours, which could mean additional time, stress and cost for staff to maintain both of these components.

      Also don't forget about backups and disaster recovery management.

      So if your business has any disaster recovery planning, running databases on EC2 adds a lot of additional complexity.

      And in this area, when you're thinking about backups and DR, many of AWS's managed database products we'll talk about throughout this section include a lot of automation to remove a lot of this admin overhead.

      Perhaps one of the most serious limitations though is that you have to keep in mind that EC2 is running in a single availability zone.

      So if you're running on an EC2 instance, keep in mind you're running on an EBS volume in an EC2 instance.

      Both of those are within a single availability zone.

      If that zone fails, access to the database could fail and you need to worry about taking EBS snapshots or taking backups of the database inside the database server and putting those on storage somewhere, maybe S3.

      Again, it's all admin overhead and risk that your business needs to be aware of.

      Another issue is features.

      Some of AWS's database products genuinely are amazing.

      A lot of time and effort and money have been put in on your behalf by AWS to make these products actually better than what you can achieve by installing database software on EC2.

      So by limiting yourself to running databases on EC2, you're actually missing out on some of the advanced features and we'll be talking about all of those throughout this section of the course.

      Another aspect is that EC2 is on or off.

      EC2 does not have any concept of serverless because explicitly it is a server.

      You're not going to be able to scale down easily or keep up with bursty style demand.

      There are some AWS managed database products we'll talk about in this section which can scale up or down rapidly based on load.

      And by running a database product on EC2, you do limit your ability to scale and you do set a base minimum cost of whatever the hourly rate is for that particular size of EC2 instance.

      So keep that in mind.

      So again, if you're being asked to implement this by your business, you should definitely fight this fight and get the business to justify why they want the database product on EC2 because they're missing out on some features and they're committing themselves to costs that they might not need to.

      There's also replication.

      So if you've got an application that does need replication, there are the skills to set this up, the setup time, the monitoring and checking for its effectiveness and all of this tends to be handled by a lot of AWS's managed database products.

      So again, there's a lot of additional admin overhead that you need to keep in mind.

      And lastly, we've got performance.

      This relates in some way to when I talked about features moments ago.

      AWS do invest a considerable amount of time into optimization of their database products and implementing performance based features.

      And if you simply take an off the shelf database product and implement it on EC2, you're not going to be able to take advantage of these advanced performance features.

      So keep that in mind.

      If you do run database software directly on EC2, you're limiting the performance that you can achieve.

      But with that out of the way, that's all of the theory and logic that I wanted to cover in this lesson.

      So now you have an idea about why you should and why you shouldn't run your own database on an EC2 instance.

      In the next lesson, which is a demo, we're going to take the single instance WordPress deployment that we've been using so far in the course, and we're going to evolve it into two separate EC2 instances.

      One of these is going to be running Apache and WordPress.

      So it's going to be the application server.

      And the other is going to be running a database server MariaDB.

      Now this kind of evolution is best practice, at least as much as it can ever be best practice to run a self-managed database platform.

      Now the reason we're doing this is we want to split up our single monolithic application stack.

      We want to get it to the point so the database is not running on the same instance as the application itself.

      Because once we've done that, we can move that database into one of AWS's managed database products later in this section.

      And that will allow us to take advantage of these features and performance that these products deliver.

      It's never a good idea to have a single monolithic application stack when you can avoid it.

      So the way that we're running WordPress at the moment is not best practice for an enterprise application.

      So by splitting up the application from the database, as we go through the course, it will allow us to scale each of these independently and take advantage independently of different AWS products and services, which can help us improve each component of our application.

      So with that being said, go ahead and finish up this video.

      And then when you're ready, you can join me in the next lesson, which is going to be a demo where we're going to split up this monolithic WordPress architecture into two separate compute instances.

    1. Welcome to this lesson where I want to provide a really quick theoretical introduction to Acid and Base, which are two database transaction models that you might encounter in the exam and in the real world.

      Now this might seem a little abstract, but it does feature on the exam, and I promise in real world usage knowing this is a database superpower.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      Acid and Base are both acronyms and I'll explain what they stand for in a moment.

      But they are both database transaction models.

      They define a few things about transactions to and from a database, and this governs how the database system itself is architected.

      At a real foundational level, there's a computer science theorem called the CAP theorem, and it stands for consistency, availability, and partition tolerance.

      Now let's explore each of these quickly because they really matter.

      Consistency means that every read to a database will receive the most recent write or it will get an error.

      On the other hand, availability means that every request will receive a non-error response, but without the guarantee that it contains the most recent write, and that's important.

      Partition tolerance means that the system can be made of multiple network partitions, and the system continues to operate even if there are a number of dropped messages or errors between these network nodes.

      Now the CAP theorem states that any database product is only capable of delivering a maximum of two of these different factors.

      One reason for this is that if you imagine that you have a database with many different nodes, all of these are on a network.

      Imagine if communication fails between some of the nodes or if any of the nodes fail.

      Well you have two choices if somebody reads from that database.

      You can cancel the operation and thus decrease the availability but ensure the consistency, or you can proceed with the operation and improve the availability but risk the consistency.

      So as I just mentioned, it's widely regarded as impossible to deliver a database platform which provides more than two of these three different elements.

      So if you have a database system which has multiple nodes and if a network is involved, then you generally have a choice to provide either consistency or availability, and the transaction models of ACID and BASE choose different trade-offs.

      ACID focuses on consistency and BASE focuses on availability.

      Now there is some nuance here and some additional detail but this is a high-level introduction.

      I'm only covering what's essential to know for the exam.

      So let's quickly step through the trade-offs which each of these makes and we're going to start off with ACID.

      ACID means that transactions are atomic, transactions are also consistent, transactions are also isolated, and then finally, transactions are durable.

      And let's get the exam power-up out of the way.

      Generally if you see ACID mentioned, then it's probably referring to any of the RDS databases.

      These are generally ACID-based and ACID limits the ability of a database to scale and I want to step through some of the reasons why.

      Now I'm going to keep this high-level but I've included some links attached to this lesson if you want to read about this in additional detail.

      In this lesson though I'm going to keep it to what is absolutely critical for the exam.

      So let's step through each of these individually.

      Atomic means that for a transaction either all parts of a transaction are successful or none of the parts of a transaction are successful.

      Consider if you run a bank and you want to transfer $10 from account A to account B.

      That transaction will have two parts.

      Part one will remove $10 from account A and part two will add $10 to account B.

      Now you don't want a situation where the first part or the second part of that transaction can succeed on its own and the other part can fail.

      Either both parts of a transaction should be successful or no parts of the transaction should be applied and that's what atomic means.

      Now consistent means that transactions applied to the database move the database from one valid state to another.

      Nothing in between is allowed.

      In databases such as relational databases there may well be links between tables where an item in one table must have a corresponding item in another where values might need to be in certain ranges and this element just means that all transactions need to move the database from one valid state to another as per the rules of that database.

      Isolated means that because transactions to a database are often executed in parallel they need not to interfere with each other.

      Isolation ensures that concurrent executions of transactions leave the database in the same state that would have been obtained if transactions were executed sequentially.

      So this is essential for a database to be able to run lots of different transactions at the same time maybe from different applications or different users.

      Each of them need to execute in full as they would do if they were the only transaction running on that database.

      They need not to interfere with each other and then finally we have durable which means that once a transaction has been committed it will remain committed even in the case of a system failure.

      Once the database tells the application that the transaction is complete and committed once it's succeeded that data restored somewhere that system failure or power failure or the restart of a database server or node won't impact the data.

      Now most relational database platforms use acid-based transactions it's why financial institutions generally use them because it implements a very rigid form of managing data and transactions on that data but because of these rigid rules it does limit scalability.

      Now next we have base and base stands for basically available it also stands for soft state and then lastly it stands for eventually consistent and again this is super high level and I've included some links attached to this lesson with more information.

      Now it's also going to sound like I'm making fun of this transaction model because some of these things seem fairly odd but just stick with me and I'll explain all of the different components.

      Basically available means that read and write operations are available as much as possible but without any consistency guarantees.

      So reads and writes are kinder or maybe.

      Essentially rather than enforcing immediate consistency base modeled no-sequal databases will ensure availability of data by spreading and replicating that data across all of the different nodes of that database.

      There isn't really an aim within the database to guarantee anything to do with consistency it does its best to be consistent but there's no guarantee.

      Now soft state is another one which is a tiny bit laughable in a way it means that base breaks off with the concept of a database which enforces its own consistency instead it delegates that responsibility to developers.

      Your application needs to be aware of consistency and state and work around the database if you need immediate consistency so if you need a read operation to always have access to all of the writes which occurred before it immediately and if the database optionally allows it then your application needs to specifically ask for it otherwise your application has to tolerate the fact that what it reads might not be what another instance of that application has previously written.

      So with soft state databases your application needs to deal with the possibility that the data that you're reading isn't the same data that was written moments ago.

      Now all of these are fairly fuzzy and do overlap but lastly we have the fact that base does not enforce immediate consistency it means that it might happen eventually if we wait long enough then what we read will match what has been previously written eventually.

      Now this is important to understand because generally by default a base transaction model means that any reads to a database are eventually consistent so applications do need to tolerate the fact that reads might not always have the data for previous writes.

      Many databases are capable of providing both eventually consistent and immediately consistent reads but again the application has to have an awareness of this and explicitly ask the database for consistent reads.

      Now it sounds like base transactions are pretty bad right?

      Well not really databases which use base are actually highly scalable and can deliver really high performance because they don't have to worry about all the pesky annoying things like consistency within the database they offload that to the applications.

      Now DynamoDB within AWS is an example of a database which normally works in a base like way it offers both eventually and immediately consistent reads but your application has to be aware of that.

      Now DynamoDB also offers some additional features which offer acid functionality such as DynamoDB transactions so that's something else to keep in mind.

      Now for the exam specifically I have a number of useful defaults.

      If you see the term base mentioned then you can safely assume that it means a NoSQL style database.

      If you see the term acid mentioned then you can safely assume as a default that it means an RDS database but if you see NoSQL or DynamoDB mentioned together with acid then it might be referring to DynamoDB transactions and that's something to keep in mind.

      Now that's everything I wanted to cover in this high-level lesson about the different transaction models.

      This topic is relatively theoretical and pretty deep and there's a lot of extra reading but I just wanted to cover the essentials of what you need for the exam so I've covered all of those facts in this lesson and at this point it is the end of the lesson so thanks for watching go ahead and complete the video and then when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      This is part two of this lesson.

      We're going to continue immediately from the end of part one.

      So let's get started.

      Now, there are other types of database platforms, no SQL platforms, and this doesn't represent one single way of doing things.

      So I want to quickly step through some of the common examples of no SQL databases or non-relational databases.

      The first type of database in the no SQL category that I want to introduce is key value databases.

      The title gives away the structure.

      Key value databases consist of sets of keys and values.

      There's generally no concept of structure.

      It's just a list of keys and value pairs.

      In this case, it's a key value database for one of the animals for life rescue centers.

      It stores the date and time and a sensor reading from a feeding sensor, recording the number of cookies removed from the feeder during the previous 60 minutes.

      So essentially, the key on the left stores the date and time, and on the right is the number of cookies eaten as detected by the sensor during the previous 60 minutes.

      So that's it for this type of database.

      It's nothing more complex than that.

      It's just a list of key value pairs.

      As long as every single key is unique, then the value doesn't matter.

      It has no real schema nor does it have any real structure because there are no tables or table relationships.

      Some key value databases allow you to create separate lists of keys and values and present them as tables, but they're only really used to divide data.

      There are no links between them.

      This makes key value databases really scalable because sections of this data could be split onto different servers.

      In general, key value databases are just really fast.

      It's simple data with no structure.

      There isn't much that gets in the way between giving the data to the database and it being written to disk.

      For key value databases, only the key matters.

      You write a value to a key and you read a value from a key.

      The value is opaque to the database.

      It could be text, it could be JSON, it could be a cat picture, it doesn't matter.

      In the exam, look out for any question scenarios which present simple requirements or mention data which is just names and values or pairs or keys and values.

      Look out for questions which suggest no structure.

      If you see any of these type of scenarios, then key value stores are generally really appropriate.

      Key value stores are also used for in-memory caching.

      So if you see any questions in the exam that talk about in-memory caching, then key value stores are often the right way to go.

      And I'll be introducing some products later in the course which do provide in-memory key value storage.

      Okay, so let's move on.

      And the next type of database that I want to talk about is actually a variation of the previous model, so a variation on key value.

      And it's called a wide column store.

      Now, this might look familiar to start with.

      Each row or item has one or more keys.

      Generally, one of them is called the partition key.

      And then optionally, you can have additional keys as well as the partition key.

      Now, DynamoDB, which is an AWS example of this type of database, this secondary key is called the sort or the range key.

      It differs depending on the database, but most examples of wide column stores generally have one key as a minimum, which is the partition key.

      And then optionally, every single row or item in that database can have additional keys.

      Now, that's really the only rigid part of a wide column store.

      Every item in a table has to have the same key layout.

      So that's one key or more keys.

      And they just need to be unique to that table.

      Wide column stores offer groupings of items called tables.

      But they're still not the same type of tables as in relational database products.

      They're just groupings of data.

      Every item in a table can also have attributes.

      But, and this is really important, they don't have to be the same between items.

      Remember how in relational database management systems, every table had attributes and then every row in that table had to have a value for every one of those attributes.

      That is not the case for most no SQL databases and specifically wide column stores because that's what we're talking about now.

      In fact, every item can have any attribute.

      It could have all of the attributes, so all of the same attributes between all of the items.

      It could have a mixture, so mix and matching attributes on different items.

      Or an item could even have no attributes.

      There is no schema, no fixed structure on the attribute side.

      It's normally partially opaque for most database operations.

      The only thing that matters in a wide column store is that every item inside a table has to use the same key structure and it has to have a unique key.

      So whether that's a single partition key or whether it's a composite key, so a partition key and something else.

      If it's a single key, it has to be unique.

      If it's a composite key, the combination of both of those values has to be unique.

      That's the only rule for placing data into a table using wide column stores.

      Now DynamoDB inside AWS is an example of this type of database.

      So DynamoDB is a wide column store.

      Now this type of database has many users.

      It's very fast.

      It's super scalable.

      And as long as you don't need to run relational operations such as SQL commands on the database, it often makes the perfect database product to take advantage of, which is one of the reasons why DynamoDB features so heavily amongst many web scale or large scale projects.

      Okay, so let's move on.

      And next I want to talk about a document database.

      And this is a type of no-SQL database that's designed to store and query data as documents.

      Documents are generally formatted using a structure such as JSON or XML.

      But often the structure can be different between documents in the same database.

      You can think of a document database almost like an extension of a key value store where each document is interacted with via an ID that's unique to that document.

      But the value, the document contents, are exposed to the database allowing you to interact with it.

      Document databases work best for scenarios like order databases or collections or contact style databases, situations where you generally interact with the data as a document.

      Document databases are also great when you need to interact with deep attributes, so nested data items within a document structure.

      The document model works well with use cases such as catalogs, user profiles, and lots of different content management systems where each document is unique but it changes over time.

      So it might have different versions.

      Documents might be linked together in hierarchical structures or when you're linking different pieces of content in a content management system.

      For any use cases like this, document style databases are perfect.

      Each document has a unique ID and the database has access to the structure inside the document.

      Document databases provide flexible indexing so you can run really powerful queries against the data that could be nested deep inside a document.

      Now let's move on.

      Column databases are the next type of database type that I want to discuss.

      And understanding the power of these databases requires knowing the limitations of their counterpart, row-based databases, which is what most SQL-based databases use.

      Row-based databases are where you interact with data based on rows.

      So in this example we have an orders table.

      It has order ID, the product ordered, color, size, and price.

      For every order we have a row and those rows are stored on disk together.

      If you needed to read the price of one order from the database, you read the whole row from disk.

      If you don't have indexes or shortcuts, you'll have to find that row first and that could mean scanning through rows and rows of data before you reach the one that you want to query.

      Now if you want to do a query which operates over lots of rows, for example you wanted to query all the sizes of every order, then you need to go through all of the rows, finding the size of each.

      Row-based databases are ideal when you operate on rows, creating a row, updating a row, or deleting rows.

      Row-based databases are often called OLTP or Online Transaction Processing Databases and they are ideal as the name suggests for systems which are performing transactions.

      So order databases, contact databases, stock databases, things which deal in rows and items where these rows and items are constantly accessed, modified, and removed.

      Now column-based databases handle things very differently.

      Instead of storing data in rows on disk, they store it based on columns.

      The data is the same but it's grouped together on disk based on column.

      So every order value is stored together, every product item, every color, size, and price, all grouped by the column that the data is in.

      Now this means two things.

      First, it makes it very, very inefficient for transaction style processing which is generally operating on whole rows at a time.

      But this very same aspect makes column databases really good for reporting.

      So if your queries relate to just one particular column because that whole column is stored on disk grouped together, then that's really efficient.

      You could perform a query to retrieve all products sold during a period or perform a query which looks for all sizes sold in total ever and looks to build up some intelligence around which are sold most and which are sold least.

      With column store databases, it's really efficient to do this style of querying, reporting style querying.

      An example of a column based database in AWS is Redshift which is a data warehousing product and that name gives it away.

      Generally what you'll do is take the data from an OLTP database, a row based database, and you'll shift that into a column based database when you're wanting to perform reporting or analytics.

      So generally column store databases are really well suited to reporting and analytics.

      Now lastly I want to talk about graph style databases.

      Earlier in the lesson I talked about tables and keys and how relational database systems handle the relationships by linking the keys of different tables.

      Well with graph databases, relationships between things are formally defined and stored in the database itself along with the data.

      They're not calculated each and every time you run a query.

      And this makes them great for relationship driven data.

      For example social media or HR systems.

      Consider this data, three people, two companies and a city.

      These are known as nodes inside a graph database, nodes and nouns, so objects.

      Nodes can have properties which are simple key value pairs of data and these are attached to the nodes.

      So far this looks very much like a normal database, nothing is new so far.

      But with graph databases there are also relationships between the nodes which are known as edges.

      Now these edges have a name and a direction.

      So Natalie works for XYZ corp and Greg works for both XYZ corp and Acme widgets.

      Relationships themselves can also have attached data, so name value pairs.

      In this particular example we might want to store the start date of any employment relationship.

      A graph database can store a massive amount of complex relationships between data or between nodes inside a database and that's what's key.

      These relationships are actually stored inside the database as well as the data.

      A query to pull up details on all employees of XYZ corp would run much quicker than on a standard SQL database because that data of those relationships is just being pulled out of the database just like the actual data.

      With a relational style database you'd have to retrieve the data and the relationships between the tables is computed when you execute the query.

      So it's a really inefficient process with relational database systems.

      These relationships are fixed and computed each and every time a query is run.

      With a graph based database those relationships are fluid, dynamic, they're stored in the database along with the data and it means when you're interacting with data and looking to take advantage of these fluid relationships it's much more efficient to use a graph style database.

      Now using graph databases it's very much beyond the scope of this course but I want you to be aware of it because you might see questions in the exam which mention the technology and you need to be able to identify or eliminate answers based on the scenario, based on the type of database that the question is looking to implement.

      So if you see mention of social media in an exam or systems with complex relationships then you should think about graph databases first.

      Now that's all I wanted to cover in this lesson.

      I know it's been abstract and high level.

      I wanted to try and make it as brief as possible.

      I know I didn't really succeed because we had a lot to cover but I want this to be a foundational set of theory that you can use throughout the databases section and it will help you in the exam.

      For now though that's everything I wanted to cover in this lesson so go ahead complete the video and when you're ready you can join me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this first technical lesson of this section of the course, I wanted to provide a quick fundamentals lesson on databases.

      If you already have database experience then you can play me on super fast speed and think of this lesson as a good confirmation of the skills that you already have.

      If you don't have database experience though, that's okay.

      This lesson will introduce just enough knowledge to get you through the course and I'll include additional reading material to get you up to speed with databases in general.

      Now we do have a fair amount to get through so let's jump in and get started.

      Databases are systems which store and manage data.

      But there are a number of different types of database systems and crucial differences between how data is physically stored on disk and how it's managed on disk and in memory, as well as how the systems retrieve data and present it to the user.

      Database systems are very broadly split into relational and non-relational.

      Relational systems are often referred to as SQL or SQL.

      Now this is actually wrong because SQL is a language which is used to store, update and retrieve data.

      It's known as the structured query language and it's a feature of most relational database platforms.

      Strictly speaking, it's different than the term relational database management system but most people use the two interchangeably.

      So if you see or hear the term SQL or RDBMS which is relational database management system, they're all referring to relational database platforms.

      Most people use them interchangeably.

      Now one of the key identifiable characteristics of relational database systems is that they have a structure to their data.

      So that's inside and between database tables and I'll cover that in a moment.

      The structure of a database table is known as a schema and with relational database systems it's fixed or rigid.

      That means it's defined in advance before you put any data into the system.

      A schema defines the names of things, valid values of things and the types of data which are stored and where.

      More importantly, with relational database systems there's also a fixed relationship between tables.

      So that's fixed and also defined in advance before any data is entered into the system.

      Now no SQL on the other hand.

      Well let's start by making something clear.

      No SQL isn't one single thing.

      No SQL as the name suggests is everything which doesn't fit into the SQL mold.

      Everything which isn't relational.

      But that represents a large set of alternative database models which I'll cover in this lesson.

      One common major difference which applies to most no SQL database models is that generally there is a much more relaxed concept of a schema.

      Generally they all have weak schemers or no schemers and relationships between tables are also handled very differently.

      Both of these impact the situations that a particular model is right for and that's something that you need to understand at a high level for the exam and also when you're picking a database model for use in the real world.

      Before I talk about the different database models I wanted to visually give you an idea of how relational database management systems known as RDBMSs or SQL systems conceptualize the data that you store within them.

      Consider an example of a simple PET database.

      You have three humans and for those three humans you want to record the PETs that those humans are owned by.

      The key component of any SQL based database system is a table.

      Now every table has columns and these are known as attributes.

      The column has a name, its attribute name and then within each row of that table each column has to have a value and this is known as the attribute value.

      So in this table for example the columns are f name, first name, l name, last name and age and then for each of the rows 1, 2 and 3 the row has an attribute value for each of the columns.

      So each of the attributes which are the columns have an attribute value in each row.

      Now generally the way that data is modeled in a relational database management system or a SQL database system is that data which relates together is stored within a table.

      So in this case all of the data on the humans is stored within one table.

      Every row in the table has to be uniquely identifiable and so we define something that's known as a primary key.

      This is unique in the table and every row of that table has to have a unique value for this attribute.

      So note in this table how every row has a unique value 1, 2 and 3 for this primary key.

      Now with this database model we've also got a similar table for the animals.

      So we've got whiskers and woofy and they also have a primary key that's been defined which is the animal or AID.

      And this primary key on this table also has to have a unique value in every row on the table.

      So in this case whiskers is animal ID 1 and woofy is animal ID 2.

      Each table in a relational database management system can have different attributes but for a particular table every row in that table needs to have a value stored for every attribute in that table.

      So see how the animals table has name and types whereas the human table has first name, last name and age.

      But note how in both tables for every row every attribute has to have a value.

      Because SQL systems are relational we generally define relationships between the tables.

      Now this is a join table.

      It makes it easy to have many to many relationships.

      So a human could have many animals and each animal can have many human minions.

      A join table has what's known as a composite key which is a key formed of two parts.

      And for composite keys together they have to be unique.

      So notice how the second and third rows have the same animal ID.

      That's fine because the human ID is different.

      As long as the composite key in its entirety is unique that's also fine.

      Now the keys in different tables are how the relationships between the tables are defined.

      So in this example the human table has a relationship with the join table.

      It allows each human to have multiple animals and each animal to have multiple humans.

      In this example the animal ID of two which is woofy is linked to human ID two and three which is Julie and James.

      They're both woofies minions because that doggo needs double the amount of tasty treats.

      Now all these keys and the relationships are defined in advance.

      This is done using the schema.

      It's fixed and it's very difficult to change after the first piece of data goes in.

      The fact that this schema is so fixed and has to be declared in advance makes it difficult for a sequel or a relational system to store any data which has rapidly changing relationships.

      And a good example of this is a social network such as Facebook where relationships change all the time.

      So this is a simple example of a relational database system.

      It generally has multiple tables, a table stores data which is related so humans and animals.

      Tables have fixed schemas.

      They have attributes.

      They have rows.

      Each row has a unique primary key value and has to contain some value for all of the attributes in the table.

      And in those tables they have relationships between each other which are also fixed and defined in advance.

      So this is sequel.

      This is relational database modelling.

      Okay so this is the end of part one of this lesson.

      It was getting a little bit on the long side and so I wanted to add a break.

      It's an opportunity just to take a rest or grab a coffee.

      Part two will be continuing immediately from the end of part one.

      So go ahead complete the video and when you're ready join me in part two.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk through how we implement DNSSEC using Route 53.

      Now if you haven't already watched my DNS and DNSSEC fundamentals video series you should pause this video and watch those before continuing.

      Assuming that you have let's jump in and get started.

      Now you should be familiar with this architecture.

      This is how Route 53 works normally.

      In this example I'm using the animals for live.org domain so a query against this would start with our laptop, go to a DNS resolver then to the root servers looking for details of the .org top level domain and then it would go to the .org top level domain name servers looking for animals for live.org and then it would proceed to the four name servers which are hosting the animals for live.org zone using Route 53.

      On the right hand side here we have an AWS VPC using the plus two address which is the Route 53 resolver and those instances can query the animals for live.org domain from inside the VPC.

      Now enabling DNSSEC on a Route 53 hosted zone is done from either the Route 53 console UI or the CLI and once initiated the process starts with KMS.

      This part can either be done separately or as part of enabling DNSSEC signing for the hosted zone but in either case an asymmetric key pair is created within KMS meaning a public part and a private part.

      Now you can think of these conceptually as the key signing keys or KSKs but in actual fact the KSK is created from these keys.

      These aren't the actual keys but this is a nuance which isn't required at this level.

      So these keys are used to create the public and private key signing keys which Route 53 uses and these keys need to be in the US East 1 region that's really important so keep that in mind.

      Next Route 53 creates the zone signing keys internally.

      This is really important to understand both the creation and the management of the zone signing keys is handled internally within Route 53.

      KMS isn't involved.

      Next Route 53 adds the key signing key and the zone signing key public parts into a DNS key record within the hosted zone.

      This tells any DNSSEC resolvers which public keys to use to verify the signatures on any other records in this zone.

      Next the private key signing key is used to sign those DNS key records and create the RRSIG DNS key record and these signatures mean that any DNSSEC resolver can verify that the DNS key records are valid and unchanged.

      Now at this point that's signing within the zone configured which is step one.

      Next Route 53 has to establish the chain of trust with the parent zone.

      The parent zone needs to add a DS record or delegated signer record which is a hash of the public part of the key signing key for this zone and so we need to make this happen.

      Now how we do this depends on if the domain is registered via Route 53.

      If so the registered domains area of the Route 53 console or the equivalent CLI command can be used to make this change.

      Route 53 will liaise with the appropriate top level domain and add the delegated signer record.

      Now if we didn't register the domain using Route 53 and are instead just using it to host the zone then we're going to need to perform this step manually.

      Once done the top level domain in this case.org will trust this domain via the delegated signer record which as I mentioned is a hash of the domains public key signing key and the domain zone will sign all records within it either using the key signing or zone signing keys.

      As part of enabling this you should also make sure to configure cloud watch alarms.

      Specifically create alarms for DNSSEC internal failure and DNSSEC key signing keys needing action.

      Both of these indicate a DNSSEC issue with the zone which needs to be resolved urgently.

      Either an issue with the key signing key itself or a problem interacting with KMS.

      Lastly you might want to consider enabling DNSSEC validation for VPCs.

      This means for any DNSSEC enabled zones if any records fail validation due to a mismatch signature or otherwise not being trusted they won't be returned.

      This doesn't impact non-DNSSEC enabled zones which will always return results and this is how to work with the Route 53 implementation of DNSSEC.

      What I wanted to do now is step you through an actual implementation of DNSSEC for a hosted zone within Route 53 and to do that we're going to need to move across to my AWS console.

      Okay so now we're at the AWS console and I'm going to step you through an example of enabling DNSSEC on a Route 53 domain and to get started I'm going to make sure I'm in an AWS account where I have admin permissions.

      In this case I'm logged in as the I am admin user which is an I am identity with admin permissions.

      As always I'm going to make sure that I have the Northern Virginia region selected and once I've done that I'm going to go ahead and open Route 53 in a new tab.

      In my case it's already inside recently visited services if it's not you can just search for it in the search box at the top but I'm going to go ahead and open Route 53.

      So I'm going to go to the Route 53 console and click on hosted zones and in my case I've got two hosted zones animals for life.org and animals for life 1337.org.

      I'm going to go ahead and DNSSEC enable animals for life.org so I'm going to go ahead and go inside this hosted zone.

      Now if I just go ahead and move across to my command prompt and if I run this command so dig animals for life.org and then DNS key with plus DNSSEC this will query this domain attempting to look for any DNS key records using DNSSEC and as you can see there are no DNSSEC results returned which is logical because this domain is not enabled for DNSSEC.

      So moving back to this console I'm going to click on DNSSEC signing under the domain and then click on enable DNSSEC signing.

      Now if this were a production domain the order of these steps really matters and you need to make sure that you wait for certain time periods before conducting each of these steps.

      Specifically you need to make sure that you're making changes taking into consideration the TTL values within your domain.

      I'll include a link attached to this video which details all of these time critical prerequisites that you need to make sure you consider before enabling DNS signing.

      In my case I don't need to worry about that because this is a fresh empty domain.

      The first thing we're going to do is create a key signing key and as I mentioned earlier in this video this is done using a KMS key.

      So the first thing I'm going to do is to specify a KSK name so a key signing key name and I'm going to call it A4L KSK for Animals for Life key signing key.

      Next you'll need to decide on which key to use within KMS to create this key signing key.

      Now unfortunately the user interface is a little bit inconsistent.

      AWS have decided to rename CMKs to KMS keys so you might see the interface looking slightly different when you're doing this video.

      Regardless you need to create a KMS key so check the box saying create customer managed CMK or create KMS key depending on what state the user interface is in and you'll need to give a name to this key and again this is creating an asymmetric KMS key.

      So I'm going to call it A4L KSK and then KMS key and once I've done that I can go ahead and click on create KSK and enable signing.

      Now behind the scenes this is creating an asymmetric KMS key and using this to create the key signing key pair that this hosted zone is going to use.

      Now this part of the process can take a few minutes and so I'm going to skip ahead until this part has completed.

      Okay so that's completed and that means that we now have an active key signing key within this hosted zone and that means it's also created a zone signing key within this hosted zone.

      If I go back to my terminal and I rerun this same command and press enter you'll see that we still get the same empty results and this can be because of caching so I need to wait a few minutes before this will update.

      If I run it again now we can see for the same query it now returns DNS key records so one for 256 which represents the zone signing key so the public part of that key pair and one for 257 which represents the key signing key again the public part of that key pair and then we have the corresponding RRSIG DNS key record which is a signature of these using the private key signing key so now internally we've got DNSSEC signing enabled for this hosted zone and what we need to do now is create the chain of trust with the parent zone in this case the .org top level domain.

      Now to do that because I've also registered this domain using Route 53 I can do that from the registered domains area of the console so I'll open that in a brand new tab.

      I'm going to go there and then I'm going to go to the animals for life dot org registered domain and this is the area of the console where I can make changes and Route 53 will liaise with the .org top level domain and enter those changes into the .org zone.

      Now the area that I'm specifically interested in is the DNSSEC status currently this is set to disabled.

      What I'm going to do is to click on manage keys and it's here where I can enter the public key specifically it's going to be the public key signing key of the animals for life dot org zone and I'm going to enter it so that it creates the delegated signer record in the .org domain which establishes this chain of trust.

      So first I'm going to change the key type to KSK then I'm going to go back to our hosted zone and I'm going to click on view information to create DS record then I'm going to expand establish a chain of trust and depending on what type of registrar you used you either need to follow the bottom instructions or these if you used Route 53 and I did so I can go ahead and use the Route 53 registrar details.

      Now the first thing you need to do is to make sure that you're using the correct signing algorithm so it's ecds ap 256 char 256 so I'm going to go ahead and move back to the registered domains console click on the algorithm drop down and select the matching signing algorithm so ecds ap 256 char 256.

      Next I'll go back and I'll need to copy the public key into my clipboard so remember a delegated signer record is just a hash of the public part of the key signing key so this is what I'm copying into my clipboard this is the public key of this key signing key so I'm going to go back and paste this in and then click on add now this is going to initiate a process where Route 53 are going to make the changes to the animals for life dot org part of the .org top level domain zone so specifically in the .org top level domain zone there's going to be an entry for animals for life dot org by default for normal DNS this is going to contain name server records which delegate through to Route 53 what this process is going to do is also add a DS record which is a delegated signer record and it is going to contain a hash of this public key now that will take a few minutes to take effect that's not a process which only involves Route 53 it also involves the .org top level domain so it can take a few minutes it can actually take anywhere up to a few hours and depends somewhat on the top level domain as well as the relationship with that entity which Route 53 has so I'm just going to go ahead and refresh this we can see that the DNS sec status has changed and we've now got this entry so now if I move back to my terminal I'm going to clear the screen to make it easier to see and now I'm going to run this command so dig space org because I want to do a query on the org top level domain space NS and then a space plus short and this will give me a listing at the authoritative name servers for the .org top level domain and I'm going to pick one of those servers so I'm gonna go ahead and pick the top one then I'm going to run this command so dig animals for live.org which is my hosted zone then a space I want to query DS records so delegated signers then an at sign and then the host name of the .org top level domain name server so this is going to mean that we're querying one specific name server and then press enter now if you don't see any DS record returned again it's because of DNS caching and again there is a delay between when you make the changes within Route 53 and when this takes effect within the DNS hierarchy so I'll clear the screen again rerun that command again I'm not getting any DS record returned so at this point I'm going to skip ahead to when the .org top level domain have updated with the changes that we've just made now in my case after about five more minutes this was added so note off from the same command so dig space animals for live.org and then DS for delegated signer and then at and then one of the .org TLD name servers so I'm querying for the delegated signer record for my domain and we can see here in the answers section we've got it here so animals for life DS for delegated signer and then here we've got the record and this record contains a hash of my public key signing key that's used for the animals for live.org domain so now I've established the chain of trust from the .org top level domain through to my hosted zone inside AWS and then because I've enabled the NSX signing it means if I create any records within this domain then they too will be signed so for test that if I go ahead and click on create record I'm going to use simple routing define a simple record going to call this test so test dot animals for live.org it's going to be an a record type I'm going to choose IP address or another value and then I'm just going to enter a test IP address so and a TTL of one minute and then I'm going to define that simple record and create the record now for just refresh this inside the hosted zone for the UI you won't see anything which looks different however if I move back to my terminal clear the screen to make it easy to see and do a dig space test dot animals for live.org and then a space and then a and press enter that's going to do a normal DNS query for this a record so we can see it test animals for live dot org it's an a record and then it points at if I run the same command only now put plus DNS sec and press enter now we can see in addition to the normal DNS query result now we have the DNS sec RR sick and this is a signature of the record above using the private part of the zone signing key and this signature can be verified using the DNS key record which contains the public zone signing key so now we have an end-to-end chain of trust from the DNS route all the way through to this resource record now that's everything I wanted to cover in this video I just wanted to give you an overview of how to implement a DNS sec within route 53 both from a theory and practical perspective at this point that's the end of the video so go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to cover Route 53 interoperability.

      What I mean by that is using Route 53 to register domains or to host zone files when the other part of that is not with Route 53.

      Generally both of these things are performed together by Route 53 but it's possible for Route 53 just to do one or the other.

      So let's start by stepping through exactly what I mean.

      When you register a domain using Route 53 it actually does two jobs at the same time.

      While these two jobs are done together conceptually they're two different things.

      Route 53 acts as a domain registrar and it provides domain hosting so it can do both which is what happens initially when you register a domain or it can be a domain registrar alone or it can host domains alone.

      It might only do one of them if for example you register a domain elsewhere and you want to use it with Route 53 and I want to take the time in this video to explain those edge case scenarios.

      So let's quickly step through what happens when you register a domain using Route 53.

      So first it accepts your money the domain registration fee.

      This is a one-off fee or more specifically a once a year or once every three-year fee for actually registering the domain.

      Next it allocates for Route 53 DNS servers called name servers then it creates a zone file which it hosts on the four name servers that I've just talked about.

      So that's the domain hosting part allocating those servers and creating and hosting the zone file.

      If you hear me mention domain hosting that's what it means.

      Then once the domain hosting is sorted Route 53 communicates with the registry for the specific top level domain that you're registering your domain within so they have a relationship with the registry.

      So Route 53 is acting as the domain registrar the company registering the domain on your behalf with the domain registry and the domain registry is the company or entity responsible for the specific top level domain.

      So Route 53 gets the registry to add an entry for the domain say for example animalsforlife.org.

      Inside this entry it adds four name server records and it points these records at the four name servers that I've just been talking about.

      This is the domain registrar part.

      So the registrar registers the domain on your behalf that's one duty and then another entity provides DNS or domain hosting and that's another duty.

      Often these are both provided by Route 53 but they don't have to be so fix in your mind these two different parts the registrar which is the company who registers the domain on your behalf and the domain hosting which is how you add and manage records within hosted zones.

      So let's step through this visually looking at a few different options.

      First we have a traditional architecture where you register and host a domain using Route 53.

      So on the left conceptually we have the registrar role and this is within the registered domains area of the Route 53 console.

      On the right we have the DNS hosting role and this is managed in the public hosted zone part of the Route 53 console.

      So step one is to register a domain within Route 53.

      For now let's assume that it's the animalsforlife.org domain.

      So you liaise with Route 53 and you pay the fee required to register a domain which is a per year or per three year fee.

      Now assuming nobody else has registered the domain before the process continues.

      First the Route 53 registrar liaisers with the Route 53 DNS hosting entity and it creates a public hosted zone which allocates for Route 53 name servers to host that zone which are then returned to the registrar.

      I want to keep driving home that conceptually the registrar and the hosting are separate functions of Route 53 because it makes everything easier to understand.

      Once the registrar has these four name servers it passes all of this along through to the .org top level domain registry.

      The registry is the manager of the .org top level domain zone file and it's via this entity that records are created in the top level domain zone for the animalsforlife.org domain.

      So entries are added for our domain which point at the four name servers which are created and managed by Route 53 and that's how the domain becomes active on the public DNS system.

      At this point we've paid once for the domain registration to the registrar which is Route 53 and we also have to pay a monthly fee to host the domain so the hosted zone and with this architecture this is also paid to Route 53.

      So this is a traditional architecture and this is what you get if you register and host a domain using Route 53 and this is a default configuration.

      So when you register a domain while you might see it as one step it's actually two different steps done by two different conceptual entities the registrar and the domain hoster and it's important to distinguish between these two whenever you think about DNS.

      But now let's have a look at two different configurations where we're not using Route 53 for both of these different components.

      This time Route 53 is acting as a registrar only so we still pay Route 53 for the domain they still liaise on our behalf with the registry for the top level domain but this time a different entity is hosting the domain so the zone file and the name servers and let's assume for this example it's a company called Hover.

      This architecture involves more manual steps because the registrar and the DNS hosting entity are separate so as the DNS admin you would need to create a hosted zone.

      The third party provider would generally charge a monthly fee to host that zone on name servers that they manage.

      You would need to get the details of those servers once it's been created and pass those details on to Route 53 and Route 53 would then liaise with the .org top level domain registry and set those name server records within the domain to point at the name servers managed in this case by Hover.

      With this configuration which I'll admit I don't see all that often in the wild the domain is managed by Route 53 but the zone file and any records within it are managed by the third party domain hosting provider in this case Hover.

      Now the reason why I don't think we see this all that often in the wild is the domain registrar functionality that Route 53 provides it's nothing special.

      With this architecture you're not actually using Route 53 for domain hosting and domain hosting is the part of Route 53 which adds most of the value.

      If anything this is the worst way to manage domains let's look at another more popular architecture which I see fairly often in the wild and that's using Route 53 for domain hosting only.

      Now you might see this either when a business needs to register domains via a third party provider maybe they have an existing business deal or business discount or you might have domains which have already been historically registered with another provider and where you want to get the benefit that Route 53 DNS hosting provides.

      With this architecture the domain is registered via a third party domain registrar in this case Hover so it's the registrar in this example who liais with the top level domain registry but we use Route 53 to host the domain.

      So at some point either when the domain is being created or afterwards we have to create a public hosted zone within Route 53.

      This creates the zone and the name servers to host the zone obviously for a monthly fee.

      So once this has been created we pass those details through to the registrar who liais with the registry for the top level domain and then those name server records are added to the top level domain meaning the hosted zone is now active on the public internet.

      Now it's possible to do this when registering the domain so you could register the domain with Hover and immediately provide Route 53 name servers or you might have a domain that's been registered years ago and you now want to use Route 53 for hosting and record management.

      So you can use this architecture either while registering a domain or after the fact by creating the public hosted zone and then updating the name server records in the domain via the third party registrar and then the dot org registry.

      Now I know that this might seem complex but if you just keep going back to basics and thinking about Route 53 as two things then it's much easier.

      Route 53 offers a component which registers the domain so this is the registrar and it also offers a component which hosts the zone files and provides managed DNS name servers.

      If you understand that both of those are different things and when you normally register a domain using Route 53 both of them are being used.

      A hosted zone is created for you and then via the registrar part it's added to the domain record by the top level domain registry.

      If you understand that so see these as two completely different components then it's easy to understand how you can use Route 53 for only one of them and a separate third-party company for the other.

