144 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. A political victory, a rise of rents, the recovery of your sick, or the return of your absent friend, or some other favorable event, raises your spirits, and you think good days are preparing for you. Do not believe it. Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.

      yeah sure bringing yourself peace is important and is something people should do more often, but man some of these other things would genuinely make me happy to have

    2. Society never advances. It recedes as fast on one side as it gains on the other. It undergoes continual changes; it is barbarous, it is civilized, it is christianized, it is rich, it is scientific; but this change is not amelioration. For every thing that is given, something is taken

      yeah pretty much. change happens but theres no way to really state that its advancement one way or another, just that its change

    3. Doric or the Gothic model

      look the doric and gothic models are gorgeous and i actually think we havent done enough with those two architectural styles

    4. The soul is no traveller

      i feel like this depends on the person

    5. Prayer that craves a particular commodity, — any thing less than all good, — is vicious

      are we talking like, praying for money? or praying to have enough food to eat? because i think theres a bit of a difference

    6. A sturdy lad from New Hampshire or Vermont, who in turn tries all the professions, who teams it, farms it, peddles, keeps a school, preaches, edits a newspaper, goes to Congress, buys a township, and so forth, in successive years, and always, like a cat, falls on his feet, is worth a hundred of these city dolls.

      new hampshire mentioned, but also, i think its interesting that emerson mentions vermont and new hampshire as the states that the sturdy lads from. and that one man from these two states is worth a hundred of the men from cities. i think thats kinda funny

    7. I must be myself. I cannot break myself any longer for you, or you. If you can love me for what I am, we shall be the happier.

      this is actually pretty good? you should accept the person you love as themself

    8. and wake Thor and Woden

      we went from "no other Gods then me" God to norse mythology real quick didnt we?

    9. Why should we assume the faults of our friend, or wife, or father, or child, because they sit around our hearth, or are said to have the same blood?

      yeah sure you shouldnt be constantly taking the fall for others actions but youre also supposed to care about your family????

    10. let us not rove; let us sit at home with the cause

      sitting at home is nice but so is travel, and id like to be able to see things other then nh eventually

    11. husbandry

      i think this is about animal husbandry because of the list its in but what is this list???? what is happening here???

    12. But man postpones or remembers; he does not live in the present, but with reverted eye laments the past, or, heedless of the riches that surround him, stands on tiptoe to foresee the future.

      people spend way too much time in the past or future to actually live in the present and enjoy being alive

    13. Is the acorn better than the oak which is its fulness and completion?

      i think this is an interesting thought and i honestly dont have an answer to it? its making me think

    14. If I see a trait, my children will see it after me,

      is he talking about kids mimicking things they see their parents do??

    15. Every man discriminates between the voluntary acts of his mind, and his involuntary perceptions,

      theres actively thinking something and then bias you might not have realized you had

    16. But the man in the street, finding no worth in himself which corresponds to the force which built a tower or sculptured a marble god, feels poor when he looks on these

      maybe we need more people to be like diogenes?

    17. Men imagine that they communicate their virtue or vice only by overt actions, and do not see that virtue or vice emit a breath every moment.

      oh this, i like this! every little thing you say or do can leave insights into who you are as a person and i think its interesting. the things that you dont do can also show things about you

    18. To be great is to be misunderstood

      conversly, conversly, sometimes people arent misunderstood but are actually thinking dangerously false things. and are trying to get people to agree with them. in the event it is a genius being misunderstood this comes with some not great implications for your lifespan

    19. hobgoblin

      oh hey its the fae! oh gods no its the fae

    20. terror that scares us from self-trust is our consistency

      i am nothing if not consistant. this is both terrifying and comforting at times

    21. the forced smile which we put on in company where we do not feel at ease in answer to conversation which does not interest us.

      sometimes you got to be polite to people, but also man do i fake smiles so much in order to get out of uncomfortable situations

    22. Their every truth is not quite true

      is anyones truth ever the real and full truth though?

    23. If I know your sect, I anticipate your argument

      admittedly, sometimes when you know what sect someone belongs to you do know what argument they'll likely use

    24. but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.

      being able to live amongst others while still keeping your own individuality and not becoming a people pleaser is important and surprisingly hard to do

    25. It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion;

      while it is easy to be a people pleaser its also incredibly draining. would not reccomend

    26. Their virtues are penances

      oooh interesting! this goes with the idea some people have about there not really being any purely selfless action. that people are always trying to gain or make up for something when doing good deeds for others

    27. Then, again, do not tell me, as a good man did to-day, of my obligation to put all poor men in good situations. Are they my poor?

      yikes... we really do live in a capitalistic hell scape dont we? helping those in need doesnt usually come at a massive cost to yourself, and class mobility in the us is basically only downwards.

