- Nov 2016
www.literacyworldwide.org www.literacyworldwide.org
what posting a photo today might mean for their future employment opportunities
This question has been brought up a lot in the last few months. It is evident that employers will seek to employ people based on their posts. However, how is it that people can get rid of their online personalities when social platforms are allowed to reveal anything we post? How can we erase the past if they own our posts?
- Oct 2016
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
it’s possible that other factors are responsible as well
Throughout our college experience, we have realized that there are a lot more factors contributing to our college success than we expected. We have definitely realized that we need to be emotionally stable to be able to manage the college workload. In high school, it was easier to just turn in assignments to get a passing grade, but college has required a lot more effort and time to ensure our success in each of our classes. However, we now know that college is definitely something we can manage as long as we know how to study and manage the rest of our lives. Previous to entering college, we thought that the financial part of college was what was going to keep us from attending a four-year, but we have learned that there is definitely help as long as we are willing to work for it. Therefore, a good amount of effort is required from each of us in order to be completely successful throughout our college experience.
- Sep 2016
www.historytoday.com www.historytoday.com
it must take some account of those dissonances which we know of as part of our own experience
We must celebrate even the worst parts of our history in order to learn to appreciate the present. As human beings, everybody has a history, it is a matter of using it wisely to create change in today's society.
Recognising our kinship to people in the past, and tracing, or discovering, their likeness to our selves, we are flattered in the belief that as the subliminal message of a well-known advert has it, underneath we are all lovable; eccentric perhaps and even absurd, but large-hearted generous and frank.
It is important to look back into our own roots in order to better ourselves as a society. The idea of this is using history in order to create a better future. It is likely that we may discover something about our roots that may change us for the better instead of continuing with our prejudice and harming others. As a result, we could become better human beings and learn to appreciate what we do have.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
All students were expected to learn the same things in the same period of time.
From my own experience, I know it is impossible for every student to learn at the same pace. However, I do realize that some teachers expect that out of their students, especially in high school, where institutions are given such short amounts of time to teach certain topics. Students end up struggling in classes that are very fast-paced, and still have to go out and make sure they have what they need to have done for their Carnegie units.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Finally, a college graduate needs to link their knowledge and skills to virtues, which the LEAP initiative calls “personal and social responsibility.”
I think it's important to realize that students themselves must be aware that teachers are not going to give them all the skills they must have before graduating. Students must go out and gather different experience experiences in order to be successful in what they desire after leaving college.
- Aug 2016
berkeleyjournal.org berkeleyjournal.org
“The first school of scientific sociology in the United States was founded by a black professor located in a historically black university in the South.”[5]
It's important to note that this university was in the South, and that it was an African American man who founded it. I would like to know in what year the school was founded to see if it was around the 1960's, when racism was so alive in the United States. If it was, it would be evident that people would ignore this professor and give credit to Chicago School.