      Now generally I think Route 53 is one of the better DNS providers on the market and so generally for my own domains I will use Route 53 for both the registrar and the domain hosting components but depending on your architecture, depending on any legacy configuration, you might have a requirement to use different entities for these different parts and that's especially important if you're a developer looking at writing applications that take advantage of DNS or if you're an engineer looking to implement or fault find these type of architectures.

      Now with that being said that's everything I wanted to cover in this theory video I just wanted to give you a brief overview of some of the different types of scenarios that you might find in more complex Route 53 situations.

      At this point go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready.

      I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to talk about Geoproximity routing which is another routing policy available within Route 53.

      So let's just jump in and get started.

      Geoproximity aims to provide records which are as close to your customers as possible.

      If you recall latency based routing provides the record which has the lowest estimated latency between your customer and the region that the record is in.

      Geoproximity aims to calculate the distance between a customer and a record and answer with the lowest distance.

      Now it might seem similar to latency but this routing policy works on distance and also provides a few key benefits which I'll talk about in this video.

      When using Geoproximity you define rules so you define the region that a resource is created in if it's an AWS resource or provide the latitude and longitude coordinates if it's an external resource.

      You also define a bias but more on that in a second.

      Let's say that you have three resources one in America, one in the UK and one in Australia.

      Well we can define rules which means that requests are routed to those resources.

      If these were resources in AWS we could define the region that the resources were located in so maybe US East 1 or AP South East 2.

      If the resources were external so non-AWS resources we could define their location based on coordinates but in either case Route 53 knows the location of these resources.

      It also knows the location of the customers making the requests and so it will direct those requests at the closest resource.

      Now we're always going to have some situations where customers in countries without any resources are using our systems.

      In this case Saudi Arabia which is over 10,000 kilometers away from Australia and about 6,700 kilometers away from the UK.

      Under normal circumstances this would mean that the UK resource would be returned for any users in Saudi Arabia.

      What geo proximity allows us to do though is to define a bias.

      So rather than just using the actual physical distance we can adjust how Route 53 handles the calculation.

      We can define a plus or minus bias.

      So for example with the UK we might define a plus bias meaning the effective area of service for the UK resource is increased larger than it otherwise would be.

      And we could do the same for the Australian resource but maybe providing a much larger plus bias.

      Now routing is distance based but it includes this bias.

      So in this case we can influence Route 53 so that customers from Saudi Arabia are routed to the Australian resource rather than the UK one.

      Geo proximity routing lets Route 53 route traffic to your resources based on the geographic location of your users and your resources.

      But you can optionally choose to route more traffic or less traffic to a given resource by specifying a value.

      The value is called a bias.

      A bias expands or shrinks the size of a geographic region that is used for traffic to be routed to.

      So even in the example of the UK where it's just a single relatively small country by adding a plus bias we can effectively make the size larger.

      So that more surrounding countries route towards that resource.

      In the case of Australia by adding an even larger bias we can make it so that countries even in the Middle East route towards Australia rather than the closer resource in the UK.

      So geo proximity routing is a really flexible routing type that not only allows you to control routing decisions based on the locations of your users and resources.

      It also allows you to place a bias on these rules to influence those routing decisions.

      So this is a really important one to understand and it will come in really handy for a certain set of use cases.

      Now thanks for watching.

      That's everything that I wanted to cover in this video.

      Go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to talk about geolocation routing which is another routing policy available within Route 53.

      Now this is going to be a pretty brief video so let's jump in and get started.

      In many ways geolocation routing is similar to latency.

      Only instead of latency the location of customers and the location of resources are used to influence resolution decisions.

      With geolocation routing when you create records you tag the records with the location.

      Now this location is generally a country so using ISO standard country codes it can be continents again using ISO continent codes such as SA for South America in this case or records can be tagged with default.

      Now there's a fourth type which is known as a subdivision.

      In America you can tag records with the state that the record belongs to.

      Now when a user is making a resolution request an IP check verifies the location of the user.

      Depending on the DNS system this can be the user directly or the resolver server but in most cases these are one and the same in terms of the user's location.

      So we have the location of the user and we have the location of the records.

      What happens next is important because geolocation doesn't return the closest record it only returns relevant records.

      When a resolution request happens Route 53 takes the location of the user and it starts checking for any matching records.

      First if the user doing the resolution request is based in the US then it checks the state of the user and it tries to match any records which have a state allocated to them.

      If any records match they're returned and the process stops.

      If no state records match then it checks the country of the user.

      If any records are tagged with that country then they're returned and the process stops.

      Then it checks the continent.

      If any records match the continent that the user is based in then they're returned and the process stops.

      Now you can also define a default record which is returned if no record is relevant for that user.

      If nothing matches though so there are no records that match the user's location and there's no default record then a no answer is returned.

      So to stress again this type of routing policy does not return the closest record it only returns any which are applicable or the default or it returns no answer.

      So geolocation is ideal if you want to restrict content.

      For example providing content for the US market only.

      If you want to do that then you can create a US record and only people located in the US will receive that record as a response for any queries.

      You can also use this policy type to provide language specific content or to load balance across regional endpoints based on customer location.

      Now one last time because this is really important for the exam and for real world usage.

      This routing policy type is not about the closest record geolocation returns relevant locations only.

      You will not get a Canadian record returned if you're based in the UK and no closer records exist.

      The smallest type of record is a subdivision which is a US state then you have country then you have continent and finally optionally a default record.

      Use the geolocation routing policy if you want to route traffic based on the location of your customers.

      Now it's important that you understand which is why I've stressed this so much that geolocation isn't about proximity.

      It's about location.

      You only have records returned if the location is relevant.

      So if you're based in the US but are based in a different state than a record you won't get that record.

      If you're based in the US and there is a record which is tagged as the US as a country then you will get that record returned.

      If there isn't a country specific record but there is one for the continent that you're in you'll get that record returned and then the default is a catchall.

      It's optional if you choose to add it then it's returned if your user is in a location where you don't have a specific record tagged to that location.

      Now that's everything that I wanted to cover in this video.

      Thanks for watching.

      Go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to talk about latency based routing which is yet another routing policy available within Route 53.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      Latency based routing should be used when you're trying to optimize for performance and user experience.

      When you want Route 53 to return records which can provide better performance.

      So how does it work?

      Well it starts with a hosted zone within Route 53 and some records with the same name.

      So in this case www, three of those records, they're A records and so they point at IP addresses.

      In addition for each of the records you can specify a record region.

      So US East 1, US West 1 and AP Southeast 2 in this example.

      Latency based routing supports one record with the same name for each AWS region.

      The idea is that you're specifying the region where the infrastructure for that record is located.

      Now in the background AWS maintains a database of latencies between different regions of the world.

      So when a user makes a resolution request it will know that that user is in Australia in this example.

      It does this by using an IP lookup service and because it has a database of latencies it will know that a user in Australia will have a certain latency to US East 1, a certain latency to US West 1 and hopefully the lowest latency to a record which is tagged to be in the Asia Pacific region.

      So AP Southeast 2.

      So that record is selected and it's returned to the user and used to connect to resources.

      Latency based routing can also be combined with health checks.

      If a record is unhealthy then the next lowest latency is returned to the client making the resolution request.

      This type of routing policy is designed to improve performance for global applications by directing traffic towards infrastructure with the best, so lowest latency for users accessing that application.

      It's worth noting though that the database which AWS maintain isn't real time.

      It's updated in the background and doesn't really account for any local networking issues but it's better than nothing and can significantly help with performance of your applications.

      Now that's all of the theory that I wanted to cover about latency based routing.

      So go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      In this video I want to talk about weighted routing, which is another routing policy available within Route 53.

      So let's jump in and get started straight away.

      Weighted routing can be used when you're looking for a simple form of load balancing or when you want to test new versions of software.

      Like all other types of routing policy it starts with a hosted zone and in this hosted zone you guessed it records.

      In this case three www records.

      Now these are all a records and so they point at IP addresses and let's assume that these are three EC2 instances.

      With weighted routing you're able to specify a weight for each record and this is called the record weight.

      Let's assume 40 for the top record, 40 for the middle and 20 for the record at the bottom.

      Now how this record weight works is that for a given name www in this case the total weight is calculated.

      So 40 plus 40 plus 20 for a total of 100.

      Each record then gets returned based on its weighting versus the total weight.

      So in this example it means that the top record is returned 40% of the time, the middle also 40% of the time and the bottom record gets returned 20% of the time.

      Setting a record weight to zero means that it's never returned so you can do this if temporarily you don't want a particular record to be returned unless all of the records are set to zero in which case they're all returned.

      So any of the records with the same name are returned based on its weight versus the total weight.

      Now I've kept this example simple by using record weights that total 100 so it makes it easy to view them as percentages but the same formula is used regardless.

      An individual record is returned based on its weight versus the total weight.

      Now you can combine weighted routing with health checks and if you do so when a record is selected based on the above weight calculation if that record is unhealthy then the process repeats.

      It's skipped over until a healthy record is selected and then that one's returned.

      Health checks don't remove records from the calculation and so don't adjust the total weight.

      The process is followed normally but if an unhealthy record is selected to be returned it's just skipped over and the process repeats until a healthy record is selected.

      Now weighted routing as I mentioned at the start is great for very simple load balancing or when you want to test new software versions.

      If you want to have 5% of resolution requests go to a particular server which is running a new version of Catergram then you have that option.

      So weighted routing is really useful when you have a group of records with the same name and want to control the distribution so the amount of time that each of them is returned in response to queries.

      Now that's everything I wanted to cover in this video so go ahead finish the video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      In this video, I want to talk about multivalu routing, which is another routing policy available within Route 53.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      Multivalu routing in many ways is like a mixture between simple and failover, taking the benefits of each and merging them into one routing policy.

      With multivalu routing, we start with a hosted zone, and with multivalu routing, you can actually create many records all with the same name.

      In this case, we have three www records, and each of those records in this example is an a record, which maps onto an IP address.

      Each of the records when using this routing type can have an associated health check, and when queried, up to eight healthy records are returned to the client.

      If you have more than eight records, then eight are selected at random.

      Now at this point, the client picks one of those values and uses it to connect to the resource.

      Because each of the records is health checked, any of the records which fail the check, such as the bottom record in this example, won't be returned to the client, and won't be selected by the client when connecting to resources.

      So multivalu routing, it aims to improve availability by allowing a more active, active approach to DNS.

      You can use it if you have multiple resources, which can all service requests, and you want to select one at random.

      Now it's not a substitute for a load balancer, which handles the actual connection process from a network perspective, but the ability to return multiple health checkable IP addresses is a way to use DNS to improve availability of an application.

      So simple routing has no health checks and is generally used for a single resource, such as a web server.

      Failover is used for active backup architectures, commonly with an S3 bucket as a backup, whereas multivalu is used when you have many resources which can all service requests, and you want them all health checked and then returned at random.

      So any healthy records will be returned to the client.

      If you have more than eight, they'll be returned randomly.

      OK, so that's everything for this type of routing policy.

      Go ahead and complete the video when you're ready, and I'll look forward to you joining me in the next video.

    1. Welcome back.

      In this video I want to quickly step through a topic which confuses people who are new to DNS and Route 53 and that's the difference between C names and alias records.

      Now I've seen exam questions which test your understanding of when to use one versus the other, so let's quickly go through the key things which you need to know.

      Now let's start by describing the problem that we have if we only use C names.

      So in DNS an A record maps a name to an IP address, for example the name Categor.io to the IP address

      By now that should make sense.

      A C name on the other hand maps a name to another name, so if you had the above A record for Categor.io then you could create a C name record for Categor.io, pointing at Categor.io.

      It's a way to create another alternative name for something within DNS.

      The problem is that you can't use a C name for the apex of a domain, also known as the naked domain.

      So you couldn't have a C name record for Categor.io pointing at something else, it just isn't supported within the DNS standard.

      Now this is a problem because many AWS services such as Elastic Load Balancers, they don't give you an IP address to use, they give you a DNS name.

      And this means that if you only use C names, pointing the naked Categor.io at an Elastic Load Balancer wouldn't be supported.

      You could point www.categor.io at an Elastic Load Balancer because using a C name for a normal DNS record is fine, but you can't use a C name for the domain Apex, also known as the naked domain.

      Now this is a problem which alias records fix.

      So for anything that's not the naked domain where you want to point a name at another name, C name records are fine.

      They might not be optimal as I'll talk about in a second, but they will work.

      For the naked domain known as the Apex of a domain, if you need to point at another name such as Elastic Load Balancers, you can't use C names.

      But let's go through the solution, alias records.

      An alias record generally maps a name onto an AWS resource.

      Now it has other functions, but at this level let's focus on the AWS resource part.

      Alias records can be used for both the naked domain known as the domain Apex or for normal records.

      For normal records such as www.categor.io, you could use C names or alias records in most cases.

      But for naked domains known as the domain Apex, you have to use alias records if you want to point at AWS resources.

      For AWS resources, AWS try to encourage you to use alias records and they do this by making it free for requests made where an alias record points at an AWS resource.

      So generally in most production situations and for the exam default to picking alias records for anything in a domain where you're pointing at AWS resources.

      Now an alias is actually a subtype.

      You can have an A record alias and a C name record alias and this is confusing at first.

      But the way I think about this is both of them are alias records, but you need to match the record type with the type of the record you're pointing at.

      So take the example of an elastic load balancer.

      With an ELB, you're given an A record for the elastic load balancer.

      It's a name which points at an IP address.

      So you have to create an A record alias if you want to point at the DNS name provided by the elastic load balancer.

      If the record that the resource provides is an A record, then you need to use an A record alias.

      So you're going to use alias records when you're pointing at AWS services such as the API gateway, cloud front, elastic beanstalk, elastic load balancers, global accelerator and even S3 buckets.

      And you're going to experience this last one in a demo lesson which is coming up very soon.

      Now it's going to make a lot more sense when you see it in action elsewhere in the course.

      For now, I just want to make sure that you understand the theory of both the limitations of C name records and the benefits that alias records provide.

      Now the alias is a type of record that's been implemented by AWS and it's outside of the usual DNS standard.

      So it's something that in this form you can only use if Route 53 is hosting your domains.

      Keep that in mind as I talk about more of the features of Route 53 as we move through this section of the course.

      But at this point, that's everything that I wanted to cover.

      So go ahead, complete this video and when you're ready, I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      This is part two of this lesson.

      We're going to continue immediately from the end of part one.

      So let's get started.

      Now one final thing before we finish with this demo lesson, and I want to talk about private hosted zones.

      So move back to the Route 53 console.

      I'm going to go to Hosted Zones, and I'm going to create a private hosted zone.

      So click "Create Hosted Zone" because it's a private hosted zone, it doesn't even need to be one that I actually own.

      So I'm going to call my hosted zone "IlikeDogsReally.com".

      It's going to be a private hosted zone.

      And for now, I'm going to associate it with the default VPC in US-East-1.

      So I'm going to pick the region, US-East, and then select Northern Virginia, and then click in the VPC ID box, and we should see two VPCs listed.

      One is the Animals for Life VPC, it's tagged A4L-VPC1, but I'm not going to pick this one, I'm going to pick the one without any text after it, which is the default VPC.

      So once that's set, I'm going to create the hosted zone.

      Then inside the hosted zone, I'm going to create a record.

      The record's going to use the simple routing policy.

      Click on "Next".

      I'm going to define a simple record.

      I'm going to call it "www".

      The record type is going to be "a routes traffic to an IP version 4 address and some resources".

      I'm going to click in this endpoint box and select IP address or another value, depending on record type.

      And then into this box, I'm just going to put a test IP address of

      And then down at the bottom, I'm going to click "1M" to change this TTL to 60 seconds.

      And I'm going to click "Define simple record".

      And then finally, "Create records".

      So now we have a record called "www.ilikedogsrealy.com".

      So copy that into the clipboard.

      Move back to the EC2 console.

      Click on "Dashboard".

      Click on "Instances running".

      Right click, "Connect".

      We're going to use EC2 "Instance connect".

      And then just click on "Connect".

      Now once connected, I'm going to try pinging the record which I just created.

      So "Ping Space" and then paste in "www.ilikedogsrealy.com" and press "Enter".

      What you should see is "Name or service not found".

      The reason for this is the private hosted zone which we created is currently associated with the default VPC.

      And this instance is not in the default VPC.

      To enable this instance to resolve records inside this private hosted zone, we need to associate it with the "Animals for Life" VPC.

      So go back to the Route 53 console.

      Expand "Hoster Zone Details" and then "Edit hosted zone".

      Scroll down and we're going to add another VPC.

      In the region drop down, "US-East-1" and then in the "Choose VPC" box select "A4L-VPC-1".

      Scroll down and save changes.

      Now this might take a few seconds to take effect, but if we go back to the EC2 instance and try to run this ping again, and we still get "Name or service not found".

      So what I want you to do is go ahead and pause this video, wait for 4 or 5 minutes and then resume and try this command again.

      Now in my case it took about 5 minutes, but after a while I can now ping www.ilikedogsreally.com because I've now associated this private hosted zone with the VPC that this instance is running from.

      Now that's everything that I wanted to cover in this demo lesson, so all that remains is for us to clean up all of the infrastructure which we've created in this demo lesson.

      So if we go back to the Route 53 console and select "Health Checks", first we're going to delete the health check.

      So select "A4L Health" and click on "Delete Health Check" and confirm.

      Click on "Hostered Zones".

      Go inside the private hosted zone that you created.

      Select the www.ilikedogsreally.com record and then click on "Delete Record".

      Confirm that deletion.

      Go back to "Hostered Zones".

      Select the entire private hosted zone and click on "Delete".

      Type "Delete" and then click to confirm.

      And that will delete the entire private hosted zone.

      Then go inside the public hosted zone that you have.

      Select the two www records that you created earlier in this lesson.

      Click on "Delete Records".

      Click "Delete" to confirm.

      Then go to the S3 console.

      Click on the bucket that you created earlier in this lesson.

      Click "Empty".

      Copy and paste or type "Permanently Delete" and click on "Empty".

      Once that bucket is emptied click on "Exit".

      With it still selected click on "Delete".

      Copy and paste or type the full name into the box and click on "Delete Bucket".

      Then go to the EC2 console.

      Click the hamburger menu.

      Scroll down.

      Click "Elastic IPs".

      Select the elastic IP that you associated with the EC2 instance.

      Click on the actions drop down.

      Disassociate and then click to disassociate.

      With it still selected click on "Actions".

      Release elastic IP addresses and click on "Release".

      At that point all of the manually created infrastructure has been removed.

      Go back to the cloud formation console.

      Go to "Stacks".

      Select the stack that you created at the start of this lesson using the one click deployment.

      It should be called DNS and failover demo.

      Select it.

      Click on "Delete".

      Then click on "Delete Stack" to confirm that deletion.

      Once that's deleted the account will be back in the same state as it was at the start of the lesson.

      At this point that's everything I wanted to cover in this demo.

      I hope it's been enjoyable and it's given you some good practical experience of how to use failover routing and private hosted zones.

      That will be useful both for the exam and real world usage.

      At this point that's everything so go ahead and complete this video.

      When you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome to this demo lesson where you're going to get experience configuring fail-over routing as well as private hosted zones.

      Now with this demo lesson you have the choice of either following along in your own environment or watching me perform the steps.

      If you do wish to follow along in your own environment you will need a domain name that's registered within Route 53.

      Remember that was an optional step at the start of this course so if you did register a domain of your own then you can do this demo lesson.

      In my case I registered animals for life 1337.org.

      If you registered a domain it will be different and so wherever you see me use animals for life.org you need to replace it with your registered domain.

      If you didn't register one then you'll have to watch me perform all of these steps because you can't do this lesson without your own registered domain.

      In order to get started you need to make sure that you're logged in as the I am admin user of the general AWS account which is the management account of the organization and you'll need to have the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now we're going to need to create some infrastructure in order to perform this demo lesson so attached to this lesson is a one-click deployment link and you should go ahead and click that link now.

      That's going to take you to a quick create stack screen.

      Everything should be pre-populated the stack name is DNS and failover demo all you'll need to do is scroll down to the bottom check this capabilities box and then click on create stack.

      That's going to take a few minutes and it's going to create infrastructure that we're going to need to continue with the demo lesson so go ahead and pause the video wait for your stack to move into a create complete state and then we're good to continue.

      Okay so the stacks now in a create complete state and it's created a number of resources the most important one being a public EC2 instance so we just need to test this first so if you just click in the search box and type EC2 and then right click to open that in a new tab.

      Once you're there click on instances running and you should see a4l-web just select that under public IP version 4 just click on this symbol to copy the IP address into your clipboard make sure you don't click open address because that's going to try and use HTTPS which we don't want so copy this IP address into your clipboard and then open that in a new tab and you should see the animals for life super minimal homepage and if you see that it means everything's working as intended so go ahead and close down that tab.

      Now we also need to give this instance an elastic IP address so that it has a static public IP version 4 address now to give it an elastic IP on the menu on the left scroll down to the bottom under network and security select elastic IPs and then we need to allocate an elastic IP make sure us - east - 1 is in this box scroll down and click on allocate once the elastic IP address is allocated to this account select it click on actions and then associate elastic IP once we're at this screen make sure instance is selected click in this search box and then select a4l-web once selected click in the private IP address box and select the private IP address of this instance and then check the box to say allow this elastic IP address to be re-associated once all that's complete click on associate and that now means that our EC2 instance has been allocated with a static IP version 4 address now we're configuring failover DNS and so the EC2 instance is going to be our primary record so we're going to assume that this is the animals for life main website and we want to configure an S3 bucket which is running as the backup in case this EC2 instance fails so the next thing we need to do is to create the S3 bucket so click in the search box type S3 and open that in a new tab and then go to the S3 console and at this point we're going to create an S3 bucket and configure it as a static website now the naming of the S3 bucket is important earlier in the course you should have registered a domain name in my case I registered animals for life 1337.org so I'm going to create a bucket with the name www.animalsforlife1337.org you need to create one which is called www.and then the domain name that you registered so I'm going to click and create bucket the bucket name is www.animalsforlife1337.org and it's going to be in the US east northern Virginia region which is US-East-1 then we're going to scroll down and we're going to need to uncheck block all public access because this bucket is going to be used to host a static website I'll need to acknowledge that I'm okay with that so I'll do that and then scroll all the way down to the bottom and then I'm going to click on create bucket then I'm going to go inside the bucket click on upload and then add files now attach to this lesson is an assets file I want you to go ahead and download that file then extract it and wave extracted it it should create a folder called R53 underscore zones underscore and underscore failover go inside that folder and there'll be two more folders one which is 01 underscore A4L website and another which is 02 underscore A4L failover we're interested in the A4L failover so go into that folder select both these files so index.html and minimal.jpeg click on open and then upload those files so we'll scroll down and click on upload once that's completed click on close then we go into enable static website hosting so click on properties and to enable this it's all the way down towards the bottom click on edit next to static website hosting and enable it make sure that host a static website is selected and then for the index document and the error document we're going to type index.html and once both of those are entered scroll down to the bottom and save changes now we've one final thing to do on this bucket we need to add a bucket policy so that this bucket is public so we need to click on permissions scroll down and then under bucket policy click on edit and this bucket currently does not have a bucket policy now also inside the assets folder that you extracted earlier in this lesson there's a file called bucket underscore policy.json this is the file so you'll need to copy the contents of that file into your clipboard and then inside this policy box paste that in and then click on the icon next to the bucket ARN to copy that into your clipboard and then we need to replace this placeholder with what you've just copied so I want you to select from just to the right of the first speech mark all the way through to before the forward slash so you should have ARN colon AWS colon S3 colon colon colon colon and then example bucket and then go ahead and paste the text from your clipboard which will overwrite that with the actual bucket ARN so it should look like this once you've got that scroll down and save the changes so now we have the failover website configured the static website running from the S3 bucket so now we need to go ahead and move to the route 53 console where we going to create a health check and configure the failover record so click in the search box type route 53 right click and open that in a new tab then click on health checks we're going to create a health check for the health check name type a4l health and it's going to be an end point health check scroll down we're going to specify the endpoint by IP address the protocols going to be HTTP and we need the IP address of the EC2 instance so if we go back to the EC2 console the EC2 instance is now using the elastic IP so if we scroll down and click on elastic IPs and copy the elastic IP into our clipboard then go back to the route 53 console and paste that in and the health check is going to be configured to health check the index.html document so in path we need to click and type index.html then we're going to expand advanced configuration and by default a health check is checking every 30 seconds so this is a standard health check we need to change this to fast because we want our health check to react as fast as possible if our primary website fails so select fast scroll down to the bottom click on next we don't want to create an alarm because we don't want to take any action if this health check fails we're just going to use it as part of our fail-over routing so go ahead and make sure no is selected and then click create health check now the health check is going to start off with an unknown status because it hasn't gathered enough information about the health of the primary website it's going to take a few minutes to move from this status to either healthy or unhealthy what we can do though is if we check this we can click on the health checkers tab and start to see the results of the globally distributed set of health check endpoints so we can see that we're already getting success HTTP status code 200 and this is telling us our primary website is already passing these individual checks and after a couple of minutes if we hit refresh we should see that the status changes from unknown to healthy so next we need to create the failover record so click on hosted zones locate the hosted zone for the domain that you registered at the start of the course and click it then click on create record now you can switch between two different modes either the quick create record mode or the wizard mode we're going to keep this demo simple so click on switch to wizard we're going to choose a failover record so select failover and click next we're going to call the record www we're going to set a TTL of one minute so click 1m and that will change the TTL seconds to 60 scroll down and we're going to define some failover records so click define failover record first we need to create the primary record so click in this first drop down and we're going to pick IP address or another value depending on record type so click that and then we need the elastic IP address so go back to the EC2 console and copy the elastic IP into your clip board and paste that into this box and then for failover record type this is the primary record so click on primary we need to associate it with a health check so click in that drop down and choose a for L health now once we do that it means that this primary record will only be returned if this health check is healthy otherwise the secondary record will be returned which we're going to define in a second under record ID just go ahead and type EC2 this needs to be unique within this set of records with the same name so going to call one EC2 and the other S3 so this one's EC2 so define that failover record and then we're going to define a new failover record so click that box again this time in this drop down we need to scroll down and we're going to select alias to an S3 website endpoint so select that choose the region and it needs to be US - East - 1 once selected you should be able to click in this box and see the S3 bucket that you just created so click on this to select that S3 bucket and we're going to set this as the secondary record so click on secondary we won't be associating this with a health check and we won't be evaluating the target health this record will only ever be used if the primary fails its health check and so we want this record to take effect whenever the health check associated with the primary fails and we're going to test that by shutting down the EC2 instance so this record should then take over so finally we need to enter S3 in the record ID and click on define failover record once we've done both of those we can go ahead and click on create records so now that we have both of those records in place the primary pointing at EC2 and the secondary at S3 if we copy down this full DNS name into our clipboard and open that in a new tab that should direct towards the animals for life.org super minimal homepage remember this is the website running on EC2 now what we need to do is to simulate a failure so go back to the EC2 console scroll to the top click on EC2 dashboard then instances running right click on this instance select stop instance and confirm that by clicking stop so now we've stopped this instance it should begin failing the health check so let's go back to the route 53 console click on health checks select this a4 health health check click on the health checkers tab and then click on refresh and over the coming seconds we should start to see some failure responses in this status column there we go we're getting connection timed out and over the next minute or so we should see that the status of the health check overall should move from healthy to unhealthy let's click on refresh it might take a minute or so for that to take effect so let's just give it a minute or so and now we can see that it's moved into an unhealthy state now this means that our failover record will detect this and then it's going to start returning the secondary record rather than the primary now DNS does have a cache remember we set the TTL value to 60 seconds so one minute but what we should find after that cache expires if we go back to this tab which we have open to the www.animalsforlife.org website and if we now hit refresh we should see that it changes to the animals for life.org super minimal failover page and this is the website that's running on s3 so the failover record has used a health check detected the failure of the EC2 instance and redirected us towards the backup s3 site so now we can go ahead and reverse that process if we go back to the EC2 console we can right click on this instance and start the instance that will take a few minutes to move from the stopped state through the pending state and then finally to running and once it's in a running state if we go back to the route 53 console and select this health check and then refresh on the health checkers initially we'll see a number of different messages if we keep hitting refresh over the next few minutes we should see this change to an okay message there we can see the first HTTP status code 200 if we keep refreshing we'll see more of those again more 200 statuses which means okay now that all of these are coming back okay let's click refresh on the health check itself it's still showing us unhealthy let's give it a few more seconds now it's reporting as healthy again if we go back to the tab that we have open to the website and click on refresh now it should change back to the original EC2 based website and it does so that means our failover record has worked in both directions it's failed over to s3 and failed back to EC2 okay so this is the end of part one of this lesson it was getting a little bit on the long side and so I wanted to add a break it's an opportunity just to take a rest or grab a coffee part 2 will be continuing immediately from the end of part one so go ahead complete the video and when you're ready join me in part 2.

    1. Welcome back.

      In this video I want to cover the Health Check feature within Route 53.

      Health checks support many of the advanced architectures of Route 53 and so it's essential that you understand how they work as an architect, developer or engineer.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      First let's quickly step through some high level concepts of Health checks.

      Health checks are separate from but are used by records inside Route 53.

      You don't create the checks within records.

      Health checks exist separately.

      You configure them separately.

      They evaluate something's health and they can be used by records within Route 53.

      Health checks are performed by a fleet of health checkers which are distributed globally.

      This means that if you're checking the health of systems which are hosted on the public internet then you need to allow these checks to occur from the health checkers.

      If you think they're bots or exploit attempts and block them then it will cause false alarms.

      Health checks as I just indicated they're not just limited to just AWS targets.

      You can check anything which is accessible over the public internet.

      It just needs an IP address.

      The checks occur every 30 seconds by default or this can be increased to every 10 seconds at an additional cost.

      The checks can be TCP checks where Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection with the endpoint and this needs to be successful within 10 seconds.

      You can have HTTP checks where Route 53 must be able to establish a TCP connection with the endpoint within 4 seconds and in addition the endpoint must respond with a HTTP status code in the 200 range or 300 range within 2 seconds after connecting.

      And this is more accurate for web applications than a simple TCP check.

      And finally with HTTP and HTTPS checks you can also perform string matching.

      Route 53 must be able to establish a TCP connection with the endpoint within 4 seconds and the endpoint must respond with a HTTP status code in the 200 or 300 range within 2 seconds and Route 53 health checker when it receives the status code it must also receive the response body from the endpoint within the next 2 seconds.

      Route 53 searches the response body for the string that you specify.

      The string must appear entirely in the first 5,120 bytes of the response body or the endpoint fails the health check.

      This is the most accurate because not only do you check that the application is responding using HTTP or HTTPS but you can also check the content of that response versus what the application should do in normal circumstances.

      Based on these health checks an endpoint is either healthy or unhealthy.

      It moves between those states based on its health based on the checks conducted.

      Now lastly the checks themselves can be one of 3 types.

      You can have endpoint checks and these are checks which assess the health of an actual endpoint that you specify.

      You can use cloud watch alarm checks which react to cloud watch alarms which can be configured separately and can involve some detailed in OS or in app tests if you use the cloud watch agent which we cover elsewhere in the course.

      Finally checks can be what's known as calculated checks so checks of other checks.

      So you can create health checks which check application wide health with lots of individual components.

      Now you're going to get the opportunity to actually implement a health check in a demo lesson which is coming up very shortly in this section of the course.

      But what I want to do before that is to just give you an overview of exactly how the console looks when you're creating a health check.

      So let's move across to the console.

      Okay so we're at the AWS console logged in to the general account in the northern Virginia region.

      So to create a health check we need to move to the route 53 console so I'm going to go ahead and do that.

      Remember how earlier in the theory component of this lesson I mentioned how health checks are created externally from records.

      So rather than going into a hosted zone selecting a record and configuring a health check there to create a health check we go to the menu on the left and click on health checks.

      Then we'll click on create health check and this is where we enter the information required to create the health check.

      First we need to give it a name so let's just say that we use the example of test health check.

      I mentioned that there are three different types of health checks.

      We've got an endpoint health check and this checks the health of the particular endpoint.

      We can use status of other health checks so this is a calculated health check and as I mentioned this allows you to create a health check which monitors the application as a whole and involves the health status of individual application components and then finally we can use the status of a cloud watch alarm to form the basis of this health check.

      If we select endpoint for now then you're able to pick either IP address or domain name.

      So you can specify the domain name of an application endpoint or you can use IP address.

      If you pick domain name then what this configures is that all of the Route 53 health checkers will resolve this domain name first and then perform a health check on the resulting IP address.

      Now in either case you've got the option of either picking TCP which does a simple TCP check in which case you need to specify either the IP version 4 or IP version 6 address together with a port number.

      If you choose to use the more extensive HTTP or HTTPS health check then you're asked to specify the same IP address and port number so that will be used to establish the TCP connection.

      You can also specify the host name and if you specify that it will pass this value to the endpoint as a host header so if you've got lots of different virtual hosts configured then this is how you can specify a particular host that the website should deliver.

      You're also able because this is HTTP you can specify a path to use for this health check.

      You can either specify the route path or you can specify a particular path to check.

      If you change this to HTTPS then all of this information is the same only this time it will use secure HTTP rather than normal HTTP.

      Now if we scroll down and expand advanced configuration it's here where you can select the request interval so the default is every 30 seconds or you can specify fast and have the checks occur every 10 seconds.

      Now this is a check every 10 seconds from every health checker involved within this health check so the actual frequency of the health checks occurring on the endpoint will be much more frequent.

      This is one check every 10 seconds from every health checker.

      You can specify the failure threshold so this is the number of consecutive health checks that an endpoint must pass or fail for out 53 to change the current status.

      So if you want to allocate a buffer and allow for the opportunity of the odd fail check not to influence the health state then you can specify a suitable value in this box.

      It's here where you can specify a simple check so HTTP or HTTPS or you can elect to use string matching to do more rich checks of application health.

      So if you know that your application should deliver a certain string and the request body then you can specify that here.

      Now you can also configure a number of advanced options one of them is latency graph so you can show the latency of the checks against this endpoint.

      You can invert the health check status so if the health check of an application is unhealthy you can invert it to healthy and vice versa.

      So this is a fairly situational option that I haven't found much use for.

      You also have the option of disabling the health check this might be useful if you're performing temporary maintenance on an application and if you check this box then even if the application endpoint reports as unhealthy it's considered healthy.

      You also get the option of specifying the health checker regions you can use the recommended suggestion and the health checkers will come from these locations or you can select customize and pick the particular regions that you want to use.

      In most cases you would use the recommended options.

      Now if we just go ahead and enter some sample values here so I'm going to use

      I'm going to leave the host name blank I'm going to set the port number to 80 and then I'll scroll down and just enter a search string again we're not going to create this or just enter a placeholder click on next and it's here where you can configure what happens when the health check fails.

      Now this is completely optional we can use health checks within resource records only we don't have to configure any notification but if we do want to configure a notification then we can create an alarm and we can send this to either an existing or new s and s topic and this is a method of how we can integrate this with other systems so we can have other aws services configured to respond to notifications on this topic or we could integrate external systems so that when a health check fails external action is taken but this is what I wanted to show you I just wanted to give you an overview of how it looks creating a health check within the console UI now don't worry you're actually going to be doing this in a demo lesson which is coming up elsewhere in this section but I wanted to give you that initial exposure to how the console looks when creating a health check at this point let's go ahead and finish up the theory component of this lesson by returning to the architecture now you've seen how a health check is created architecturally health checks look something like this let's assume that somewhere near the UK we have an application Catergram and we point a route 53 record at this application so let's assume that this is Catergram dot IO what we can do is to associate a health check with this resource record and doing so means that our application will be health checked by a globally distributed set of health checkers so each of these health checkers performs a periodic check of our application based on this check they report the resource as healthy or unhealthy if more than 18 percent of the health checkers report as healthy then the health check overall is healthy otherwise it's reported as unhealthy and in most cases records which are unhealthy are not returned in response to queries now you're going to see throughout this section of the course and the wider course itself how health checks can be used to influence how DNS response to queries and how applications can react to component failure so route 53 is an essential design and operational tool that you can use to influence how resolution requests occur and how they're routed through to your various different application components and so understanding health checks is essential to be able to design route 53 infrastructure integrate this with your applications and then manage it day to day as an operational engineer so it's really important that you understand this topic end to end no matter which stream of the AWS certifications that you're currently studying for now that's everything that I wanted to cover in this video go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I'll I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to talk about the second Route 53 routing policy that I'm going to be covering in this series of videos and that's fail over routing.

      Now let's just jump in and get started straight away.

      With fail over routing we start with a hosted zone and inside this hosted zone a www.record.

      However with fail over routing we can add multiple records of the same name, a primary and a secondary.

      Each of these records points at a resource and a common example is an out of band failure architecture where you have a primary application endpoint such as an EC2 instance and a backup or fail over resource using a different service such as an S3 bucket.

      The key element to fail over routing is the inclusion of a health check.

      The health check generally occurs on the primary record.

      If the primary record is healthy then any queries to www in this case resolve to the value of the primary record which is the EC2 instance running category in this example.

      If the primary record fails its health check then the secondary value of the same name is returned in this case the S3 bucket.

      The use case for fail over routing is simple.

      Use it when you need to configure active passive fail over where you want to route traffic to a resource when that resource is healthy or to a different resource when the original resource is failing its health check.

      Now this is a fairly simple concept that you'll be experiencing yourself in a demo video which is coming up very soon but at this point that's everything that I wanted to cover in this video.

      So go ahead complete the video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to cover the first of a range of routing policies available within Route 53.

      We're going to start with the default and as the name suggests it's the simplest.

      This video is going to be pretty quick so let's jump in and get started straight away.

      Simple routing starts with a hosted zone.

      Let's assume it's a public hosted zone called animalsforlife.org.

      With simple routing you can create one record per name.

      In this example, WWW which is an A record type.

      Each record using simple routing can have multiple values which are part of that same record.

      When a client makes a request to resolve WWW and simple routing is used all of the values are returned in the same query in a random order.

      The client chooses one of the values and then connects to that server based on the value in this case

      Simple routing is simple and you should use it when you want to route requests towards one single service.

      In this example a web server.

      The limitation of simple routing is that it doesn't support health checks and I'll be covering what health checks are in the next video.

      But just remember with simple routing there are no checks that the resource being pointed at by the record is actually operational and that's important to understand because all of the other routing types within Route 53 offer some form of health checking and routing intelligence based on those health checks.

      Simple routing is the one type of routing policy which doesn't support health checks and so it is fairly limited but it is simple to implement and manage.

      So that's simple routing again as the name suggests it's simple it's not all that flexible and it doesn't really offer any exciting features but don't worry I'll be covering some advanced routing types over the coming videos.

      For now just go ahead and complete this video and then when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this video I want to talk about the other type of hosted zone available within Route 53 and that's private hosted zone.

      So let's jump in and get started straight away.

      A private hosted zone is just like a public hosted zone in terms of how it operates only it's not public.

      Instead of being public it's associated with VPCs within AWS and it's only accessible within VPCs that it's associated with.

      You can associate a private hosted zone with VPCs in your account using the console UI, CLI and API and even in different accounts if you use the CLI and API only.

      Everything else is the same you can use them to create resource records and these are resolvable within VPCs.

      It's even possible to use a technique called split view or split horizon DNS which is where you have public and private hosted zones of the same name meaning that you can have a different variant of a zone for private users versus public.

      You might do this if you want your company intranet to run on the same address as your website and have your users be presented with your intranet when internal but the public website when anyone accesses from outside of your corporate network or if you wanted certain systems to be accessible via your business's DNS but only within your environment.

      Now let's quickly step through how private hosted zones work visually so that you have more of an idea of the end-to-end architecture.

      So we start with a private hosted zone and as with public zones we can create records within this zone.

      Now from the public internet our users can do normal DNS queries so for things like Netflix.com and Categor.io but the private hosted zone is inaccessible from the public internet.

      It can be made accessible though from VPCs.

      Let's assume all three of these VPCs have services inside them and use the Route 53 resolver so the VPC +2 address.

      Well any VPCs which we associate with the private hosted zone will be able to access that zone via the resolver.

      Any VPCs which aren't associated will face the same problem as the user on the public internet on the left.

      Access isn't available so private hosted zones are great when you need to provide records using DNS but maybe they're sensitive and need to be accessible only from internal VPCs.

      Just remember to be able to access a private hosted zone the service needs to be running inside a VPC and that VPC needs to be associated with the private hosted zone.

      Now before I finish up this short lesson let's talk about split view or split horizon DNS.

      Consider this scenario you have a VPC running an Amazon workspace and to support some business applications a private hosted zone with some records inside it.

      The private hosted zone is associated with VPC 1 on the right meaning the workspace could use the Route 53 resolver to access the private hosted zone.

      For example to access the accounting records stored within the private hosted zone.

      Now the private hosted zone is not accessible from the public internet but what split view allows us to do is to create a public hosted zone with the same name.

      This public hosted zone might only have a subset of records that the private hosted zone has so from the public internet access to the public hosted zone would work in the same way as you would expect so via the ISP resolver server then through to the DNS root servers from there to the .org TLD servers and from there through to the animals for life name servers provided by Route 53.

      Any records inside the public hosted zone would be accessible but records in the private hosted zone which are not in the public hosted zone so accounting in this example would be inaccessible from the public internet and this is a common architecture where you want to use the same domain name for public access and internal access but with a different set of records available to each.

      It's something that you'll need to be comfortable with as an architect designing solutions, a developer integrating DNS into your applications or an engineer implementing this within AWS.

      Now that's everything I want to cover on the theory of private hosted zone so go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      In this video, I want to talk about Route 53 public hosted zones.