    28. I shun father and mother and wife and brother, when my genius calls me

      time to ignore my entire family because i've been thinking! in more seriousness sometimes people accidentally do this when really really deep in creating something. purposefully shunning loved ones feels cruel though

    29. Thy love afar is spite at home

      people can care about more then one thing at a time

    30. They do not seem to me to be such; but if I am the Devil’s child, I will live then from the Devil

      oh this is a nice line. i like this line. theres so much about how the devil is trying to trick people into sinning and heres Emerson stating he'll be the devils child if he is because he doesn't think his impulses and actions are sinful

    31. when quite young I was prompted to make to a valued adviser, who was wont to importune me with the dear old doctrines of the church.

      yeah... a lot of people can be very very pushy when it comes to being religious in the "right" way

    32. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.

      sounds similar to the whole "your bodies a temple" thing to me, at least a little bit

    33. He cumbers himself never about consequences, about interests: he gives an independent, genuine verdict

      they dont care about consequences and they give the answers they actually think instead of the ones they think you want to hear

    34. Infancy conforms to nobody: all conform to it,

      to be fair im not sure if infants have much of a say in the matter

    35. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you,

      accept the future god has planned for you

    36. ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents.

      i vividly remember being taught how god made everyone in his image as a child. how every little flaw or trait was something god had given you on purpose. its certainly something to think about when looking at this, at least in my opinion.

    37. God will not have his work made manifest by cowards

      who are the cowards here? is everyone a coward?

    38. none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried

      i like this part, you cant know what someone else can or cant do without being them. and the part about not knowing until youve tried is a nice addition to it

    39. though the wide universe is full of good

      is the world inherently good? or is it full of people who are just looking out for themselves?

    40. There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide

      but this brings the question of whether or not there even is true creativity anymore? does anyone have truly original thoughts anymore? as for the envy part i cant help but somewhat agree. often you dont fully know whats going on in someones personal life and you only see what they want others to see.

    41. trumpets of the Last Judgment

      ooh bringing up biblical references. interesting interesting.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every Son whom he receiveth”

      and this is how religious guilt makes you think you deserve abuse

    2. But now we are fed with the finest of the wheat, and, as I may say, with honey out of the rock. Instead of the husk, we have the fatted calf

      was it worth taking food from a literal child mary?

    3. my thoughts are upon things past

      i wouldnt be shocked if she ended up with ptsd or c-ptsd having been a captive

    4. as Solomon says, “Money answers all things”

      if this is king solomon i might chuckle a bit. because if it is king solomon im not sure if hes the best person to look up to for godliness. (lesser key of solomon is a book full of different seals used in demonology, king solomon supposedly wrote it)

    5. had sent over for our daughter,

      this is the first time she talks about her daughter this entire remove what the hell mary

    6. son Joseph

      ok cool the son is alive, i like that considering the whole cannibalism thing from earlier

    7. yet not without much and frequent heaviness of heart for our poor children

      again what about her other daughter?

    8. The Lord reward them sevenfold into their bosoms of His spirituals, for their temporals

      thats a weird thing to say for a puritan who likely believed in predestination

    9. one being dead, and the other we could not tell where, abated our comfort each to other

      hey what about the third kid? i know theres a third kid

    10. my dear husband

      oh hey hes not dead, or remarried

    11. with my brother, and my brother-in-law, who asked me, if I knew where his wife was? Poor heart! he had helped to bury her, and knew it not

      oh... oh no... i dont like this

    12. Concord

      oh hey shes still in NH

    13. Mr. Hoar

      i wonder if hes mentioned in an earlier remove we didnt read because context would be nice

    14. Daniel in the lion’s den

      learning about this as a kid made me think that i just wasnt good enough to get protected from the bullying i went through. sometimes we shouldnt be justifying everything with a bible story

    15. some asked me to send them some bread, others some tobacco, others shaking me by the hand, offering me a hood and scarfe to ride in; not one moving hand or tongue against it.

      there seems to be a lot of kindness (relatively) in this yet shes so racist and dehumanizing

    16. but afterwards they assented to it, and seemed much to rejoice in it

      i wonder if they just got fed up with her? i would

    17. and boast how many towns they had destroyed,

      considering how the englishmen were when winning literally anything at this period of time...yes violence is bad and we should be aware of that. but the english were horrifically violent at times, this seems like something that the english would do as well

    18. They mourned (with their black faces)

      oh thats racist... is anyone surprised?

