17 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Nov 2023
    1. accuracy in interpreting needs

      How will accuracy be assessed?

    2. Data-Gathering Phase:

      These headers would stand out better if formatted as bold, or as subheaders

    3. the system will interpret and respond to behavioralsignals

      Does there need to be a data labelling step to accomplish this? So the model can learn what a positive signal is

    4. AI model

      Not clear what sort of model it is -- supervised, unsupervised, classifier, clustering, etc.

    5. ageneral model

      More specifics about the model used and how it will be traiend would be helpful here

    6. djust the system

      What parts of the system are being adjusted?

    7. The prototype

      Not clear if referring to INSENSION prototype or novel prototype

    8. INSENSION prototype

      Would be helpful to specify what this prototype is

    9. accuracy in data collection

      related to other points, but not sure what accuracy means in this context? How will the output from the devices determined to be accurate or inaccurate?

    10. analyze and interpret

      Are the tools providing the analysis, or is this something that will be done by the researchers?

    11. effectively

      What does effectiveness mean in this context? How will effectiveness be measured?

    12. seek to understand

      I think Emilia brought this up on Monday, but could be good to reword this. Something like "seek to summarize the scientific community's understanding of..."

      i.e. Survey contributes seek not to just understand per say but compress the body of research and make it accessible

    13. can this existing technology be adapted

      Is this only relevant if the brain waves are significantly different (RQ1)?

    14. comprehend the brain wave

      It's not clear to me what "comprehend" and "understand" means in this context. What aspect of the brain waves will be better understood? Seems like it could be helpful to establish specific goals connected to this understanding (eg. how brain waves can identify psychological states)


    1. If I'mreading for like just enough comprehension that I can like kind of tellwhat's going on and I can follow the plot

      3.3 Reading habit (other)

    2. Every day. Maybe at least an hour a day.

      3.1 Reading habit (frequency)
