5 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. “there will come a point where no job is needed.”

      If AI is made to accomodate humans, wouldn't human workers be necessary to faciliate and prompt AI?

    2. The vast inequalities in income and opportunity that automation has given us so far could be significantly reduced

      AI has an equal potential to displace people in the workplace or flatten the wealth gap.

    3. It hinges on political decisions that can lead to vastly different outcomes

      Are political processes not driven by human nature at a fundamental level?

    4. Incentives could be provided to change the research agenda, which today is acutely focused on automation, to explore complementary uses of AI instead.

      What could inventivize companies to focus on a complementary use of AI?

    5. the end game includes a working class of no economic or political power, unable to improve its lot, left to live off whatever universal basic income the Silicon Valley plutocrats are willing to provide.

      Policy and political action are determinent in whether or not future AI integration will be utlized to support people or maximize profits for investors.