9 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. apocryphal

      adjective (of a story or statement) of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true.

    1. These were the most blissful moments.252

      Is he saying that even though in the heat, and caked in sweat. These moments are what he enjoys, the semi-mindless work of moving your body to curate a desired landscape. When I was a landscaper, I would say that I can agree with this.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. And he isimmediately seized again by discontent, perhaps because hehas to eat leftovers,

      Real. Although it is a rather ungrateful thing to say.

    1. certain experi-ences we have do not provide the foundation or guarantee for knowledge thatphilosophers traditionally claimed for them.

      This statement challenges that what philosophers are saying, is no longer the case because we as people all have different experiences.

    1. . Smith considers labour from the psychologicalpoint of view, in relation to the pleasure or opposite that it givesto the individual

      Labor is more noteworthy than just how it makes us feel, emotionally, but it dives into how our relationships with other people and the object they are working on have an effect on how we as people think of as "labor"

    1. If the worker earns enough money to support a family (the ideaof the family wage arose with the concept of the male breadwinner inthe nineteenth century),

      Females also play a big role as they provide care for the children and home, a position with no salary.

    1. Page 26 Enclosure in England, why was this controversial? Seemed like it was a way to grow crops and livestock faster and support the economy and citizens.

    1. be carried on in the same workhouse, the loss of time is no doubt muchless, It is even in this case,

      Time is valuable and some things make more sense to do than others...?