- Last 7 days
Orestes kills his mother to avenge his father. Apollo offers protection but the Furies pursue him to face trial with Athena. In the trial, Apollo defends him but the Furies say that Matricide is unforgivable. Athena acquits Orestes and offers the Furies a place in society that appreciates their justice. The Furies go from vengeful to upstanding people which is a new era in society.
- Oct 2024
canvas.tufts.edu canvas.tufts.eduFiles5
The queerness of color is important because it can explain the difference between our worlds.
What does abbendum mean?
Researchers work to unpack translation in relationship to gender, sexuality, race, class, ability, nation, and culture
Queer of Colorness is very different than white Queerness
Queerness is very white
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Many are traumatized and uncomfortable
HIJOS trying to combat the attrocities.
Performing symbols in demonstrations.
DNA of performance is proof to claim.
Pagan- many gods
Intentional action during protests
Protest movements are planned.
Performance helps to cope
Military Dictatorships are detrimental in the community.
Preparing the community for crimes and trauma.
Trauma in storytelling.
Parents are getting older.
canvas.tufts.edu canvas.tufts.eduFiles3
Did the black boxes help?
Actions of support for this issue.
Social Justice regarding black people.
thefeministwire.com thefeministwire.com
Choreography of protests in a certain way.
Hands up is not enough.
Many instances of unarmed black people being murdered.
Protest is against the murdering of black people.
canvas.tufts.edu canvas.tufts.eduFiles4
How did whiteness come about?
People from different backgrounds.
What is an iconoclast?
Divorce is not an option.
- Sep 2024
canvas.tufts.edu canvas.tufts.eduFiles7
I don't understand neutral.
Disabled actors struggle to portray the same things as non-disabled actors.
How can actors create emotion in their performances?
In social settings, everyone's physical is constantly being examined.
How can directors incorporate disabled actors into more plays?
Disabled actors would give off an unwanted vibe to the performance.
Disabled actors are dissuaded from performing in the arts.
writing.wisc.edu writing.wisc.edu
Why were the lights dimmed at the beginning of the scene? (shock effect? slow unfolding of horror?)
Every decision has a purpose within a play.
Include a brief thematic summary (but not a plot summary) of the play, and support that summary with concrete evidence from the text.
Provide Examples
Steps of the review process.
criticizes,” but a person who studies, analyzes, and then renders a rational judgment of what he/she has seen. Your tone will be very important in making your review reliable and intelligent.
The tone is very important. Do not just be critical.
howlround.com howlround.com
A well-thought-out positive critique is much more useful.
Only highlight the good parts.
Only say positive uplifting things about the production.
public.imaginingamerica.org public.imaginingamerica.org
A critic has a negative connotation. Critical generosity dives deeper.
How does HIV/ AIDS affect performance?
canvas.tufts.edu canvas.tufts.eduFiles4
"Effect of abiding identity as a politically tenuous construction."
Is gender an act?
Gender is a construction, an idea.
What does the word Gender constitute?
canvas.tufts.edu canvas.tufts.eduFiles4
Great way to not freeze up in a tense scenario.
Resilience- ability to bounce back from a non ideal situation.
Choreography to deal with non ideal situations.
Training to combat street harassment.
bourgeononline.com bourgeononline.com
Dance can incorporate any topic or any movement.