      There are two types of DNS zones in Route 53, public and private.

      To start with, let's cover off some general facts and then we can talk specifically about public hosted zones.

      A hosted zone is a DNS database for a given section of the global DNS database, specifically for a domain such as AnimalsForLife.org.

      Route 53 is a globally resilient service.

      These name servers are distributed globally and have the same dataset, so whole regions can be affected by outages and Route 53 will still function.

      Hosted zones are created automatically when you register a domain using Route 53 and you saw that earlier in the course when I registered the AnimalsForLife.org domain.

      They can also be created separately if you want to register a domain elsewhere and use Route 53 to host it.

      There's a monthly fee to host each hosted zone and a fee for the query is made against that hosted zone.

      A zone where the public or private hosts DNS records.

      Examples of these being A records or the IP version 6 equivalent, MX records, NS records and text records and I've covered these at an introductory level earlier in the course.

      In summary, hosted zones are databases which are referenced via delegation using name server records.

      A hosted zone when referenced in this way is authoritative for a domain such as AnimalsForLife.org.

      When you register a domain, name server records for that domain are entered into the top level domain zone.

      These point at your name servers and then your name servers and the zone that they host become authoritative for that domain.

      A public hosted zone is a DNS database, so a zone file which is hosted by Route 53 on public name servers.

      This means it's accessible from the public internet and within VPCs using the Route 53 resolver.

      Architecturally, when you create a public hosted zone, Route 53 allocates four public name servers.

      It's on those name servers that the zone file is hosted.

      To integrate it with the public DNS system, you change the name server records for that domain to point at those four Route 53 name servers.

      Inside a public hosted zone, you create resource records which are the actual items of data which DNS uses.

      You can, and I'll cover this in an upcoming video, use Route 53 to host zone files for externally registered domains.

      So for example, you can use hover or goad adi to register a domain.

      You can create the public hosted zone in Route 53, get the four name servers which are allocated to that hosted zone, and then via the hover or goad adi interface, you can add those name servers into the DNS system for your domain.

      And I'll cover how this works in detail in a future video.

      Visually, this is how a public hosted zone looks and functions.

      We start by creating a public hosted zone, and for this example, it's animalsforlife.org.

      Creating this allocates four Route 53 name servers for this zone, and those name servers are all accessible from the public internet.

      They're also accessible from AWS VPCs using the Route 53 resolver, which assuming DNS is enabled for the VPC is directly accessible from an internal IP address of that VPC.

      Inside this hosted zone, we can create some resource records, in this case, a www.wrecord, two MX records for email, and a text record.

      Within the VPC, the access method is direct, the VPC resolver using the VPC plus two address, and this is accessible from any instances inside the VPC, which use this as their DNS resolver.

      So they can query the hosted zone as they can any public DNS zone using the Route 53 resolver.

      From a public DNS perspective, the architecture is the same in that the same zone file is used, but the mechanics are slightly different.

      DNS starts with the DNS Route servers, and these are the first servers queried by our users resolver server.

      So Bob is using a laptop talking to his ISP DNS resolver server, which queries the Route servers.

      The Route servers have information on the .org top level domain, and so the ISP resolver server can then query the .org servers.

      These servers host the .org zone file, and this zone file has an entry for AnimalsForLife.org, which has four name servers and these all point at the Route 53 public name servers for the public hosted zone for Animals For Life.

      This process is called "walking the tree", and this is how any public internet host can access the records inside a public hosted zone using DNS.

      And that's how public hosted zones work.

      They're just a zone file which is hosted on four name servers provided by Route 53.

      This public hosted zone can be accessed from the public internet or any VPCs which are configured to allow DNS resolution.

      There's a monthly cost for hosting this public hosted zone and a tiny charge for any queries made against it.

      Almost nothing in the grand scheme of things, but for larger volume sites, it's something to keep in mind.

      So that's public hosted zones, that's everything I wanted to cover in this video on the theory side of things.

      So go ahead and complete this video and then when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to cover two important EC2 optimisation topics, Enhanced Networking and EBS Optimised Instances.

      Both of these are important on their own, both provide massive benefits to the way EC2 performs and they support other performance features within EC2 such as placement groups.

      As a solutions architect understanding their architecture and benefits is essential.

      So let's get started.

      Now let's start with Enhanced Networking.

      Enhanced Networking is a feature which is designed to improve the overall performance of EC2 networking.

      It's a feature which is required for any high-end performance features such as cluster placement groups.

      Enhanced Networking uses a technique called SRIOV or Single Route IO Virtualisation.

      And I've mentioned this earlier in the course.

      At a high level it makes it so that a physical network interface inside an EC2 host is aware of virtualisation.

      Without Enhanced Networking this is how networking looks on an EC2 host architecturally.

      In this example we have two EC2 instances, each of them using one virtual network interface.

      And both of these virtual network interfaces talk back to the EC2 host and each of them use the host's single physical network interface.

      The crucial thing to understand here is that the physical network interface card isn't aware of virtualisation.

      And so the host has to sit in the middle controlling which instance has access to the physical card at one time.

      It's a process taking place in software so it's slower and it consumes a lot of host CPU.

      When the host is under heavy load so CPU or IO it can cause drops in performance, spikes in latency and changes in bandwidth.

      It's not an efficient system.

      Enhanced Networking or SRIOV changes things.

      Using this model the host has network interface cards which are aware of virtualisation.

      Instead of presenting themselves as single physical network interface cards which the host needs to manage, it offers what you can think of as logical cards, multiple logical cards per physical card.

      Each instance is given exclusive access to one of these logical cards and it sends data to this the same as it would do if it did have its own dedicated physical card.

      The physical network interface card handles this process end to end without consuming mass amounts of host CPU.

      And this means a few things which matter to us as solutions architects.

      First in general it allows for higher IO across all instances on the host and lower host CPU as a result because the host CPU doesn't have the same level of involvement as when no enhanced networking is used.

      What this translates into directly is more bandwidth.

      It allows for much faster networking speeds because it can scale and it doesn't impact the host CPU.

      Also because the process occurs directly between the virtual interface that the instance has and the logical interface that the physical card offers, you can achieve higher packets per second or PPS.

      And this is great for applications which rely on networking performance, specifically those which need to shift lots of small packets around the small isolated network.

      And lastly because the host CPU isn't really involved because it's offloaded to the physical network interface card, you get low latency and perhaps more importantly consistent low latency.

      Enhanced networking is a feature which is either enabled by default or available for no charge on most modern EC2 instance types.

      There's a lot of detail in making sure that you have it enabled, but for the solutions architect stream none of that is important.

      As always though, I'll include some links attached to the lesson if you do want to know how to implement it operationally.

      Okay, so that's enhanced networking.

      Let's move on to EBS optimized instances.

      Whether an instance is EBS optimized or not depends on an option that's set on a per instance basis.

      It's either on or it's off.

      To understand what it does, it's useful to appreciate the context.

      What we know already is that EBS is block storage for EC2, which is delivered over the network.

      Historically, networking on EC2 instances was actually shared with the same network stack being used for both data networking and EBS storage networking.

      And this resulted in contention and limited performance for both types of networking.

      Simply put, an instance being EBS optimized means that some stack optimizations have taken place and dedicated capacity has been provided for that instance for EBS as usage.

      It means that faster speeds are possible with EBS and the storage side of things doesn't impact the data performance and vice versa.

      Now, on most instances that you'll use at this point in time, it's supported and enabled by default at no extra charge.

      Disabling it has no effect because the hardware now comes with the capability built in.

      On some older instances, it's supported but enabling it costs extra.

      EBS optimization is something that's required on instance types and sizes which offer higher levels of performance.

      So things which offer high levels of throughput and IOPS, especially when using the GP2 and IO1 volume types, which promise low and consistent latency as well as high input output operations per second.

      So that's EBS optimization.

      It's nothing complex.

      It essentially just means adding dedicated capacity for storage networking to an EC2 instance.

      And at this point in time, it's generally enabled and comes with all modern types of instances.

      So it's something you don't have to worry about, but you do need to know that it exists.

      Now, that's the theory that I wanted to cover.

      I wanted to keep it brief.

      There's a lot more involved in using both of these and understanding the effects that they can have.

      But this is an architecture lesson for this stream.

      You just need to know that both features exist and what they enable you to do what features they provide at a high level.

      So thanks for watching.

      Go ahead, finish this video. video and when you're ready you can join me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      In this lesson I want to cover EC2 dedicated hosts, a feature of EC2 which allows you to gain access to hosts dedicated for your use which you can then use to run EC2 instances.

      Now I want to keep it brief because for the exam you just need to know that the feature exists and it tends to have a fairly narrow use case in the real world.

      So let's just cover the really high level points and exactly how it works architecturally.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      An EC2 dedicated host as the name suggests is an EC2 host which is allocated to you in its entirety.

      So allocated to your AWS account for you to use.

      You pay for the host itself which is designed for a specific family of instances.

      For example A1, C5, M5 and so on.

      Because you're paying for the host there are no charges for any instances which are running on the host.

      The host has a capacity and you're paying for that capacity in its entirety so you don't pay for instances running within that capacity.

      Now you can pay for a host in a number of ways either on demand which is good for short term or uncertain requirements or once you understand long term requirements and patterns of usage you can purchase reservations with the same one or three year terms as the instances themselves.

      And this uses the same payment method architecture so all upfront, partial upfront or no upfront.

      The host hardware itself comes with a certain number of physical sockets and cores and this is important for two reasons.

      Number one it dictates how many instances can be run on that host.

      And number two software which is licensed based on physical sockets or cores can utilize this visibility of the hardware.

      Some enterprise software is licensed based on the number of physical sockets or cores in the server.

      Imagine if you're running some software on a small EC2 instance but you have to pay for the software licensing based on the total hardware in the host that that instance runs on.

      Even though you can't use any of that extra hardware without paying for more instance fees.

      With dedicated hosts you pay for the entire host so you can license based on that host which is available and dedicated to you.

      And then you can use instances on that host free of charge after you've paid the dedicated host fees.

      So the important thing to realize is you pay for the host.

      Once you've paid for that host you don't have any extra EC2 instance charges.

      You're covered for the consumption of the capacity on that host.

      Now the default way that dedicated hosts work is that the hosts are designed for a specific family and size of instance.

      So for example an A1 dedicated host comes with one socket and 16 cores.

      All but a few types of dedicated hosts are designed to operate with one specific size at a time.

      So you can get an A1 host which can run 16 A1 medium instances or 8 large or 4 extra large or 2 extra large or 1 4 extra large.

      All of these options consume the 16 cores available.

      And all but a few types of dedicated hosts require you to set that in advance.

      So they require you to set that one particular host can only run 8 large instances or 4 extra large or 2 extra large and you can't mix and match.

      Newer types of dedicated hosts, so those running the Nitro virtualization platform, they offer more flexibility.

      An example of this is an R5 dedicated host which offers 2 sockets and 48 cores.

      Because this is Nitro based, you can use different sizes of instances at the same time up to your core limit of that dedicated host.

      So one host might be running 1 12 extra large, 1 4 extra large and 4 2 extra large which consumes 48 cores of that dedicated host.

      Another host might use a different configuration, maybe 4 4 extra large and 4 2 extra large which also consumes 48 cores.

      With Nitro based dedicated hosts, there's a lot more flexibility allowing a business to maximize the value of that host, especially if they have varying requirements for different sizes of instances.

      Now this is a great link which I've included in the lesson text which details the different dedicated host options available.

      So you've got different dedicated hosts for different families of instance, for example the A1 instance family.

      This offers 1 physical socket and 16 physical cores and offers different configurations for different sizes of instances.

      Now if you scroll all the way down, it also gives an overview of some of the Nitro based dedicated hosts which support this mix and match capability.

      So we've got the R5 dedicated host that I just talked about on the previous screen.

      We've also got the C5 dedicated host and this gives 2 example scenarios.

      In scenario 1 you've got 1 instance of a C5 9 extra large, 2 instances of C5 4 extra large and 1 instance of C5 extra large.

      And that's a total cores consumed of 36.

      There's also another scenario though where you've got 4 times 4 extra large, 1 times extra large and 2 times large.

      Same core consumption but a different configuration of instances.

      And again, I'll make sure this is included in the lesson description.

      It also gives the on-demand pricing for all of the different types of dedicated host.

      Now there are some limitations that you do need to keep in mind for dedicated host.

      The first one is AMI limits.

      You can't use REL, Seuss Linux or Windows AMIs with dedicated host.

      They are simply not supported.

      You cannot use Amazon RDS instances.

      Again, they're not supported.

      You can't utilize placement groups.

      They're not supported on dedicated hosts.

      And there's a lesson in this section which talks in depth about placement groups.

      But in this context, as it relates to dedicated hosts, you cannot use placement groups with dedicated hosts.

      It's not supported.

      Now with dedicated hosts, they can be shared with other accounts inside your organization using the RAM product, which is the resource access manager.

      It's a way that you can share certain AWS products and services between accounts.

      We haven't covered it yet, but we will do later in the course.

      You're able to share a dedicated host with other accounts in your organization.

      And other AWS accounts in your organization can then create instances on that host.

      Those other accounts which have a dedicated host shared into them can only see instances that they create on that dedicated host.

      They can't see any other instances.

      And you, as the person who owns the dedicated host, you can see all of the instances running on that host.

      But you can't control any of the instances running on your host created by any accounts you share that host with.

      So there is a separation.

      You can see all of the instances on your host.

      You can only control the ones that you create.

      And then other accounts who get that host shared with them, they can only see instances that they create.

      So there's a nice security and visibility separation.

      Now that's all of the theory that I wanted to cover around the topic of dedicated hosts.

      You don't need to know anything else for the exam.

      And if you do utilize dedicated hosts for any production usage in the real world, it is generally going to be around software licensing.

      Generally using dedicated hosts, there are restrictions.

      Obviously they are specific to a family of instance.

      So it gives you less customizability.

      It gives you less flexibility on sizing.

      And you generally do it if you've got licensing issues that you need solved by this product.

      In most cases, in most situations, it's not the approach you would take if you just want to run EC2 instances.

      But with that being said, go ahead, complete this video.

      And when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next one.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to talk about an important feature of EC2 known as placement groups.

      Normally when you launch an EC2 instance its physical location is selected by AWS placing it on whatever EC2 host makes the most sense within the availability zone that it's launched in.

      Placement groups allow you to influence placement ensuring that instances are either physically close together or not.

      As a Solutions Architect understanding how placement groups work and why you would use them is essential so let's jump in and get started.

      There are currently three types of placement groups for EC2.

      All of them influence how instances are arranged on physical hardware but each of them do it for different underlying reasons.

      At a high level we have cluster placement groups and these are designed to ensure that any instances in a single cluster placement group are physically close together.

      We've got spread placement groups which are the inverse ensuring that instances are all using different underlying hardware and then we've got partition placement groups and these are designed for distributed and replicated applications which have infrastructure awareness.

      So where you want groups of instances but where each group is on different hardware.

      So I'm going to cover each of them in detail in this lesson once we talk about each of them they'll all make sense.

      Now cluster and spread tend to be pretty easy to understand.

      Partition is less obvious if you haven't used the type of application which they support but it will be clear once I've explained it and once you've finished with this lesson.

      Now let's start with cluster placement groups.

      Cluster placement groups are used when you want to achieve the absolute highest level of performance possible within EC2.

      With cluster placement groups you create the group and best practice is that you launch all of the instances which will be in the group all at the same time.

      This ensures that AWS allocate capacity for everything that you require.

      So for example if you launch with nine instances imagine that AWS place you in a location with the capacity for 12.

      If you want to double the number of instances you might have issues.

      Best practice is to use the same type of instance as well as launching them all at the same time because then AWS will place all of them in a suitable location with capacity for everything that you need.

      Now cluster placement groups because of their performance focus have to be launched into a single availability zone.

      Now how this works is that when you create the placement group you don't specify an availability zone.

      Instead when you launch the first instance or instances into that placement group it will lock that placement group to whichever availability zone that instance is also launched into.

      The idea with cluster placement groups is that all of the instances within the same cluster placement group generally use the same rack but often the same EC2 host.

      All of the instances within a placement group have fast direct bandwidth to all other instances inside the same placement group.

      And when transferring data between instances within that cluster placement group they can achieve single stream transfer rates of 10 GB per second versus the usual 5 GB per second which is achievable normally.

      Now this is single stream transfer rates while some instances do offer significantly faster networking you're always going to be limited to the speed that a single stream of data a single connection can achieve.

      And inside a cluster placement group this is 10 GB per second versus 5 GB per second which is achievable normally.

      Now the connections between these instances because of the physical placement they're the lowest latency possible and the maximum packets per second possible within AWS.

      Now obviously to achieve these levels of performance you need to be using instances with high performance networking so IE more bandwidth than the 10 GB per second single stream and you should also use enhanced networking on all instances so definitely to achieve the low latency and max packets per second you do need also to use enhanced networking.

      So cluster placement groups are used when you really need performance.

      They're needed to achieve the highest levels of throughput and the lowest consistent latencies within AWS but the trade-off is because of the physical location if the hardware that they're running on fails logically it could take down all of the instances within that cluster placement group.

      So cluster placement groups offer little to no resilience.

      Now some key points which you need to be aware of for the exam you cannot span availability zones with cluster placement groups this is locked when launching the first instance.

      You can span VPC peers but this does significantly impact performance in a negative way.

      Cluster placement groups are not supported on every type of instance it requires a supported instance type and generally you should use the same type of instance to get the best results though this is not mandatory and you should also launch them at the same time.

      Also this is not mandatory but it is very recommended and ideally you should always launch all of the instances as the same type and at the same time when using cluster placement groups.

      Now cluster placement groups offer 10 GB per second of single stream performance and the type of use cases where you would use them are any type of workloads which demand performance so fast speeds and low latency.

      So this might be things like high performance compute or other scientific analysis which demand fast node-to-node speed and low consistent latency.

      Now the next type of placement group I want to talk about is spread placement groups and these are designed to ensure the maximum amount of availability and resilience for an application.

      So spread placement groups can span multiple availability zones in this case availability zone A and availability zone B.

      Instances which are placed into a spread placement group are located on separate isolated infrastructure racks within each availability zone so each instance has its own isolated networking and power supply separate from any of the other instances also within that same spread placement group.

      This means if a single rack fails either from a networking or power perspective the fault can be isolated to one of those racks.

      Now with spread placement groups there is a limit to seven instances per availability zone because each instance is in a completely separate infrastructure rack and because there are limits on the number of these within each availability zone you do have that limit of seven instances per availability zone for spread placement groups.

      Now the more availability zones in a region logically the more instances can be a part of each spread placement group but remember the seven instances per availability zone in that region.

      Now again just some points that you should know for the exam spread placement groups provides infrastructure isolation so you're guaranteed that every instance launched into a spread placement group will be entirely separated from every other instance that's also in that spread placement group.

      Each instance runs from a different rack each rack has its own network and power source and then just to stress again there is this hard limit of seven instances per availability zone.

      Now with spread placement groups you can't use dedicated instances or hosts they're not supported and in terms of use cases spread placement groups are used when you have a small number of critical instances that need to be kept separated from each other so maybe mirrors of a file server or maybe different domain controllers within an organization anywhere where you've got a specific application and you need to ensure as high availability for each member of that application as possible where you want to create separate blast radiuses for each of the servers within that particular application and ensure that if one fails there is a smaller chance as possible that any of the other instances will fail.

      You have to keep in mind these limits it's seven instances per availability zone but if you want to maximize the availability of your application this is the type of placement group to choose.

      Now lastly we've got partition placement groups and these have a similar architecture to spread placement groups which is why they're often so difficult to understand fully and why it's often so difficult to pick between partition placement groups and spread placement groups.

      Partition placement groups are designed for when you have infrastructure where you have more than seven instances per availability zone but you still need the ability to separate those instances into separate fault domains.

      Now a partition placement group can be created across multiple availability zones in a region in this example az a and az b and when you're creating the partition placement group you specify a number of partitions with a maximum of seven per availability zone in that region.

      Now each partition inside the placement group has its own racks with isolated power and networking and there is a guarantee of no sharing of infrastructure between those partitions.

      Now so far this sounds like spread placement groups except with partition placement groups you can launch as many instances as you need into the group and you can either select the partition explicitly or have EC2 make that decision on your behalf.

      With spread placement groups remember you had a maximum of seven instances per availability zone and you knew 100% that each instance within that spread placement group was separated from every other instance in terms of hardware.

      With partition placement groups each partition is isolated but you get to control which partition to launch instances into.

      If you launch 10 instances into one partition and it fails you lose all 10 instances.

      If you launch seven instances and put one into each separate partition then it behaves very much like a spread placement group.

      Now the key to understanding the difference is that partition placement groups are designed for huge scale parallel processing systems where you need to create groupings of instances and have them separated.

      You as the designer of a system can have control over which instances are in the same and different partitions so you can design your own resilient architecture.

      Partition placement groups offer visibility into the partitions.

      You can see which instances are in which partitions and you can share this information with topology aware applications such as HDFS, HBase and Cassandra.

      Now these applications use this information to make intelligent data replication decisions.

      Imagine that you had an application which used 75 EC2 instances.

      Each of those instances had its own storage and that application replicated data three times across that 75 instances.

      So each piece of data was replicated on three instances and so essentially you had three replication groups each with 25 instances.

      If you didn't have the ability to use partition placement groups then in theory all of those 75 instances could be in the same hardware and so you wouldn't have that resiliency.

      With partition placement groups if the application is topology aware then it becomes possible to replicate data across different EC2 instances knowing that those instances are in separate partitions and so it allows more complex applications to achieve the same types of resilience as you get with spread placement groups.

      Only that it has an awareness of that topology and it can cope with more than seven instances.

      So the difference between spread and partition placement is that with spread placement it's all handled for you but you have that seven instance per availability zone limit but with partition placement groups you can have more instances but you or your application which is topology aware needs to administer the partition placement.

      For larger scale applications that support this type of topology awareness this can significantly improve your resilience.

      Now some key points for the exam around partition placement groups again seven partitions per availability zone instances can be placed into a specific partition or you can allow EC2 to automatically control that placement.

      Partition placement groups are great for topology aware applications such as HDFS, HBase and Cassandra and partition placement groups can help a topology aware application to contain the impact of a failure to a specific part of that application.

      So by the application and AWS working together using partition placement groups it becomes possible for large-scale systems to achieve significant levels of resilience and effective replication between different components of the application.

      Now it's essential that you understand the difference between all three for the exam so make sure before moving on in the course you are entirely comfortable about the differences between spread placement groups and partition placement groups and then the different situations where you would choose to use cluster, spread and partition.

      With that being said though that's everything I wanted to cover so go ahead and complete this lesson and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      This is part two of this lesson.

      We're going to continue immediately from the end of part one.

      So let's get started.

      So let's go back to the instance now.

      Just press enter a few times to make sure it hasn't timed out.

      That's good.

      Now there's a small bug fix that we need to do before we move on.

      The CloudWatch agent expects a piece of system software to be installed called CollectD.

      And on Amazon Linux that is not installed.

      So we need to do two things.

      The first is to create a directory that the agent expects to exist.

      So run that command.

      And the second is to create a database file that the agent also expects to exist.

      And we can do that by running this command.

      Now at this point we're ready to move on to the final step.

      So we've installed the agent and we've run the configuration wizard to generate the agent configuration.

      And we're now safely stored inside the parameter store.

      The final step is to start up the CloudWatch agent and provide it with the configuration that's stored inside the parameter store.

      And by doing that the agent can access the configuration.

      It can download it.

      It can configure itself as per that configuration.

      And then because we've got an attached instance role that has the permissions required, it can also inject all of the logging data for the web server and the system into CloudWatch logs.

      So the final step is to run this command.

      So this essentially runs the Amazon hyphen CloudWatch hyphen agent hyphen CTL.

      And it specifies a command line option to fetch the configuration.

      And it uses hyphen C and specifies SSM colon and then the parameter store parameter name.

      Essentially what this command does is to start up the agent, pull the config from the parameter store, make sure the agent is running and then it will start capturing that logging data and start injecting it into CloudWatch logs.

      So at this point if it's functioning correctly, what you should be able to do is go back to the AWS console, go to services, type CloudWatch and then select CloudWatch to move to the CloudWatch console.

      Then if we go to log groups, now you might see a lot of log groups here.

      That's fine.

      Every time you apply the animals for life VPC templates, it's actually using a Lambda function which we haven't covered yet to apply an IP version six workaround, which I'll explain later in the course when we cover Lambda.

      What you should find though is if you just scroll down all the way to the bottom, you should see either one, two or three of the log groups that we've created.

      In this example on screen now, you can see that I have /var/log/httbd/error_log.

      Now these logs will start to appear when they start getting new entries and those entries are sent into CloudWatch.

      So right now you can see that I only have the error log.

      Now if you don't see access underscore log, what you can do is go back to the EC2 consoles, select the WordPress instance that you've created using the one click deployment and then copy the public IP version four address into your clipboard.

      Don't use this link, just copy the IP address and then open that in a new tab.

      Now by doing that, it will generate some activity within the Apache web server and that will put some log items into the access log and that will mean that that logging information will then be injected into CloudWatch logs using the CloudWatch agent.

      So if we move back to CloudWatch logs and then refresh, scroll down to the bottom.

      Now we can see the access underscore log file.

      Open the log stream for the EC2 instance.

      This log file details any accesses to the web server on the EC2 instance.

      You won't have a lot of entries in this.

      Likewise, if you go back to log groups and look for the error log, that will detail any errors, any accesses which weren't successfully served.

      So if you try to access a web page which doesn't exist, if there's a server error or any module errors, these will show inside this log group.

      Now also, because we're using the CloudWatch agent, we also have access to some metrics inside the EC2 instance that we otherwise would not have had.

      If we click on metrics and just drag this up slightly so we can see it, you'll see the AWS namespaces.

      So these are namespaces with metrics inside that you would have had access to before, but there'll also be the CWAgent namespace and inside here, just maybe select the image ID, instance ID, instance type name.

      Inside there, you'll see all of the metrics that you now have access to because you have the CloudWatch agent installed on this EC2 instance.

      So these are detailed operating system level metrics such as disk, IO, read and write, and you would have not had access to these before installing the agent.

      If we select another one, image ID, instance ID, instance type CPU, we'll be able to see the CPU cores that are on this instance together with the IO weight and the user values.

      Again, these are things that you would not have had access to at this level of detail without the CloudWatch agent being installed.

      Now I do encourage you to explore all of the different metrics that you now have access to as well as to how the log groups and log streams look with this agent installed.

      But this is the end of what I had planned for this demo lesson.

      So as always, we want to clear up all of the infrastructure that we've created within this demo lesson.

      So to do that, I want you to move back to the EC2 console, right click on this instance, go down to security, select modify IAM role, and then remove the CloudWatch role from this instance.

      You'll need to confirm that by following the instructions.

      So to detach that role, then click on services and move back to IAM, click on roles.

      And I want you to remove the CloudWatch role that you created earlier in this demo.

      So select it and then click delete role.

      You'll need to confirm that deletion.

      What we're not going to do is delete the parameter value that we've created.

      So if we go to services and then move back to systems manager, go to parameter store, because this is a standard parameter.

      This won't incur any charges.

      And we're going to be using this later on in future lessons of this course and other courses.

      So this is a standard configuration for the CloudWatch agent, which we'll be using elsewhere in the course.

      So we're going to leave this in place.

      The last piece of cleanup that you'll need to do is to go back to the CloudFormation console.

      You should have the single CW agent stack in place that you created at the start of the demo using the one click deployment.

      Go ahead and select the stack, click on delete, and then confirm that deletion.

      And once that's completed, all of the infrastructure you've used in this demo will be removed and the account will be back in the same state as it was at the start of this demo.

      Now that's everything that I wanted you to do in this demo.

      I just wanted to give you a brief overview of how to manually install the CloudWatch agent within an EC2 instance.

      Now there are other ways to perform this installation.

      You can use systems manager or bake it into AMIs or you can bootstrap it in using the process that you've seen earlier in the course.

      We're going to be using the CloudWatch agent during future demos of the course to get access to this rich metric and logging information.

      So most of the demos which follow in the course will include the CloudWatch agent configuration.

      At this point though, that is everything I wanted you to do in this demo.

      Go ahead, complete this video, and when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next. in the next.

    1. Welcome back and welcome to this demo where together we'll be installing the CloudWatch agent to capture and inject logging data for three different log files into CloudWatch logs as well as giving us access to some metrics inside the OS that we wouldn't have otherwise had visibility of.

      So it's going to be a really good demonstration to show you the power of CloudWatch and CloudWatch logs when combined with the CloudWatch agent.

      Now in order to do this demo you're going to need to deploy some infrastructure.

      To do so just make sure that you're logged in to the general AWS account, so the management account of the organization and as always make sure you've got the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now attached to this lesson is a one-click deployment URL which will deploy the infrastructure that you'll be using during this demo.

      So go ahead and click on that link.

      This will take you to a quick create stack screen.

      The stack name should be pre-populated with CW agent.

      You just need to scroll all the way down to the bottom, acknowledge the capabilities and click on create stack.

      Also attached to this lesson is a lesson commands document which will contain all of the commands you'll be using during this demo lesson.

      So go ahead and open that in a new tab.

      Now you're going to need to let this cloud formation stack move into a create complete state before you continue the demo.

      So go ahead and pause the video, wait for the status to change to create complete and then you're good to continue.

      Okay so now this stack is in a create complete state then we good to continue the demo.

      Now during this demo lesson you're going to be installing the cloud watch agent on an EC2 instance and this EC2 instance has been provisioned by this one-click deployment.

      So the first thing that we need to do is to move across to the EC2 console and connect to this instance.

      Once you're at the EC2 console click on instances running.

      You should see one single EC2 instance called A4L WordPress.

      Just go ahead and select this, right-click on it, select connect.

      We're going to connect into this instance using EC2 instance connect so make sure that's selected.

      Make sure also that the username is set to EC2-user and then connect into the instance.

      Now if everything's working as it should be you should see the animals for life custom login banner when you log into the instance.

      In my case I do see that and that means everything's working as expected.

      So this demonstration is going to have a number of steps.

      First we need to download the cloud watch agent then we need to install the agent then we need to generate the configuration file that this install of the agent as well as any future installs of the agent could use and then we need to get the cloud watch agent to read this config and start capturing and injecting those logs into cloud watch logs.

      So step one is to download and install the agent and the command to do this is inside the lesson commands document which is attached to this lesson and that will install the agent but crucially it won't start it.

      What we need to do before we can start the agent is to generate the config file that we'll use to configure this and any future agents but because we also want to store that config file inside the parameter store and because we also want to give this instance permissions to interact with cloud watch logs before we continue we need to attach an IAM role to this instance an EC2 instance role so that's the next step.

      So we need to move back to the EC2 console click on services and then open the IAM console because we'll be creating an IAM role to attach to this instance you'll need to go to roles create role it'll be an AWS service role using EC2 so select EC2 and then click on next we'll need to attach two managed policies to this role so I've included the names of those managed policies in the lesson commands document the first is cloud watch agent server policy so make sure you type that in the filters policy and then check that box and the second is Amazon SSM full access so type that in the box select that policy and then scroll down and click on next and we'll call this role cloud watch role so enter cloud watch role and click on create role and once we've done that we can attach this role to our EC2 instance so we need to move back to the EC2 console go to instances right click on the instance go to security and then modify IAM role and then click on the drop down and select cloud watch role which is the role that you've just created then click update IAM role now that we've allocated that instance with the permissions that it needs to perform the next set of steps go ahead and connect to that instance again the tab may have timed out that you previously had open so if it doesn't respond you need to close it down and reopen it if it does respond that's fine keep the existing tab once we back in the terminal for the instance we need to start the cloud watch agent configuration wizard and the command to do that is also in the lesson commands document attached to this lesson so go ahead and paste that in and press enter and that will start off the configuration wizard for the cloud watch agent now for most of these values we can accept the defaults but we need to be careful because there are a number of them that we can't so press enter and accept the default for the operating system it should automatically detect Linux press enter it should automatically detect that it's running on an EC2 instance press enter to use the root user again that should be the default press enter for stats D press enter for the stats D port press enter for the interval press enter for the aggregation interval press enter to monitor metrics from collect D again that's the default press enter to monitor host metrics so CPU and memory press enter to monitor CPU metrics per core press enter for the additional dimensions press enter to aggregate EC2 dimensions press enter for the default resolution so 60 seconds for the default metric config that you want the default will be basic go ahead and enter 3 for advanced this captures additional operating system metrics that we might actually want so use 3 for this value press enter to indicate that we satisfied with the above config next we'll move to the log configuration part of this wizard so press enter for the default of no we don't have an existing cloud watch log agent config to import press enter which is the default for yes we do want to monitor log files you'll be asked for the log file path to monitor so the first one that we want to monitor and again these are in the lesson commands document so the first log path is forward slash var forward slash log forward slash secure press enter you'll be asked for the log group name the default is just the log name itself so secure but we're going to enter the full path I always prefer using the full path for the log group names for any system logs so going to enter var log secure again you'll be asked for the log stream name remembering the theory part of this lesson I talked about how a log stream will be named after the instance which is injecting those logs so the default choice is to do that to use the instance ID so press enter it's here where you can specify a log group retention in days we're just going to accept the default for the log group retention value the default will be yes we do want to specify additional log files so press enter the log file path for this one will be var log HTTP d access underscore log so enter that the log group name again will default to the name of the actual log we want the full path so enter the full path again press enter the log stream name the default for this is again the instance ID which is fine just press enter go ahead and accept the default for the log group retention in days press enter again we've got one more log file that we want to enter this time the log file path is var log HTTP d error underscore log again the log group name will default the name of the actual log we want to use the full path so enter the same thing again the default choice for log stream name will be again the instance ID that's fine press enter go ahead and accept the default for the log group retention in days and now we finished adding log files we won't want to log any additional files so press 2 and that will complete this logging section of this wizard it's asking us to confirm that we're happy with this configuration file and it's telling us that the configuration file is stored at forward slash opt forward slash aws forward slash amazon hyphen cloud watch hyphen agent forward slash bin and then config dot json in that folder now that's where it stores it on the local file system but we can also elect to store this json configuration inside the parameter store and I thought that since we've previously talked about the theory of the parameter store and done a little bit of interaction it would be useful for you to see exactly how it can be used in a more production like setting so the default is to store the configuration in the parameter store so we're going to allow that press enter it'll ask us for the parameter name to use and the default is Amazon cloud watch hyphen linux and that's fine so press enter it'll ask us for the region to use because parameter store is like many other services a regional service and the default region is the one where the instance is in so it automatically detects that we're in us east one which is northern Virginia so go ahead and accept that default choice it'll ask us for the credentials that it can use to send that configuration into the parameter store now these credentials will be obtained from the role that we've attached to this instance in the previous step so you can accept the default choice it'll use those credentials to store that configuration inside the parameter store and if we move back to the ec2 console and we switch back to the parameter store so just type SSM to move to systems manager which is the parent product of parameter store if we go down to the parameter store item on the menu on the left we'll be able to see this single parameter Amazon cloud watch hyphen linux and if we open that up and just scroll down we can see that the value is a JSON document with the full configuration of the cloud watch agent so we can now use this parameter to configure the agent on this ec2 instance as well as any other ec2 instances we want to deploy so if you create the cloud watch configuration once and then store it into parameter store then when you create ec2 instances at scale as you'll see how to do later in the course when we talk about auto scaling groups then you can use the parameter store to deploy this type of configuration at scale in a secure way okay so this is the end of part one of this lesson it was getting a little bit on the long side and so I wanted to add a break it's an opportunity just to take a rest or grab a coffee part 2 will be continuing immediately from the end of part one so go ahead complete the video and when you're ready join me in part 2.

    1. Welcome back.

      So far in the course you've had a brief exposure to CloudWatch and CloudWatch logs and you know that CloudWatch monitors certain performance and reliability aspects of EC2 but crucially only those metrics that are available on the external face of an EC2 instance.

      There are situations when you need to enable monitoring inside an instance so have access to certain performance counters of the operating system itself.

      So be able to look at the processes running on an instance, the memory consumption of those processes, so have access to certain operating system level performance metrics that you cannot see outside the instance.

      You also might want to allow access to system and application logging from within the EC2 instance.

      So application logs and system logs also from within the operating system of an EC2 instance.

      So in this lesson I want to step through exactly how this works and what you need to use to achieve it.

      So let's get started.

      Now a quick summary of where we're at so far in the course relevant to this topic.

      So I just mentioned you know now that CloudWatch is the product responsible for storing and managing metrics within AWS and you also know that CloudWatch logs is a subset of that product aimed at storing, managing and visualizing any logging data but neither of those products can natively capture any data or any logs that's happening inside of an EC2 instance.

      The products aren't capable of getting visibility inside of an EC2 instance natively.

      The inside of an instance is opaque to CloudWatch and CloudWatch logs by default.

      To provide this visibility the CloudWatch agent is required and this is a piece of software which runs inside an EC2 instance.

      So running on the operating system it captures OS visible data and sends it into CloudWatch or CloudWatch logs so that you can then use it and visualize it within the console of both of those products.

      And logically for the CloudWatch agent to function it needs to have the configuration and permissions to be able to send that data into both of those products.

      So in summary in order for CloudWatch and CloudWatch logs to have access inside of an EC2 instance then there's some configuration and security work required in addition to having to install the CloudWatch agent and that's what I want to cover over the remainder of this lesson and the upcoming demo lesson.

      Architecturally the CloudWatch agent is pretty simple to understand.

      We've got an EC2 instance on its own.

      For example the animals for life WordPress instance from the previous demos.

      It's incapable of injecting any logging into CloudWatch logs without the agent being installed.

      So to fix that we need to install the CloudWatch agent within the EC2 instance and the agent will need some configuration.

      So it will need to know exactly what information to inject into CloudWatch and CloudWatch logs.

      So we need to configure the agent.

      We need to supply the configuration information so that the agent knows what to do.

      The agent also needs some way of interacting with AWS, some permissions.

      We know now that it's bad practice to add long-term credentials to an instance so we don't want to do that but that aside it's also difficult to manage that at scale.

      So best practice for using this type of architecture is to create an IAM role with permissions to interact with CloudWatch logs and then we can attach this IAM role to the EC2 instance providing the instance or more specifically anything running on the instance with access to the CloudWatch and CloudWatch logs service.

      Now the agent configuration that will also need to set up that configures the metrics and the logs that we want to capture and these are all injected into CloudWatch using log groups.

      We'll configure one log group for every log file that we want to inject into the product and then within each log group there'll be a log stream for each instance performing this logging.

      So that's the architecture.

      One log group for each individual log that we want to capture and then one log stream inside that log group for every EC2 instance that's injecting that logging data.

      Now to get this up and running for a single instance you can do it manually.

      You can log into the instance, install the agent, configure it, attach a role and start injecting the data.

      At scale you'll need to automate the process and potentially you can use cloud formation to include that agent configuration for every single instance that you provision.

      Now CloudWatch agent comes with a number of ways to obtain and store the configuration that it will use to send this data into CloudWatch logs and one of those ways is we can actually use the parameter store and store the agent configuration as a parameter and because we've just learned about parameter store I thought it would be beneficial as well as demonstrating how to install and configure the CloudWatch agent.

      We should also utilize the parameter store to store that configuration and so that's what we're going to do together in the next demo lesson.

      We're going to install and configure the CloudWatch agent and set it up to collect logging information for three different log files.

      We're going to set it up to collect and inject logging for forward slash var forward slash log forward slash secure which shows any events relating to secure log ins to the EC2 instance and we're also going to collect logging information for the access log and the error log which are both log files generated by the Apache web server that's installed on the EC2 instance and by using these three different log files it should give you some great practical experience to how to configure the CloudWatch agent and how to use the parameter store to store configuration at scale.

      So that's it for the theory for now you can go ahead and finish off this video and then when you're ready you can join me in the next demo lesson where we'll be installing and configuring the CloudWatch agent.

    1. Welcome back and in this demo lesson, I'm just wanting to give you some practical experience with interacting with the parameter store inside AWS.

      So to do that, make sure you're logged into the IAM admin user of the management account of the organization and you'll need to have the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now there's also a lesson commands document linked to this lesson, which contain all of the commands that you'll need for this lessons demonstration.

      So before we start interacting with the parameter store from the command line, we need to create some parameters.

      And the way that we do that is first move to systems manager.

      So the parameter store is actually a sub product of systems manager.

      So move over to the systems manager console.

      And once you're there, you'll need to select the parameter store from the menu on the left.

      So it should be about halfway down on the left and it's under application management.

      So go ahead and select parameter store.

      Now once you're in parameter store, the first thing that you'll need to do to remove this default welcome screen logically is to create a parameter.

      So go ahead and click on create parameter.

      Now when you create a parameter, you're able to pick between standard or advanced.

      Standard is the default and that meets most of the needs that most people have for the product.

      And you can create up to 10,000 parameters using the standard tier.

      With the advanced tier, you can create more than 10,000 parameters.

      The parameter value can be longer at eight kilobytes versus the four kilobytes of standard.

      And you do gain access to some additional features.

      But in most cases, most parameters are fine using the default, which is the standard tier.

      With the standard tier, there's no additional charge to use this up to the limit of 10,000 parameters.

      The only point at which parameter store costs any extra is if you use the faster throughput options or make use of this advanced tier.

      And we won't be doing that at any point throughout the course.

      We'll only be using standard.

      And so there won't be any extra parameter store related charges on your bill.

      Now I mentioned that a parameter is essentially a parameter name and a parameter value.

      And it's here where you set both of those.

      There's an optional description that you can use and you can set the type of the parameter.

      The options being string, string list, which is a comma separated list of individual strings and then secure string, which utilizes encryption.

