66 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2022
  2. icla2022.jonreeve.com icla2022.jonreeve.com
    1. no time like the long ago

      I wonder how many phrases might be taken from Irish sayings?

    2. strike him stone dead

      Great use of 4 words...

    3. A Present from Belfast

      Belfast, Northern Ireland, strained relationship?

  3. Jul 2022
  4. icla2022.jonreeve.com icla2022.jonreeve.com
    1. I seen” and “If I had’ve known

      Her "poor" grammar could be explored. It is interesting to note that this was a major concern of Mr. Doran.

    2. remembered what she had been waiting for

      Marriage, another kind of pledge, as alluded to in the introduction of the short story.

    3. the pledge

      A pledge of sobriety? Maybe religious in nature? It is interesting how religious terms and image are used even in areas that today might not be considered part of a faith tradition.

    4. dusty cretonne

      Two words used in the introduction, how they seem comforting rather than disturbing.

    5. Everything changes

      There is a clear tension around changes and attachment to home. It seems most of these attachments are memories.

    6. figure cast by my imagination

      Imagination. It seems like a large part of the narrator's description is what lies in his imagination.

    7. Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.

      There was a huge build up, the call to heroic adventure, and in the end, the experience was empty. Araby existed as a powerful force in the narrator's imagination.

    8. He gave me the impression that he was repeating something which he had learned by heart or that, magnetised by some words of his own speech, his mind was slowly circling round and round in the same orbit

      Very astute observation for a boy. However, the interesting thing here is "repeating something." Repeated words and phrases might be studied using computational literary analysis.

    9. some maleficent and sinful being

      The scene is set this early in the story... I think it would be interesting to look at negative words and how they are used.

    10. peculiar cases

      Of course the sentence is interrupted at the point of greatest importance.

    1. all the rest of his life had been a dream

      The story has a disconnected narrative style, like a dream. Emotions are clear, what spawned them is less clear.

    2. little ancient fellow was climbing down endless flights

      The image of death?

    3. old

      The language is interesting. the man is old, and goes down the steps, but it is SPRING. Of course spring here is a season, and stands in contrast to old. Used like a verb spring is in contrast to just "standing still."

    4. all became one beautiful flying whee

      Similar to the scene at the beginning, when she is in a cab.

    5. Dancing

      See Waltzing above, after all, the story is about "her first ball."

    6. waltzing

      Since she is in a cab, and apparently moving, the lamp posts seem to be "waltzing."

    7. Hillo

      And "Hallo" is used just below. In such close proximity, it seems like the differences should have some sort of special meaning?

    8. When I was their age I used to go to bed hugging an old towel with a knot in it

      Instead of hugging a teddy-bear? Hard times?

    9. little beast

      Unlike the earlier tagged reference, beast here seems like a joke.

    10. Beasts

      Very negative connotation of Beasts here but later on, more of a joke.

    11. China tea—or iced tea with lemon

      China tea likely means hot tea in this context?

    12. money,” said the impatient voice. “It’s all jolly well for you—but I’m broke

      Broke of course totally out of money. Might be confused with something being broken if taken out of context.

    13. black cats

      Association with witches?

    14. and they loved obeying her. She always made them feel they were taking part in some drama

      This statement is open to interpretation. Does this suggest her requests were reasonable, or that the servants were just kind?

    15. Forget I am your mother. Treat me as an honoured guest

      Of course this dialog is not to be taken literally.

    16. blue, blue eyes

      2x descriptive word.

    17. eye wasn’t at all a peaceful eye

      The Colonel only opened one eye to look at them at the end. This is an interesting use of "peaceful eye."

    18. his wrist and pretending to look at her watch

      Seems to be taking his pulse, and the sisters do not seem to understand. It is unclear how old the sisters are.

    19. Con

      Easy to understand why sisters would not use long names in everyday conversation.

    20. buttah

      Childhood language pops up here and there in the book, I wonder if there is a pattern?

    21. so many that they made you shudder

      Class is here expressed in clothing choices.

    22. Stanley appeared, wearing a blue serge suit, a stiff collar and a spotted tie. He looked almost uncannily clean and brushed; he was going to town for the day.

      There is a real focus on keeping up appearances, even if the fashion is uncomfortable.

    23. Ah-Aah! sounded the sleepy sea

      This short story will be very different from The Moonstone. It is written later (1922) and if this passage is typical, the author describes physical settings in detail.

    1. “Now, sir, do you believe in Robinson Crusoe?”

      RC has so many themes that are reflected in this book, it is difficult to tie them together. I think the main issue here is the theme of returning home.

    2. facts

      The Captain also uses formal language.

    3. Wilful Murder

      In most American jurisdictions First Degree Murder (premeditated).

    4. did actually contain the diamond, called the Moonstone;

      More formal language, precisely identifying the object, as would be found in a report.

    5. Report

      This narrative is a "report" which suggests that the language will be formal, with perhaps less dialog.

