5 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2023
    1. We can customize the process to fit our own style and the particular assignment.

      How do you we that? I'm not sure if you can put your style or writing in the process.

    2. Planning how to organize the ideas: Outlines, formal or informal, can help us structure the essay.

      I will try to be organize about my ideas on where I put on essays. I'm not good at organize ideas because I'm not sure where I put first in my essay.

    3. You need to start somewhere.” Writing itself will help us form our ideas if we take it step by step.

      I do agree with this statements "You need to start somewhere". My problem how where I do start to write because the movements, I start to write I get stuck easily knowing where to begin the writing process.

    4. Editing: Correcting grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics. We can also call this proofreading.

      Sometimes, I struggled with grammar on writing. I hardly proofreading my essay because I don't believe I made a mistake on my essay until it is too late when someone else reads my essay.

    5. Writing can be daunting. So many of us, whether we are beginning or experienced writers, feel anxious or even paralyzed as we face a new assignment.

      I agree this sentence that "writing can be daunting" because I still struggle writing even till this today. I don't know how to properly start a paragraph or a sentence and sometime I get writer block when I'm writing.