      So we're gonna go ahead at this point and create some parameters that we're then going to interact with from the command line.

      So the first one we'll create is one that's called forward slash my-cat-app forward slash DB string.

      So this is the name of a parameter and it will also establish a hierarchy.

      So anytime we use forward slashers, we're establishing a hierarchy inside the parameter store.

      So imagine this being a directory structure.

      Imagine this being the root of the structure.

      Imagine my-cat-app being the top level folder and inside there, imagine that we've got a file called DB string.

      So we're going to store this, we're going to store this hierarchy and we need to set its value.

      So we'll keep this for now as a string and this is going to be the database connection string for my-cat-app.

      So we'll just enter the value that's in the lesson commands document.

      So DB dot all the cats dot com colon 3306.

      And 3306 of course is the my SQL standard port number.

      At this point, we could enter an optional description.

      So let's go ahead and do that.

      Connection string for cat application.

      So just type in a description here.

      It doesn't matter really what you type and then scroll down and hit create parameter.

      So that's created our first parameter, my-cat-app forward slash DB string.

      Now we're going to go ahead and do the same thing but for DB user.

      So click on create parameter and then just click in this name box and notice how it presents you with this hierarchy.

      So now we've got two levels of this hierarchical structure.

      We've got the my-cat-app at the top and then we've got the actual parameter that we created at the bottom here.

      So this has already established this structure.

      So let's go ahead and create a new parameter.

      This time it's going to be forward slash my-cat-app forward slash DB user.

      We'll not bother with the description for this one.

      We'll keep it at the default of standard and it will also be a string.

      And then for the value, it'll be boss cat.

      So enter all that and click on create parameter.

      Next let's create a parameter again.

      If we click in this name this time, we've got this hierarchy that's ever expanding.

      So we've got the top level at the top and then below it two additional parameters, DB string and DB user.

      And we're going to create a third one at this level.

      So this time it's going to be called forward slash my-cat-app forward slash DB password.

      This time though, instead of type string, it's going to be a secure string so that it encrypts this parameter.

      And it's going to use KMS to encrypt the parameter.

      And because it's using KMS, we'll need to select the key to use to perform the cryptographic operations.

      We can either select a key from the current account, so the account that we're in, or we can select another AWS account.

      And in either case, we'll need to pick the key ID to use and by default, it uses the product default key for SSM.

      So that's using alias forward slash AWS forward slash SSM.

      And you always have the option of clicking on this dropdown and changing it if you want to benefit from the extra functionality that you get by using a customer managed KMS key.

      This is an AWS managed one.

      So you won't be able to configure rotation and you won't be able to set these advanced key policies.

      But in most cases, you can use this default key.

      So at this point, we'll leave it as the default and we'll enter our super secret password, amazing secret password, 1337, and then click create parameter.

      We're not finished yet though, click on create parameter again.

      And I like to be inclusive, so not everything in my course is going to be about cats.

      We're going to create another parameter, my-dog-app forward slash DB string.

      We'll keep standard, we'll keep the type as string and then the value for connecting to the my-dog application.

      So the DB string is going to be DB if we really must have dogs.com colon 3306.

      So type that in and then click on create parameter.

      And then lastly, we're going to create one more parameter.

      This time the name is going to be forward slash rate my lizard.

      So rate hyphen my hyphen lizard forward slash DB string.

      The tier is going to be standard again.

      The type is going to be string.

      And for the value, it will be DB.

      This is pretty random.com colon 3306.

      So type that in and then click on create parameter.

      So now we've created a total of five parameters.

      We've created the DB string, the DB user, and the DB password for the cat application.

      And then the DB string for the dog application as well as the rate my lizard application.

      So a total of five parameters and one of them is using encryption.

      So that's the DB password for the my cat application.

      So now let's switch over to the command line and interact with these parameters.

      And to keep things simple, we're going to use the cloud shell.

      So this is a relatively new feature made available by AWS.

      And this means that we don't have to interact with AWS using our local machine.

      We can do it directly from the AWS console.

      So click on the cloud shell icon on the menu on the top.

      This will take a few moments to provision because this is creating a dedicated environment for you to interact with AWS using the command line interface.

      So you'll need to wait for this process to complete.

      So go ahead and pause the video and wait until this logs you into the cloud shell environment at which point you can resume the video and we're good to continue.

      It'll say preparing your terminal and then you'll see a familiar looking shell much like you would if you were connected to a Linux instance.

      And now you'll be able to interact with AWS using the command line interface, using the credentials that you're currently logged in with.

      Now to interact with parameter store using the command line, we start by using AWS and then a space, SSM, and then a space, and then the command that we're going to use is get-parameters.

      Now by default, what we need to provide the get-parameters command with is the path to a parameter.

      So in this case, if we wanted to retrieve the database connection string for the rate my lizard application, then we could provide it with this name.

      So forward slash rate-my-lizard/dvstring.

      And this directly maps back through to the parameter that we've just created inside the parameter store.

      So this parameter.

      So if you go ahead and type that and press enter, it's going to return a JSON object.

      Inside that JSON object is going to be a list of parameters and then for each parameter, so everything inside these inner curly braces, we're going to see the name of the parameter that we wanted to retrieve, the type of the parameter, the value of the parameter.

      In this case, db.this_is_pretty_random.com/3306, the version number of the parameter because we can have different version numbers, the last modified date, the data type, and then the unique arn of this specific parameter.

      And so this is an effective way that you can store and retrieve configuration information from AWS.

      Now we can also use the same structure of command to retrieve all of those other parameters that we stored within the parameter store.

      So if we wanted to get the db string for the my-dog-app, then we could use this command.

      And again, it would return the same data structure.

      So a JSON object containing a list of parameters and each of those parameters would contain all of this information.

      I'll clear the screen to keep this easy to see.

      We could do the same for the my-cat-app, retrieving its database connection string.

      And again, it would return the same JSON object with the parameters list.

      And then for each parameter, this familiar data structure.

      Now what you can also do, and I'm going to clear the screen before I run this, is instead of providing a specific path to a parameter.

      So if you remember, we had almost a hierarchy that we created with these different names.

      So we have the my-cat-app hierarchy and then inside there db-pastword, db-string, db-user.

      We have my-dog-app and inside there db-string and then rate-my-lizard and also db-string.

      So rather than having to retrieve each of these individual parameters by specifying the exact name, we can actually use get parameters by path.

      So let's demonstrate exactly how that works.

      So with this command, we're doing a get-parameters-by-path and we're specifying a path to a group of a number of parameters.

      So in this case, my-cat-app is actually going to be the first part of the path of db-pastword, db-string and db-user.

      So by creating a hierarchical structure inside the parameter store, we can retrieve multiple parameters at once.

      So this time we're returning a JSON structure.

      Inside this JSON structure, we have a list of parameters and then we're retrieving three different parameters, db-pastword, db-string and db-user.

      Now note how db-pastword is actually a type of secure string and by default, if we don't specify anything, we return the encrypted version of this parameter.

      So the ciphertext version of this parameter.

      This ensures that we can interact with parameters without actually decrypting them and this offers several security advantages.

      Now I've cleared the screen to make this next part easy to see because it's very important.

      Because we're using KMS to encrypt parameters, the permissions to access KMS keys to perform this decryption, this is separate than the permissions to access the parameter store.

      So if this user, I am admin in this case, has the necessary permissions to interact with KMS to use the keys to decrypt these parameters, then we can also ask the parameter store to perform that decryption whilst we retrieve the parameters.

      The important thing to understand is the permissions to interact with the parameter store are separate than the permissions to interact with KMS.

      So to perform a decryption whilst we're retrieving the parameters, we would use this command.

      So it's the same command as before, aws, SSM, get-parameters-by-path, and then we're specifying the my-cat-app part of the hierarchy.

      So remember, this represents these three parameters.

      Now, if we ran just this part on its own, which was the command we previously ran, this would retrieve the parameters without performing decryption.

      But by adding this last part, this is the part that performs the decryption on any parameter types which are encrypted.

      And if you recall, one of the parameters that we created was this DB password, which is encrypted.

      So if we run this command, this time it's going to retrieve the /my-cat-app/db password parameter, but it's going to decrypt it as part of that retrieval operation and return the plain text version of this parameter.

      And just to reiterate, that requires both the permissions to interact with the parameter store, as well as the permissions to interact with the KMS key that we chose when creating this parameter.

      Now, we're logged in as the IAM admin user, which has admin permissions, and so we do have permissions on both of those, on SSM and on KMS, so we can perform this decryption operation.

      Now, you're going to be using the parameter store extensively for the rest of the course and my other courses.

      It's a great way of providing configuration information to applications, both AWS and bespoke applications within the AWS platform.

      It's a much better way to inject configuration information when you're automatically building applications or you need applications to retrieve their own configuration information.

      It's much better to retrieve it from the parameter store than to pass it in using other methods.

      So we're going to use it in various different lessons as we move throughout the course.

      In this demo lesson, I just wanted to give you a brief experience of working with the product and the different types of parameters.

      But at this point, let's go ahead and clear up all of the things that we've created inside this demo lesson.

      So close down this tab, open to Cloud Shell.

      Back at the parameter store console, just go ahead and check the box at the top to select all of these existing parameters.

      If you do have any other parameters, apart from the ones that you've created within this demo lesson, then do make sure that you uncheck them.

      You should be using an account dedicated for this training, so you shouldn't have any others at this point.

      But if you do, make sure you uncheck them.

      You should only be deleting ones for 8-mile lizard, my dog app, and my cat app.

      So make sure that all of those are selected and then click on delete to delete those parameters, and you'll need to confirm that deletion process.

      And at this point, that's everything that I wanted you to do in this lesson.

      You've cleared up the account back to the point it was at the start of this demo lesson.

      So go ahead, complete this video, and when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      In this lesson, I want to cover the Systems Manager parameter store, a service from AWS which makes it easy to store various bits of system configuration.

      So strings, documents, and secrets, and store those in a resilient, secure, and scalable way.

      So let's step through the products architecture, including how to best make use of it.

      If you remember earlier in this section of the course, I mentioned that passing secrets into an EC2 instance using user data was bad practice because anyone with access to the instance could access all that data.

      Well, parameter store is a way that this can be improved.

      Parameter store lets you create parameters, and these have a parameter name and a parameter value, and the value is the part that stores the actual configuration.

      Many AWS services integrate with the parameter store natively.

      CloudFormation offers integrations that you've already used, which I'll explain in a second and in the upcoming demo lessons, and you can also use the CLI tooling on an EC2 instance to get access to the service.

      So when I'm talking about configuration and secrets, parameter store offers the ability to store three different types of parameters.

      We've got strings, string lists, and secure strings.

      And using these three different types of parameters, you can store things inside the product, such as license codes, database connects and strings, so host names, ports.

      You can even store full configs and passwords.

      Now parameter store also allows you to store parameters using a hierarchical structure.

      Parameter store also stores different versions of parameters.

      So just like we've got object versioning in S3 inside parameter store, we can also have different versions of parameters.

      Parameter store can also store plain text parameters, and this is suitable for things like DB connection strings or DB users, but we can also use cipher text, and this integrates with KMS to allow you to encrypt parameters.

      So this is useful if you're storing passwords or other sensitive information that you want to keep secret.

      So when you encrypt using cipher text, you use KMS, and that means you need permissions on KMS as well.

      So there's that extra layer of security.

      The parameter stores also got the concept of public parameters, so these are parameters publicly available and created by AWS.

      You've used these earlier in the course.

      An example is when you've used cloud formation to create EC2 instances, you haven't had to specify a particular AMI to use, because you've consulted a public parameter made available by AWS, which is the latest AMI ID for a particular operating system in that particular region, and I'll be demonstrating exactly how that works now in the upcoming demo lessons.

      Now, the architecture of the parameter store is simple enough to understand.

      It's a public service, so anything using it needs to either be an AWS service or have access to the AWS public space endpoints.

      Different types of things can use the parameter store, so this might be things like applications, EC2 instances, all the things running on those instances, and even Lambda functions.

      And they can all request access to parameters inside the parameter store.

      As parameter store is an AWS service, it's tightly integrated with IAM for permissions, so any accesses will need to be authenticated and authorized, and that might use long-term credentials, so access keys or those credentials might be passed in via an IAM role.

      And if parameters are encrypted, then KMS will be involved and the appropriate permissions to the CMK inside KMS will also be required.

      Now, parameter store allows you to create simple or complex sets of parameters.

      For example, you might have something simple like myDB password, which stores your database password in an encrypted form, but you can also create hierarchical structures.

      So something like /wordpress/ and inside there, we might have something called dbUser, which could be accessed either by using its full name or requesting the WordPress part of the tree.

      We could also have dbPassword, which again, because it's under the WordPress branch of the tree, could be accessed along with the dbUser by pulling the whole WordPress tree or accessed individually by using its full name, so /wordpress/dbPassword.

      Now, we might also have applications which have their own part of the tree, for example, my-cat-app, or you might have functional division in your organization, so giving your dev team a branch of the tree to store their passwords.

      Now, permissions are flexible and they can be set either on individual parameters or whole trees.

      Everything supports versioning and any changes that occur to any parameters can also spawn events.

      And these events can start off processes in other AWS services.

      And I'll introduce this later.

      I just want to mention it now so you understand that parameter store parameter changes can initiate events that occur in other AWS products.

      Now, parameter store isn't a hugely complex product to understand.

      And so at this point, I've covered all of the theory that you'll need for the associate level exam.

      What I want to do now is to finish off this theory lesson.

      And immediately following this is a demo where I want to show you how you can interact with the parameter store via the console UI and the AWS command line tools.

      Now, it will be a relatively brief demo and so you're welcome to just watch me perform the steps.

      Or of course, as always, you can follow along with your own environment and I'll be providing all the resources that you need to do that inside that demo lessons folder in the course GitHub repository.

      So at this point, go ahead, finish this video.

      And when you're ready, you can join me in the next demo lesson.

    1. Welcome to this demo lesson where you're going to get the experience of working with EC2 and EC2 instance roles.

      Now as you learned in the previous theory lesson, an instance role is essentially a specific type of IAM role designed so that it can be assumed by an EC2 instance.

      When an instance assumes a role which happens automatically when the two of them are linked, that instance and any applications running on that instance can gain access to the temporary security credentials that that role provides.

      And in this demo lesson you're going to get the experience of working through that process.

      Now to get started you're going to need some infrastructure.

      Make sure that you're logged in to the general AWS account, so that's the management account of the organization and as always you'll need to be within the Northern Virginia region.

      Assuming you are, there's a one click deployment link which is attached to this lesson so go ahead and click that link.

      That will take you to a quick create stack page.

      The stack name will be pre-populated with IAM role demo and all you need to do is to scroll down to the bottom, check this capabilities box and then click on create stack.

      This one click deployment will create the animals for live VPC and EC2 instance and an S3 bucket.

      Now in order to continue with this demo we're going to need this stack to be in a create complete state.

      So go ahead and pause the video and then when the stack moves into a create complete status then we're good to continue.

      Okay so this stacks now in a create complete state and we're good to continue.

      So to do so go ahead and click on the services drop down and then type EC2, locate it, right click and then open that in a new tab.

      Once you're at the EC2 console click on instances running and you should be able to see that we only have the one single EC2 instance.

      Now we're going to connect to this to perform all the tasks as part of this demo.

      So right click on this instance, select connect, we're going to use EC2 instance connect.

      Just verify that the username does say EC2-user and then click on connect.

      Now the AMI that we use to launch this instance is just the standard Amazon Linux 2 AMI.

      And so if we type AWS and press enter it comes with the standard install of the AWS CLI version 2.

      Now it's important to understand that right now this instance has no attached instance role and it's not been configured in any way.

      It's the native Amazon Linux 2 AMI that's been used to launch this instance.

      And so if we attempt to interact with AWS using the command line utilities, for example by running an AWS S3 LS, the CLI tools will tell us that there are no credentials configured on this instance and will be prompted to provide long term credentials using AWS Configure.

      Now this is the method that you've used to provide credentials to your own installed copy of the CLI tools running on your local machine.

      So you've used AWS Configure and set up two named configuration profiles.

      And the way that you provide these with authentication information is using access keys.

      Now this instance has no access keys configured on it and so it has no method of interacting with AWS.

      We could use AWS Configure and provide these credentials but that's not best practice for an EC2 instance.

      What we're going to do instead is use an instance role.

      So to do that you're going to need to move back to the AWS console.

      And once you're there click on services and in the search box type IAM.

      We're going to move to the IAM console so right click and open that in a new tab.

      As I mentioned earlier an instance role is just a specific type of IAM role.

      So we're going to go ahead and create an IAM role which our instance can assume.

      So click on roles and then we're going to go ahead and click on create role.

      Now the create role process presents us with a few common scenarios.

      We can create a role that's used by an AWS service, another AWS account, a web identity or a role designed for SAML 2.0 Federation.

      In our case we want a role which can be assumed by an AWS service specifically EC2.

      So we'll select the type of trusted entity to be an AWS service then we'll click on EC2 and then we'll click on next.

      Now for the permissions in this search box just go ahead and type S3 and we're looking for the Amazon S3 read only access.

      So there's a managed policy that we're going to associate with this role.

      So check the box next to Amazon S3 read only access and then we'll click on next.

      And then under role name we're going to call this role A4L instance role.

      So it's easy to distinguish from any other roles we have in the account.

      So go ahead and enter that and click on create role.

      Now as I mentioned in the theory lesson about instance roles when we do this from the user interface.

      It's actually created a role and an instance profile of the same name and it's the instance profile that we're going to be attaching to the EC2 instance.

      Now from a UI perspective both of these are the same thing.

      You're not exposed to the role and the instance profile as separate entities but they do exist.

      So now we're going to move back to the EC2 console and remember currently this instance has no attached instance role and we're unable to interact with AWS using this EC2 instance.

      To attach an instance role using the console UI right click, go down to security and then modify IAM role.

      Select that and we'll need to choose a new IAM role.

      You have the option of creating one directly from this screen but we've already created the one that we want to apply.

      So click in the drop down and select the role that you've just created.

      In this case A4L instance role.

      So select that and then click on save.

      Now if we select the instance and then click on security you'll be able to confirm that it does have an IAM role attached to this instance.

      So this is the instance role that this EC2 instance can now utilize.

      So now we're going to interact with this instance again from the operating system.

      Now if it's been a few minutes since you've last used instance connect you might find when you go back it appears to have frozen up.

      If that's the case that's no problem just close down these tabs that you've got connected to that instance.

      Right click on the instance again, select connect, make sure the username is EC2-user and then click on connect.

      And this will reconnect you to that instance.

      Now if you recall last time we were connected we attempted to run AWS S3LS and the command line tools informed us that we had no credentials configured.

      Let's attempt that process again.

      AWS space S3 space LS and press enter.

      And now because we have the instance role associated with this EC2 instance the command line tools can use the temporary credentials that that role generates.

      Now the way that this works and I'm going to demonstrate this using the curl utility these credentials are actually provided to the command line tools via the metadata.

      So this is actually the metadata path that the command line tools use in order to get the security credentials.

      So the temporary credentials that a role provides when it's assumed.

      So if I use this command and press enter you'll see that it's actually using this role name.

      So you'll see a list of any roles which are associated with this instance.

      If we use the curl command again but this time on the end of security credentials we specify the name of the role that's attached to this instance and press enter.

      Now we can see the credentials that command line tools are using.

      So we have the access key ID the secret access key and the token and all of these have been generated by this EC2 instance assuming this role because these are temporary credentials.

      They also have an expiry date.

      So in my case here we can see that these credentials expire on the 7th of May 2022 at 552 47 UTC.

      And that really is all I wanted to show you in this demo lesson about instance roles.

      Essentially you just need to create an instance role and then attach it to an instance.

      And once you do that instance is capable of assuming that role gaining access to temporary credentials and then any applications installed on that instance, including the command line utilities are capable of interacting with AWS using those credentials.

      Now the process of renewing these credentials is automatic.

      So as long as the application that's running on the instance periodically checks the metadata service, it will always have access to up to date and valid credentials.

      The EC2 service once this expiry date closes in and once the expiry date is in the past, these credentials will be renewed and a new valid set of credentials will automatically be presented via the metadata service to any applications running on this EC2 instance.

      Now just one more thing that I do want to show you before we finish up with this demo lesson.

      And I have made sure that I've attached this link to the lesson.

      This link shows the configuration settings and precedence that the command line utilities use in order to interact with AWS.

      So whenever you use the command line interface, each of these is checked in order.

      First, it looks at command line options.

      Then it looks at environment variables to check whether any credentials are stored within environment variables.

      Then it checks the command line interface credentials file.

      So this is stored within the dot AWS folder within your home folder and then a file called credentials.

      Next, it checks the CLI configuration file.

      Next, it checks container credentials.

      And then finally, it checks instance profile credentials.

      And these are what we've just demonstrated.

      Now, this does mean that if you manually configure any long term credentials for the CLI tools as part of using AWS Configure, then they will be used as a priority over an instance profile.

      But you can use an instance profile and attach this to many different instances as a best practice way of providing them with access into AWS products and services.

      So that's really critical to understand.

      But at this point, that is everything that I wanted to cover in this demo lesson.

      And all that remains is for us to tidy up the infrastructure that we've used as part of this demo.

      So to tidy up this infrastructure, I want you to go back to the IAM console.

      I want you to click on roles and I want you to delete the A4L instance role that you've just created.

      So select it and then click on delete role.

      Once you've deleted that role, go back to the EC2 console, click on instances, right click on public EC2, go to security, modify IAM role.

      Now, even though you've deleted the IAM role, note how it's still listed.

      That's because this is an instance profile.

      This is showing the instance profile that gets created with the role, not the role itself.

      So what we're going to do, and I just wanted to do this to demonstrate how this works, we're just going to select no IAM role and then click on save.

      We'll need to confirm that.

      So to do that, we need to type detach into this box and then confirm it by clicking detach.

      That removes the instance role entirely from the instance.

      And then we can finish up the tidy process by moving back to the cloud formation console.

      Selecting the IAM role demo stack and then clicking on delete and confirming that deletion.

      And that will put the account back in the same state as it was at the start of this demo lesson.

      So this has been a very brief demo.

      I just wanted to give you a little bit of experience of working with instance roles.

      So that's EC2 instances combined with IAM roles in order to give an instance and any applications running on that instance, the ability to interact with AWS products and services.

      And this is something that you're going to be using fairly often throughout the course, specifically when you're configuring any AWS services to interact with any other services on your behalf.

      That's a common use case for using IAM roles and we'll be using instance roles extensively to allow our EC2 instances to interact with other AWS products and services.

      But at this point, that is everything that I wanted to cover in this demo lesson.

      So go ahead, complete the video and when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and I've mentioned a few times now within the course that I am roles are the best practice way that AWS services can be granted permissions to other AWS services on your behalf.

      Allowing a service to assume a role grants the service the permissions that that role has.

      EC2 instance roles are roles that an instance can assume and anything running in that instance has the permissions that that role grants and there is some detail involved which matters so let's take a look at how this feature of EC2 works architecturally.

      Instance role architecture isn't really all that complicated it starts off with an I am role and that role has a permissions policy attached to it so whoever assumes the role gets temporary credentials generated and those temporary credentials give the permissions that that permissions policy would grant.

      Now an EC2 instance role allows the EC2 service to assume that role which means there's an EC2 instance itself can assume it and gain access to those credentials but we need some way of delivering those credentials into the EC2 instance so that applications running inside that instance can use the permissions that the role provides so there's an intermediate piece of architecture the instance profile and this is a wrapper around an I am role and the instance profile is the thing that allows the permissions to get inside the instance when you create an instance role in the console an instance profile is created with the same name but if you use the command line or cloud formation you need to create these two things separately when using the UI and you think you're attaching an instance role direct to an instance you're not you're attaching an instance profile of the same name it's the instance profile that's attached to an EC2 instance.

      We know by now that when I am roles are assumed you're provided with temporary security credentials which expire but these credentials grant permissions based on the roles permissions policy will inside an EC2 instance these credentials are delivered via the instance metadata.

      An application running inside the instance can access these credentials and use them to access AWS resources such as S3.

      One of the great things about this architecture is that the credentials available inside the metadata they're always valid EC2 and the secure token service liaise with each other to ensure that the credentials are always renewed before they expire as long as your application inside the EC2 instance keeps checking the metadata it will never be in a position where it has expired credentials.

      So to summarize when you use EC2 instance roles the credentials are delivered via the instance metadata specifically inside the metadata there's an IAM tree in there there's a security credentials part and then in there is the role name and if you access this you'll get access to these temporary security credentials and they're always rotated they're always valid as long as that instance role remains attached to the instance anything running in the instance will always have access to these valid credentials applications running in the instance of course need to be careful about caching these credentials and just check the metadata before the credentials expire or do it periodically.

      You should always use roles where possible I'm going to keep stressing that throughout the course it's important for the exam roles are always preferable than storing long-term credentials so access keys into an EC2 instance it's never a good idea to store long-term credentials such as access keys anywhere which aren't securely stored so for example on your local machine.

      In fact the AWS tooling such as the CLI tools will use instance role credentials automatically so as long as the instance role is attached to the EC2 instance any command line tools running inside that instance can automatically make use of those credentials.

      So at this point that's everything I wanted to cover thanks for watching go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready join me in the next lesson.

    1. Welcome back and in this brief demonstration you'll have the opportunity to create an EC2 instance with WordPress bootstrapped in ready and waiting to be configured.

      But this time you'll be using an enhanced CloudFormation template which uses CFN init and creation policies rather than the simple user data that you used in the previous demonstration.

      To get started just make sure you are logged in to the general AWS account as the I am admin user and as always make sure you've got the northern Virginia region selected.

      Now attached to this lesson are two one click deployment links.

      Go ahead and use the first one which is the VPC link.

      Everything should be pre-populated.

      All you'll need to do is scroll down to the bottom, check the acknowledgement box and click on create stack.

      Once it's moved into a create complete status you can resume and we'll carry on with the demo.

      I'll assume that that's now in a create complete status and now we're going to apply another CloudFormation template.

      This is the template that we'll be using.

      It's just an enhancement of the one that you used in the previous lesson.

      This time instead of using a set of procedural instructions, so a script that are passed into the user data, this uses the CFN init system and creation policies.

      So let's have a look at exactly what that means.

      If I scroll down and locate the EC2 instance logical resource, then here we've got this creation policy.

      This means that CloudFormation is going to create a hold point.

      It's not going to allow this resource to move into a create complete status until it receives a signal.

      And it's going to wait 15 minutes for this signal.

      So a timeout of 15 minutes.

      Now scrolling down and looking at the user data, the only things we do in a procedural way, we use the CFN init command to begin the desired state configuration.

      That will either succeed or not.

      And based on that we use the CFN signal command to pass that success or failure state back to the CloudFormation stack.

      And that's what uses this creation policy.

      So the creation policy will wait for a signal and it's this command which provides that signal, either a success signal or a failure signal.

      Now what we're interested in specifically for this demo lesson is this CFN init command.

      So this is the thing that pulls the desired state configuration from the metadata of this logical resource.

      I'll talk all about that in a second.

      But it pulls that down by being given the stack ID and it uses this substitution command.

      So instead of this being passed into the instance, what's actually passed instead of this variable name, so the stack ID variable name, is the actual stack ID.

      And then likewise, instead of this variable name, aws colon region is passed to the actual region that this template is being applied into.

      So that's what the substitution function does.

      It replaces any variable or parameter names with the values of those variables or parameters.

      So the CFN init process is then able to consult the CloudFormation stack and retrieve the configuration information.

      That's all stored in the metadata section of this logical resource.

      Now I just want to draw your attention to this double hyphen config sets wordpress underscore install.

      This tells us what set of instructions we want CFN init to run.

      So if I just expand the metadata section here, we've got one or more config sets defined.

      In this case, we've only got the one which is wordpress underscore install.

      And this config set runs five individual items, one after the other.

      And these are called config keys.

      So install CFN, software install, configure instance, install wordpress and configure wordpress.

      Now these reference the config keys defined below.

      So you'll see that the same name install CFN, software install, configure instance, install wordpress and configure wordpress.

      You'll recognize a lot of the commands used because they're the same commands that install and configure wordpress.

      So in the software install config key, we're using the DNF package manager to install various software packages that we need for this installation, such as WGet, MariaDB, the Apache web server and various other utilities.

      Then another part is services and we're specifying that we want these services to be enabled and to be running.

      So this means that the service will be set to start up on instance boot and it will make sure that it's running right now.

      The next config key is configure instance.

      The files component of this can create files with a certain content.

      So we're creating a file called etc update-motd.d/40-cow.

      This is the part that we had to do manually before and this is the thing that adds the cow say banner.

      Then we're running some more procedural commands to set the database root password and to update this banner.

      Then we've got install wordpress, which uses a sources option to expand whatever is specified here into this directory.

      So this automatically handles the download and the unjzip and untarring of this archive into this folder and it can even do that with authentication if needed.

      We're creating another file this time to perform the configuration of wordpress and another file this time to create the database for wordpress.

      Then finally we've got the configure wordpress which fixes up the permissions and creates these databases.

      So this is doing the same thing as the procedural example in the previous demo.

      Instead of running all of these commands one by one, this is just using desired state.

      Now there is one more thing that I wanted to point out right at the top.

      This is the part that configures CFN init to keep watching the logical resource configuration inside the cloud formation stack.

      And if it notices that the metadata for EC2 instance inside the stack changes, then it will run CFN init again.

      Remember how in the theory lesson I mentioned that this process could cope with stack updates.

      So it doesn't only run once like user data does.

      Well, this is how it does that.

      This configures this automatic update that keeps an eye on the cloud formation stack and reruns CFN init whenever any changes occur.

      This is well beyond what you need for the associate exam.

      I just want you to be aware of what this is and how it works.

      Essentially we're setting up a process called CFN hop and making it watch the cloud formation stack for any configuration changes.

      And then we're setting it up so that the CFN hop process is enabled and running so that it can watch the resource configuration constantly.

      So that's it for this template.

      What we'll do now is apply it.

      So go ahead and click on the second one click deployment link attached to this lesson.

      It should be called A4LEC2CFN init.

      So click that link.

      All you'll need to do is scroll down to the bottom and then click on create stack.

      Now this time remember we're using a creation policy.

      So cloud formation is not going to move this logical ID and to create complete when EC2 signals that the launch process is completed.

      Instead it's going to wait until the instance itself signals the successful completion of the CFN init process.

      So because we're using this creation policy it's going to hold until the instance operating system using CFN-signal provide a signal to cloud formation to say yep everything's okay and at that point the logical resource will move into create complete.

      So that's going to take a couple of minutes.

      The EC2 instance will need to actually launch itself and pass its status checks and then the CFN init process will run, perform all of the configuration required and then assuming the status code of that is okay then CFN-signal will take that status code and respond to the cloud formation stack with a successful completion and then the process will move on then cloud formation will mark the particular resources complete and the stack is complete.

      Now that will take a few minutes so just keep hitting refresh and you should see the status update after two to three minutes but go ahead and pause the video and resume it once your stack moves into the create complete status.

      And there we go at this point the stack has moved into the create complete status and I just want to draw your attention to this line.

      You won't have seen this before.

      This is the line where our EC2 instance has run the CFN init process successfully and then the CFN signal command has taken that success signal and delivered it to the cloud formation stack.

      So this is the signal that cloud formation was waiting for before moving this resource into a create complete status and that's what's needed before the stack itself could move into a create complete status.

      So now we explicitly know that the configuration of this instance has actually been completed.

      So we're not relying on EC2 telling us that the instance status is now running with two out of two checks.

      Instead the operating system itself the CFN init process that's completed successfully and the CFN signal process has explicitly indicated to cloud formation that that whole process has been completed.

      So if we move across to the EC2 console we should be able to connect to the instance exactly as we've done before.

      Look for the running instance and select it.

      Copy the public IP version 4 IP address and open that in a new tab.

      All being well you should see the familiar WordPress installation screen.

      If you're right click on that instance and put connect.

      Go to instance connect and hit connect that will connect you into the instance and you should be greeted by the cow themed login banner.

      This time if we use curl to show us the contents of user data this time it's only a small number of lines because the only thing that runs is the CFN init process and the CFN signal process.

      Notice though how all of these variable names have been replaced with their values so the stack IDs and the region.

      So this is how it knows to communicate with the right stack in the right region inside cloud formation.

      If we do a CD space forward slash var forward slash log and then do a listing we've still got these original two files so cloud hyphen init dot log and cloud hyphen init hyphen output dot log.

      So these are primarily associated with the user data output.

      But now we've also got these new log files so CFN hyphen init hyphen CMD dot log and that is an output of the CFN init process.

      So if we cat that so shudu space cat space and then the name of that log file this will show us an output of the CFN init process itself.

      So we can see each of the individual config keys running and what individual operations are being performed inside each of those keys.

      So it's a more complex but a more powerful process.

      And at this point that's everything I wanted to cover.

      It was just to give you practical exposure to an alternative to raw user data and that was CFN hyphen init.

      It's a much more powerful system especially when combined with cloud formation creation policies which allow us to pause the progress of a cloud formation stack waiting for the resource itself to explicitly say yes I finished off all of my bootstrapping process you're good to carry on and that's done using the CFN hyphen signal command.

      Now at this point let's just clean up the account move back to cloud formation.

      Once you there go ahead and delete the EC2 CFN init stack wait for that process to complete and once you've done that go ahead and delete the A4L VPC stack and that will return the AWS account into the state that you had it at the start of this demo.

      At that point thanks for doing this demo I hope it was useful.

      You can go ahead and complete this video now and when you're ready you can join me in the next.

  4. Oct 2024
    1. Welcome back and in this demo lesson you're going to get the experience of bootstrapping an EC2 instance using user data.

      So this is the ability to run a script during the provisioning process for an EC2 instance and automatically add a certain configuration to that instance during the build process.

      So this is an alternative to creating a custom AMI.

      Earlier in the course you created an Amazon machine image with the WordPress installation and configuration baked in.

      Now that's really quick and simple but it does limit your ability to make changes to that configuration.

      So the configuration is baked into the AMI and so you're limited as to what you can change during launch time.

      With boot strapping you have the ability to perform all the steps in the form of a script during the provisioning process and so it can be a lot more flexible.

      Now to get started we need to create the Animals for Life VPC within our general AWS account.

      So this is the management account of the organization.

      So make sure that you're logged into the IAM admin user of this account and as always make sure you have the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now attached to this lesson is a one-click deployment link so go ahead and open that.

      This is going to take you to the quick create stack page and everything should be pre-populated.

      The stack name should be bootstrap everything else has appropriate default so just scroll down to the bottom, check the capabilities acknowledgement box and then go ahead and click on create stack.

      Now this will create the Animals for Life VPC which contains the public subnets that we'll be launching our instance into and so we're going to need this to be in a create complete state before we move on.

      So go ahead and pause the video and once your stack changes from create in progress to create complete then we good to continue.

      Okay so now that that stack has moved into a create complete state we good to continue.

      Now also attached to this lesson is another link which is the user data that we're going to use for this demo lesson so go ahead and open that link.

      This is the user data that we're going to use to bootstrap the EC2 instance so what I want you to do is to download this file to your local machine and then open it in a code editor or alternatively just copy all the text on screen now and paste that into a code editor.

      So I've gone ahead and opened that file in my text editor and if you look through all of the different commands contained within this user data .txt file then you should recognize some of them.

      These are basically the commands that we ran earlier in the course when we manually installed word press and when we created the Amazon machine image.

      So we're essentially installing the MariaDB database server, the Apache web server, Wget and Cowsay.

      We're installing PHP and its associated libraries.

      We're making sure that both the database and the web server are set to automatically start when the instance reboots and are explicitly started when this script is run.

      We're setting the root password of the MariaDB database server.

      We're downloading the latest copy of the WordPress installation archive.

      We're extracting it and we're moving the files into the correct locations.

      Then we're configuring WordPress by copying the sample configuration file into the final and proper file name so wp-config.php and then we're performing a search and replace on those placeholders and replacing them with our actual chosen values for the database name, the database user and the database password.

      And then after that we're fixing up the permissions on the web root folder with the WordPress installation files inside so we're making sure that the ownership is correct and then we're fixing up the permissions with a slightly improved version of what we've used previously.

      Then we're creating our DB.setup script in the same way that we did when we were manually installing WordPress.

      We're logging into the database using the MySQL command line utility, authenticating as the root user with the root password and then running this script and this creates the WordPress database, the user sets the password and gives that user permissions on the database.

      And then finally we're configuring the Cowsay utility so we're setting up the message of the day file we're outputting our animals for life custom greeting and then we're forcing a refresh of the login banner.

      So these are all of the steps that you've previously done manually so I hope it's still fresh in your memory just how annoying that manual installation was.

      Okay so at this point this user data is ready to go and I want to demonstrate to you how you can use this to bootstrap an EC2 instance.

      So let's go ahead and move back to the AWS console.

      Once we're at the AWS console this CloudFormation 1 click deployment has created the Animals for Life VPC.

      So what we're going to do is to click on the services drop down and then move to the EC2 console and go ahead and click on launch instance followed by launch instance again.

      So first things first the instance is going to be called a4l for animals for life - manual WordPress so go ahead and enter that in the box at the top then scroll down select Amazon Linux and then make sure Amazon Linux 2023 is selected in the drop down and then make sure that you've got 64-bit x86 selected.

      I want you to pick whichever type is free tier eligible within your account and region in my case it's t2.micro but you should pick the one that's free tier eligible.

      Under key pair go ahead and pick proceed without a key pair then scroll down to network settings and click on edit and there are a few items on this page that we need to explicitly configure.

      The first is we need to select the Animals for Life VPC next to network so select a4l -vpc1 next to subnet I want you to go ahead and pick sn -web -a so that's the web or public subnet within availability zone a then make sure auto assign public IP is set to enable we'll be using an existing security group so check that box and then in the drop down so click the drop down and select the bootstrap -instance security group so bootstrap was the name of the cloud formation stack that we created using the one-click deployment we won't be making any changes to the storage configuration and next we need to scroll down to an option that we've not used before we're going to enter some user data so scroll all the way down and under advanced details expand this if it isn't already and you're looking for the user data box what we're going to do is paste in the user data that you just downloaded so in my case this is the user data.txt which I downloaded so I'm going to go ahead and select all of the information in this user data.txt making sure I get everything including the last line and I'm going to copy that into my clipboard now back at the AWS console we need to paste that in to the user data box now by default EC2 accepts user data as base64 encoded data so we need to provide it with base64 encoded data and we're not we're just giving it a normal text file so in this case the user interface can actually do this conversion for us so if what you're pasting in is not base64 encoded and what we're pasting in isn't then we don't need to do anything else if we're pasting in data which is already base64 encoded we need to check this box below the user data box we don't need to worry about that because we're not pasting in anything with base64 encoding so we can just paste in our user data directly into this box and this will be run during the instance launch process so this is where our automatic configuration comes from this is what will bootstrap the EC2 instance okay so that's everything we need to configure so go ahead and click on launch instance now at this point while this is launching I want you to keep in mind that in the previous demo examples in this course we manually launched an instance and then once the instance was in a running state we had to connect into it download WordPress install WordPress and then configure WordPress along with all of the other associated dependencies that WordPress requires so that was a fairly time-intensive process that was open to errors in the AMI example we followed that same process but at the end we created the Amazon machine image so keep that in mind and compare it to what your experience is in this demo lesson so now we've launched the instance and it's now in a running state and we've provided some user data to this instance so I want you to leave it a couple of minutes after it's showing in a running state just give it a brief while to perform that additional configuration after a few minutes go ahead and right click on that instance and select connect we're going to be using EC2 instance connect so make sure that's selected make sure the user is set to EC2 - user and then just click connect now what you should see if we've given this enough time is our custom animals for life login banner and that means that the bootstrapping process has completed think about this for a minute as part of the launch process EC2 has provisioned us an EC2 instance and it's also run a relatively complex installation and configuration script that we've supplied in the form of user data and that's downloaded and installed WordPress and configured our custom login banner if we go back to EC2 select instances and then if we copy the public IP address into our clipboard so copy the actual IP address do not click on this link because this will open it using HTTPS which we haven't configured if you take that IP address and open that in a new tab you'll see the installation dialogue for WordPress and that's because the bootstrapping process using the user data has done all the configuration process that previously we've had to do manually now if we go back to the instance I want to demonstrate architecturally and operationally exactly how this works what we can do is use the curl utility to review the instance metadata now because we're using Amazon Linux 2023 we need to do this slightly differently we need to use version 2 of the metadata service so first we need to run this command to get a token which we can use to authenticate to the metadata service so run this next we can run this command which gets us the metadata of the instance and this uses the 169254 169254 address or as I like to call it 169.254 repeating now if we use this with meta hyphen data on the end then we get the metadata service but as we know user data is a component of the metadata service so instead of using forward slash latest forward slash metadata we can replace metadata with user data and this will allow us to see the user data supplied to the instance and don't worry all of these commands will be attached to the lesson so you should recognize this this is the user data that we passed into the instance so this is performed a download a configuration and an installation of Apache the database server and WordPress as well as our custom login banner so that's how the user data gets into the EC2 instance and there's a service running on the EC2 instance which takes this data and automatically performs these configuration steps essentially this is run as a script on the operating system now something else we can do is to move into the forward slash VAR forward slash log folder and this is a folder which contains many of the system logs and if we do an LS space hyphen LA we'll see a collection of logs within this folder there are two logs in particular that are really useful for diagnosing bootstrapping related problems these logs are cloud hyphen init dot log and cloud hyphen init hyphen output dot log and both of these are used for slightly different reasons so what I want to do is to output one of these logs and show you the content so we're going to output using shudu first to get admin permissions and then cat and we're going to use the cloud hyphen init hyphen output dot log and I'm going to press enter and that's going to show you the contents of this file and you'll be able to see using this log file exactly what's been executed on this EC2 instance so you'll be able to see all of the actual commands and the output from those commands as they've been executed on this EC2 instance so you'll be able to see all of the WordPress related downloads and copies the replacements of the database usernames and passwords the permissions fix section the database creation user creation and then permissions on that database as well as the command that actually executes those and then right at the bottom is where we configure our custom login banner so this is how you can see exactly what's been run on this EC2 instance and if you ever encounter any issues with any of the demo lessons within this course or any of my courses then you can use this file to determine exactly what's happened on the EC2 instance as part of the bootstrapping process okay so this is the end of part one of this lesson it was getting a little bit on the long side and so I wanted to add a break it's an opportunity just to take a rest or grab a coffee part two will be continuing immediately from the end of part one so go ahead complete the video and when you're ready join me in part two.

