6 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2017
    1. In addition to a certain waffling about what the master sense of the early modern era actually was-hearing or touc

      Im so fascinated by the culture that used to value the sense of touch and hearing. We are way too dominated by our sight and do not take the time to truly see the evidence. I love that old societies valued touch so much. It seems as if those societies were full of discoverers and explorers. People who dared to push past the social norms. I wish our society was still like that

    2. Is actual sight to be distrusted and mental representations considered the only true reality of which we have indubi-table, because specular knowledge?1

      Is this in agreement with occularcentricism? Our eyes can observe but can they analyze?

  2. Jan 2017
    1. for in this book you have defended the said opinion previously condemned and to yourface declared to be so, although in the said book you strive by various devices to produce the impression that you leave itundecided, and in express terms as probably: which, however, is a most grievous error, as an opinion can in no wise be probablewhich has been declared and defined to be contrary to divine Scripture

      are they saying his observations and scientific discoveries were sacrilegious, or that the way on which he present the evidence is sacrilegious?

    2. The proposition that the Sun is the center of the world and does not move from its place is absurd and false philosophically andformally heretical, because it is expressly contrary to Holy Scripture.The proposition that the Earth is not the center of the world and immovable but that it moves, and also with a diurnal motion, isequally absurd and false philosophically and theologically considered at least erroneous in faith.

      I think this proves that vision takes over our thought before we truly have time to analyze. Just like an illusion, our eyes can deceive and manipulate us. We need to think before we see, or see at a level that is critical, and realistic, not imaginable and unforeseeable.

    1. however, it is hearing that contributes most to thegrowth of intelligence.

      How does he initially emphasize that visual sight is this grand sense but then ultimately decides that hearing is a sense that grows our intelligence. Does bison serve as a distraction while hearing draws our attention?

    1. if our eyes had neverseen the sun, stars, and heavens, the words which we have spoken would not have been uttere

      i find the idea that vision is so superior to the other senses fascinating. According to Plato, our response to seeing the heavens would have essentially eliminated the need to speak, muting our words in a sense of awe and wonder