- May 2018
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Therefore the student's lack of engagement could lead to boredom at the very least, and aca- demic failure at wor
We need to find pieces that are relevant to our students' lives and that they will find interesting.
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Helping elementarystudents gain an awareness of place can provide them with aclearer sense of self and a greater appreciation for diversity.
I agree!
- Apr 2018
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Lincoln, Abraham (12 February 1809–15 April 1865), sixteenth president of the United States, was born in Hardin County, Kentucky, the son of Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks, farmers.
Three important factors: Date of birth and location His main achievement: 16th president Family information
Scorned and ridiculed by many critics during his presidency, Lincoln became a martyr and almost a saint after his death. His words and deeds lived after him and will be revered as long as there is a United States. Indeed, it seems quite likely that without his determined leadership the United States would have ceased to exist. Union victory in the Civil War resolved two fundamental, festering problems that had been left unresolved by the Revolution of 1776 and the Constitution of 1789: whether this republic, “conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal,” would “long endure” or “perish from the earth”; and whether the “monstrous injustice” of slavery would continue to mock those ideals of liberty. The republic endured, and slavery perished. That is Lincoln’s legacy.
This section "Lincon's Legacy" Is very helpful to summarize what has been learned and what will remember from him.
Thus, the thing is hid away, in the constitution,” said Lincoln in 1854, “just as an afflicted man hides away a wen or cancer” (Basler, vol. 2, p. 274)
It is important to use quotes from the person you are writing the biography about. Also while reading, I can have students dissect his quotes and state them in their own words.
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estateyour view of the person about whom you are writing
I wonder if this means to include your own' personal opinion about the person. Would that be biased?
What did heor she value most
Values are very important. And the person's value is probably the reason you are writing about him/her.
Choose aperson whose life seems especiallyappealing to you.
I think this is key. If you have no interest in the person, it won't be enjoyable. Everyone has a role model, and that could be a good person to possibly write about.
a thesis statement that states a specific idea about that person’s lifeand achievements
It can be hard to summarize one person's life into a single sentence. The thesis should be a specific idea or achievement that the person had/accomplished.
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s. However, dangerous story elements in fairy tales, such as wicked witches or dragons, are far re- moved in both time and place from the lives of chil- dren; therefore these tales prove much less frightening than realistic stories of danger that focus on real-life f
There is also some fantasy literature that isn't as scary. These would be appropriate for younger aged children.
Contrary to a popular belief, frequent trips into the land of faerie make for creative thinkers and problem solvers who are less physically aggressive - certainly qualities most parents desire for their chil- dre
It doesn't make children violent, it does the opposite. It helps them become less aggressive and more creative.
Fairy tales and fantasy are prescriptions for men- tal health, not disease-causing agents
It is like a coping mechanism.
There are adults who fear that fairy tales and fantasy will lead children to be somehow out of touch with reality, that they will be less likely to distinguish fact from fancy if they are read too many fairy sto- ries
I disagree with this.
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antasy literature that has some- thing to offer the classroom has at least two traits in common with the lasting work of other genres: humor and humannes
This is why we need to include fantasy in school.
Why does she have to undergo what amounts to sorcerous cosmetic surgery in a later book in order to be considered attractive
I disagree with this! In my opinion, she simply grew up. I think this is a "sorcerous" exaggeration.
Why didn't she use any of her spells
I am a huge Harry Potter fan, and I always wondered this, myself.
ulf. We speak in metaphor when we don't have better poetry, and fantasy liter- ature, over time, has evolved as a metaphor for hu- man experien
This is a very interesting perspective on how fantasy as originated.
." U The problem with fantasy literature is that it has a certain stigma attached
I agree with this. I LOVE fantasy, but used to be embarassed to read it in public because I was afraid of what my friends would think. But when I did tell my friends in recent years, so many of them also love fantasy! And others thought it was interesting.
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he Three Little Pig
I loved listening to my mom read me this fable when I was young.
- Mar 2018
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they are fun!
It is fun to read picture books, especially because every illustrator is unique. Sometimes you can learn more about a book by the way the illustrator portrays the story.
Universal themes and their accompanying guiding questions are one way of doing this.
These also help with reading comprehension.
eware the urge, however, to “pound every nail.” Some authors employ so many literary devices, conventions, and motifs that you could find yourself bogged down in the author’s craft at the expense of the storyitself.
This would be useful for students to know if they were ever to try to write their own story. Many young children would think that they should include every literary device, when in actuality, more is not always more.
Picture Books can breathe life into dry facts and figures.
If a text is getting dry and boring, a picture is like a refreshing way for the student to take a break while still enjoying the literature.
Picture books provide succinct models for student writing
By reading picture books, students are able to learn how to write their own stories, by following the same structure.
Since illustrations are so often tied into the meaning of a picture book, students are required to shift their comprehension from text to picture.