    1. Welcome back and in this demo lesson you're going to be creating an ECS cluster with the Fargate cluster mode and using the container of CATS container that we created together earlier in this section of the course, you're going to deploy this container into your Fargate cluster.

      So you're going to get some practical experience of how to deploy a real container into a Fargate cluster.

      Now you won't need any cloud formation templates applied to perform this demo because we're going to use the default VPC.

      All that you'll need is to be logged in as the IAM admin user inside the management account of the organization and just make sure that you're in the Northern Virginia region.

      Once you've confirmed that then just click in Find Services and type ECS and then click to move to the ECS console.

      Once you're at the ECS console, step one is to create a Fargate cluster.

      So that's the cluster that our container is going to run inside.

      So click on clusters, then create cluster.

      You'll need to give the cluster a name.

      You can put anything you want here, but I recommend using the same as me and I'll be putting all the CATS.

      Now Fargate mode requires a VPC.

      I'm going to be suggesting that we use the default VPC because that's already configured, remember, to give public IP addresses to anything deployed into the public subnets.

      So just to keep it simple and avoid any extra configuration, we'll use the default VPC.

      Now it should automatically select all of the subnets within the default VPC, in my case all six.

      If yours doesn't, just make sure you select all of the available subnets from this dropdown, but it should do this by default.

      Then scroll down and just note how AWS Fargate is already selected and that's the default.

      If you wanted to, you could check to use Amazon EC2 instances or external instances using ECS anywhere, but for this demo, we won't be doing that.

      Instead, we'll leave everything else as default, scroll down to the bottom and click create.

      If this is the first time you're doing this in an AWS account, it's possible that you'll get the error that's shown on screen now.

      If you do get this error, then what I would suggest is to wait a few minutes, then go back to the main ECS console, go to cluster again and then create the all the cats cluster again.

      So follow exactly the same steps, call the cluster all the cats, make sure that the animals for live default VPC is selected and all those subnets are present, and then click on create.

      You should find that the second time that you run this creation process, it works okay.

      Now this generally happens because there's an approval process that needs to happen behind the scenes.

      So if this is the first time that you're using ECS within this AWS account, then you might get this error.

      It's nothing to worry about, just rerun the process and it should create fine the second time.

      Once you've followed that process through again, or if it works the first time, then just go ahead and click on the all the cats cluster.

      So this is the Fargate based cluster.

      It's in an active state, so we're good to deploy things into this cluster.

      And we can see that we've got no active services.

      If I click on tasks, we can see we've got no active tasks.

      There's a tab here, metrics where you can see cloud watch metrics about this cluster.

      And again, because this is newly created and it doesn't have any activity, all of this is going to be blank.

      For now, that's fine.

      What we need to do for this demonstration is create a task definition that will deploy our container, our container of cats container into this Fargate cluster.

      To do that, click on task definitions and create a new task definition.

      You'll need to pick a name for your task definition.

      Go ahead and put container of cats.

      And then inside this task definition, the first thing to do set the details of the container for this task.

      So under container details under name, go ahead and put container of cats web.

      So this is going to be the web container for the container of cats task.

      Then next to the name under image URI, you need to point this at the docker image that's going to be used for this container.

      So I'm going to go ahead and paste in the URI for my docker image.

      So this is the docker image that I created earlier in the course within the EC2 docker demo.

      You might have also created your own container image.

      You can feel free to use my container image or you can use yours.

      If you want to keep things simple, you should go ahead and use mine.

      Yours should be the same anyway.

      Now just to be careful, this isn't a URL.

      This is a URI to point at my docker image.

      So it consists of three parts.

      First we have docker.io, which is the docker hub.

      Then we have my username, so acantral.

      And then we have the repository name, which is container of cats.

      So if you want to use your own docker image, you need to change both the username and the repository name.

      Again, to keep things simple, feel free to use my docker image.

      Then scrolling down, we need to make sure that the port mappings are correct.

      It should show what's on screen now, so container port 80, TCP.

      And then the port name should be the same or similar to what's on screen now.

      Don't worry if it's slightly different and the application protocol should be HTTP.

      This is controlling the port mapping from the container through to the Fargate IP address.

      And I'll talk more about this IP address later on in this demo.

      Everything else looks good, so scroll down to the bottom and click on next.

      We need to specify some environment details.

      So under operating system/architecture, it needs to be linux/x86_64.

      Under task size for memory, go ahead and select 1GB and then under CPU, 0.5 vCPU.

      That should be enough resources for this simple docker application.

      Scroll down and under monitoring and logging, uncheck use log collection.

      We won't be needing it for this demo lesson.

      That's everything we need to do.

      Go ahead and click on next.

      This is just an overview of everything that we've configured, so you can scroll down to the bottom and click on create.

      And at this point, the task definition has been created successfully.

      And this is where you can see all of the details of the task definition.

      If you want to see the raw JSON for the task definition itself, you don't need this for the exam, but this is actually what a task definition looks like.

      So it contains all of this different information.

      What it has got is one or more container definitions.

      So this is just JSON.

      This is a list of container definitions.

      We've only got the one.

      And if you're looking at this, you can see where we set the port mapping.

      So we're mapping port 80.

      You can see where it's got the image URL, which is where it pulls the docker image from.

      This is exactly what a normal task and container definition look like.

      They can be significantly more complex, but this format is consistent across all task definitions.

      Okay, so now it's time to launch a task.

      It's time to take the container and task definitions that we've defined and actually run up a container inside ECS using those definitions.

      So to do that, click on clusters and then select the all the cats cluster.

      Click on tasks and then click on run a new task.

      Now, first we need to pick the compute options and we're going to select launch type.

      So check that box.

      If appropriate for the certification that you're studying for, I'll be talking about the differences between these two in a different lesson.

      Once you've clicked on launch type, make sure Fargate is selected in the launch type drop down and latest is selected under platform version.

      Then scroll down and we're going to be creating a task.

      So make sure that task is selected.

      Scroll down again and under family, make sure container of cats is selected.

      And then under revision, select latest.

      We want to make sure the latest version is used and we'll leave desired tasks at one and task group blank.

      Scroll down and expand networking.

      Make sure the default VPC is selected and then make sure again that all of the subnets inside the default VPC are present under subnets.

      The default is that all of them should be in my case six.

      Now the way that this task is going to work is that when the task is run within Fargate, an elastic network interface is going to be created within the default VPC.

      And that elastic network interface is going to have a security group.

      So we need to make sure that the security group is appropriate and allows us to access our containerized application.

      So check the box to say create a new security group and then for security group name and description, use container of cats -sg.

      We need to make sure that the rule on this security group is appropriate.

      So under type select HTTP and then under source change this to anywhere.

      And this will mean that anyone can access this containerized application.

      Finally make sure that public IP is turned on.

      This is really important because this is how we'll access our containerized application.

      Everything else looks good.

      We can scroll down to the bottom and click on create.

      Now give that a couple of seconds.

      It should initially show last status.

      So the last status should be set to provisioning and the desired state should be set to running.

      So we need to wait for this task provisioning to complete.

      So just keep hitting refresh.

      You'll see it first change into pending.

      Now at this point we need this task to be in a running state before we can continue.

      So go ahead and pause the video and wait for both of these states.

      So last status and desired status both of those need to be running before we continue.

      So pause the video, wait for both of those to change and then once they have you can resume and will continue.

      After another refresh the last status should now be running and in green and the desired state should also be running.

      So at that point we're good to go.

      We can click on the task link below.

      We can scroll down and our task has been allocated a private IP version for address in the default VPC and also a public IP version for address also in the default VPC.

      So if we copy this public IP into our clipboard and then open a new tab and browse to this IP we'll see our very corporate professional web application.

      If it fits, I sits in a container in a container.

      So we've taken a Docker image that we created earlier in this section of the course.

      We've created a Fargate cluster, created a task definition with a container definition inside and deployed our container image as a container to this Fargate cluster.

      So it's a very simple example, but again this scales.

      So you could deploy Docker containers which are a lot more complex in what functionality they offer.

      In this case it's just an Apache web server loading up a web page but we could deploy any type of web application using the same steps that you've performed in this demo lesson.

      So congratulations, you've learned all of the theory that you'll need for the exam and you've taken the steps to implement this theory in practice by deploying a Docker image as a container on an ECS Fargate cluster.

      So great job.

      At this point all that remains is to tidy up.

      So go back to the AWS console.

      Just stop this container.

      Click on stop.

      Click on task definitions and then go into this task definition.

      Select this.

      Click on actions, deregister and then click on deregister.

      Click back on task definitions and make sure there's no results there.

      That's good.

      Click on clusters.

      Click on all the cats.

      Delete the cluster.

      You'll need to type delete space all the cats and then click on delete to confirm.

      And at that point the Fargate cluster has been deleted.

      The running container has been stopped.

      The task definitions been deleted and our account is back in the same state as when we started.

      So at this point you've completed the demo.

      You've done great and you've implemented some pretty complex theory.

      So you should already have a head start on any exam questions which involve ECS.

      We're going to be using ECS a lot more as we move through the course and we're going to be using it in some of the Animals for Life demos as we implement progressively more complex architectures later on in the course.

      For now I just wanted to give you the basics but you've done really well if you've implemented this successfully without any issues.

      So at this point go ahead, complete this video and when you're ready join me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this demo lesson you're going to learn how to install the Docker engine inside an EC2 instance and then use that to create a Docker image.

      Now this Docker image is going to be running a simple application and we'll be using this Docker image later in this section of the course to demonstrate the Elastic Container service.

      So this is going to be a really useful demo where you're going to gain the experience of how to create a Docker image.

      Now there are a few things that you need to do before we get started.

      First as always make sure that you're logged in to the I am admin user of the general AWS account and you'll also need the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now attached to this lesson is a one-click deployment link so go ahead and click that now.

      This is going to deploy an EC2 instance with some files pre downloaded that you'll use during the demo lesson.

      Now everything's pre-configured you just need to check this box at the bottom and click on create stack.

      Now that's going to take a few minutes to create and we need this to be in a create complete state.

      So go ahead and pause the video wait for your stack to move into create complete and then we're good to continue.

      So now this stack is in a create complete state and we're good to continue.

      Now if you're following along with this demo within your own environment there's another link attached to this lesson called the lesson commands document and that will include all of the commands that you'll need to type as you move through the demo.

      Now I'm a fan of typing all commands in manually because I personally think that it helps you learn but if you are the type of person who has a habit of making mistakes when typing along commands out then you can copy and paste from this document to avoid any typos.

      Now one final thing before we finish at the end of this demo lesson you'll have the opportunity to upload the Docker image that you create to Docker Hub.

      If you're going to do that then you should pre sign up for a Docker Hub account if you don't already have one and the link for this is included attached to this lesson.

      If you already have a Docker Hub account then you're good to continue.

      Now at this point what we need to do is to click on the resources tab of this stack and locate the public EC2 resource.

      Now this is a normal EC2 instance that's been provisioned on your behalf and it has some files which have been pre downloaded to it.

      So just go ahead and click on the physical ID next to public EC2 and that will move you to the EC2 console.

      Now this machine is set up and ready to connect to and I've configured it so that we can connect to it using Session Manager and this avoids the need to use SSH keys.

      So to do that just right-click and then select connect.

      You need to pick Session Manager from the tabs across the top here and then just click on connect.

      Now that will take a few minutes but once connected you should see this prompt.

      So it should say SH- and then a version number and then dollar.

      Now the first thing that we need to do as part of this demo lesson is to install the Docker engine.

      The Docker engine is the thing that allows Docker containers to run on this EC2 instance.

      So we need to install the Docker engine package and we'll do that using this command.

      So we're using shudu to get admin permissions then the package manager DNF then install then Docker.

      So go ahead and run that and that will begin the installation of Docker.

      It might take a few moments to complete it might have to download some prerequisites and you might have to answer that you're okay with the install.

      So press Y for yes and then press enter.

      Now we need to wait a few moments for this install process to complete and once it has completed then we need to start the Docker service and we do that using this command.

      So shudu again to get admin permissions and then service and then the Docker service and then start.

      So type that and press enter and that starts the Docker service.

      Now I'm going to type clear and then press enter to make this easier to see and now we need to test that we can interact with the Docker engine.

      So the most simple way to do that is to type Docker space and then PS and press enter.

      Now you're going to get an error.

      This error is because not every user of this EC2 instance has the permissions to interact with the Docker engine.

      We need to grant permissions for this user or any other users of this EC2 instance to be able to interact with the Docker engine and we're going to do that by adding these users to a group and we do that using this command.

      So shudu for admin permissions and then user mod -a -g for group and then the Docker group and then EC2 -user.

      Now that will allow a local user of this system, specifically EC2 -user, to be able to interact with the Docker engine.

      Okay so I've cleared the screen to make it slightly easier to see now that we've added EC2 -user the ability to interact with Docker.

      So the next thing is we need to log out and log back in of this instance.

      So I'm going to go ahead and type exit just to disconnect from session manager and then click on close and then I'm going to reconnect to this instance and you need to do the same.

      So connect back in to this EC2 instance.

      Now once you're connected back into this EC2 instance we need to run another command which moves us into EC2 user so it basically logs us in as EC2 -user.

      So that's this command and the result of this would be the same as if you directly logged in to EC2 -user.

      Now the reason we're doing it this way is because we're using session manager so that we don't need a local SSH client or to worry about SSH keys.

      We can directly log in via the console UI we just then need to switch to EC2 -user.

      So run this command and press enter and we're now logged into the instance using EC2 -user and to test everything's okay we need to use a command with the Docker engine and that command is Docker space ps and if everything's okay you shouldn't see any output beyond this list of headers.

      What we've essentially done is told the Docker engine to give us a list of any running containers and even though we don't have any it's not erred it's simply displayed this empty list and that means everything's okay.

      So good job.

      Now what I've done to speed things up if you just run an LS and press enter the instance has been configured to download the sample application that we're going to be using and that's what the file container.zip is within this folder.

      I've configured the instance to automatically extract that zip file which has created the folder container.

      So at this point I want you to go ahead and type cd space container and press enter and that's going to move you inside this container folder.

      Then I want you to clear the screen by typing clear and press enter and then type ls space -l and press enter.

      Now this is the web application which I've configured to be automatically downloaded to the EC2 instance.

      It's a simple web page we've got index.html which is the index we have a number of images which this index.html contains and then we have a docker file.

      Now this docker file is the thing that the docker engine will use to create our docker image.

      I want to spend a couple of moments just stepping you through exactly what's within this docker file.

      So I'm going to move across to my text editor and this is the docker file that's been automatically downloaded to your EC2 instance.

      Each of these lines is a directive to the docker engine to perform a specific task and remember we're using this to create a docker image.

      This first line tells the docker engine that we want to use version 8 of the Red Hat Universal base image as the base component for our docker image.

      This next line sets the maintainer label it's essentially a brief description of what the image is and who's maintaining it in this case it's just a placeholder of animals for life.

      This next line runs a command specifically the yum command to install some software specifically the Apache web server.

      This next command copy copies files from the local directory when you use the docker command to create an image so it's copying that index.html file from this local folder that I've just been talking about and it's going to put it inside the docker image in this path so it's going to copy index.html to /var/www/html and this is where an Apache web server expects this index.html to be located.

      This next command is going to do the same process for all of the jpegs in this folder so we've got a total of six jpegs and they're going to be copied into this folder inside the docker image.

      This line sets the entry point and this essentially determines what is first run when this docker image is used to create a docker container.

      In this example it's going to run the Apache web server and finally this expose command can be used for a docker image to tell the docker engine which services should be exposed.

      Now this doesn't actually perform any configuration it simply tells the docker engine what port is exposed in this case port 80 which is HTTP.

      Now this docker file is going to be used when we run the next command which is to create a docker image.

      So essentially this file is the same docker file that's been downloaded to your EC2 instance and that's what we're going to run next.

      So this is the next command within the lesson commands document and this command builds a container image.

      What we're essentially doing is giving it the location of the docker file.

      This dot at the end contains the working directory so it's here where we're going to find the docker file and any associated files that that docker file uses.

      So we're going to run this command and this is going to create our docker image.

      So let's go ahead and run this command.

      It's going to download version 8 of UBI which it will use as a starting point and then it's going to run through every line in the docker file performing each of the directives and each of those directives is going to create another layer within the docker image.

      Remember from the theory lesson each line within the docker file generally creates a new file system layer so a new layer of a docker image and that's how docker images are efficient because you can reuse those layers.

      Now in this case this has been successful.

      We've successfully built a docker image with this ID so it's giving it a unique ID and it's tagged this docker image with this tag colon latest.

      So this means that we have a docker image that's now stored on this EC2 instance.

      Now I'll go ahead and clear the screen to make it easier to see and let's go ahead and run the next command which is within the lesson commands document and this is going to show us a list of images that are on this EC2 instance but we're going to filter based on the name container of cats and this will show us the docker image which we've just created.

      So the next thing that we need to do is to use the docker run command which is going to take the image that we've just created and use it to create a running container and it's that container that we're going to be able to interact with.

      So this is the command that we're going to use it's the next one within the lesson commands document.

      It's docker run and then it's telling it to map port 80 on the container with port 80 on the EC2 instance and it's telling it to use the container of cats image and if we run that command docker is going to take the docker image that we've got on this EC2 instance run it to create a running container and we should be able to interact with that container.

      So if you go back to the AWS console if we click on instances so look for a4l-public EC2 that's in the running state.

      I'm just going to go ahead and select this instance so that we can see the information and we need the public IP address of this instance.

      Go ahead and click on this icon to copy the public IP address into your clipboard and then open that in a new tab.

      Now be sure not to use this link to the right because that's got a tendency to open the HTTPS version.

      We just need to use the IP address directly.

      So copy that into your clipboard open a new tab and then open that IP address and now we can see the amazing application if it fits i sits in a container in a container and this amazing looking enterprise application is what's contained in the docker image that you just created and it's now running inside a container based off that image.

      So that's great everything's working as expected and that's running locally on the EC2 instance.

      Now in the demo lesson for the elastic container service that's coming up later in this section of the course you have two options.

      You can either use my docker image which is this image that I've just created or you can use your own docker image.

      If you're going to use my docker image then you can skip this next step.

      You don't need a docker hub account and you don't need to upload your image.

      If you want to use your own image then you do need to follow these next few steps and I need to follow them anyway because I need to upload this image to docker hub so that you can potentially use it rather than your own image.

      So I'm going to move back to the session manager tab and I'm going to control C to exit out of this running container and I'm going to type clear to clear the screen and make it easier to see.

      Now to upload this to docker hub first you need to log in to docker hub using your credentials and you can do that using this command.

      So it's docker space login space double hyphen username equals and then your username.

      So if you're doing this in your own environment you need to delete this placeholder and type your username.

      I'm going to type my username because I'll be uploading this image to my docker hub.

      So this is my docker hub username and then press enter and it's going to ask for the corresponding password to this username.

      So I'm going to paste in my password if you're logging into your docker hub you should use your password.

      Once you've pasted in the password go ahead and press enter and that will log you in to docker hub.

      Now you don't have to worry about the security message because whilst your docker hub password is going to be stored on the EC2 instance shortly we're going to terminate this instance which will remove all traces of this password from this machine.

      Okay so again we're going to upload our docker image to docker hub so let's run this command again and you'll see because we're just using the docker images command we can see the base image as well as our image.

      So we can see red hat UBI 8.

      We want the container of cats latest though so what you need to do is copy down the image ID of the container of cats image.

      So this is the top line in my case container of cats latest and then the image ID.

      So then we need to run this command so docker space tag and then the image ID that you've just copied into your clipboard and then a space and then your docker hub username.

      In my case it's actrl with 1L if you're following along you need to use your own username and then forward slash and then the name of the image that you want this to be stored as on docker hub so I'm going to use container of cats.

      So that's the command you need to use so docker tag and then your image ID for container of cats and then your username forward slash container of cats and press enter and that's everything we need to do to prepare to upload this image to docker hub.

      So the last command that we need to run is the command to actually upload the image to docker hub and that command is docker space push so we're going to push the image to docker hub then we need to specify the docker hub username so again this is my username but if you're doing this in your environment it needs to be your username and then forward slash and then the image name in my case container of cats and then colon latest and once you've got all that go ahead and press enter and that's going to push the docker image that you've just created up to your docker hub account and once it's up there it means that we can deploy from that docker image to other EC2 instances and even ECS and we're going to do that in a later demo in this section of the course.

      Now that's everything that you need to do in this demo lesson you've essentially installed and configured the docker engine you've used a docker file to create a docker image from some local assets you've tested that docker image by running a container using that image and then you've uploaded that image to docker hub and as I mentioned before we're going to use that in a future demo lesson in this section of the course.

      Now the only thing that remains to do is to clear up the infrastructure that we've used in this demo lesson so go ahead and close down all of these extra tabs and go back to the cloud formation console this is the stack that's been created by the one click deployment link so all you need to do is select this stack it should be called EC2 docker and then click on delete and confirm that deletion and that will return the account into the same state as it was at the start of this demo lesson.

      Now that is everything you need to do in this demo lesson I hope it's been useful and I hope you've enjoyed it so go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this very brief demo lesson, I just want to demonstrate a very specific feature of EC2 known as termination protection.

      Now you don't have to follow along with this in your own environment, but if you are, you should still have the infrastructure created from the previous demo lesson.

      And also if you are following along, you need to be logged in as the I am admin user to the general AWS account.

      So the management account of the organization and have the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now again, this is going to be very brief.

      So it's probably not worth doing in your own environment unless you really want to.

      Now what I want to demonstrate is termination protection.

      So I'm going to go ahead and move to the EC2 console where I still have an EC2 instance running created in the previous demo lesson.

      Now normally if I right click on this instance, I'm given the ability to stop the instance, to reboot the instance or to terminate the instance.

      And this is assuming that the instance is currently in a running state.

      Now if I go to terminate instance, straight away I'm presented with a dialogue where I need to confirm that I want to terminate this instance.

      But it's easy to imagine that somebody who's less experienced with AWS can go ahead and terminate that and then click on terminate to confirm the process without giving it much thought.

      And that can result in data loss, which isn't ideal.

      What you can do to add another layer of protection is to right click on the instance, go to instance settings, and then change termination protection.

      If you click that option, you get this dialogue where you can enable termination protection.

      So I'm going to do that, I'm going to enable termination protection because this is an essential website for animals for life.

      So I'm going to enable it and click on save.

      And now that instance is protected against termination.

      If I right click on this instance now and go to terminate instance and then click on terminate, I get a dialogue that I'm unable to terminate the instance.

      The instance and then the instance ID may not be terminated, modify its disable API termination instance attribute and then try again.

      So this instance is now protected against accidental termination.

      Now this presents a number of advantages.

      One, it protects against accidental termination, but it also adds a specific permission that is required in order to terminate an instance.

      So you need the permission to disable this termination protection in addition to the permissions to be able to terminate an instance.

      So you have the option of role separation.

      You can either require people to have both the permissions to disable termination protection and permissions to terminate, or you can give those permissions to separate groups of people.

      So you might have senior administrators who are the only ones allowed to remove this protection, and junior or normal administrators who have the ability to terminate instances, and that essentially establishes a process where a senior administrator is required to disable the protection before instances can be terminated.

      It adds another approval step to this process, and it can be really useful in environments which contain business critical EC2 instances.

      So you might not have this for development and test environments, but for anything in production, this might be a standard feature.

      If you're provisioning instances automatically using cloud formation or other forms of automation, this is something that you can enable in an automated way as instances are launching.

      So this is a really useful feature to be aware of.

      And for the SysOps exam, it's essential that you understand when and where you'd use this feature.

      And for both the SysOps and the developer exams, you should pay attention to this, disable API termination.

      You might be required to know which attribute needs to be modified in order to allow terminations.

      So really for both of the exams, just make sure that you're aware of exactly how this process works end to end, specifically the error message that you might get if this attribute is enabled and you attempt to terminate an instance.

      At this point though, that is everything that I wanted to cover about this feature.

      So right click on the instance, go to instance settings, change the termination protection and disable it, and then click on save.

      One other feature which I want to introduce quickly, if we right click on the instance, go to instance settings, and then change shutdown behavior, you're able to specify whether an instance should move into a stop state when shut down, or whether you want it to move into a terminate state.

      Now logically, the default is stop, but if you are running an environment where you don't want to consider the state of an instance to be valuable, then potentially you might want it to terminate when it shuts down.

      You might not want to have an account with lots of stopped instances.

      You might want the default behavior to be terminate, but this is a relatively niche feature, and in most cases, you do want the shutdown behavior to be stop rather than terminate, but it's here where you can change that default behavior.

      Now at this point, that is everything I wanted to cover.

      If you were following along with this in your own environment, you do need to clear up the infrastructure.

      So click on the services dropdown, move to cloud formation, select the status checks and protect stack, and then click on delete and confirm that by clicking delete stack.

      And once this stack finishes deleting all of the infrastructure that's been used during this demo and the previous one will be cleared from the AWS account.

      If you've just been watching, you don't need to worry about any of this process, but at this point, we're done with this demo lesson.

      So go ahead, complete the video, and once you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this demo lesson either you're going to get the experience or you can watch me interacting with an Amazon machine image.

      So we created an Amazon machine image or AMI in a previous demo lesson and if you recall it was customized for animals for life.

      It had an install of WordPress and it had the Kause application installed and a custom login banner.

      Now this is a really simple example of an AMI but I want to step you through some of the options that you have when dealing with AMIs.

      So if we go to the EC2 console and if you are following along with this in your own environment do make sure that you're logged in as the IAM admin user of the general AWS account, so the management account of the organization and you have the Northern Virginia region selected.

      The reason for being so specific about the region is that AMIs are regional entities so you create an AMI in a particular region.

      So if I go and select AMIs under images within the EC2 console I'll see the animals for life AMI that I created in a previous demo lesson.

      Now if I go ahead and change the region maybe from Northern Virginia which is US-East-1 to US-East- Ohio which is US-East-2 if I make that change what we'll see is we'll go back to the same area of the console only now we won't see any AMIs that's because an AMI is tied to the region in which it's created.

      Every AMI belongs in one region and it has a unique AMI ID.

      So let's move back to Northern Virginia.

      Now we are able to copy AMIs between regions this allows us to make one AMI and use it for a global infrastructure platform so we can right-click and select copy AMI then select the destination region and then for this example let's say that I did want to copy it to Ohio then I would select that in the drop-down it would allow me to change the name if I wanted or I could keep it the same for description it would show that it's been copied from this AMI ID in this region and then it would have the existing description at the end.

      So at this point I'm going to go ahead and click copy AMI and that process has now started so if I close down this dialogue and then change it from US East 1 to US East 2 so select that now we have a pending AMI and this is the AMI that's being copied from the US - East - one region into this region if we go ahead and click on snapshots under elastic block store then we're going to see the snapshot or snapshots which belong to this AMI.

      Now depending on how busy AWS is it can take a few minutes for the snapshots to appear on this screen just go ahead and keep refreshing until they appear.

      In our case we only have the one which is the boot volume that's used for our custom AMI.

      Now the time taken to copy a snapshot between regions depends on many factors what the source and destination region are and the distance between the two the size of the snapshot and the amount of data it contains and it can take anywhere from a few minutes to much much longer so this is not an immediate process.

      Once the snapshot copy completes then the AMI copy process will complete and that AMI is then available in the destination region but an important thing that I want to keep stressing throughout this course is that this copied AMI is a completely different AMI.

      AMIs are regional don't fall for any exam questions which attempt to have you use one AMI for several regions.

      If we're copying this animals for life AMI from one region to another region in effect we're creating two different AMIs.

      So take note of this AMI ID in this region and if we switch back to the original source region so US - East - 1 note how this AMI has a different ID so they are different AMIs completely different AMIs you're creating a new one as part of the copy process.

      So while the data is going to be the same conceptually they are completely separate objects and that's critical for you to understand both for production usage and when answering any exam questions.

      Now while that's copying I want to demonstrate the other important thing which I wanted to show you in this demo lesson and that's permissions of AMIs.

      So if I right-click on this AMI and edit AMI permissions by default an AMI is private.

      Being private means that it's only accessible within the AWS account which has created the AMI and so only identities within that account that you grant permissions are able to access it and use it.

      Now you can change the permission of the AMI you could set it to be public and if you set it to public it means that any AWS account can access this AMI and so you need to be really careful if you select this option because you don't want any sensitive information contained in that snapshot to be leaked to external AWS accounts.

      A much safer way is if you do want to share the AMI with anyone else then you can select private but explicitly add other AWS accounts to be able to interact with this AMI.

      So I could click in this box and then for example if I clicked on services and I just moved to the AWS organization service I'll open that in a new tab and let's say that I chose to share this AMI with my production account so I selected my production account ID and then I could add this into this box which would grant my production AWS account the ability to access this AMI.

      Now no tell there's also this checkbox and this adds create volume permissions to the snapshots associated with this AMI so this is something that you need to keep in mind.

      Generally if you are sharing an AMI to another account inside your organization then you can afford to be relatively liberal with permissions so generally if you're sharing this internally I would definitely check this box and that gives full permissions on the AMI as well as the snapshots so that anyone can create volumes from those snapshots as well as accessing the AMI.

      So these are all things that you need to consider.

      Generally it's much preferred to explicitly grant an AWS account permissions on an AMI rather than making that AMI public.

      If you do make it public you need to be really sure that you haven't leaked any sensitive information, specifically access keys.

      While you do need to be careful of that as well if you're explicitly sharing it with accounts, generally if you're sharing it with accounts then you're going to be sharing it with trusted entities.

      You need to be very very careful if ever you're using this public option and I'll make sure I include a link attached to this lesson which steps through all of the best practice steps that you need to follow if you're sharing an AMI publicly.

      There are a number of really common steps that you can use to minimize lots of common security issues and that's something you should definitely do if you're sharing an AMI.

      Now if you want to do you could also share an AMI with an organizational unit or organization and you can do that using this option.

      This makes it easier if you want to share an AMI with all AWS accounts within your organization.

      At this point though I'm not going to do that we don't need to do that in this demo.

      What we're going to do now though is move back to US-East-2.

      That's everything I wanted to cover in this demo lesson.

      Now this AMI is available we can right click and select D register and move back to US-East-1 and now that we've done this demo lesson we can do the same process with this AMI.

      So we can right click select D register and that will remove that AMI.

      Click on snapshots this is the snapshot created by this AMI so we need to delete this as well right click delete that snapshot confirm that and we'll need to do the same process in the region that we copied the AMI and the snapshots to.

      So select US-East-2 it should be the only snapshot in the region make sure it is the correct one right click delete confirm that deletion and now you've cleared up all of the extra things created within this demo lesson.

      Now that's everything that I wanted to cover I just wanted to give you an overview of how to work with AMIs from the console UI from a copying and sharing perspective.

      Go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      This is part two of this lesson.

      We're going to continue immediately from the end of part one.

      So let's get started.

      So the first step is to shut down this instance.

      So we don't want to create an AMI from a running instance because that can cause consistency issues.

      So we're going to close down this tab.

      We're going to return to instances, right-click, and we're going to stop the instance.

      We need to acknowledge this and then we need to wait for the instance to change into the stopped state.

      It will start with stopping.

      We'll need to refresh it a few times.

      There we can see it's now in a stopped state and to create the AMI, we need to right-click on that instance, go down to Image and Templates, and select Create Image.

      So this is going to create an AMI.

      And first we need to give the AMI a name.

      So let's go ahead and use Animals for Life template WordPress.

      And we'll use the same for Description.

      Now what this process is going to do is it's going to create a snapshot of any of the EBS volumes, which this instance is using.

      It's going to create a block device mapping, which maps those snapshots onto a particular device ID.

      And it's going to use the same device ID as this instance is using.

      So it's going to set up the storage in the same way.

      It's going to record that storage inside the AMI so that it's identical to the instance we're creating the AMI from.

      So you'll see here that it's using EBS.

      It's got the original device ID.

      The volume type is set to the same as the volume that our instance is using, and the size is set to 8.

      Now you can adjust the size during this process as well as being able to add volumes.

      But generally when you're creating an AMI, you're creating the AMI in the same configuration as this original instance.

      Now I don't recommend creating an AMI from a running instance because it can cause consistency issues.

      If you create an AMI from a running instance, it's possible that it will need to perform an instance reboot.

      You can force that not to occur, so create an AMI without rebooting.

      But again, that's even less ideal.

      The most optimal way for creating an AMI is to stop the instance and then create the AMI from that stopped instance, which will have fully consistent storage.

      So now that that's set, just scroll down to the bottom and go ahead and click on Create Image.

      Now that process will take some time.

      If we just scroll down, look under Elastic Block Store and click on Snapshots.

      You'll see that initially it's creating a snapshot of the boot volume of our original EC2 instance.

      So that's the first step.

      So in creating the AMI, what needs to happen is a snapshot of any of the EBS volumes attached to that EC2 instance.

      So that needs to complete first.

      Initially it's going to be an appending state.

      We'll need to give that a few moments to complete.

      If we move to AMIs, we'll see that the AMI is also creating it too.

      It is in appending state and it's waiting for that snapshot to complete.

      Now creating a snapshot is storing a full copy of any of the data on the original EBS volume.

      And the time taken to create a snapshot can vary.

      The initial snapshot always takes much longer because it has to take that full copy of data.

      And obviously depending on the size of the original volume and how much data is being used, will influence how long a snapshot takes to create.

      So the more data, the larger the volume, the longer the snapshot will take.

      After a few more refreshes, the snapshot moves into a completed status and if we move across to AMIs under images, after a few moments this too will change away from appending status.

      So let's just refresh it.

      After a few moments, the AMI is now also in an available state and we're good to be able to use this to launch additional EC2 instances.

      So just to summarize, we've launched the original EC2 instance, we've downloaded, installed and configured WordPress, configured that custom banner.

      We've shut down the EC2 instance and generated an AMI from that instance.

      And now we have this AMI in a state where we can use it to create additional instances.

      So we're going to do that.

      We're going to launch an additional instance using this AMI.

      While we're doing this, I want you to consider exactly how much quicker this process now is.

      So what I'm going to do is to launch an EC2 instance from this AMI and note that this instance will have all of the configuration that we had to do manually, automatically included.

      So right click on this AMI and select launch.

      Now this will step you through the launch process for an EC2 instance.

      You won't have to select an AMI because obviously you are now explicitly using the one that you've just created.

      You'll be asked to select all of the normal configuration options.

      So first let's put a name for this instance.

      So we'll use the name "instance" from AMI.

      Then we'll scroll down.

      As I mentioned moments ago, we don't have to specify an AMI because we're explicitly launching this instance from an AMI.

      Scroll down.

      You'll need to specify an instance type just as normal.

      We'll use a free tier eligible instance.

      This is likely to be T2 or T3.micro.

      Below that, go ahead and click and select Proceed without a key pair not recommended.

      Scroll down.

      We'll need to enter some networking settings.

      So click on Edit next to Network Settings.

      Click in VPC and select A4L-VPC1.

      Click in Subnet and make sure that SN-Web-A is selected.

      Make sure the box is below a both set to enable for the auto assign IP settings.

      Under Firewall, click on Select Existing Security Group.

      Click in the Security Groups drop down and select AMI-Demo-Instance Security Group.

      And that will have some random at the end.

      That's absolutely fine.

      Select that.

      Scroll down.

      And notice that the storage is configured exactly the same as the instance which you generated this AMI from.

      Everything else looks good.

      So we can go ahead and click on Launch Instance.

      So this is launching an instance using our custom created AMI.

      So let's close down this dialog and we'll see the instance initially in a pending state.

      Remember, this is launching from our custom AMI.

      So it won't just have the base Amazon Linux 2 operating system.

      Now it's going to have that base operating system plus all of the custom configuration that we did before creating the AMI.

      So rather than having to perform that same WordPress download installation configuration and the banner configuration each and every time, now we've baked that in to the AMI.

      So now when we launch one instance, 10 instances, or 100 instances from this AMI, all of them are going to have this configuration baked in.

      So let's give this a few minutes to launch.

      Once it's launched, we'll select it, right click, select Connect, and then connect into it using EC2, Instance Connect.

      Now one thing you will need to change because we're using a custom AMI, AWS can't necessarily detect the correct username to use.

      And so you might see sometimes it says root.

      Just go ahead and change this to EC2-user and then go ahead and click Connect.

      And if everything goes well, you'll be connected into the instance and you'll see our custom Cowsay banner.

      So all that configuration is now baked in and it's automatically included whenever we use that AMI to launch an instance.

      If we go back to the AWS console and select instances, make sure we still have the instance from AMI selected and then locate its public IP version for address.

      Don't use this link because that will use HTTPS instead, copy the IP address into your clipboard and open that in a new tab.

      Again, all being well, you should see the WordPress installation dialogue and that's because we've baked in the installation and the configuration into this AMI.

      So we've massively reduced the ongoing efforts required to launch an animals for life standard build configuration.

      If we use this AMI to launch hundreds or thousands of instances each and every time we're saving all the time and the effort required to perform this configuration and using an AMI is just one way that we can automate the build process of EC2 instances within AWS.

      And over the remainder of the course, I'm going to be demonstrating the other ways that you can use as well as comparing and contrasting the advantages and disadvantages of each of those methods.

      Now that's everything that I wanted to cover in this demo lesson.

      You've learned how to create an AMI and how to use it to save significant effort on an ongoing basis.

      So let's clear up all of the infrastructure that we've used in this lesson.

      So move back to the AWS console, close down this tab, go back to instances, and we need to manually terminate the instance that we created from our custom AMI.

      So right click and then go to terminate instance.

      You'll need to confirm that.

      That will start the process of termination.

      Now we're not going to delete the AMI or snapshots because there's a demo coming up later in this section of the course where you're going to get the experience of copying and sharing an AMI between AWS regions.

      So we're going to need to leave this in place.

      So we're not going to delete the AMI or the snapshots created within this lesson.

      Verify that that instance has been terminated and once it has, click on services, go to cloud formation, select the AMI demo stack, select delete and then confirm that deletion.

      And that will remove all of the infrastructure that we've created within this demo lesson.

      And at this point, that's everything that I wanted you to do in this demo.

      So go ahead, complete this video.

      And when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this demo lesson you'll be creating an AMI from a pre-configured EC2 instance.

      So you'll be provisioning an EC2 instance, configuring it with a popular web application stack and then creating an AMI of that pre-configured web application.

      Now you know in the previous demo where I said that you would be implementing the WordPress manual install once?

      Well I might have misled you slightly but this will be the last manual install of WordPress in the course, I promise.

      What we're going to do together in this demo lesson is create an Amazon Linux AMI for the animals for life business but one which includes some custom configuration and an install of WordPress ready and waiting to be initially configured.

      So this is a fairly common use case so let's jump in and get started.

      Now in order to perform this demo you're going to need some infrastructure, make sure you're logged into the general AWS account, so the management account of the organization and as always make sure that you have the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now attached to this lesson is a one-click deployment link, go ahead and click that link.

      This will open the quick create stack screen, it should automatically be populated with the AMI demo as the stack name, just scroll down to the bottom, check this capabilities acknowledgement box and then click on create stack.

      We're going to need this stack to be in a create complete state so go ahead and pause the video and we can resume once the stack moves into create complete.

      Okay so that stacks now moved into a create complete state, we're good to continue with the demo.

      Now you're going to be using some command line commands within an EC2 instance as part of creating an Amazon machine image so also attached to this lesson is the lessons command document which contains all of those commands so go ahead and open that document.

      Now you might recognize these as the same commands that you used when you were performing a manual WordPress installation and that's the case we're running the same manual installation process as part of setting up our animals for life AMI so you're going to need all of these commands but as you've already experienced them in the previous demo lesson I'm going to run through them a lot quicker in this demo lesson so go back to the AWS console and we need to move to the EC2 area of the console so click on the services drop down, type EC2 into this search box and then open that in a new tab.

