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    1. Framing the inquiry through an essential questions makes the learning more transferable and shifts practice from a focus on content to a focus on concepts.

      **MOST IMPORTANT: Essential questions allow more inquiry. It also allows the learning to mbe transferable between content areas/units. It allows a focus on concepts rather then a focus on content **

    2. When we shift our focus from a topic to a question

      should be framed as a question, not a topic. An ESSENTIAL QUESTION!

    3. Planning Ahead:

      Most important: Planning ahead and plannning backwards!!!

    4. What are the learning needs now and where does learning need to go now?

      think about where the learning is going after one lesson

    5. assess knowledge, understanding, skills and thinking?

      think about how we will assess the inquiries

    6. audit the curriculum as you go.

      plan ahead AND plan backwards with the inquiry process. Have things in mind for the lesson, but if the students questioning takes a turn, allow the lesson to switch gears

    7. inquiry flow the moments where you are actually attending to the curriculum and recognise key conceptual understandings.

      "accidentally" getting to the curriculum through inquiry!

    8. ensure educators have a strong understanding of the curriculum requirements

      keep curriculum requirements in mind when completing

    9. Curriculum documentsCross-curriculum linksWhole-School programming guidelines

      Teachers should dive deep into these documents before "framing the inquiry"

    10. deepening of learning over time.

      should continue to learn over time! Grow on past knowledge

    11. scaffold thinking

      remove teacher guidance and move towards student guided learning

    12. teaching by referring to a process without the process becoming overly prescriptive

      How do we do this? Should we not refer to the process at all?

    13. engage in fruitful dialogue

      dialogue is key when it comes to inquiry

    14. It is a fluid, sometimes messy and complex process

      Inquiry & questioning is a messy process! There is no one right way to approach it.