    19. bark of trees

      i think some tree bark can actually be medicinal?

    20. They would eat horse’s guts, and ears

      if youre starving you dont waste any part of the animal

    21. They eat also nuts and acorns

      acorn bread is actually really good! add a little bit of something in the bread when possible and it tastes nice

    22. God strengthened them to be a scourge to His people

      oh my god she just gets worse as time goes on. Mary, i know that you are very dead but for the love of something why are you like this? some of the removes had mary feeling some kinda empathy and then this is how were ending it? also why is "His" capitalized?

    23. strangely did the Lord provide for them; that I did not see (all the time I was among them) one man, woman, or child, die with hunger.

      "strangely" oh my god mary what the hell. why is it strange to you that god didnt want to kill people? why is reading this like this

    24. that that river should be impassable to the English

      surprise surprise! colonists not knowing how to deal with local geography! whos shocked?

    25. God seemed to leave his People to themselves, and order all things for His own holy ends

      i hate it when people talk about horrible things happening to others and then follow it up with "well its gods plan". It might just be my own religious trauma talking but it feels so demeaning and insulting when you're on the receiving end of this.

    26. the enemy in such distress for food

      and yet she was constantly begging for food. everyone was starving but its an issue when shes hungry i suppose

    1. Then I went home to my mistress’s wigwam; and they told me I disgraced my master with begging

      is this implying that she was actually fed? because if so why the hell did she steal from a child

    2. one of them my own sister’s

      it feels like every few removes she brings up a completely new relative. how many people is she related to

    3. Then I took it of the child, and eat it myself

      im sorry you what? every time i start feeling some kind of empathy for this woman she does something horrible

    4. I saw an Englishman stripped naked, and lying dead upon the ground, but knew not who it was.

      free fabric for whoever stole his clothing i suppose, although it is a bit sad that this man was unable to be identified. i know that if i died id like to be able to be identified.

    1. So like were these barbarous creatures to him who was a liar from the beginning.

      more dehumanization. mary does not in fact get better about this does she?

    2. viz. Thomas Read

      huh. as other people have pointed out nearby its a bit confusing that he just kinda knew who her husband was to answer her question. wild.

    3. began to think that all my hopes of restoration would come to nothing

      this is the first time shes lost faith so far, interesting

    4. But I knew that He laid upon me less than I deserved.

      i think this is the first time she's spoken about god in any negative fashion? which for puritans is an odd thing to see. i wonder if the puritans belief in predestination had anything to do with her being comfortable thinking and writing that in a book?

    5. barbarous heathens

      oh boy! more dehumanization.

    6. “Have pity upon me, O ye my Friends, for the Hand of the Lord has touched me.”

      more bible quotes. mary loves her bible quotes

    7. that he was very good meat

      that is not a comforting thought. i really hope something about this is a lie.

    8. But the Lord upheld my Spirit, under this discouragement; and I considered their horrible addictedness to lying, and that there is not one of them that makes the least conscience of speaking of truth.

      are they lying? i really really hope its a lie if not soley for the sake of her son. thats a horrible way to go

    1. Connecticut river

      oh hey thats close by probably

    2. through the good providence of God, I had a comfortable lodging that night.

      thanking god for the kindness of others. Natives who dont even believe in the christian god.

    3. Then one of the company drew his sword, and told me he would run me through if I did not go presently

      oh. well then. i did not see that coming um. that would be absolutely terrifying in any situation

    4. Psalm 46.10

      more psalms! there are so so many quotes of psalms in this.

    5. I lifted up my heart to God, hoping the redemption was not far off; and the rather because their insolency grew worse and worse.

      ah yes, mary once again asking god to punish people

    6. This morning I asked my master whether he would sell me to my husband. He answered me “Nux,” which did much rejoice my spirit.

      wait a moment, if she is going back to see her husband, her (living) kids arent coming with her are they?

    7. she would go no further, but turn back again, and said I must go back again with her,

      well i guess shes not seeing her husband

    8. much cheered my spirit, and made my burden seem light, and almost nothing at all.

      ah yes, going from complaints to "actually it feels like nothing!" within one sentence

    9. I complained it was too heavy,

      to the shock of absolutely no one! considering how most of the earlier removes had her doing much less physical labor then basically anyone else it doesn't shock me that she complained

    10. “Nux,”

      not to be the millionth person to ask what this means, but what does "Nux" mean?

    1. I put it in my pocket to keep it safe. Yet notwithstanding, somebody stole it, but put five Indian corns in the room of it; which corns were the greatest provisions I had in my travel for one day

      stole it but then put food in it?

    2. invited me to dinner

      this is trading but with someone who's not used to trading isnt it?