      Once you there go ahead and click on running instances, close down any dialogues about any console changes we want to maximize the amount of screen space that we have, we're going to connect to this A4L public EC2 instance this is the instance that we're going to use to create our AMI so we're going to set the instance up manually how we want it to be and then we're going to use it to generate an AMI so we need to connect to this instance so right click select connect we're going to use EC2 instance connect to do the work within our browser so make sure the username is EC2-user and then connect to this instance then once connected we're going to run through the commands to install WordPress really quickly we're going to start again by setting the variables that will use throughout the installation so you can just go ahead and copy and paste those straight in and press enter now we're going to run through all of the next set of commands really quickly because you use them in the previous demo lesson so first we're going to go ahead and install the MariaDB server Apache and the Wget utility while that's installing copy all of the commands from step 3 so these are commands which enable and start Apache and MariaDB go ahead and paste all of those four in and press enter so now Apache and MariaDB are both set to start when the instance boots as well as being set to currently started I'll just clear the screen to make this easier to see next we're going to set the DB root password again that's this command using the contents of the variable that you set at the start next we download WordPress once it's downloaded we move into the web root folder we extract the download we copy the files from within the WordPress folder that we've just extracted into the current folder which is the web root once we've done that we remove the WordPress folder itself and then we tidy up by deleting the download I'm going to clear the screen we copy the template configuration file into its final file name so wp-config.php then we're going to replace the placeholders in that file we're going to start with the database name using the variable that you set at the start next we're going to use the database user which you also set at the start and finally the database password and then we're going to set the ownership on all of these files to be the Apache user and the Apache group clear the screen next we need to create the DB setup script that are demonstrated in the previous demo so we need to run a collection of commands the first to enter the create database command the next one to enter the create user command and set that password the next one to grant permissions on the database to that user then flush the permissions then we need to run that script using the MySQL command line interface that runs all of those commands and performs all of those operations and then we tidy up by deleting that file now at this point we've done the exact same process that we did in the previous demo we've installed and set up WordPress and if everything's working okay we can go back to the AWS console click on instances select the running a4l-public ec2 instance copy down its IP address again make sure you copy that down don't click this link and then open that in a new tab if everything's working as expected you should see the WordPress installation dialogue now this time because we're creating an AMI we don't want to perform the installation we want to make sure that when anyone uses this AMI they're also greeted with this installation so we're going to leave this at this point we're not going to perform the installation instead we're going to go back to the ec2 instance now because this ec2 instance is for the animals for life business we want to customize it and make sure that everybody knows that this is an animals for life ec2 instance now to do that we're going to install an animal themed utility called cow say I'm going to clear the screen to make it easier to see and then just to demonstrate exactly what cow say does I'm going to run a cow say oh hi and if all goes well we see a cow using ASCII art saying the oh hi message that we just typed so we're going to use this to create a message of the day welcome when anyone connects to this ec2 instance to do that we're going to create a file inside the configuration folder of this ec2 instance so we're going to use shudu nano and we're going to create this file so forward slash etc forward slash update hyphen motd dot d forward slash 40 hyphen cow so we're going to create that file this is the file that's going to be used to generate the output when anyone logs in to this ec2 instance so we're going to copy in these two lines and then press enter so this means when anyone logs into the ec2 instance they're going to get an animal themed welcome so use control o to save that file and control x to exit clear the screen to make it easier to see we're going to make sure that file that we've just edited has the correct permissions then we're going to force an update of the message of the day so this is going to be what's displayed when anyone logs into this instance and then finally now that we've completed this configuration we're going to reboot this ec2 instance so we're going to use this command to reboot it and just to illustrate how this works I'm going to close down that tab and return to the ec2 console give this a few moments to restart that should have rebooted by now so we're going to select it right click go to connect again use ec2 instance connect assuming everything's working now when we connect to the instance we'll see an animal themed login banner so this is just a nice way that we can ensure that anyone logging into this instance understands that a he uses the Amazon Linux 2 AMI and be that it belongs to animals for life so we've created this instance using the Amazon Linux 2 AMI we've performed the WordPress installation and initial configuration we've customized the banner and now we're going to use this as our template instance to create our AMI that can then be used to launch other instances okay so this is the end of part one of this lesson it was getting a little bit on the long side and so I wanted to add a break it's an opportunity just to take a rest or grab a coffee part 2 will be continuing immediately from the end of part one so go ahead complete the video and when you're ready join me in part two

    1. Welcome back.

      This is part two of this lesson.

      We're going to continue immediately from the end of part one.

      So let's get started.

      So this is the folder containing the WordPress installation files.

      Now there's one particular file that's really important, and that's the configuration file.

      So there's a file called WP-config-sample, and this is actually the file that contains a template of the configuration items for WordPress.

      So what we need to do is to take this template and change the file name to be the proper file name, so wp-config.php.

      So we're going to create a copy of this file with the correct name.

      And to do that, we run this command.

      So we're copying the template or the sample file to its real file name, so wp-config.php.

      And this is the name that WordPress expects when it initially loads its configuration information.

      So run that command, and that now means that we have a live config file.

      Now this command isn't in the instructions, but if I just take a moment to open up this file, you don't need to do this.

      I'm just demonstrating what's in this file for your benefit.

      But if I run a sudo nano, and then wp, and then hyphen-config, and then php, this is how the file looks.

      So this has got all the configuration information in.

      So it stores the database name, the database user, the database host, and lots of other information.

      Now notice how it has some placeholders.

      So this is where we would need to replace the placeholders with the actual configuration information.

      So the database name itself, the host name, the database username, the database password, all that information would need to be replaced.

      Now we're not going to type this in manually, so I'm going to control X to exit out of this, and then clear the screen again to make it easy to see.

      We're going to use the Linux utility sed, or S-E-D.

      And this is a utility which can perform a search and replace within a text file.

      It's actually much more complex and capable than that.

      It can perform many different manipulation operations.

      But for this demonstration, we're going to use it as a simple search and replace.

      Now we're going to do this a number of times.

      First, we're going to run this command, which is going to replace this placeholder.

      Remember, this is one of the placeholders inside the configuration file that I've just demonstrated, wp-config.

      We're going to replace the placeholder here with the contents of the variable name, dbname, that we set at the start of this demo.

      So this is going to replace the placeholder with our actual database name.

      So I'm going to enter that so you can do the same.

      We're going to run the sed command again, but this time it's going to replace the username placeholder with the dbuser variable that we set at the start of this demo.

      So use that command as well.

      And then lastly, it will do the same for the database password.

      So type or copy and paste this command and press enter.

      And that now means that this wp-config has the actual configuration information inside.

      And just to demonstrate that, you don't need to do this part.

      I'll just do it to demonstrate.

      If I edit this file again, you'll see that all of these placeholders have actually been replaced with actual values.

      So I'm going to control X out of that and then clear the screen.

      And that concludes the configuration for the WordPress application.

      So now it's ready.

      Now it knows how to communicate with the database.

      What we need to do to finish off the configuration though is just to make sure that the web server has access to all of the files within this folder.

      And to do that, we use this command.

      So we're making sure that we use the shown command or chown and set the ownership of all of the files in this folder and any subfolders to be the Apache user and the Apache group.

      And the Apache user and Apache group belong to the web server.

      So this just makes sure that the web server is able to access and control all of the files in the web root folder.

      So run that command and press enter.

      And that concludes the installation part of the WordPress application.

      There's one final thing that we need to do and that's to create the database that WordPress will use.

      So I'm going to clear the screen to make it easy to see.

      Now what we're going to do in order to configure the database is we're going to make a database setup script.

      We're going to put this script inside the forward slash TMP folder and we're going to call it DB.setup.

      So what we need to do is enter the commands into this file that will create the database.

      After the database is created, it needs to create a database user and then it needs to grant that user permissions on that database.

      Now again, instead of manually entering this, we're going to use those variable names that were created at the start of the demo.

      So we're going to run a number of commands.

      These are all in the lessons commands document.

      The first one is this.

      So this echoes this text and because it has a variable name in, this variable name will be replaced by the actual contents of the variable.

      Then it's going to take this text with the replacement of the contents of this variable and it's going to enter that into this file.

      So forward slash TMP, forward slash DB setup.

      So run that and that command is going to create the WordPress database.

      Then we're going to use this command and this is the same so it echoes this text but it replaces these variable names with the contents of the variables.

      This is going to create our WordPress database user.

      It's going to set its password and then it's going to append this text to the DB setup file that we're creating.

      Now all of these are actually database commands that we're going to execute within the MariaDB database.

      So enter that to add that line to DB.setup.

      Then we have another line which uses the same architecture as the ones above it.

      It echoes the text.

      It replaces these variable names with the contents and then outputs that to this DB.setup file and this command grants our database user permissions to our WordPress database.

      And then the last command is this one which just flushes the privileges and again we're going to add this to our DB.setup script.

      So now I'm just going to cat the contents of this file so you can just see exactly what it looks like.

      So cat and then space forward slash TMP, forward slash DB.setup.

      So as you'll see it's replaced all of these variable names with the actual contents.

      So this is what the contents of this script actually looks like.

      So these are commands which will be run by the MariaDB database platform.

      To run those commands we use this.

      So this is the MySQL command line interface.

      So we're using MySQL to connect to the MariaDB database server.

      We're using the username of root.

      We're passing in the password and then using the contents of the DB root password variable.

      And then once we authenticate the database we're passing in the contents of our DB.setup script.

      And so this means that all of the lines of our DB.setup script will be run by the MariaDB database and this will create the WordPress database, the WordPress user and configure all of the required permissions.

      So go ahead and press enter.

      That command is run by the MariaDB platform and that means that our WordPress database has been successfully configured.

      And then lastly just to keep things secure because we don't want to leave files laying around on the file system with authentication information inside.

      We're just going to run this command to delete this DB.setup file.

      Okay, so that concludes the setup process for WordPress.

      It's been a fairly long intensive process but that now means that we have an installation of WordPress on this EC2 instance, a database which has been installed and configured.

      So now what we can do is to go back to the AWS console, click on instances.

      We need to select the A4L-PublicEC2 and then we need to locate its IP address.

      Now make sure that you don't use this open address link because this will attempt to open the IP address using HTTPS and we don't have that configured on this WordPress instance.

      Instead, just copy the IP address into your clipboard and then open that in a new tab.

      If everything's successful, you should see the WordPress installation dialog and just to verify this is working successfully, let's follow this process through.

      So pick English, United States for the language.

      For the blog title, just put all the cats and then admin as the username.

      You can accept the default strong password.

      Just copy that into your clipboard so we can use it to log in in a second and then just go ahead and enter your email.

      It doesn't have to be a correct one.

      So I normally use test@test.com and then go ahead and click on install WordPress.

      You should see a success dialog.

      Go ahead and click on login.

      Username will be admin, the password that you just copied into your clipboard and then click on login.

      And there you go.

      We've got a working WordPress installation.

      We're not going to configure it in any detail but if you want to just check out that it works properly, go ahead and click on this all the cats at the top and then visit site and you'll be able to see a generic WordPress blog.

      And that means you've completed the installation of the WordPress application and the database using a monolithic architecture on a single EC2 instance.

      So this has been a slow process.

      It's been manual and it's a process which is wide open for mistakes to be made at every point throughout that process.

      Can you imagine doing this twice?

      What about 10 times?

      What about a hundred times?

      It gets pretty annoying pretty quickly.

      In reality, this is never done manually.

      We use automation or infrastructure as code systems such as cloud formation.

      And as we move through the course, you're going to get experience of using all of these different methods.

      Now that we're close to finishing up the basics of VPC and EC2 within the course, things will start to get much more efficient quickly because I'm going to start showing you how to use many of the automation and infrastructure as code services within AWS.

      And these are really awesome to use.

      And you'll see just how much power is granted to an architect, a developer, or an engineer by using these services.

      For now though, that is the end of this demo lesson.

      Now what we're going to do is to clear up our account.

      So we need to go ahead and clear all of this infrastructure that we've used throughout this demo lesson.

      To do that, just move back to the AWS console.

      If you still have the cloud formation tab open and move back to that tab, otherwise click on services and then click on cloud formation.

      If you don't see it anywhere, you can use this box to search for it, select the word, press stack, select delete, and then confirm that deletion.

      And that will delete the stack, clear up all of the infrastructure that we've used throughout this demo lesson and the account will now be in the same state as it was at the start of this lesson.

      So from this point onward in the course, we're going to start using automation.

      Now there is a lesson coming up in a little while in this section of the course, where you're going to create an Amazon machine image which is going to contain a pre-baked copy of the WordPress application.

      So as part of that lesson, you are going to be required to perform one more manual installation of WordPress, but that's going to be part of automating the installation.

      So you'll start to get some experience of how to actually perform automated installations and how to design architectures which have WordPress as a component.

      At this point though, that's everything I wanted to cover.

      So go ahead, complete this video, and when you're ready, I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson we're going to be doing something which I really hate doing and that's using WordPress in a course as an example.

      Joking aside though WordPress is used in a lot of courses as a very simple example of an application stack.

      The problem is that most courses don't take this any further.

      But in this course I want to use it as one example of how an application stack can be evolved to take advantage of AWS products and services.

      What we're going to be using WordPress for in this demo is to give you experience of how a manual installation of a typical application stack works in EC2.

      We're going to be doing this so you can get the experience of how not to do things.

      My personal belief is that to fully understand the advantages that automation features within AWS provide, you need to understand what a manual installation is like and what problems you can experience doing that manual installation.

      As we move through the course we can compare this to various different automated ways of installing software within AWS.

      So you're going to get the experience of bad practices, good practices and the experience to be able to compare and contrast between the two.

      By the end of this demonstration you're going to have a working WordPress site but it won't have any high availability because it's running on a single EC2 instance.

      It's going to be architecturally monolithic with everything running on the one single instance.

      In this case that means both the application and the database.

      The design is fairly straightforward.

      It's just the Animals for Life VPC.

      We're going to be deploying the WordPress application into a single subnet, the WebA public subnet.

      So this subnet is going to have a single EC2 instance deployed into it and then you're going to be doing a manual install onto this instance and the end result is a working WordPress installation.

      At this point it's time to get started and implement this architecture.

      So let's go ahead and switch over to our AWS console.

      To get started with this demo lesson you're going to need to do a few preparation steps.

      First just make sure that you're logged in to the general AWS account, so the management account of the organization and as always make sure you have the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now attached to this lesson is a one-click deployment for the base infrastructure that we're going to use.

      So go ahead and open the one-click deployment link that's attached to this lesson.

      That link is going to take you to the Quick Create Stack screen.

      Everything should be pre-populated.

      The stack name should be WordPress.

      All you need to do is scroll down towards the bottom, check this capabilities box and then click on Create Stack.

      And this stack is going to need to be in a Create Complete state before we move on with the demo lesson.

      So go ahead and pause this video, wait for the stack to change to Create Complete and then we're good to continue.

      Also attached to this lesson is a Lessons Command document which lists all of the commands that you'll be using within the EC2 instance throughout this demo lesson.

      So go ahead and open that as well.

      So that should look something like this and these are all of the commands that we're going to be using.

      So these are the commands that perform a manual WordPress installation.

      Now that that stack's completed and we've got the Lesson Commands document open, the next step is to move across to the EC2 console because we're going to actually install WordPress manually.

      So click on the Services drop-down and then locate EC2 in this All Services part of the screen.

      If you've recently visited it, it should be in the Recently Visited section under Favorites or you can go ahead and type EC2 in the search box and then open that in a new tab.

      And then click on Instances running and you should see one single instance which is called A4L-PublicEC2.

      Go ahead and right-click on this instance.

      This is the instance we'll be installing WordPress within.

      So right-click, select Connect.

      We're going to be using our browser to connect to this instance so we'll be using Instance Connect just verify that the username is EC2-user and then go ahead and connect to this instance.

      Now again, I fully understand that a manual installation of WordPress might seem like a waste of time but I genuinely believe that you need to understand all the problems that come from manually installing software in order to understand the benefits which automation provides.

      It's not just about saving time and effort.

      It's also about error reduction and the ability to keep things consistent.

      Now I always like to start my installations or my scripts by setting variables which will store the configuration values that everything from that point forward will use.

      So we're going to create four variables.

      One for the database name, one for the database user, one for the database password and then one for the root or admin password of the database server.

      So let's start off by using the pre-populated values from the Lessened Commands documents.

      So that's all of those variables set and we can confirm that those are working by typing echo and then a space and then a dollar and then the name of one of those variables.

      So for example, dbname and press Enter and that will show us the value stored within that variable.

      So now we can use these later points of the installation.

      So at this point I'm going to clear the screen to keep it easy to see and stage two at this installation process is to install some system software.

      So there are a few things that we need to install in order to allow a WordPress installation.

      We'll install those using the DNF package manager.

      We need to give it admin privileges which is why we use shudu and then the packages that we're going to install are the database server which is Maria db-server the Apache web server which is HTTPD and then a utility called Wget which we're going to use to download further components of the installation.

      So go ahead and type or copy and paste that command and press Enter and that installation process will take a few moments and it will go through installing that software and any of the prerequisites.

      They're done so I'll clear the screen to keep this easy to read.

      Now that all those packages are installed we need to start both the web server and the database server and ensure that both of them are started if ever the machine is restarted.

      So to do that we need to enable and start those services.

      So enabling and starting means that both of the services are both started right now and they'll start if the machine reboots.

      So first we'll use this command.

      So we're using admin privileges again, systemctl which allows us to start and stop system processes and then we use enable and then HTTPD which is the web server.

      So type and press enter and that ensures that the web server is enabled.

      We need to run the same command again but this time specifying MariaDB to ensure that the database server is enabled.

      So type or copy and paste and press enter.

      So that means both of those processes will start if ever the instance is rebooted and now we need to manually start both of those so they're running and we can interact with them.

      So we need to use the same structure of command but instead of enable we need to start both of these processes.

      So first the web server and then the database server.

      So that means the CC2 instance now has a running web and database server both of which are required for WordPress.

      So I'll clear the screen to keep this easy to read.

      Next we're going to move to stage 4 and stage 4 is that we need to set the root password of the database server.

      So this is the username and password that will be used to perform all of the initial configuration of the database server.

      Now we're going to use this command and you'll note that for password we're actually specifying one of the variables that we configured at the start of this demo.

      So we're using the DB root password variable that we configured right at the start.

      So go ahead and copy and paste or type that in and press enter and that sets the password for the root user of this database platform.

      The next step which is step 5 is to install the WordPress application files.

      Now to do that we need to install these files inside what's known as the web root.

      So whenever you browse to a web server either using an IP address or a DNS name if you don't specify a path so if you just use the server name for example netflix.com then it loads those initial files from a folder known as the web root.

      Now on this particular server the web root is stored in /varr/www/html so we need to download WordPress into that folder.

      Now we're going to use this command Wget and that's one of the packages that we installed at the start of this lesson.

      So we're giving it admin privileges and we're using Wget to download latest.tar.gz from wordpress.org and then we're putting it inside this web root.

      So /varr/www/html.

      So go ahead and copy and paste or type that in and press enter.

      That'll take a few moments depending on the speed of the WordPress servers and that will store latest.tar.gz in that web root folder.

      Next we need to move into that folder so cd space /varr/www/html and press enter.

      We need to use a Linux utility called tar to extract that file.

      So sudo and then tar and then the command line options -zxvf and then the name of the file so latest.tar.gz So copy and paste or type that in and press enter and that will extract the WordPress download into this folder.

      So now if we do an ls -la you'll see that we have a WordPress folder and inside that folder are all of the application files.

      Now we actually don't want them inside a WordPress folder.

      We want them directly inside the web root.

      So the next thing we're going to do is this command and this is going to copy all of the files from inside this WordPress folder to . and . represents the current folder.

      So it's going to copy everything inside WordPress into the current working directory which is the web root directory.

      So enter that and that copies all of those files.

      And now if we do another listing you'll see that we have all of the WordPress application files inside the web root.

      And then lastly for the installation part we need to tidy up the mess that we've made.

      So we need to delete this WordPress folder and the download file that we just created.

      So to do that we'll run an rm -r and then WordPress to delete that folder.

      And then we'll delete the download with sudo rm and then a space and then the name of the file.

      So latest.tar.gz.

      And that means that we have a nice clean folder.

      So I'll clear the screen to make it easy to see.

      And then I'll just do another listing.

      Okay so this is the end of part one of this lesson.

      It was getting a little bit on the long side and so I wanted to add a break.

      It's an opportunity just to take a rest or grab a coffee.

      Part two will be continuing immediately from the end of part one.

      So go ahead complete the video and when you're ready join me in part two.

    1. Welcome back and in this video we're going to interact with instant store volumes.

      Now this part of the demo does come at a cost.

      This isn't inside the free tier because we're going to be launching some instances which are fairly large and are not included in the free tier.

      The demo has a cost of approximately 13 cents per hour and so you should only do this part of the demo if you're willing to accept that cost.

      If you don't want to accept those costs then you can go ahead and watch me perform these within my test environment.

      So to do this we're going to go ahead and click on instances and we're going to launch an instance manually.

      So I'm going to click on launch instances.

      We're going to name the instance, Instance Store Test so put that in the name box.

      Then scroll down, pick Amazon Linux, make sure Amazon Linux 2023 is selected and the architecture needs to be 64 bit x86.

      Scroll down and then in the instance type box click and we need to find a different type of instance.

      This is going to be one that supports instance store volumes.

      So scroll down and we're looking for m5dn.large.

      This is a type of instance which includes one instance store volume.

      So select that then scroll down a little bit more and under key pair click in the box and select proceed without a key pair not recommended.

      Scroll down again and under network settings click on edit.

      Click in the VPC drop down and select a4l-vpc1.

      Under subnet make sure sn-web-a is selected.

      Make sure enabled is selected for both of the auto assign public IP drop downs.

      Then we're going to select an existing security group click the drop down select the EBS demo instance security group.

      It will have some random after it but that's okay.

      Then scroll down and under storage we're going to leave all of the defaults.

      What you are able to do though is to click on show details next to instance store volumes.

      This will show you the instance store volumes which are included with this instance.

      You can see that we have one instance store volume it's 75 GB in size and it has a slightly different device name.

      So dev nvme0n1.

      Now all of that looks good so we're just going to go ahead and click on launch instance.

      Then click on view all instances and initially it will be an appending state and eventually it will move into a running state.

      Then we should probably wait for the status check column to change from initializing to 2 out of 2.

      Go ahead and pause the video and wait for this status check to change to be fully green.

      It should show 2 out of 2 status checks.

      That's now in a running state with 2 out of 2 checks so we can go ahead and connect to this instance.

      Before we do though just go ahead and select the instance and just note the instances public IP version 4 address.

      Now this address is really useful because it will change if the EC2 instance moves between EC2 hosts.

      So it's a really easy way that we can verify whether this instance has moved between EC2 hosts.

      So just go ahead and note down the IP address of the instance that you have if you're performing this in your own environment.

      We're going to go ahead and connect to this instance though so right click, select connect, we'll be choosing instance connect, go ahead and connect to the instance.

      Now many of these commands that we'll be using should by now be familiar.

      Just refer back to the lessons command document if you're unsure because we'll be using all of the same commands.

      First we need to list all of the block devices which are attached to this instance and we can do that with LSBLK.

      This time it looks a little bit different because we're using instance store rather than EBS additional volumes.

      So in this particular case I want you to look for the 8G volume so this is the root volume.

      This represents the boot or root volume of the instance.

      Remember that this particular instance type came with a 75GB instance store volume so we can easily identify it's this one.

      Now to check that we can verify whether there's a file system on this instance store volume.

      If we run this command, so the same command we've used previously so shudu file -s and then the id of this volume so dev nvme1n1, you'll see it reports data.

      And if you recall from the previous parts of this demo series this indicates that there isn't a file system on this volume.

      We're going to create one and to do that we use this command again it's the same command that we've used previously just with the new volume id.

      So press enter to create a file system on this raw block device this instance store volume and then we can run this command again to verify that it now has a file system.

      To mount it we can follow the same process that we did in the earlier stages of this demo series.

      We'll need to create a directory for this volume to be mounted into this time we'll call it forward slash instance store.

      So create that folder and then we're going to mount this device into that folder so shudu mount then the device id and then the mount point or the folder that we've previously created.

      So press enter and that means that this block device this instance store volume is now mounted into this folder.

      And if we run a df space -k and press enter you can see that it's now mounted.

      Now we're going to move into that folder by typing cd space forward slash instance store and to keep things efficient we're going to create a file called instance store dot txt.

      And rather than using an editor we'll just use shudu touch and then the name of the file and this will create an empty file.

      If we do an LS space -la and press enter you can see that that file exists.

      So now that we have this file stored on a file system which is running on this instance store volume let's go ahead and reboot this instance.

      Now we need to be careful we're not going to stop and start the instance we're going to restart the instance.

      Restarting is different than stop and start.

      So to do that we're going to close this tab move back to the ec2 console so click on instances right click on instance store test and select reboot instance and then confirm that.

      Note what this IP address is before you initiate the reboot operation and then just give this a few minutes to reboot.

      Then right click and select connect.

      Using instance connect go ahead and connect back to the instance.

      And again if it appears to hang at this point then you can just wait for a few moments and then connect again.

      But in this case I've left it long enough and I'm connected back into the instance.

      Now once I'm back in the instance if I run a df space -k and press enter note how that file system is not mounted after the reboot.

      Now that's fine because we didn't configure the Linux operating system to mount this file system when the instance is restarted.

      But what we can do is do an LS BLK again to list the block device.

      We can see that it's still there and we can manually mount it back in the same folder as it was before the reboot.

      To do that we run this command.

      So it's mounting the same volume ID the same device ID into the same folder.

      So go ahead and run that command and press enter.

      Then if we use cd space forward slash and then instance store press enter and then do an LS space -la we can see that this file is still there.

      Now the file is still there because instance store volumes do persist through the restart of an EC2 instance.

      Restarting an EC2 instance does not move the instance from one EC2 host to another.

      And because instance store volumes are directly attached to an EC2 host this means that the volume is still there after the machine has restarted.

      Now we're going to do something different though.

      Close this tab down.

      Move back to instances.

      Again pay special attention to this IP address.

      Now we're going to right click and stop the instance.

      So go ahead and do that and confirm it if you're doing this in your own environment.

      Watch this public IP v4 address really carefully.

      We'll need to wait for the instance to move into a stopped state which it has and if we select the instance note how the public IP version for address has been unallocated.

      So this instance is now not running on an EC2 host.

      Let's right click.

      Go to start instance and start it up again.

      Only to give that a few moments again.

      It'll move into a running state but notice how the public IP version for address has changed.

      This is a good indication that the instance has moved from one EC2 host to another.

      So let's give this instance a few moments to start up.

      And once it has right click, select connect and then go ahead and connect to the instance using instance connect.

      Once connected go ahead and run an LS BLK and press enter and you'll see it appears to have the same instance store volume attached to this instance.

      It's using the same ID and it's the same size.

      But let's go ahead and verify the contents of this device using this command.

      So shudu file space -s space and then the device ID of the instance store volume.

      For press enter, now note how it shows data.

      So even though we created a file system in the previous step after we've stopped and started the instance, it appears this instance store volume has no data.

      Now the reason for that is when you restart an EC2 instance, it restarts on the same EC2 host.

      But when you stop and start an EC2 instance, which is a distinctly different operation, the EC2 instance moves from one EC2 host to another.

      And that means that it has access to completely different instance store volumes than it did on that previous host.

      It means that all of the data, so the file system and the test file that we created on the instance store volume, before we stopped and started this instance, all of that is lost.

      When you stop and start an EC2 instance or for any other reason, which means the instance moves from one host to another, all of the data is lost.

      So instance store volumes are ephemeral.

      They're not persistent and you can't rely on them to keep your data safe.

      And it's really important that you understand that distinction.

      If you're doing the developer or sysop streams, it's also important that you understand the difference between an instance restart, which keeps the same EC2 host, and a stop and start, which moves an instance from one host to another.

      The format means you're likely to keep your data, but the latter means you're guaranteed to lose your data when using instance store volumes.

      EBS on the other hand, as we've seen, is persistent and any data persists through the lifecycle of an EC2 instance.

      Now with that being said, though, that's everything that I wanted to demonstrate within this series of demo lessons.

      So let's go ahead and tidy up the infrastructure.

      Close down this tab, click on instances.

      If you follow this last part of the demo in your own environment, go ahead and right click on the instance store test instance and terminate that instance.

      That will delete it along with any associated resources.

      We'll need to wait for this instance to move into the terminated state.

      So give that a few moments.

      Once that's terminated, go ahead and click on services and then move back to the cloud formation console.

      You'll see the stack that you created using the one click deploy at the start of this lesson.

      Go ahead and select that stack, click on delete and then delete stack.

      And that's going to put the account back in the same state as it was at the start of this lesson.

      So it will remove all of the resources that have been created.

      And at that point, that's the end of this demo series.

      So what did you learn?

      You learned that EBS volumes are created within one specific availability zone.

      EBS volumes can be mounted to instances in that availability zone only and can be moved between instances while retaining their data.

      You can create a snapshot from an EBS volume which is stored in S3 and that data is replicated within the region.

      And then you can use snapshots to create volumes in different availability zones.

      I told you how snapshots can be copied to other AWS regions either as part of data migration or disaster recovery and you learned that EBS is persistent.

      You've also seen in this part of the demo series that instant store volumes can be used.

      They are included with many instance types but if the instance moves between EC2 hosts so if an instance is stopped and then started or if an EC2 host has hardware problems then that EC2 instance will be moved between hosts and any data on any instant store volumes will be lost.

      So that's everything that you needed to know in this demo lesson and you're going to learn much more about EC2 and EBS in other lessons throughout the course.

      At this point though, thanks for watching and doing this demo.

      I hope it was useful but go ahead complete this video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back.

      This is part two of this lesson.

      We're going to continue immediately from the end of part one.

      So let's get started.

      We just need to give this a brief moment to perform that reboot.

      So just wait a couple of moments and once you have right click again, select Connect.

      We're going to use EC2 instance connect again.

      Make sure the user's correct and then click on Connect.

      Now, if it doesn't immediately connect you to the instance, if it appears to have frozen for a couple of seconds, that's fine.

      It just means that the instance hasn't completed its restart.

      Wait for a brief while longer and then attempt another connect.

      This time you should be connected back to the instance and now we need to verify whether we can still see our volume attached to this instance.

      So do a DF space -k and press Enter and you'll note that you can't see the file system.

      That's because before we rebooted this instance, we used the mount command to manually mount the file system on our EBS volume into the EBS test folder.

      Now that's a manual process.

      It means that while we could interact with that before the reboot, it doesn't automatically mount that file system when the instance restarts.

      To do that, we need to configure it to auto-mount when the instance starts up.

      So to do that, we need to get the unique ID of the EBS volume, which is attached to this instance.

      And to get that, we run a shudu space blkid.

      Now press Enter and that's going to list the unique identifier of all of the volumes attached to this instance.

      You'll see the boot volume listed as devxvda1 and the EBS volume that we've just attached listed as devxvdf.

      So we need the unique ID of the volume that we just added.

      So that's the one next to xvdf.

      So go ahead and select this unique identifier.

      You'll need to make sure that you select everything between the speech marks and then copy that into your clipboard.

      Next, we need to edit the FSTAB file, which controls which file systems are mounted by default.

      So we're going to run a shudu and then space nano, which is our editor, and then a space, and then forward slash ETC, which is the configuration directory on Linux, another forward slash and then FSTAB and press Enter.

      And this is the configuration file for which file systems are mounted by our instance.

      And we're going to add a similar line.

      So first we need to use uuid, which is the unique identifier, and then the equal symbol.

      And then we need to paste in that unique ID that we just copied to our clipboard.

      Once that's pasted in, press Space.

      This is the ID of the EBS volume, so the unique ID.

      Next, we need to provide the place where we want that volume to be mounted.

      And that's the folder we previously created, which is forward slash EBS test.

      Then a space, we need to tell the OS which file system is used, which is xfs, and then a space.

      And then we need to give it some options.

      You don't need to understand what these do in detail.

      We're going to use defaults, all one word, and then a comma, and then no fail.

      So once you've entered all of that, press Ctrl+O to save that file, and Enter, and then Ctrl+X to exit.

      Now this will be mounted automatically when the instance starts up, but we can force that process by typing shudu space mount space-a.

      And this will perform a mount of all of the volumes listed in the FS tab file.

      So go ahead and press Enter.

      Now if we do a df space-k and press Enter, you'll see that our EBS volume once again is mounted within the EBS test folder.

      So I'm going to clear the screen, then I'm going to move into that folder, press Enter, and then do an ls space-la, and you'll see that our amazing test file still exists within this folder.

      And that shows that the data on this file system is persistent, and it's available even after we reboot this EC2 instance, and that's different than instance store volumes, which I'll be demonstrating later on.

      At this point, we're going to shut down this instance because we won't be needing it anymore.

      So close down this tab, click on Instances, right-click on instance one-AZA, and then select Stop Instance.

      You'll need to confirm it, refresh that and wait for it to move into a stopped state.

      Once it has stopped, go down and click on Volumes, select the EBS test volume, right-click and detach it.

      We're going to detach this volume from the instance that we've just stopped.

      You'll need to confirm that, and that will begin the process and it will detach that volume from the instance, and this demonstrates how EBS volumes are completely separate from EC2 instances.

      You can detach them and then attach them to other instances, keeping the data that's on that volume.

      Just keep refreshing.

      We need to wait for that to move into an available state, and once it has, we're going to right-click, select Attach Volume, click inside the instance box, and this time, we're going to select instance two-AZA.

      It should be the only one listed now in a running state.

      So select that and click on Attach.

      Just refresh that and wait for that to move into an in-use state, which it is, then move back to instances, and we're going to connect to the instance that we just attached that volume to.

      So select instance two-AZA, right-click, select Connect, and then connect to that instance.

      Once we connected to that instance, remember this is an instance that we haven't interacted with this EBS volume with.

      So this instance has no initial configuration of this EBS volume, and if we do a DF-K, you'll see that this volume is not mounted on this instance.

      What we need to do is do an LS, BLK, and this will list all of the block devices on this instance.

      You'll see that it's still using XVDF because this is the device ID that we configured when attaching the volume.

      Now, if we run this command, so shudu, file, S, and then the device ID of this EBS volume, notice how now it shows a file system on this EBS volume because we created it on the previous instance.

      We don't need to go through all of the process of creating the file system because EBS volumes persist past the lifecycle of an EC2 instance.

      You can interact with an EBS volume on one instance and then move it to another and the configuration is maintained.

      We're going to follow the same process.

      We're going to create a folder called EBSTEST.

      Then we're going to mount the EBS volume using the device ID into this folder.

      We're going to move into this folder and then if we do an LS, space-LA, and press Enter, you'll see the test file that you created in the previous step.

      It still exists and all of the contents of that file are maintained because the EBS volume is persistent storage.

      So that's all I wanted to verify with this instance that you can mount this EBS volume on another instance inside the same availability zone.

      At this point, close down this tab and then click on Instances and we're going to shut down this second EC2 instance.

      So right-click and then select Stop Instance and you'll need to confirm that process.

      Wait for that instance to change into a stop state and then we're going to detach the EBS volume.

      So that's moved into the stopped state.

      We can select Volumes, right-click on this EBSTEST volume, detach the volume and confirm that.

      Now next, we want to mount this volume onto the instance that's in Availability Zone B and we can't do that because EBS volumes are located in one specific availability zone.

      Now to allow that process, we need to create a snapshot.

      Snapshots are stored on S3 and replicated between multiple availability zones in that region and snapshots allow us to take a volume in one availability zone and move it into another.

      So right-click on this EBS volume and create a snapshot.

      Under Description, just use EBSTESTSNAP and then go ahead and click on Create Snapshot.

      Just close down any dialogues, click on Snapshots and you'll see that a snapshot is being created.

      Now depending on how much data is stored on the EBS volume, snapshots can either take a few seconds or anywhere up to several hours to complete.

      This snapshot is a full copy of all of the data that's stored on our original EBS volume.

      But because the snapshot is stored in S3, it means that we can take this snapshot, right-click, create volume and then create a volume in a different availability zone.

      Now you can change the volume type, the size and the encryption settings at this point, but we're going to leave everything the same and just change the availability zone from US-EAST-1A to US-EAST-1B.

      So select 1B in availability zone, click on Add Tag.

      We're going to give this a name to make it easier to identify.

      For the value, we're going to use EBS Test Volume-AZB.

      So enter that and then create the volume.

      Close down any dialogues and at this point, what we're doing is using this snapshot which is stored inside S3 to create a brand new volume inside availability zone US-EAST-1B.

      At this point, once the volume is in an available state, make sure you select the right one, then we can right-click, we can attach this volume and this time when we click in the instance box, you'll see the instance that's in availability zone 1B.

      So go ahead and select that and click on Attach.

      Once that volume is in use, go back to Instances, select the third instance, right-click, select Connect, choose Instance Connect, verify the username and then connect to the instance.

      Now we're going to follow the same process with this instance.

      So first, we need to list all of the attached block devices using LSBLK.

      You'll see the volume we've just created from that snapshot, it's using device ID XVDF.

      We can verify that it's got a file system using the command that we've used previously and it's showing an XFS file system.

      Next, we create our folder which will be our mount point.

      Then we mount the device into this mount point using the same command as we've used previously, move into that folder and then do a listing using LS-LA and you should see the same test file you created earlier and if you cap this file, it should have the same contents.

      This volume has the same contents because it's created from a snapshot that we created of the original volume and so its contents will be identical.

      Go ahead and close down this tab to this instance, select instances, right click, stop this instance and then confirm that process.

      Just wait for that instance to move into the stopped state.

      We're going to move back to volumes, select the EBS test volume in availability zone 1B, detach that volume and confirm it and then just move to snapshots and I want to demonstrate how you have the option of right clicking on a snapshot.

      You can copy the snapshot and choose a different regions.

      So as well as snapshots giving you the option of moving EBS volume data between availability zones, you can also use snapshots to copy data between regions.

      Now I'm not going to do this process but I could select a different region, for example, Asia Pacific Sydney and copy that snapshot to the Sydney region.

      But there's no point doing that because we just have to remember to clean it up afterwards.

      That process is fairly simple and will allow us to copy snapshots between regions.

      It might take some time again depending on the amount of data within that snapshot but it is a process that you can perform either as part of data migration or disaster recovery processes.

      So go ahead and click on cancel and at this point we're just going to clear things up because this is the end of this first phase of this demo lesson.

      So right click on this snapshot and just delete the snapshot and confirm that.

      Then go to volumes, select the volume in US East 1A, right click, delete that volume and confirm.

      Select the volume in US East 1B, right click, delete volume and confirm.

      And that just means we've tidied up both of those EBS volumes within this account.

      Now that's the end of this first stage of this set of demo lessons.

      All the steps until this point have been part of the free tier within AWS.

      What follows won't be part of the free tier.

      We're going to be creating a larger instant size and this will have a cost attached but I want to use it to demonstrate instant store volumes and how you can interact with them and some of their unique characteristics.

      So I'm going to move into a new video and this new video will have an associated charge.

      So you can either watch me perform the steps or you can do it within your own environment.

      Now go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready, you can move on to the next video where we're going to investigate instant store volumes.

    1. Welcome back and we're going to use this demo lesson to get some experience of working with EBS and Instant Store volumes.

      Now before we get started, this series of demo videos will be split into two main components.

      The first component will be based around EBS and EBS snapshots and all of this will come under the free tier.

      The second component will be based on Instant Store volumes and will be using larger instances which are not included within the free tier.

      So I'm going to make you aware of when we move on to a part which could incur some costs and you can either do that within your own environment or watch me do it in the video.

      If you do decide to do it in your own environment, just be aware that there will be a 13 cents per hour cost for the second component of this demo series and I'll make it very clear when we move into that component.

      The second component is entirely optional but I just wanted to warn you of the potential cost in advance.

      Now to get started with this demo, you're going to need to deploy some infrastructure.

      To do that, make sure that you're logged in to the general account, so the management account of the organization and you've got the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now attached to this demo is a one click deployment link to deploy the infrastructure.

      So go ahead and click on that link.

      That's going to open this quick create stack screen and all you need to do is scroll down to the bottom, check this capabilities box and click on create stack.

      Now you're going to need this to be in a create complete state before you continue with this demo.

      So go ahead and pause the video, wait for that stack to move into the create complete status and then you can continue.

      Okay, now that's finished and the stack is in a create complete state.

      You're also going to be running some commands within EC2 instances as part of this demo.

      Also attached to this lesson is a lesson commands document which contains all of those commands and you can use this to copy and paste which will avoid errors.

      So go ahead and open that link in a separate browser window or separate browser tab.

      It should look something like this and we're going to be using this throughout the lesson.

      Now this cloud formation template has created a number of resources, but the three that we're concerned about are the three EC2 instances.

      So instance one, instance two and instance three.

      So the next thing to do is to move across to the EC2 console.

      So click on the services drop down and then either locate EC2 under all services, find it in recently visited services or you can use the search box at the top type EC2 and then open that in a new tab.

      Now the EC2 console is going through a number of changes so don't be alarmed if it looks slightly different or if you see any banners welcoming you to this new version.

      Now if you click on instances running, you'll see a list of the three instances that we're going to be using within this demo lesson.

      We have instance one - az a.

      We have instance two - az a and then instance one - az b.

      So these are three instances, two of which are in availability zone A and one which is in availability zone B.

      Next I want you to scroll down and locate volumes under elastic block store and just click on volumes.

      And what you'll see is three EBS volumes, each of which is eight GIB in size.

      Now these are all currently in use.

      You can see that in the state column and that's because all of these volumes are in use as the boot volumes for those three EC2 instances.

      So on each of these volumes is the operating system running on those EC2 instances.

      Now to give you some experience of working with EBS volumes, we're going to go ahead and create a volume.

      So click on the create volume button.

      The first thing you'll need to do when creating a volume is pick the type and there are a number of different types available.

      We've got GP2 and GP3 which are the general purpose storage types.

      We're going to use GP3 for this demo lesson.

      You could also select one of the provisioned IOPS volumes.

      So this is currently IO1 or IO2.

      And with both of these volume types, you're able to define IOPS separately from the size of the volume.

      So these are volume types that you can use for demanding storage scenarios where you need high-end performance or when you need especially high performance for smaller volume sizes.

      Now IO1 was the first type of provisioned IOPS SSD introduced by AWS and more recently they've introduced IO2 and enhanced it which provides even higher levels of performance.

      In addition to that we do have the non-SSD volume types.

      So SC1 which is cold HDD, ST1 which is throughput optimized HDD and then of course the original magnetic type which is now legacy and AWS don't recommend this for any production usage.

