8 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2023
    1. Your instructors will propose some functional hypotheses for you to consider that address these broader points.

      It sounds like both the Design Challenge and scientific method will be used in class to understand hypothesis. Since I'm not familiar with the Design Challenge it might take a bit to become accustomed to the process. But it sounds like it'll be useful.

    2. The Design Challenge approach to teaching biology attempts to make the student and instructor focus on the important core questions that drove the development of the knowledge in the first place!

      The Design Challenge forces students to better comprehend the material. We're not just going along with the information but are having a deeper level of understanding.

    3. How accurate? They must be accurate enough to make measurements with sufficient certainty to draw conclusions about whether changes in independent variables actually influence the value of a dependent variable.

      In experiments, it is important to remember to be as accurate as possible. Errors in data can lead to incorrect conclusions. This is why repeated trials is crucial to ensure the reliability of data.

    4. The important thing to remember is that while we may not say so explicitly, all of the knowledge we discuss in class represents only the best of our current understanding. Some ideas have withstood repeated and varied experimentation while other topics have yet to be tested as thoroughly.

      Science is always changing and there are new discoveries constantly. In past classes in the BIS series, the professors repeatedly say the information they give us in lecture will probably change in a decade. It's important to understand that the ideas in science and biology aren't solidified, but are open to change.

  2. Mar 2023
    1. However, some students are more accustomed to studying for exams by memorizing information rather than understanding it. (It's not their fault; that's what they were asked to do in the past).

      The change in this class to go from simply memorization to understanding the process may be difficult. Memorizing information isn't difficult but understanding the process will take more time and comprehension.

    2. Reviewing and studying material associated with a lecture THAT SAME DAY. This includes reviewing the lecture notes, vocabulary, and doing associated exercises. This ALSO includes making lists of concepts that still aren't clear and trying to have those questions cleared up before the following lecture. Constant self testing. That is, most successful students have developed methods (there are many) for assessing their understanding of the course material and spending more time on areas they find MOST challenging.

      Reviewing lecture material immediately after class make the information more solidified on the brain. Later when studying for exams not as much studying is needed for lectures because the information would be memorized better. This is why it's beneficial to go over lectures after class.

    3. BIS2A focuses on the cell, one of the most fundamental units of life.

      I find it interesting to see the similarities and differences between each class in the BIS series. BIS2C touched a little bit at the microbial level but focused primarily on plants and animals on phylogenetic trees. While BIS2A focuses only on the microbial level.

    4. If everyone in the class can conscientiously do these things, we’ll all have fun this quarter (even while working hard) and be a happy and smarter bunch at the end of the term!

      I find the layout of this class to be interesting. Since the class uses socratic teaching, being prepared for lectures is vital to do well. The podcast and post-study guides will be useful to demonstrate a clear understanding of the material in class.