    3. Philip spake to me to make a shirt for his boy, which I did, for which he gave me a shilling. I offered the money to my master, but he bade me keep it; and with it I bought a piece of horse flesh

      shes getting paid to make things and she gets to keep the money

    4. seems to be a bait the devil lays to make men lose their precious time

      well thats a way to describe tobacco. again, it feels like marys a puritan with how she treats anything that makes people happy or feel good

    5. Yet I answered, they would kill me. “No,” said he, “none will hurt you.”

      kindness and care, especially when they feed her right after

    6. Psalm 137.1

      more scripture, yay...

    7. pagans

      more terms that i really really doubt the natives used to describe themselves and rather mary used to separate them from herself and the other colonizers

    8. Job

      oh boy more scripture

    1. God did not give them courage or activity to go over after us

      is she blaming god for their lack of courage?

    2. I told them it was the Sabbath day, and desired them to let me rest, and told them I would do as much more tomorrow; to which they answered me they would break my face. And here I cannot but take notice of the strange providence of God in preserving the heathen.

      is she surprised that non-christians in this case work on sunday?

    3. the second week I found my stomach grow very faint for want of something; and yet it was very hard to get down their filthy trash;

      Im sorry??? filthy trash??? you have barely eaten for a week and when offered food you call it filthy trash???

    4. I carried only my knitting work

      where the hell did she get knitting stuff????

    1. turn all those curses upon our enemies

      oh boy, 'god will get vengeance for us' is about what that means and thats a fun concept with how biased shes been against Natives in this entire writing

    2. One of the Indians that came from Medfield fight, had brought some plunder, came to me, and asked me, if I would have a Bible, he had got one in his basket. I was glad of it, and asked him, whether he thought the Indians would let me read? He answered, yes. So I took the Bible

      another act of humanity, they're letting her read a religous book despite how horrible christians have been towards natives in general

    3. my son came to me

      considering hes a kid he'd have to have been told where she was, meaning there was likely some kind of permission for him to see her

    4. another in the wilderness

      where do all these kids keep coming from?

    5. at which they were provoked, and would not let me come near her

      poor girl. i feel bad for the kids in this situation

    6. Then they went and showed me where it was, where I saw the ground was newly digged, and there they told me they had buried it.

      they buried her child and even brought her to where the child was buried. and while im sure it wouldve been nice to have a say in it its also nice that they gave the child a final resting place. its a show of humanity even if mary doesnt want to refer to them as people ever

    7. I went to see my daughter Mary

      why is there another kid??? she mentions in the first remove not having her kids? what?

    8. that I did not use wicked and violent means to end my own miserable life

      she was so desperate not to end up in hell that she forced herself to keep going

    9. was, but now the case is changed; I must and could lie down by my dead babe, side by side all the night after

      grief makes people react in ways they never thought they would

    10. t being about six years, and five months old.

      oh this is like a child child. the way she was talking made them seem like a toddler or infant instead

    11. I suppose because they would not be troubled with such spectacles

      or they couldve given a grieving parent privacy? not everything thats different from your own cultural practice is meant as a slight

    12. my child being even ready to depart this sorrowful world,

      at the very least, the baby wont be in anymore pain after death

    13. been now a considerable time with the Indians

      i wonder if he had chosen to stay?

    14. I then remembered how careless I had been of God’s holy time; how many Sabbaths I had lost and misspent, and how evilly I had walked in God’s sight; which lay so close unto my spirit, that it was easy for me to see how righteous it was with God to cut off the thread of my life and cast me out of His presence forever. Yet the Lord still showed mercy to me, and upheld me; and as He wounded me with one hand, so he healed me with the other

      christian guilt. this is just christian guilt. i should mention that this has in fact not changed- at least for catholics- because ive heard so so many people say incredibly similar things while i was growing up.

    15. Sabbath

      ...its kinda funny to me that shes realizing then and there how many sabbaths she's missed. probably not funny in the nicest way but man the christian guilt can be rough at times

    16. Oh the number of pagans (now merciless enemies

      oh yeah, that nice fun superiority issues. even christians didnt get along with other sects of christianity at the time so why would she like non-christians? they probably didnt even call themselves pagans because of how incredibly general that term is

    17. One of the Indians got up upon a horse, and they set me up behind him, with my poor sick babe in my lap

      letting an injured her and her baby ride on a horse, oh the humanity, how horrible. they also prevented them from falling again since they had them behind someone else.