      For this demo lesson we're going to go ahead and select GP3.

      So select that.

      Next you're able to pick a size in GIB for the volume.

      We're going to select a volume size of 10 GIB.

      Now EBS volumes are created within a specific availability zone so you have to select the availability zone when you're creating the volume.

      At this point I want you to go ahead and select US-EAST-1A.

      When creating volume you're also able to specify a snapshot as the basis for that volume.

      So if you want to restore a snapshot into this volume you can select that here.

      At this stage in the demo we're going to be creating a blank EBS volume so we're not going to select anything in this box.

      We're going to be talking about encryption later in this section of the course.

      You are able to specify encryption settings for the volume when you create it but at this point we're not going to encrypt this volume.

      We do want to add a tag so that we can easily identify the volume from all of the others so click on add tag.

      For the key we're going to use name.

      For the value we're going to put EBS test volume.

      So once you've entered both of those go ahead and click on create volume and that will begin the process of creating the volume.

      Just close down any dialogues and then just pay attention to the different states that this volume goes through.

      It begins in a creating state.

      This is where the storage is being provisioned and then made available by the EBS product.

      If we click on refresh you'll see that it changes from creating to available and once it's in an available state this means that we can attach it to EC2 instances.

      And that's what we're going to do so we're going to right click and select attach volume.

      Now you're able to attach this volume to EC2 instances but crucially only those in the same availability zone.

      EBS is an availability zone scoped service and so you can only attach EBS volumes to EC2 instances within that same availability zone.

      So if we select the instance box you'll only see instances in that same availability zone.

      Now at this point go ahead and select instance 1 in availability zone A.

      Once you've selected it you'll see that the device field is populated and this is the device ID that the instance will see for this volume.

      So this is how the volume is going to be exposed to the EC2 instance.

      So if we want to interact with this instance inside the operating system this is the device that we'll use.

      Now different operating systems might see this in slightly different ways.

      So as this warning suggests certain Linux kernels might rename SDF to XVDF.

      So we've got to be aware that when you do attach a volume to an EC2 instance you need to get used to how that's seen inside the operating system.

      How we can identify it and how we can configure it within the operating system for use.

      And I'm going to demonstrate that in the next part of this demo lesson.

      So at this point just go ahead and click on attach and this will attach this volume to the EC2 instance.

      Once that's attached to the instance and you see the state change to in use then just scroll up on the left hand side and select instances.

      We're going to go ahead and connect to instance 1 in availability zone A.

      This is the instance that we just attached that EBS volume to so we want to interact with this instance and see how we can see the EBS volume.

      So right click on this instance and select connect and then you could either connect with an SSH client or use instance connect and to keep things simple we're going to connect from our browser so select the EC2 instance connect option make sure the user's name is set to EC2-user and then click on connect.

      So now we connected to this EC2 instance and it's at this point that we'll start needing the commands that are listed inside the lesson commands document and again this is attached to this lesson.

      So first we need to list all the block devices which are connected to this instance and we're going to use the LSBLK command.

      Now if you're not comfortable with Linux don't worry just take this nice and slowly and understand at a high level all the commands that we're going to run.

      So the first one is LSBLK and this is list block devices.

      So if we run this we'll be able to see a list of all of the block devices connected to this EC2 instance.

      You'll see the root device this is the device that's used to boot the instance it contains the instance operating system you'll see that it's 8 gig in size and then this is the EBS volume that we just attached to this instance.

      You'll see that device ID so XVDF and you'll see that it's 10 gig in size.

      Now what we need to do next is check whether there is a file system on this block device.

      So this block device we've created it with EBS and then we've attached it to this instance.

      Now we know that it's blank but it's always safe to check if there's any file system on a block device.

      So to do that we run this command.

      So we're going to check are there any file systems on this block device.

      So press enter and if you see just data that indicates that there isn't any file system on this device and so we need to create one.

      You can only mount file systems under Linux and so we need to create a file system on this raw block device this EBS volume.

      So to do that we run this command.

      So shoo-doo again is just giving us admin permissions on this instance.

      MKFS is going to make a file system.

      We specify the file system type with hyphen t and then XFS which is a type of file system and then we're telling it to create this file system on this raw block device which is the EBS volume that we just attached.

      So press enter and that will create the file system on this EBS volume.

      We can confirm that by rerunning this previous command and this time instead of data it will tell us that there is now an XFS file system on this block device.

      So now we can see the difference.

      Initially it just told us that there was data, so raw data on this volume and now it's indicating that there is a file system, the file system that we just created.

      Now the way that Linux works is we mount a file system to a mount point which is a directory.

      So we're going to create a directory using this command.

      MKDIR makes a directory and we're going to call the directory forward slash EBS test.

      So this creates it at the top level of the file system.

      This signifies root which is the top level of the file system tree and we're going to make a folder inside here called EBS test.

      So go ahead and enter that command and press enter and that creates that folder and then what we can do is to mount the file system that we just created on this EBS volume into that folder.

      And to do that we use this command, mount.

      So mount takes a device ID, so forward slash dev forward slash xvdf.

      So this is the raw block device containing the file system we just created and it's going to mount it into this folder.

      So type that command and press enter and now we have our EBS volume with our file system mounted into this folder.

      And we can verify that by running a df space hyphen k.

      And this will show us all of the file systems on this instance and the bottom line here is the one that we've just created and mounted.

      At this point I'm just going to clear the screen to make it easier to see and what we're going to do is to move into this folder.

      So cd which is change directory space forward slash EBS test and then press enter and that will move you into that folder.

      Once we're in that folder we're going to create a test file.

      So we're going to use this command so shudu nano which is a text editor and we're going to call the file amazing test file dot txt.

      So type that command in and press enter and then go ahead and type a message.

      It can be anything you just need to recognize it as your own message.

      So I'm going to use cats are amazing and then some exclamation marks.

      Then I'm going to press control o and enter to save that file and then control x to exit again clear the screen to make it easier to see.

      And then I'm going to do an LS space hyphen LA and press enter just to list the contents of this folder.

      So as you can see we've now got this amazing test file dot txt.

      And if we cat the contents of this so cat amazing test file dot txt you'll see the unique message that you just typed in.

      So at this point we've created this file within the folder and remember the folder is now the mount point for the file system that we created on this EBS volume.

      So the next step that I want you to do is to reboot this EC2 instance.

      To do that type sudo space and then reboot and press enter.

      Now this will disconnect you from this session.

      So you can go ahead and close down this tab and go back to the EC2 console.

      Just go ahead and click on instances.

      Okay, so this is the end of part one of this lesson.

      It was getting a little bit on the long side and so I wanted to add a break.

      It's an opportunity just to take a rest or grab a coffee.

      Part two will be continuing immediately from the end of part one.

      So go ahead complete the video and when you're ready join me in part two.

    1. Welcome back and in this demo lesson you're going to evolve the infrastructure which you've been using throughout this section of the course.

      In this demo lesson you're going to add private internet access capability using NAT gateways.

      So you're going to be applying a cloud formation template which creates this base infrastructure.

      It's going to be the animals for life VPC with infrastructure in each of three availability zones.

      So there's a database subnet, an application subnet and a web subnet in availability zone A, B and C.

      Now to this point what you've done is configured public subnet internet access and you've done that using an internet gateway together with routes on these public subnets.

      In this demo lesson you're going to add NAT gateways into each availability zone so A, B and C and this will allow this private EC2 instance to have access to the internet.

      Now you're going to be deploying NAT gateways into each availability zone so that each availability zone has its own isolated private subnet access to the internet.

      It means that if any of the availability zones fail then each of the others will continue operating because these route tables which are attached to the private subnets they point at the NAT gateway within that availability zone.

      So each availability zone A, B and C has its own corresponding NAT gateway which provides private internet access to all of the private subnets within that availability zone.

      Now in order to implement this infrastructure you're going to be applying a one-click deployment and that's going to create everything that you see on screen now apart from these NAT gateways and the route table configurations.

      So let's go ahead and move across to our AWS console and get started implementing this architecture.

      Okay so now we're at the AWS console as always just make sure that you're logged in to the general AWS account as the I am admin user and you'll need to have the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now at the end of the previous demo lesson you should have deleted all of the infrastructure that you've created up until that point so the animals for live VPC as well as the Bastion host and the associated networking.

      So you should have a relatively clean AWS account.

      So what we're going to do first is use a one-click deployment to create the infrastructure that we'll need within this demo lesson.

      So attached to this demo lesson is a one-click deployment link so go ahead and open that link.

      That's going to take you to a quick create stack screen.

      Everything should be pre-populated the stack name should be a4l just scroll down to the bottom check this capabilities box and then click on create stack.

      Now this will start the creation process of this a4l stack and we will need this to be in a create complete state before we continue.

      So go ahead pause the video wait for your stack to change into create complete and then we good to continue.

      Okay so now this stacks moved into a create complete state then we good to continue.

      So what we need to do before we start is make sure that all of our infrastructure has finished provisioning.

      To do that just go ahead and click on the resources tab of this cloud formation stack and look for a4l internal test.

      This is an EC2 instance a private EC2 instance so this doesn't have any public internet connectivity and we're going to use this to test on that gateway functionality.

      So go ahead and click on this icon under physical ID and this is going to move you to the EC2 console and you'll be able to see this a4l - internal - test instance.

      Now currently in my case it's showing as running but the status check is showing as initializing.

      Now we'll need this instance to finish provisioning before we can continue with the demo.

      What should happen is this status check should change from initializing to two out of two status checks and once you're at that point you should be able to right click and select connect and choose session manager and then have the option of connecting.

      Now you'll see that I don't because this instance hasn't finished its provisioning process.

      So what I want you to do is to go ahead and pause this video wait for your status checks to change to two out of two checks and then just go ahead and try to connect to this instance using session manager.

      Only resume the video once you've been able to click on connect under the session manager tab and don't worry if this takes a few more minutes after the instance finishes provisioning before you can connect to session manager.

      So go ahead and pause the video and when you can connect to the instance you're good to continue.

      Okay so in my case it took about five minutes for this to change to two out of two checks past and then another five minutes before I could connect to this EC2 instance.

      So I can right click on here and put connect.

      I'll have the option now of picking session manager and then I can click on connect and this will connect me in to this private EC2 instance.

      Now the reason why you're able to connect to this private instance is because we're using session manager and I'll explain exactly how this product works elsewhere in the course but essentially it allows us to connect into an EC2 instance with no public internet connectivity and it's using VPC interface endpoints to do that which I'll be explaining elsewhere in the course but what you should find when you're connected to this instance if you try to ping any internet IP address so let's go ahead and type ping and then a space and press enter you'll note that we don't have any public internet connectivity and that's because this instance doesn't have a public IP version for address and it's not in a subnet with a route table which points at the internet gateway.

      This EC2 instance has been deployed into the application a subnet which is a private subnet and it also doesn't have a public IP version for address.

      So at this point what we need to do is go ahead and deploy our NAT gateways and these NAT gateways are what will provide this private EC2 instance with connectivity to the public IP version for internet so let's go ahead and do that.

      Now to do that we need to be back at the main AWS console click in the services search box at the top type VPC and then right click and open that in a new tab.

      Once you do that go ahead and move to that tab once you there click on NAT gateways and create a NAT gateway.

      Okay so once you're here you'll need to specify a few things you'll need to give the NAT gateway a name you'll need to pick a public subnet for the NAT gateway to go into and then you'll need to give the NAT gateway an elastic IP address which is an IP address which doesn't change.

      So first we'll set the name of the NAT gateway and we'll choose to use a4l for animals for life -vpc1 -natgw and then -a because this is going into availability zone A.

      Next we'll need to pick the public subnet that the NAT gateway will be going into so click on the subnet drop down and then select the web a subnet which is the public subnet in availability zone a so sn -web -a.

      Now we need to give this NAT gateway an elastic IP it doesn't currently have one so we need to click on allocate elastic IP which gives it an allocation.

      Don't worry about the connectivity type we'll be covering that elsewhere in the course just scroll down to the bottom and create the NAT gateway.

      Now this process will take some time and so we need to go ahead and create the two other NAT gateways.

      So click on NAT gateways at the top and then we're going to create a second NAT gateway.

      So go ahead and click on create NAT gateway again this time we'll call the NAT gateway a4l -vpc1 -natgw -b and this time we'll pick the web b subnet so sn -web -b allocated elastic IP again and click on create NAT gateway then we'll follow the same process a third time so click create NAT gateway use the same naming scheme but with -c pick the web c subnet from the list allocate an elastic IP and then scroll down and click on create NAT gateway and at this point we've got the three NAT gateways that are being created they're all in appending state if we go to elastic IPs we can see the three elastic IPs which have been allocated to the NAT gateways and we can scroll to the right or left and see details on these IPs and if we wanted we could release these IPs back to the account once we'd finish with them now at this point you need to go ahead and pause the video and resume it once all three of those NAT gateways have moved away from appending state we need them to be in an available state ready to go before we can continue with this demo so go ahead and pause and resume once all three have changed to an available state okay so all these are now in an available state so that means they're good to go they're providing service now if you scroll to the right in this list you're able to see additional information about these NAT gateways so you can see the elastic and private IP address the VPC and then the subnet that each of these NAT gateways are located in what we need to do now is configure the routing so that the private instances can communicate via the NAT gateways so right click on route tables and open in a new tab and we need to create a new route table for each of the availability zones so go ahead and click on create route table first we need to pick the VPC for this route table so click on the VPC drop down and then select the animals for live VPC so a for L hyphen VPC one once selected go ahead and name at the route table we're going to keep the naming scheme consistent so a for L hyphen VPC one hyphen RT for route table hyphen private a so enter that and click on create then close that dialogue down and create another route table this time we'll use the same naming scheme but of course this time it will be RT hyphen private B select the animals for life VPC and click on create close that down and then finally click on create route table again this time a for L hyphen VPC one hyphen RT hyphen private C again click on the VPC drop down and select the animals for life VPC and then click on create so that's going to leave us with three route tables one for each availability zone what we need to do now is create a default route within each of these route tables and that route is going to point at the NAT gateway in the same availability zone so select the route table private a and then click on the routes tab once you've selected the routes tab click on edit routes and we're going to add a new route it's going to be the IP version for default route of and then click on target and pick NAT gateway and we're going to pick the NAT gateway in availability zone a and because we named them it makes it easy to select the relevant one from this list so go ahead and pick a for L hyphen VPC one hyphen NAT GW hyphen a so because this is the route table in availability zone a we need to pick the same NAT gateway so save that and close and now we'll be doing the same process for the route table in availability zone B make sure the routes tab is selected and click on edit routes click on add route again and then for target pick NAT gateway and then pick the NAT gateway that's in availability zone B so NAT GW hyphen B once you've done that save the route table and then next select the route table in availability zone C so select RT hyphen private C make sure the routes tab is selected and click on edit routes again we'll be adding a route it will be the IP version for default route so select a target go to NAT gateway and pick the NAT gateway in availability zone C so NAT GW hyphen C once you've done that save the route table and now our private EC2 instance should be able to ping because we have the routing infrastructure in place so let's move back to our private instance and we can see that it's not actually working now the reason for this is that although we have created these routes we haven't actually associated these route tables with any of the subnets subnets in a VPC which don't have an explicit route table association are associated with the main route table now we need to explicitly associate each of these route tables with the subnets inside that same AZ so let's go ahead and pick RT hyphen private A we'll go through in order so select it click on the subnet associations tab and edit subnet associations and then you need to pick all of the private subnets in AZ A so that's the reserved subnet so reserved hyphen A the app subnet so app hyphen A and the DB subnet so DB hyphen A so all of these are the private subnets in availability zone A notice how all the public subnets are associated with this custom route table you created earlier but the ones we're setting up now are still associated with the main route table so we're going to resolve that now by associating this route table with those subnets so click on save and this will associate all of the private subnets in AZ A with the AZ A route table so now we're going to do the same process for AZ B and AZ C and we'll start with AZ B so select the private B route table click on subnet associations edit subnet associations so select application B database B and then reserved B and then scroll down and save the associations and then select the private C route table click on subnet associations edit subnet associations and then select reserved C database C and then application C and then scroll down and save those associations and now that we've associated these route tables with the subnets and now that we've added those default routes if we go back to session manager where we still have the connection open to the private EC2 instance we should see that the ping has started to work and that's because we now have a NAT gateway providing service to each of the private subnets in all of the three availability zones okay so that's everything you needed to cover in this demo lesson now it's time to clean up the account and return it to the same state as it was at the start of this demo lesson from this point on within the course you're going to be using automation and so we can remove all the configuration that we've done inside this demo lesson so the first thing we need to do is to reverse the route table changes that we've done so we need to go ahead and select the RT hyphen private a route table go ahead and select subnet associations and then edit the subnet associations and then just uncheck all of these subnets and this will return these to being associated with the main route table so scroll down and click on save do the same for RT hyphen private be so deselect all of these associations and click on save and then the same for RT hyphen private see so select it go to subnet associations and then edit them and remove all of these subnets and click on save next select all of these private route tables these are the ones that we created in this lesson so select them all click on the actions drop down and then delete route table and confirm by clicking delete route tables go to NAT gateways on the left and we need to select each of the NAT gateways in turn so a and then click on actions and delete NAT gateway type delete click delete then select be and do the same process actions delete NAT gateway type delete click delete and finally the same for see so select the C NAT gateway click on actions and delete NAT gateway you'll need to type delete to confirm click on delete now we're going to need all of these to be in a fully deleted state before we can continue so hit refresh and make sure that all three NAT gateways are deleted if yours aren't deleted if they're still listed in a deleting state then go ahead and pause the video and resume once all of these have changed to deleted at this point all of the NAT gateways have deleted so you can go ahead and click on elastic IPs and we need to release each of these IPs so select one of them and then click on actions and release elastic IP addresses and click release and do the same process for the other two click on release then finally actions release IP click on release once that's done move back to the cloud formation console select the stack which was created by the one click deployment at the start of the lesson and click on delete and then confirm that deletion and that will remove the cloud formation stack and any resources created as part of this demo and at that point once that finishes deleting the account has been returned into the same state as it was at the start of this demo lesson so I hope this demo lesson has been useful just to reiterate what you've done you've created three NAT gateways for a region resilient design you've created three route tables one in each availability zone added a default IP version for route pointing at the corresponding NAT gateway and associated each of those route tables with the private subnets in those availability zones so you've implemented a regionally resilient NAT gateway architecture so that's a great job that's a pretty complex demo but it's going to be functionality that will be really useful if you're using AWS in the real world or if you have to answer any exam questions on NAT gateways with that being said at this point you have cleared up the account you've deleted all the resources so go ahead complete this video and when you're ready I'll see you in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I'm going to be covering a topic which is probably slightly beyond what you need for the Solutions Architect Associate exam but additional understanding of CloudFormation is never a bad thing and it will help you answer any automation style questions in the exam and so I'm going to talk about it anyway.

      CloudFormation in it is a way that you can pass complex bootstrapping instructions into an EC2 instance.

      It's much more complex than the simple user data example that you saw in the previous lesson.

      Now we do have a lot to cover so let's jump in and step through the theory before we move to another demo lesson.

      In the previous lesson I showed you how CloudFormation handled user data.

      It works in a similar way to the console UI where you pass in base 64 encoded data into the instance operating system and it runs as a shell script.

      Now there's another way to configure EC2 instances, a way which is much more powerful.

      It's called cfn-init and it's officially referred to by AWS as a helper script which is installed on EC2 operating systems such as Amazon Linux 2.

      Now cfn-init is actually much more than a simple helper script.

      It's much more like a simple configuration management system.

      User data is what's known as procedural.

      It's a script, it's run by the operating system line by line.

      Now cfn-init can also be procedural, it can be used to run commands just like user data but it can also be desired state where you direct it how you want something to be.

      What's the desired state of an EC2 instance and it will perform whatever is required to move the instance into that desired state.

      So for example you can tell cfn-init that you want a certain version of the Apache web server to be installed and if that's already the case if Apache is already installed and it's the same version then nothing is done.

      However if Apache is not installed then cfn-init will install it or it will update any older versions to that version. cfn-init can do lots of pretty powerful things.

      It can make sure packages are installed even with an awareness of versions.

      It can manipulate operating system groups and users.

      It can download sources and extract them onto the local instance even using authentication.

      It can create files with certain contents permissions and ownerships.

      It can run commands and test that certain conditions are true after the commands have run and it can even control services on an instance.

      So in ensuring that a particular service is started or enabled to be started on the boot of the OS. cfn-init is executed like any other command by being passed into the instance as part of the user data and it retrieves its directives from the cloud formation stack and you define this data in a special part of each logical resource inside cloud formation templates called aws double colon cloud formation double colon init and don't worry you'll get a chance to see this very soon in the demo.

      So the instance runs cfn-init it pulls this desired state data from the cloud formation stack that you put in there via the cloud formation template and then it implements the desired state that's specified by you in that data.

      So let's quickly look at this architecture visually.

      The way that cfn-init works is probably going to be easier to understand if we do take a look at it visually.

      Once you see the individual components it's a lot simpler than I've made it sound on the previous screen.

      It all starts off with a cloud formation template and this one creates an EC2 instance and you'll see this in action yourself very soon.

      Now the template has a logical resource inside it called EC2 instance which is to create an EC2 instance.

      It has this new special component metadata and aws double colon cloud formation double colon init and this is where the cfn init configuration is stored.

      The cfn init command itself is executed from the user data that's passed into that instance.

      So the cloud formation template is used to create a stack which itself creates an EC2 instance and the cfn-init line in the user data at the bottom here is executed by the instance.

      This should make sense now.

      Anything in the user data is executed when the instance is first launched.

      Now if you look at the command for cfn-init you'll notice that it specifies a few variables specifically a stack ID and a region.

      Remember this instance is being created using cloud formation and so these variables are actually replaced for the actual values before this ends up inside the EC2 instance.

      So the region will be replaced with the actual region that the stack is created in and the stack ID is the actual stack ID that's being created by this template and these are all passed in to cfn-init.

      This allows cfn-init to communicate with the cloud formation service and receive its configuration and it can do that because of those variables passed into the user data by cloud formation.

      Once cfn-init has this configuration then because it's a desired state system it can implement the desired state that's specified inside the cloud formation by you and another amazing thing about this process or about cfn-init and its associated tools is that it can also work with stack updates.

      Remember that the user data works once while cfn-init can be configured to watch for updates to the metadata on an object in a template and if that metadata changes then cfn-init can be executed again and it will update the configuration of that instance to the desired state specified inside the template.

      It's really powerful.

      Now this is not something that user data can do.

      User data only works the once when you launch the instance.

      Now in the demo lesson which immediately follows this one you're going to experience just how cool this cfn-init process is.

      The WordPress cloud formation template that you used in the previous demo which included some user data.

      I've updated that and I've supplied a new version which uses this cloud formation in its process or cfn-init so you'll get to see how it's different and exactly how that looks when you apply it into your AWS account.

      Now there's one more really important feature of cloud formation which I want to cover as you start performing more advanced bootstrapping it will start to matter more and more.

      This feature is called cloud formation creation policies and cloud formation signals so let's look at that next.

      On the previous example there was another line passed into the user data the bottom line cfn signal.

      Without this the resource creation process inside cloud formation is actually pretty dumb.

      You have a template which is used to create a stack which creates an EC2 instance.

      Let's say you pass in some user data this runs and then the instance is marked as complete.

      The problem though is we don't actually know if the resource actually completed successfully.

      Cloud formation has created the resource and passed in the user data but I've already said that cloud formation doesn't understand the user data it just passes it in.

      So if the user data has a problem if the instance bootstrapping process fails and from a customer perspective the instance doesn't really work cloud formation won't know.

      The instance is going to be marked as complete regardless of how the configuration is inside that instance.

      Now this is fine when we're creating resources like a blank EC2 instance when there is no post launch configuration.

      If EC2 reports to cloud formation that it's successfully provisioned an instance then we can rely on that.

      If we're creating an S3 bucket and S3 reports to cloud formation that it's worked okay then it's worked okay.

      But what if there's extra configuration happening inside the resource such as this bootstrapping process.

      We need a better way a way that the resource itself the EC2 instance in this case can inform cloud formation if it's being configured correctly or not.

      This is how creation policies work and this is a creation policy.

      A creation policy is something which is added to a logical resource inside a cloud formation template.

      You create it and you supply a timeout value.

      This one has 15 minutes and this is used to create a stack which creates an instance.

      So far the process is the same but at this point cloud formation waits.

      It doesn't move the instance into a create complete status when EC2 signals that it's been created successfully.

      Instead it waits for a signal a signal from the resource itself.

      So even though EC2 has launched the instance even though its status checks pass and it's told cloud formation that the instance is provisioned and ready to go.

      Cloud formation waits.

      It waits for a signal from the resource itself.

      The CFN signal command at the bottom is given the stack ID, the resource name and the region and these are passed in by the cloud formation stack when the resource is created.

      So the CFN signal command understands how to communicate with the specific cloud formation stack that it's running inside.

      The -e $question mark part of that command represents the state of the previous command.

      So in this case the CFN init command is going to perform this desired state configuration and if the output of that command is an OK state then the OK is sent as a signal by CFN signal.

      If CFN init reports an error code then this is sent using CFN signal to the cloud formation stack.

      So CFN signal is reporting to cloud formation the success or not of the CFN init bootstrapping and this is reported to the cloud formation stack.

      If it's a success code so if CFN init worked as intended then the resource is moved into a create complete state.

      If CFN signal reports an error the resource in cloud formation shows an error.

      If nothing happens for 15 minutes the timeout value then cloud formation assumes it's erred and doesn't let the stack create successfully.

      The resource will generate an error.

      Now you'll see creation policies feature in more complex cloud formation templates either within EC2 instance resources or within auto scaling groups that we'll be covering later in the course.

      Now you won't need to know the technical implementation details of this for the Solutions Architect Associate exam but I do expect the knowledge of this architecture will help you in any automation related questions.

      And now it's time for a quick demonstration.

      I just want you to have some experience in using a template which uses CFN init and also one which uses the creation policy.

      So I hope this theory has been useful to you and when you're ready for the demo go ahead and complete this video and you can join me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in the first real lesson of the advanced EC2 section of the course, I want to introduce EC2 Bootstrapping.

      Now this is one of the most powerful features of EC2 available for us to use as solutions architects because it's what allows us to begin adding automation to the solutions that we design.

      Bootstrapping is a process where scripts or other bits of configuration can be run when an instance is first launched, meaning that an instance can be brought into service in a certain pre-configured state.

      So unlike just launching an instance with an AMI and having it be in its default state, we can bootstrap in a certain set of configurations or software installs.

      Now let's look at how this works from a theory perspective and then you'll get a chance to implement this yourself in the following demo lesson.

      Now bootstrapping is a process which exists outside EC2.

      It's a general term.

      In systems automation, bootstrapping is a process which allows a system to self-configure or perform some self-configuration steps.

      In EC2, it allows for build automation, some steps which can occur when you launch an instance to bring that instance into a configured state.

      Rather than relying on a default AMI or an AMI with a pre-baked configuration, it allows you to direct an EC2 instance to do something when launched.

      So perform some software installations and then some post-installation configuration.

      With EC2, bootstrapping is enabled using EC2 user data and this is injected into the instance in the same way that metadata is.

      In fact, it's accessed using the metadata IP address.

      So 169.254, 169.254, also known as 169.254 repeating.

      But instead of latest /meta-data, it's latest /user-data.

      The user data is a piece of data, a piece of information that you can pass into an EC2 instance.

      Anything that you pass in is executed by the instances operating system.

      And here's the important thing to remember, it's executed only once at launch time.

      If you update the user data and restart an instance, it's not executed again.

      So it's only the once.

      User data applies only to the first initial launch of the instance.

      It's for launch time configuration only.

      Now another important aspect is that EC2 as a service doesn't validate this user data, it doesn't interpret it in any way.

      You can tell EC2 to pass in some random data and it will.

      You can tell EC2 to pass in commands which will delete all of the data on the boot volume and the instance will do so.

      EC2 doesn't interpret the data, it just passes the data into the instance via user data and there's a process on the operating system which runs this as the root user.

      So in summary, the instance needs to understand what you pass in because it's just going to run it.

      Now the bootstrapping architecture is pretty simple to understand and AMI is used to launch an EC2 instance in the usual way and this creates an EBS volume which is attached to the EC2 instance and that's of course based on the block device mapping inside the AMI.

      This part we understand already.

      Where it starts to differ is that now the EC2 service provides some user data through to the EC2 instance and there's software within the operating system running on EC2 instances which is designed to look at the metadata IP for any user data and if it sees any user data then it executes this on launch of that instance.

      Now this user data is treated just like any other script that the operating system runs.

      It needs to be valid and at the end of running the script the EC2 instance will either be in a running state and ready for service meaning that the instance has finished its startup process, the user data ran and it was successful and the instance is in a functional and running state.

      Or the worst case is that the user data errors in some way so the instance would still be in a running state because the user data is separate from EC2, EC2 just delivers it into the instance.

      The instance would still pass its status checks and assuming you didn't run anything which deleted mass amounts of OS data you could probably still connect to it but the instance would likely not be configured as you want.

      It would be a bad configuration.

      So that's critical to understand the user data is just passed in in an opaque way to the operating system.

      It's up to the operating system to execute it and if executed correctly the instance will be ready for service.

      If there's a problem with the user data you will have a bad config.

      This is one of the key elements of user data to understand.

      It's one of the powerful features but also one of the risky ones.

      You pass the instance user data as a block of data.

      It runs successfully or it doesn't.

      From EC2's perspective it's simply opaque data.

      It doesn't know or care what happens to it.

      Now user data is also not secure.

      Anyone who can access the instance operating system can access the user data so don't use it for passing in any long term credentials at least not ideally.

      Now in the demo we'll be doing just that.

      We'll be doing bad practice by passing into the instance using the user data some long term credentials but this is intentional.

      It's part of your learning process.

      As we move through the course we'll evolve the design and implementations to use more AWS services and some of these include better ways to handle secrets inside EC2.

      So I need to show you the bad practice before I can compare it to the good.

      Now user data is limited to 16 kilobytes in size.

      For anything more complex than that you would need to pass in a script which would download that larger data.

      User data can be modified if you shut down the instance, change the user data and start it up again then new data is available inside the instances user data.

      But the contents are only executed once when you initially launch that instance.

      So after the launch stage user data is only really useful for passing data in and there are better ways of doing that.

      So keep in mind for the exam user data is generally used the once for the post launch configuration of an instance.

      It's only executed the one initial time.

      Now one of the question types that you'll often face in the exam relates to how quickly you can bring an instance into service.

      There's actually a metric boot time to service time.

      How quickly after you launch an instance is it ready for service, ready to accept connections from your customers.

      And this includes the time that AWS require to provision the EC2 instance and the time taken for any software updates, installations or configurations to take place within the operating system.

      For an AWS provided AMI that time can be measured in minutes from launch time to service time it's generally only minutes.

      But what if you need to do some extra configuration maybe install an application.

      Remember when you manually installed WordPress after launching an instance this is known as post launch time.

      The time required after launch for you to perform manual configuration or automatic configuration before the instance is ready for service.

      If you do it manually this can be a few minutes or even as long as a few hours for things which are significantly more complex.

      Now you can shorten this post launch time in a few ways.

      The topic of this very lesson is bootstrapping and bootstrapping as a process automates installations after the launch of an instance and this reduces the amount of time taken to perform these steps.

      And you'll see that demoed in the next lesson.

      Now alternatively you can also do the work in advance by AMI baking.

      With this method you're front loading the work doing it in advance and creating an AMI with all of that work baked in.

      Now this removes the post launch time but it means you can't be as flexible with the configuration because it has to be baked into the AMI.

      Now the optimal way is to combine both of these processes so AMI baking and bootstrapping.

      You'd use AMI baking for any part of the process which is time intensive.

      So if you have an application installation process which is 90% installation and 10% configuration, you can AMI bake in the 90% part and then bootstrap the final configuration.

      That way you reduce the post launch time and thus the boot time to service time but you also get to use bootstrapping which gives you much more configurability.

      And I'll be demonstrating this architecture later in the course when I cover scaling and high availability but I wanted to introduce these concepts now so you can keep mulling them over and understand them when I mention them.

      But now it's time to finish up this lesson and this has been the theory component of EC2 bootstrapping.

      In the next lesson which is a demo you're going to have the chance to use the EC2 user data feature.

      Remember earlier in the course where we built an AMI together we installed WordPress to the point when it was ready to install and we massively improved the login banner of the EC2 instance to be something more animal related with Cowsay.

      In the next demo lesson you're going to implement the same thing but you're going to be using user data.

      You'll see how much quicker this process is to do though when you had to manually launch the instance and run each command one by one.

      It's going to be a good valuable demo, I can't wait to get started so go ahead, finish this video and when you're ready you can join me for some practical time.

    1. Welcome back and in this video, I want to talk at a very basic level about the Elastic Kubernetes Service known as EKS.

      Now this is AWS's implementation of Kubernetes as a service.

      If you haven't already done so, please make sure that you've watched my Kubernetes 101 video because I'll be assuming that level of knowledge so I can focus more in this video about the EKS specific implementation.

      Now this video is going to stay at a very high level and if required for the topic that you're studying, there are going to be additional deep dive videos and/or demos on any of the relevant subject areas.

      Now let's just jump in and get started straight away.

      So EKS is an AWS managed implementation of Kubernetes.

      That's to say, AWS have taken the Kubernetes system and added it as a service within AWS.

      It's the same Kubernetes that you'll see anywhere else just extended to work really well within AWS.

      And that's the key point here.

      Kubernetes is cloud agnostic.

      So if you need containers, but don't want to be locked into a specific vendor, or if you already have containers implemented, maybe using Kubernetes, then that's a reason to choose EKS.

      Now EKS can be run in different ways.

      It can run on AWS itself.

      It can run on AWS Outposts, which conceptually is like running a tiny version of AWS on-premises.

      It can run using EKS anywhere, which basically allows you to create EKS clusters on-premises or anywhere else.

      And AWS even release the EKS product as open source via the EKS distro.

      Generally though, and certainly for this video, you can assume that I mean the normal AWS deployment mode of EKS.

      So running EKS within AWS as a product.

      So the Kubernetes control plane is managed by AWS and scales based on load and also runs across multiple availability zones.

      And the product integrates with other AWS services in the way that you would expect an AWS product to do so.

      So it can use the Elastic Container Registry or ECR.

      It uses Elastic Load Balancers anywhere where Kubernetes needs load balancer functionality.

      IAM is integrated for security and it also uses VPCs for networking.

      EKS clusters mean the EKS control plane.

      So that's the bit that's managed by AWS as well as the EKS nodes.

      And I'll talk more about those in a second.

      ETCD, remember, this is the key value store which Kubernetes uses.

      This is also managed by AWS and distributed across multiple availability zones.

      Now in terms of nodes, you have a few different ways that these can be handled.

      You can do self-managed nodes running in a group.

      So these are EC2 instances which you manage and you're billed for based on normal EC2 pricing.

      Then we have managed node groups which are still EC2, but this is where the product handles the provisioning and lifecycle management.

      Finally, you can run pods on Fargate.

      With Fargate, you don't have to worry about provisioning, configuring, or scaling groups of instances.

      You also don't need to choose the instance type or decide when to scale or optimize cluster packing.

      Instead, you define Fargate profiles which mean that pods can start on Fargate.

      And in general, this is similar to ECS Fargate which I've already covered elsewhere.

      Now one super important thing to keep in mind, deciding between self-managed, managed node groups or Fargate is based on your requirements.

      So if you need Windows pods, GPU capability, Inferentia, Bottle Rocket, Outposts, or Local Zones, then you need to check the node type that you're going to use and make sure it's capable of each of these features.

      I've included a link attached to this lesson with an up-to-date list of capabilities, but please be really careful on this one because I've seen it negatively impact projects.

      Now lastly, remember from the Kubernetes 101 video where I mentioned storage by default is ephemeral.

      Well, for persistent storage, EKS can use EBS, EFS, and FSX as storage providers.

      And these can be used to provide persistent storage when required for the product.

      Now that's everything about the key elements of the EKS product.

      Let's quickly take a look visually at how a simple EKS architecture might look.

      Conceptually, when you think of an EKS deployment, you're going to have two VPCs.

      The first is an AWS managed VPC, and it's here where the EKS control plane will run from across multiple availability zones.

      The second VPC is a custom managed VPC, in this case, the Animals for Life VPC.

      Now, if you're going to be using EC2 worker nodes, then these will be deployed into the customer VPC.

      Now, normally the control plane will communicate with these worker nodes via elastic network interfaces which are injected into the customer VPC.

      So the Kubelet service running on the worker nodes connects to the control plane, either using these ENIs which are injected into the VPC, but it can also use a public control plane endpoint.

      Any administration via the control plane can also be done using this public endpoint.

      And any consumption of the EKS services is via ingress configurations which start from the customer VPC.

      Now, at a high level, that's everything that I wanted to cover about the EKS product.

      Once again, if you're studying a course which needs any further detail, there will be additional theory and demo lessons.

      But at this point, that's everything I want you to do in this video, so go ahead and complete the video.

      And when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this fundamentals video I want to briefly talk about Kubernetes which is an open source container orchestration system.

      You use it to automate the deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications.

      At a super high level, Kubernetes lets you run containers in a reliable and scalable way, making efficient use of resources and lets you expose your containerized applications to the outside world or your business.

      It's like Docker, only with robots to automate it and super intelligence for all of the thinking.

      Now Kubernetes is a cloud agnostic product so you can use it on-premises and within many public cloud platforms.

      Now I want to keep this video to a super high level architectural overview but that's still a lot to cover.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      Let's quickly step through the architecture of a Kubernetes cluster.

      A cluster in Kubernetes is a highly available cluster of compute resources and these are organized to work as one unit.

      The cluster starts with the cluster control plane which is the part which manages the cluster.

      It performs scheduling, application management, scaling and deployment and much more.

      Compute within a Kubernetes cluster is provided via nodes and these are virtual or physical servers which function as a worker within the cluster.

      These are the things which actually run your containerized applications.

      Running on each of the nodes is software and at minimum this is container D or another container runtime which is the software used to handle your container operations and next we have KubeLit which is an agent to interact with the cluster control plane.

      KubeLit running on each of the nodes communicates with the cluster control plane using the Kubernetes API.

      Now this is the top level functionality of a Kubernetes cluster.

      The control plane orchestrates containerized applications which run on nodes.

      But now let's explore the architecture of control planes and nodes in a little bit more detail.

      On this diagram I've zoomed in a little.

      We have the control plane at the top and a single cluster node at the bottom complete with the minimum Docker and KubeLit software running for control plane communications.

      Now I want to step through the main components which might run within the control plane and on the cluster nodes.

      Keep in mind this is a fundamental level video.

      It's not meant to be exhaustive.

      Kubernetes is a complex topic so I'm just covering the parts that you need to understand to get started.

      The cluster will also likely have many more nodes.

      It's rare that you only have one node unless this is a testing environment.

      First I want to talk about pods and pods are the smallest unit of computing within Kubernetes.

      You can have pods which have multiple containers and provide shared storage and networking for those pods but it's very common to see a one container one pod architecture which as the name suggests means each pod contains only one container.

      Now when you think about Kubernetes don't think about containers think about pods.

      You're going to be working with pods and you're going to be managing pods.

      The pods handle the containers within them.

      Architecturally you would generally only run multiple containers in a pod when those containers are tightly coupled and require close proximity and rely on each other in a very tightly coupled way.

      Additionally although you'll be exposed to pods you'll rarely manage them directly.

      Pods are non-permanent things.

      In order to get the maximum value from Kubernetes you need to view pods as temporary things which are created, do a job and are then disposed of.

      Pods can be deleted when finished, evicted for lack of resources or if the node itself fails.

      They aren't permanent and aren't designed to be viewed as highly available entities.

      There are other things linked to pods which provide more permanence but more on that elsewhere.

      So now let's talk about what runs on the control plane.

      Firstly I've already mentioned this one, the API known formally as kube-api server.

      This is the front end for the control plane.

      It's what everything generally interacts with to communicate with the control plane and it can be scaled horizontally for performance and to ensure high availability.

      Next we have ETCD and this provides a highly available key value store.

      So a simple database running within the cluster which acts as the main backing store for data for the cluster.

      Another important control plane component is kube-scheduler and this is responsible for constantly checking for any pods within the cluster which don't have a node assigned.

      And then it assigns a node to that pod based on resource requirements, deadlines, affinity or anti affinity, data locality needs and any other constraints.

      Remember nodes are the things which provide the raw compute and other resources to the cluster and it's this component which makes sure the nodes get utilized effectively.

      Next we have an optional component, the cloud controller manager and this is what allows kubernetes to integrate with any cloud providers.

      It's common that kubernetes runs on top of other cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure or GCP and it's this component which allows the control plane to closely interact with those platforms.

      Now it is entirely optional and if you run a small kubernetes deployment at home you probably won't be using this component.

      Now lastly in the control plane is the kube controller manager and this is actually a collection of processes.

      We've got the node controller which is responsible for monitoring and responding to any node outages, the job controller which is responsible for running pods in order to execute jobs, the end point controller which populates end points in the cluster, more on this in a second but this is something that links services to pods.

      Again I'll be covering this very shortly and then the service account and token controller which is responsible for account and API token creation.

      Now again I haven't spoken about services or end points yet, just stick with me, I will in a second.

      Now lastly on every node is something called kproxy known as kube proxy and this runs on every node and coordinates networking with the cluster control plane.

      It helps implement services and configures rules allowing communications with pods from inside or outside of the cluster.

      You might have a kubernetes cluster but you're going to want some level of communication with the outside world and that's what kube proxy provides.

