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  1. Oct 2016
    1. intelliGence

      McIntosh defines Intelligence and women are either smart or attractive. Women who are smart are also more socially awkward. Sometimes females need to downplay their intelligence in order to make a male feel manly. Again, she uses Bernadette and Amy to talk about how they are portrayed in sit-com, whether they are challenging or reinforcing these ideas of intelligence.

    2. GendeR Roles

      This section is how feminism ties into gender roles. Women should be homemakers and meet men's needs, while men make the money and have the power. Again McIntosh, uses Bernadette and Amy to show how they reinforce and challenge gender roles. Bernadette is the one who makes the money and holds authority, until she has to be more of a nurture towards Howard.

    3. pRofessional Roles

      In this section, McIntosh talks about general stereotypes about women having jobs. She goes over how women are seen as being meant to be housewives and caretakers. Through Bernadette and Amy, McIntosh goes over how these two female scientist reinforce and challenge the stereotype of women working at home.Ties in female's relationships with their men and how their jobs get in the way.

    4. RepResentationsoffemalescientistsinmedia

      The focus of this section is to talk about how female scientist are seen in the profession. McIntosh goes over how there is male dominance in the profession and the credibility female scientist have. McIntosh also addresses a stereotype about what a character lacks in knowledge she makes up in looks and how females are usually seen as having either a work life or home life, but not both. She uses Bernadette and Amy from the Big Bang Theory to demonstrate how female scientists are represented in media.