    1. and we were both alive to see the light of the next morning.

      you know what, good for the baby. the less unnecessary death the better

    2. and having no Christian friend near me, either to comfort or help me

      oh no! religious diversity! again this is making me wonder which specific sect she belonged to. and its also making me question that if she was a puritan whether or not she wouldve been ok with someone from a different sect comforting her?

    3. though I thought we should there have ended our days,

      ma'am... you and your baby just fell off a horse, ive ridden horses before, you should be a little more concerned with the very real risk that fall could've posed to your baby instead of wanting to die

    4. and there being no furniture upon the horse’s back, as we were going down a steep hill we both fell over the horse’s head, at which they, like inhumane creatures, laughed, and rejoiced to see it

      even more dehumanizing language towards natives, racist and just generally makes you wonder how much of this is affected by her own personal views (a lot)

    5. One of the Indians carried my poor wounded babe upon a horse

      ah yes, horrible people carrying your baby. also she said in the last remove her children were gone? what?

    6. but God was with me in a wonderful manner, carrying me along, and bearing up my spirit, that it did not quite fail

      religion in general has been very good at keeping people going in rough situations

    1. savageness and brutishness of this barbarous enemy,

      more dehumanizing language

    2. my husband gone (at least separated from me, he being in the Bay; and to add to my grief, the Indians told me they would kill him as he came homeward), my children gone, my relations and friends gone

      thats a lot of shock to go through in a short period of time, and likely a very traumatic experience for anyone

    3. Oh the roaring, and singing and dancing, and yelling of those black creatures in the night, which made the place a lively resemblance of hell.

      once again referring to Natives as creatures is a dehumanizing choice. im assuming she was puritan do to her hatred of singing and dancing because that would check out with puritanical beliefs

    4. (deserted by the English before, for fear of the Indians)

      oh no the people we're brutalizing attacked back. it seems like shes trying to make it seem like the british did nothing wrong at all

    5. Now away we must go with those barbarous creatures

      oh... thats certainly a... choice... for how to start something. thats incredibly dehumanizing. hell she uses the word creatures to refer to people

    1. It also allows for us to take pride in our hard work and dedication throughout the semester,

      I like how they mention about taking pride in their hard work. i feel like everyone should take pride in the work they put in throughout the semester, especially if they helped make a free anthology!

    2. even weave some comedy and sass in there.

      sometimes you just need to add a little bit of comedy into your writing in order to survive through an essay

    3. that is meant to be a free resource for all.

      I LOVE that this is a free resource! i feel like lit. in general should be more accessible.

    4. We do not claim to have a “perfect” or “complete” representation of American literature.

      i dont think its possible to have a 'perfect' collection of any type of literature, or a 'complete' collection either

    5. “America” can mean the United States and all that comes with being a resident in such a nation, but it is also the entirety of two continents and wherever their influence spreads.

      it's incredibly hard to come up with a definition for american lit. when people can't agree on what "america" is or what is and isnt included.

    6. n this way, this anthology is relevant to students today.

      its currently relevant, but as time goes on it'll have to get updated and the references changed. pop culture and the march of time wait for no one it seems.

    7. critically, it moves beyond the voices of old white men talking about even older white men

      It's definitely important for people in general to focus on writings and stories from a far more diverse lens then just old white men. Especially considering how long has been spent ignoring works done by any other group of people.

    8. This anthology moves to answer the question “what is American literature?”

      Everyone's favorite incredibly hard question to answer. Im not sure if theres ever going to actually be an answer to this question. At the very least not one that satisfies everyone.

    1. sin which destroyed their race

      oh boy, sin has such a strong connotation to abrahamic religions and the use of sin specifically, as well as the mention of it destroying their race feels like an allusion to the garden of eden. which is... uh... questionable to say the least.

    2. From this day ye may feed yourselves and find your own venison, for this child shall do so no more for you.”

      if i was in her position and my kid was doing so much to support my village and people were angering me and gossiping i think i would also do something like this out of spite. the kid deserved better then to be used for his gift

    3. they could not refrain nor restrain themselves

      gossip really does ruin things from time to time doesnt it?

    4. Now the woman had made it known that she would not be questioned

      good for her, boundaries are important. and also sometimes you just dont want to tell people things

    5. For when he did but point his finger at a moose, or anything which ran, it would drop dead;

      interesting that its "anything which ran" but also, the entire tribe is going to be well fed because man do little kid's love pointing at things.

    6. when she greatly desired to return to her own people

      I can't help but wonder if she was still lonely despite being married to Katahdin. And if that potential loneliness had anything to do with her returning from the mountain.

    7. “I wish Katahdin were a man, and would marry me!”

      i too, would rather marry a mountain then most men. although i think it's interesting that she went straight to marrying a mountain