8 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
    1. Holism is not the same as harmony

      emphasizes that holism is not always harmonious. this makes sense as there is a lot of inequality in our society, yet everything almost always continues to work in harmony. If it didn't, inequalities would not be present.

    2. the British made the caste system more rigid and antagonistic, offering education and jobs to select caste groups

      it is interesting to see how different cultures adopt similar aspects of their cultures

    3. Sometimes those parts reinforce one another, encouraging stability; sometimes they contradict one another, promoting change.

      different aspects of life can either be detrimental or encouraging for cultures

    4. To people who have grown up in the 1930’s and 1940’s, used clothing was associated with the hard times of the Great Depression. For the newer generations, used clothing is a way to find unique, affordable clothing that can stretch the boundaries of mainstream style

      It is interesting that two individuals can have such a different perspective of things within society. Other than age, what are other factors that can impact perspectives?

    5. we can see that humans everywhere create culture to meet their needs

      what initially determines cultural necessities?

    6. Human beings have developed flexible biological and social features that have worked together in a wide variety of environmental and historical conditions to produce a diversity of cultures.

      I think that this emphasizes how biological and social features impact culture. Does biology or society impact culture the most?

    1. Anthropology teaches a set of skills for setting aside personal perspectives and keeping an open mind while learning about the diversity of human practices and ideas.

      Highlights the importance of anthropology. Without this science, we would not be able to understand different perspectives thoroughly.

    2. The team is exploring how smartphones take on different functions in different cultural contexts.

      Does cell phone use differ amongst different cultures? Do cell phones have a universal function between cultures?