4 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2017
    1. French VI Botany Spanish Zoology Italian VII Anatomy German Medicine Anglo-Saxon

      It's interesting to note the absence of Asian languages. The only languages appearing are European, which is troublesome. If the university at the time wanted to expand its students knowledge of the world, Asian languages should have been included: Arabic and Chinese.

    2. This statement is very powerful because it exhibits one of the university's most important goals. I thought this statement was particularly important because the university recognizes good moral characters and showing compassion to others, which is a crucial trait for an individual to possess.

  2. Oct 2017
    1. t Latin V Physics or Natural Philosophy Greek Chemistry Hebrew Mineralogy II Languages Modern French VI Botany Spanish Zoology Italian VII Anatomy German Medicine Anglo-Saxon VIII Government III Mathematics Pure Algebra Political economy Fluxions Law of Nature & Nations Geometry elemental History (being interwoven with Politics & Law[)] Transcendental IX Law Municipal Architecture X Ideology Military General grammar Naval Ethics IV Physics-Mathematics Mechanics Rhetoric Statics Belle Lettres & the fine arts Dynamics Pneumatics Acoustics Optics Astronomy Geography

      It is great to see that although the university emphasizes the liberal arts, it realizes the importance of mathematics and science. In addition, it's surprising to see how much new languages have been added as a result of immigration to America. Lastly, it's interesting to see the different subcategories for mathematics such as military mathematics and architecture.

    2. It was the degree of centrality to the white population of the state which alone then constituted the important point of comparison between these places: and the board, after full enquiry & impartial & mature consideration, are of opinion that the central point of the white population of the state is nearer to the central college

      This sentence is extremely shocking, yet not surprising considering the time period the university was built at. By building the university around a White population it displays the university's ties with racism and slavery. In addition, it is also noteworthy that even to this day, African-Americans are still outnumbered by White students.