8 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. Pass the Chalk

      I love this idea but I kind of disagree. It is sort of like bribing the kids to participate by giving them an object to be curious about and want to get in their hands. Yes they are participating but, for some kids, only because there's something to get out of it.

    2. One difference you may have noticed between the three is that Understanding by Design is backwards — it begins with the end in mind and then plans how to get there.

      I think this is very interesting because it focuses on the outcome first and going backwards versus trying to figure out what to do to get to the desired outcome.

    1. ive Ways Techn


    2. Building community

      I think this is really important. In our last class we talked a lot about how when we were in school the teacher would make us go around the room taking turns to read the textbook out loud. We all hated it and felt uncomfortable and self conscious about our reading skills. When we do activities that every one knows how to do confidentiality, they are able to really learn and engage.

    3. Provide

      I love this! Even as an adult, when I'm given an assignment with little guidance I start to panic. Having an example or place to start eases my anxiety about big assignments.

    4. Process

      I love the idea of giving students a choice in how to learn something. We all learn so differently that when we are given options we are more open minded and excited to learn.

    5. Continual assessment

      It is so important to know where your students stand through out the entire year. It is easy to assume kids know things based on their age.