12 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. Which parenting style were you raised in? If you are a parent now, which style are you? If you are not a parent, which style do you believe you will follow? How did your parent’s parenting style impact you as a child, and as an adult today?

      I want to say I was Athletic coach as a kid I would always get myself in situations where I felt like I constant had to lie because I always had the fear of getting in trouble. My parents always taught me that I should never lie to them and instead always tell them the truth. They would always tell me "don't do good things that seem bad". I feel like if I were to ever become a parent I would choose Athletic because I would like that method.

    1. What counts as family to you? Are there people in your life you consider family who are not necessarily related to you in the traditional sense?

      When I picture family I think about loyalty and respecting one another. For me to consider someone as family they have to respect and make sure that my family and I are not a bother to them in any way. I say that because I don't want to introduce someone close to me to my family just for them to disrespect from where I come from. Which goes both ways my family and someone who I consider has "family" must respect each other.

  2. Mar 2024
    1. What is the cultural norm in your family unit regarding who you live with and when, or even if, you are expected to establish your own home?

      Since I am catholic and in a Mexican house hold I was taught to have a cross and Jesus stuff around the house or wherever I go.

    1. s a child, what toys did you play with? Were these toy selections at all influenced by your parents, the media, or friends? Why or why not?

      Growing up I didn't really play with toy, I was usually scared of dolls and barbies. I was more of a sport girl I would rather kick a soccer ball than play with dolls. I didn't play with toys so it didn't influence anybody.

  3. Feb 2024
    1. Think about the setting and environment of grocery stores in each culture. Would these differences change the way one interacts with others?

      Yes, because each culture grocery store has different items and maybe other cultures have different ways of greeting one another.

    1. What movies or tv shows impacted you as a child? How did they influence your social norms and values?

      I watched a show called 13 reasons why and it is a really strong show to watch and it made me realize how someones life can turn upside down. It was important because every person goes through things, that other might not know of and some people don't believe depression a thing but it can affect people.

    2. What are some examples of “hidden curriculum” that you experienced? How did it impact you then and now? Share any books that you read (either assigned or personal choice) that might have influenced any thoughts or ideas that you had as a child or teenager. How did they impact you now and then?

      I had played sports my whole life since I was 7. I have always been on a team and have had teammates for about 8 years. We all had to get along to have better chemistry through out the game so we wouldn't have miscommunication. It has impacted my life because I learned to get along with people that I didn't like or never thought I would talk too.

    3. What are your thoughts…. Should parents get the credit when their children turn out to be “good” kids and even go on to accomplish great things in life? Should they get the blame if their children turn out to be “bad”?

      I believe that every child/person is going to become who they are going to become. You can be raised with manners and with all the nice stuff but every kid is going to have their own personality. Now if the kid is being good, that is something that the kid is choosing to do even if ititss good or bad.

  4. Jan 2024
    1. What chronosystem events have impacted your life so far?

      I have a sister with down syndrome and we are three years apart. When I was little I thought my mom hated me because she was always with my sister and I felt like she was never with me, obviously my sister needs more attention than me but I didn't understand that at the time. Now that I am older I understand more but has I started getting older my mom and I would constantly have arguments and realized it's because I was never around her a lot. Now our relationship between my mom and I is way better than before.

    2. What is the main role you have in your family system? What boundaries do you have or wish you had?

      I do not think we have a main role in my family, since you can't really compare me who was born in 2005, and the youngest sibling born in 2013, it is very different generations in my family and my mom was hard on me as a kid and I thank her for that, but unlike my younger sibling, they get away with things that I would have gotten in trouble for, An example is throughout my 7-9 grade I had to leave my phone in my parents bedroom at 9 pm, if not I would not have gotten my phone the next day. Now for my younger siblings they never did that to them.

    3. Of the four theorists reviewed above (Freud, Erikson, Piaget, and Vygotsky) which theorist’s ideas about development most closely match your own beliefs about how people develop and why?

      I would have to agree with Vygotsky and his theory because I do believe the people you interact with on daily basis as a child has a toll on what they can do or how they act because they are barley starting to grow into their own person.

    4. How does the division of chores impact or not impact your household?

      It is really difficult for me to do chores because I am a 18 year old girl and there five kids in my family and me being a girl living with three brothers expect me to clean their messes that they made. My mom is sort of old fashion so she expects me to help her clean, which I understand but also wish my parents treated us all the same when it comes to chores.