11 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. anthropomorphism.

      the attribution of human characteristics/ behavior to a diety, animal, or object.

    2. apparition

      ghostlike image of a person.

    3. , the


    4. Strabo, its Michelet, its Vidal de la Blache

      I don't know of this reference or allegory, what does "its Strabo" mean?

    5. aerial geography

      technological advances

    6. superlative

      Definition of superlative: of the highest quality or degree

    7. Western mythology

      Western mythology served as an underlying foundation for thinking UFOs were possible.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. It calls for interpretation, but in the most personal sense of the word – it wants to be crazily loved or angrily hated. It wants to trigger you.

      The use of an em dash clarifies and emphasizes the conclusion of this paragraph.

      Holistically, however, this paragraph can be confusing because it is overpacked with names and references which makes the message convoluted. Also, there is no background given for some references. As a result the author's character tries overly hard to be credible and relatable. The author is well-versed with Lana-Del Rey's new album NFR which could act as a resource and explains why the author felt propelled to write a 22 paragraph article about it. By contrast, a constraint is that the author is so well versed that they overlook including important details that her audience does not know (like the definition of surrealism). This inhibits the extent of the author's argument as it is hard for the audience to follow the overarching meaning of the article- that Lana Del Rey's music evokes dream-like qualities. While this is true, the last sentence in this paragraph correctly explains that what makes Lana Del Rey's music unique is that it "triggers" profound feelings of emotion that are connectable to the audience. Lana Del Rey wants her music to be interpreted to find a deeper, underlying meaning. The author focuses on the idea that Rey's art instills potent emotions the audience. However, the overall paragraph is muddled and distracted. The author tries to be too factual with esoteric references and loses the audience's attention.

    2. nterpretation of dreams

      This correlates with the overall thesis that Lana Del- Rey's music using dissimilar styles and characters to evoke a dream-like quality, making her seem psychological complex/profound.

    3. Surrealism's i

      No backround is given in defining surrealisms. The use of a quote from Andre Breton in 1924 does not further the argument because it choppy and esoteric. It does not clearly clarify what surrealism is.

    4. Lizzy Grant's teenage

      This reference is unclear for readers who did not know that Lana Del Rey's actual name is Lizzy Grants.