4 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2020
    1. electron affinity is the ability of an atom to accept an electron

      This is the ability in which an atom is able to accept an electron from somewhere else.

    2. The first ionization energy is the energy requiredto remove the outermost, or highest, energy electron, the second ionization energy is the energy required to remove any subsequent high-energy electron from a gaseous cation, etc.

      This explains how many elements could have more than 1 ionization energy.

    3. However, the most common scale for quantifying electronegativity is the Pauling scale (Table A2), named after the chemist Linus Pauling

      Though there can be more, the most common scale for quantifying electronegativity is through the Pauling scale. This scale was named after Linus Pauling.

    4. Periodic trends are specific patterns that are present in the periodic table that illustrate different aspects of a certain element, including its size and its electronic properties

      The periodic table contains specific patterns that can occur in the elements which often gives us the electronegativity, ionization energy, electron affinity, and atomic radius.