    6. liberal

      His use of the word liberal is interesting, I wonder how he understands that word in 19th century England?

    7. Robinson Crusoe

      Crusoe is a character that Mr J might identify with, as he is currently in an alien society compared to the colonies.

    8. polite commonplace into plain English

      This is interesting, as Mr J gives the true motivations (according to him) of the other characters. It is interesting that he has to "translate," which because he was raised in the colonies (and his background) he does not feel fully at home in the society around him.

    9. opium

      Uses opium to control pain, and might be considered an addict.

    10. The Wheel of Fortune

      The Wheel of Fortune is the kind of name, in a novel, where things can happen. Fortune can be good or bad...

    11. Robinson Crusoe

      At the end of the book Robinson Crusoe, the main character returns home and is out of place. I think the reader of that book is invited to ponder if he would have been happier if he stayed on his island? The dialog suggests that FB might be thinking the same thing, after more more disappointments (as noted above).

    12. many satirical references

      There are many references to him being an outsider. This is interesting in that it suggests identity can be picked up after childhood.

    13. Mr. Godfrey Ablewhite. I am told he is an eminent philanthropist–which is decidedly against him, to begin with.

      Here the narrator is stating clearly that he is not convinced that Mr. G's public reputation as an eminent philanthropist is valid. However, it is interesting that he says the statement from Miss V about Mr G is "entirely beyond dispute." Looking back, I think he does indeed dispute Mr G's character, but does not want to explore that so as not to embarrass Miss V.

    14. Will has not been copied yet into the great Folio Registers

      It is interesting how the author is using his special knowledge of the law and weaving it in with the story. The lawyer's account is of course from a legal perspective.

    15. Bruff

      brusque - perhaps impolite but blunt and straightforward. A good name for a lawyer who people might want to advise them!

    16. more unwelcome

      Interesting comment about lawyers, of course when you need them you are usually in trouble. On the other hand, lawyers might normally not be the most welcoming people...

    17. letter

      I think it might be interesting to study the language of the letters compared to the dialog in the book. It seems the style of letters is much more formal.

    18. “You live a great deal too much in the society of women. And you have contracted two very bad habits in consequence. You have learnt to talk nonsense seriously, and you have got into a way of telling fibs for the pleasure of telling them. You can’t go straight with your lady-worshippers. I mean to make you go straight with me.

      The sentiments of the era might be shocking to some now!

    19. If it’s written by a woman, I had rather not read it on that account.

      1 Corinthians 14:34–35: 33b "As in all the churches of the saints, 34 the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. 35 And if they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church."

    20. Superintendent Seegrave. He proved to my complete satisfaction that he was perfectly incapable of managing the case. The one thing he said which struck me as worth listening to, was this

      The local police officer is a complete fool, alienates everyone in the house, and finds no clues. He sounds like Detective Inspector G. Lestrade in the Sherlock Holmes stories. Incompetent police seem to be a recurring theme.

    21. She is in a condition of nervous agitation pitiable to see

      This seems to follow the Victorian line of reasoning that women cannot effectively hide their mental state.

    22. draw me like a badger

      I think this means to trap him like a wild animal. Badgers are hard to get from their den, which is in the ground, but easy to bait with a stinky food lure (https://www.trap-anything.com/trapping-badgers.html).

    23. He might have been a parson, or an undertaker–or anything else you like, except what he really was.

      It is interesting the author compares an undertaker to a parson. It might show what he thought of religion. There is a link here to a post that suggests he was opposed to fundamentalism: https://wilkiecollinssociety.org/wilkie-collins-an-interpretation-of-christian-belief/

    24. people of station, that they are not nearly so quarrelsome among each other as people of no station at all

      Almost an apology, as it seems that they were indeed quarrelsome!

    25. Penelope has got a small ear and a small foot

      This is a very interesting way of describing how Penelope is attractive.

    26. secret annoyance

      This is a nice pairing of words, but again might not be used much today. Slight anger or irritation might be used, anger seems too strong. I think current, or nearly current, language here might be something like "pet peeve."

    27. self-will

      I think the word that would be used today is "willfulness" which here applies to her opinions. Stubborn is a word that might also be used here.

    28. jugglery

      I think Jugglery here has multiple meanings. It can refer to the skill and performance of a juggler. It might also refer to someone who balances a number of different occupations. It might also refer to deception in general. Mr F says that the Indians are "lurking" after the diamond, so there might be lots of deception, as well as juggling, going on...

    29. Robinson Crusoe

      Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, 1719. The first edition credited RC as the author, and some thought it was a true account. I think the author here is indicating that he is writing fiction like DD? In style of course DD wrote in a kind of English very different from the (almost) up to date modern English as in The Moonstone.

    30. I address these lines–written in India–to my relatives in England.

      Another author who uses the literary device of family papers is George MacDonald Fraser, who write the satirical Flashman series. The first book of that series was published in 1969, and uses rather stiff and formal language to convey the (bad) character of the titular character. I think Fraser drew heavily on books like The Moonstone.