A picture is worth a thousand words, and as we spoke about in earlier modules, pictures count as literacy as well. So it is great to have images in books!
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have found through trial and error that even a first grader can write poetry in the style of a favorite author, and that modern, unrhymed poetry gener ally works best.
It is important to have high expectations for your students and to know what they are capable of doing.
it about teaching poetry that teach ers find so t
Poetry should be a fun topic to teach, not a daunting chore.
ather, I capitalized upon the work of other poets and added a few techniques that I had learned for improving reading compre hension. By
It is useful to use what resources we have available to us.
- Feb 2018
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ulture and these types of response
This is one example of why it is so important to know your students and their backgrounds.
4. Inserting oneself (or friends) in the story is a fourth type of response that shows expres sive engagement. T
It engages students when you ask them to insert themselves into the story and makes it more relevant to them.
If we form a mental picture of children who are highly engaged in a storybook read-aloud, it may be of a group, faces intent and rapt, listen ing with wonder, surprise, or fascination to the story as it unfolds
Read alouds are something that kids love! We should incorporate many of them into our curriculum, because they also have many benefits!
children suggest alternatives in plots, characters, or settings
Interesting idea, I never thought of asking stduents to come with an alternative plot.
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ms, the teacher was read ing Shiloh (Naylor, 1991). Following her read-aloud, one of the learning centers involved students re searching on Internet sites that explored animal abuse. In another area of the classroom, students were reading informational packets from the local animal shelter about care for maltreated pets.
it is a great idea to relate the text to making a difference in real life.
xpert teachers had sticky notes on the pages of the book with questions on them
when rehearsing the text, it is a good idea to put a post it to remind you to ask a student a question there.
was observed that teachers had practiced the book and were familiar with the sequence of the t
Even though these may be easy texts to read, it is still important to rehearse before reading in front of the kids so you can be familiar with the text.
Often these were award-winning books such as Newbery or Caldecott winners or books that had received notice in some wa
this is a good way to choose texts.
Charlotte's Web b
My grandmother read me this book and I loved it!
ear purpose for the read-aloud was establishe
Hmmm I hadn't thought of the importance of explaining the purpose for the read-aloud before hand.
hoice was a motivating factor for readin
In order to find a book that the students will enjoy, it is crucial to have them choose it!
introduce students to the joy of reading
When my mom used to read to me, it really made me enjoy books, even to this day.
her read-alouds were among their favorite memorie
Teacher read alouds were also part of my favorite part of going to school as a kid. I remember one year I think I was in 3rd grade, the assistant teacher read to us from a chapter book for about fifteen minutes each day. I loved it!
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I think it is very helpful to have this outline for how the reading workshop should run. This way, the teacher knows how to organize the timing for each section.
he classroom routine should invite children to write, respond, discuss, and become throughly involved with books?not to com plete worksheets in social isolation.
Reading Workshop should be a time for students to freely read and write, not just sit and do busy-work.
tudents should have own ership of their time
Students should be allowed to take responsibility for what they are doing. This is why we should give them choices of what they should be able to do with their time. We shouldn't just force them to do something because it will be easier to manage the class that way.
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Whoever teaches learns in the act of teaching , and whoever learns teaches in the act of learn
I love this quote. As teachers, our job is to never stop learning, and we learn so much from our students.
1 was faced by my own small view of the world and my limited definition of language, literacy, and learning
This reminds me of the first module that literacy is not just one small thing, but has a very broad definition.
. What opportunities could I create in my classroom where par- ents were actually part of the cur- riculum
Involving parents in the classroom motivates students and parents to continue the learning at home, which is what we want to happen! As teachers, we should make sure that parents feel welcome in the classroom.
My students, once again, become my teachers, pushing my thinking and always providing conversations that are stimulati
I think that communication and having conversations with students not only keeps class fun and interesting, but keeps everyone's brains working actively. It is a good way to keep yourself, as the teacher, accountable as well as the students.
We each have an outward energy that pushes us to personally invent ourselves (centrifugal force), while social convention is that outward energy that holds us in (centripetal forc
I like this quote because we want to teach our students that they can be whoever they want to be, and teach them that they do not need to be like what they see others as.
y? The chil- dren have much to teach us, if we but stop and list
I like this quote because a lot of times, teachers forget the fact that they do not know everything. Children have many important perceptions, opinions, and ideas that we can benefit and learn from.
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se information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur)
Students will be required to analyze images from literature.
ompare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories
In order to compare and contrast different stories, I thought a good example for the texts could be "If You Give Mouse a Cookie", "If You Give a Cat a Cupcake", "If You Give a Pig a Pancake", and "If You Give a Moose a Muffin" which are all popular children's books.
I would ask the children to compare the main character, the plot, and the setting.