      Now that's the architecture of the cluster and nodes in a little bit more detail but I want to finish this introduction video with a few summary points of the terms that you're going to come across.

      So let's talk about the key components so we start with the cluster and conceptually this is a deployment of kubernetes, it provides management, orchestration, healing and service access.

      Within a cluster we've got the nodes which provide the actual compute resources and pods run on these nodes.

      A pod is one or more containers and is the smallest admin unit within kubernetes and often as I mentioned previously you're going to see the one container one pod architecture.

      Simply put it's cleaner.

      Now a pod is not a permanent thing, it's not long lived, the cluster can and does replace them as required.

      Services provide an abstraction from pods so the service is typically what you will understand as an application.

      An application can be containerized across many pods but the service is the consistent thing, the abstraction.

      Service is what you interact with if you access a containerized application.

      Now we've also got a job and a job is an ad hoc thing inside the cluster.

      Think of it as the name suggests as a job.

      A job creates one or more pods, runs until it completes, retries if required and then finishes.

      Now jobs might be used as back end isolated pieces of work within a cluster.

      Now something new that I haven't covered yet and that's ingress.

      Ingress is how something external to the cluster can access a service.

      So you have external users, they come into an ingress, that's routed through the cluster to a service, the service points at one or more pods which provides the actual application.

      So an ingress is something that you will have exposure to when you start working with Kubernetes.

      And next is an ingress controller and that's a piece of software which actually arranges for the underlying hardware to allow ingress.

      For example there is an AWS load balancer ingress controller which uses application and network load balancers to allow the ingress but there are also other controllers such as engine X and others for various cloud platforms.

      Now finally and this one is really important, generally it's best to architect things within Kubernetes to be stateless from a pod perspective.

      Remember pods are temporary.

      If your application has any form of long running state then you need a way to store that state somewhere.

      Now state can be session data but also data in the more traditional sense.

      Any storage in Kubernetes by default is ephemeral provided locally by a node and thus if a pod moves between nodes then that storage is lost.

      Conceptually think of this like instance store volumes running on AWS EC2.

      Now you can configure persistent storage known as persistent volumes or PVs and these are volumes whose life cycle lives beyond any one single pod which is using them and this is how you would provision normal long running storage to your containerised applications.

      Now the details of this are a little bit beyond this introduction level video but I wanted you to be aware of this functionality.

      Ok so that's a high level introduction to Kubernetes.

      It's a pretty broad and complex product but it's super powerful when you know how to use it.

      This video only scratches the surface.

      If you're watching this as part of my AWS courses then I'm going to have follow up videos which step through how AWS implements Kubernetes with their EKS service.

      If you're taking any of the more technically deep AWS courses then maybe other deep dive videos into specific areas that you need to be aware of.

      So there may be additional videos covering individual topics at a much deeper level.

      If there are no additional videos then don't worry because that's everything that you need to be aware of.

      Thanks for watching this video, go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to quickly cover the theory of the Elastic Container Registry or ECR.

      Now I want to keep the theory part brief because you're going to get the chance to experience this in practice elsewhere in the course and this is one of those topics which is much easier to show you via a demo versus covering the theory.

      So I'm going to keep this as brief as possible so let's jump in and get started.

      Well let's first look at what the Elastic Container Registry is.

      Well it's a managed container image registry service.

      It's like Docker Hub but for AWS so this is a service which AWS provide which hosts and manages container images and when I talk about container images I mean images which can be used within Docker or other container applications.

      So think things like ECS or EKS.

      Now within the ECR product we have public and private registries and each AWS account is provided with one of each so this is the top level structure.

      Inside each registry you can have many repositories so you can think of these like repos within a source control system so think of Git or GitHub you can have many repositories.

      Now inside each repository you can have many container images and container images can have several tags and these tags need to be unique within your repository.

      Now in terms of the security architecture the differences between public and private registries are pretty simple.

      First a public registry means that anyone can have read-only access to anything within that registry but read-write requires permissions.

      The other side is that a private registry means that permissions are required for any read or any read- write operations so this means with a public registry anyone can pull but to push you need permissions and for a private registry permissions are required for any operations.

      So that's the high level architecture let's move on and talk about some of the benefits of the elastic container registry.

      Well first and foremost it's integrated with IAM and this is logically for permissions so this means that all permissions controlling access to anything within the product are controlled using IAM.

      Now ECR offers security scanning on images and this comes in two different flavors basic and enhanced and enhanced is a relatively new type of scanning and this uses the inspector product.

      Now this can scan looking for issues with both the operating system and any software packages within your containers and this works on a layer by layer basis so enhanced scanning is a really good piece of additional functionality that the product provides.

      Now logically like many other AWS products ECR offers near real-time metrics and these are delivered into CloudWatch.

      Now these metrics are for things like authentication or push or pull operations against any of the container images.

      ECR also logs all API actions into CloudTrail and then also it generates events which are delivered into EventBridge and this can form part of an event-driven workflow which involves container images.

      Now lastly ECR offers replication of container images and this is both cross region and cross account so these are all important features provided by ECR.

      Now as I mentioned at the start of this lesson all I wanted to do is to cover the high-level theory of this product.

      It's far easier to gain an understanding of the product by actually using it.

      So elsewhere in the course you're going to get the chance to use ECR in some container-based workflows so you'll get the chance to push some container images into the product and pull them when you're deploying your container-based applications.

      Now that's everything I wanted to cover in this video so go ahead and complete the video and when you're ready I look forward to you joining me in the next.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to briefly discuss the two different cluster modes that you can use when running containers within ECS.

      So that's EC2 mode and Fargate mode.

      The cluster mode defines a number of things but one of them is how much of the admin overheads surrounding running a set of container hosts that you manage versus how much AWS manage.

      So the technical underpinnings of both of these are important but one of the main differentiating facts is what parts you're responsible for managing and what parts AWS manage.

      There are some cost differences we'll talk about and certain scenarios which favor EC2 mode and others which favor Fargate mode and we'll talk about all of that inside this lesson.

      At this level it's enough to understand the basic architecture of both of these modes and the situations where you would pick one over the other.

      So we've got a lot to cover so let's jump in and get started.

      The first cluster mode available within ECS is EC2 mode.

      Using EC2 mode we start with the ECS management components so these handle high level tasks like scheduling, orchestration, cluster management and the placement engine which handles where to run containers so which container hosts.

      Now these high level components exist in both modes so that's EC2 mode and Fargate mode.

      With EC2 mode an ECS cluster is created within a VPC inside your AWS account.

      Because an EC2 mode cluster runs within a VPC it benefits from the multiple availability zones which are available within this VPC.

      For this example let's assume we have two AZA and AZB.

      With EC2 mode EC2 instances are used to run containers and when you create the cluster you specify an initial size which controls the number of container instances and this is handled by an auto scaling group.

      We haven't covered auto scaling groups yet in the course but there are ways that you can control horizontal scaling for EC2 instances so adding more instances when requirements dictate and removing them when they're not needed.

      But for this example let's say that we have four container instances.

      Now these are just EC2 instances you will see them in your account, you'll build for them, you can even connect to them.

      So it's important to understand that when these are provisioned you will be paying for them regardless of what containers you have running on them.

      So with EC2 cluster mode you are responsible for these EC2 instances that are acting as container hosts.

      Now ECS provisions these EC2 container hosts but there is an expectation that you will manage them generally through the ECS tooling.

      So ECS using EC2 mode is not a serverless solution you need to worry about capacity and availability for your cluster.

      ECS uses container registries and these are where your container images are stored.

      Remember in a previous lesson I showed you how to store the container of cats images on Docker Hub and that's an example of a container registry.

      AWS of course have their own which is called ECR I've previously mentioned that and you can choose to use that or something public like Docker Hub.

      Now in the previous lesson I spoke about tasks and services which are how you direct ECS to run your containers.

      Well tasks and services use images on container registries and via the task and service definitions inside ECS container images are deployed onto container hosts in the form of containers.

      Now in EC2 mode ECS will handle certain elements of this so ECS will handle the number of tasks that are deployed if you utilize services and service definitions but at a cluster level you need to be aware of and manage the capacity of the cluster because the container instances are not something that's delivered as a managed service they are just EC2 instances.

      So ECS using EC2 mode offers a great middle ground if you want to use containers in your infrastructure but you absolutely need to manage the container hosts capacity and availability then EC2 mode is for you because EC2 mode uses EC2 instances then if your business has reserved instances then you can use those you can use EC2 spot pricing but you need to manage all of this yourself.

      It's important to understand that with EC2 mode even if you aren't running any tasks or any services on your EC2 container hosts you are still paying for them while they're in a running state so you're expected to manage the number of container hosts inside an EC2 based ECS cluster.

      So whilst ECS as a product takes away a lot of the management overhead of using containers in EC2 cluster mode you keep some of that overhead and some flexibility so it's a great middle ground.

      Fargate mode for ECS removes even more of the management overhead of using containers within AWS.

      With Fargate mode you don't have to manage EC2 instances for use as container hosts as much as I hate using the term serverless Fargate is a cluster model which means you have no service to manage because of this you aren't paying for EC2 instances regardless of whether you're using them or not.

      Fargate mode uses the same surrounding technologies so you still have the Fargate service handling schedule and orchestration cluster management and placement and you still use registries for the container images as well as use task and service definitions to define tasks and services.

      What differs is how containers are actually hosted.

      Core to the Fargate architecture is the fact that AWS maintain a shared Fargate infrastructure platform.

      This shared platform is offered to all users of Fargate but much like how EC2 isolates customers from each other so does Fargate.

      You gain access to resources from a shared pool just like you can run EC2 instances on shared hardware but you have no visibility of other customers.

      With Fargate you use the same task and service definitions and these define the image to use, the ports and how much resources you need but with Fargate these are then allocated to the shared Fargate platform.

      You still have your VPC, a Fargate deployment still uses a cluster and a cluster uses a VPC which operates in availability zones.

      In this example AZA and AZB.

      Where it starts to differ though is four ECS tasks which remember they're now running on the shared infrastructure but from a networking perspective they're injected into your VPC.

      Each of the tasks is injected into the VPC and it gets given an elastic network interface.

      This has an IP address within the VPC.

      At that point they work just like any other VPC resource and they can be accessed from within that VPC and from the public internet if the VPC is configured that way.

      So this is really critical for you to be aware of.

      Tasks and services are actually running from the shared infrastructure platform and then they're injected into your VPC.

      They're given network interfaces inside a VPC and it's using these network interfaces in that VPC that you can access them.

      So if the VPC is configured to use public subnets which automatically allocate an IP version for address then tasks and services can be given public IP version for addressing.

      Fargate offers a lot of customizability you can deploy exactly how you want into either a new VPC or a custom VPC that you have designed and implemented in AWS.

      With Fargate mode because tasks and services are running from the shared infrastructure platform you only pay for the containers that you're using based on the resources that they consume.

      So you have no visibility of any host costs.

      You don't need to manage hosts, provision hosts or think about capacity and availability.

      That's all handled by Fargate.

      You simply pay for the container resources that you consume.

      Now one final thing before we move to a demo where we're going to implement a container inside a Fargate architecture.

      For the exam and as a solutions architect in general you should be able to advise when a business or a team should use ECS.

      There are actually three main options.

      Using EC2 natively for an application.

      So deploying an application as a virtual machine.

      Using ECS in EC2 mode so using a containerized application but running in ECS using an EC2 based cluster or using a containerized application running in ECS but in Fargate mode.

      So there's a number of different options.

      Picking between using EC2 and ECS should in theory be easy.

      If you use containers then pick ECS.

      If you're a business which already uses containers for anything then it makes sense to use ECS.

      In the demo that we did earlier in this section we used an EC2 instance and Docker to create a Docker image.

      That's an edge case though.

      If you're wanting to just quickly test containers you can use EC2 as a Docker host but for anything production usage it's almost never a good idea to do that.

      The normal options are generally to run an application inside an operating system inside EC2 or to utilize ECS in one of these two different modes.

      Containers in general make sense if you're just wanting to isolate your applications.

      Applications which have low usage levels.

      Applications which all use the same OS.

      Applications where you don't need the overhead of virtualization.

      You would generally pick EC2 mode when you have a large workload and your business is price conscious.

      If you care about price more than effort you'll want to look at using spot pricing or reserved pricing or make use of reservations that you already have.

      Running your own fleet of EC2 based ECS hosts will probably be cheaper but only if you can minimize the admin overhead of managing them.

      So scaling, sizing as well as correcting any faults.

      So if you have a large consistent workload if you're heavily using containers but if you are a price conscious organization then potentially pick EC2 mode.

      If you're overhead conscious even with large workloads then Fargate makes more sense.

      Using Fargate is much less management overhead versus EC2 mode because you don't have any exposure to container hosts or their management.

      So even large workloads if you care about minimizing management overhead then use Fargate.

      For small or burst style workloads Fargate makes sense because with Fargate you only pay for the container capacity that you use.

      Having a fleet of EC2 based container hosts running constantly for non-consistent workloads just makes no sense.

      It's wasting the capacity.

      The same logic is true for batch or periodic workloads.

      Fargate means that you pay for what you consume.

      EC2 mode would mean paying for the container instances even when you don't use them.

      Okay I hope this starts to make sense.

      I hope the theory that we've covered starts to give you an impression for when you would use ECS and then when you do use the product how to distinguish between scenarios which suit EC2 mode versus Fargate mode.

      So next up we have a demo lesson and I'm going to get you to take the container of cats docker image that we created together earlier in this section and run it inside an ECS Fargate cluster.

      By configuring it practically it's going to help a lot of the facts and architecture points that we've discussed through this section stick and these facts sticking will be essential to being able to answer any container based questions in the exam.

      I know the container of cats is a simple example but the steps that you'll be performing will work equally well in something that's a lot more complex.

      As we go through the course we're going to be revisiting ECS.

      It will feature in some architectures for the animals for life business later in the course.

      For now though I want you to just be across the fundamentals.

      Enough to get started with ECS and enough for the associate AWS exams.

      So go ahead complete this lesson and when you're ready you can join me in the next lesson which will be an ECS Fargate demo.

    1. Welcome back and in this lesson I want to introduce the Elastic Container Service or ECS.

      In the previous lesson you created a Docker image and tested it by running up a container, all using the Docker container engine running on an EC2 instance.

      And this is always something that you can do with AWS.

      But ECS is a product which allows you to use containers running on infrastructure which AWS fully manage or partially manage.

      It takes away much of the admin overhead of self managing your container hosts.

      ECS is to containers what EC2 is to virtual machines.

      And ECS uses clusters which run in one of two modes.

      EC2 mode which uses EC2 instances as container hosts.

      And you can see these inside your account.

      They're just normal EC2 hosts running the ECS software.

      We've also got Fargate mode which is a serveless way of running Docker containers where AWS manage the container host part and just leave you to define and architect your environment using containers.

      Now in this lesson I'll be covering the high level concepts of the product which apply to both of those modes.

      And then in the following lesson I'll talk in a little bit more detail about EC2 mode and Fargate mode.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      ECS is a service that accepts containers and some instructions that you provide and it orchestrates where and how to run those containers.

      It's a managed container based compute service.

      I mentioned this a second ago but it runs in two modes, EC2 and Fargate which radically changes how it works under the surface.

      But for what I need to talk about in this lesson we can be a little abstract and say that ECS lets you create a cluster.

      I'll cover the different types of cluster architectures in the following lesson.

      For now it's just a cluster.

      Clusters are where your containers run from.

      You provide ECS with a container image and it runs that in the form of a container in the cluster based on how you want it to run.

      But let's take this from the bottom up architecturally and just step through how things work.

      First you need a way of telling ECS about container images that you want to run and how you want them to be run.

      Containers are all based on container images as we talked about earlier in this section.

      These container images will be located on a container registry somewhere and you've seen one example of that with the Docker Hub.

      Now AWS also provide a registry.

      It's called the Elastic Container Registry or ECR and you can use that if you want.

      ECR has a benefit of being integrated with AWS so all of the usual permissions and scalability benefits apply.

      But at its heart it is just a container registry.

      You can use it or use something else like Docker Hub.

      To tell ECS about your container images you create what's known as a container definition.

      The container definition tells ECS where your container image is.

      Logically it needs that.

      It tells ECS which port your container uses.

      Remember in the demo we exposed port 80 which is HTTP and so this is defined in the container definition as well.

      The container definition provides just enough information about the single container that you want to define.

      Then we have task definitions and a task in ECS represents a self-contained application.

      A task could have one container defined inside it or many.

      A very simple application might use a single container just like the container of Katz application that we demoed in the previous lesson.

      Or it could use multiple containers, maybe a web app container and a database container.

      A task in ECS represents the application as a whole and so it stores whatever container definitions are used to make up that one single application.

      I remember the difference by thinking of the container definition as just a pointer to where the container is stored and what port is exposed.

      The rest is defined in the task definition.

      At the associate level this is easily enough detail but if you do want extra detail on what's stored in the container definition versus the task definition I've included some links attached to this lesson which give you an overview of both.

      Task definitions store the resources used by the task so CPU and memory.

      They store the networking mode that the task uses.

      They store the compatibility so whether the task will work on EC2 mode or Fargate.

      And one of the really important things which the task definition stores is the task role.

      A task role is an IAM role that a task can assume and when the task assumes that role it gains temporary credentials which can be used within the task to interact with AWS resources.

      Task roles the best practice way of giving containers within ECS permissions to access AWS products and services and remember that one because it will come up in at least one exam question.

      When you create a task definition within the ECS UI you actually create a container definition along with it but from an architecture perspective I definitely wanted you to know that they're actually separate things.

      This is further confused by the fact that a lot of tasks that you create inside ECS will only have one container definition and that's going to be the case with the container of Katz demo that we're going to be doing at the end of this section when we deploy our Docker container into ECS.

      But tasks and containers are separate things.

      A task can include one or more containers.

      A lot of tasks do include one container which doesn't help with the confusion.

      Now a task in ECS it doesn't scale on its own and it isn't by itself highly available and that's where the last concept that I want to talk to you about in this lesson comes in handy and that's called an ECS service and you configure that via a service definition.

      A service definition defines a service and a service is how for ECS we can define how we want a task to scale how many copies we'd like to run.

      It can add capacity and it can add resilience because we can have multiple independent copies of our task running and you can deploy a load balancer in front of a service so the incoming load is distributed across all of the tasks inside a service.

      So for tasks that you're running inside ECS the long running and business critical you would generally use a service to provide that level of scalability and high availability.

      It's the service that lets you configure replacing failed tasks or scaling or how to distribute load across multiple copies of the same task.

      Now we're not going to be using a service when we demo the container of cats demo at the end of this section because we'll only be wanting to run a single copy.

      You can run a single copy of a task on its own but it's the service wrapper that you use if you want to configure scaling and high availability.

      And it's tasks or services that you deploy into an ECS cluster and this applies equally to whether it's EC2 based or Fargate based.

      I'll be talking about the technical differences between those two in the next lesson.

      But for now the high level building blocks are the same.

      You create a cluster and then you deploy tasks or services into that cluster.

      Now just to summarize a few of the really important points that I've talked about in this lesson.

      First is the container definition.

      This defines the image and the ports that will be used for a container.

      It basically points at a container image that's stored on a container registry and it defines which ports are exposed from that container.

      It does other things as well and I've included a link attached to this lesson which gives you a full overview of what's defined in the container definition.

      But at the associate level all you need to remember is a container definition defines which image to use for a container and which ports are exposed.

      A task definition applies to the application as a whole.

      It can be a single container, so a single container definition or multiple containers and multiple container definitions.

      But it's also the task definition where you specify the task role, so the security that the containers within a task get.

      What can they access inside AWS?

      It's an IAM role that's assumed and the temporary credentials that you get are what the containers inside the task can use to access AWS products and services.

      So task definitions include this task role, the containers themselves, and you also specify at a task definition level the resources that your task is going to consume.

      And I'll be showing you that in the demo lesson at the end of this section.

      The task role, obviously I've just talked about, is the IAM role that's assumed by anything that's inside the task.

      So the task role can be used by any of the containers running as part of a task.

      And that's the best practice way that individual containers can access AWS products and services.

      And then finally we've got services and service definitions and this is how you can define how many copies of a task you want to run.

      And that's both for scaling and high availability.

      So you can use a service and define that you want, say, five copies of a task running.

      You can put a load balancer in front of those five individual tasks and distribute incoming load across those.

      So it's used for scaling, it's used for high availability and you can control other things inside a service such as restarts, the certain monitoring features that you've got access to in there.

      And services are generally what you use if it's a business critical application or something in production that needs to cope with substantial incoming load.

      In the demo that's at the end of this section, we won't be using a service, we'll be just deploying a task into our ECS cluster.

      With that being said, though, that's all the high level ECS concepts that I wanted to talk about in this lesson.

      It's just enough to get you started so the next lesson makes sense.

      And then so when you do the demo and get some practical experience with ECS, everything will start to click.

      At this point, though, go ahead, complete this video.

      And when you're ready, you can join me in the next lesson where I'll be talking about the different ECS cluster modes.

    1. Welcome back.

      This section will be focusing on another type of compute, container computing.

      To understand the benefits of the AWS products and services which relate to containers, you'll need to understand what containers are and what benefits container computing provides.

      In this lesson, I aim to teach you just that.

      It's all theory in this lesson, but immediately following this is a demo lesson where you'll have the chance to make a container yourself.

      We've got a lot to get through though, so let's jump in and get started.

      Before we start talking about containers, let's set the scene.

      What we refer to as virtualization should really be called operating system or OS virtualization.

      It's the process of running multiple operating systems on the same physical hardware.

      I've already covered the architecture earlier in the course, but as a refresher, we've got an AWS EC2 host running the Nitro hypervisor.

      Running on this hypervisor, we have a number of virtual machines.

      Part of this lesson's objectives is to understand the difference between operating system virtualization and containers.

      And so the important thing to realize about these virtual machines is that each of them is an operating system with associated resources.

      What's often misunderstood is just how much of a virtual machine is taken up by the operating system alone.

      If you run a virtual machine with say 4GB of RAM and a 40GB disk, the operating system can easily consume 60 to 70% of the disk and much of the available memory, leaving relatively little for the applications which run in those virtual machines as well as the associated runtime environments.

      So with the example on screen now, it's obvious that the guest operating system consumes a large percentage of the amount of resource allocated to each virtual machine.

      Now what's the likelihood with the example on screen that many of the operating systems are actually the same?

      Think about your own business servers, how many run Windows, how many run Linux, how many do you think share the same major operating system version.

      This is duplication.

      On this example, if all of these guest operating systems used the same or similar operating system, it's wasting resources, it's duplication.

      And what's more, with these virtual machines, the operating system consumes a lot of system resources.

      So every operation that relates to these virtual machines, every restart, every stop, every start is having to manipulate the entire operating system.

      If you think about it, what we really want to do with this example is to run applications one through to six in separate isolated protected environments.

      To do this, do we really need six copies of the same operating system taking up disk space and host resources?

      Well, the answer is no, not when we use containers.

      Containerization handles things much differently.

      We still have the host hardware, but instead of virtualization, we have an operating system running on this hardware.

      Running on top of this is a container engine.

      And you might have heard of a popular one of these called Docker.

      A container in some ways is similar to a virtual machine in that it provides an isolated environment which an application can run within.

      But where virtual machines run a whole isolated operating system on top of a hypervisor, a container runs as a process within the host operating system.

      It's isolated from all of the other processors, but it can use the host operating system for a lot of things like networking and file I/O.

      For example, if the host operating system was Linux, it could run Docker as a container engine.

      Linux plus the Docker container engine can run a container.

      That container would run as a single process within that operating system, potentially one of many.

      But inside that process, it's like an isolated operating system.

      It has its own file systems isolated from everything else and it can run child processors inside it, which are also isolated from everything else.

      So a container could run a web server or an application server and do so in a completely isolated way.

      What this means is that architecturally, a container would look something like this, something which runs on top of the base OS and container engine, but consumes very little memory.

      In fact, the only consumption of memory or disk is for the application and any runtime environment elements that it needs.

      So libraries and dependencies.

      The operating system could run lots of other containers as well, each running an individual application.

      So using containers, we achieve this architecture, which looks very much like the architecture used on the previous example, which use virtualization.

      We're still running the same six applications.

      But the difference is that because we don't need to run a full operating system for each application, the containers are much lighter than the virtual machines.

      And this means that we can run many more containers on the same hardware versus using virtualization.

      This density, the ability to run more applications on a single piece of hardware is one of the many benefits of containers.

      Let's move on and look at how containers are architected.

      I want you to start off by thinking about what an EC2 instance actually is.

      And what it is is a running copy of its EBS volumes, its virtual disks.

      An EC2 instance's boot volume is used.

      It's booted and using this, you end up with a running copy of an operating system running in a virtualized environment.

      A container is no different in this regard.

      A container is a running copy of what's known as a Docker image.

      Docker images are really special, though.

      One of the reasons why they're really cool technology-wise is they're actually made up of multiple independent layers.

      So Docker images are stacks of these layers and not a single monolithic disk image.

      And you'll see why this matters very shortly.

      Docker images are created initially by using a Docker file.

      And this is an example of a simple Docker file which creates an image with a web server inside it ready to run.

      So this Docker file creates this Docker image.

      Each line in a Docker file is processed one by one and each line creates a new file system layer inside the Docker image that it creates.

      Let's explore what this means and it might help to look at it visually.

      All Docker images start off being created either from scratch or they use a base image.

      And this is what this top line controls.

      In this case, the Docker image we're making uses CentOS 7 as its base image.

      Now this base image is a minimal file system containing just enough to run an isolated copy of CentOS.

      All this is is a super thin image of a disk.

      It just has the basic minimal CentOS 7 base distribution.

      And so that's what the first line of the Docker file does.

      It instructs Docker to create our Docker image using as a basis this base image.

      So the first layer of our Docker image, the first file system layer is this basic CentOS 7 distribution.

      The next line performs some software updates and it installs our web server, Apache in this case.

      And this adds another layer to the Docker image.

      So now our image is two layers, the base CentOS 7 image and a layer which just contains the software that we've just installed.

      This is critical in Docker, the file system layers that make up a Docker image and normally read only.

      So every change you make is layered on top as another layer.

      Each layer contains the differences made when creating that layer.

      So then we move on in our Docker file and we have some slight adjustments made at the bottom.

      It's adding a script which creates another file system layer for a total of three.

      And this is how a Docker image is made.

      It starts off either from scratch or using a base layer and then each set of changes in the Docker file adds another layer with just those changes in.

      And the end result is a Docker image that we can use which consists of individual file system layers.

      Now strictly speaking, the layers in this diagram are upside down.

      A Docker image consists of layers stacked on each other starting with the base layer.

      So the layer in red at the bottom and then the blue layer which includes the system updates and the web server should be in the middle and the final layer of customizations in green should be at the top.

      It was just easier to diagram it in this way but in actuality it should be reversed.

      Now let's look at what images are actually used for.

      A Docker image is how we create a Docker container.

      In fact, a Docker container is just a running copy of a Docker image with one crucial difference.

      A Docker container has an additional read write file system layer.

      File system layers.

      So the layers that make up a Docker image by default, they're read only.

      They never change after they're created.

      And so this special read write layer is added which allows containers to run anything which happens in the container.

      If log files are generated or if an application generates or reads data, that's all stored in the read write layer of the container.

      Each layer is differential and so it stores only the changes made against it versus the layers below.

      Together all stacked up they make what the container sees as a file system.

      But here is where containers become really cool because we could use this image to create another container, container two.

      This container is almost identical.

      It uses the same three base layers.

      So the CentOS 7 layer in red beginning AB, the web server and updates that are installed in the middle blue layer beginning 8-1 and the final customization layer in green beginning 5-7.

      They're both the same in both containers.

      The same layers are used so we don't have any duplication.

      They're read only layers anyway and so there's no potential for any overwrites.

      The only difference is the read write layer which is different in both of these containers.

      That's what makes the container separate and keeps things isolated.

      Now in this particular case if we're running two containers using the same base image then the difference between these containers could be tiny.

      So rather than virtual machines which have separate disk images which could be tens or hundreds of gigs containers might only differ by a few meg in each of their read write layers.

      The rest is reused between both of these containers.

      Now this example has two containers but what if it had 200?

      The reuse architecture that's offered by the way that containers do their disk images scales really well.

      Disk usage when you have lots of containers is minimized because of this layered architecture and the base layers, the operating systems, they're generally made available by the operating system vendors generally via something called a container registry and a popular one of these is known as Docker Hub.

      The function of a container registry is almost revealed in the name.

      It's a registry or a hub of container images.

      As a developer or architect you make or use a Docker file to create a container image and then you upload that image to a private repository or a public one such as the Docker Hub and for public hubs other people will likely do the same including vendors of the base operating system images such as the CentOS example I was just talking about.

      From there these container images can be deployed to Docker hosts which are just servers running a container engine in this case Docker.

      Docker hosts can run many containers based on one or more images and a single image can be used to generate containers on many different Docker hosts.

      Remember a container is a single thing your eye could take a container image and both use that to generate a container so that's one container image which can generate many containers and each of these are completely unique because of this read write layer that a container gets the solo use of.

      Now you can use the Docker Hub to download container images but also upload your own.

      Private registries can require authentication but public ones are generally open to the world.

      Now I have to admit I have a bad habit when it comes to containers.

      I'm usually all about precision in the words that I use but I've started to use Docker and containerization almost interchangeably.

      In theory a Docker container is one type of container a Docker host is one type of container host and the Docker Hub is a type of container hub or a type of container registry operated by the company Docker.

      Now even I start to use these terms interchangeably I'll try not to but because of the popularity of Docker and Docker containers you will tend to find that people say Docker when they actually mean containers so keep an eye out for that one.

      Now the last thing before we finish up and go to the demo I just want to cover some container key concepts just as a refresher.

      You've learned that Docker files are used to build Docker images and Docker images are these multi-layer file system images which are used to run containers.

      Containers are a great tool for any solutions architect because they're portable and they always run as expected.

      If you're a developer and you have an application if you put that application and all of its libraries into a container you know that anywhere that there is a compatible container host that that application can run exactly as you intended with the same software versions.

      Portability and consistency are two of the main benefits of using containerized computing.

      Containers and images are super lightweight they use the host operating system for the heavy lifting but are otherwise isolated.

      Layers used within images can be shared and images can be based off other images.

      Layers are read only and so an image is basically a collection of layers grouped together which can be shared and reused.

      If you have a large container environment you could have hundreds or thousands of containers which are using a smaller set of container images and each of those images could be sharing these base file system layers to really save on capacity so if you've got larger environments you could significantly save on capacity and resource usage by moving to containers.

      Containers only run what's needed so the application and whatever the application itself needs.

      Containers run as a process in the host operating system and so they don't need to be a full operating system.

      Containers use very little memory and as you will see they're super fast to start and stop and yet they provide much of the same level of isolation as virtual machines so if you don't really need a full and isolated operating system you should give serious thought to using containerization because it has a lot of benefits not least is the density that you can achieve using containers.

      Containers are isolated and so anything running in them needs to be exposed to the outside world so containers can expose ports such as TCP port 80 which is used for HTTP and so when you expose a container port the services that that container provides can be accessed from the host and the outside world and it's important to understand that some more complex application stacks can consist of multiple containers.

      You can use multiple containers in a single architecture either to scale a specific part of the application or when you're using multiple tiers so you might have a database container you might have an application container and these might work together to provide the functionality of the application.

      Okay so that's been a lot of foundational theory and now it's time for a demo.

      In order to understand AWS's container compute services you need to understand how containers work.

      This lesson has been the theory and the following demo lesson is where you will get some hands-on time by creating your own container image and container.

      It's a fun way to give you some experience so I can't wait to step you through it.

      At this point they'll go ahead and finish this video and when you're ready you can join me in the demo lesson.

    1. Welcome back.

      In this lesson, I want to talk about a really important feature of EC2 called Instance Metadata.

      It's a very simple architecture, but it's one that's used in many of EC2's more powerful features.

      So it's essential that you understand its architecture fully.

      It features in nearly all of the AWS exams and you will use it often if you design and implement AWS solutions in the real world.

      So let's jump in and get started.

      The EC2 Instance Metadata is a service that EC2 provides to instances.

      It's data about the instance that can be used to configure or manage a running instance.

      It's a way the instance or anything running inside the instance can access information about the environment that it wouldn't be able to access otherwise.

      And it's accessible inside all instances using the same access method.

      The IP address to access the instance metadata is

      Remember that IP.

      It comes up all the time in exams.

      Make sure it sticks.

      I'll repeat it as often as I can throughout the course, but it's unusual enough that it tends to stick pretty well.

      Now, the way that I've remembered the IP address from when I started with AWS is just to keep repeating it.

      Repetition always helps.

      And I remember this one as a little bit of a rhyme.

      169.254 repeated.

      And if you just keep repeating that over and over again, then the IP address will stick.

      So 169.254 repeated equals

      And then for the next part of the URL, I always want the latest meta-data.

      If you remember 169.254 repeated and you always want the latest meta-data, it will tend to stick in your mind.

      At least it did for me.

      Now, I've seen horrible exam questions which make you actually select the exact URL for this metadata.

      So this is one of those annoying facts that I just need you to memorize.

      I promise you it will help you with exam questions in the exam.

      So try to memorize the IP and latest meta-data.

      If you remember both of those, keep repeating them.

      Get annoying over and over again.

      Write them on flashcards.

      It will help you in the exam.

      Now, the metadata allows anything running on the instance to query it for information about that instance and that information is divided into categories.

      For example, host name, events, security groups and much more.

      All information about the environment that the instance is in.

      The most common things which can be queried though are information on the networking and I'll show you this in the demo part of this lesson.

      While the operating system of an instance can't see any of its IP version for public addressing, the instance meta-data can be used by applications running on that instance to get access to that information and I'll show you that soon.

      You can also gain access to authentication information.

      We haven't covered EC2 instance roles yet, but instances can be themselves given permissions to access AWS resources and the meta-data is how applications on the instance can gain access to temporary credentials generated by assuming the role.

      The meta-data service is also used by AWS to pass in temporary SSH keys.

      So when you connect to an instance using EC2 instance connect, it's actually passing in an SSH key behind the scenes that's used to connect.

      The meta-data service is also used to grant access to user data and this is a way that you can make the instance run scripts to perform automatic configuration steps when you launch an instance.

      Now one really important fact for the exam and I've seen questions come up on this one time and time again, the meta-data service, it has no authentication and it's not encrypted.

      Anyone who can connect to an instance and gain access to the Linux command line shell can by default access the meta-data.

      You can restrict it with local firewall rules so blocking access to the 169254 repeated IP address, but that's extra per instance admin overhead.

      In general, you should treat the meta-data as something that can and does get exposed.

      Okay, well that's the architecture, it's nice and simple, but this is one of the things inside AWS which is much easier to show you than to tell you about.

      So it's time for a demo and we're going to perform a demo together which uses the instance meta-data of an EC2 instance.

      So let's switch over to the console and get started.

      Now if you do want to follow along with this in your own environment, then you'll need to apply some infrastructure.

      Before you do that, just make sure that you're logged in to the general AWS account, so the management account of the organization, and make sure as always that you have the Northern Virginia region selected.

      Now this lesson has a one-click deployment link attached to it, so go ahead and click that link.

      This will take you to the quick create stack screen.

      You should see that the stack name is called meta-data, just scroll down to the bottom, check this box and click on create stack.

      Now this will automatically create all of the infrastructure which we'll be using, so you'll need to wait for this stack to move into a create complete state.

      We're also going to be using some commands within this demo lesson and also attached to this lesson is a lesson commands document which includes all of the commands that you'll be using.

      So this will help you avoid errors.

      You can either type these out manually or copy and paste them as I do them in the demo.

      So at this point go ahead and open that link as well.

      It should look something like this.

      There's not that many commands that we'll be using, but they are relatively long and so by using this document we can avoid any typos.

      Now just refresh this stack.

      Again it will need to be in a create complete state, so go ahead and pause this video, wait for the stack to move into create complete and then we good to continue.

      Okay so now the stacks moved into a create complete state and if you just go ahead and click on resources you can see that it's created a selection of resources.

      Now the one that we're concerned with is public EC2 which is an EC2 instance running in a public subnet with public IP addressing.

      So we're going to go ahead and interact with this instance.

      So click on services and then go ahead and move to the EC2 console.

      You can either select it in all services, recently visited if you've used this service before or you can type EC2 into the search box and then open it in a new tab.

      Once you're at the EC2 console go ahead and click on instances running and you should see this single EC2 instance.

      Go ahead and select it and I just want to draw your attention to a number of key pieces of information which I want you to note down.

      So first you'll be able to see that the instance has a private IP version 4 address.

      Yours may well be different if you're doing this within your own environment.

      You'll also see that the instance has a public IP version 4 address and again if you're doing this in your environment yours will be different.

      Now if you click on networking you'll be able to see additional networking information including the IP version 6 address that's allocated to this instance.

      Now the IP version 6 address is always public and so there's no concept of public and private IP version 6 addresses but you'll be able to see that address under the networking tab.

      Now just to make this easier just go ahead and note down the IP version 6 address as well as the public IP version 4 DNS which is listed as well as the public IP version 4 address which is listed at the top and then the private IP version 4 address.

      And once you've got all these noted down we're going to go ahead and connect to this instance.

      So right click select connect we're going to use EC2 instance connect so make sure that the username is EC2 hyphen user and then connect to this instance.

      Now once we connected straight away we'll be able to see how even the prompt of the instance makes visible the private IP version 4 address of this EC2 instance and if we run the Linux command of if config and press enter we'll get an output of the network interfaces within this EC2 instance.

      Now we'll be able to see the private IP version 4 address listed within the configuration of this network interface inside the EC2 instance and if you're performing this in your own environment notice how it's exactly the same as the private IP version 4 address that you just noted down which was visible inside the console UI.

      So in my case you'll be able to see these two IP addresses match perfectly.

      So this IP address that's visible in the console UI is the same as this private IP address configured on the network interface inside the instance.

      The same is true of the IP version 6 IP address.

      This is also visible inside the operating system on the network configuration for this network interface and again that's the same IP version 6 address which is visible on the networking tab inside the console UI.

      So that's the same as this address.

      What isn't visible inside the instance operating system on the networking configuration is the public IP version 4 address.

      It's critical to know that at no point ever during the life cycle of an EC2 instance is a public IP version 4 address configured within the operating system.

      The operating system has no exposure to the public IP version 4 address.

      That is performed by the internet gateway.

      The internet gateway translates the private address into a public address.

      So while IP version 6 is configured inside the operating system, IP version 4 public addresses are not.

      The only IP version 4 addresses that an instance has are the private IP addresses and that's critical to understand.

      Now as I talked about in the theory component of this lesson, the EC2 metadata service is a service which runs behind all of the EC2 instances within your account and it's accessible using the metadata IP address.

      Now we can access this by using the curl utility.

      Now curl is installed on the EC2 instance that we're using for this demo.

      Now we're going to query the metadata service for one particular attribute and that attribute is the public IP version 4 address of this instance.

      So because the instance operating system has no knowledge of the public IP address, we can use the metadata service to provide any scripts or applications running on this instance with visibility of this public IP version 4 address and we do that using this command.

      So this uses curl to query the metadata service which is

      I refer to this as 169.254 repeating.

      So it queries this IP address and then forward slash latest forward slash meta hyphen data and this is the metadata URL, this entire part, the IP address, then latest, then meta hyphen data and then at the end we specify the attribute which we want to retrieve which is public hyphen IPv4 and if we press enter then curl is going to contact the metadata service and retrieve the public IP version 4 address of this EC2 instance.

      So in my case this is the IP address and if I go back to the console this matches the address that's visible within the console UI.

      So if I just clear the screen to make it easier to see we can also use the same command structure again but this time query for the public host name of this EC2 instance.

      We use the same URL so IP address and path but this time we query for public hyphen host name and this will give us the IPv4 public DNS of this EC2 instance.

      So again I'm going to clear the screen to make it easier to see.

      Now we can make this process even easier.

      We can use the AWS instance metadata query tool and to download it we use this command so enter it and press enter.

      This is just downloaded the tool directly so if we do a listing to list the current folder we can see the EC2 hyphen metadata tool because this is Linux we need to make it so that this tool is executable.

      We do that with the chmod command so enter that and press enter and then we can run the EC2 hyphen metadata tool and we can use double hyphen help to display help for this product.

      So this shows all the different information that we can use this tool to query for and this just makes it easier to query the metadata service especially if the query is being performed by users running interactively on that EC2 instance.

      So for example we could run EC2 hyphen metadata space hyphen a to show the AMI ID that's used to launch this instance and in this case it's the AMI for Amazon Linux 2 inside the US hyphen east hyphen one region at least at the time of creating this demo video.

      If we need to show the availability zone that this instance is in we could use EC2 hyphen metadata space hyphen Z in this case the instance is in US hyphen east hyphen one a and we can even use EC2 hyphen metadata space hyphen s to show any security groups which were launched with this instance.

      Now you can carry on exploring this tool if you want there are plenty of other pieces of information which are accessible using the metadata tool.

      I just wanted to give you a brief introduction show you how to download it how to make it executable and how to run some of the basic options.

      Now at this point that's everything I wanted to cover in this brief demo component of this lesson.

      I wanted to give you some exposure to how you can interact with the metadata service which I covered from a theory perspective earlier in this lesson.

      Now at this point we need to clear up all of the infrastructure that we've used for this demo component so close down this tab go back to the AWS console move to cloud formation select the metadata stack select delete and then confirm it and that will clear up all of the infrastructure that we've used and return the account into the same state as it was at the start of this demo component of this video.

      Now at that point that's everything I wanted to cover you've learned about the theory of the metadata service as well as experienced how to interact with it from a practical perspective.

      So go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready I'll look forward to you joining me